10.16.24: How do you show the public the TRUTH Do NOT FEAR Battles ahead Illegal voters will pay PRAY!




➡ This text discusses the speaker’s belief that the Democratic Party has exploited people for decades and their support for President Trump’s tireless work. They express concern about potential election fraud and the need for secure election reforms. The speaker also mentions their commitment to continue working without rest, like President Trump, and their optimism about the growing support for their cause. They end by warning against illegal voting and promising to prosecute such actions.
➡ The text discusses the importance of voting and criticizes the current political climate, particularly focusing on President Trump’s views and the alleged manipulation of election results. It also mentions an incident where an interview was allegedly edited to change the responses given. The text further criticizes Kamala Harris and the mainstream media, and ends with a promotion for a health product.
➡ The text discusses various issues related to Kamala Harris, including her stance on marijuana legalization and her policies as California’s attorney general, particularly those affecting transgender inmates. It also touches on concerns about gender issues in schools and public restrooms, with a father expressing his anger at a school board meeting about a boy entering the girls’ restroom. The text ends with a critique of the school board’s handling of these issues.
➡ The text discusses a woman named Kayla who criticizes the Biden-Harris administration for their policies, including job growth and women’s healthcare. It also mentions a website where you can find videos, merchandise, and updates from the author. The text also includes a discussion with a pastor about the Democratic Party’s relationship with black voters. Lastly, it mentions President Trump’s resilience in the face of criticism and his popularity among his supporters.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the speaker’s views on taking life seriously, inflation, politics, and FEMA’s actions in North Carolina. The speaker criticizes those who take minor issues too seriously, mentions a period of no inflation during their leadership, and criticizes current leaders. They also express concern about FEMA’s actions in North Carolina, including setting up camps and confiscating donated supplies, and suggest tariffs should be placed on goods we produce, not those we don’t.
➡ The text discusses the use of tariffs as a negotiation tool, the potential for silver prices to rise, concerns about the impact of inflation, and the perceived erasure of black men from various sectors. It also criticizes the Democratic party for allegedly exploiting poor voters and expresses hope that a Trump victory could lead to significant changes.
➡ This text discusses the struggles of an individual who feels overlooked and unheard by the political elites. Despite facing financial hardships, they are determined to use their voice to express their reality. They criticize the disconnect between the wealthy and the average American, and call for more understanding and support. The text ends with a prayer for hope, strength, and a plea for change.


And I will make no apologies for feeling like my voice is at least worth something, even if my pockets ain’t, even if I don’t own anything, I own this. And I am going to use it whether they like it or nothing. If you’re not cool with transitioning your child, you’re a villain. If you embrace your natural masculinity, you’re toxic. If you vote or think for yourself, you’re a disgrace. According to Obama, we know exactly what’s happening with the Democratic Party. We know that they’ve exploited us for over six decades. And we are saying, just like Moses said to Pharaoh, let my people go.

Well, folks, President Trump continues to work tirelessly every day for our country. We are all exhausted, but sense that there is something going on each day, leading to more of an awakening that we’ve been looking forward to for a while. We’ll watch the media squirm, powerful speeches to motivate all of us, and heart wrenching stories at the end. This video, you don’t want to miss the clip that I’m going to play of a woman who’s just desperate and at the end of her wits that was with Democrats for so long, and realizes that no help is coming her way from that direction.

We’re almost there, almost to the point of nearly everyone waking up. But it seems like something big might happen to help everyone understand how bad it’s going to get before we all truly see the light. Here we go. Get ready. That was a wonderful crowd again, visiting in Georgia. You can see and hear the excitement from everyone in that building. Folks, as you’re watching this, the excitement’s building up across our country. The numbers are growing. I believe that we’re at 80, 90% of America saying they’ve had enough. Even the ones that claim that they would vote for Kamala, they go in the booth, they’re probably not going to do it.

So they’re going to have to cheat beyond recognition. For anyone to even be leery of how they play their games on the left, they’ll have to see a massive steal. And we’re going to talk about that a little bit later. Again, President Trump’s gone 36 days in a row. So I’ve gone like 36 days in a row with no rest. And I have, what do we have, 23, 24 days left, right? And I don’t intend to take like a day off or two days off. You’re running for the president. This is like you’re running for the Super bowl times ten, right? And you’re sort of all by yourself.

But you have some good people, you have some very professional people sitting over there. And I just feel a lot of people say, oh, sir, you should take a couple of days off. I can’t take days off. I want to be in Wisconsin or I want to be in Michigan. Today I was in Michigan. I did the economic Club of Detroit. Detroit economic Club. And it was great how to bring back the automobile business, which has been stolen from the country. We can do it. We’re going to do it easily. We’re going to have a lot of automobile business, factories open and plants.

We’re going to open up a lot of them. So I don’t know. I find it very interesting. It’s an all out run. You would say it’s an all out sprint, and it is. It’s an all out sprint. We’re sprinting to the finish line and we’re almost there. But we did great in 2020. We did great and it was a bad thing. Look, we had the COVID all over the place and even people, officials were afraid to come. They didn’t want to catch COVID You know, the whole thing was crazy. But I think. I think this time, I think we’re actually doing better than we did in 2020.

So if we’re doing better and the numbers are better, then it makes you wonder how this is going to all play out for each person. They were to see this election play out in a different way. I saw this from Julian. They’re going to try and steal 2024, number one. It’ll make the 2020 steal look minor in comparison. It’ll be so obvious that the vast majority will see it. It won’t hold up. It has to happen again to create groundswell for secure election reforms again. This again looks back at the cue board. How do you show the public the truth? How do you safeguard us elections post president of the United States? That means after president’s gone, President Trump’s gone, years from now, how are we going to safeguard them? How do you remove foreign interference and corruption and install us owned voter id laws and other safeguards? It had to be this way.

