1.7.24: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Gold up 17 in 2023 Silver up 100 in 3 years Market crash? Jobs Free money Pray!




➡ Dr. Kirk Elliott discusses current events, including the Epstein scandal, gender issues in schools, and debt affecting American politics. He emphasizes moral decay as a societal issue, referring to serious future financial predictions for 2024, and encourages a return to ethical foundations based on religious principles.
➡ The global debt crisis threatens political structure and currency value, with predictions indicating that by 2028, every country’s debt is expected to surpass their GDP. In parallel, domestic American debt accumulation has accelerated rapidly, and unsustainable financial management imperils the country. However, despite bleak job loss numbers and a sluggish start to the global stock market, there remains hope for recovery and financial resilience.
➡ The belief is that due to uncontrolled inflation, a potential pause or decrease in interest rates, and global debt problems, there will be a downturn with the S&P 500 underperforming for a decade. On the other hand, silver and gold are viewed as good investments, with silver being particularly favored due to increased demand related to fuel cell use and price growth of over 100% in three years. There is also emphasis on faith in God to provide peace and guidance during these turbulent times.


Folks, here we are once again with Dr. Kirk Elliott, once a week, always giving us his time. And I appreciate that. Lots of stuff going on. You guys can reach him at. And we know gold simple. Just go down below this video, click on that link and you’ll be able to find them. They also have phone numbers you can reach also. So we appreciate you coming in. There’s a lot been going on this past week.

The big thing, of course, in the news has been the Epstein list. We’ve already been putting that out for five, for six years. The world just seems to be slow to catch up with all of this stuff. We knew it already. We knew who was on those planes. It was a big deal. The biggest part for me was the children. We know what’s been happening out there. The stats have come out.

And that was a big eye opener for me, just to see the amount of traffic even on Twitter was 1. 32 million people in one day were searching that out and posting about it. So anyway, the immoral activity that seeps through all of these people and how they basically blackmailed them, used them with videotapes and more to keep these folks at bay. And that’s why elections are stolen.

That’s why they hate, in my opinion, President Trump, because he did not go. And now they’re very upset, the evil ones. And we’re fighting against spiritual forces, unaware. I don’t know if you saw any of that. Yeah, I saw all of that. I was looking up what the word decadent meant today when I was looking at some of those things. And it’s just moral decay. It’s like the nation we become this decadent nation of complete moral decay.

And when without the presence of God, there’s no way that we can have ethics and morals, I don’t care what anybody says, right? It’s the source of light, source of good, the source of truth, the source of freedom. And we’re straying down this path as a country where when you don’t have God as your plumb line, right, you’re going to deviate, right? Because there’s one way and every other way is a deviation to me.

So this is where we are. This is why people think that all kinds of things that are unacceptable in God’s eyes are acceptable because it’s either his way or anything else. Right? Now, if we get off of this plumb line of truth, because the word tells us that every day for us was ordained before we were even born, right? So God knows what our journey is supposed to look like.

He knows the plan that he has for us, a plan to prosper and to be successful and not to harm us. Right. But as humans, we make mistakes. And so if this is a straight and narrow and we kind of deviate over here, what does God do? He pulls us back. His love pulls us back, but doesn’t mean that we’re going to get back the part that we missed on that path.

Right. If we deviate, we’re going to miss it, but he can pull us back. And that’s what my prayer is for this country, because obviously we’ve deviated from that path because of the moral decay, the bad decisions we’ve made. We’re only in american politics does adding more debt get rid of debt. Right. It’s like, what? That doesn’t even make sense, but yet this is the kind of policies that they’re doing.

And like with Epstein today, it’s like, yeah, it’s all blackmail. It’s like, okay, you’re going toe the line. You’re going to do what we say we’re going to do, or else we’re going to release your names. Right. We’ve got this on you now, right. That’s what sin does to. We’ve, we can’t fix this country. Lt God can, because it’s a moral issue at the core, and only the Holy Spirit can actually convict and draw us back to God.

