10.14.24: Foreign Enemies ACT? SNL roasts DEMS MSM Panic ELEVATED Blacks respond to KAMBALA PRAY! | And We Know





➡ The And We Know text discusses a pledge for “Liberation Day” in America on November 5, 2024, with strong support for Donald Trump as president. It mentions Trump’s increased assertiveness, likening him to a Marine Corps general ready for battle. The text also covers various political events and reactions, including Trump’s visit to Coachella, a Democratic stronghold, and the large turnout at his rallies. It ends with a call to action for people to vote and a mention of actor Dennis Quaid endorsing Trump.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including political opinions, conspiracy theories, and the aftermath of a disaster in Appalachia. They express dissatisfaction with Kamala Harris and the Democratic party, and suggest that Donald Trump may win the next election. They also share a story about weather manipulation and the struggles faced by people in Appalachia after a disaster, including lack of resources and support. Lastly, they promote a dietary supplement and discuss potential election day chaos, suggesting that internal threats are more concerning than external ones.
➡ The text discusses a series of political events and opinions, including large gatherings, potential military involvement, and accusations of treason. It also mentions concerns about the potential misuse of power, particularly in relation to the Justice Department and media. The text ends with a warning about the dangers of open borders and the potential impact on crime rates.
➡ Donald J. Trump, endorsed by the National Board of Patrol Council, has always supported border patrol agents and promises to increase their pay and retention bonuses if re-elected. He plans to use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to target and remove illegal immigrants, particularly those involved in criminal activities. Trump also promises to lower taxes, protect women’s sports, ensure energy independence, and secure elections among other things. His plans are supported by various communities and are aimed at strengthening the country’s economy, security, and overall well-being.
➡ JD Vance criticizes the mainstream media and Kamala Harris’s open border policy, blaming it for the rise of violent gangs in American apartment complexes. He argues that Donald Trump’s border policies were more successful and calls for their reinstatement. The text also discusses potential election fraud and the changing party identification in favor of Republicans. Lastly, it mentions a rising demand for silver and the possibility of using precious metals as an alternative currency.
➡ The text is a chaotic mix of dialogue and commentary, touching on various topics such as politics, comedy, and societal issues. It includes a game show-like scenario, a critique of Saturday Night Live, a discussion about President Biden and Vice President Harris, and a critique of former President Obama’s approach to black male voters. The text also mentions a character named “Tampon Tim” and a toy called “Accent Switch Kamala.”
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including the Harris Waltz campaign, Kamala Harris’s actions, and the role of black men in the 2020 election. It also touches on the topic of abortion and the illegal sale of fetal remains. The text emphasizes the importance of Christian faith in politics and encourages Christians to vote in the 2024 election. It ends with a prayer for guidance and protection for the nation.
➡ On November 5, 2024, it will be Liberation Day in America. The National Board of Tropical, representing 16,000 people, fully backs Donald J. Trump for U.S. president.



To everyone here in California and all across our nation, I make this pledge to you. November 5, 2024, will be Liberation Day in America. Liberation Day. On behalf of the 16,000 men and women represented by the National Board of Tro Council, we strongly support and endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States. You guys sense that President Trump seems to have taken his tone up a notch to that of a Marine Corps general ready to go to battle. The warning shots are going out in different directions and the media is having a hard time keeping up.

Saturday Night Live roasted the dems. You’re going to see that Wallace is in serious trouble. With accusations popping up. The Obama trick didn’t work. It’s not working anymore. People are rising up. Even Coachella, huge democratic stronghold. President Trump went out in that area in California to let him know how things are going to play out. The border is a big issue and, boy, something new popped up for all of us to see. The Foreign Enemies act. Here we go. Everyone here in California and all across our nation, I make this pledge to you. November 5, 2024, will be liberation Day in America.

Liberation Day. Liberation Day. We’re going to be liberated. Did you ever think you’d hear that ten years ago, 15 years ago, we’re going to liberate our country from criminals. How stupid are we? How stupid are these leaders? As stupid people, I will rescue California and every town across America that’s been invaded and conquered. And we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail or kick them the hell out of the country, which is number one. And we’ll put these criminals in jail. These bloodthirsty criminals in jail, number one. So he’s just talking about California and how they’re going to get their, their state back.

And then he talks about criminals going to jail, almost like he lumped them all together in one. Just to let you know he’s going to do it and it’s going to be done for all of us to see. Now. Very interesting. I want to show you this real quick, Joe Rambo, can it get any more obvious? As Joe Biden met with the storm team, he says Trump should get all the security needs as a sitting president. I’m sorry, will you approve Mister Trump’s request to use military aircraft in the final stages of the campaign? As long as he didn’t ask for f 15s.

Look, I’ve told the department to give him every single thing he needs for any other as he was sitting president. Give all that he needs if it fits within that category, that’s fine. But if it doesn’t, it shouldn’t. All right, a number of questions there to the president as he meets with his storm team in the Roosevelt room with an update on Hurricanes Milton and Helene. He said that Trump has been given all the security that he should be getting as a sitting president. Do you guys see this? I just want to show you the face.

Look at the lady here on the right. Right? When it flashes to her, she looks like she’s seen a ghost. Like, did I just hear that? Right? And he’s kind of like, uh, let’s see. There we go. Hurricanes Milton and Helene. He said that Trump has been given all the security that he should be getting as a sitting president. As a sitting presidente. As if he’s the president of the United States. Oh, could it just have been a slip up? Do the conspiracy folks out there realize that? Man, all these conspiracy keep coming true? Have we been going through this as a wake up call for all of America to finally get folks to say, you know what, I’ve seen it.

