1.3.24: INFO Flood incoming! CEOS departing in droves Flight logs Lawfare Cali Ballots Celine Be ready Pray!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots


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➡ The speaker discusses the pressing issues of the world and calls for collective action. They highlight the ongoing corruption in the government and media, mention various global events and crises, and emphasize the importance of focusing on more than just Epstein’s scandal. They announce an upcoming cruise to Alaska whilst suspecting political distractions meant to overshadow real issues, using the movie “Amazing Grace” as a metaphor. They note that the release of Epstein’s client list has been delayed.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and speculations, primarily relating to a supposed ‘list’ linked to Jeffrey Epstein. It also insinuates that public figures are embroiled in these controversies and brings up Dr. Fauci’s interview on COVID-19. There are repeated references to Aaron Rogers and Jimmy Kimmel’s involvement in these controversies. The text also asserts that President Trump has not been involved in any of Epstein’s alleged activities, emphasizing from a certain perspective that his tenure exposed Epstein’s island activities.
➡ The text revolves around accusations towards various powerful figures such as Bush, Clinton, Obama, and others for allegedly partaking in heinous activities said to have been uncovered after Trump came into power. The text also applauds Trump and attorney Bradley Edwards for their efforts against Jeffrey Epstein. It discusses controversies involving figures like Jimmy Kimmel and Bill Clinton, and mentions significant resignations that could potentially link to Epstein. Ultimately, it expresses the need for justice and societal action against child sex trafficking, something mentioned as being prevalent in elite circles.
➡ The text refers to controversies related to media coverage and potential misinformation surrounding various issues, including human trafficking and political aspects. The discussed points range from claims of suppression and conspiracy theories, highlighting efforts to debunk various allegations. Discussions about social media engagement, merchandising, and future political events are also included, with some touching on lawfare and the use of the judicial system in politics.
➡ The text discusses political corruption, the importance of voting, perceived biases in voter registration systems, and discrepancies in immigrant policies. It underlines the need for fair elections and the consequences of mismanagement, particularly citing examples from the USA.
➡ New York City is grappling with an influx of illegal immigrants resulting in increased housing and rehousing costs, estimated at $3 billion already. These concerns are occurring alongside news of Celine Dion’s health issues, where she has been diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder called stiff person syndrome, leading to the cancellation of her tour.
➡ The speaker highlights serious issues including child trafficking, conspiracy theories, and the harmful impacts of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. Their concerns now also encompass a conspiracy theory around satanistic influences in mass media, particularly music and Hollywood, which they believe manipulates and deceives the public.
➡ This passage emphasizes the importance of faith and warns against the influence of evil, using Biblical passages as reference. It also expresses concern regarding political distractions, the potential manipulation of an upcoming election and urges for support and protection for President Trump. The speaker finally asks for divine intervention and expresses faith in Jesus Christ, and ends by thanking listeners for their support and prayers.


The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. Corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity. The Bible is pretty clear about what God thinks about people that mess with a child. I think the american public needs to stand up and do something right finally and demand both sides of the aisle. We need to clean. We need to wash our hands of this deal. This is sickening and it goes at the core of what is wrong with this world right now in this country.

Well, I hope you had a great start to the new year. We have had earthquakes in various places, plane crashes, ceos departing their businesses, mainstream media chaos over an Epstein list, Celine Dion, medical issues. We’re going to cover that and some more from the singers and Hollywood. More as the evil is exposed. We must remember how to fight the spiritual battle. Stay tuned for all this as we dive in today.

A lot to cover. Let’s go until your wife and children I’ll be sailing with you. It’s going to rain. Better get on board. It’s going to rain. I invite you to join me and the Anwino family on a cruise to majestic, Alaska, August 11 through the 18th, 2024. We will chart our adventure aboard the luxurious Holland America’s westernham, cruising us to historic alaskan ports like Juneau and Ketchukon, destinations renowned for their scenery, teeming with forest and wildlife, the freshest cot, salmon and other delicious cuisine, and known for the locals’family charm.

The Isaacs are coming too, and we can’t wait to sing, worship and patriotic songs by this renowned award winning group. We’ll also enjoy powerful biblical messages and share life stories with my family and me. Listen in on a live podcast recording and have Q a time and interviews with special guests. So visit annwinode. com and book your trip with Lt and the family today. What a great song to intro for this amazing cruise.

We’re going to have a great time, really. Just a gathering for everyone that’s we’ve been on this journey for so many years, finally get together in just a private setting altogether. Hanging out, singing and more as we prepare for an amazing year. As you guys are getting ready for your plans for this year, hope that you’ll reach out. It’s in the description box below. Click on it and head on over and hang out with us.

I think it’s going to be a great time and so we got a lot to cover. One of the things I really wanted to really touch on quite a bit probably in the beginning, is this list for Epstein. We’ve talked about it at length. Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of things play out in this area. As we see all this play out, I just want to make sure that we remember there are other things going on.

And it’s not all about Epstein’s list. However, there are a lot of folks that still don’t know about Epstein and the importance of that list. But anyway, here’s an important message I thought needed to go out. So I’ve been sitting around thinking today, everybody keeps talking about this Epstein list. Why your power? You know, people forget that Sam Bankman free just got away with murder because that would have showed the real corruption.

Hunter Biden’s walking around free. Trump’s being kicked off ballots left and right. We’ve got more illegal crossings at the border every day than in the history of this country. We’re still sending money to Ukraine and Israel. We’re in bed with China. I mean, the list goes on and on and you people want to focus on. So anyway, there’s frustration out there. I wanted to get this clip out to just remind you there are other things going on besides the Epstein list.

That list seems to be making waves across the airwaves and social media more and we’re going to cover why I think it is important to share some of it but also not forget other things is right on there. Paul Sperry, developing the Department of Justice prosecutor who just dropped the Democrat campaign financing charges versus Sam Bankman Fried. Well, he’s tied to the Obama foundation through his wife Biden.

Appointed U. S. Attorney Damien Williams is also former Soros fellow who clerked for Attorney General Garland and was an aide to the ex DNC chair McAuliffe. So as we see these things play out, even Fox News says Bill Clinton’s going to be on that list for the Epstein client list. Standby. Just makes you wonder, right as things start coming out, the list is going to be coming out.

They keep pushing this agenda on us. Well, what’s going on behind the scenes while all this information is floating? Well, there’s some serious stuff going on. There’s connections with the Obamas, there’s connections with the Bidens and Sam Bakeman Fried, who committed all types of fraud, who was probably very, very evil. Just a name, a puppet that they used to get this FTC money over to the Ukraine again.

Ukraine then funneled that money back to almost all the politicians in America so they could fund their campaigns in their pockets. Well, they just let them go. It’s all connected. But you’ve seen in the movies, when something’s about to be exposed, what do they do? They say, hey, make something happen. Distract. Distract. Because we don’t want them to know the truth of how this is all playing out.

