10.8.24: ELON to Tucker: Billionaires tied to Epstein will be exposed MILTON Diddy 17th Letter video PRAY! | And We Know

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➡ The And We Know speaker discusses their lack of fear regarding potential backlash for their statements about the government. They also mention the support for Kamala and the fear of some billionaires if Trump wins. The speaker then talks about the inadequate response to a major hurricane, criticizing the lack of help and resources provided. They also mention a video tribute to Max Evans, who was known for exposing government corruption.
➡ The text discusses the impact of Hurricane Milton, which caused significant damage and resulted in 262 fatalities. It suggests that weather manipulation techniques may be influencing these catastrophic events, potentially for political gain. The text also mentions the belief that climate change is a false narrative used to instill fear and extract money from the public. Lastly, it describes the escalating damage caused by increasing hurricane categories.
➡ The article discusses the impact of hurricanes, with a focus on category five storms causing significant damage to houses. It also mentions a newly approved patent for weather modification, which can influence the direction of storms. The article further discusses political tensions, with criticism towards Vice President Kamala Harris and FEMA for their handling of storm aftermaths. Lastly, it highlights citizen-led efforts in response to the hurricanes, and allegations of sabotage against these efforts.
➡ The text discusses a storm in Florida, the rebuilding efforts in affected areas, and the controversy over FEMA funds allegedly being redirected to migrants. It also mentions the need for FEMA to revise flood zone data after a flood in North Carolina. Lastly, it talks about the author’s website and merchandise, and an interview with Kamala Harris about immigration policies and her potential nomination.
➡ President Biden prioritized the country over himself, earning the support of many delegates and endorsements from various leaders. Despite some people’s doubts, his supporters believe he’s providing the answers they’ve been waiting for. Meanwhile, Trump’s popularity surged after a rally with Elon Musk, leading to positive developments and increased voter registration for Republicans. There are concerns about billionaires supporting Kamala Harris due to their alleged involvement with Epstein. The article also discusses the possibility of reducing federal agencies and allegations of non-US citizens being encouraged to vote.
➡ The text discusses various topics including border control, political views on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, abortion laws, diversity in the military, and controversies in Hollywood. It highlights the reduction in illegal immigration and drug trafficking, debates on Trump’s popularity and potential election fraud, Kamala Harris’s stance on abortion, a naval ship disaster in New Zealand, and scandals involving celebrities like P. Diddy and Tom Hanks.
➡ The text discusses a conspiracy theory called QAnon, which suggests that President Trump is secretly saving the world from a satanic cult. The author mentions various instances that supposedly support this theory, such as Trump’s speeches and social media posts. The author also expresses hope for Trump’s return to office and prays for the safety of those fighting against the alleged evil. The text ends with a call for unity and perseverance, and a plea for continued support from the readers.
➡ Lt. San Semper Phi isn’t afraid of backlash for his comments about the government. He believes Kamala is popular because if Trump wins, a list of influential people supporting her might be revealed, which scares some of them.



You know, I’ve had many people come on this app and ask me, am I scared of retaliation for what I said about the government and who anybody, anybody else who tries to stop us to answer that, hell, no. And I don’t take it back either. And I’ll say it again, we don’t need you. You know, I think part of why Kamala’s getting so much support is that if Trump wins, that FCN client list is going to become public. Yes. And some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome. Yeah. Do you think Reed Hoffman’s uncomfortable? Yes.

And Gates. And Gates. Yeah. Well, folks, so much is going on, I want to make sure we keep you up to date. Wanted to get this out so that we have information on the hurricane that’s on the way. It changes by the hour, the largest in north american history. Helene, victims updates. Trump speaks out on the poor support that’s being received from the government. Of course, Kamala exposed on 60 Minutes. You won’t want to miss that. Elon Zahn with Tucker. Boy, what an amazing exposure that’s going on there. We will show you a video with cue coincidences also that was sent to me just as a refresher for all of us to remember how far we’ve come.

All right, here we go. A lot of people here tonight, people who are sitting near me in the crowd tonight. We’re wondering why our priorities seem to be elsewhere. Not that other people don’t need help, but very concerned about that. So we’re into almost $300 billion for Ukraine and yet they’re offering people $750 for immediate need. For the worst. Yeah, but for the worst hurricane that anybody’s seen. But more importantly than that is they don’t have the people. They’re not doing. It’s a bad, it’s a very bad thing. This is. How would you do it differently? I’d have a tremendous team of people here.

They don’t have any people here. The people who, I was in North Carolina yesterday, I was in Georgia, and Georgia’s different. You have a good governor. He’s doing a very good job. But North Carolina is a disaster. And it was also hit very hard, but they don’t have the people and they’re complaining there’s no people around to help. That was a horrific storm, much worse. And, you know, it’s late in the season. You wouldn’t think a thing like that could happen. But you have to get the people out and they have to be out much more.

I was there for the entire day, and I saw virtually nobody other than the people that were badly affected. And one man, he’s got a house that’s gone and he’s sitting on a rock. He’s sitting on a rock. What’s gone on there? You have to help him. And you have to help him monetarily also. And it’s only, you know, if you look, it’s Virginia, it’s Alabama, it’s, you know, South Carolina was hit very hard. I spoke to their great governor there and they were hit very hard. Florida was hit very hard. Robert Biden said the response has been robust and well coordinated.

Mister president. Yeah, well, nobody, nobody says that. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know what robust is. He doesn’t look, he should be there and she should be there. She shouldn’t be at fundraisers. She’s at fundraisers and her teleprompter went off and she, she didn’t do well with the teleprompter off. That’s happened to me a few times. Yeah, but you, yeah, but you will get through it. It happens to me a lot. When the teleprompter goes off, you have to be able to do it. She didn’t get through it, but she shouldn’t be there anyway. She should be.

I would say North Carolina is bad. Is so bad. Interesting, because President Trump’s responding. Obviously, these guys don’t know what they’re doing. I really don’t appreciate it when he’s asked what, or he shared, you know, this is what President Biden said that they’re doing. And of course, everybody laughs at it. I just think that she took it a little too serious, as if he’s the real president now. So he said it as almost, in a way, I just didn’t appreciate. And so, um, loved Laura Ingram for years, listened to her for years. And I just didn’t, I don’t like the way the dialogue’s going there, but President Trump handles it well and he uses it for humor for everyone out there.

