1.5.25: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Tariffs will help INCREASE Silver price provide vast wealth for the USA PRAY! | And We Know



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➡ Dr. Kirk Elliott and the hosts of And We Know discuss recent events in the U.S., including explosions and other incidents, suggesting a rise in chaos leading up to the inauguration. They express concern about the current state of the country, comparing it to bad leadership and societal issues in the Old Testament. They believe Trump’s election is a positive change, but anticipate more turmoil before his inauguration. They also discuss economic forecaster Martin Armstrong’s prediction of a global depression until 2028, and a sovereign debt crisis starting in 2025, which could lead to banks and pension funds collapsing. They suggest people are turning to gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies as safer investments.

➡ The global economy is heavily reliant on debt, with the US holding a significant portion. The article discusses the idea of returning to tariffs, a system used by the founding fathers, as a way to generate wealth and reduce debt. The shift from tariffs to income tax is seen as a cause of economic decline. The article also suggests that a shortage of silver could become a national security issue, and that tariffs could increase the value of silver for those who own it.

➡ The speaker expresses gratitude towards Dr. Kirk Elliott for his insightful updates over the past two years, particularly on the topic of precious metals in relation to biblical knowledge. The speaker also prays for protection for Dr. Elliott and his team, as well as for President Trump and his team, as they face opposition. The speaker anticipates significant changes in the country and a revival of understanding about things previously hidden. The speaker ends by thanking Dr. Elliott for his time and contribution, especially during a holiday week.



Well folks, it’s great to have Dr. Kirk Elliott with us and we know .com forward slash gold is where you can find him in the description box below. We have had a wonderful holiday time, just a little bit of a break, but we’re entering into some craziness right into the new year, Dr. Elliott. I mean, we had some explosions, you know, in New Orleans and Vegas and all kinds of things happening across the United States. And I don’t know, it just seems like they’re planning to kind of try to take things down.

A lot of people have their speculation on what they’re trying to do, you know, right up to the inauguration. And what do you think? Well, I would agree. I mean, this isn’t normal stuff, LT. You don’t have Teslas blowing up in, you know, suicide missions or whatever they are. And you don’t have guys, you know, driving down the street with ISIS flags on their truck on Bourbon Street and mowing over like 35 people. It’s like, for crying out loud, it’s evil. I mean, we’re living in evil. And, but it’s just, to me, it’s just kind of symbolic as to what’s going on in government, right? With Biden, you know, pardoning like thousands of people or whatever he did.

And it’s like, and then you’ve got wars and rumors of wars, and you’ve got everything, and mostly not rumors anymore. I mean, it’s just flat out, flat out war. But it reminds me, and you’re more of a theologian than I am. But you know, when you look in the Old Testament, and you always had like good kings and bad kings, right? And then you had what was going on in society. Did society bring on the bad kings? Or did the bad praying kings bring on society, right? Like, I don’t know what the chicken or the egg is.

But the reality is we’ve got both of them now that are bad, right? We’ve had bad leadership, and we have bad social policy, bad everything, everything. And so this is where I think the election of Trump is an absolute answer to prayer for the entire world. And when they know that there is a D day on that January 20, they don’t want that to happen. So obviously, there’s going to be escalation of things happening before then to make sure that they’re going to do everything in their power to make sure it doesn’t happen.

At least that’s my belief. Yeah, that’s true. Yeah, the enemy’s stuck in a corner. And the craziness is happening. And I believe that the good guys know how they’re playing this whole thing out, and they’re getting ahead of them. And we’ve seen that just in some of the comms that I’ve been showing on my show, we’d love to look into the the cue board and kind of things that are really strange. Prior to them happening, it’s been a great journey for all of us, you know, you had something that you shared on the news here, talking about problems.

This one here from Tyler Durden, we have a serious, serious problem on a global scale. That’s a quote from Martin Armstrong. He warns the neocons that they’re scared to death of Trump. Yeah. So for all of you, and we know ours out there who don’t know Martin Armstrong, I think he’s one of the best forecasters, economic, political forecasters on the planet. He’s just really good, right? And so whenever he starts saying stuff, I start to listen because there’s so much research behind it. But in his trends analysis, here’s what he says moving into this next few years.