What way? It had to be. What we’re going through now could be we be seeing massive steel again. And then all of a sudden, the 80 to 90, 95% of the people of the nation realize, wait a minute, there is no way, there’s no way that lion, Kamala and Waltz could ever take over this country. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. And that would be very, very dark. If there was another stolen election. Breaking news at noon. A Fulton county superior court judge ruling that results, those election results must be certified here in Georgia.

Now, this order is a response to a lawsuit by Julie Adams. She’s a member of the Fulton County Board of registration and elections. Adams argued that she should be able to choose not to certify election results if she believed the results were incorrect. But Judge Robert McBurney said certification is a mandatory, fixed obligation and that if election superintendents were able to, and I quote, play investigator, prosecutor, jury, and judge and refuse to certify the results, Georgia voters would be silenced. Adams, a Republican, previously refused to certify the May primary election. Interesting, right? So you have to certify it no matter what.

Even if the results show that 80% of the votes came in for President Trump and 20% for old Kamala, it doesn’t matter how bad it looks, you have to certify it anyway. And so I wanted to play something from Fox News today, and it’s going to give us a little bit of insight on what these guys are up to in this upcoming election. And again, they’re showing just how evil these people are and how desperate they are to steal this election because they realize what would happen if President Trump steps in. Today in Georgia, a judge ruled that election officials have to certify results even if voter fraud is suspected.

And around the state, Democrats are suing to prevent Dropbox surveillance, hand counting ballots, and voter id protections. Why are Democrats trying to make elections less secure, especially while many states across the country are finding thousands of people who aren’t citizens on the voter rolls? Like in Virginia, where governor Youngkin removed more than 6000 non citizens from the rolls. The Biden Harris administration didn’t like that. The Justice Department is now suing Virginia for cleaning up the voter rolls, something Virginia governors have been doing for years. Why is it that anyone could argue that a process that removes non citizens off of our voter rolls is anything else other than common sense and constitutional? That’s been on our books since 2006.

It was a law that was signed by then Democrat governor Tim Kaine. This is why I find this to be a very, very unreal moment. That is stunning that they filed this suit 25 days before a presidential election, when in fact, this has been going on in accordance with our constitution, the federal constitution, and state law since 2006. It’s simple. We just want free and fair elections. Democrats are trying to loosen the rules and get Republicans to certify the results of an election that hasn’t happened yet. Thank you vigilant Fox, for that clip, for the words for the awakening.

It’s happening across the board. And if anybody wants to steal this election, we’re hearing from those that, you know, the rhinos are gone now. So what do we have? We have Laura Trump running RNC. Check this out. Well, you might have to keep up those lawsuits because Gavin Newsom in California just banned id. I mean, it’s so significant the fact that he’s banning id in California. Okay? And let’s not forget the DOJ is suing Virginia, state of Virginia and Duncan because he wants to ensure that people prove their citizenship because he wants to use Ida. This is insanity.

It’s insanity. And Maria makes the average person in this country look around and say, well, why is it that you wouldn’t want to verify who someone was? Why is it you wouldn’t want to verify that someone was a United States citizen voting in our elections? And it leads people to believe that the Democrats by and large, only believe they can win elections if they have people illegally voting in those elections. I can tell you this, our message has been very clear from the RNC. If you are a person illegally voting in our elections and you are nothing, lead United States citizen, we’re going to track you down, prosecute you to the full extent of the law, and that means you’re going to be deported from this country.

So don’t do it. It is not worth it. But that is why this is so important to get Donald Trump back in that White House, because he has said, Maria, I want one day of voting, voter id and paper ballots, and we can get back to a place like that. We’re going to have to get through this election. I believe we will. Everybody get out and vote. Everybody get vote. No matter what. No matter how this plays out, you continue to show them it’s too big to rig and the numbers start flowing in and folks start understanding just how crazy and sick these people really are.

So President Trump had a chance to sit down with Bloomberg. Yeah, this, this hack tells him to his face that he’s fake news. The Wall Street Journal know a meeting with them tomorrow. What is the Wall Street Journal know? They’ve been wrong about everything. So have you, by the way. You’ve been wrong about it. You’re trying to turn this, you’re trying to turn this, you’ve been wrong about it. You’re trying to turn this into debate. There are business people and you’re wrong. You’ve been wrong. You’ve been wrong all your life on this stuff. You’ve been wrong all your life on this stuff.

It’s interesting because Bloomberg revealed that Kamala Harris declined doing an interview with them right before bringing Trump on stage. Yet President Trump gives them a few minutes of his time. President Trump used that to let them know to their face, you’re fake. You’re a bunch of liars. I’d love to tell him to his face, you belong to the father of lies there, Bloomberg Satan. And you realize every day when you’re writing and when you’re attacking President Trump and you’re playing games, someday you’re going to have to answer for that. I would not want to be in your court when you face our heavenly father.

So if you wonder if the Bloomberg folks, the people that showed up, support President Trump, will check this out. This is when you know you really won the election. That’s right. Standing ovation. Standing ovation. And you would think that maybe, just maybe, an audience that follows Bloomberg probably wouldn’t be so excited. I don’t know. I’m just guessing. What do you guys think? Let me know below the video. Very interesting. Right? So if you have this huge following and all these people are watching truth or channels, the channels, they’re watching Fox, they’re seeing the numbers roll in on communist news network showing that the polls, even though they’re all silly polls, no matter how close they try to call it, President Trump is taken off on all ends and he’s winning.

And then all of a sudden they come in and somehow they’re able to rig the election. And Kamala steps foot in the office after they make fun of her on Saturday Night Live, make, make her look bad on all the mainstream media, then she walks in and all of a sudden the election’s done and she’s the winner. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, all of those who didn’t vote for President Trump in 2020, then in 2024, they’d realize, wait a minute, now I see that they actually do rig elections and then all of a sudden they can start making laws and what have you for the future.

So they won’t be able to rig it like they did this time. Again, I don’t know. How about the thing with CB’s? Okay, tell me you heard about CB’s, where they changed your answer and everything. Did you hear about, is this what you see outside the planet? It’s the biggest scandalous in broadcast. I’ve never heard. She did a very bad interview with them. It was tape and going live, but it was essentially taped. Like, if you tape a show and you put it on that night or the next day, and she gave some really stupid answers.