And of course, President Trump is not playing games anymore. He’s getting pretty serious. Wanted this quick little video clip as a reminder. This is the final battle with you at my side. We will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will rout the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all. So there we are. Amazing video production for all of us to remember.

Remember and fire us all up, obviously for all this and wanted to just share something with you that I just got today. I’m unsure if we know yet, but Max Evans passed away. Ultra Maga party lt often played his awesome videos on his podcast. Max is a wonderful man who exposed the corruption in our government in a way that no one else did. Still, every morning he would make sure he started our day out with a smile, with some oldies but goodies music videos as we reminisced. Just wanted lt to know we are sure going to miss him.

And so I went to ultra Maga party just to see if we can find a video clip as a reminder for all of us. We had this right here from Max’s wife, Pia. She said, goodbye, my love. And Ryan Mata, of course, shared this in loving memory of Max. Evan, check this out. Just as a reminder and for him and all the great work that he’s done. The power of the purse, and we will use it. Use the power of the purse to stop funding it. Because you know what? If you fund it, you own it.

That’s why we have to look at the power of the purse. We have to look at the appropriations process. One is oversight, and that’s a job that we have. And also, of course, the use of the power of the purse. Let me be very clear. We will use the power of the purse and the power of the subpoena to get the job done. Going to use all of our congressional leverage as a majority party by controlling which, referred to commonly as the power of the purse, that body which stands for election every two years, to be the body closest to the people deciding how we spend the money.

So we have to exercise our authority, the power of the purse, to limit what the federal government, what the FBI and the Justice Department are doing to the american people, and that we use the power of the purse that was given to us to do our job. Congress has a responsibility. We have the power of the purse. This is not using the power of the purse. This is abdicating the power of the purse. Well, why? Why do you think that is where everyone is on. Mike Johnson is. It’s all about his actions. Because he’s really good at talking.

He’s great at talking. He’s not good at acting. The power of the purse, and we will use it. We will use it. We should recognize the power of the purse. They, in a word, hold the purse. This power over the purse may, in fact, be regarded as. And this is the most important part, we control the power of the purse. The fact that the Congress controlled by Republicans that controls the purse strings, continues to fully fund the FBI. There’s a plan to build them a new headquarters, and they. Again, you talk about a two way street.

There’s one set of rules for Republicans, there’s a different set of rules for Democrats. And Republicans continue to fund them. I think a lot of Americans sit back and scratch. So I had to go. Why did I elect you Republicans? What are you guys gonna do to contain the FBI? That’s why we sent the letter. That’s why we sent the letter. The letter, the letter, the letter. I can tell you right now, people are going to stop supporting Republicans if Republicans don’t get their act together and actually do something about this. Republicans continually have their head up their ass and can’t figure out how to actually use the power that the people gave us.

People are sick and tired of a feckless, useless republican party that never does a damn thing to stop any of this. So we got to keep talking about it. We got to pass legislation, if we can, to deal with it. And then we look at. Have to look at the money, the appropriations, and say, how can we direct these funds? How can we? Great tribute there. And of course, this in loving memory of Max. Evan collaborating with Max was an honor. His passion was infectious, his commitment to truth unwavering, sharing his work. Remember, it’s our voice or fight the memory that we’re going to keep him alive.

And so, man, that’s a huge, huge loss for all of us in this community. Of course, this money that they control is supposed to be used in a certain way. And we’re getting sick and tired of all the money that’s being pushed around in so many different directions. People are tired. Definitely tired. Now. We’ve got some more trouble on the way, Milton. Explosively intensifying. Note that the eye wall continues to exhibit a ton of lightning. I mean, right around the encircling here, the middle of it, all those yellow dots, those are lightning strikes. And so the convection remains symmetrical around the center.

The vigorous lightning around it suggests that there is substantial subsidence or descent right in the middle. Interesting. Right? Lightning. Lightning in the center. And you can see all the little yellow dots where lightning is being pushed. Of course, we’ve been talking about harp a lot lately. Here is a stunning footage of hurricane Milton near Cancun. Lighting. Lightning actually looks monstrous. You can see that on your screen. Here we go again. One more time. Boom. That is ridiculous. And so as this plays out, many folks are starting to feel like we’re in the apocalypse, right? They’re saying this as they hear this going by their houseboat county.

Sheryl, mandatory evacuations have been ordered for your area. Please leave now. We anticipate significant. Well, it’s getting real. The evacuation notices, folks are hearing all of that out. Terrible. Wanted us to listen to this. Check this out. How many lives, Alexa, how many lives were lost during Hurricane Milton? Overall, extreme Hurricane Milton caused $21.3 billion in damages and caused 262 fatalities. October 8, 2020 412 15:00 p.m. central time so, of course, folks go on, Alexa. They ask things that are going to happen in the future and for some reason seems to know how this stuff plays out.

The cloud seeding or manipulating the weather is real. Folks think hurricanes Helene and now Milton on its way kills Americans. Catastrophic events just before an election, voting becomes impossible for many. October surprise member Bill Gates has invested in supports cloud seating. All this stuff is done and a purpose. And we talked about this just amongst friends and family, said, you know, it’s interesting that they’re hitting the areas where everybody’s evacuating. What if everything shuts down for three weeks to a month, can’t get back home and they can’t turn on you, can’t get into all of the areas where you can get your votes in, you can’t get the votes to count, and before you know it, all these states start going a different direction.

We said it was going to get ugly, said that there was going to be a huge battle for all of us. And so wanted to show you this as a reminder, senator, you’re saying the government has created weather tampering techniques. Check this out. The government has created weather tampering techniques so that the, quote, new world order will be able to starve millions of Americans worldwide. Millions of Americans. And to control the rest. Yes, sir. And that’s my belief. As bizarre as that sounds, when if somebody had told me that that equipment even existed ten years ago, I would have thought they were nuts, sir.