It kind of reminded me, we watched a movie the other day as I’m doing my Bible studies. We like to do sometimes a movie right after we were talking about the will of God for a Bible study I’m doing right now, one on one with a very awesome young man, baptized him about a month ago. And I said, hey, you need to see this movie, Amazing Grace. It’s one of my favorites in that movie, as they’re realizing that William Wimbleforce is about to expose them and about to get his bill signed to stop slavery, in a sense.

I mean, it was a little trick that they pulled with flags and the merchant ships and all that, but eventually, it would set it up in such a way that they wouldn’t have enough money to fund the slavery ships. And William Wilberforce was just an amazing guy. He was involved in politics. He struggled if he wanted to go into ministry and hide out. But he was told by Newton, who wrote Amazing Grace, hey, God has set you up for this.

You’re an amazing man who the public knows you. Even if you try to hide, they’re going to want you because you’re amazing. Be used by God to do the things that you’re called to do. And so I’m going to show you the trailer real quick for this, in case you guys didn’t know. But in this movie, one of the parts, as they are about to get their bill passed, the Democrats.

I call them the Democrats. But the evil ones realize what’s about to play out, and they’re like, do something. Stop this. Okay, here’s a believe. How sweet. What do you want with your old preacher? I’m here to seek your advice. Like me. Are you contemplating a life of solitude? People like you too much. Besides, Wilbur, you have work to do. No one of our age has ever taken power, which is why we’re too young to realize that certain things are impossible.

You’re the best fighter in the house. And the best speaker. Where does this little terrier spring from? I believe he’s a Yorkshire terrier, my lord. One man will risk everything. Payment in kind. There’s nothing you have I’d want, your grace, he’d fetch at least 25 guineas. The game is over. To speak for those who could not. They do this to let you know that you no longer belong to God, but to Oman.

To make the blind see. We have no evidence that the Africans themselves have any objection to the tray and to lead a movement that would change the world. Do it. Build their dirty, filthy ships out of the water. The slave trade has 300 mps in its pocket. It would be just you against them. If we were to outlaw the trade tomorrow should bring financial disaster. This enemy is.

My enemy will be fort is a rebel. No matter how loud you shout, you will not drown out the voice of the people. An amazing trailer. I’d let it play on, but I just want to make sure that you guys understand once they saw something playing out. Distraction. Distraction. So this could be a distraction, but at the same time, there’s a lot of information coming out that makes you wonder what kind of names would come out and how would it be exposed in such a way that people will freak out? What kind of things are happening around it? Well, a lot of folks are covering stuff.

A lot of folks are getting details, and we’re gathering as much as we can. But one of the things that saw from this patriot au says, hey, today’s January 2. That was yesterday. Epstein, client list to drop at any moment. Well, guys, that’s been delayed. I’m showing it to you on the screen till December or January 22. Excuse me. What’s interesting is when they delayed this list being released, the letter says, I represent dough 107 in the above caption case and asked the court to extend the time.

Isn’t that amazing? Dough 107. Well, if you take the zero out, that’s 17. That’s why you got the peppy frog kind of crying there, laughing. Massive election integrity win and true. The vote in Georgia. Now fraudchy is back in the spotlight. Fauci, they will fight, but we are ready. So you got one week until Dr. Fauci’s two day, 14 hours transcribed interview Covid-19 origins, lockdowns, vaccines, masks, natural immunity, travel restrictions, school closures, and more on the table.

Accountability is coming soon, according to select subcommittee Covid select out there on twittersphere. Now, while this is playing out with the list, I’m going to show you something that played out here recently on a show. Scotty grabbed this one and put it out there. It’s all over the place. But this is Aaron Rogers, and he says something interesting as he’s on an interview about this list. Foxy or somebody back, he’s on it.

You have Super Bowl 58. You’ll see it, the emblem put on the screen, and then bring it. 57 and 56 has something to do with the Epstein list. That came out. Feels like supposed to be coming out soon. That’s supposed to be coming out. Look, this guy’s been waiting in his wine cellar. Yeah, I’ve been waiting in my wine cellar for this. A lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that doesn’t.

Clip from this particular program was run on Jimmy Kimmel’s show whenever Aaron brought up the list and then Jimmy mocked him for it. And Aaron has not forgotten about that. But here we are sitting right in front of that nice bottle of scotch. What do you say? I’m waiting to celebrate. Waiting. I’ll tell you what, if that list comes out, I definitely will be popping some sort of bottle.

Hey, you’ve been calling for it for a few. So interesting, because Aaron Rogers talking about Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy Kimmel came back and put it on social media that he’s going to sue him for saying that, blah, blah, blah. Well, Jimmy Kimmel, go ahead because we’ve already got you covered. You’ve exposed yourself over and over again. And the list was already released on the cueboard. You guys remember that.

I’m going to skip ahead. I had this set up for later. But if you went to 4577, you’ll notice on this board, remember the board, in case you’re new to this, and you say, oh, no, he’s fixing to go to that thing, the 17th letter. Oh, I can’t believe he’s going to cover that. Well, let me just correct you. If you’re watching mainstream media and they said, hey, this thing called Q and they call it QAnon, which is wrong.

Oh, my goodness. They’re just a bunch of weirdos talking about pedophiles on islands and taking children out and blah, blah, blah, and this is satanic cult. Well, I just want to remind you, if they’re allowed to on the mainstream media to try to debunk it and try to knock it down, why can’t you have free speech and open talk about it and have positive sides from it to expose what’s really been going on? Folks, this came out in 2020.

July 2, 2020. The list. Yeah. Who’s on that list? Who’s on that list? Anybody look familiar? Alec Baldwin, Anderson Cooper, all these folks that hate President Trump, Barack Obama. Wow. Brian Affleck, who else is on this list that maybe people might recognize? Is Jimmy Kimmel on there? He looks like he’s right about there. Jimmy Kimmel. Yep. And so again, as we’ve watched other shows like PBD podcasts, they’re saying, look, we don’t know exactly what age these kids were that were on Epstein island.

We know something was going on there, and blah, blah, blah, and these folks will never going to get in trouble. They’ve got $250,000,000 in their bank accounts. They can escape. These elites will never be prosecuted. And I saw that podcast. I saw a clip from it. I had it set up earlier, and I don’t think I have it now ready for you. But bottom line is, there’s speculation out there that nothing’s going to happen to them because these guys are filthy rich and they’re the elites, and nothing ever happens.

So if nothing ever happens to them, then nothing’s going to happen now. And I get it. I understand that line of thinking. But the thing about Jeffrey Epstein, MJ truth put out. He wasn’t as important as Maxwell. She’s alive, and we have her. Remember, we have it all. In fact, I would argue that she was more valuable than Epstein. I would argue Epstein was just a puppet. The deep, dark secrets of this woman go way back through her father’s history.

