10.11.24: Timing is EVERYTHING Trump NY case? Notice RESIGNATIONS Kamala teleprompter OBAMA up? P





➡ The article discusses a court case involving Trump, accusations of a staged photo op by Kamala Harris, and criticisms of FEMA’s response to recent hurricanes. It also mentions dissatisfaction with the current administration and hints at military movements. The text suggests that local communities and volunteers are stepping up where government agencies have failed, particularly in disaster response.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including a situation involving dive teams at Diddy’s home, the speaker’s positive experience with a product called Revive, criticism of mainstream media, and a conversation with President Trump. The speaker also mentions a lack of support for Kamala Harris compared to Barack Obama, and ends with people in Obama’s old neighborhood expressing support for Trump.
➡ In this neighborhood in South Chicago, many residents express their support for Donald Trump, praising his policies and criticizing Obama. They believe Trump has done more for the black community and want him to continue his work. Trump announces plans to make car loan interest fully deductible and cut energy and electricity prices in half, which he believes will stimulate domestic auto production and make car ownership more affordable. The residents hope for more investment in their community and believe Trump’s policies will bring positive changes.
➡ This text discusses the importance of voting based on Christian values and the potential manipulation of election results. It suggests that there may be a secret group working to influence the outcome of elections. The text also discusses a court case involving President Trump, where the prosecution struggled to provide examples of similar cases in the past. The author expresses concern about the potential for election fraud and the need for vigilance.
➡ The text discusses a series of resignations and arrests in New York’s city hall amid ongoing federal investigations. It also mentions a court case involving Trump and the potential for election interference. The text further discusses a man arrested for an election day terror plot, raising questions about his radicalization and the security of the country. Lastly, it touches on the importance of elections and the role of politics in society.
➡ The text discusses the importance of Christians being active in their communities and politics, arguing that the issues faced by the country are not just political, but spiritual. It criticizes the Democratic party for promoting what the author believes are ungodly practices. The text also highlights the importance of voting and choosing the candidate who best upholds Christian values. It ends by discussing the controversy around the death penalty, arguing that it is an unjust and ineffective punishment.
➡ The text discusses various topics including speculation about a potential interview with President Trump on the Joe Rogan show, the belief in government corruption, and the importance of exposing election fraud. It also emphasizes the role of faith and prayer in times of crisis, and ends with a critique of a court case involving Trump, suggesting it was brought forward due to political motivations.


So the Trump fraud case went before the appellate court this week, and by the time it was over, the closing arguments of the Democrat lawyers was just them begging to not get sanctioned. May it please the court. Judith? Bail for the New York attorney general’s office. All of the defendants repeatedly violated. Miss Vale, can you identify any previous case which the attorney general sued under executive law 6312 to upset a private business transaction? And then by the time they were done, the judges were like, I don’t even know if this is a case that should have been brought.

And they said, look, y’all might need to be sanctioned for bringing this case in a malicious manner. One of the judges actually said, I have come to believe that since a case like this has never been brought in the history of the country, not only New York, that you have only brought this case because the person was running for president. You see, that’s the real threat to democracy. Stupid people. That’s the threat. Our biggest threat to democracy is stupid people. If I can make it there, I’m gonna make it anywhere. It’s up to you. New York, New York, New York.

Well, each day brings its share of surprises for all of us. One of the biggest is how much trouble the prosecutors Trump are in New York City. Their resignation happening in New York also. Oh, big surprises. We are seeing comms roll out and about the timing of everything, including the military movements that we’ve seen lately. Helene and Milton are still in the picture as we’re going to share some more of the way the government handles things and why we shouldn’t trust them and how that’s a good wake up call. And pastors, we’re going to show you some of those that are sharing their perspectives from the pulpits, finally getting all that out here, this election.

It’s actually happening. Here we go. And then also from that video, I started getting a lot of messages, like, to my instagram from, like, actual, like, aircraft commanders. Like, squadron commanders. No kidding. I had a squadron commander from North Carolina reach out to me. They had to load a c 17 full of supplies just to take a photo off for Kamala. And they never sent the birdhouse. Wait a minute. What? They loaded an entire c 17 full of supplies for the hurricane victims just for Kamala to go there, take a photo, take a video, and they never sent the c 17.

It was just a floor. That was a national Guard, North Carolina National Guard unit. That was an zero six that reached out to me, and then I had another. He reached out to you to tell you that they did a photo op. And I with the intention of never sending. Never sending. It was just a photo op. So this accusation came from aerial recovery members Jonathan Howard and Charlie Kvah on Sean Ryan’s show. Aerial recovery is a nonprofit organization focused on disaster response and humanitarian aid, which has been active in North Carolina after Hurricane Elaine. Of course, Kamala Harris again directed the North Carolina National Guard to load disaster relief supplies onto a cargo plane solely for a photo op.

No intention of actually sending the supplies to the storm victims. It’s par for the course for her. I mean, you know, she gets up in the town hall in front of folks and everything. Time she answers something she needs. A teleprompter. Are you a Republican? Are you a Democrat? Teleprompter. Are you okay? And sadly, we have seen over the last two weeks since Hurricane Helene. Interesting, huh? They made a huge mistake. Showing that teleprompter for all to see pretty much means just about every question is already scripted. They need her to look as presidential as possible and, you know, play it for everyone.

So, of course, we know even more so that it’s scripted because you got folks from the audience actually reading the exact words that are being said while she’s giving that particular town hall. Check this out. The tax speaker one. I want you to watch this. I want you to watch this. This black woman right here. What that will mean to tap into the ambition and the aspirations that people have, knowing that unlike my opponent, who got handed $400 million on a silver tray and filed for bankruptcy six times, that that black woman right there said the exact quote, the exact quote that Kamala Harris said at the exact instant she said it.

Yep. You can see it. I’ll do this in slow mo. Watch this. And turns and says the same words. Let’s play it one more time. Check it out on a silver tray and file for bankruptcy six times. There you go. So, just wanted to show you that we’re not messing around. We show you the teleprompter. That’s how it works. And of course, Navy veteran tells Kamala he waited two years to get medical care for a bad knee and chose to go to Mexico for a specialist, where he received care in 45 minutes. He asked what she will do to improve the healthcare system.