And at this point in time, we have all the documents to prove it. And if you think that 85 tornadoes takes place in the middle of our growing area by simultaneous accident, I’m sorry, with the equipment that’s already set up internationally, and as bizarre as that is, it is proven and documented, we will supply you with those documents. As bizarre as that is, I would say that weather wars, and this is quoting, actually Senator Claiborne Pell himself, that they are the greatest weapon ever created in the world. And that’s the senator’s own statement. So yes, I do stand on that.

Thank you. Just a reminder, we have different clips on almost every video the past week and now showing you proof that there is something going on. They try to say it’s climate change, right? They trick the masses. The weather is being manipulated. We know this with the stratospheric aerosols, the harp, now weapons we’ve shared and showed you in the last video. Obviously we had the History Channel talk about it in 2009. It’s almost like someone’s directing this hurricane. Check out what’s going on as they have this plane tracking for the direction of this. I’ll show you this in a moment.

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That’s ltpetclub two four seven.com in the description box below. Get yours today. It’s almost like someone is directing this hurricane on where to go. As you can see, you’re watching this. This plane seems to go in a perfect, perfect NOAA 49, GLF four right around that hurricane. And almost as if it’s directing, it’s playing out, shooting something in the air, right. Probably to direct it right into the spot that they need it to go. Makes you wonder how they operate, right? How in the world does all this happen? Who is behind all of this? Who’s paying for all of this to happen? Lots of money, a lot of nefarious folks out there, and we’re catching it more and more as we go about our day.

What I want to show you now is this, as a weatherman was putting together the stats on this particular hurricane, supposed to be the largest in north american history. Watch what happens as he shares this information. It’s just an incredible, incredible, incredible hurricane. It has dropped. It has dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours. I apologize. This is just horrific. Maximum sustained winds are 160. It is just gaining strength in the Gulf of Mexico, where you can imagine the winds, I mean, the seas are just so incredibly, incredibly hot, record hot, as you might imagine. You know, what’s driving that? I don’t need to tell you.

Global warming, climate change leading to this and becoming an increasing threat. And it’s so sad because he falls for the narrative of global, you know, climate change. That’s the only part that really bothers me about this. Why in the world do folks still believe that that’s real? They’ve been talking about it for decades. They’ve been stealing everybody’s money. That’s how they get our money. They put fear into you and then they fly around with their nice private jets. Climate change. Climate change. Oh, my goodness. And all these folks just listen to the television and believe it all.

If he only did his research to find out what’s really going on. If this thing hits category five and straight into Tampa, this is what we’re going to deal with. I wanted to show you this video he shows category one, basically what happens. Category two, three, four and five. Let’s go straight to category three. Here we go. In a category three, you can have the door of the house blown in because the winds get so strong. You can have the roof of the house start to flap up and down in the wind because it can lift off those weak points and a lot of those trees start to fall.

Category four, the damage is even worse. You get most trees falling and most of your windows breaking, most of your shingles fly away. And then cat five is as high as the category scale goes by. Cat five, no shingles remain anywhere nearby. The holes in the roof get so big that the walls of the house start to fall because they’re not attached to anything. So that was a news reporter that put this together, showing you the difference between category one, what happens to your house, and more. And somebody had this update also about hurricanes, also in UK.

So I don’t want to put any fear out there, but I want people to be aware of this. Check this hurricane towards Florida. This is what they’re saying in the next couple days. That one’s directly headed towards Tampa, so people should be aware. Also, hurricane towards the UK, which I thought was really weird. I’ve never seen a hurricane go towards the UK. Now, what’s also weird about this hurricane towards the UK? This patent was just approved on October 8, 2020. It’s a weather modification patent to make hurricanes or storms move in a curve or any type of direction using sound.

Well, if we notice that picture right there, Hurricane Kirk is following the exact same trajectory as this pattern. Also, why would this patent even be approved? Like, think about this. They’re approving weather modification patents for people to rightfully use at any given time. And also because I don’t want to sit in fear. There are solutions. Check this out. Wilhelm Reich’s work with his cloudbusters. Something to look into. Yep. Other things that seem to be going on around us. Governor Santas has to let Kamala Harris know how he feels about her playing politics with all of this.

So for Kamala Harris to try to say that my sole focus on the people of Florida is somehow selfish, is delusional. She has no role in this. In fact, she’s been vice president for three and a half years. I’ve dealt with a number of storms under this administration. She has never contributed anything to any of these efforts. And so what I think is selfish is her trying to blunder into this. No. And here’s the thing. She has no role. No, she has no role in this process. I’m in contact with the president of the United States.

I’m in contact with FEMA director. I’m obviously managing all our state agencies. We’re supporting all our local government. And I will say this. I’ve had storms under both President Trump and President Biden, and I’ve worked well with both of them. She’s the first one who’s trying to politicize the storm, and she’s doing that just because of her campaign. She’s trying to get some type of an edge. She knows she’s doing poorly and so she’s playing these political games. I don’t have time for political games. I’ve got people, the battles that are being played out for every single person out there wondering, remember, DeSantis actually sentence his folks up to the victims of Helene that hit recently.

Those guys will have to hopefully do their jobs and get back to Florida. If this thing actually hits and causes the damage we think it’s going to cause, what I really would hope is that we would pray and watch the enemy get upset because this thing completely gets dissipated by our heavenly father and it doesn’t cause any damage at all. For those other frustrations, of course, heading up to North, North Carolina, there’s a message from Sheriff Wright and a sheriff Ellenberg in North Carolina regarding FEMA and the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Check this out. I was going to say something about Biden and Harris.

Yes. What were you going to say? Oh, but I don’t want to curse. I’m scared to be little ears. Listen well. And you’ve been up here, you’ve been up here for how long? He’s doing a fantastic job, so. That’s right. I mean, sheriff, you have been amazing. Thank you so much for all you do. I’m going to definitely get this up on social media. And we’re going live tonight with Sean Hannity. But if you had a message for the White House and how they’ve handled the situation up here in North Carolina, what would your message be? SHERIFF WRight, if you’re going to do the things you been talking about doing, we just assume you stay out of the way and let the good men and women around the mountain area in the foothills take care of our own because you are nothing more than a boat anchor.