Right. And I think all of this is a moral issue. That’s right. Yeah. My hope for the future on all this is that we finally come up with laws that get rid of all of the immoral behavior. We finally have all of the music pushed out with all the nastiness, with the movies. They take out all of the push for gender changes. They get this out of the schools and more.

I think, like I talked about this past week, they are trying so hard to get to our children’s because that generation, if they can think that there’s no pronouns, that they don’t have to be male or female, then by the time they turn 2022, they get to college and they’re transformed, then it’ll be easy to pass some sick laws with adults and children. I think that’s where it’s going.

So I hope that all of this is put to an end. We get to a precipice and we realize, thanks to God, that he’s woken us up to what they tried to do. And folks stand up and really pay attention and start getting involved locally, especially when it comes to our money, too. And I think that’s some of the things that you had to talk about today, one of them was the predictions that are coming out.

Economist predicts 2024 will bring biggest crash of our lifetime to us markets. Yeah. So that’s a big one if you watch any podcast, right, the people that are predicting gloom and doom are a dime a dozen. I mean, literally, they’re everywhere. And you have to be careful who you listen to because a lot of times it’s just, all right, you just have to be careful. But what’s interesting about this, this is Harry Dent.

He’s a forecaster, economist, and I really like his stuff. I think when you look at it, everything that he’s saying, there’s reality behind it, right? Basically, he says, we are at the point in this country where we have to now pay off the debt. Everything since 20, well, actually everything since 2009, but really everything since 2021, especially after Covid, is all funny money, it’s all stimulus money, it’s all debt, right? It’s not real.

When you look at why he’s predicting a big fall, a big collapse in the markets in 2024, it’s because we’re at the point of no return. We’re at the point of critical mass, right? When if you read through, like, I don’t know, you could read through the Old Testament, you could read like medieval type stories, and there’s like this invading army that’s going across the desert. And you know what? Nobody cares because they could be a month or two or three months away, right? It’s just sight unseen.

But the war intensifies when that invading army gets right at the city gate. Because, you know, at some point, somebody’s going to win and somebody’s going to lose, right? So I think this is where we are right now. We’ve got the globalists, we got the World Economic Forum, we’ve got the Luciferians. You got everybody who actually wants to strip away our freedoms, to strip away our privacy, to cut us off from buying or selling if our ideology doesn’t match up with theirs, they’re on the verge of winning.

But yet then you’ve got God’s freedom loving people, his kids, who want something different, who want freedom. See, God wants us to choose. He doesn’t want robots. He wants us to choose whether we choose poorly, whether we choose properly, right? At least it’s our choice. And there’s blessings from choosing right. There’s curses from choosing wrong in life. We’ve got this war that’s going on right now, right? And so one of them is this debt battle, right? This is where the globalists want us to be in debt because if we can’t afford to feed our kids or pay our mortgage or pay our rent or pay our utilities or get groceries, well, then we’ll give up our freedoms willingly in exchange for whatever they have to offer.

Right? So this debt story actually kind of falls right in line with Harry Dent’s prediction. So this debt, in this article, what is the powder keg of debt? Well, we now have estimated by the International Monetary Fund $97. 1 trillion of government debt globally. Okay, so what is America’s federal debt? It’s 34 trillion, right? So all the world is 97. 1 trillion. America is 34 trillion. It’s like nuts.

Lt. We’re like 38% of all the global debt in just America, right? Yes. So this is the problem. This is the problem. Now, I’ve been watching our debt as a country since I started in this industry in 2002. Well, I remember back maybe like 2007, 2008, time frame I was looking and we had gotten to, our debt was 80% of gross domestic product. 80%. And I was getting a little bit.

I don’t get scared. I don’t operate in fear, don’t get me wrong. But I was getting scared for the nation because it’s like, you know what? I know history. And whenever a country’s debt equals 100% of their production and output, that country will change. And you never turn back from that. Right? So what’s the change? You could change, like, in America, from a representative republic, which is what we are politically, to a dictatorship.