Kamala said, basically, I grew up in a middle class family. Shows you how much they care about these folks. Here’s some more footage from Helene victims. Let me show you what FEMa does for you. Mudslide here. House flooded. FEMA turned this family down. This is what your government is doing for you. This ain’t fake news. This is what your government is doing. We’re trying to get this elderly man’s truck out. It’s the only vehicle he has. It was buried in mud. We’ve got it dug out pretty much, but, yeah, this is what FEMA. FEMA turned everybody down in here.

No assistance whatsoever. There you go. And we got some more for the FEMA, showing that these guys are lying all the time. All right, here we go. So, guys, Kim has been volunteering up here all week in different spots. And I’m saying that the Biden administration, Kamala, all those are the Liarsville, Burnsville, spruce, pine, you name it, she’s been here. We didn’t want to put any of this on YouTube, but I’ve been traveling this week, and the rest of the world doesn’t know about what’s going on in North Carolina. Can you tell a little bit about what’s going on since you’ve been here? So my name is Suzanne.

We actually live a half a mile from here. We live there. That’s our business. It got completely washed away by the flood. We evacuated to this school, which is where we’ve been living for the last nine days. And we’ve been just volunteering with our fire department because we. This is kind of like our home turf. And this has turned into a supply center. Everyone keeps saying that FEMA’s here, the national Guard is here. No one has been here. All these roads through here are cleared because local people cleared them. Local people that had tractors, excavators, anything.

And then they called in their friends that had resources throughout the state. All the swift water teams. None of that’s been government. It’s been other states sending their teams down like New Hampshire and Delaware, Florida. It’s all volunteers. It’s all either little fire departments or, you know, little first responder services like that. It’s no government help. One day, we had six national guards come here for 4 hours. That was it. And they helped sort in here. That was all. It’s all locals, local resources. It’s all civilians, and it’s unreal. All locals, all civilians, and you’ve got damage.

Just to show you there’s quite a bit, if you go out and search for this, you have caked in feet of sand in Venice Beach, Florida, from Hurricane Milton. And of course, the hydro trucks from Ontario, Canada. They’re heading to America to help the hurricane victims. And then they have a hashtag list. Churchill prison for FEMA. What a hashtag for. For all of us to, to see, of course, we’re all waking up. Charlie Kirk said a lot of you have asking if the Democrat panic is real. Trump was supposed to be in prison. Trump was supposed to be dead.

Hispanics were supposed to remain solidly Democrat. Black men were supposed to be solidly Democrat. Union labor was supposed to be, you know, actually endorsing Kamala. Yes, the, the panic is real. It’s very real. And I want to share this with you real quick. Usually do these near the end, but I’m getting this straight in there from grasshopper looking out there for President Trump, and he puts a video out that’s 38 seconds long and has a timestamp of 0724, which is seven two four on the keyboard. And I’m gonna hit this. 38 really resonated with me. Why a 38? 2nd video? Go to number 38.

Four carriers and escorts in the Pacific to prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during the transition. Think logically about the timing of everything happening. Note the increased military movement. Have you guys noted that the military has been moving quite a bit? We know. We even talked about how they’re being sent to Kuwait, too. Interesting. Note the National Guard deployment starting tomorrow. Oh, we do have National Guard deployments. No false flags. Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms. And that’s what we’re trying to do, folks. Spread assurance that everything is going to be okay.

We’re in red October, reunited. The world is changing. Can you feel it? Many folks can feel it. The hunt for was dropped. Feature news will highlight details matter. The Dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the election. Wow. Says President Trump. It’s interesting because there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. You’re talking about panic. Wanted to show you this real quick. That I just got in. This video supposedly is a dive teams outside of Diddy’s home. If you’re looking at your screen, I don’t know what they’re searching for, but it doesn’t look good.

You got to have at least 20 dive teams over there, all in the parking lot working, getting their wetsuits on. I don’t know what they could be looking for, but it’s not looking good for Diddy, I’ll tell you that. Not looking good for Diddy. That is phenomenal. 20 different dive teams is what he’s counting over there. And that’s a forensic teams getting in the water, the investigators. And we know that there’s more. There are more folks than diddy that live out in that area. Remember we showed you that he’s right next to a shipping port. So things are getting hot and heavy for sure.

And you know, we’ve got some issues, all of us, and we need our body taken care of in these strange times. Here you go, folks. Each day. I mean, you know, as we get older, there’s many things that seem to go bad, like the bones and the joints. I mean, I’m losing all my hair and. But just been watching it kind of slowly grow back lately. It’s a big, big talking point for me. Many of you guys that met me on the cruise know that, that I like to wear like this hair hat. And so we get a good laugh out of that.

But I found something amazing from Brightcore. It’s called Revive. It’s in the description box below and it’s been helping me out quite a bit. I’ve been taking it. It’s got superior quality and it’s, you know, this collagen is something that was interesting to me. I’ve seen it, I’ve heard about it. But it’s. It’s in this product revive. And it’s the main protein that holds our body together. It gives structure and support, helping us stay flexible and resilient. It also plays a key role in healing and making sure our body stays in good shape. I mean, they’ve got this revive here that, you know, reduces the joint pain, strengthens your bones, improves your flexibility, which I’ve been working on.

Flexibility, especially for golf mobility and bone density. I mean, I’m just feeling much better. I’ve seen that my wrinkles are starting to go away a lot more. My nail growth is actually a lot better. And my wounds, when I get scratches and stuff, they seem to be healing a lot faster. So this collagen comes from the highest quality sources with revive, grass fed bovine, free range chickens, organic eggshell membrane and wild caught Atlantic fish. It’s just amazing and safe and effective. Free from harmful substances like heavy metals and more. So you can go to brightcores link in the description box below.

You get 25% off with code awk. Awk and up to 50% off when you call in at 888-317-9941 I don’t even, to be honest with you, after watching her on 60 Minutes and on watching that horrible statement that she made, they call it a word salad. I don’t really like those words because it was really worse than that. But after watching that, I don’t think she’s interested in 33. I don’t think she has any idea what’s happening, okay? I think she’s dumber than hell. And we’ve had, we’ve had enough of that for four years. We’re not going to have it any longer because we’re not going to be a country if we have it.