And what they did is they cut those answers out and they put other answers in. And I think it’s really, I think it’s a very bad act, probably a criminal act, but it’s certainly election interference and license threatening. You know, they have licenses. And I just think it’s one of the worst things I’ve heard. Think of it. She’s on things. It’s a news organization, too. And I think 60 minutes is under the news umbrella. And they do an interview and she gives a bad answer and they give her, they take it out entirely. It’s not like they did a little.

I mean, they took the whole thing out and they put another answer from another question in there, which didn’t make sense either. I mean, it was, that was a lousy answer also. But nobody’s ever heard of something like that. That’s why I think there’s, like, the positives of you doing more long form stuff. People get to see you in a different light compared to how everybody clips up, tries to get the clickbait, tries to get the headlining stuff in the mainstream media. I like doing stuff like this. You know, I like it. I like conversation. I don’t seem to get myself in much trouble when she does it, every time she does it, they say she’s stupid, she’s stupid.

I mean, this is a, they tried to get away with her not doing it, which is always a bad sign, frankly, showing you once again, the mainstream media, they’ll do all they can to get her across the finish line, edit their videos, edit, you know, all the answers and what have you. And we’re just hearing about this daily. We have to be reminded. There’s people that probably never watched a Trump rally, ever, never paid attention, they’re told to watch. And finally, they might tune into a podcast that, you know, they didn’t think President Trump would ever be on.

Or finally, they watched one of the rallies and the same speech we keep hearing over and over again with the reminders of what they’re doing to the, on the borders, what they’re doing with our energy, and what they’re doing to each individual. Even in North Carolina, the wake up call will happen and people will say, I’ve had enough, and they’ll come his way. So, folks, if you need something to help you out on your health going through all this, check this out. Folks, I don’t know about you, but I’ve just been, you know, physically harmed by these freaks that have been running our country.

It just. It’s enough to give you indigestion. But I tell you what, there’s been some amazing changes in my life recently, especially digestive support with kimchi one out of brightcore. It’s also significant for removing toxins and helping me out with my waistline, too. And this protection is anticrobial. Kimchi has been shown to effectively fight against funguses, bacteria, viruses and parasites. That’s right. And it’s amazing. Aflatoxins, the most harmful toxic substances produced by this asper molds were found in the air in many food crops like corn, peanuts, trees and nuts and spices. When you have issues and you can’t identify the cause, well, aflatoxins have found out are the, you know, usually the culprit, you know, for red eyes and headache and coughing, nosebleeds and fever and rash, joint pain, muscle pain.

So what you can do, you get the probiotics found in kimchi can effectively remove 81% of the aflatoxin B one within three days. It also helps with your weight loss. Brightcores made in the USA. Kimchi one, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, non gmo. You get 25% off with code Awk. Awk and up to 50% off when you call in 888317 9941. In the description box below, it’s there for you. 888-317-9941 get your kimchi one today. How about this? Gavin Newscomb. He’s the governor of California. Newsom. He signed Newscomb, I call him. But do you think he corrected me? That’s the first time I’ve done it.

There are CEO’s out here. If they said those sort of things about a rival CEO, they’d be. They’d be sacked. Do you think they don’t have to survive like me? They don’t have to go through what I have to go through. There has never been a president that’s been treated like me. So I have to fight my own way. You made a. You made a. You made a very good. You made a very good job of. He signed a bill in California two days ago that you don’t even have the right to ask a person for voter id.

And if you ask a person for voter id, of course you have to show voter id. The only reason you wouldn’t do, because they want to cheat the bill says you cannot. It’s against the law for you to ask a person, may I please see your voter id when he votes? What is our country coming to turn it around fast. It’s going to go very quickly. We’re going to turn it around fast. Kamala is turning us into a third world nation, which is true. You know, I didn’t know she didn’t pass her bar exam. Did you know that? Just I’m hearing these.

I don’t want to tell you about it. Please. I don’t want to, I don’t want to mention, I will not mention the fact that she didn’t pass her bar exam. So I’m not going to mention that anybody ever heard that one for the first time out of Atlanta, Georgia. So he talks about with, you know, Bloomberg lets them know that Nuscom has definitely scum. California. Of course, Kamala happens to be from California and she put out this little deal here. No one should go to jail for smoking weed, legalize recreational marijuana, she says. And Dan came in and said, then why did you prosecute and lock up so many Americans for having weed? The person who never passed the bar, Donald Trump, said Kamala’s medical report is really bad.

With all of the problems that she has. There’s a real question as to whether or not she should be running for president. My report is perfect with no problems. Check this out. What do you take away from Kamala? Having a beer with Stephen Colbert. Seems like that’d be the, well, you know, a lot of people thought it was terrible. A lot of people said she shouldn’t be drinking at all. She shouldn’t be drinking. She got some other problems, but it was a little, it was a little different. No, they hit her. I drank about later. She probably had a few before that, too, right? That was the one we saw.

I don’t know. It could be. Could be. That’s what the rumor is. Yeah. The polls are looking good. The polls. I want to get off that subject because, you know, if I, if I criticize, I’ll be criticized for. Yeah, but no, she probably shouldn’t have done that. She got, she got hit hard for that. Right. But I don’t think it was that big a deal. No. Something going on with Kamala. A lot of information seems to be leaking out about her and her health and he mentioned about the drinking and could be some serious issues. And I’ve got an interview this Saturday, folks, just to let you know, with an amazing company, a wellness center, and it just a great interview with Chad and Katie and you don’t want to miss it this Saturday regarding alcohol and trying to recover from that.

And they’ve got an amazing program for that. So I just thought about that as President Trump mentioned this. And I just want to share some more about Kamala here that Charlie Kirk. Let us know. John Jacobs Junior. Jacobson junior lured married couple Thomas and Jackie Hawks into their yacht, held them at gunpoint, tied them to the boat’s anchor, and then dropped them into the ocean to drowndeh. Jacobson says he committed this crime to get the money for a sex change. Now, thanks to Kamala Harris, he’s achieved his dream. Thanks to policies created while Kamala was the state’s attorney general, Jacobson received both breast augmentation and bottom surgery at taxpayer expense.