I feel it. I understand now what we were up against. Okay, now I’m going to show up for these rallies because they are so important. As we remember our nation taken back, here’s some views from different scene scenery. As President Trump has been traveling throughout the United States, you can see the number of people showing up has just been phenomenal, folks. The 47s everywhere. Can you imagine having that nice seat right there and watching your president give his speech? That beautiful scenery in the background, man, how wonderful that must have been. We are in a time in history people are going to remember these days, and hopefully they’ll be marked down in our history books for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

100,000 plus in Coachella got different views to show you. What a night. Thank you, said President Trump. Just amazing. And I saw a lot of videos, one clip in person particular where a lady said that she couldn’t believe that he went to Coachella. She had to double check to see if it was correct because it seemed like, you know, Coachella is a huge Democrat stronghold, and many folks that went to this particular rally went back to their vehicles and had several photos that reached my ex account showing broken windows and more. Just showing you that those people that support Kamala, when they go out to these rallies, they’re doing all they can to cause chaos, break all the windows of the cars and more because, you know, they’re the party of tolerance and they’re the ones that say we should accept everyone for who they are.

And we should do it real nicely with love. And we’re the ones that are the bigots, and we’re the ones that are filled with hatred, yet it’s quite the opposite. That’s how they play their game. If you guys are wondering about upcoming events for President Trump, it looks like Oaks, Pennsylvania will be the today, the 15th will be Atlanta, the 23rd, Duluth of Georgia. And then we’ve got events for JD Vance in Reading, Pennsylvania, has already done on the 16th, will be at Williamsport, Pennsylvania and more. So here’s some great clips from these. Destroyed this state, but we are going to save it and we’re going to make it better than ever before.

Yet I’ve come here today not only to talk about California, where you have one of the worst governors in the country, Gavin Newscomb. Gavin Newscomb, no, but you definitely had somebody here that was horrible. Kamala. Kamala. And now she wants to, now she wants to destroy our country. We’re not going to let her destroy our country like she did San Francisco, Francisco. Right. Yeah. So that pretty much, pretty much sums up how the crowd reacts to that. You know, I wanted to show you another thing real quick, just from Aurora, Colorado. You know, we show Coachella, but I wanted to show you this line of people.

An hour after the doors opening, Aurora, Colorado. Check this out in Aurora, an hour after they open, you still have lines of people. And folks are recording these and they’re uploading. They’re letting you know, look at the number of people showing up. It turns the corner and it goes as far as the eyes can see. That is phenomenal turnout for President Trump. And yet you think that they’ll probably try to figure out how to steal this election again? Oh, you betcha. They’re talking about it. As a matter of fact, they’re sharing on 60 Minutes. I was just watching the other day.

They are talking about, you know, how long it’s going to take for them to count all of the mail in ballots that come in. And they’re saying that President Trump is just a liar and that the election’s not going to be rigged. And so anyway, it’s important to get out there and vote. Dennis Quaid just endorsed the rightful president. Check, check this out. I’m here today to tell you that it’s time to pick a side. Are we going to be a nation that stands for the constitution or for tick tock? Are we going to be a nation of law and order or wide open borders? Which is it? Because it’s time to pick a side.

Yeah, that’s Dennis Quaid right there. Outstanding. Makes me want to go back and watch those dog movies. I forgot the title of them, but the one that I could never forget. Just wanted to throw this as a side note. Went to the theater back when this dog movie came out. I forgot the name. You guys are probably yelling at your screen right now. Right now because you know the title. But anyway, I walked into the theater to go see a different movie, and I remember the doors opening for the exit after a movie played about a particular dog.

And I saw these six foot men with giant muscles walking out with their wives. And just tears. Eyes watered. Everybody’s walking out crying. I said, what did you get? What was that movie? What are you guys, what did you guys go see? I asked him, oh, it’s the movie about the dog. And I. So I went in to watch. I thought, there’s no way I’m gonna cry in that thing. Oh, yeah, we. We definitely wait. Anyway, so I wanted to show you some more of this backlash against Obama. What you thought you was doing, Barack Obama, boy, you didn’t step out there.

All you did was piss black men off, bruh. All you did was piss black men off. Why y’all think the american people still. Why y’all think the Democrat party own black folk? The Democrat party don’t own black folks, bruh. What you thought you was doing with that? We see the play. We know we see the play. Kamala Harris is losing. She’s not gonna win. So you then stepped on out. Yeah. You know, black people, if you’re voting for Donald Trump and not Kamala Harris, this. This is unacceptable, man. Look, check this out. This is what I gotta say to you.

One, two, Trump is coming for you. Three, four, you won’t win no more. Five, six, the election was fixed. Seven, eight, y’all made a mistake. 910, Trump is coming again. 910, Trump is coming again. Bam. You know, guys, I put a lot of these clips. If you go below the video, you’re going to see that we have links to just about everything that I share and try to copy paste them in there, get them all lined up for you so you have them perfect to share and tell you what. It is just phenomenal the number of folks that are thankful for that they use in a lot of their podcasts and movies that are produced on this great awakening.

I’ve talked to many that use them and say, thank you for those links, and we try to get that out to you. Also, just wanted to keep you updated on the stuff that going on with Helene since we were just there talking about it. Hello, Lt. Thank you for all you do. I’ve been working for the Air Force for 20 years now. I first started working there, I made friends with the guy at the desk next to me. He used to tell me some interesting conspiracy theories, quote unquote. One day he was talking about whether manipulation, and showed me this coin he had received several years earlier from a dying friend that was in the air force.

I was the only person that he had shown it to and he didn’t want anyone else to know about it. A couple of years later, my friend died and I volunteered to clean out his desk. Remembering the coin. I just wanted to send this picture into proof there and has been manipulation going on for a very long time. I don’t know who else to send it to. I’m sending it to you. And so if you’re looking at this coin you see on the left own the weather for battle. It shows the tornado, and that’s not a good thing.

Fly, fight, win, and you’ve got another one. Choose the heaven to battle. Translated anytime, anywhere. So just wanted to prove to you once again that we’re getting information in on that. And if you guys have been looking at the efforts for relief in Helene, it’s been phenomenal to watch the work videos. Just flying in to social media, letting us know there’s workers out there doing the best they can to support these guys. And you can see the big movers, the moving the earth to get all of that fixed up so we can get the support that they need in that particular area.