Remember, Maxwell’s father was Masad at peak. She had her helicopter pilot license, deep sea submarine license, and regularly addressed the United nations. Remember? 4565 possible Epstein was a puppet, not the main persons of interest question mark. Remember, questions come from the intel board, financed by who or what entities. Primary gathers blackmail on elected polls and dignitaries and royalty and Hollywood influencers and Wall street and other financial top level players, the other high profile, industry specific people, et cetera.

And then you feed an addiction, controllable Maxwell family background. So you can control these people. You feed their addiction. You get them off to these islands, you record them, and the next thing you know, they have to do everything that they’re told or they’re going to be exposed. All part of their plan. And they’re going to fight all of those who they know might be against them. Which one of those would be President Trump? And we’re going to talk about that.

I’m going to show you once again, all these folks that try to lump President Trump in with everything else. Well, I’m going to show you, because they’re trying it now. January 6, 2024. Donald Trump flights on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express what we know. See, they’re going to try to link them together. However, they’re not going to have the evidence, but they don’t care, because the mainstream media is going to do all they can with everything possible to try to make President Trump bad a part of this.

And I’m going to show you that in a moment. First, I think it’s important that we focus on our health in this new year. Well, January is here. Can you believe it? How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions, as many make them? Mine’s pretty easy to focus on my well being. And also, well being means good night’s sleep. So if I could do just one thing to improve my sleep and overall well being, it’s to take the number one mineral for that, which also helps me personally on so many levels, I can’t even fully describe it.

Yes, I’m talking about magnesium. Actually, I’m talking about the magnesium breakthrough by bioptimizers. The seven different forms of magnesium is the supplement involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. Pretty much every function in your body gets upgraded when you take magnesium, from the quality of your sleep to your brain function, from metabolism to stress levels. Let’s face it, even if your 2024 resolution is not to focus on your health as it is mine, how are you really going to be able to achieve all your goals without quality sleep and stress management support? So go in the description box below.

Click on biooptimizers. com lt. That’s bioptimizers. com lt. Do that now. Enter promo code lt to get 10% off any order. Again, that’s buyoptimizers. com lt. Do you really think the twist are involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s best? I have no idea. I know he was on his plane 27 times, and he said he was on the plane four times. But when they checked the plane line, Bill Clinton, who was a very good friend of Epstein, he was on the plane about 27 or 28 times.

So why do we say four times? And then the question you have to ask is, did Bill Clinton go to the island? Because Epstein had an island that was not a good place, as I understand it, and I was never there. So you have to ask, did Bill Clinton go to the island? That’s the question. If you find that out, you’re going to know a lot. Thank you very.

I didn’t go to the island. He says Bill Clinton went 27 times or more. According to the PBD podcast, he went at least 50 times. Why is all of this being released now? What are the documents that are coming out? We’ve already had this information for a long time. Remember, to be 100% clear, Trump never went to the island. This is what a lot of folks believe. He was infiltrating them, right, the deep state.

And when he got into office, Epstein island was shut down. No other president saw Epstein island exposed to the masses or cut off. You guys know that. Obama didn’t expose it. The bushes didn’t expose it. The Clintons didn’t expose it. Only once Trump ascertained power did we see this happen, right? Once he got into power, all of a sudden we saw the levers start coming out. We saw what Weinstein.

We saw. Epstein, Ghislaine, Maxwell, all this start coming out. It’s not a coincidence. Bush, Clinton, Obama, McCain, and thousands of other people the media adores all knew and took part in these heinous deeds. All of them are now against Trump wholeheartedly. This is because he ruined and challenged their wicked uniparty. Now, another part of this, Bradley Edwards, who represented many of Epstein’s victims back in 2009, he was sued by Epstein for defamation, countersued and won.

So, yeah, we’ll probably see if the lawsuit comes from against Aaron Rogers. Aaron Rogers can just countersue. He’ll win. Well, anyway, Bradley Edwards had this to say about Donald Trump’s involvement in the cooperation with the Epstein drama. He, President Trump, is the only person who, in 2009, when I served a lot of subpoenas on behalf of Epstein’s victims on a lot of people to some pretty connected people, and I wanted to talk to them, he, Trump, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk.

I’ll give you as much time as you want, tell you what you need to know. He was very helpful, President Trump, in the information that he gave and gave no information whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information that checked out and that helped us. And we didn’t even have to take a deposition from. Huh. You guys catching on to how this playing out? So another part of.

Just to remind you of Jimmy Kimmel, actually, you know, I don’t really want to show this. I think I showed this to you before. You’d have to have, if you have children in your room, even teenagers, they played this on tv. So this is Jimmy Kimmel, but he actually used skits, showing a little bear with references to hurting little children. I’ll count to three and I’ll play a little bit of this, but it’s just sickening.

Okay, but this is. Guys, this is stuff that was on tv. Okay? One, two, three. Even shirts caked with blood. It was an accident. You know what else is soft? Human flesh. Baby flesh. Wait, where is your baby? Baby? Sleeping in snugly softness. So innocent, so defenseless. The perfect size for a sacrifice. Okay, that’s enough. I don’t want to show anymore sickening. If you guys got the holy spirit and you know you’re gonna throw up on this list, you’ve already had this Jeffrey Epstein pedophile plane.

Bill Clinton was on it mere months after September 11, 2001, twin tower attacks when the country was frightened and mourning. And he heads out to molest children with his pedophile friends in Jeffrey Epstein’s pedo island. There he is, Bill Clinton, there’s his name. Two males, female. And we guys know that Chandler was on there. The underage girl. We have pictures of it. More all that’s been coming out.

We already know about it all. But there’s another thing trader girl Q showed us. Step down. In the past 24 hours. Could it be part of the Epstein’s list? That’s the speculation. Harvard president gone, steps down MGM Springfield CEO president, Malaysia CEO, Air Asia CEO, ISU athletic director, Airtel Africa CEO, Otrium CEO, Hydro one director council member Holly Jackson Representative Bill Johnson director of Istanbul Biennial Orr Shreveport DDa director, ODP Corp.

Rep. Board of directors Gina Fiandatka Healy Admin and the Washoe County Registrar. Best is yet to come. You can see that if you’re looking at your screen, the pictures of all these headlines, how they came out. Very interesting, right? How this would all play out. And of course there seems to be a tie. And this is from trader girl, that it’s part of an Epstein list, maybe not just kind of showing it to you.

The other thing that’s interesting is when we go to Dan Scovino Jr. He posted a 27 2nd clip of a couple of folks dancing, having a good time. The dancer happened to have a number on that number matched the number of the Doe. The DoE, I believe it was 26 for Bill Clinton. He posted it at 12:36 p. m. And, well, at 1436 military time, 02:36 p. m.