Or if you’re a dictatorship, you go in the other direction. Or you could have a change in. Right, where, like when Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe, or even Germany after World War I, when they went through a hyperinflation, their currency was changed. It was something new. Like in Germany, it used to be the rent and mark, and they moved it to the mark, right? So total change in currency, revaluation, re everything.

So are we going to have a different political structure? Are we going to, like, this march down the road to serfdom? Are we going to all be communists? Right? So the global elite would like you to believe that in their socialist, utopian global vision for the world, that everybody’s equally wealthy. No, everybody in communism is equally poor, right. Because you take away the incentive to succeed, right? And so your God given gift, the abilities that you have, the creativity, the wisdom, the discernment, all of that, there’s no incentive to do anything, right? So this is the world that they want.

And what we want as believers is the opposite of that. We want the opportunity to thrive and to be what God created us to be. So here’s the problem. Let’s say that you and your wife, you’re having financial problems, right? And your debt is greater than your income for years. Say, okay, it’s finally time. We have to file for bankruptcy. We’re done, right? So what’s true for an individual is also true for a nation.

This is why when our debt becomes greater than the gross domestic product of the nation, you lose the ability to ever pay off your debt. It’s not there. It’s mathematically impossible when that happens. And so what did the IMF come out with this week? They came out with their predictions. Like on the current trendline, by the year 2028, four years from now, 100% of every country in the world is going to have debt that’s greater than their gross domestic product.

100% lt. So what’s true for an individual is true for a nation. What’s true for a nation is true for the world, right? If you have to have a change in political structure, a change in currency, that comes when the world files for bankruptcy, basically, that’s what that’s saying. What are they going to exchange it with? Central bank digital currency? A change in global governance of some sort, right, where nations lose their sovereignty.

I don’t know. We’re not there yet, but we’re sure marching down that road. And then you couple that with what Harry Dent said about how 2024 is going to be the biggest collapse since the Great Depression. Great Depression 2. 0 is what they said in that article, right? If you look, and here’s prediction. These are not my predictions, they’re his. But I actually agree with them. In 2000, it took like eight years to recover from that tech stock bubble bursting.

In 2009, it took about eight years. So eight, nine years to recover from those collapses. This is a completely different one. Those were sector based. One was tech stocks. The second one was subprime lending. This one is a debt bubble. It encompasses everything. And everything that we have over the last 15 years of growth is debt. How do I know? Because in 1776, our debt was zero. In 1980, when Reagan became president, it was 980,000,000,000.

We didn’t even have a trillion dollars in debt. In 204 years of debt accumulation, well, in the last 15 years, we’ve added $27 trillion worth of debt. In 15 years, our total debt is 34 trillion. We added 27 of that in the last 15, but it’s getting worse. So if you look at Biden’s budget for 2024. I wrote down some numbers here, right? Because I was looking at it earlier today.

We’ve got 4000, 716,000,000. So 4. 7 trillion in expenditures, 4. 72 trillion in income. Okay, so here’s where it gets really squirrely, because the expenditures equaling the income, what are the expenditures? It’s not even everything, right? All it is is Social Security, Medicaid, women, infant children programs, basically handouts, mandatory payments and the interest on our national debt. That’s it. What about the defense budget? Well, interest payments now on our, interest payments on our federal debt are approaching a trillion dollars.

Our defense budget is 850 or 880,000,000,000. We’re spending more in interest payments than we are in defending our country at this point. Oh, my God. It’s insanity. So you look at that, it’s like there’s no way that we’re going to be able to do this. So when I was talking about the debt to GDP ratio, America is at 123%. Remember like in 2008 when I was looking at, we were at 80, we got to 100.

Now we’re at 123%. We’re like the worst in the world. And this is America. The most productive, amazing land of opportunity, home of the free country in the world. And we’ve had politicians that have squandered our time in the sun. We amassed too much debt. Now it’s impossible to pay that back. That’s right. But here’s the hope in this. We’ve got bad news coming out, right? But there’s hope.