Many folks have been sounding the alarm about what’s going on, and I wanted to show you this real quick. Came in contact with 60 families who had had zero help since day one. 60. 60 families without any help. All flights in the area of Pole Creek Baptist Church have been grounded. And if you look at my last video, you’ll get an idea of why they are trying to make communication difficult in the areas of chimney Rock and Batcave. Please share this. The media is not covering this. Evil things are happening to our neighbors in Appalachia. Get the word out there.

This is so serious. Lives are at risk. Lives are at risk. Folks have been sounding the alarm while the help has been pouring in. Many have seen many different difficult things out there. Wanted to play this clip for you. Check this out. Allowed myself time to think and absorb, which is a good thing. This is a beautiful place, and so much of it has been ruined. And there’s still so many people living without power or water, people running out of medications, especially insulin epipens. Oxygen is a huge deal. They can’t have oxygen concentrators running without electricity.

We have whole veterans homes, nursing homes with no electricity to cook, no lights to see, to do personal care, no supplies coming in for adult briefs, purified water for the infants and babies that I’ve been focusing on. People are using their disgusting water with sewage in it out of desperation to make baby bottles. And that’s just gonna cause so much sickness down the road. A month from now, there’s gonna just be so this is sherry heading back home from a week of volunteering at Black Mountain, North Carolina, and she’s letting you know what they’re doing. Appalachians are facing an immediate outbreak of dysentery.

Desperate moms are using unfiltered water with sewage in ithemenous to make bottles. So we’ve got to continue to get support up there. We know that they’re doing a land grab. It’s been pretty much, pretty much solid. Now it’s all, you know, it was alleged before, but man, it’s sure not looking good. We need to continue to hope that all this changes for the better and soon. For those that are looking for support with your health, here’s something to help you out. Important notice none of the Lt Petclub two four seven.com products, including their enforce supplements, have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Let’s say you win. I mean, let’s not. Let’s remember, you’ve got 50,000 chinese nationals in this country in the last couple of years. You have people on the terrorist watch list, 350 in the last couple of years. You’ve got, like you said, 13,000 murderers and 15,000 rapists. What are you expecting? Joe Biden said he doesn’t think it’s going to be a peaceful election day. Well, he doesnt have any idea whats happening in Rolfe. He spends most of his day sleeping. I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroying our country, by the way, totally destroying our country.

The towns, the villages, theyre being inundated. But I dont think theyre the problem in terms of election day. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think theyre the, and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary by national Guard or if really necessary by the military, because they cant let that happen. You told me back in February that you were going to rent out Madison Square Garden for a rally. Yeah. And now youre going to do it.

At the end of October, not only Madison Square Garden were taking four or five arenas. We fill them up very fast. As you know, we took where the islanders play in Long island. We had, I guess, 22, 23,000 people. And we could have sold it out literally three times with thousands of people. We had tens of thousands of people that couldn’t get in. We put screens on the outside of the building so they could see it but that was incredible. And we just signed on Madison Square Garden. We’re probably going to make a deal in Atlanta.

We’re trying to get the Atlanta arena and we fill them up in minutes. And there’s a great enthusiasm. Now, did we hear him right? Think about it logically. The only way is the military fully controlled save and spread once 11.3 verifies first marker. Well, we know the, this was released November 1, 2017. We’re coming up on that marker. And he said something interesting. Maybe the National Guard will go in if really necessary. How about the whole military? Oh, isn’t it interesting how these little things just drop right in the nick of time? And Andy talks about Madison Square Garden and then you go to MSDNC and you watch these guys panic, literally panic, as they realize President Trump is going to step in and their day is coming for treason.

I did not realize when I said that that he would actually go on television and say, I’m going to use the military to round up my political enemies. When I said that, I didn’t, General Flynn, who’s going to be very senior in this administration, didn’t say that the gates of hell will rain on my political enemies. When I said that I didn’t know that he was going to schedule a rally at Madison Square Garden to mimic the nazi rally of the 10 February 1939. Did they have to go look this up? Did this guy say, hey, give me some talking points, I’ll link that Madison Square Garden event that President Trump’s going to do.

Yeah, link that up to the Nazis. And you’re, as he’s stating this, you’re looking at literal, this MSNBC host, you know, we’ve got pictures of her. I think I have to go look those up and show them to you again. But this, this lady here with the green outfit on, well, she’s part of the Communist Party. She came out of that whole system and she wants that implemented in the United States. She’s been busted, but yet everything they do, they blame it on their opponents so that they won’t be caught. February, 1939. So we have, they’re telling you, and by the way, if they win, they’re going to correctly say, we have, we told you in election what we’re going to do and you voted for us.

You have green lighted the whole thing. And if we don’t tell people about that, if they don’t, if these young black men, how do you think they’re going to do if you’re a young black male and Trump inspired army roundup of people. How well do you think you’re going to do in that? You think you got nothing to lose? How about looking at american history for one time and see what can happen here? And they are telling you, we’re not making this up. This is not, we can be fact checked by anybody. They have promised military roundup.

They promised the gates of hell will rain on the enemies. The Supreme Court has green lighted it. They were asked the question, if a Navy SeAL is ordered to assassinate a political enemy, the president can’t beat. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s just part of his job. They are telling you they’re doing all of this. Pay attention to them right now, please. They’re telling you it’s, it’s, I’m exactly, that is exactly people paying attention to what he’s saying. It is. That is why I think Harris is telling people to watch his rallies. I wanted to ask you, too, about this.

What I find, one of the things that I think the panic is setting in, who are they talking to? Are they talking to Americans to tell them, watch out, because you don’t know what’s going to happen to you, America? Or are they talking to themselves in the mirror saying, oh, shoot, we need to do all we can because he’s going to have us arrested again. Here’s that marxist communist playbook. Remember, Karl Marx said, the father, you know, he’s the father of communism. Accuse your enemy of what you are doing as you are doing it, to create confusion.