That’s 1436. In that particular post, it says, subject line flood is coming. Rapid fire, a movie by that name involving a corrupt FBI. The flood is coming. It’s happening. What will next week hold? That’ll be this week, right? That was last week. This week. Mother of all bombs. Well, doe 36, not 26. Bill Clinton reportedly to be unmasked in court docs related to pedophile Epstein Monday, Fox News put that out.

36 was the number of this guy dancing. If you’re looking at your screen, that dance Cavino put out there. Then we had this clip from Newsmax from Tim Burcht. Republican, Tennessee. What I want is the client list. You’ve got these easy old dudes that have everybody said, well, they’ve gone and had sex on this island. What’s the big deal? No, they haven’t. They’ve done an act of violence against this child.

They need to be burned on that. And that’s the list we need. And they need to be held accountable. And unfortunately, in this country, there’s two sets of justice for the rich and the wealthy, the powerful and the rest of us. And that needs to end today. And the federal courts can prove me wrong, but I think they’re compromised as well. I think you’ve got high ranking people that their tentacles have reached into, way too far into our government on both sides of the aisle, and we need to get to the bottom of it.

I think that you probably know some of the people that are on this list, and I think that a lot of people waking up, particularly in New York and Washington, are a little extra nervous this morning. Yeah, I would hope they are. And I hope they get burned, every dadgum one of them, because the Bible is pretty clear about what God thinks about people that mess with a child.

I think the american public needs to stand up and do something right finally and demand both sides of the aisle. We need to wash our hands of this deal. This is sickening. And it goes at the core of what is wrong with this world right now in this country, with just this gross fascination with this. It’s really sickening. And I called it out because Dick Durbin in the Senate, my dear friend Marcia Blackburn, who had the guts to ask for this stuff, he told her no.

And then when he was asked about it, he almost denied even knowing who Jeffrey Epstein was or what this was about, when clearly his friend Bill Clinton is all over this thing. And I just think America needs to know and know the fact that we’re covering this up should infuriate us. And if there’s members of Congress, if they’re on my side, they are the other side. I don’t care.

Burn them all. Burn them to the ground. Let’s get this out. This is the kind of thing that America should not stand for. I know Tennesseeans don’t stand for it. That gum. America should not stand for this kind of foolishness. Now I’m going to show you another piece of art from the podesta art collection that he has. And you’ll understand he’s working for the Biden administration. He also was the one that supported, you know, with the whole campaign thing and more.

He was exposed in the email list. I’m going to show you a picture of demonic beings with children in cages screaming. That’s enough of that one. Awaken. Outlaw wanted us to know this. Unfortunately, given what is coming out on the subject matter, we’re all going to have to revisit conversations about some uncomfortable matters regarding child sex trafficking, ugly as it may be. And guys, it’s hard for me to even talk about as we go through this and this information comes out and I share it with you, it’s evil exposed.

At the same time, as a believer in Christ, it’s hard to share these horrific things, but at the same time, what can we do about it? Does it spur us to want to get involved in politics? After watching amazing Grace, I thought, man, you know what it must be like to run for office in some capacity, then to be able to gather a group of folks together like we learned in the Marine Corps in leadership, bring them together in such a way that we can fight back against this demonic activity that’s going on.

How difficult it must be. But it’s probably happening already. But who’s going to replace all these folks once they’re taken out? If they’re taken out? Waking outlaw continues. We owe it all to all of our children who have been chewed up and spit out by this evil industry that serves the needs of elite pedophiles worldwide, as well as those currently in their grip or at risk of being abducted and cast into their dark pit of no return.

If you remember, Hillary Clinton’s BFF John Podesta had his emails obtained by and released by WikiLeaks to the public. This then, of course, tied him to the infamous pizza gate dump dust up. Now this is super interesting. Based on the massive response that followed, the fake news media oddly went into overdrive. Not trying to get to the bottom of things. Nope, that’s just crazy talk. Their collective efforts were invested instead in debunking the whole affair as a preposterous conspiracy theory.

I challenge anyone to google the term and see for themselves what an amazingly massive effort went into trying to claim it was all nonsense, which is weird all on its own anyway. This was truly one of the most herculean efforts ever undertaken by the industry. I’ve personally never seen the media so interested in making something go away as we witnessed here. I mean, the story involved all of these money known, famous names on the world stage, which makes for big ratings and views.

But instead of trying to dig into things to get to the truth, pretty much all their time, effort and money went into making sure everyone believed this was never true to begin with. The sad fact is that when they transpired, morphed into perhaps the largest whitewashed effort in history. Okay, somebody can explain why the podesta brothers were really into this type of art. Was it a coincidence or something deeper? This evil is being exposed at all kinds of levels.

The art, I can’t show you everything that he was involved in, but other people knew about this, like Cindy McCain. Remember, Cindy McCain was in New York today taking part in a panel on human trafficking. It’s also something that is hiding in plain sight. It’s everywhere. It’s absolutely everywhere. Something she and the McCain institute are working hard to stop. It’s not an immigration issue at all. She was dismissive of President Trump’s suggestion that his border wall would help.

He’s living in Disneyland. She educated herself about trafficking, who was soon working to stop it. She is, of course, still mourning the loss of her husband, who died last August. And this week, another heartbreak. My husband’s dog, Burma, she had a freak accident and she drowned. So she’s with him now. He’s throwing sticks to her up there, and they’re having a great time because she would never leave his side.

I told my friends it was a bit like losing him all over again. Are these power players a priority for us right now? Can we even touch them, or is this a pipe dream that we need to address in the future somehow? It’s like everything, it hides in plain sight. Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew about him. We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one, that was no legal aspect that would go after him.

They were afraid of him. For whatever reason, they were afraid of him. So we knew about it. We knew the heinous crimes that he was doing against these children, but we didn’t do anything about it. No. Who cares that children are all being abducted and taken to this island? Who cares that these politicians are all being framed for the things that they’re doing? There’s nothing we could do.

It was just everybody was scared. And now here we are with somebody that can fight against them all. And what does she do? She laughs about President Trump in his face, the one who seemingly says, we’re going after all these traffickers right after he won the election. Folks, you can read all of the stuff that we’re doing@annwinow. com. You go to our website. My son did an excellent job getting this thing up and running once again so that it works really well on your phones too because a lot of folks do go to the site using their phone.

So when I show you the phone view, look at how wonderful it is. Watch on rumble latest news. You can see all of our latest videos by just scrolling across. You can also scroll down and find our partners page. Unlock your opportunities. We’re going to be releasing that soon for all those that want to advertise their businesses on our site. Stand by for that. And we know showcase all the AUC merch pictures.