While serving on death row 2019, Kamala bragged about Creed in the policies that let Jacobson do this. Quote, I worked behind the scenes. Check this out. When I was attorney general, I learned that the California Department of Corrections, which was a client of mine, I didn’t get to choose my clients. A client of the attorney general, a client of the attorney general of the office of attorney general, that they were standing in the way of surgery for prisoners. For prisoners. And there was a specific case. And when I learned about the case, I worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that that transgender woman got the services she was deserving.

So it wasn’t only about that case. I made sure that they changed the policy in the state of California so that every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need. And I believe it was not only. I know it was historic in California, but I believe actually, it may have been one of the first, if not the first, in the country where I pushed for that policy in a department of corrections. Do you get it now? When President Trump says, these people are sick, he means it.

They’re sick. They’re evil, demonic. You know, I had this later on for the cast, but since we’re on this subject, just want to bring this up. Liberal scream, save the children from the guns, followed by abort them, mask them, jab them, distance them, medicate them, indoctrinate them, mutilate them, sexualize them, traffic them. Riley Gaines showed us this, that two men go ahead to head and run women’s billiards. The irony of all ironies. It would be hilarious if actual women weren’t losing out on opportunities two males face off against each other. An ultimate pull miniseries yesterday. And then we heard this in Georgia.

I have three sons. I’d be damned if you gonna tell one of my sons that he’s gonna be a girl when you’re an adult, if there’s something you want to do with your body as an adult, you want to change genders and do all that stuff, that’s a decision you make as an adult. But in America, we are going to protect the welfare of children under Donald Trump, we’re going to protect the welfare of children. We’re going to make sure that little girls can grow up to be strong women who are in families with their husband, and they have families that continue this great experiment called the United States of America.

It’s crazy that we have to have this type of conversation nowadays, doesn’t it? I happen to notice this clip. A daddy was told by his eight year old daughter that she went to the restroom at school and a boy walked in there to watch her used the restroom, that she went to the front office and told them what happened, and they told her that there’s nothing they can do about it. Well, the daddy went in front of the Khabara school board to protect his daughter’s rights. Welcome, Mister Matthews. Hey. All right, I see cowards. First off, quit smiling.

I wish smiling. All I seed the one girl that went to the bathroom and went to the office to try to have something done about it. They said they couldn’t do it because of title IX, correct? Well, there is something you can do. You can create policy that goes out to the girls that says they can use the staff bathroom. One person on this board with a conversation told me that they can’t turn away the girls from the staff bathroom. So why aren’t you doing anything? My daughter? Right here, sweetheart. Teddy, school. Do you want a little boy to watching pee? No.

No. Why? Because. Inappropriate. It’s inappropriate. My eight year old daughter knows it’s inappropriate, and yet y’all sit there silent. One of you told me that your personal views don’t align with the views you show to the public. You’re cowards. That is not how you do it. That should show every parent in this county that you are not fit to sit on this board. Every one of you. Tell me you didn’t say that this is not your job. That it should be left up to the ethics committee. You. I’ve heard you say it’s not my job when it came to the books being in these schools.

It is your job to look over who’s in charge of catching those books. You. All you do is smile. Rob, I don’t have a problem with you. But this has got to stop because I’m going to tell you. Y’all come up here and talk about vaping and the dangers of vaping. If a little boy follows my daughter in that bathroom and touches her, you will have a new river of dangers. This is ridiculous. You’re opening up opportunity for problems to happen. You either create a new bathroom for those who are confused or you send them to the staff bathroom.

It’s a very simple problem. We don’t change policy for tens of thousands of people to accommodate. There is no problem. What people do on their personal level, that is not my business, nor your business, nor anybody’s business. That is their choice. But I tell you what, I want to prove that you’re all hypocrites. Because each of you ladies, I want you to invite your husbands, let’s go to the bathroom. And I want them to watch me watch you use the bathroom. And let’s see if they get mad. Let’s prove to the public the hypocrites are selling this board because I bet you you’ll get mad when I watch your wife.

Your husband will get mad when I watch you. Your husband would feel the same as I would about my wife. Now stand up and do something. You’re so scared of losing federal funding, it’s ridiculous. Every single one of you is cowards. And we keep coming up here year after year with same clique. There’s one woman on this board that stands up for the people and the kids. That’s a role model. Y’all should listen and pay attention is why she gets the votes. We won’t put a single Laura Lindsay sign out and she’ll get the votes. Kenny Workman is the exact example of a man whose feelings are hurt because the right questions were asked.

There you go. That’s a good dad. And that’s how you handle that board. And I’m hoping to see a follow up from this post from the 1776. Thank you for sharing that video for all to see. We’re in a battle for our children, for the future, their life, for our daughters. And we’re watching more and more women stand up in the gap and they’re saying, you know what? I’ve had enough. And I’m going to let these folks know we’re going to fight back. And this is Miss Kayla. Here we go. Don’t tell me I need to protect women’s healthcare if your only form of women’s health care is abortion.

Now, the Biden Harris administration also touts all this job growth, but they failed to mention the $10 million million migrants they brought over here and the 9 million jobs they got. So if they’re saying they added 15 million jobs and 9 million went to the migrants. Then that sounds like 6 million jobs, y’all. Now, when we compare that to the 20 million jobs that were lost due to their COVID policies, that doesn’t sound like a very progressive administration. That doesn’t sound like a group of people who deserve a promotion. See, she had three and a half years to do what she’s been campaigning on for the last two months.

For the last three and a half years, the Democrats have not given a damn about black men unless they were dead or gay. If you’re not cool with transitioning your child, you’re a villain. If you embrace your natural masculinity, you’re toxic. If you vote or think for yourself, you’re a disgrace. According to Obama, this is what the Harris Waltz message is to black men. So bump that plan she just released yesterday. Because last time I checked, she ain’t been checking for y’all since she got in office. And by the way, Obama, there’s white, hispanic, asian, indian, all kinds of people not voting for Kamala Harris.