No help. FEMA hasn’t been helpful. Wait a minute. That lady that’s running for president talks about the $750. What about all that money you give to Ukraine and all these other people? They really want to kill us, don’t want to do anything to help us. Why don’t you just give that money to them? That’s who you want to give it to begin with. And a lot of people have been turned down for the $750. Almost everybody I’ve spoken to hasn’t received any of the funding. And they’ve been turned down for personal items. Well, they talked about get on your phone or your computer.

Do you not see what the devastation is? They don’t have a phone or computer. There’s nothing up here. There’s no communication. I’m going to be posting this later. There’s no way to access the Internet unless you have a Starlink net. And everybody, thank you. Elon Musk, by the way. Oh, yes. Thank you. Elon Musk. President Donald Trump, we need you. What are the, yes, that’s a message for you. President Trump. And I was in it. I was going to ask you, what are the most affected areas that you’ve seen? Is this, is this pretty much ground zero from what you’ve seen, or can you, I think that’d be better for a shift.

And so Chimney Rock and Lake lures the place that they visited. Of course, they’re giving a shout out for the help from Elon Musk. I saw this video earlier. The generic storm response team met up with SpaceX engineer Mike Curl. Together, they organized 100 kits consisting each of portable generators, gas, and a Starlink receiver that were loaded up into helicopters to get them into hard to reach areas. This is the kind of stuff that I like to see a lot of folks out there working hard. I’m going to show you some more of that footage in a moment of some of the responses.

As far as other folks letting us know what’s going on, how they’ve been getting support out and more. Check this out. For how many days since the hurricane hit? What is your best summary to tell America about what happening? America, the only person that has been here for the state of North Carolina has been Mark Robinson. Everywhere else we turn, every organization, every from every organization is shutting us down. Everywhere we turn, they’re putting chains on our, on our supplies. They’re stopping our pilots. This is all citizen done. None of this has come from any organization.

FEMA has never shown their faces to us. We’ve got no funds. All of these pilots have been out here. We flew over 400 flights yesterday, and the pilots paid for the gas themselves. This is ridiculous. Mark is the only one that has stood beside the state of North Carolina. So there we go. Somebody on the front lines. I’d like to hear these reports just to know exactly how this is playing out for all of us that are in, you know, just wanting information. What’s going on? Are folks getting the support that they need? And more. And so again, look, we are under attack from within.

Check this out. I was just notified. I’m a truck driver, in case anybody wasn’t aware. So I got connections with the ports and the railroads and other drivers, 51 truck drivers, 51 trucks who were delivering goods. They were on their way to deliver supplies down to the devastated areas of hurricane Helene. Well, they pulled into a truck stop to get fuel. Every single one of their trucks, all their tires were slashed. Every one of them. Yet all the other drivers that had nothing to do with what they were doing, they were okay. I’m sorry if you don’t see a problem with, with that.

Does anybody else find that highly questionable? So there we are. Folks are coming in, bringing supplies into Tennessee and some other areas, and the truckers are going out and they’re finding out that all their trucks tires have been slashed. So somebody is going around slashing tires. Someone has infiltrated our country, like President Trump said, and they’re sabotaging all the rescue efforts. A group must be involved in this and they need to be get you to get caught. And check this out. Also, they’re trying to trick us, trying to get the hell out of Florida. They all got the pumps on, but they got fuel.

They just don’t want you to know it. So they got these signs saying there’s no fuel available. This guy says, no, it’s not true. Check this out. He’s pumping his gas with one of those where they’re claiming there’s no fuel. There’s also reports coming in. Terrible. Saying she’s hearing reports the traffic to get out of Florida is backed up for hours. Cars are running out of gas. Can anyone confirm? And so interesting, as folks are trying to figure out how this is all going to play out for them and what they’re going to do. I’ve got family, sons that live in Florida.

They’re going to be driving out of the northern Orlando area, up two to 3 hours north and trying to get away from the storm is in case this thing causes horrendous damage in that entire area. Speaking of damage, if you look at Helene, check out what these guys are doing and building bridges in the affected areas up there in the mountains. That’s how you do it right there. Folks working together, making sure they get bridges built and more. That’s from buckshot. 322 22. Love to see this work. Love to see the video clips that are finally getting out to share with us what’s going on in those affected areas.

Of course, when we hear from the mainstream media, their lives continue to be exposed. Well, some Republicans are claiming that money set aside by Congress for disaster relief is instead going to migrants. But the White House and FEMA saying that is just not true. I mean, it’s just categorically false. It is not true. It is a false statement. FEMA says that money that was appropriated for Helene victims, they are not getting because instead that money is going to migrants. FEMA says that is not happening. The White House, pushing back against those allegations, releasing a statement that says this, quote, this is false.

The disaster relief fund is specifically appropriated by Congress to. FEMA spent all the hurricane relief money on immigrants. It’s a lie. It’s on Donald Trump supporters to not just swallow his lies whole. I’m to put falsehoods aside, like the idea that FEMA funds are being redirected to migrants, which is just not true. Funding is also available through FEMA’s emergency food and shelter program to support humanitarian relief for migrants. We also announced a competitive process for the second tranche of funds under the shelter and services program. We are very focused on getting the dollars out the door as quickly as possible.

So now the White House says that for those cities that they know are receiving an influx of migrants, there is somebody from FEMA, that federal emergency management Agency, ready and willing to really help those cities when it comes to management of these influx of migrants, including reimbursing some of those cities that the federal government is sending money to. Cities and states caring for migrants. $1.1 million. 30,000,008.6 million. $128 million. Yeah. The lives exposed, always mainstream media, the enemy of the people. Disaster preparedness meeting. I’m going to show you that in a moment. First look at the devastation that played out for all to see.

So this is the town of Chimney Rock, North Carolina. I used to go here to go hiking a lot and it’s really sad what’s happened with the flood. I just want to show you guys this image really quick because this is the before and after and you can see these shrubs. The water came all up here and it knocked out all of these buildings. So I’ve gone ahead and made an inundation map to show the difference between the FEMA flood zones and then what actually flooded. So here’s 3ft higher than the FEMA flood zone. Right, that’s going up here.