We try to get those uploaded for you. You can scroll through and see those. Follow our podcast. You guys know that we have a podbean and also it goes out to all the other podcast areas where the audio is uploaded. That’s where every week on Saturdays I put out my Bible study. We’re on week number six. We just finished the Bible. You can also check out the Patriot light.

It’s another website. If you click on it, you’ll notice that it’s updated about every five to ten minutes with a new news story. That’s how hard my son worked on this. So that you guys have sort of what we call a dredge report for truth ers is what I call it. And you can have home politics, world news, markets, faith, social news and more. And we tried to put those news sources that we try to pay attention to throughout all of this so that you guys can go and not have all of the junk thrown at you.

But anyway, thought you guys would really love the patriotlite. com. Go there and check it out and use it and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Great job my son did on that one for us all. Remember the social media. We’re on OC updates on Facebook. You can communicate with folks there and Instagram. We’re at OC Underscore 828. Also remember when you send in your merch we get messages like this all the time.

This is from Mark. He’s playing on a stage. The bass I play in successful band in Dallas was a cool weekend. I grabbed my new hoodie, had many at the concert who came up to me afterwards who said they followed you and that they appreciated me showing that off during the show last Saturday. Isn’t that cool? And you guys know you can go to shop animo. com when you go there or you just go to animino.

com and click on the merch pictures, you’re going to find all of our gear, take you right into the new year. You know what? Ready to kickstart 20% off all activewear still there you have the sweatshirts and hoodies for the winter accessories. You’ve got hats, tees, and tanks everywhere you go throughout this year, folks, you’ll have folks approach you and say, hey, I happen to watch that show, too.

And you’ve got new friends. Isn’t that great? Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. You it. So I stand by my pledge. Any state where Donald Trump is forcibly removed from the ballot in this way, I’ll also remove myself. And I challenge Chris Christie and Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis to do the same thing, or else they’re also complicit. If every Republican removes themselves from the ballot in Maine, that automatically stops this election interference in our GOP primary.

Now, the fact that they’re not doing it reveals that there’s something deeper going on. This isn’t just the Democrats. There’s a force within the republican establishment that’s propped up a chosen puppet, and they’re actually rooting for this same outcome every bit as much as the Democrats are. And I think it’s time we open our eyes to this insidious game that’s being played. I’m deeply worried, but I’m worried that I’m right about this, that what we’re seeing right now, this isn’t the end of the road.

This is just the beginning of what they’re planning to pull in 2024. And you mark my words on that. This is a system that has decided, by hell or high water, at one cost or another, they will eliminate this man from contention in this election. You see that happening. Colorado two days ago. Maine today. You wait for what’s happening in 2024. And I’m worried for this country. Interesting vivet coming out.

Ultra peppy lives matter. And since this has passed, their system of control and used covert means to undermine the will of the people. Few recognized this was even happening, and even fewer did something about it. Since Donald Trump came into the scene, millions have realized the truth. Americans like to see themselves as free people. But we were subservient to a shadow cabal who chose our leaders for us and eliminated, silenced, and assassinated those who got in our way.

This is the great awakening happening at light speed and unveiling for all who wish to see. And the choice to know will be ours. Good words from ultra pepulized manner. Love that. And this attack on President Trump will continue. Alina Haba happened to have an interview a few weeks ago and missed this. I thought it was great. 91 charges in four separate cases. How do you guys remain relentless in the face of all that, motivated to save the country? I think that has a big part of it.

Lawfare is a real thing. We’re seeing it. They can’t stop him with the votes, so they’re trying to find other ways and get creative. And they’ve used the justice system, unfortunately, to do so. So we’re motivated, we have a great team, and the facts are on our side, the law is on our side. The problem is that we have corruption and politics permeating our judicial system. So as long as we can get some people who really put their robes on and take it seriously and get rid of some of the corruption in these Soros, backing Ags and Das will be okay.

What is your message to people who might be saying, I’m just so sick of all this that’s going on, and I just want it all to go away. Well, we have to fight. You can’t expect things to just go away. If you care about the constitution, if you care about the country, get up and vote. That’s what individuals can do. Don’t think that your state’s red, so you don’t have to go vote.

You got to get up, you got to vote, you got to do your part. So it’s very important. And I think that they know, don’t despair. We only have a little bit more time left. So everybody, if anything, we’ve got to get charged up. November’s around the corner, and I’m looking forward to seeing President Trump win on the federal front. It seems that the trial timeline is aligning very closely with the primary elections.

What do you think is going on there? Shocking. And it’s shocking. It’s shocking that he’s going to be tied up in know. It’s like what I said before, they can’t beat him, so they have to know corrupt methods lie, cheat and steal. And part of that is tying him up in court so that he can’t be out in Iowa and he can’t be out where he needs to be campaigning.

Whether they win or lose, they don’t care. They’ve already, in their minds done what they’ve wanted, and I think they would go so far as to try and put them in jail if they could. And it’s a very frightening time. It’s motivating the republican party, but it’s a frightening time. And we’ll just take each one head on. Take each one head on. She’s a fighter. It’s great to have these type of interviews out there.

Just to remind us, you know, what, we know what’s going on. We’re here in the fight. Get out there and vote. There’s certain things that you can do out there while we’re here. And we’re going to be praying for them throughout this entire year. They’re going to try everything they can to stop President Trump. One of the ways, if you guys head to California, you’ll notice some strange things about the ballots there.

This came out. So is America as deeply blue as they claim it is? See, because there’s a couple reasons why I’m asking this. Number one, there was a young lady who just posted a video. She just moved to California and she received a registration card in the mail. Pretty simple process, too. They mail it to you, you check the box, you mail it back in. The problem is, the first line is Democrat, the second line is independent.

The third line is libertarian. Those are your three options for the checkbox. But see, you have to actually flip it over and read. And if you’re a Republican, you actually have to get online and register differently than you would just by simply checking the box. I hope this message reaches the California Republican Party. I just received this in the. Okay, because I just moved here. And these are your options.

You get to check a little box. That’s easy and convenient. Now, if you would like to vote Republican, you have to go and register online. Now, see, this creates a problem. Number one, why do you have two different systems for different parties? And number two, aren’t you then, by your own logic, disenfranchising people of color? Because all we heard during COVID and prior was that people of color in this country, hispanic Americans, black Americans and others, don’t have access to computers, they don’t have access to the Internet, and not necessarily sure, even if they’re on the Internet, how to navigate where they need to go.

This was the claim from the Democrat party. There were funny, laughable videos of people making fun of that on this app. So by your own logic, are you not then disenfranchising people of color who vote Republican? Plus, if I look at a map of California, 90% of it is red till you get into the cities of LA and San Francisco, and then you have that deep population of dependency that votes blue.