That’s the communist one. And then I had a picture of Psaki. You guys are wondering what I was talking about. Here we go, right there. Jen Psaki, horrified over Speaker Johnson’s christian faith. Wonder why she was a member of that. You see that on her hat there? It’s not AI generated. That’s original photo. See? Are there other folks out there? Oh, yeah. Some more. Ms. DNC support of those who are alarmed, be alarmed because President Trump is so dangerous. And they show a picture of him as if he’s shouting with his hair all in a ray behind a moon, as if he’s like a wolf or something.

Oh, my goodness. But what jumped out as potentially the most alarming detail was that within the actual Trump campaign, the person whose name is being floated to be Trump’s attorney general of the United States to run the Justice Department is this guy. We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government, but in the media. Yes. We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about american citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re going to come after you whether it’s criminal or civilly. We’ll figure that out. But, yeah, we’re putting you all on notice.

Oh, yeah, go ahead and play that over and over again because that’s what’s coming. You guys are in a panic mode. That is cash Patel, the former chief of staff to Trump’s secretary of defense, a man who is apparently on the short list for attorney general if Donald Trump retakes office. Now, Trump has not been shy about his desire to weaponize the DOJ and use it to go after his enemies. And we should probably take him at his word about that. Oh, take him at his word. He’s going after his enemies or the enemy of the people, not his enemies.

He’s going to go after you guys. The liars think he is serious. But don’t just take it from me. Last month, Trump announced that all of the January 6 committee members should go to jail. And today, the LA Times interviewed some of those members to ask how seriously they were taking those threats. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren said, one thing I learned on the committee is to pay attention and listen to what Trump says because he means it. If he intends to eliminate our constitutional system and start arresting his political enemies, I guess I would be on that list.

The paper also interviewed Congressman Adam Schiff, who Trump has made one of his top political enemies. Schiff told the Times that he is having real time conversations with his staff about how to make sure he stays safe if Trump follows through on his threats. So the danger here is apparently very real, and the Biden administration is doing something about it. Right before Trumps potential future attorney general, Cash Patel told Steve Bannon that he would use the government to go after Trumps enemies, Patel laid out what he thinks would need to happen within the government to empower him.

He’d have to clean house. So anyway, don’t need to show you any more of this. Just showing you once again that when they report the information, it’s to protect their political background. There, the mainstream media, with their CIA agents, they have to do all they can to get into the minds of the people that continue to watch MSNBC, to believe that shifty shift says a good guy and all these other folks on the unselect committee are, they’re good people. But you know what? When the truth comes out and they’re exposed for their lies and they’re exposed for everything that they did to try to hurt this country and rig the elections, and more.

It’s not President Trump putting them on the treason block. It’s their own actions. But they’re going to have you convinced that it’s all President Trump and he’s this mean guy and he’s going after his opponents. Oh, no, we’re going to use law and order. And these folks, like this news anchor here who’s paid to read all the propaganda information that’s given to her, and she gets paid more money for continuing to keep that rhetoric going. As the CIA agent that she probably is, she will move forward until they finally say, let’s see the comms. Between you and the opponents of this nation, it’s time to wake up.

Other things that happened. We had the border Patrol union representing 16,000 great men and women of border patrol. They know the real dangers of Kamala. America, I have a message for you. If we allow borders R. Harris to win this election, every city, every community in this great country is going to go to hell. The untold millions of people, unvetted, who she has allowed into this country that are committing murders, rapes, robberies, burglaries, and every other crime will continue to put our country in peril. Only one man can fix that. That is Donald J. Trump. He has always stood with the men and women who protect this border, who put their lives on the line for the country.

A man who knows about putting his life on the line for what is right. This November, we have a choice to make. Continue the chaos, allow the criminal cartels to control the border, to allow drugs and fentanyl across our country, or put an end to it once and for all. On behalf of the 16,000 men and women represented by the National Board of Patrol Council, we strongly support and endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States. It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal. President Trump then came out and said this. We need the agents.

We have to. We need them badly. And keeping our incredible veteran agents on the force. Don’t leave us. Raise your right hand. You’re not going to leave. You’re not going to leave. Don’t leave us. I don’t have to worry about them. They’re very committed people. If we paid them nothing, they’re not leaving. They want to save our country. They’re going to save our country. But after I win, I will be asking Congress immediately to approve a 10% raise. I haven’t had one in a long time. For all ages and a $10,000 each retention and signing bonus.

So we’re going to. We’re going to retain them. We’re going to retain them. Gonna be phenomenal. All that money’s been flying out towards those illegals. Get it back. Put it in the pockets of the right people that will take them out. And it’s interesting because President Trump said, we’ll send the elite squads of iCe, border patrol, and federal law enforcement officers to hunt down, arrest, and deport every last illegal alien gang member until there is not a single one left. If they come back, it’s an automatic ten years in jail with no possibility of parole. And I’m hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an american citizen or a law enforcement officer.

We will close the border. We will stop the invasion of illegals into our country. We will defend our territory. We will not be conquered. We will reclaim our sovereignty. And Colorado will vote for Trump as a protest and signal to the world that we are not going to take it anymore. I’ll give you back your freedom and your life. He had some other endorsements, too, and I’ll get more into the border stuff in a minute, especially with the act of 1798. Here you go. World has no war under President Trump administration. Only President Trump has enough love for our children to make education good again.

Only President Trump has enough love for our business owner and working class to make economy strong again. Only President Trump has enough love for our Americans to make our border safe again. So that’s the vietnamese community leaders getting out strongly together endorsing President Trump. Amazing. Folks, we got some more coming your way. I wanted to show you also that we’re going to have a little bit of comedy from Saturday Night Live and a commercial accent switch. Oh, we’re at. And we know.com dot. Sometimes I need a good laugh, folks. And we know.com is where we’re at.

I’m going to show you this site. It is absolutely brilliant what has done, been done with this site. So many great things. Here we’ve got our social media that can be found. Our X Facebook, Instagram, and telegram and podcast. If you’re just listening in, you click on that button, you hit that contact button. When you click on it, it’ll switch over and you’ll see. Contact us. Put your name, your email, and there’s different things you can do. Send a photo, send a note to lt if you want to advertise with us, general inquiry and more. And also, just wanted to let you know that all of our videos can be found here.