So how dare you single out black men and act like it’s their fault. Way to go, Miss Kayla. There’s her signal there on x if you want to check it out. Miss Kayla. A baby for all to see. Folks were also located and we know.com if you want to check us out. It’s a very good website put together for your phone and your computer. You can scroll through it. You’ll find all of our videos there. You’ll be able to contact us. You’ll be able to send your photo of wearing your gear, all of our awk merch.

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I mean, it’s all there for you. Love to have you visit that website and enjoy all the goodies there. And we’ve got another Patriot light site in case you guys forgot the Patriot light.com, all of your conservative news. And remember, if you want another alternative to watching our videos, we’ve got clout hub out there. It’s in the description box below. You click on that and you can watch all of our videos and you won’t have all the ads pop up and more and you can translate it in different languages. Really good what Todd Callender put together there.

Also shop dot am we know.com. that’s where you can find all of our gear, sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, tees and tanks, accessories and so much more. Don’t forget, get ready for election day with 28% off, all statement tees, all of our teas with statements you get 28% off like I’m voting for a convicted felon this November. And more. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear, including loans for black entrepreneurs and new regulations for cryptocurrency and legalizing marijuana nationally. Your underlying premise is not an assumption that I’m supposed to have black men in my back pocket in terms of their vote and that I should be.

I should be taking that for granted because I don’t. Black men are no different from anybody else. They expect that you have to earn their vote. So why is she just doing it now? And today she’ll be sitting down with charlamagne, the goddess of and Detroit, a move our next guest says will not hit the mark with black voters in their city. Lorenzo Sewell is a senior pastor at 180 church in Detroit. He joins us now. He had the former president there as well. Donald Trump. Sir, thanks so much for joining the program. Lawrence, I’m so Holy Ghost happy to be here with you this morning.

All right, pastor, so tell me this, is this going to work with black voters? I know that when it comes to black males, entrepreneurship is big for us. How is she going to overtax us but then give us loans as well? I have never been so offended in my life. She’s bringing a man here who is Charlemagne, a false God, to a community that has 4500 churches, all people of faith. We are extremely offended that she’s bringing a podcaster here to talk to Black Mendez about politics. She brought a retired athlete to Flint who is failing magic Johnson, and she brought Oprah to Oakland county as if she understands the plight and the playing of people that look like me.

We will not allow virtue signaling or we will not allow identity politics. Black men are not political infants. We know exactly what’s happening with the Democratic Party. We know that they’ve exploited us for over six decades. And we are saying, just like Moses said to Pharaoh, let my people go. Oh, that’s wonderful. Let my people go. You know, that’s the logo. If you guys looked at the logo for, and we know some of you might be new, and we’ve got the guy for all of you to see, just notice that we have, I’ll show this to you, just the actual one that we created today.

If you look at this logo and we know.com, i basically came up with this about maybe one day after my first video that put out, and I just had this vision of us raising up the stick like Moses and the Red Sea, partying, and we walked through and we’re slaves no more. And all of a sudden they tried to come after us and all the enemy crumbles in the sea and we have a fresh start. And anyway, so I just love that he stated that with strength to let us know that we’ve had enough. Six decades, we’ve had enough.

President Trump, that’s why he stays on the road and he continues to let us know what he’s going through and how he’s fighting. So his question, essentially, you’re very resilient. How do you basically take it? Because I have been through a lot more than, I think, more than any president. Tell him that it was always Andrew Jackson they said was the one who was most abused. Andrew Jackson, he was a good president and he was a great general, but he was a good president, too. He was very abused, so much so that his wife died very, very young, and she died because of heartache, of what he went through and what they went through.

And the second was Abraham Lincoln. But, you know, he was in a little thing called the civil War. Right. But he was very badly abused. And now I think they probably say Trump blows him away, if you want to know the truth. I think the answer, because a lot of people do ask me this question, how do you take it? How do you take it? How do you get up in the morning? They actually say, how do you get up in the morning and go to work? They’re always after you. They want to indict you. They want to put you in prison.

They’re animals, okay? They’re animals. They’re sick people. I have a guy named, I call him deranged Jack Smith. I mean, he was put out there. This was the weaponization of justice. And probably it’s the first time it’s happened. I don’t think I’d be as popular. If it didn’t happen, okay, because I explain it to the public. It’s not pleasant, but I explain it to the public. And I said, here’s what happened. And they know it’s true. They go after me to try and hurt me politically so they can beat me in an election. And it’s actually had the opposite effect.

It’s made me more popular. It’s actually made me more popular. And just tell Jordan. I try not to think about it. The way he phrased the question. I just say, screw it. Whatever happens, happens and do the right thing. You know, I see guys that golf who are in sports. But they want to drop a three. But they try so hard. And in the end, it’s like. It’s really unattractive. And then you watch some other guys, like, do you ever see Lee Trevino play golf? He loses a goose or some other. Just bing goes. I try to take it less seriously than I should.

I should take it more seriously. But if I do, I don’t. If I did that, I don’t think I’d be with you guys today. I really don’t. I fight very hard. And I’ll also fight nasty because you have to. Because these are sick people. These actually people. I think a lot of these people are sick. They are sick. I love that analogy with the golf. Yeah. I’ve been golfed with folks. And they take their little three foot putt so serious. And they spend forever. And then they barely touch it. And it doesn’t go anywhere near the hole.

And they make a big deal out of it and throw their club and whatever. It’s like, look, chill out. Don’t take things so serious. Don’t live in fear. Do your work, work hard. Right. But at the end of the day, don’t let it, you know, have a serious effect on you. That he’s trying to enjoy his family, enjoy being a grandfather and more. And I get it. And these people are sick. People are betting that your policies are going to drive up debt. They’re going to drive up inflation. So they’re going to drive up inflation rate, interest rates.