And then also, why in these deep, deep, deep blue states that we’re told are just deep blue, are they trying to keep Donald Trump off the ballot? See, if you’re such a deep blue state and there’s no fear that Donald Trump can win your state, why are you trying to keep him off the ballot? See, you’re not talking about defeating Donald Trump. You’re not talking about winning a fair election.

You’re talking about keeping him off the ballot. Same in Colorado, also a deep blue state now, where that ruling by their Supreme Court will easily get overturned. But why are you taking these steps in blue states if you’re as blue as you claim you are? Amen. Even back in 2019, we had this thrown at us. Remember the no our option in California when registering to vote? Welcome to the d party con.

They had the picture there showing it. Well, no our option. All of this was playing out just years ago. And now folks are starting to post videos about it and they’re noticing even more. It’s about time. Well, anyway, J six, remember that they’re trying to get President Trump for that. They put people away for years. Well, the DOJ Department of Justice recommending just six months in jail for Ray Eps.

In case you guys wanted to know, the only J six defendant caught on camera telling people to go into the Capitol building. Oh, yeah. All these strange things playing out. And part of the strangeness is also dealing with our money. We released a video this Sunday. If you guys missed it, I encourage you to go check it out with Dr. Kirk Elliot. I always recommend that you go out and reach to him yourself.

We can only get about 20 to 30 minutes in. You guys can call them and talk to them for hours about all your stuff, especially heading into this new year. And we talked about the allocated into strength in banks and phantom debt and a lot more. And here’s a small clip from that in case you missed it. Just flip of a switch, it’s done. But the consequences are abysmal.

Right. It’s complete loss of freedom, complete loss of privacy, ultimately will make you a slave into their system, because if you want money, you better toe the line. Right? So we can look back to Maxine Waters bill that she introduced in the United States back during COVID during 2020, that basically introduced digital currency along with a digital wallet and a participating member bank, which means it’s a bank that takes digital currency with a digital wallet.

Well, what was this for? Why did they have these three things? Digital wallet, digital money with a participating bank. Because they needed the mechanism to give government benefits and stimulus money out. So we got all kinds of information in that one, and we’re going to have another interview released next week for you. While this is playing out with all of the things that they’re doing to us on the money side, we see that this illegal immigrant deal has been playing out in all types of charts since August.

There are officially more arriving each month in the country of the United States than there are children being born to american mothers. And these are just the official encounters. We don’t know how many actually avoided the detection of coming into the states. Right. So you look at this red line. Right. The illegals coming across, coming across, and you see the american births just kind of making its way across.

Well, we’re going to have more than you thought. It’s called the great Replacement. Since August, there were officially more arriving each month than there are children being born to american mothers. These are just the official encounters. Okay. And these are playing out in such a way that even this was in the news recently. Also, starting January 1, California will become the first state in the nation to offer health insurance to undocumented immigrants.

Yeah. So you can come in undocumented and you get all the insurance you want, debit cards, phones and more. And eventually they’ll take over the population. They keep shipping them in by the hundreds of thousands. And if children aren’t born right in the US system and these folks are coming in, then you have the replacement, and then you have the elections, and then you have those that don’t have to show their ids, and then you have those that vote for the Democrats.

And guess what? They get to stay in power. Under the expansion, more than 700,000 people between the ages of 26 and 49 will be eligible for medical. CBS Rosio de la Fe takes a look at the new law and how immigrant rights advocates are reacting. Immigrant rights advocates call the expansion of health care for undocumented immigrants a major milestone in California. This is really me. All right, enough of that.

Just wanted to make sure you guys knew what was going on. Also, if you head to New York City, illegal immigrants are lined up for blocks. The concern is that people are coming in faster than we’ve normally seen. It’s yet to be seen how much that will cost. What I can tell you is that the crisis up to this point has cost $3 billion. And as more people come, the cost continues to go up.

The issue for New York is that they’re not only dealing with newly arrived migrants, they’re dealing with folks that have already been in New York City housing and are now being reticketed. So all of these folks already had free housing here in New York. And then they were given eviction notices, essentially 30 or 60 day notices telling them that they have to leave their shelter. But because this is a sanctuary city.

Housing is guaranteed. So if they wait in line, they can reapply and then be rehoused. And what you’re seeing is, so you see all this playing out in front of you day in and day out, these folks that, who knows these folks in these cities who vote for this and say, yeah, we need to keep the borders open, let everybody in. We need sanctuary cities. Well, now they’re getting overrun.

I wonder how they’re feeling now. Is that a planned thing? Is it unplanned? I’m not sure. But I tell you what, it’s something that’s very uncomfortable for them and it’s waking a lot of folks up. Another thing I wanted to show you today, because we kind of do the cliff notes of what’s going on out there is Celine Dion. Terrible news for an obvious satanist. We’ll show you why she was lost control over her own muscles as she tried to handle, as she actually had to cancel her world tour.

The sister of Celine Dion has just given an update about her medical status stating that the singer’s condition has actually deteriorated and that the songstress has now lost control over her own muscles. In an interview with a french news outlet, here is what Celine Dion’sister said. And just for your reference, this was actually translated from the original french quote. What breaks my heart is that she’s always been disciplined, she’s always worked hard.

Celine Dion is working hard, but doesn’t have control over her muscles. It’s true that both in our dreams and hers, the goal is to return to the stage. In what capacity, I don’t know. The vocal cords are muscles and the heart is also a muscle. Now, to give you a little bit of backstory to what’s happening, this right here, as I’m very sure you’re aware, is Miss Celine Dion.

One of the biggest pop stars of my father’s generation. She’s the artist behind many of the hit songs which topped the charts in the early two thousand s. And ever since then, she’s continued to create music and to tour around the world. In fact, her most recent tour, which is called the Courage World Tour, was a massive success, generating upwards of $104,000,000 worldwide. And that tour was actually scheduled to continue throughout most of the year 2022.

However, seemingly out of nowhere, Celine Dion released a statement in January of 2022 saying that she had to postpone all of the remaining tour dates in the year because she was in the process of recovering from some unspecified health issue. So several months later, though, she came out with an updated statement saying that she’s been diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder called stiff person syndrome. Interesting, because all this playing out, as we’ve shared before, and I’ll just remind you, for those, especially that are new, here’s an old clip of Celine Dion in her young days.

Napmerado Tilta, flashing the six six six sign twice, just in case the handlers didn’t see it the first time. She’s also dressed as a man, setting the ideals of a gender inversion back then. So let’s not miss the subtle red pyramid decoration on the left as well. See the red pyramid on the left? You see the six, the way they do this six? You see how they bring the thumb underneath and more.

And so I just want to make sure you guys know there’s a pass there. And then if you see the pictures, if you’ve seen the pictures of what she’s been looking at, like, recently, very disturbing. And then you get over to this part right here of the type of clothes that she was selling, which was very demonic and evil for children. What other celebrity is not walking with God? One just pops up.