See that? You’ve got to see. No, you’ve got to see. And to think that a member of the media under this big press corps where they get free licensing, they shouldn’t have free licensing. When they do that and they change her answer, they take it out, throw it away, and put in a totally different answer in order to protect her and they get caught, CB’s should lose their license. You know, they have a license. They have a license which is worth billions of dollars, and they pay nothing. All of these networks are all crooked as hell.

You saw that with ABC. I like what I’m hearing. Lose their license. That would be a wonderful thing. And then somebody would come in, hopefully somebody good, take it over, get some real good news. Moving in that direction. Would be nice to have a setup of all your truth or channels all together in one at these mainstream media, demonic hangouts would just get purged out. They’d be put in prison where they belong. Next thing you know, all the truthers coming together and we’re having our own networks and more, and you guys are enjoying the truth come out finally to everyone.

And, you know, there’s other ways that President Trump gets out there. And I showed this in the last video on different podcasts that President Trump was on, and they were having a good time. And it’s good sometimes to, to have a little bit of humor in all of that we’ve been going through. I’m going to show you this. Yeah. Right now. Let’s go. You think I’m the number one influencer? I think it’s Rogan. I think it’s Rogan. You and Kim Kardashian, like, Kim Kardashian influences the shape of women’s bodies and faces. Like you see so many.

They’re literal shape of human beings. Do they want to look like her? They want to look like her. So once we start seeing dudes want to look like you. And I see young Jack over there, I think he’s trying to do it. Yeah, you’re TikTok. TikTok Jack. Tick tock, TikTok. You know, this is a little new world. I call him. His name is Jack. I call him TikTok Jack. I’m good with names. You know, you are, you’re very good. Pocahontas. Yeah. What about. And there was you. Tampon Tim was good. What about Tampon Tim? It’s hard to say.

Yeah. In other words, it’s a mouthful. It’s a lot of. And you can’t stutter it through when you follow. It’s really a lousy word to say. Yeah. But it’s quite accurate. Right. There are some, like comrade Kamala. It’s a little hard to say she’s comrade because she’s obviously a communist. She’s horrible. So I call her comrade. And it’s not bad. But when you put the names together, it’s a little. You gotta be able to pume. No, you gotta be able to put it up. But we have a lot of good reasons. A lot of them I can’t go into with you because some of my best ones are from the republican primaries.

They’re all friends of mine. Now. You gotta be nice. Gotta be nice. And so anyway, these guys are having a good time. And I know you saw in the intro, wanted to show them their reaction. Just how President Trump just brings so much, you know, brings life to the room, brings humor when we need it. I mean, when’s the last time you had a guy just using his own personality throws in the shots and President Trump tries to hold it together himself but watches these guys lose it and kind of reminds me of, they said I would be Obama la.

Yeah, there she is, Kamala, with the paint on her face. But notice Obama’s out there now trying to get folks to, you know, you’re kind of wondering why they’re not supporting Kamala. What’s going on is that we had not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running. Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers. Oh, it’s more pronounced with the brothers, he says. Right. You know, you just can’t get folks to just support Kamala like me.

You know, there’s a sense of desire to have me become the president. And everybody was so excited, but she’s just not, it’s not working for her. And so somebody went out. What was it? I think it was Benny Johnson. It’s Benny Johnson. Oh, yeah, the Benny show. He went out there to Chicago to find out what the folks really think. I vote for Trump. You got me a tour. I go for Donald Trump. Me too. I go for Trump. Trump the best. Nah, I’m a Trump. Supporter. I’m a Trump supporter, man. Trump. Y’all know we gonna need Trump in that joint.

But everything. Trump over on this side of town. Oh, look at my african american over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest? What’s going on, guys? In the south side of Chicago, Barack Obama’s old neighborhood. His library is being built right around the corner from here. What do people think about Barack Obama here? And what do they think about Donald Trump? Let’s go ask. Yo, man. The south side of Chicago is rough. Abandoned houses, blight, tough looking neighborhoods. Some of the deadliest in the world right here. There have been shootings since the start of the DNC convention in this neighborhood.

We pulled up on a street corner and thought we’d just ask the residents here what they think about Obama and Trump. The last thing we were expecting were these answers. You could be a scholar. Strong. That’s strong. I vote for Trump. I go for Donna. Me too. I go for Trump. Who are you voting for in 2024? Trump. Trump, too. And why is that, man? He the best president ever. Never did anything since he been in office. Yeah, and I’m glad he out. Trump the best. Barack Obama. I ain’t got no message to him. I don’t mess with Barack Obama.

Yeah. Nah, I’m a Trump supporter. Trump do more for black people and care more about black people. And Barack Obama ain’t black. Just let that be known. What about Kamala Harris? I don’t with her either. Our Trump. Trump all day. What’s your message to Donald Trump today? Keep going, keep going. Come get us, man. We waiting on you. I love this guy right here. Let me give this guy a hug right here. I love this guy right here. I’m a Trump supporter, man. We gonna keep this going. Trump, he a real businessman. I’m a real Republican, man.

I want Trump backing off a second time. What would be your message to Barack Obama? Pump some money in here. Pump some money like Trump. You know, you can’t even get a McDouble for a dollar anymore. You know what I’m saying? So here we go. These guys are just letting you know, folks. I mean, I’m laughing because I’m real, you know, you realize that the polls are wrong. You realize that the support for President Trump has been phenomenal. And then you understand why they’re trying to send 21 million people plus across the border to vote for the other person.

Because they’ve lost the voter base they depend on. And they knew it. Trump gonna shout the wins for all of us. Make America great. Again, in the neighborhood or at the barbershop, a lot of people supporting Trump and a lot of people are informed. We moving into an age where people are getting knowledge and understanding that we not just taking what people are telling us. Everyone’s so friendly around here. Yeah, everyone’s so friendly, right? I need chain game like this. We need up in there. We finna let drop a bag in the hood. Who we want to get the bag back.

