1.29.24: THE ARK Deportation TX border update Snoop dog Tr@ns BAN NFL Psyop Disease Pray! And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ And We Know channel talks about a person’s thoughts on current events. They discuss their faith, a trip they’re planning, and their support for President Trump. They also talk about issues at the Texas border and encourage people to pray and think carefully before taking action. They end by saying that victory is close.
➡ The text talks about a video warning people to be careful about getting caught in a trap where they might be portrayed negatively by the media. It also discusses the possibility of the government trying to scare people away from supporting Texas. The text suggests that it’s important to think and pray before deciding what to do. It ends by mentioning a product called Field of Greens and a discussion about border issues.
➡ The text talks about different people’s opinions on Donald Trump. Some people like him because he helped them or they think he can fix problems in the country. Others don’t like him and accuse him of doing bad things. There’s also a new law in Ohio that affects transgender people, and some people are happy about it while others are upset.
➡ This text talks about a lot of different things. It mentions a court case where someone was found guilty, but the speaker thinks the person should still be allowed to run for office. It also talks about how some people think football games are rigged, and how Taylor Swift and her boyfriend are being used to influence people. Lastly, it discusses a recent attack on US soldiers in the Middle East and how some people think the US should respond.
➡ A bad guy named Palavi took over a country, made things really bad, and stopped people from speaking freely. People got tired of him and chose a new leader named Ayatollah Khomeini, who made the country follow strict religious rules. The country, Iran, is upset with the United States and other western countries because they believe these countries caused a lot of trouble and took their oil. The text also talks about how Donald Trump didn’t start any wars and wants to stop them, and how he might come back as president in 2024.
➡ A new virus called the Nipa virus is making people sick in India. It’s spread by bats, pigs, or sick people, and it’s very dangerous. Two people have already died from it. There’s also talk about problems with vaccines and people getting sick after getting them.
➡ The speaker believes that people should date with the intention to marry and that sex should be respected more. He finds great joy in his family, especially his daughter. He also talks about the importance of respectful conversations, even when people have different views. Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of faith and spirituality in dealing with life’s challenges.


Be not conformed to this world, but be ye be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Folks, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We are going to see many of the constant comms coming out from all different angles this weekend. We’re going to look into the NFL Psyop occurring, give a Texas border warning to all those from a biblical perspective.

Find another huge supporter for President Trump that’s going to rock the world of many and see how the family is the most important to hold on to during this strange year. From Charlie Kirk. It’s going to be amazing. You’ll check this one out. Here we go. Folks. I just want to start by reminding you we have our at Seawith August 11 through the 18th, 2024. You can go to amwinow.

com and you can hang out with us. We’re going to have just basically what I call a family reunion and a secluded place all together just enjoying each other. And it’s going to start in Seattle, of course, take off to Alaska. We’re going to stop, but I believe in Vancouver, too. And we’re going to enjoy our food. Great singing from the Isaacs and biblical teaching and more. Meet my family.

Entire family is going to be there and so many others that have been supporting us throughout the years. And we’ll read excerpts from the book. Also be on the microphone. Hope you guys check that out. I like it better than any other cap I think I’ve ever had. From the very first day that we take back the White House from crooked Joe Biden, I believe we’re going to have the greatest four years in our country’s history.

I believe that. I believe that or I wouldn’t be doing this. I wouldn’t be doing it if I wasn’t running or if I was in fourth place, fifth place, 7th place. We started off with twelve. Sort of reminds me of 2016. We started off with 18, including me. And then in week by week, boom, boom. It was like chopping down a tree. Boom. What a great feeling. Boom, boom, boom.

We started off with eleven. The first few fell off fast and then they got a little bit tougher. Bomb, bomb, bomb. And now we’re down to one. And she’s not doing too well. She’s in South Carolina and I’m leading by 78 points a lot. But I wouldn’t do this. And, you know, if I didn’t think we could do a great job because we had among the greatest four year periods in the history of the presidency.

Think of the things we cut your taxes more than the Reagan tax cuts. Number one, biggest. There we go. So, of course, the greatest four years in our country’s history is coming. And I’ve mentioned this before, say it again to those guys, might be new. President Trump shows up, he tells us a couple of years ago, in 2020, leading up to the election, they’re going to steal it.

They’re going to steal it. He reminded us over and over again, knowing full well they were going to use the mail in ballots, change the numbers, stop everything, blame it on some leak of faucet at 10:30 p. m. Go in and change all the numbers, and voila. We’ve been in flux ever since. And we’ve talked about the pause, how he’s brought up that it was great kind of for him to lose because it allowed us to see the Democrats, the rhinos, the Biden regime, and more.