Are the investors wrong? Yeah. I had four years, no inflation. I had four years, no inflation. But that was. That was when you had much. I had four years. It’s better than that. And Biden, who has no idea where the hell he is, okay. Biden went two years with no inflation because he inherited from me. Boom. Thank you, Dan Scavino Junior, for posting that. We definitely need those updates. We waited for it. We saw it. And anyway, somebody posted this. They were talking about how President Trump, you know, when he folded his arms in that interview with Bloomberg, George said, I’ve noticed that when Trump folds his hands and doesn’t point his entire body to the person he’s talking to, it signals that he’s no longer taking them seriously and his brain goes into destroy mode.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. There. Bloomberg messed with the wrong folks. So grasshopper, of course, comes up with great decodes. I love this one. President Trump posts at 10450, and you get the 1045 there. And at the 17 second mark of that video, pretty cool. You’ve got a guy, it looks like he’s in jail. So jail sentencing, huh? How soon? Question mark, 1045. How soon are we going to, you know, see this jail happen? 17 seconds, somebody behind bars. We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous counter moves.

Oh, I just love the Cube war. Don’t you guys? Love it? Just love it. Looking forward to his victory. President Trump’s victory would also happen with, you know, President Trump would bring peace in Ukraine. This is the hungarian foreign minister, Peter hopefully, with a preferred outcome of the us presidential elections, the whole atmosphere would change. And then instead of a pro war, a pro peace approach will take over. Well, if you ask me, if President Trump wins, that can bring forward the biggest hope for peace ever. Because what we see now is that if he cannot win, then we don’t really see the person who could direct the whole international political arena towards a more peaceful position.

Yep, that’s when you know something’s going on. Other nations are chiming in to let us know how they feel. And President Trump also had a chance to go on with Glenn Beck. I mean, he’s just busy, you know, does an interview in the podcast, heads out, does a speech. Next thing you know, somebody hands him a phone and says, hey, it’s Glenn Beck. He has to talk to him. Check it out. Who’s actually the president, mister president? Well, I think it’s a. It’s a committee of people, and they might not even know who the committee is.

They may not even know themselves. Does that make sense? It’s a group of people at that are in different levels of DC, and they surround demand. That was not the most capable person, by the way. Never was right, but certainly not anymore. Yeah, she’s worse than he is. She’s worse than he is. And the difference is she was a believer. You know, she was a believer for a long time she was a marxist, right? For a long time. She’s further left in Bernie. You’ve heard that many? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Talk about it. But she’s further left than Pocahontas.

Okay. Pocahontas is probably further left than Bernie, I think. I don’t how you, how you rate. I might have to go by your scale. I believe in your scale. Maybe more than mine. You know, better. But, but if you think about it, you know, we have some people, and she is considered the most left in, in the entire senate. And not the smartest. Yes, the left, not the smartest. She’s actually out there and stealing all types of fear in her speeches. I don’t know if you guys saw this, but play this clip real quick for you.

Here we go. He’s talking about the enemy within our country, Pennsylvania. He’s talking about that he considers anyone who doesn’t support him or who will not bend to his will an enemy of our country. It’s a serious issue. He says, he is saying that he would use the military to go after them. Think about this. He’s talking about the speaker one. Yeah. If you were told Donald Trump would put you and your family in a concentration camp, what links would you go to keep him out of the White House? So that’s what they do. They try to let you know, hey, they’re going to put you in concentration camps.

Well, interesting, because if you head over to the FEMA campsite. FEMA? Yeah. They set up this camp. If you’re looking at your screen, this is a FEMA camp located in Asheville, North Carolina. Locals living immediately in the vicinity told us it popped up overnight, quote unquote. It looks like it’s been built for a long term presence. That would be a good thing if you believed FEMA was bringing the full weight of the federal government’s assistance to the local community. But evidence on the ground doesn’t support that. We know that. I had a video clip I was going to show you guys of a young man who just can’t believe the support they’re not getting.

And he said, you know what? We’re done with FEMA. We don’t even trust him. He said he tried to fill out to get some money and they won’t, basically won’t give him. He said he wanted a propane heater. And they said, oh, do you have electricity? Well, you don’t need a propane heater because you have electricity. He’s like, come on. There are people that lost electricity. Yeah. Their electricity is back on. But they don’t have a sense of, you know, they don’t have any heat. Their heaters busted. So then you’re not going to give them a heater to survive through the winter.

So why would they tell them that? Well, maybe they want them to go to these camps, folks. That’s what I’m guessing, in a way. FEMA was trying to pull their personnel out of Rutherford county less than two days ago due to, quote, reports of militia hunting down FEMA personnel. Well, that report has since been completely debunked, but it didn’t stop FEMA from running with half baked intel to plant the idea that they were at war with local citizens. Despite their calls to evacuate the area. Camps like these are being stood up with a permanent presence in mind.

Locals are reporting that they’ve seen few, if any FEMA personnel. So how do they justify a camp with this kind of footprint? Also, FEMA apparently confiscating donated supplies in North Carolina. 53 foot tractor filled with winter supplies was delivered to two door Baptist Church in Elks Park, North Carolina, Sunday. Now, FEMA has confiscated those baby diapers and food supplies, and they prohibit future donations. Kenneth Rice said, can’t believe what our government’s doing. We delivered the two loads of donated supplies. No, the contract person called me because we were doing another 53 foot tractor trailer load of winter supplies and said FEMA confiscated supplies.

Hundreds of people donated. We sent a 53 foot trailer. You need to get this out and stop the socialist movement. Check this out. There’s a photo to back it up. What are you guys seeing? What are you hearing about? Why would FEMA stop desperate people from receiving food? Just doesn’t make sense, the world that we’re living in today, when you talk to the president, former president, about tariffs, do you see it as a bargaining tip or do you think you’re going to see it, see tariffs across the board of 20%? I think we should put tariffs on stuff we make and not put tariffs on stuff we don’t make.