Y’all know we gonna need Trump in that zone. That’s really good. Really good. I love the smiles all the way around. Way to go, Benny. I mean, what a great show. He’s out there talking to folks, getting it done, and the way that we want to definitely see it come together. President Trump has news for everyone today. I am also announcing that as part of our tax cuts, we will make interest on car loans fully deductible. So a man whose a lot of you people are in the car industry, actually, I met a lot of them backstage.

What do you do? I’m in the car industry, but a lot of them. And I told him about, he’s a very knowledgeable person. Here’s a guy, he’s done it all his life. He’s sitting right over there. I don’t want to embarrass him. But he said, where did you come up with that idea? That’s the coolest thing. It’s like the paperclip again, right? It’s like the paperclip. Somebody comes up with a paperclip and everybody says, why the hell didn’t I think of that, right? Somebody came up with a paperclip, I guess, made a lot of money. And other people said, gee.

But he said, you know, I’ve been in the car industry all my life. I’ve never thought about that. So we’re going to make it fully deductible. The interest payments that that’s going to revolutionize your industry. This will stimulate massive domestic auto production and make car ownership dramatically more affordable for millions and millions of working american families. This is a phenomenal thing, if I do say so myself. It’s phenomenal. We’re watching the changes, and that’s what we’re talking about, bringing everything back to our pockets. It’s going to be happening, of course, President Trump, just a reminder of all those wondering why we’ve gone through, what we’ve gone through the past four years.

But we’ll make this. Everyone will soon understand, be able to do things that you never even thought. The only good thing about what happened with this four year disaster is that the people will understand when we fix our country. They’ll be much more understanding than they would have been if we, we just went straight ahead and did it. Because this country has never been laughed at like a bunch of dopes. It’s never been laughed at like it is right now. Never been laughed at. Would have been. Never would have been the same. Folks wouldn’t have appreciated it as much.

How many of you been through hard times? And then you’re praying and you realize, man, if I wasn’t faced with that situation, I probably wouldn’t have appreciated what I’ve got now. It’s happened to many of us and it’s happened in our country. And it’s a perfect plan, imperfect, but a way to get the masses to wake up. It’s been happening around this earth and we’re catching on to their, to their plot, right? It’s been amazing. An amazing journey for all of us. We’ve got some more from President Trump on money. I will cut the price of energy and electricity in half.

Ready? Twelve months from January 20. I take office on January 20. Your electric bill, including cars, air conditioners, heating, everything, your total electric bill will be 55 00:50 percent less. We’re going to cut it in half. And we have it. We have the power to do it because we have it. We don’t need ships. We don’t need long train. We have everything. We’re going to have to build some pipelines because we can’t transport it. But that’s easy to do and that’s safer than trains. But we’re going to get this done and you’re going to have within one year, think of it, within one year, you’re going to have electric bills and energy bills and your gasoline for your car is going to be 550% cheaper than it is right now.

That’s a big thing. That’s a big thing. But we will seriously expedite our environmental approvals. I will expedite them if I have to. I’ll just approve them and approve them because they use that, you know, they use the environmental approvals to stop progress and quickly double our electricity capacity. And we’re going to have it doubled and tripled. This will drive down inflation and make America and Michigan the best place on earth to build a factory. Boy, does he have plans. It is phenomenal. Why would you not want this guy back in the office? That is just, it’s crazy.

Ridiculous. Guys, I’m going to get more into New York like we showed in the intro, what’s been going on there with the Trump team going before the appeals court in the civil fraud trial with Leticia James, New York. Really want to get into some of that after this. First one to tell you that we’re at amwaynode.com dot. That’s where we have truth, hope, faith and freedom for you all. We have all our videos located there at the different locations, x Facebook, Instagram and Telegram. And you can actually submit for our newsletter there. You can actually find our, all of our gear there for you to purchase.

It’s absolutely amazing. Our website, you guys, has just been phenomenal. We, we really do enjoy just coming up with new ideas for all of you out there. Of course. Shop dot am we know.com, the sweatshirts, the hoodies, the hats, the accessories, the tees and the tanks. And we’ve got, you know, 28% off all statement tees. That’s the I will not comply. I’m, I’m voting for a convicted felon this November, and I believe we’ve got another one here for everyone. It could be, it looks like it could be going on, but let me check this one right now.

Yeah, so we’ve got it. Definitely a save America. Use code, vote 28 and wear your button on election day. Save America and some mystery tees for you. So love to get some more photos of you wearing our gear. Here’s some pictures of those that sent those in. I would never call Donald Trump for pastoral advice. I wouldn’t even call him for christian advice. In general. Do I believe he’s a Christian? Mandeh know. But I tell you what I do know. I know that democratic party is a demonic platform. They promote transgenderism, they promote homosexuality, they promote destroying marriage according to biblical marriage and the family.

And what I’ve noticed is there’s a lot of people that are sitting on the fence. I read today 32 million church going christians say I’m not going to vote, may not vote because I don’t like either. Candidate. Candidate. You’re not voting for pastor. If you go to church, you’ve already got a pastor. These 32 million people will show up for an ice cream social. They’ll show up to sit on the pew to listen to a sermon. They’ll show up to vote what color of carpet they’re going to put in their church. But you’re telling me that you can’t vote for the side that exemplifies christian values according to biblical standards? That’s where you need to check yourself.

That’s where you need to fall on your face and repent if you’re on that side of the fence. Because, my friends, the time of being on the fence and not taking a stand is over with. It’s time for all brethren, all men, to stand firm and be bold. Be bold. In the last days, we will be judged by what we do and what we don’t do. The Bible says to him that knows to do good and does it not to that person, it’s a sin. We’ll give account to our God for every idle word and every thought.

Everything we do in this life, make it count. You will vote matters outstanding. I love that we’re going to have another pastor at the end of this video today stood up before his congregation. I just was overwhelmed by what I saw. Vote really counts. And, you know, this election seasons really feel strange. As somebody said, you know, they’ve, why do they not care about how bad Kamala is? What’s really going on? Like, why do they not care how bad she is? They don’t care because they’re not worried. I feel like the machine is at work getting everything in place for a repeat of 2020 and they’re placating us and keeping us busy.