And this is where a lot of people on our side saying, what? Trump is going to fix everything right away. It’s like, I do think that Trump is going to fix everything as God’s instrument of change, right? But it’s not going to be a real easy path to get there, because we have so much damage that needs to be unwound because of past administrations, right? It’s like, well, he’s not going to go on day one, and the world’s automatically going to be glorious on day one. But without him, can you imagine a world where Kamala Harris was president? It’s like, seriously, it’d be so bad.

But it’s just going to take him some time. And I want people to have grace and mercy and patience as he starts to unravel some of the things of the past and bring forth this good stuff. So Martin Armstrong is talking about the empty refrigerator, basically, that Trump inherits. So what he’s saying is there’s going to be a depression starting in Europe and in the United States up until about 2028. So that’s a few years, right? And when I look at economic policy, having a PhD in economics, I know that whenever you actually have an instrument of change, you change interest rates, you change something, it’s usually about 24 months before you see fruit on the tree from that policy change, anywhere from 18 to 24.

So what he’s saying is, yeah, we’re actually looking at probably a little bit longer than that, because this is such a deep recession slash depression globally, that it’s going to take some time. So here’s the serious problem, and this is where I think that he’s absolutely spot on. What’s the problem? There’s a sovereign debt crisis coming out to you. So sovereign debt would mean like the US Treasuries or European bonds or Japanese bonds, right? It’s the debt that’s issued by a country. So he said that’s going to start really percolating in 2025, and it’s going to reach a major crisis by 2026 and 2027.

So here’s why this is a problem. So they’ve basically banks around the world hedge funds, but really banks by decree and pension funds have about 70% of their allocated investments into what? Government bonds. So this is why this is bad. If there’s a sovereign debt crisis in a world where sovereign debt is a Ponzi scheme. So it’s like, how could printing US Treasuries and government bonds be a Ponzi scheme? Well, the reason is they have a printing press, right? They have to keep selling new debt to pay off the old. I mean, this is why this is like a legalized Ponzi scheme.

So when you can’t sell the new debt, that’s when default happens because you can’t pay off the old debt. So that’s when a country would default. This is when banks and pension funds basically go belly up because they’re allocated by basically administrative ruling or by decree in about 70% into sovereign debt. So now, what is the government doing? When their economists know these kinds of things, it’s like, I’m not the only one who thinks this. They do too. They just don’t want to talk about it. Because what happens is they’re going to bring in another solution.

They’re going to bring in CBDCs as people who don’t want central bank digital currency or say, well, I’m going to go into Bitcoin then. So what we’re seeing right now in the global marketplace is our gut feeling reaction to what Martin Armstrong is saying, that there is a sovereign debt crisis coming because people are looking into gold and silver as they get out of the system tangible asset that does well during these times. They’re looking into cryptocurrency as a means to get out of a big brother government system into something that they think is private as well, but it’s a different.

It’s just different. When you have something that’s electronic, I still think that, well, what if there’s an EMP blast on the table and they’re going to be able to access it? We don’t even have to go to that zombie apocalypse extreme. What happened in North Carolina and Florida when they had the hurricane and everyone was flooded out? They didn’t have internet for 10 days. That’s right. 10 days. So people couldn’t access their bank accounts. They couldn’t access their ATM machines for 10 days. And it was like the end of the world was happening when people are basically living day to day, paycheck to paycheck, and they can’t access funds.

That’s a crisis. That’s just why I love tangible assets like gold and silver. But there’s also more that’s actually going… I think Martin Armstrong is looking at this and saying those things. You and I were talking earlier about some of the global debt and some of the actual global growth of everything that’s happening. So if you look at the global economy in one chart, how big is it? How big is the global economy? Well, the United States gross domestic product, everything that we produce and consume here is like 30.3 trillion dollars.