What’s the bad news and what’s the hope? Well, job numbers just came out this week and it’s ugly. Seriously, Biden’s been bragging about how they’re creating jobs. We had a record loss, 1. 5 million jobs lost. That’s a record. Wait a second. Either that report is wrong or Biden’s been lying. It’s definitely a liar report. Trunk. Inside the catastrophic jobs report, job gains for ten of the last eleven months have all been revised downward.

Why White House can’t take credit for a strong number, only to revise it lower one to two months later? I mean, the lies just keep flowing from those guys. Well, here’s the thing. That’s the first time I’ve seen all year a report on the revised numbers. Because if they revise them, nobody covers it in mainstream media. They only cover the first story. And for all the viewers out there, it’s like, okay, LT, if you and I said something on the air and it was just know.

And then the next week we come and say, hey, something that we said last week was wrong. We apologize. Here’s the real number. You know what? The only thing that’s going to be talked about is people are going to say, this Dr. Elliott Guy and LT, they were saying stuff and they were wrong. Right. Nobody’s ever going to recover that we said that we fixed it. Right. They only cover the first story.

Same thing with these job numbers, with everything, GDP numbers, inflation numbers. They always have some lofty, amazing number. It gets revised the next week and nobody covers it. They only cover the part that was not true. Not the true one down the road. So Biden’s been lying about the economy for a long time, but that’s not a shock to anybody. Our wallets will tell us that. Our wallets will tell us that.

Well, you were showing me another chart earlier. Okay. Worst start in over 20 years for the global stock market. So much for a soft landing, right? I mean, that’s not going to happen. The worst start in two decades. I thought that Biden’s economy was good. I thought that the stock market was hitting all time highs and they’re doing such a good job that they get to pause interest rates and then they’re going to lower interest rates next year.

Right? That’s what we’re, this one, this one’s an interesting one. The free money has run out. See, this, I believe is what Harry Dent was talking about in his prediction. Free money is running out. See, this is the problem because as Americans overall, we’re in debt up to our eyeballs. We’ve maxed out our credit lines. We’ve maxed out our credit cards. Any spending that we saw last year, which the Santa surprise, right? People are saying, oh, the Santa surprise.

We spent a lot of money this Christmas. This is amazing. The economy is robust. It’s like, no, it was spent on credit cards. And this is telling us that free money is running out. We’ve hit our limit. We’ve hit our credit limit. There’s nothing left. So what happens next? We’re not going to spend because it’s not there. And that’s going to impact corporate America. That’s going to impact retailers.

It’s going to impact restaurants. It’s going to impact the wholesalers who are selling to the retailers because nobody’s buying stuff. This is why FedEx is shutting down offices. This is why ups is shutting down offices. The global transportation, there’s whole transportation trucking lines that are going bankrupt because nobody’s buying anything. I mean, this is where we’re headed in 24. And so to put Harry Dent’s prediction to bed here in our conversation, those other two that we know of, the big recessions in 2000, 2008, they took eight and nine years to recover from.

He doesn’t think that we will ever recover from this one because everything that we’re seeing is stimulus money, like the stock market being at an all time high, real estate going through the roof. It’s all because of inflation covered from all their stimulus money. And hopefully central banks learn a lesson. We’re going to have a change. He doesn’t think we will ever see those numbers again. I mean, we might go higher for a little bit and then it comes crashing down.

But what they’re going to have to do is they’re probably going to pause interest rates or lower them once so they can say that, yeah, see, we got to lower interest rates like we said, but then they’re going to have to raise them because they haven’t tamed the inflation monster at all. At all. And he thinks that the S and P 500 is going to have sluggish, way lower than expected returns for ten to twelve years.

For over a decade, it’s going to be lagging because people aren’t going to be able to catch up and money is going to be scarce. People aren’t going to spend revenues and profits aren’t going to be there. So it’s like this is all adding up to the debt bubble that we’re talking about globally, a nasty outcome, not a soft landing for 2024, which your charts that you found this week are all add into that.