It’s pretty simple. And of course it’s a bargaining chip. We can sell a Ford or GM in Europe. You go to Europe, you can’t sell a Ford GM. Why? There’s 100% tariffs. How about in Japan? A hundred percent tariffs. So do you think if we said we’re going to tariff you the way you tariff us, do you think they’re going to allow Mercedes and all these japanese companies and Porsches and bmws to all of a sudden have 100% tariffs in America? Of course that they’re going to come and negotiate and their tariffs are going to come down.

And finally, Ford and General Motors are going to be able to sell in these places. How’s that sound? Of course they’re going to come down. Of course. This is just the ghost. It absolutely makes sense if you do it strategically. If it’s across the board, it creates a real problem. And the question is whether you believe the president is going to do it strategically or across the board. He keeps saying it across the board. Well, when you’re running for office, you make broad statements so people understand you. Tariffs are an amazing tool by the president to use.

They’re an amazing tool. But he understands tariff stuff we don’t make. Right? If we don’t make it and you want to buy it, I don’t want to put the price up there. It’s pointless. But use tariffs to build in America. If we want to make it in America, tariff it or if we’re competing with a tariff. But you got to remember, we need to protect the american worker. Finally, someone’s going to protect the american worker. And Donald Trump is here to protect the american. A lot of money. And that’s great. And so we’re hearing a lot of this coming out, of course, for President Trump regarding money and more.

And we’ve been hearing, of course, a lot about the new demand for silver actually could wipe out ground supply and Russia adding silver to state fund reserves. And could silver hit triple digits? That’s right, triple digits. We played this for you on Sunday, this interview with Doctor Kirk Elliott. He did a phenomenal job, warning us once again of the things that are going on behind the scenes and also reminding us the biblical movement towards precious metals. And you can go to amwaynow.com gold in the description box below. Click on that and you’ll be able to reach out to doctor Kirk Elliott yourself and hear straight from him, lesser of two evils.

And that is, let’s just print money and create more inflation. We’ll lower interest rates, try to stimulate buying, but that causes inflation to go up. Sure enough, it did. The numbers came in higher than expected. And you know what? Every single week, every single week, LT, for the last 52 weeks, the rate of inflation has, has grown. It’s grown. Yep. And so he’s continuing to keep us updated and hope you guys check that video out. And, you know, these warnings come in different directions. And again, I want to get back to, as we get closer to the end of this video today, how they’re hurting our children.

That’s what it’s all about. And they want our families in pain. Check this out. Look, this is a party, the Republican Party of common sense. Forget about conservative liberal. We’re, let’s say conservative, but we’re really a party of, we need borders. We need fair elections. We don’t want men playing in women’s sports. We don’t want transgender operations without parental consent. It’s, there’s so many things, but it’s. 99.9% is common sense. It really is common sense. It is common sense. And of course, we get common sense here, finally on Fox News. Just amazing. Amazing the rhetoric that’s been happening there lately.

And I love the answer that comes out on this particular show. Check this out. Black men have to get over the fact that you got a woman on the ticket, right? And are you afraid to vote for her? Is basically what he did and challenged them. A damn shame. He’s talking about Obama challenging them, saying, hey, you’ve got a black woman on the ticket. You’re supposed to vote for him. You’re a black man. It’s like, it’s so insulting. I really. Could you imagine a white man talking down to black people like that, particularly black men. That’s our issue.

Women. It’s not the fact that I don’t have a job or my job is not existing or, you know, I’m in a world where, by the way, progressives are erasing me from movies, from billboards, from opportunities. The democratic party, particularly progressives in Hollywood, Madison Avenue, Washington, DC, Wall street, they have erased the black men. There’s no opportunities for black men anywhere in their world. And I think a lot of it centers around what they perceive as to be too much toxic masculinity. They hate black masculinity. They hate it, and they’ve gone to war with it. And black men have noticed it.

And guess what? They’re saying. We’re not going to take it anymore. Give you an example, by the way, they’re tired of being pimped. Brothers are tired of being pimped. Kamala Harris is going to do something to legalize marijuana as they were pushing for this. All these states, the legalization thing, every time they put black people into commercials, front row, it’s opportunities for minorities. This is an article from 2022. Payne talking about Congressman Donald Payne, at the time outraged that New Jersey denied cannabis licenses to all black owned businesses who applied to all, to every single one.

None. None. But they had the ads, black kids and black people making money from this. But when they came through they gave them zero. Zero. They give them zero every single time. Every single time. And guess what? Black men are waking up, but they’re not wanted in this, in the white progressive world, they are not wanted. And they’re waking up to this and they’re pushing back. Wow. Do you think that they, for those who are not inclined to vote for Kamala Harris, will they sit it out and not vote, or will they vote for President Trump? I think the majority will vote for President Trump.

This is not a sort of, hey, protest, you’re gonna miss me kind of thing. This is like, okay, this is a guy, by the way, for all of the media attacks against Trump. He has reached out to black voters from day one, even when inside the republican party. All the experts, right? And we have a few of them who come through the building. It’s a mistake like that. Like when they say, don’t campaign here, don’t campaign there. All these experts who, by the way, are not at the top of the ticket, told him not to reach out to black voters.

This is from the very beginning. He goes to the Bronx, he goes to these different places. He’s reached out to black voters in a way that no republican candidate ever has, despite the fact that they said, well, your return on investment will be nil. He still has gone out and done that. And people appreciate that. Yeah. One more thing for that New York Times poll. 47% of african american voters of plurality said crime in big cities had gotten out of control. Sure. Well, no duh. Yeah, they care about it, too. Of course black people care about it.

Listen, when I sit with my friends, when we talk, yeah, they’re all registered Democrats and most of them are loathed, have never voted for a Republican. But when you listen to our conversations, you would think it was a room full of ten Republicans. That’s how it’s playing out. Other shows have been showing this, and it makes you wonder when President Trump gets in, what’s going to happen to a lot of these folks, these evil ones that been controlling everything. Remember, Democrats, a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling the poor people that other rich people are the reason they’re poor.