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And you know, you can get ready for election day with 28% off all statement tees. I’m voting for a convicted felon. Fight for freedom. Did I do not comply and use code? Vote 828 and wear your button on election day. Pretty cool. So here’s great pictures of more patriots wearing our gear. Here we are. Fletch 17 sent this in. Did you all know this? Trump to announce Operation Aurora during his Colorado stop today. For a senior campaign official, it’s a targeted deportation effort that invokes the Alien Enemies act of 1798. Did y’all know what the act says? Do you know it’s still in effect today? The Alien and Sedition Acts were a set of four laws enacted in 1798 that applied restrictions to immigration and speech in the United States.

The Naturalization act increased the requirements to seek citizenship the Alien Friends act allowed the president to imprison and deport non citizens, the Alien Enemies act gave the president additional powers to detain non citizens during times of war, and the Sedition act criminalized false and malicious statements about the federal government. The Alien Friends act and the Sedition act expired after a set of number year number of years, and the Naturalization act was repealed in 1802. The Alien Enemies act is still in effect. You talked to RorA about the implementation of the Foreign Enemies act of 1798 to target the illegal aliens streaming into this country from 168 other nations.

Why did you go that route? Well, it’s been sitting there. People have talked about it. It’s been tried. It’s held up. It’s very old. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. It’s been there for a long time, and people haven’t used it. But we’ve never had a country that was abused like our country is being abused now. Nobody probably thought they had to use it. I didn’t really want to use it. When I cleaned up the border in 2016, I probably won the race based on the border, and I got it done. But that border was peanuts compared to this.

This is a major in history. There’s never been a border so bad as this, and this is all selfdevelop inflicted. What they’ve done to our country is, and you cover it very well, but what they’ve done to our country is not even believable. Allowing murderers and drug dealers and everybody, it’s just they don’t even know who they are. All they know is they’re murderers. Drug. They don’t even know. They don’t know where they are, who they are. They’re all over the place. They can’t. So I wanted to show you this from Aurora just on that note so you guys understand.

Here we go. Federal entry. I’m announcing today that upon taking office, we will have an operation aurora at the federal level to expedite the removals of these savage gangs. And I will invoke the Alien Enemies act of 1798. Think of that. 1798. This was put there. 1798. That’s a long time ago, right? To target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on american soil. Who would have ever thought that a president or future president would ever have to stand here and say such things? Who would think that that’s even possible to have to do. Yep, but it’s possible, and it’s going to play out.

I’m surprised that we haven’t been hearing from the mainstream media on this one. Just going crazy. Can you believe it? That he’s actually going to use something implemented to protect our country? How could he do such a thing? President Trump. Low taxes, low regulations, and inflation. Build the wall to port illegals. Protect women’s sports. No tax on tips or overtime. No tax on Social Security and energy independence. Affordable gas, world peace, manufacturing dominance, school choice. Cancel the EV mandate. Defend the constitutional rights. Reduce crime, housing affordability and sanctuary cities. Stop World War three. Rebuild our cities and the weaponization of government and CRT in schools, secure elections and cap the credit card interest rates pretty cool.

And then you’ve got Donald Trump junior showing this with JD Vance, how he continues to take out the mainstream media. The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment conflicts, apartment complexes. And the mayor said our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerned. A handful of problems only. Martha, do you hear yourself? Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by venezuelan gangs. And Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris’s open border. Americans are so fed up with what’s going on and they have every right to be. And I really find this exchange, Martha, sort of interesting because you seem to be more focused with nitpicking everything that Donald Trump has said rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken over by violent gangs.

I worry so much more about that problem than anything else here. We’ve got to get american communities in a safe space again. And unfortunately, when you let people in by the millions, most of whom are unvetted, most of whom you don’t know who they really are, you’re going to have problems like this. Kamala Harris 94 executive orders that undid Donald Trump’s successful border policies. We knew this stuff would happen. We bragged about opening the border and now we have the consequences and we’re living with it. We can do so much better. But frankly, we’re not going to do better, Martha, unless Donald Trump calls this stuff out.

I’m glad that he did. I’m glad that he did, too. Really good stuff there. JD Vance, really proud of him. And he’s moving forward, taking out the mainstream media and they’re trying to minimize, you know, there’s just a handful of apartment complex complexes. They went in with these guns and took over. Come on, it’s just a few. It’s not thousands or hundreds of thousands. Just a few. Who cares, right? The illegals can go and do whatever they want. It’s just, just a few of them. It’s how stupid they are. Rasmussen reports showed this it’s October surprise.

Nine trucks, one to one and a half million counterfeit mail ballots in each. The US Postal Service refuses to disclose who paid for them. The federal judge to rule this week on the 81 million votes. Remember, from 2020 Pennsylvania 2020 counterfeit ballot transport case update. The federal court decisions this week could finally force the postal Service to identify the counterfeiters and help stop whatever they are doing again now it’s in the description box below. For all of you to see they’re having trouble. They’ve got to get these ballots in. They need to rig this election because it’s not looking good even when the communist news network lets you know.

All right, so party id nationally, you go to October, November of 2016, Democrats had a three point advantage. You go four years ago, Democrats had a six point advantage. Look at where we are today, Manu, Republicans with a one point advantage, a very different picture, very much mirroring what we see in the party registration numbers in those key battleground states and Pennsylvania in particular. It actually just shows you, too, why Harris is taking, doing what she’s trying to do. She’s trying to moderate a little bit on these issues, trying to reach those very voters because the party registration is changing and the demographics of the voters are changing.

Those are the people she needs to attract. Absolutely. And, you know, the GOP leads by a point in party identification right now. The average when the republican party loses is the Democrats ahead by eight when the republican party wins. The average party id advantage for Democrats at three Republicans right now, Manu are doing even better than the average when they win. If there’s one little nugget that I think Republicans are really helpful for, it’s this party id and this party registration data. It really points in a good direction for them and for Donald Trump. Wow. Wow, indeed.