I go back to that Time magazine article, you know, that chronicled the secret cabal of media, business and government interests aligning to change voter laws, raise millions to recruit Democrat poll workers, censor information. I don’t want to miss that again. And I get the feeling that, you know, I don’t want to see in February 2025 a piece in time that says how we did it again, how we managed to rig all the systems for a win while the losers were busy focusing on how stupid and brain dead our candidate was. The jokes on them. How about that? Interesting that they would even allow Gutfeld to bring this up to prepare the minds of the people for something that could go wrong.

This election. Very interesting because many folks were asking, even on the cruise at sea with LT, what do they think is going to happen with this election? Will it happen? Will something big go down? I’ve had a lot of speculation. Folks have been chiming in on what they think. And again, I just go back to let’s stay with the norm. Let’s stay with the fact that there’s going to be an election and we’re going to watch the numbers and we’re all going to be complaining because they’re going to switch the numbers on national television. The mainstream media is going to control the narrative and all that’s going on, obviously.

And we know that they’re going to, late at night, probably have another pipe burst or something strange. They’re probably going to say, we need to count all those that were mailed in and, and then those mailed in ballots are the ones throughout North Carolina because they had problems. Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, you know, all those folks that were, because of the damage of the hurricanes. Well, we’re going to have to count those again. And then, yes, they could do a big switch and before you know it, it’s stolen again. Could that happen? Yes. Do I think it’s going to? I really don’t know the answer other than President Trump seems to state all the time, November 5, it’s going to be the greatest day in american history.

And the hope is, at the end of the day, we overwhelmed them and they can’t handle it. And our heavenly father steps in, stops their rigging, stops their number pushing, and all those folks are arrested before the election even plays out that try to steal it. And we are then back into the mode of them attacking President Trump day in and day out on the media. We’ll see. You see, that’s the real threat to democracy. Stupid people. That’s the threat. Our biggest threat to democracy is stupid people. I know I played that in the intro, but it’s a reminder because these folks thought they were going to get President Trump.

And so the, you know, whole team, legal team, they were asked by this, this board is these five folks, basically judges, you know, in a sense, looking at them, saying, you know, they kept asking the legal team that was going against Trump for examples of anyone ever bringing cases like this before. They thought it was, you know, it must be political. Will the media report on this? Will Democrats stop calling Trump a fraud and start calling James a fraud? Once again, Trump is right and Democrats are crooked. So I want to play this real quick, just so you can understand.

You know, I showed a little bit in the intro, but I want you to hear exactly how this question was phrased back at this whole team that’s going against President Trump. Here you go. May it please the court. Judith Bale for the New York attorney general’s office. All of the defendants repeatedly violated. Judith Bale, can you identify any previous case which the attorney general sued under executive law 6312 to upset a private business transaction that was between equally sophisticated partners where the supposed victim had the ability and legal obligation to discover the allegedly misrepresented matters by conducting its own due diligence, where the supposed wrongdoer advised the supposed victim through written disclaimers to conduct its own due diligence and to draw its own conclusions where the alleged misrepresentation almost entirely concerned inherently subjective valuations of properties and businesses.

Yes. And where? And where the victim never complained about any fraud in the transaction or losses from it. Because I’ve gone through the cases which you’ve cited, and all of them always involved the consumer protection aspect. It involved protection of the market. That was a 53 2nd question, long winded one, by the way. Oh, and I needed to translate that one. Here we go. And I want to add to his question and little to no impact on the public place. Well, maybe I’ll take that. Little to no impact on the public marketplace. So that extended that one out to a full minute, probably throwing them off.

So I needed a translation. How does this whole thing work? Here we go. So the Trump fraud case went before the appellate court this week. And by the time it was over, the closing arguments of the Democrat lawyers was just them begging to not get sanctioned. So, look, many people aren’t aware that the Trump fraud case went before the appeals court this week. And if you don’t know how an appeals court works, there are five judges that sit in judgment for these cases. And they basically let the prosecution and the defense both lay out their cases.

And their job is to consider whether or not the case was worth hearing in the first place. And it went so badly for the Democrat lawyers that by the end of it, their closing arguments was just them begging to not get sanctioned. So they argued a ton of different things throughout this case. But the biggest thing was the judges kept interrupting them. They kept saying, hold on, hold on, hold on. Can you find me one other time in history where the person who took the loan was able to call the bank that they took the loan from, and then that bank showed up and said, we weren’t defrauded.

And the lawyers spent like 2 hours trying to find one little instance where it happened. But then the judges said, okay, let’s try something else. They said, hey, have you ever prosecuted someone for lying about the value of a property when it resulted in the entire loan being paid back with interest? And again, they gave them like 2 hours to try to explain their case, and they still couldn’t produce a single case where that had happened. And then the judges said, hey, you know what, we’ll give you another shot. They said, have you ever seen an attorney general prosecute a case where there was no damage to the public, there was no damage to the person you said was defrauded, and there was no actual malice committed by the person who took the loan.

And then they took another like 6 hours on that one. And by the end of it, the judges were like, so you don’t have any instance of that happening. And then by the time they were done, the judges were like, I don’t even know if this is a case that should have been brought. And they said, look, y’all might need to be sanctioned for bringing this case in a malicious manner. One of the judges actually said, I have come to believe that since a case like this has never been brought to in the history of the country, not only New York, that you have only brought this case because the person was running for president, which would put you afoul of not only multiple regulations regarding the law, but would also run you afoul of electioneering interference.

In fact, at the end of it, when they got to give their closing arguments, instead of arguing the value of their case, instead of arguing that, like, we should have been able to bring this case because of x and y, they actually just said at the end, we hope that the court will take into account that lawyers need to be able to bring cases like this without the threat of sanction. Basically, they were saying, we hope that you decide that we’re not going to get in trouble for bringing. That was what happened at the appellate court.

So Trump being found guilty of fraud and having to pay 500 some odd, and the whole left celebrating about that he’s gonna get all that money back because the appellate court was like, so there we go. We’re all following this pretty close now, and we’re seeing what’s going on. And I tell you what, I didn’t see it coming. Almost seems like they make all these things happen, so we don’t pay attention to what’s really going on in New York. Check this out. Are we tracking resignations in New York? I’m out of city hall. First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright has resigned amid ongoing federal investigations.