China’s is 19.5 trillion. We’re actually that much bigger than China. We’re a big country that produces a lot of stuff. But the global economy is 115 trillion dollars. That’s massive. So the only reason I wanted to bring that up is not because the size of the economy has anything to do with economic collapse or anything. But how much of that size of the economy is fueled by debt? So that’s the next chart that I want to look at. So 102.1 trillion dollars of just government debt. This doesn’t include corporate debt or individual debt and things like that.

This is just government debt. So if total global economy is 115 trillion, the total government debt to generate that was 102 trillion. That is a sick global economy to have 102 trillion dollars worth of debt when the only global economy is producing 115 trillion. Now, to put this into perspective, the United States share of all of that global debt is 34.55 percent of the entire world. Oh my goodness. That is so much debt, LT. And it’s no wonder that people in America are talking about, well, we’re excited about Trump coming in and he’s going to change things.

And what if, what if I just saw a post on X today that Trump was talking about tariffs? And what is he going to do to actually grow our economy and get us out of this debt? Because this is exciting to me, because without something that’s radically different from everything that we’ve seen for the past 30, 40, 50, 100 years, which is using debt to fuel growth, what if, and this is where Trump’s idea, well, I shouldn’t say it’s his idea. It was the founding father’s idea of tariffs. Well, why this is so magnificent? Because he said in a recent statement, we’re going to go back to tariffs because it’s what generates true wealth for America.

The moment that we switched from tariffs to an income tax-based system is when our growth came crashing down to earth. So what does he want to do? And there’s charts to prove all of this, right? I mean, look at that. All of that, when you have all those things that were not flatlining, that yellow part at the bottom, that’s when we had tariffs. Outside of that, when it’s flatlining, it’s actually zero because when you use debt to fuel growth, that’s not real growth, it’s using other people’s money. For example, Can I go to this chart real quick? You kind of breezed over it real fast, so I’m a little if you wanted, okay? So we’re looking at tariffs revenue as a share of total federal receipts, 1798 to 2023.

Can you please just explain like really basic kindergarten style, what this means right here, this chart all the way down here to the bottom? Absolutely. So the very top of that chart is 100%, right? So that represents total federal government income, the federal receipts. So tariffs from 1790, is that my glasses? 1798 to 1791, all the way to like 1923, tariffs fueled most of the, well, up until, let’s just say up until 1870, tariffs were fueling 90% of America’s income. Oh, I see that. Okay, 1798 to 1870, it’s all the way up there at the top, I got it.

So then from 1870 till about 1910, tariffs were funding 50% or so, got in America’s economy. Then the reliance on tariffs came down and down and down and down to where they are today, and they don’t have them in a world of free trade, right? A globalist empire, I mean, this is the World Economic Forum, this is the globalist, they all want free trade from country to country, and that’s going to spit off economic growth. It could spit off economic growth, however, we made this ugly shift in the early 1900s when we went to income taxes, right? So you think about this, we became a country in 1776, it wasn’t until like 1920 something that we actually had income taxes, prior to that, we fueled everything with tariffs, which means what? It means that other countries where we were buying their stuff, paid for all of our expenses, or most of them, right? So our defense, imagine this, okay, this is going to make the tariffs of the world really upset, right? Because they can’t stand America, you know, Israel is the little Satan, and America is the big Satan, and if we slap tariffs of 50% on BRICS nation’s good, which would include Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, they with those tariffs are actually paying for us to live and thrive, because it’s not income taxes, it’s the burden of funneling money to our government for us to exist, that burden has shifted from us as taxpayers to other countries as tariffs, right? So they pay for all of our stuff, and so this is why Trump’s so excited, because he said, yeah, I’m going to make America great again, we’re going to make America healthy again, we’re going to bring our freedoms back, we’re going to actually put power back into the hands of the people rather than the hands of the government, because over time, there was a shift in that the founding fathers wanted a, I’m going to butcher the quote, a government for the people and by the people, right? The government was there to bless the people.

Now the government views the people there to bless them. There was a shift at some point, and I think that’s around when we brought income taxes in, and we had progressive income taxes, and we started to actually export our jobs overseas to get cheap imports coming in, because we just wanted so much stuff. Trump is going to fix all of that, right? But it’s not going to happen right away. It is going to take some time. Right. And, you know, in that, how do we protect ourselves? How do we grow and how do we thrive? Well, this might be for our next show, right? When we do something, but I think that the silver supply globally is so low that it’s going to become an issue of national security.