But we know that there was water up here, right along these shrubs we just saw in that last photo. So here’s 6ft higher than the FEMA flood zone. But again, we know that there was water up here. So I added another three foot interval and that’s 9ft high. I don’t know if it actually got up here and up here, but it definitely was here. And all of these buildings got flooded. All of this got flooded and it’s really sad what’s happened here. And I’ll keep making these maps for people who ask. I have a ton of requests, so I’ll get to them as I can.

But just please be aware, this is the 500 year FEMA floodplain. This is the 100 year FEMA floodplain. It just flooded up here. So it floods outside of floodplains, what we call the FEMA floodplains. And I am imploring FEMA to please change these numbers. Yep, these numbers need to be changed. I’m going to show you a lot more guys from Elon Musk and his interview with Tucker. We’re going to get into Kamala’s interview, some stuff that she said is, man, very incriminating. Interesting interview to say the least. We’re at and we know.com. just as a reminder, you can find all of our videos there, our social media there and we know.com dot.

You can also send us your pictures at the contact button. If you click that contact button, you’ll be able to send a photo. We’re desperate need of more pictures of you wearing our gear. We’d really appreciate if you would send that also if you were on and we know tv subscriber, we got rid of that service. If you were charged for August 30, September 30, please give them a call or email them and they will get you those for a screenshot and you will get reimbursed. We’re apologizing for that. That was supposed to be shut down.

We warned everybody for almost a year about that. We’re trying to work on something new for everyone. For those that don’t like to see these ads popping up on rumble like crazy, we’re getting a lot of the complaints. We’re going to try the best we can to figure that out. But in the meantime, you can go to clout hub to my channel there. It’s in the description box below. They don’t play ads in the video and we’re starting to get a lot of traction there. And you can actually put on different languages. So if you want to send it to different countries to have people listen, they can watch it and actually change the language.

Very cool. You can have shop that mW.com to get sweatshirts, hoodies, accessories, hats, tees and tanks. New mugs are available now and more. We’re excited because we had help to finally remove those that were trying to use our logo to buy to sell shirts on Amazon and other places. They’re finally been taken down. So we’re very excited about that. You can only get them on our site. And we know.com shop dot. And we know.com folks. You wear this and I’m telling you, folks will walk up to you and say, hey, I watched that channel, too, and you’ll have new friends.

Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing her gear. I’ve been covering the border for years, and so I know this is not a problem that started with your administration. Correct? Correct. But there was and historic flood of undocumented immigrants coming across the border the first three years of your administration. As a matter of fact, arrivals quadrupled from the last year of President Trump. Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did? It’s a long, outstanding problem and solutions are at hand. And from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions. What I was asking was, was it a mistake to kind of allow that flood to happen in the first place? I think the policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promoting a problem.

Okay. But the numbers did quadruple. And the numbers today because of what we have done, we have cut the flow of illegal immigration by half. We have cut the flow of fentanyl by half. But we need Congress to be able to act to actually fix the problem. So they allow her to lie in this interview. And I think it’s interesting. Who set this up? Why did they put it on 60 minutes? Interesting because if you look at this whole setup, you can tell the background doesn’t look real. He looks like he’s on a green screen. She looks like she’s on some type of green screen or blue screen or whatever.

And of course, we remember, I showed you videos in the past for many years, how they can make two people look like they’re in the same room while they’re doing an interview. Very simple to have this played out across two different areas. They can edit this whole thing. She can make sure that her answers are crystal clear, the way that they’re supposed to play out, the way that they want her to answer them. And so now she’s saying, see, no, we cut that in half. We did this. And so everybody that loves her is going to say, see, she’s trying to tell the truth.

And the reason I think this is green, if you even look at his glasses, he’s got that green shining on his glasses. They didn’t do a very good job doing that particular setup. I know green screen, worked on it for a long time. And here’s some more information that, you know, people are saying oh, it’s a terrible interview for Kamala. We’ll see. Was democracy best served by President Biden stepping down and basically handing you a nomination? You didn’t have to go through a primary process. You didn’t have to fight off other contenders. That’s not really the way our system was intended to work.

President Biden made a decision that I think history is going to show is rare among leaders, which was to put country before self. And I am proud to have earned the support of the vast majority of delegates and to have been elected the democratic nominee. I am proud to have received the endorsement of leaders around this country from every background and walk of life to fight in this election over the next month for our democracy. But I think this truncated process is why people think or say they don’t really know who you are. Look, I’ve been in this race for 70 days.

So the people that love her, the Democrats that will never change, no matter what, will watch this and say, yeah, she’s given us the answers we’ve been waiting for because our friends have been questioning, you know, us and we’re trying to figure out, you know, how we’re going to get this proper answer put together. So they’re going to memorize these answers and they’re just going to tout it out for all to hear because they wanted that. That’s what they needed. That’s why they did it. They have to have answers. So they came up with answers, even though they’re mostly lies.

So Trump surged to nearly a double digit lead over Kamala Harris on political betting platform polymarket. If you’re looking at your screen, you’ll notice this change on poly market. I’m going to push play now so you can see this double digit lead the surge happened to almost immediately after Trump held his butler, Pennsylvania, rally with Elon Musk. The surge comes as Trump gets a rush of positive developments. New Democracy Institute polls show Trump leading by four points in Pennsylvania. Musk’s America PaC announces they are offering $47 for every registered voter you refer in a swing state that signs his petition.

Scott Pressler announces that 18,603 voters in Bucks County, Pa, alone have shifted to Republican in the last four years. Pennsylvania voter registration surges for Republicans with an increase of 60,000 Republicans registered from September compared to Democrats, with an increase of just 35,000 people. So speaking of Elon Musk, check this out. I think part of why Kamala is getting so much support is that if Trump wins a, that Epstein client list is going to become public. Yes. And some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome. Yeah. Do you think Reid Hoffman’s uncomfortable? Yes. Yeah.

And Gates. And Gates. Yeah. I only ask that because you can certainly just look at them and you’re like, that. That’s a nervous person right there. I don’t know. I mean, I assume you know them. Yeah. Yes. Reid Hoffman was my vice president of business development at PayPal. Yeah. 24 years ago. Does he seem nervous to you? Yeah. I mean, he’s terrified of a Trump victory. They’re terrified. The big reason they want this to not go Trump’s way is because they are on the Epstein list. They’ve been to that island. They have done terrible things to children.