And we just learned another member of the Adams administration has been arrested. News Force Tracy Strahan joins us live from lower Manhattan with all the breaking news here. Tracy Mohammed Bahi submitted his resignation just yesterday. And about 30 minutes ago, federal prosecutors announced that he is now under arrest. Before that, we learned about the resignation that appeared to be imminent of Sheena Wright. Wright was the first deputy mayor before this all happened. Just last. Last month, the Fed seized phones from the Harlem home that she shared with her now husband, school’s chancellor David Banks, who had electronics seized as well and will be resigning next week.

Instead of at the end of the year that he originally announced. Sheena Wright’s departure comes after her brother in law, Philip Banks, the deputy mayor of public safety, announced his resignation yesterday. He’s one of the mayor’s closest allies, and longtime friends also had electronic devices seized last month. Questions continue to swirl as to whether or not his brother, Terrence Banks, who’s a consultant, received any special treatment for his clients when it came to the awarding of city contracts. He reached out to me and stated, Eric, I’m looking to move on, and this is a good time to do so.

Other departures included Winnie Greco, the mayor’s director of asian affairs, whose home was previously raided by the feds. Mohammed Bahi resigned as well. He worked in the mayor’s community affairs unit, and news force learned that federal prosecutors announced his arrest, saying he’s charged with witness tampering and destruction of records, charging documents say this is all in connection with the ongoing mayor Adams investigation to the 2021 campaign. There was also a termination that was announced in all of this. Rana Abasova had been on leave from her position as director of protocol in the mayor’s office of international affairs.

Prosecutors say she coordinated improper straw donations and luxury travel upgrades for the mayor and his campaign. It’s believed she was cooperating with the Manhattan federal prosecutor’s office as a key witness into the mayor’s indictment. Oh, Boyden. Didn’t see that one coming. I don’t know. Strange coincidence. Look at the timing of everything. Just like we have in the, the comms that were sent to us earlier, right? Look at the timing, how it’s all playing out. Watch how every, everyone’s talking. Check this. I just want to give you a chance to say that tomorrow. And if I could ask one question.

Everybody I speak to, every race, creed, whatever, they don’t just like you. They love you. And I talk to people on both sides about your policies, and a lot of people that like your policies. The China tariff that’s still in place right now is an example of policy that people love. I think sometimes what we love about you as comedians is you shoot from the hip, but then that gets twisted into this rhetoric that adds gasoline onto everything. So the one thing I would like, as I think a moderate person, is maybe if you get elected, would you be a little bit more mindful of how powerful your words are, for better and for worse? I will.

And I’m going to think of you every time. Let’s go. You can’t actually vote. No. No, it’s true. I mean, I understand that. Could you just settle down just a little bit on the rhetoric? You know, he had his rally the other day, and I’m going to show you this commercial that he played that really fired everybody up. Check it out. You will not laugh. You will not cry. You will learn by the number. Happy pride. Happy pride month. And actually, let’s declare it a summer of pride. So you’re a killer. Sir, yes, sir. Let me see your war face.

Sir. You got a war face? Ah, that’s a war face. Now let me see your war face. Let me see your real warface. I know you. You will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death, praying for war. But until that day, you are puked. You are the lowest form of life on earth. You are not. You are nothing but unorganized. How to abracadabra. It looks me like the best part of you ran down the brown Spain on the map roof. I love working for Uncle Sarah. I love working for Uncle Sarah. Lets me know just who I am.

Lets me know just who I am. 1234, giant state marine color. One, two, three. For United States Marine Corps stood. Instead of him saying the words, he allowed the commercial to play the words. And there were some choice cursing throughout that one. But again, this guy is asking, could you tone it down a little bit, let the other ones do the speaking. And hopefully we got those edited out before all that played out. And so again, we are wondering once again, what’s going on with this guy that was taken in this terrorist attack on election day.

Remember? Turns out that the ISIS fan who threatened to carry out the terrorist attack on election day was a CIA asset. And you know, old Mayorkas didn’t take it well. The State Department is telling us he was not part of the SIv program, which had strenuous vetting. They say he was never issued an Siv or immigrant visa, and DHS paroled him into the US. They further expect the court document to be updated to reflect this from the DOJ side. So, mister secretary, how was this man brought into the US? What screening did he undergo? What did he apply for to get here? Jackie, I’m here in North Carolina communicating with the individuals who are still conducting search and rescue operations.

Over 200 people have lost their lives in Hurricane Helene. We have reports that at least ten individuals have lost their lives as a result of Hurricane Milton. I’d be very pleased to answer your question in a different setting. But we are here to talk about emergencies and the support that we can deliver to people in desperate need. Thank you, mister secretary, but we’re getting conflicting answers from your agency and from the State Department about a man who was arrested for an election day terror plot. How do you not have those answers prepared? Oh, Jackie, that’s not what I said.

What I said is I’d be pleased to discuss this issue at a different time. But I am here to speak about disasters that have impacted people’s lives in real time, and that is a subject that I am addressing. The mister secretary, can you assure people that appropriate steps have been taken to secure the country against these kinds of threats? Because the outstanding question is whether this man was radicalized before the us government brought him here or afterward. And people should be concerned about. Jackie. Jackie, your persistence and questioning can be matched by my persistence and answers.

All right, we’re going to go. Doesn’t look happy. Yeah. Did you radicalize him before you brought him in, stamped him in and let them all, you know, do his thing? Or after? After he came in and you radicalized the guy, showing you once again how evil these folks really are and showing you the importance of our elections and more. And so you know, this right resonated with me. Hunters blend coffee. Mike. Here we go. Well, during the revolutionary war, one of the battle cries was no king but King Jesus. You know, they believed that resistance to tyranny was service to God.

And there’s a lot of people that feel that way today. But depending on what circles you’re in, there’s some christian circles that’ll, if somebody hears you mentioning your concern about the country and what can be done about it, you’ll hear back. Oh, you’re just being political. We’re supposed to keep politics out of the church, really? I mean, is it just being political to want freedom from tyranny? To want a strong nation rather than be under globalist control? To want good to triumph over evil, to want to put an end to all the needless wars, to protect our borders from illegal invasion.