And I say that because it’s needed for military applications. It’s needed for so much stuff. And if silver runs out, we are not going to be able to fund the war machine. They’re not going to be able to fund the nuclear reactors that power America in a clean energy environment, right? So, because those solid core silver things, there’s, I can’t even remember, it’s hundreds of thousands of ounces of silver in each nuclear reactor core, right? So, if silver runs out, it absolutely is an issue of national security. If you can’t have the Department of Energy providing nuclear power, if you can’t have Minuteman missiles or all these different ICBMs and everything, that they use silver to power them before they take off, right? So, this is a problem.

The government’s not telling us that silver stockpiles and supplies are that low because they know that it is very detrimental to America for this to happen. So, what is Trump going to do, right? They’re talking about putting tariffs on these other countries, which this is great for us that own silver. Over 35% of all the silver going into depositories comes from tariff-impacted nations, which means if there’s a tariff of 20%, and we briefly addressed this in our previous show, if silver is $30 an ounce and there’s a tariff of 20%, that makes it $36.

If you own it, then you get to participate in the higher price. What if the silver is coming from a BRICS nation where Trump wants to slap 60 to 100% tariffs on it? Silver is $30, all of a sudden it’s $60 for the people that own it when they sell it back into a tariff-impacted market. This is so exciting to me because I’m not excited about the global decline and the problems and all these horrible things that are happening. I’m excited because God gives us wisdom and intuition and creativity to actually allocate into strength irrespective of what the world is doing, right? And that’s what gives us peace of mind.

Amen. What a great report. I watch the tariff stuff all the time and you’ve explained it for a few weeks, but I tell you, this chart is just phenomenal now that I really understand it and why President Trump would even push this out on X. Man, I tell you, with that talk and share of getting the precious metals and the silver now so that we can have it available, so that when it skyrockets, we have that in our pocket. I mean, that’s even better. Yeah, get rid of the… We’d love to see the income tax go away.

We’d love to see the Federal Reserve abolished. Of course, they’ve been talking about that for a long time. But man, that added on to this. And then President Trump even said it’s going to be a golden era. It’s almost like he’s pointing to the gold and silver just by those statements alone. I know it. Oh, man. That’s so phenomenal. Yeah. Well, this is really important for all of us. And I tell you, it’s a reminder for everyone. They can go to you, Dr. Kirk Elliott, at amweenode.com, forge slash gold. They can also give you guys a call and have a conversation with you about all of this.

Is that correct? Yeah, absolutely. 720-605-3900. That’s 720-605-3900. And tell them LT sent you. Yeah. Yeah. And especially in this new year, a lot of folks need prayer also. And we just found out this past year that you guys actually provide that support. And it’s just phenomenal. I mean, what you guys have been doing for us for the past almost two years now has been phenomenal. We look forward to this great new year, 2025, for all. And we just want to thank you, Dr. Kirk Elliott, once again, and lift you guys up in prayer, if I could.

Absolutely. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for Dr. Elliott. Thank you for a wonderful set of updates for the past almost two years now. So many folks have been writing in, and they’ve shared their stories about how they’ve grown so much in their knowledge and biblical knowledge on precious metals and what they mean to us. And we just ask you for, you know, continue to provide protection for Dr. Elliott and his team as they also come under attack from the enemy, just like President Trump and his team for what they’re about to do starting January 20th.

We do look forward to a massive change throughout this country. We’ve been praying for revival for so many years, and we thought it meant inside buildings that we call churches throughout America, but we now realize even more so it’s a revival and understanding and awakening to all the things that have been hidden from us by the enemy. We are so thankful to you and give you all the praise and honor and glory that you deserve. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Amen, brother. Thank you so much for coming in again on this holiday week.

I know it’s time away from family and stuff, but you mean so much to us, Dr. Elliott. Thank you again. You bet. It’s my pleasure. All right. God bless. [tr:trw].

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.



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