It’s exposed so many people the past couple years, and it’s waken up so many across this entire earth. I mean, a lot. We’re going to see some of those in a moment. It’s absolutely brilliant. I just want to tell you guys, thank you for liking, sharing and subscribing, by the way. You’re helping us out to be at the top of the leaderboard on rumble, and we just appreciate that.

Here’s some more from President Trump. We have no choice. Within moments of my inauguration, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in America. We have no choice because this is not sustainable. It’s no wonder Joe Biden and his thugs are so desperate to stop us. They know that we are the only ones who can stop them. They know that we’re the only ones that can stop them.

They know that. Are they even on the go? He’s saying stop them. They’re not even close to being near him in any way, shape or form. But he brought up the border, he brought up the deportations and more of what he’s going to do when he takes over. And just wanted to show you something that folks are catching on to is ultra pepulized matter. One of them says.

Can’t help but think about the fact that we’re now seeing blatant state defiance against the Biden administration, where they are displaying maps of rebellion, while at the same time the 2024 civil war movie coming out in April of this year is seeding its own map of secession. Predictive programming on some level, but how far does this really go? So if you’re looking at your screen, we’re looking at the 2024 Civil War movie, and you’re looking at those nations that are part of the Civil War.

They are on the top left, on the bottom right. Well, when you look at the map for the Texas border stand, all of these states that are standing for Texas, they seemingly almost match, almost match in a similar fashion to that movie. So that’s kind of awkward. There’s also some video that I saw earlier, and I don’t have it with me now, but there’s a guy stating that he drove down to Eagle Pass, got down the road from Eagle Pass, and noticed that there was a wide open part of that border.

And I tried to look more into it to see what was going on, but he was basically eagle Pass. Everybody’s looking at Eagle Pass, but right down the road, half a mile, the border is wide open. And so I’m going to play a clip in a moment just to show you what others are saying is just be in prayer about all the stuff going on with Texas, the big support.

Remember, whenever we start focusing on one big thing and it starts growing fast and the mainstream media is covering it, then maybe there’s some warnings need to go out. We talked about the last video. They put together a gathering in some different states, not on the border, just to pray for Texas, which is important for a prayer. We have to remind you, the comms that came out from the intel board, there’ll be no civil war.

That was July 1, 2018. We were told that coordinated mainstream media hysteria designed to instill fear and change narrative. All right, so coordinated hysteria, right? Change the narrative. Fake news. He told us that twice. Twice. So in the midst of all that, Jamie and Angie got together with our graphics coordinator, M, and they put together some amazing shirts with I stand with Texas. The Texas collection is selling out fast.

Get yours today. And it is. And so just wanted to give a shout out to that. You go in the description box below, and you can go to our amwinode. com and you’ll find these Texas shirts so you can stay in prayer form, wear them proudly. Just showing that we want our border secured, that’s what we want. That doesn’t mean we have to head down there with massive amount of people and make it another j six event, because that’s what some folks are fearing is that it could be a setup.

So we’re just folks. I’m not telling you what to do. By the way, I was thinking about this, putting it together. I’m simply sharing information that’s coming out from different people and their thoughts. It’s up to you to go in prayer to figure out what you think you should do in light of the information I provided in the last video Friday and this video today. Good morning, my friends and fellow patriots.

I just wanted to say a couple quick words about the situation in Texas at the border. It definitely seems to be spinning out of control very quickly at this point. And I know there’s a movement with a bunch of good patriots whose hearts are in the right place that feel like now is the time we need to, as civilians, go down and get involved in this. And I would just beg you and implore you that before you make that decision to do it, go to God about that.

Do a gut check moment. Ask the Holy Spirit if this is the right decision, the right move for you. And I say that because the people that we’re fighting against would like nothing more than for this thing to blow up. And at the border, we literally, if that thing goes kinetic at all, all bets are off, and everything that we’re fighting for, everything that we’re working for, can evaporate in a single second.

We literally need one person down there without a level head that gets trigger happy and everything changes. Guys, victory is in sight. And in my humble opinion, I don’t think that this is the way. And I think that everything that we’re fighting for can go away if we’re not very, very careful. So take that for what you will. God bless and God speed. So then, there we go.

That video is posted in the description box below. It’s Scotty Marr. He puts these out, grabs those. So I’m not sure exactly where the source is for this. Just letting you know it’s another perspective coming from someone who’s just saying, you, hey, be careful. Let’s not get caught in another trap where we all gather together and the next thing you know, we’re painted by the mainstream media as, say, some folks show up just like they did for j six.