So somebody put this in there. So here it is. Irrefutable evidence confirms beyond the shadow of a doubt they put the ballots on the wrong truck, they picked the wrong man. Oh, yeah. So the first question we should all ask is, where’s Jesse’s trailer? Where is it? Where’d it go? What was the route it took after it left? I think it’s a reasonable question, one that I think any reasonable American who’s curious about 24 pallets ballots, where they went. So we have a number of teams supporting the Armistot effort. One of them is my own London center intelligence team.

They did the estimate of ballots. So just so you all understand what we’re talking about, depending on the density, depending on the trays. And again, this leads back to Greg’s story. Seeing these ballots showing up in the counting rooms in the middle of the night, that’s the pointy end of the spear. We trace it back through all the different machinations to Jesse, to his mass transportation of these things. And I can tell you, other investigations that are now ongoing with our field elements are developing the next set of leads. It doesn’t stop at Beth Page I.

It only begins there. It only begins there. The numbers are going to start adding up. Could we see 2020 get reversed and all kinds of fireworks going off everywhere? Oh, wouldn’t that be phenomenal? I tell you, we’d be pretty excited about that. And tell you, also excited about the future of America. We’re going to usher in a new golden age of american success for the citizens of every, every race, religion, color and creed. Yep, golden age seems to be moving on. Also, the silver age is moving forward. There’s a new demand for silver. Could wipe out the ground supply.

Russia’s added silver to state fund reserves. And could silver hit triple digits? Well, I’ve been hearing about this from Doctor Kirk Elliott. If you guys missed that interview yesterday, it was phenomenal. And he’s onto something here with these, these folks that are coming around looking like they’re going to wipe out silver for all to see. Check out this clip. And I encourage you to check out the video from yesterday. We can’t actually use the ruble for international transactions. We can’t do this. They’re handcuffing us from actually feeding our. Which is what sanctions are supposed to do.

Right. In economic warfare. That’s what a sanction would do. But Putin got ticked, so he basically is taking some of their gold reserves and private courier like Shipp or whatever, getting them to Hong Kong so they can buy goods and services with the gold that they own. Interesting. Putin is using gold as barter on a country wide scale. Right? So when we talk about that, getting out of the system, getting out of the central bank digital currency, getting out of big brother in your bank account, and not being a digital slave in their digital world, sometimes people say, Kirk, so you’re talking crazy talk.

This is conspiracy theory. The world’s not falling apart. We’re not having a zombie apocalypse. Why would you talk about barter? Right? Well, because either you take the mark of the beast or you don’t. You better have an alternative, in my opinion. Because what they’re doing right here, the ability to cut you off from buying or selling if their ideology doesn’t match up, that’s what it appears to be to me. Right. So mw.com gold, you can actually reach out to Doctor Kirk Ellet, yourself and his staff, and they will help you, and they’ll answer your questions just like I have the interview with them.

You can interview them also, and they’ll help you out, folks, in this whole strange deal that’s playing out with us with this precious metals and more, it’s something definitely that you want to check out. So I promised you to get to Kamala and some of the stuff on Saturday Night Live. I think we need a little bit of laughter here. But first I want to play this clip. And here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. It makes you wonder. It makes you wonder, why does his staff want him to hide away? One must question. One must question.

Are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable to lead America? Is that what’s going on? Interesting, interesting sound from a crowd. I mean, it sounds like it’s a little overblown. Zoom in the camera. There’s about 20 people in the back. And I noticed they’ve got these glowy things. I don’t know. Anybody know what these things are? Maybe you can let us know below the video why they’re wearing these things around their wrists. Does that mean that they’re marked somehow to let them into the building so they can scream and yell or they’re paid something? I don’t know where they given gifts.

I don’t get it. Anyway, Saturday Night Live, take it. All right, let’s play the game. Okay, 100 people survey, top six answers on the board. Name something that you keep in your glove compared to, oh, BP Harris. Steve. Look, I was raised in a middle class family, all right? Oh, here we go. Okay. My mother raised my sister and me, all right? She worked hard and saved up. Yeah. And we had a second mother, too. Okay, did that mother have a glove compartment? A small business owner named Miss Shelton. Okay, we got that. Something that you keep in your glove.

No compartment. Oh, a Glock, Steve. A big old Glock. Oh. Oh. Oh, snap. Okay, so you strapped like that? All right, show me the blip. Blam. Blicky. All right, number two answer. The Democrats is controlling the board. Let’s go. All right, Doug Immemorph, name something that you keep in your glove capacity. Oh, wow. I mean, I can’t top that. It was so perfect. I’ll go with the same answer, Steve. A Glock. You want to give the same answer? That seemed like a bad strategy, but show me another blip. Blam. Blicky. Oh, that’s crazy. A second gun.

That’s the number one answer. Damn, America. All right, let’s go over to Tim Walsh. Okay, something that you keep in your glove compartment. This is right in my wheelhouse, in my glove box. I got hot hands, napkins from Runza, and gotta have tums in case I eat something spicy like Tomato. If you say so. Show me some white nonsense. Oh, sorry, I’m not up there. Let’s go over to President Joe Biden that you keep in your glove box. I like to buy a vowel. That is. That’s the wrong game, player. Come on, Conan. What are you doing? It’s me.

I’m still the president. I’m Joe. I may be older. I’ll beat the hell out of you. I’ll pop you. I’ll give you an uncle Sandwich. You know how to do it? I can make sandwiches. And guess what? Here’s the deal. I’m not the old one. Now, Trump is the only difference. I know when to walk away. About six months too late. Okay, show me whatever that was. Oh, yeah. So they’re. They’re seemingly going after Saturday Night Live. It’s just strange that we’re watching the real comedy coming back because these are the ones that are the freaks of.