Is it just being political to want our kids to be free from indoctrination of gender ideology? In school, there’s an old quote that says the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. That’s exactly what that comment does, is it causes good people to back off and do nothing. But if there’s anything we’ve learned in the last four, eight years, it’s that what we have in this country is not fundamentally a political problem, but it’s a spiritual problem. And if we as Christians don’t engage both in prayer and actively in our communities, who’s going to? Could it be that the people making that comment maybe are a little more concerned about blending in with culture? Maybe they’d feel more comfortable if you would just be quiet.

You know, there’s a quote from Martin Luther that I think is very applicable. He said, first of all, you need to pray like it all depends on God and then go out and work like it all depends on you. This is not an either or proposition. This is both. And I think if we keep those two in proper perspective, we’re going to be all right. And welcome to the great awakening. My coffee has never been better. I get it from hunters blend for freedom loving Americans, many coffee importers view the world very differently than you do and would support lobbyists that fight against second Amendment hunting and our God given freedoms.

No matter where you buy your coffee or who roasts it, someone had to import the green coffee beans. Well, hunters blank coffee is the buyer, importer and roaster. So from the farmer to your mug, you can feel confident that youre morning coffee has been safely in the hands of patriots. They have a q grade master, Paul. He’s been importing roasting specialty grade coffee since 2006. Through deep relationships with growers in Central America, East Africa and Southeast Asia, they bring you the finest coffee anywhere. Every lot is roasted in small batches to make sure the coffee you receive is as fresh as possible.

One customer said, it’s tough to find coffee that doesn’t have a bitter finish these days. Absolutely no bitterness. With Hunter’s blend. They really enjoy both the light and dark roast. Great coffee from a great company. Get yours today, folks. Go in that description box below, click on that link for hunters blend coffee and get yours today. Tell us why you’re making the change from the Democrat ticket to President Trump. Mister Trump stated, I’m going to build a wall because I want the people that live here to eat first. Since this new administration has come to the table.

My children are lacking, my community is lacking. I see abandoned properties, folks laying on the street. And forgive me, why do we feed folk when we have folks who went overseas, hog bled and died in the service of this country and they’re laying on the streets. That’s unacceptable. Absolutely. If you can house an immigrant, with all due respect, house my children first. These are the people that fought for us. They’re laying on the street. They can’t get medical assistance because you’ve given it to someone else. They closed down schools. They open the schools to put, you can open a school and put my veterans in there.

Amen. You can open a school and put my homeless children in there, but yet you refuse to feed those that state that they are here. They’ve been here. You’ve overlooked them. Adley, tell us why you’ve overlooked them. The folks are waking up across our country, veterans laying in the street, homeless children, and yet they can afford to put every immigrant, illegal immigrant, in hotels, give them debit cards with $10,000 in it, free medical care and more, who did nothing for this country. And then you wondering why our voting is so important. Finally, I saw a video, and I’m about to show you of a pastor standing up in front of his congregation.

He’s letting them know, hey, enough already. I’m going to share the truth. And if there’s a Democrats sitting out there, well, they can just walk out for all I care, right? That’s, that’s the way I feel when he’s speaking. Because sometimes I wonder if pastors are scared to talk because they’re basically afraid to lose some of their congregation, which again, then when they lose the folks that probably pay tithes and giving, I don’t know that sometimes someone mind works and wondering how they couldn’t stand up for the truth, but here we go. I think in many ways, a lot of people in the church today have a misconception about the mission of Jesus.

And I wrote down a few thoughts, and this is not an aside, but I think it is something that is fitting because of the text we are in that many people confuse Jesus mission. I saw a pastor this week, very well known pastor, that said he tweeted or something. Never trump this year, Harris. Always Jesus. I just want you to understand that that is one of the most foolish things I’ve ever seen. And here’s why. People have asked me this week if I have opinions. Politically. I have opinions, a lot of them. I’m not a political commentator.

I’m a preacher of the Bible. But certain things politically are more theological than they used to be. So let me just give you some things about where I stand, because people have texted me a few things, and I’ll just. This stuff is not hard for me to say. Number one, the democratic party is a demonic death cult under the power and influence of Satan. Hold on. No, I’ll explain why I say hold on. To vote for the Democrats is to vote for a platform that is building their platform upon everything God hates. The mutilation of bodies, the annihilation of babies in the womb and the sexualization of your children.

That is their calling card. That is what they want to do. They don’t hide that they have abortion facilities outside of the democratic convention. This is who they are. It’s the most radical party in our country’s history. So I don’t see how you could be a Christian and vote for a party who promotes everything that God hates. That’s the first thing. Secondly, you have a responsibility and privilege to vote for the option that best stems the tide of evil. I want you to also understand that there are no perfect candidates in this election. They’re both broken people.

But one of them presents a far better option at the preservation of life and the upholding of the family than the other. A failure to vote is a failure to express our gratitude to the men and women that have died for our country. Amen. And given us the freedom that we have today. It’s also a failure to, I believe, obey the calling that we have to uphold the righteousness in our land. You don’t have to like the personality. You just vote for the best option between the policies and one of them is far less worse than the other.

So I put that video in the description box below. There’s a lot more to it that he brings up, but I like how he calmly brings this information out to his congregation and logically, he doesn’t scream and yell. He doesn’t run back and forth on the stage whooping and hollering and telling people, screaming at them if they’re democrats, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He’s calmly letting them know truth. And I really like that because these folks are evil. Remember waltz, his wife spending time in her campaign trill reading gay books to kids about gay dads, vacuum the cats walls, reading to local kids in Bangor at the Briar patch and speaking about the importance of education.

We’re going to protect things like making your own choice to read books. Kids in attendance enjoying the story time and message. It was very cool. And I was so excited when I saw her. Just the message that she sent was really nice. She wants like education to stay like healthy. And housing and gas and groceries. We need that, right? Yes, she wants to be healthy. Healthy with disturbing books. They need to be thrown in prison for child abuse. Those that have committed crimes are wondering what’s going on with them in their future. Wanted to show you that the evil ones are scared.