They wear a bunch of Trump gear or whatever, and they cause all kinds of chaos. They start making all types of terrible things happening, screaming, yelling, shouting, throwing, all kinds of stuff. And before you know it, it gets out of hand. And the media uses that the entire election year leading up to the election to then again put in the hearts and minds of the people to change their minds about MAGA folks.

Right? That’s what they want to call it. Well, breaking Texas Governor Abbott confirms they are prepared if Biden federalizes the National Guard. So all of that is playing out. We know the elections are being meddled with and more. And so the same people that said to stay clear of the justice for January 6 rally in September 2021 because they were afraid it was going to be a fed op or a false flag are the same cowards that are trying to scare and disrupt millions from coming out and supporting Texas sovereignty, says Ivan Rakeland.

I’m sure that these disinformation purveyors are the very same Timothy Thabat and Brian Otten and Chris Ray Epps that know that the rally will be peaceful unless federal assets are deployed. And because they don’t want to deploy federal assets, their next best alternative is to use the same scare tactics to say it’s going to be a set up in order for the turnout to be low again. We’re getting different information from different folks, and I’m just telling you what they’re saying so you can make up your mind on what you feel like you should do, especially if you’re close to that area.

So that’s Ivan’s opinion, that they’re causing fear so that nobody shows up or very few do. Okay, so we’ll see how that one plays out. All of this is very difficult, folks, to even talk about, because I don’t want to dissuade people from going, and I don’t want to tell people false information either. I just think we need to do like what he said, pray about it, and make sure that we seek the Lord to find out what he would have us to do.

The biggest one is prayer, right? Prayer be a huge one. And so here’s some more on Texas and what’s playing out there. The results of that election. As soon as that riot happened at the Capitol, all of the challenges went away. They certified the election. That’s it. Joe Biden wins, and the left got exactly what they wanted because of that rising up, that alleged insurrection. That wasn’t an insurrection that we now know.

According to cash Patel and others, there were hundreds, possibly federal agents in that crowd, maybe inciting things. So we fast forward to today. I think the central government and the Marxists in this country would love to see a bunch of people jump in their pickup trucks and head down to the border and start inciting something saying, we’re going to stand firm with Texas, and we’ll fight your tooth and nail, and we’ll die for it, when the end result would be, look, Texas and the Republicans are a bunch of insurrectionists.

Let’s have Biden win the election again to save democracy. Can they think that far ahead. Do you think there’s anything to what I just said? Look, I think it’s certainly possible. I think definitely on January 6, I had the same thoughts when I was up there, and I went to the peaceful rally where we had people speaking using their first amendment. And then I went to lunch and then all this stuff happened, and I was like, they set us up.

We were set up. That’s exactly what I thought. And I don’t want this to be used that way. I mean, we have an obligation to protect our citizens. The governor should do everything he can to protect them. And if there’s some confrontation that Joe Biden creates, I don’t know how that turns out, but that’s Joe Biden creating a confrontation. We’re just trying to protect our people. So I’m going to say this again, and you’re listening to Attorney General Paxton there from Texas.

Remember, he couldn’t talk for a while. They had him pushed away. The bushes tried to stop him from actually being attorney general. Well, it didn’t work. So he’s out there talking. That’s good. You agree? Let’s let this work itself out in the courts. Let’s do this constitutionally. Let’s go by the law of the land and let’s not be sucked into something that. Listen, people are tweeting it’s another civil war.

No, it’s not. That’s not what we’re looking at here. You’ve got 25 states that are backing Texas. Now, that’s got to feel pretty good. But they’re backing Texas. I know there are some boots on the ground, not much, but there’s some show of force there. Not that they’re going to be using it, but they’re supporting Texas and the fight in the courts because if Texas loses and we’ve got the largest border with Mexico, the entire country loses.

Yeah, we’re just one open. I mean, Texas got a lot of places that people can go from. It’s not that hard to get other places. The Biden administration is flying them to where they want them anyway or buzing them. So, yeah, I agree with that. Let us fight it out in the courts. That’s what I do. Let the governor do what he does and use official law enforcement and people that are trained to do what they do.

People that are trained to do what they do. So good to have Paxton in there giving his word. Joe pags obviously is bringing up what he thinks might. So anyways, just, it’s good for us to stay healthy, stay alert, and stay in prayer. Okay? Imagine you’re at your doctor’s office. Your doctor glances up from your chart and says, hey, whatever you’re doing, keep it up. That’s the field of greens.

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If you’re busy, don’t get enough exercise and you eat too much fast food, we’ll take field of greens. Look, field of greens can’t promise your doctor will dance into your room, but they can promise that your next checkup, your doctor will notice you’ve improved your health or your money back. I trust field of greens for my health, and you can, too. Let me get you started with 15% off.