We know that now. All of this exposure is coming in one day at a time, one interview at a time. The D class, I believe, is happening now right before our eyes. Folks are going to start waking up. It’s going to be even more watching Elon going, what are they talking about? You mean Gates was at Epstein island? You mean the guy that’s funding all of the spraying of the chemicals into these hurricanes to bring care, terror and chaos to the United States of America? You mean the harp weapons, they’re being used? You mean there’s people behind the scenes that cause all this damage? Yeah.

And so, of course they’re stating, President Trump states that this particular elon, the one that we’re looking at on the screen, is going to be working to get rid of a lot of the nastiness going on with the federal agencies. You know, how about cutting 77% of them? We really need whatever it is, 428 federal agencies, because there’s so many that people have never even heard of and that have overlapping areas of responsibility. We should, I don’t know, probably we should get, I mean, there are more federal agencies than there are years since the establishment of the United States, which means that we’ve created more than one federal agency per year on average.

That seems a lot. That’s a lot. That’s a lot. So that seems crazy. I think we should be able to get away with 99 agencies. Yeah, let’s limit the agencies and drop those numbers. That would be phenomenal. And so, of course, what they’re going to do, trying to prevent all of this from happening, prevent President Trump from getting back in office. Right. They’re doing the best they can to have illegal aliens voting. An investigation by Fox two finds non us citizen migrant workers are being encouraged to vote in November’s presidential election. Fox files investigator Chris Hayes found this out after an employer of migrant workers alerted him.

These union mailers were just sent to non us citizen migrant workers. They say, quote, stop the steal. Bye. Stopping Trump’s allies. Vote for Harris Walls and pro worker candidates. Here’s eleven of the mailers addressed to non us citizens mailed to their workplace, which alerted Fox two. The business, which specializes in landscaping, does not want to be identified. The company’s manager told us their migrant worker employees, who are from Mexico, are all background checked and have legal h two b visas which allow their temporary stay here. The manager explained the migrant workers are also allowed to have union representation and that they pay dues to their union, called La Yuna.

But the manager cannot understand why the union would send mailers to non us citizens encouraging their vote in the presidential election. We’ve tried repeatedly to get an explanation from Washington, DC based Union Liuna, three emails to their communications department and three phone calls. Of course, they’re not going to bring that information forward. And if you go a step further, somebody had a hidden camera showing how they’re registering these guys or getting them in there to vote. Said, if you’d like, we can get in touch. I can bring you a form to register to vote. Okay. Are you a state resident? Uh huh.

Citizen? Are you? I am. I came, I’m here right now thanks to DOA. Then I renew my work permit every two years. But right now I’m looking into how to apply for citizenship. Oh, do you have a driver’s license in Arizona? Yeah. Do you? You just need that in your residency? Well, we’ll get in touch whenever you want. Gather all the friends who want to register and you tell me how many they are there and they are in. And then in a break time during work, we can meet outside. Okay. Because I don’t think they’ll let me do this.

Oh, sure, yeah, sure. Outside. We’ll meet in the car and someone, someone you know of yours and I can register all of you. I’ll bring your pens, your forms and more. And so that video has been leaked out to the public showing that these guys are coming in. They don’t have to be citizens to vote. And next thing you know, they’re going to. Every single vote that they bring in is going to cause one of our votes of the american citizen, you know, to go null and void, of course, pressing on the southern border and more for Kamala was playing out for all to see in that interview at 60 minutes.

Let me show you this first. You know Williams? Oh, yeah. Oh, you got a shirt for that. No, roses are red. Kamala’s not black. Joe’s got dementia and hunters on. She’s indian. So there you go. They were waiting in line. He’s selling those shirts and more. Here’s Kamala on the border. You recently visited the southern border and embraced President Biden’s recent crackdown on asylum seekers. And that crackdown produced an almost immediate and dramatic decrease in the number of border crossings. If that’s the right answer now, why didn’t your administration take those steps in 2021? The first bill we proposed to Congress was to fix our broken immigration system, knowing that if you want to actually fix it, we need Congress to act.

It was not taken up. Fast forward to a moment when a bipartisan group of members of the United States Senate, including one of the most conservative members of the United States Senate, got together, came up with a border security bill. Well, guess what happened? Donald Trump got word that this bill was afoot and could be passed, and he wants to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. So he told his buddies in Congress, kill the bill. Dont let it move forward. But ive been covering the border for years. And so I know this is not a problem that started with your administration.

Correct? Correct. But there was an historic flood of undocumented immigrants coming across the border the first three years of your administration. As a matter of fact, arrivals quadrupled from the last year of President Trump. Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did? It’s a longstanding problem, and solutions are at hand. And from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions. What I was asking was, was it a mistake to kind of allow that flood to happen in the first place? I think the policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promoting a problem.

Okay. But the numbers did quadruple, and the numbers today because of what we have done, we have cut the flow of illegal immigration by half. We have done cut the flow of fentanyl by half. But we need Congress to be able. So there we are, just reminding you of the lies when it comes to the border and how they spit these out. Here’s President Trump. We’re going to have to get in some military action, and we’re going to take, if we need military. Look, they’re killing 300,000 people a year. I think it’s more than that. You know, they always say 100, 102, it’s over 300,000 people are being killed from fentanyl and drugs that come over the border.

We’re going to do something about it. That’s like having a big war. That’s not like having a little war. You go to war, you don’t lose that many people. In the civil war, we lost 600,000 people. We’re losing 300,000 people a year. We’re not going to. We’re nothing going to stand for it. We’re not going to stand for it. We’ve had enough of the border, enough of their lies, and we’ve got to get this thing sealed up. George said even racism activist doctor Johnson is now saying that Trump is the true frontrunner against Kamala Harris. He believes Democrats stole the 2020 election.

The problem is Donald Trump is so popular. See, Donald Trump is a nationalist, art. They don’t want a nationalist. They don’t want someone who’s looking out for the best interests of America. They want someone who’s looking out for the best interests of the global elites, and that is the Democrats. The question is, are they willing to cheat Trump out of the election and risk a full scale revolt by poor white America? That’s the question. That is the. That is the question. Are we willing to risk a social catastrophe if Donald Trump is cheated out of the election? In my opinion, art, I believe he’s the front runner.