So here’s what it’s like. What do we do? Okay, so last year, gold went up 17%. Amazing. That was gold. Silver is a little more fluctuating in price. Right. You have higher highs, lower lows. So it depends on when you measure it. But technically, from day 1, January 1, December 31, it didn’t look like it did as well. But you look at it from 13 months ago, it went from 1797 to 23.

That’s over a 30% return. It just depends on when you look at it. Right. So, to me, though, silver is actually doing much better because three and a half years ago, silver was eleven point $91 an ounce. So today it’s 23. You can’t deny that massive growth, it’s up over 100% in three years. That’s an average of 30% a year growth or so. Man. I’ll take that to the bank every single day, right? Because in a world where the markets are poised for a decline because of declining revenues, because of wage reductions, because of job losses, because of higher taxes, because of wars and rumors of wars, geopolitical tension in the Middle east, which, sadly, in 2024.

Lt, I think the israeli Hamas conflict is going to spread from a localized conflict to regional to global because presidents are now choosing sides of different countries. They’re choosing sides. This gets ugly pretty quick, right? But here’s where the hope in all of this is. God’s not up there scratching his gray beard. I bet he has a grayer beard than me because he’s older, right? He’s not scratching his beard saying, man, I didn’t see any of this coming.

Oh, my word, what are we going to do? God doesn’t say stuff like that. God says, I’m God, we’re in control. We’re going to win this thing. My kids, don’t fret. Don’t worry about tomorrow because you don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring. I’ve got, you have faith. In the midst of the storm, I’ll bring peace. After the storm, I’ll give you peace. You’re going to have peace in the midst of the storm when you follow his ways and we can rest under the shadow of his wings like it tells us in psalms.

And the enemy can’t get to us because every knee must bow to him. So the knee of despair and sickness and disease and worry and anxiety, right? All of those things have to bow. And so we can actually live in that peace when we follow his ways and use that wisdom and discernment to get out of the path of the hurricane, allocate into strength and, wow, this is what we’re doing when we allocate into silver and gold right now.

But really, silver, I’m 100% allocated into silver personally. It’s what I would recommend everybody else do, because things are happening in that market, right? The demand is going through the roof now that fuel cells can use silver rather than platinum. Silver is $25 an ounce. Platinum is over 1000. It’s like, man, if manufacturers can use silver, it just increased demand by probably ten x. That’s right. You have low supply, high demand, prices go up.

We get to take advantage of that rather than horrible trends taking advantage of us. And this is how we can have a smile on our face. Lt. Yeah. Amen. It’s almost like if you tell somebody, hey, if you take that $500, I can change it to 1000 in three years. You don’t see that a lot of that in the stock market when you’re playing that game and going up all over the place.

So yeah, great input for all of us. Remember folks, you can go in the description box below and we know gold always getting updates. But you can have a conversation with Dr. Elliot or others on his staff just by clicking on that link, filling out those forms. And I tell you what, you’re going to get a lot more one to one, just personal support and it is absolutely brilliant, especially starting off this new year of 2024.

So thanks again Dr. Kirk Elliot for joining us. We look forward to these. So enlightening. I mean, we definitely need these updates and we just wish you a great new year. We know it’s going to be wonderful. It is. Can I ask you a favor? Sure. I love it when you pray. Can you pray for an amazing year for all of us? Sure. Okay. Yeah, let’s pray. Heavenly father, thank you so much for how you continue to guide and direct our lives for this year.

So many things are being thrown at us by the enemy. The enemy is so upset because so much is being exposed, does not like to be exposed. We know in the word that it says to expose evil and exposing that also we see that we are supposed to just take up our body of armor. Fighting the spiritual battle day in and day out is so difficult. And you realize that we lift up the team, Dr.

Kirk Elliott and their staff is all the things that they’re doing. We know the enemy’s not very happy with him also just for protection around them, for all those that are listening in, that are considering taking advantage of gold and silver as it shows in your word, how amazing that is. What a great investment in our time and opportunity for our life. We just ask for continued protection in all that we say and do.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Amen. All right. Thank you, brother. Thank you. I appreciate it. All right, we’ll talk to you again soon. All right, we’ll see you. Bye. .


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