All right. Oh, man, that felt good. And Donald doesn’t think I’m black. Okay, listen up, everyone. We couldn’t have gotten here without one man, and his name is J. Biden. Get on out here, J. Biden, folks. That’s right. A lot of people forget I’m president, including me. But guess what? And by the way, I think I did a pretty good job. I passed more bills than in president history. But, folks, we still got work to do. No joke. I’m being serious right now. Come on. And guess what. And by the way, the fact of the matter is, the rich don’t pay their fair share.

They gotta pay the fair share. We gotta build back. Better build back the better. The better. Build back the better. Can’t believe it’s not butter. Thank you to bottom. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. And I just want to say. I just want to say thank you, J. Biden. Thank you for putting country first and for handing over the reins. I didn’t want to. They made me. And guess what? And by the way, the fact of the matter is no joke. This is serious right now. Are you serious? Anyway, in conclusion, me and I and Vice President Harris are the same.

Oh, okay. Ha ha. Great stuff. Thank you, Joe. Thank you so much. Thank you. All right. Goodbye, Joe. Goodbye. Goodbye, then. Bye. Listen, all right, we gotta stay focused, okay? And let me tell you something. If we win together, we can end the dramala and the traumala and go relax in our pajamalas. Cause if there’s one thing I know. Uh oh. He’s back. He’s back. Whoopsie. All right, you want in? Yeah, come on in. Okay. Hey. Hey there. Is that nice? They even put the sniffing in there. I’m wondering how in the world they were able to get by with this.

And I’m wondering once again, and I brought this up before, and, guys, I don’t have all the answers, and I watch a lot of this stuff, and you do, too. But who gave them permission to attack the Democrat party? Have the puppet masters been taken away? Are they gone now? And now Saturday Night Live has been given the freedom to do what they used to do to have their comedians able to bring out what America really is looking for when it comes to comedy. Who knows? But there’s other folks out there that put out commercials like this.

And then we’re going to get to other information about Obama and Tim Waltz and some other things about our children. But I wanted to play this as we’re going forward with some comedy comma till who needs personality when you can switch who you are at the push of a button? Oh, hello, young lady. Quite a marvelous day. Innitileigh. Why does she talk so weird? Let me play with her. Well, hey there, little nugget. I’m gonna be the first black female president of the United States of America. Man, this doll sucks. Accent switch Kamala can emulate any accent you like as long as it grants her credibility.

I am your mother. But wait, there’s more. All new accent switch Kamala comes with two bags of campaign money, a blind eye for illegal immigration, and her own multilap 3000 generator. Laugh in every way possible. Accent switch Kamala. Turn your life into a complete circus. When you give me more money like Uncle Joey did, don’t you wear a little, man, the money’s coming. I don’t understand. Oh, excuse me, honey. I meant to say, uh, the money is coming. I love ice cream. Come on, map. It’s accent switch kamala and brand new tampon Tim. You know, my grandma always used to say, come on, la jono.

Please wash your hands so we can eat our chicken masama switch kamala. How about that nadal tampon Tim on there? Also amazing because the strange comms have been happening because we had hunters become the hunted on October 14, 2020. Fast forward to four years and you see that old tampon. Tampon Tim goes hunting. Strange. Also, tampon was really struggling today. And at the same time, we had the breaking report from Chuck Cholestro that the 14 year old boy was assaulted by him at a local concert. And he explained it in detail on what happened in that particular scenario.

And it’s sick to read. I placed on your screen for a moment if you want to pause it and watch these things. Also, the videos have been coming out. The Tim Waltz, the men, they want you to vote for the most powerful country in the world. And he’s got different videos of him out there doing some very sick things. I don’t need to show those videos to you, but he’s been exposed for the masses to see. And that particular person making those remarks about being a 14 year old assaulted by him is going to go public with that pretty soon.

And so, speaking of going public, it didn’t work for Obama when he went out there to try to get folks to, you know, come back to the Democrat party. These things are not working well for them at all. Absolutely. Barack Obama was a plant. Barack Obama was, yes, a plant. He did nothing for the black community. Did he ever come back to Chicago with this much crime to talk to young black men? He doesn’t give a damn. Barack Obama is a curse on this nation. So is Joe Biden. Bomb a nation, money for his marxist socialist programs pushing abortion in Africa, another nation.

He didn’t care about us. No, he didn’t care. That gave rise to Trump because Trump actually listened to us. And so anyway, that’s a podcast. But then communist news network, you won’t believe it. Why are black men being lectured to? Why are black men being belittled in ways that no other voting group, a tour of media to appeal to men, they need to appeal to the needs of the voters. And so when I was a delegate for President Obama, in both of his elections in Ohio, right now, the vice president is down eleven points in Ohio, even though I fully expect President Trump to take Ohio, as he did twice, but to be down eleven points compared to President Biden, that is a problem.

But this other issue I want to bring up is a problem, too. Why are black men being lectured to? Why are black men being belittled in ways that no other voting group. Now, a lot of love for former President Obama, but for him to single out black men is. And some of the black men that I have talked to have their reasons why they want to vote a different way. And even if some of us may not like that, we have to respect it. So unless President Barack Obama is going to go out and lecture every other group of men from other identity groups, my message for Democrats is don’t bring it here to black men who, by and large, don’t vote much differently from black women.

And as a politician, we should be trying to get all voters to vote. And hopefully, there are a few good men out there who do care about the stripping away of some of women’s bodily autonomy. But this is wrong for President Obama. It is a wrong course for the Harris Waltz campaign to lay at the feet of black men when they have their reasons in 2020. The vice president was labeled a cop, as we know. Do you think does, sorry to interrupt you, Nina, but do you think he’s right, that some of the reason, one of the reasons is because they don’t like the idea of a white woman? It might be some.

Listen, black men are socialized in the same society as any other man. So, yes, is misogyny maybe a part of it? But again, is President Obama and is the Harris Waltz campaign going to lecture other male groups in the same way that they’re lecturing? How about that CNN, out of all places, Saturday Night live making fun of the Democrats, the panic setting in of the mass arrest that might be coming out for them. They sense it. They feel it. And they know legally they don’t have anything to stand on. But there’s folks out there that are pushing for this even more.