Let me read that again. Democrats, a bunch of rich people convincing the poor people to vote for rich people by telling the poor people that other rich people are the reason they’re poor. And the rich people that are causing these problems, well, they’re going to face some serious issues. And President Trump steps in. And again, this reminder. What do you know about Reed Hoffman. He used to work for Elon Musk. Elon Musk says he’s got problems. Reed Hoffman’s uncomfortable. Yes. Yeah. And Gates. And Gates. Yeah. They should be concerned. Evidently, there’s tons of proof. There are a lot of videos.

Apparently those rooms on the island, and I think out in New Mexico were wired for video. Right? Where’s the video? I mean, between Diddy and Epstein, there’s probably several thousand hours of footage here. And here’s the best part. I think if Trump wins, we can do some house cleaning and shed light on things. And that makes this all the more funny. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. You’re so LinkedIn is a connection man among the big tech nerds. You recommended Jeffrey Epstein to your friends as a smart, fun perv. Read. Hoffman. Reed Hoffman. Reid Hoffman.

Reid Hoffman. You traveled to Epstein island where all the pretty girls, they were young. Now no one knows just what you did cause Epstein, he got home. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Your TD’s is so severe, you want 45, you beat tard so much you funded campaign lies and a trump be decked of cards. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reed Hoffman. You paid for all that lawfare so Gene Carol could get big bucks. Yes. And you want a new town in California. Cause Frisco really sucks. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman.

With all that girth, you may not gin up too much sensual ardor. Sad that he couldn’t make old Trump an actual martyr. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. You’re on the board of Microsoft, but you really shouldn’t be. You think you make a lot of sense, but instead you’re out of your tree. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. Reid Hoffman. So now I know why they were talking about Reed Hoffmande. Why did they bring this guy up? That if President Trump gets in, these guys are in a lot of trouble.

And there’s thousands of hours of videos between P. Diddy and Epstein. These guys are going down. And while they get to enjoy their high life and they continue to use their mainstream media pundits to continue to push them out to the public to make it look like everything’s fine and use their money to skew all the mines across this nation and cause all kinds of problems, well, their day’s coming. They’re doing all they can to stop it, thinking they’ve got enough in their banks to stop it all. But you know what? Enough’s enough. And it’s having an effect overall on all of we the people.

And I wanted you to see this as we close before we go to prayer on the American, the average American, how we’re feeling at this point in time. And this Democrat, this, I’m too poor to be a Democrat. Information that flies out will touch your heart and touch your soul. It’s the reason we’re fighting so hard against these elites that want to destroy this country and destroy each and every one of us. Here we go today, if you only watch one video today, make it this one. I did not grow up a middle class child and I am not a middle class person right now when I talk about the struggle, I’m talking about what’s real.

And I know most of the democrats, liberals and leftists are out here just living they best life. So much so that they run up to our comment sections and try to beat us with bootstraps. I did not grow up a middle class kid. And even though I keep reaching for it and reaching for it, it did not come from my kids either. And I’m still reaching for it. And I’m still reaching for it. I can’t seem to grasp it. And I will make no apologies for feeling like my voice is at least worth something, even if my pockets ain’t, even if I don’t own anything.

I own this and I am going to use it whether they like it or not. And nobody has to pay me for it. All those people in my comment section, Trump is paying you, white supremacists paying you. I got $15.37 in my bank account right now and I’m hungry. Nobody is paying me to speak what is real. It is real for me. Don’t tell me to get an education. I got it. Don’t tell me to get a better job. My job is pretty good. I make pretty good money. I cannot afford this rent. I cannot afford to get back in forth and pay for groceries and everything else.

I can’t. And even though you on the left and everybody else seems to be having parties at Obama’s and Diddy’s house with Oprah and the rest of the celebrities, a lot of us over here don’t have that privilege. I would appreciate it if y’all didn’t come and just rub it in. You look poor. I am poor. You need a better job. I need two jobs. Either you help or you keep your highfalutin democrat business to yourself. I don’t think y’all really understand clearly. Y’all in a whole nother world. Y’all in a whole nother world. Y’all do not understand what’s going on out here, but this supply chain is about to be even more jacked up for all those who are looking and watching, be prepared.

But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly father, we come to you again knowing that you provide the solutions for each one of us personally. We come before your throne boldly looking for continued abilities to be available to those in need. Many that are listening in are looking just to make it another day on this earth for just 1oz of hope. We know we get that from your word. We know we get that by getting on our knees before you and talking to you.

And you bring comfort and rest beyond all understanding. Many of those listening in that can provide support financially to other folks or can provide their amazing abilities to go up into mountains and help folks go to their neighbor and pray for them, bake food and cakes and take them out to those that are needing this, needing food, provide shelter for those that need it. We know we can’t rely on the government. We rely on people. And we rely on you to work the hearts and the minds of the people so that they would eventually come to know you through your son, Jesus Christ.

We ask for continued protection over our lives, over our families, over the those on the front lines again, that are working behind the scenes to ensure that this all plays out correctly so we can finally bring the freedom back to our country and get rid of these evil snakes. We know the propaganda and the lies will always be there until you return. But again, we’re looking for that red Sea moment. Once again, we ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your love, your support, your comments.

Many of you are so good to us. What an amazing journey we’ve been on. Hope we can continue this up until the election, getting this information out every day. There might be a day where I can’t. My son’s going into surgery Friday. That could be a day. We don’t have a video. I’m not sure, but we’ll. We’ll do the best we can for now. This lieutenant saying, semper fi with M. We know. Signing out. And I will make no apologies for feeling like my voice is at least worth something, even if my pockets ain’t, even if I don’t own anything.

I own this. And I am going to use it whether they like it or not. If you’re not cool with transitioning your child, you’re a villain. If you embrace your natural masculinity, you’re toxic. If you vote or think for yourself, you’re a disgrace. According to Obama, we know exactly what’s happening with the Democratic Party. We know that they’ve exploited us for over six decades. And we are saying, just like Moses said to Pharaoh, let my people go.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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