Somebody mentioned this commercial from Celine Dion to me in my comments, so I went and checked it out. I’m not going to say much about it just yet. Y’all check it out for yourself. Our children, they are not really our children, as we are all just links in a never ending gene that is life for us. They are everything. But in reality, we are only a fraction of their universe.

We miss the past. So as I go through this, it’s kind of hard to hear, but she shows children, she walks in, she blows this magical dust. It’s all black and white, which is, you guys know, very demonic. You’ve got these things that are on the children that are very, very sick. And I’ll let him explain. A little kind of fairy dust. And that’s when the gingers came off of the walls and these little monsters popped up in their beds.

What in the buffoonery is this? Who else caught the baby with the new order shirt on? New order as in new world order, where they want a genderless society? Where they want a godless society. Am I the only one seeing the wickedness in this? What other kind of clothes are these children going to be wearing, Celine? Let’s see. Oh, skulls. Skulls, which are symbolic for death on a child.

Yeah, makes sense. New order. Oh, some more skulls. So they had skulls. New order. Six. Six on the clothes and more. This clothing was just sickening to watch. We bring a new order as a concept into the world. You know what? You don’t know what they’re going to become later. And you don’t want for them to have a problem of growth and say, I’m supposed to be like that.

I’m supposed to say that I’m supposed to dress like this because I’m a guy, I’m a boy. I’m supposed to do. These people are talking ridiculous and trying to make sense out of it. Yep. She’s trying to explain how, you know, you could come up if you think you’re a boy. You don’t have to think like that. We’re trying to help them realize that they can be a girl if they want.

So I’m going to play this clip from live french tv that came out. I’ll try to translate over it. Okay. I sent a woman from prison there who wanted to sell her daughter whom they have taken away from her. They took her away from her. She wanted her to stay at the adrenochrome lab that I connected her with. The same adrenochrome lab I denounced and gave the address.

I am collaborating with investigating judge for ten years now who is a little dubious, but okay, for those that are listening in, this is a tv show. He’s on there explaining himself and it sounds like he’s a lawyer that put all this together. I’m trying to piece it together on my own, but I saw the translation. I figured I’ll just read the translation that they put up there over the french.

Okay. Celine Dion. Have you seen what a thin body slice she’s become lately, y’all? And then the whole audience went crazy when he said that. Almost. Except they’re all programmed to believe, oh, Celine Dion, we love her. We worship her. How dare you bring her name up. That’s the way it looked to me from the audience. I don’t know. You tell me. I put it in the description box below.

You can watch it. So anyway, he continues, he says, I told her 50 times, Celine Dion. I told her 50 times, Celine Dion. There is effectively an article about adrenochrome in this magazine. Shock it. Even though I can’t confirm all this, but it’s definitely a very spoken of matter recently. And so they continue to talk. And then I bring it to the next part of the translation. I said that I assume that there is a history of adrenochrome.

Yes, it happens in Morocco, Maracish, 15 years ago during her birthday. There. There were many young boys present. He’s still talking about Celine, many young boys present. So hence why I attacked YSL and PRB, suing them in court and why I won my case. Saleem Laibi has attacked these pedo criminals and has got six months jail sentence and lost 50,000 pounds of fine. He appealed the sentence. Saleem Laibi, you can verify that? I testified in court that these people and then his driver confirmed everything I said.

All came out to be true. And voila. Interesting, right? This is coming out in tv. And then she says, okay, one question. Here we go. These children come from where and belong to whom they are kidnapped and trafficked. Well, yes. Well, yes, they are all kept hostage. There are 58,000 disappearances per year of children going missing, and they become human merchandise. And you can see the shock as you go through and watch this.

You see the disgust of the people as they’re listening in. You see another young man. He puts his hands basically over his forehead like he doesn’t want to hear it. And these folks look in disgust, and they’re very, just in shock as he continues to talk and share this information. So again, remember men’s health put out in 2020, QAnon is spreading a bizarre, dangerous conspiracy theory about a drug called adrenochrome.

No, it’s not real, but that hasn’t stopped QAnon followers from irresponsibly sharing. Guys, there’s proven truth out there, and we’ve known about it. Native Texas said theory, yet there is a legit patent on it and spoken about throughout history. That bizarre theory, there’s a patent on it. Okay. Make no mistake, we’re at war with Satan. The fatalities of this war will be those who refuse to see the evil behind their governments, their big corporations, their military, their banks, their mainstream media, and their pharmaceutical companies.

The time has come for each and every one of us to fight. Our very soul depends on it. As I read this, I remember having a conversation. Guys, this is me speaking years ago with a wonderful family. Been friends with them for many, many years. And when I was talking to that marine and he asked me about my podcast and how he’s doing, I said, you’re doing great.

Told him it was growing and more. It was a wonderful conversation. And he asked me what recently we were talking about. And that was back when they were pushing the jabs. And I told him, they’re pushing the jabs. The jabs aren’t good. I just want to let you know, warn you. Well, yeah, I know I got them because I needed to stay in the military, blah, blah, blah.

And then he kind of said something strange to me. It was like, well, if I die, then I die from it. Well, right after that happened, all kinds of terrible things happened to their family and more physically. We’ve got terrorists on our hand. We have a financial terrorist, blackrock, biological terrorist, gates, psychological terrorist, the wEf, and spiritual terrorist, halal, who calls himself Noah. There’s no comfort in his name whatsoever.

So lately, what are they trying to do to cover it up? Well, they’re going to put out. In the Great Britain news, Covid scientists issue warning new variant could cause global heart failure pandemic. Covid could trigger heart failure pandemic. What’s. What they’re going to put out there? It’s part of the COVID See, they don’t want all these folks that laugh at you. And they went and got all the shots, and they make fun of us and more who didn’t.

They’re going to continue to tell them it had nothing to do with the jabs. It has everything to do with COVID Bill Gates spent $2 billion a year in the mainstream media to promote his lies. The mainstream media will tell you that the vaccines are safe and effective, but you need to take eight of them. The mainstream media will tell you that Bill was saving children from Epstein’s island.

The mainstream media will tell you that Bill is a doctor. They lie every single day. The media, the mainstream lamestream media filled with lies. Well, where do you have the truth? I’ve showed you this before. I’ll remind you again over and over. Covid BC vaccine, sudden deaths. As you go through these, you see, folks, one day, they’re bragging as I show it to you. Let’s get jabbed, let’s get vaccinated in 2021.

And then the same guy, a couple of years later, passes away peacefully from complications due to a stroke. Oh, you can say, well, anybody can have strokes this. And, yeah, well, how come so many young ones got their jab right and then 36 years old passes away unexpectedly? They share about it on open social media so people can grab these. You literally had a vaccine passport all through school.