Even though they’re reporting that Kamala has a slight edge, I’m not buying it. I believe Donald Trump is the front runner, and I believe he won the last election. I believe he beat Joe Biden but got cheated. And it don’t make a difference to me who wins because none of them care about black folks. I want to be clear about that. But I believe he beat. I believe he beat Joe Biden. If he gets cheated again, I don’t think white America takes this laying down. I cannot see white America taking this laying down if he gets cheated again.

The question is, are they willing to risk a civil war, a potential civil war in this country if he’s cheated again? That’s the question. Interesting, because he thinks that all politicians, and he lumped in President Trump as one of those, as a racist. And it’s sad. We’d hope that he would wake up and realize that that’s not the case. Obviously, he needs help on that one. But anyway, interesting that he would admit that it was stolen. And so other things that are going on while people are, you know, victims in the mountains. Kamala went on a porn, I believe it’s called.

I forgot what it’s called. Like some type of interviews where they talk about the excitement of porn or whatever with some woman. Check this out. In a debate, former President Trump claimed that some states are executing babies after birth. Can you just clarify that is not happening anywhere in the United States? It is not happening, and it’s a lie. Just. It’s a bold faced lie. If you are a young woman, you should be infuriated today because of how stupid Alex Cooper and Kamala Harris think you actually are. Not only are there multiple documented examples in Minnesota, for example, where eight plus children have been known to have survived failed abortions and have been left to die, have been given a death sentence because they were inconvenient to someone after their birth.

But Kamala Harris herself actually voted against something called the Born Alive Abortion Survivors act, which would have criminalized infanticide federally in this country and clarified that there had to be a standard of medical care legally mandated to be provided to babies who survive abortion attempts. So you want to talk about a bold faced lie? Kamala Harris? I don’t think I have ever been so angry at a political interview than I am from this one, because the entire interview, all 45 minutes of it, is gaslighting and lying to you as a young woman about what’s going on in this country because they actually think you are that gullible.

I don’t even understand why it’s pathetic that people would even watch a podcast like that that celebrates something so immoral. And so another thing immoral would be the Dei that’s been added to military groups around this entire earth. Check out what happened in New Zealand. Breaking news. New Zealand has just made history after it loses its first naval ship worth $100 million to sea since World War two. The H M N ZS Manawanui came into trouble when I was conducting a survey on a reef, caught fire and then capsized. What a disaster. All 75 crew members abandoned ship and made it to shore.

Captain named Yvonne Gray, a lesbian, a former teacher, was handed the ship as her first in her career with the focus of diversity, equity, and respect for the personnel. Guess this is what Dei looks like. Me on discord to talk about it. Yeah, that must be what Dei looks like. Of course, it’s all allegedly, but it’s just interesting that this happened the first time in more than a century. So sad. I’m glad that people survived that. Of course, P. Diddy, we know those are. Things are going out. They’re being exposed. Rita Wilson and her husband, Tom Hanks and half of Hollywood has been eerily quiet about the diddy news.

How are you? But you’re feeling good? You feeling great? You know. You know, I gave you the nickname fairy godmother because your energy is so electrifying. And whenever I see Rita at a party, we. She’s one of the best dancers that’s out there. So if you pump it down on the dance floor, she knows how to rock, but she also has a very special, special talent. Okay? She. She has. I’m not gonna lie, she has flow. She’s what we call. She’s an official Mc. You’re gonna show us your skills. Official Mc at the diddy parties. Rita Wilson, her husband, Tom Hanks.

Remember, Tom was exposed. We’ve gone in detail with him, posting the pictures. Children’s gloves, I believe shoes. I believe shoes. And it’s always one missing. And then, of course, he was confronted, and all of a sudden, we started connecting the dots, noticed all types of weird things playing out. And then all sudden, Hollywood started putting them in every single movie they could for, like, a year and pushing him on Netflix as if he was still around. And a lot of that could have been AI. A lot of that could have been his brother that looks just like him.

Who knows? But this ditty stuff is going to get ugly. We had General Flynn share some information about that. I wrote that ex post very precisely when I said suicided watch. Right? We don’t want him to be suicided. Yeah. There is a second about Diddy. Not, we don’t want him suicided. A mixture here, a blend of the music industry, the sports industry, especially the sports industry out there in. In California, in the Hollywood, Los Angeles area. I guarantee that there’s also other sports figures from other parts of the country that would go to these. Whatever they call them, the freak parties or whatever.

There are political people that we’re going to find out in all this. And there are, of course, people in the media industry, because Los Angeles, in the area around there, has all of those tenants. It’s just like New York, you know, I mean, there’s. And there’s other aspects of it, and I guarantee that if. If P. Diddy does not, you know, if he’s not suicided or doesn’t, you know, if something bad doesn’t happen to him, like happened to Epstein, then I cannot imagine him saying, yep, I’ll take the hit, and I’ll go to prison for the rest of my life.

You know, I think what we’re going to find is we’re going to find, and I think that they already know this. I think the. I think the authorities already know exactly who, because the records that they discovered the kinds of things that they discovered. The level of detail that this guy P. Diddy did at his home tells me that he kept records on everything. He’s got videos on everyone he knows, you know, who exactly he needed in case something, you know, in case of emergency, break glass. And I guarantee he’s got a, he’s got a plan to get out of this.

He’s not going to get out of it. He’s going to have to speak to it. And I hope the authorities, you know, put him under the lights and make sure that he gives up every single person. And yes, they must be held accountable. They must be held accountable. We know if President Trump gets in, right, we were told what would happen, that these billionaires are scared because they’re going to be exposed. I needed a reminder. Non 55 sent this to me, an amazing piece that’s put together. I put it in the description box below as it’s about 20 minutes long, but it’s called, I think coincidences is the proper title to kind of remind us about the cue board, how we got here, why I really enjoyed it, and how it proved over and over again, especially with President Trump.