Even Jennifer Garner. Yeah. Endorsed Kamala Harris, the Hollywood actress who has a non binary daughter and a daughter who wears a Covid mask full time, said, is there anything sexier than a man who is like men for Kamala? So she’s going out there trying to get the men for Kamala. Kamala is a very dangerous person. And Tucker Carlson had this guest on to share with all about how she protected baby organ harvests. Having fled myself California decades ago. I’m just watching this on the news. But she seemed to have special animus toward pro life people. Yes.

Thank you for raising that. So I represent David Daleiden, who is one of the most courageous young Americans I’ve had the privilege to represent in my 31 years of practicing law. David went undercover in a long form undercover investigation spanning years posing as a purchaser of fetal tissue in order to expose Planned Parenthood and national abortion Federation systematic violation of federal law. It’s illegal in the United States, as it should be in every civilized place to buy fetal remains for any reason. But there’s, in fact, a brisk trade in fetal remains and planned Parenthood and its members of the National Abortion Federation members were circumventing or flouting federal law.

Bye. Openly by offering price lists for different parts of feudal remains. And, you know, this is a con on multiple levels. So women who are unsure when they went into a abortion clinic what they should do, they’re in a crisis. Their boyfriend has abandoned them. One of the selling points used by these abortion merchants is, well, the remains of your child will go to a good cause. They’ll be used for research. It’s illegal to sell those remains, but actually, Planned Parenthood clinics were caught offering them for sale to researchers. And so David busted them by taping in San Francisco hotel lobbies at abortion trade shows.

Believe it or not, a national abortion federation runs trade shows for abortion providers. He collected this testimony, this evidence by himself and with a couple of other helpers over the years and then exposed it in video recordings that he made public. And so this whole video is in the description box below for you to watch. But it’s just showing you once again how sick these people are. President Trump put out this photo and he said, from the very beginning of this journey, I have been on a mission to rescue our nation from a failed and corrupt political establishment.

I will never quit. I will never bend. I will never break. And I will never yield, not even in the face of death itself. A reminder to those that might be new to this channel. We do not worship President Trump, nor do we claim that he’s the savior for America. There’s only one savior. It’s Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior. Our heavenly Father sent his only son to this earthen for all of us, and I know, as christians were called, to be a light in the darkness with all the darkness that we see. And I believe this great revival has been playing out for the past seven, eight years.

We’ve been watching not only a nation realize that the government hates God throughout the scriptures, we’ve been learning once again, they didn’t want us talking about politics and religion because we knew if we mixed the two and we looked at the word of God and found out that that’s what it’s really going on, that the government hates anyone who sides with our heavenly Father, they’ll do all they can to destroy that, that truth. But as we watch our nation come back together to what the founders wanted in the first place, then we get to clips like this to end today with JD Vance.

There is a lot of wisdom in the christian faith and in the christian tradition, a lot of solutions to the problems that confront our country. And unfortunately, there is a lot of leadership coming from Washington that is in a very, very dark place. The Kamala Harris administration has been a chief opponent of freedom, of conscience, of free speech, and of religious liberty in this country. They were labeling parents who are going to school board meetings to raise their voice, domestic terrorists in their own country, children taken from their parents because their parents won’t consent to life altering gender reassignment surgery.

Tim Wall says governor of Minnesota pursued legislation that would do abortion right up to the moment of birth. We can disagree about abortion policy, but that is just sick. And I think we are, as, as christians are called to be a light in a dark place. The core part of christian social teaching in our country is that we want to build strong communities. We want to build strong neighborhoods, and we want to build strong families. But you can’t have strong neighborhoods and strong communities if the federal government is ordering teachers to do something against the will of parents.

Donald Trump and I believe the first amendment protects your right to live your faith as you see fit and raise your children in the values that matter to you. Millions of church going christians will not vote in the 2024 election unless we convince them to. I want you to do everything that you can to get out there and fight for this country and make sure people get out to vote. They want us disparity. They want us depressed. They want us disconnected from this political process. But our faith is in the Lord God almighty, and our God is a God of hope.

So let’s go win this thing and let’s do it together. God bless you guys, and thanks for having me. Estimated 25 million christians don’t vote in America 2024. The time to vote is now. I wanted to read this to you, grasshopper. Put this together. President Trump 24 50 drop. We are going to show you a new world. Those who are blind will soon see the light. This beautiful, brave new world lies ahead. We take this journey together one step at a time. Where we go one, we go all. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much once again for continuing to guide and direct our lives, to show us the ways that you are at work in so many lives, to have real folks that stand for you and your word at the forefront of leadership, to see a change in our own president, President Trump, through the years, as he’s continued to recognize you and your son, Jesus Christ, for JD Vance to continue to lift up the word of God and say that his faith was changed years ago. And now he talks as a man convicted, convicted for, convicted of fighting for this nation, as the young marine that he is.

Love for our country, as his hillbilly book puts out to all of us. Well, times are tough. Things are hard. We’re Americans. We care about each other. We care about our neighbors. We love each other, despite the hardships that we’re under. And yet, through all of this, we still have an ability to understand that this nation was founded on christian principles. We know that. We ask and hope that you would continue to give us the right words, the right mindset to move forward with our neighbors and our friends, those that we have left to protect our nation, protect our country, and protect those out there around this earth hoping for a solution in their own government, their own way, but revival in all of our lives.

Back to you, and we ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Let’s get through this another week as we get closer to this election. Hopefully we’ll be able to provide you updates and you guys will be able to continue to stay in prayer. Please hit that subscribe button, follow button, and share. We’d really appreciate that. And thank you for your prayers. For now, this is lt saying semper Phi with them. We know signing out to everyone here in California and all across our nation, I make this pledge to you.

November 5, 2024, will be Liberation Day in America. Liberation Day. On behalf of the 16,000 men and women represented by the National Board of Tropical, we strongly support and endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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