Relax, says someone. Well, that person telling you to relax had shocking news. As they pass away, suddenly you see all the things that are happening physically to people’s bodies. These are happening to dads, moms, children. They’re gone unexpectedly, passing away from massive heart attacks. And it breaks your heart, and you reach out to them and they just don’t listen. You keep talking, you’re like, look, folks, right now, we’re talking to a company.

Just to let you know, we’re going to be doing an interview hopefully soon that has some type of way. There are things out there that folks are working on to try to get this stuff out of our system. They’re doing the best they can to get this stuff out. And we’ve been praying and folks are starting to fall into our laps and show us, look, we’ve got something that can help.

There are many things out there that can help you most of all, prayer and healing. It breaks my heart, the things that we’ve seen, the things that our own family’s been through, my own mother in law. But through it all, we were able to share the message of Christ with her mother in law, and she came to know Christ as her lord and savior. This is a spiritual battle on all levels.

The music industry is being used to lie to us and deceive us and deceive our children. To deceive our children. The Hollywood actors are used to deceive all of us. They’re all used, right, to say that Trump is bad, don’t vote for him. He’s evil. Well, why? Because most of these Hollywood actors went to Epstein island. They were involved in heinous crimes. Many out there are saying, you know what’s been too long, nothing’s ever going to happen to them.

And I get it. But in the meantime, they continue to mock us with their videos and with their worship of Satan to our face. And I wanted to show you this thing called Dojaquet. Didn’t even know who it was. Heard the name the other day. And then I had to have a talk with my own family members about this. And it’s just sickening to the core. As we come to a close, this whole, like, you’re a satanist, very confident satanism thing is like, I’m sorry, when the, did I say that I was a satanist? So she cusses again, but she’s basically saying, I didn’t say I was a satanist.

All these people are saying that I’m a satanist. And here’s what Krazi from TikTok says. She can’t be serious. She can’t be serious. I’m a demon lord. She can’t be serious. The scary part is people who worship her will see her saying that and believe her. Even though she caught herself a demon, even though she caught herself the devil. They’ll call this art. Those people are in a full state of delusion.

Those people are in the matrix. They are inside of a bubble that they call the world. They don’t understand the invisible spiritual aspects that go on inside the world and listen. Once upon a time, Doja was not that tainted. Once upon a time, she was a regular girl trying to make it in Hollywood. But then she made it in Hollywood. Masonic birthday cakes, wicked contracts. Did y’all realize how fast and big Doja cat blew up? Did I not tell y’all there are certain contracts before you passed a certain level? Now, how does she get there so fast? Let me show y’all a video of her shape shifting.

So he shows you her face, how it changes. And I’ve always thought that when I see this, what they call shape shifting, that it’s almost like a demon, if they’re filled with demons. Like, you guys know when you go to scripture and it know, what’s your name? We are legion, for we are many. Remember, Jesus cast those demons out into the swine, and the pigs ran off into the water.

I think they can manifest themselves through the body and expose themselves through the eyes and through the face. And more the shape shifting. Y’all starting to see these people for who they actually are and who they actually represent. Or y’all still acting like your eyes are closed? They used to hide it, but nowadays they’re showing you right in front of your face. They are not hiding it anymore.

You have no excuse anymore. They are showing you the rituals right in front of our face. Right on music videos. They used to hide things in music videos. And when people would call it out, people would call those people conspiracy theorists. Guess what, people. No more hiding. No more hiding the sickness that is being pushed on all of our children. The transgender push, the pronoun push, the satan push, it’s all becoming prevalent, and they’re trying to make it look like it’s the new norm.

And as each generation grows up and each generation goes through all this trauma based programming that they’re pushing through all of our minds, through movies, through videos, and more. The more folks will not go to the word of God, the more that they will stay away from the teaching of the truth, the more it will fall apart. God placed something inside of our hearts to recognize this kind of evil when it appears.

The Bible speaks of this kind of evil to warn us. One timothy four one. Now, the spirit expressly says that in later times, some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons. One Peter five eight through nine. Be sober minded. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Resist him firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.

One corinthians 1013. No temptation has ever taken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. But with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it. When you continuously feed your soul with their demonic content, the more you come into agreement with it. That’s why I tell people, mourn them all the time.

I’ve been through many, many years of this, folks, and I’ve seen it. You start putting yourself watching movies that are demon filled, and you think it’s okay. I’m a believer in Christ. I can watch whatever I want. Well, I’m warning you. You bring that witchcraft and that demonic activity into your home and you watch what happens. It’s sickening. It leads to all kinds of perversions and more. We’re being inundated daily with, oh, I wonder if the Epstein list is going to do.

Is that going to do anything for us other than justify that these folks are criminals and they get by with murder. Will anything happen in the public when these folks get arrested and putting out? Not sure. But you know what? As we get closer to this election, they’re going to do all they can to distract us. They’re going to do all they can to make sure that President Trump does not win this next election.

They’re scared of him. He exposes evil, he exposes their trafficking, he exposes what they really do behind closed doors, and they can’t handle it, and they don’t want him around. And all the money in the world that belongs to Satan is going to be used to stop it. He is not the savior of this world. But I believe that God, through, remember, through nations, he can appoint who he wants to rule them, can be used as a wake up call for all of us to realize we have our part to play.

Just like William Wilberforce was used to free the slaves, we each have a part from the will of God. His will is what that none should perish, that all come to the knowledge of Christ. Let’s not forget that. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much once again for all that you continue to do in and through us.

For the reminder of your will of showing, allowing the exposure of this evil to so many people on this earth. So they realize this is a spiritual battle, not a physical one. People are realizing more and more, heavenly Father, that you are in charge. They’re realizing that there is evil in this world. They’re realizing the depths of just how the debauchery of Satan. And we know and see.

Many are starting to come to us and ask, what brings the calm and peace in your life? And we ask that we would be the calm you would provide us with the ability, through the Holy Spirit, to be the common peace that people need. We know that we’re the only bible that many people ever read. And we just ask that you continue to use us, guide us, and direct us into all truth.

We need help for our nation, the United States of America, heading into this election. President Trump and his lawyers need support. We ask for their protection if there are big things happening around this earth where the enemy’s trying to destroy. We ask for the continued safeguards to be put up by you. And we ask that in the end of all of this, that you will receive all the praise, honor and glory that you deserve in this new year of 2024, which has already been a roller coaster ride.

We know we can trust you and do not fear. We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. I hope you have a remainder good remaining week here ahead of you. Please hit that subscribe button if you would and share this video. That like button too. Also, thank you for going to my bowling bros. Channel. My son’s in the description box below.

You can subscribe to their bowling channel if you haven’t done it. Their last one that went live. You never know what surprise you might see on that one if you go check it out. Pretty cool. So anyway, wanted to just tell you once more, thank you so much for all your prayers and support. For now. This is lt saying. Simplify with them. We know signing out. .


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