Even recently in Butler, he was doing air queues like crazy at Butler, especially for Lisa May and others. But here’s just a small clip, and then I’ll let you go in the description box below this video, click on coincidences, that video link that I have there, and watch this whole thing. It’s amazing. Trump made a very ominous and dark speech about the decline of America. And while doing so, music began playing and. And the music sounded exactly like a song called WWG. One WGA, where we go one, we go all. The former president of the United States who wants to be the next president is now directly spreading the slogans of the conspiracy cult QAnon.

Trump has posted or reposted more than 100 messages linked to QAnon since the beginning of the year. The cross of the theory is this belief that you are secretly saving the world from this satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals. Does that sound like something you are behind or. Well, I haven’t heard that, but is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing? If I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it. I’m willing to put myself out there. And we are actually QAnon. It is this theory that Democrats are a satanic pedophile ring and that you are the savior of that.

Now, can you just once and for all state that that is completely not true. QAnon in its entirety. I know nothing about QAnon. They are very strongly against pedophilia. And I agree with that. I mean, I do agree with that. And I agree there’s not a satanic pedophile called. You don’t know that. Okay. No, I don’t know. You just this week, when this country is gone, the rest of the world would follow. The rest of the world would follow. That’s the importance of this country. On January 29, 2018, an anon asked Q if Trump could work the phrase tip top into his State of the Union speech as a shout out to an ance.

Instead, Trump said it at the 2018 Easter egg roll with the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland standing next to him. Keep this incredible house or building or whatever you want to call it because there really is no name for it. It is special. And we keep it in tip top shape. We call it sometimes tippy top shape, and it’s a great, great place. Q has used the phrase Alice in Wonderland in posts. Trump didn’t just fulfill an announce request, he pointed at Q requested a hashtag, Obamagate tweet from Trump, and Trump posted Obamagate without the hashtag.

On April 12, 2018, Q posted Twitter down. Exactly one year later, on April 12, 2019, Twitter went down. The same day that Twitter went down, the NSA posted a picture of AQ on their Twitter page. This is important because Q has referred to the NSA in posts. So I wanted to make sure that you catch this. I only put three minutes in there. The whole 22 minutes video is filled chocked full with just reminders, especially with the envelopes that were given to all the wives during the Bush funeral on D five, the promise to counter one of my favorites and some updated videos of recent things that have been confirmed for all of us.

And of course, we had teaming on, so we’re always putting out good stuff. Also, remember Dan Scavino posted junior the other day, October 4. Tomorrow will be a big part of the healing process for those of us who were in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13 when the shots rang out. Well, interesting, because he posts this at such time where the connections for those of us who, it’s actually in one of the drops for those of us who have stayed the course for 20 plus years, we have gone alone. We’ve stood firm in the defense of the truth, yet many of us have very few friends and couldn’t do much in the real world.

The penalties for speaking up for truth have been severe for decades, and I’ve lived my life in the shadows. It wasn’t worth speaking out until now. Thank you, Q. And of course, the response to this was, the world is now United history books. Patriot. A little perspective. Patriots are dying to defend this great country and the freedom she provides. Children are being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and sacrificed in the name of pure evil. Stay the course. We are fighting a deeply entrenched enemy. Never forget this, folks. The communications reach us, and many people use their voice to let us know how they feel.

We started this with the hurricanes today. I wanted to end this with a patriot. Somebody out there is fighting to get the information out to people about messing with their people in the mountains. I want to end with this today. You know, I’ve had many people come on this app and ask me, am I scared of retaliation for what I said about the government and who anybody? Anybody else who tries to stop us? To answer that? Hell, no. And I don’t take it back either. And I’ll say it again, we don’t need you. Because it’s from somebody who was raised in the south, in east Tennessee.

It was instilled in me as a young child to love thy neighbor. If you see somebody in need, you go and help if you can, and you don’t expect anything in return. It’s called being selfless. You know, they. They may see us as a bunch of just dumb rednecks, but those are some damn good people. And maybe if you would take 2 seconds out of your freaking day and come down there and put your eyes and see it for yourself, you may feel it in your heart that, hmm, these are actually some good, solid people, and they are the backbone of this country.

But you just want to let us waste away. Well, guess what? Like I said again, come hell or high water, we ain’t gonna let it happen. We will stick together. I’m not gonna get off on a tangent again, but I just want you to know, not scared, and I’m not gonna back down. I hope that answers your questions. God bless. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known. And come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly father, thank you once again for your continued guidance and direction through our lives.

We thank you that a nation is waking up to the evil that has been surrounding us, especially around our children. Many of us have just been watching this lawless act continue to play out. Many have lost children around the earth, especially in the United States, and they were picked out one at a time. Many were quieted down, and we didn’t hear about it much except on cartons and maybe pictures in a department store. Now it’s front and center. This problem has been playing out. It’s evil. You know it. You’ve heard the cry of the children. And we certainly know that you’ve put many things together to ensure that this is stopped.

We ask and pray for those on the front lines trying to expose the enemy that many folks would finally wake up. We also lift up in prayer all those in Florida that are trying to escape from the storm that seems to be making its way, Tampa and across somehow, some way. Could you just simply dissipate this entire storm, make it disappear? Would be wonderful. Answer to prayer allow these votes to come to play out. Allow President Trump to step into office despite all the enemy’s fights and preventing the electoral college. January 6 we know all that’s playing out, but we do know that you’re in charge.

You’re the one that places those over the United States of America. We certainly hope and pray for comfort and rest soon. Ask for continued protection for President Trump, all of our families, and more. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Hopefully we can get more updates to you. Not sure if we can do it every single day. We’ll try, but there’s so much information flowing and we want to keep you encouraged and moving forward, especially with more storms on the way. Please hit that subscribe button and the follow button.

We really appreciate it and look forward to talking to you again soon. For now, this Lt. San Semper Phi with M. We know, signing out. You know, I’ve had many people come on this app and ask me, am I scared of retaliation from what I said about the government and anybody else who tries to stop us? To answer that, hell, no. And I don’t take it back either. And I’ll say it again, we don’t need you. You know, I think part of why Kamala is getting so much support is that if Trump wins, that FCN client list is going to become public.

Yes. And some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome. Yeah. Do you think Reed Hoffman’s uncomfortable? Yes. And Gates. And Gates. Yeah, it, it.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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