We know Branson, we know his background. We’ve covered it at length. And this guy’s in huge trouble. So they have this thing called 2024, World day against the death penalty the death penalty is the ultimate injustice. It’s inhumane, it’s irreversible, and it’s riddled with errors. And it doesn’t deter crime, nor is it applied fairly in many places. It’s an arbitrary instrument of oppression. In the US alone, for every eight people executed, at least one has been exonerated and freed from death row, and heavens knows how many were actually innocent when they were executed. Yeah. What’s he afraid of? Is he afraid that all the stuff about his island is going to come out? Is he afraid that he’s been caught and he’s trying to get rid of something that’s going to affect him? We’ll see.

Who knows how this is all going to play out. We do know that President Trump is going to head out to the Joe Rogan show. I was in shock, but looks like there’s going to be an interview. Check this out. So when are you having Trump on? I don’t know. Okay. I don’t know. Looks like you got something. Maybe. Okay, good. That’s good. I think that’s at a certain point in time, it’s just like, it would be interesting to hear his perspective on a lot of things. I would like to know, what is it like when you actually get into office? I would like to know things like, what is it like versus perception? Yeah, what is it actually like when you get in that building? Like what? What do you greet intelligence agencies lying to you? Like, when you decided to fire Comey, what was the thought? How much did you know? Like, what’s the machine like? What is the deep state really like? Really like.

Cause we have all these, you know, Smokey room perceptions. Like from the Bill Hicks joke where they show you the Kennedy assassination from an angle you’ve never seen before. You know, what is the machine that runs this country? Cause it’s very clear that it’s not as simple as elected representatives that are doing the will of the people. It’s not interesting because that’s going to reach millions and millions of people. What an interview that will be. Many will be probably looking forward to hearing them have a conversation. Hopefully for 3 hours. We’ll see. Ultra pepper lives matter.

As a nons, I think we’ve done an incredible job of planting seeds, watering them and watching them grow. People now question their government in such extreme ways that they don’t even believe the hurricanes are natural. They think the government did it. Whether that’s true or not, that’s how corrupt people now accept that their government is. It’s a sign of all that we have accomplished together as an anonymous, researching, anti establishment team. Millions of people are now well aware of satanism and pure evil amongst our leaders, like literally never before. It’s all thanks to our tireless work spreading information.

The unveiling process has worked wonders, but I suspect much more incredible God given happenings will occur in our future. When it comes to the election, we’ve done all I believe we are supposed to do, save one thing. People have made their choice, and Trump has the majority support. The last push will be this. We must expose all election fraud and corruption as we know it’s bound to occur. Four long, yet quick years have passed by since the Biden precipice began. I couldn’t be more proud of how everyone held the line, stuck together, and believed that God had a plan.

We are still in this. Let’s finish. Strong patriots. You know, the more you study the Bible, the more you see how Satan has deceived the world. So somebody asked, what is the world coming to? Exactly what Jesus said it would. And I want to close with this from Matthew 24 three through 31. Now, as he sat on the Mount of olives that be Jesus, the disciples came to Jesus Christ privately, saying, tell us, when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age? Jesus answered and said to them, take heed that no one deceives you, for many will come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and will deceive many.

And you will hear wars of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass. But the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you. And you will be hated by all nations for my namesake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.

And because lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, then the end will come. It’s interesting, because I told you about this pastor and his perspective, and he shares in the around the middle of his video that, you know what? It’s interesting that most people come back to our heavenly Father when we are persecuted. Those nations that end up going through severe persecution of the believers in Christ.

That’s when you see a growth and a revival. It’s not the politician that’s going to change things. It’s not that you elect President Trump and everything’s going to be great, and then all of a sudden there’s a revival. Folks, I’m letting you know, when he talked about revival, I’m letting you know what I’ve said many times. We have watched many come to Christ just by emails that we received at, and we know people are reading their bible again. They’re coming back to our heavenly Father and they’re begging him for mercy on our nation. We were praying for a revival for many years throughout our churches, thinking it meant fill up the churches.

Everybody comes down to the aisle, they all say a prayer and the churches get bigger. And then you build more churches everywhere. And that’s revival. No, no, no. I believe revival is the nation is wounded and beat down. The people realize there’s only one that I can call out to the name of Jesus Christ. You don’t meet any unbelievers in foxholes. You don’t. I had a reminder from my friend on that today. Thanks, Nathan, for that. Let’s keep moving forward, folks, in prayer for our country and for the earth. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for how you continue to guide and direct our lives. Thank you for all that you have been doing through this past four years, these eight years, to bring folks together once again to find the truth, to discover how Satan lies to us, to break us out of this, the sleep that we’ve been in for so long. So good. Heavenly father, thank you for the revival that we’ve noticed in many lives through this harsh persecution of people that want freedom for those that believe in Jesus Christ and more. We are so grateful for you and we ask for continued support, guidance with our mouth, our minds, our hearts, and more towards those that need a loving care.

All those in the mountains that are hurting, all those in Florida that need support. We know that the prayers have gone up to you. Many are just from all around the earth, flying in, driving down to do all they can for those in need. And we thank you for them. May they all receive the warmth and support needed each and every day. Please protect our president, protect our own family in these dire times. In the name of Christ our savior, we pray. Amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in hope you have a wonderful weekend. I hope these daily updates are good for you and keeping you encouraged.

All right, please hit that follow button and share button, if you would. We’d really appreciate that. For now, this lt saying simplify with them. We know. Signing out. So the Trump fraud case went before the appellate court this week, and by the time it was over, the closing arguments of the Democrat lawyers was just them begging to not get sanctioned. May it please the court. Judith Bale for the New York attorney general’s office. All of the defendants repeatedly. Miss Vale, can you identify any previous case which the attorney general sued under executive law 6312 to upset a private business transaction? And then by the time they were done, the judges were like, I don’t even know if this is a case that should have been brought.

And they said, look, y’all might need to be sanctioned for bringing this case in a malicious manner. One of the judges actually said, I have come to believe that since a case like this has never been brought in the history of the country, not only New York, that you have only brought this case because the person was running for president. You see, that’s the real threat to democracy. Stupid people. That’s the threat. Our biggest threat to democracy. It was stupid people. If I can make it there, I’m gonna make it anywhere. It’s up to you. New York, New York, New York, Radhe.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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