Visit fieldofgreens. com and use promo code Lt. That’s promo code lt@fieldofgreens. com. For 15% off. We’ve watched this border, I call it the Biden invasion. Carry on for years now under Joe Biden. He came in on day one and peeled back an effective plan that President Trump had in place. He and his corrupt government administration is aiding and abetting this invasion at our border. And we need to go down there, finish the wall, get National Guard troops on the border and stop these people from pouring across.

And then we need to sort out the 12 million people who are here. And in order to save our homeland, we need to send them back to their homeland and start repatriating these people back to their homeland. We can’t afford to take on all the world’s problems. We have so many problems of our own here, and we’re forgetting about the american people. Carrie Lake, thank you for being here.

I appreciate your time. Thank you, Michael. I appreciate you having me on. And that was with the communist news network, CNN. And we’re able to get the border information there from Carrie Lake. Outstanding. Good job. She did wonderful. And so I was telling you earlier about the wake up on the election side, and we were telling you from stormwriter, who basically said there is an operation going on to wake up the black Americans across the country to realize what’s been happening to them and how they’ve been lied to for so many years and how many of them are finally starting to at the same time, they’re exposing all of the liars, and we’re seeing a lot of folks bring support towards President Trump.

And one of those is Snoop Dogg. Snoop Dogg vows nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump. Remember, Snoop Dogg was the one that put a gun to Trump’s head and shot in one of his songs, shot him in the head, remember? And he had a clown face on. And he also was cussing out people that voted for him. What changed? So he said, donald Trump, he had done nothing wrong to me.

He has done only great things for me. He pardoned Michael Harris. So I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump. That’s a big part of it. And then you see folks like this using their social media accounts to make sure we’re waking up folks across the country. Money for you, you lazy dad. What you think they doing? See, when Donald Trump was building that wall and Donald Trump was saying, close the border, we got a crisis at that border.

Y’all called Donald Trump racist. Y’all said he was racist. You heard me. Y’all wanted him out of office. I’m sorry to say it, man, but listen, that’s what you asked for. Y’all say vote blue no matter who. New York, Chicago, you heard me. California, all these places. And look what’s going on. They don’t need the black vote no more. They replacing your a with illegal immigrants. They’re replacing you.

Yeah. So there’s folks out there in social media saying you’re being replaced. They don’t care about you. They’re replacing you. And so that goes all the way over to how the widening is happening across the nation. President Trump now has 63 point lead over Haley. How in the world can you make something like that up those points? This is Dan Scovino posting that. And so the thing is, they’re going to try to continue to put him in court, right? And they’re going to see if maybe, just maybe, they can have him arrested.

And they’ll say, well, guys, RNC’s decided since President Trump is put away, that we’re going to pick Nikki Haley. Can you imagine? Seems like that’s what they’re planning. But anyway, here’s another good part of the wake up call on ABC. Restaurant managing partner George Rivera, at 43, has never voted in a presidential election before. But he says he’s now all in for Trump. To me, he’s anti establishment.

He’s not with the status quo. And he’s actually for the people, having him elected back into office is the step that we need to take to fix, to make this country great. And what was wrong with the country, to me, what’s wrong with the country is we’re under financial tyranny. We’re under corporate tyranny. What does that mean? Explain that to me. I mean, that we’re overtaxed hypertaxation. And you think Donald Trump can change that? And do you blame Joe Biden for that? Well, I don’t blame Joe Biden.

I blame his filled policies. Just because the s and p 500 is at an all time high doesn’t mean that gas isn’t higher than it was several years ago. I run a restaurant, so the cost of beef went up five to 6%. Oh, yeah. You guys see this? It’s ABC. So the folks that are lingering over there, the millions, just happen to be watching. And she didn’t cut him off completely.

She just tried to question him to get him to explain himself, and she let him talk. I was kind of shocked. Another thing, shocking but positive is the trans in America from PBS NewsHour. Ohio law has now banned gender affirming care, child mutilation, prescriptions for puberty blockers, and hormone therapy. Imagine that. Ohio is the latest state to ban gender affirming care for transgender youth and to limit trans athletes participation in school sports.

A total of 23 states have passed trans healthcare bans, with 20 approved just in the past year. Stephanie Psy has more. Omna Ohio Governor Mike DeWine had blocked this bill late last month, saying parents and doctors should make decisions around gender affirming care, not the state. But yesterday, the Ohio Senate overrode the governor’s veto. The new law bans gender affirming surgeries, new prescriptions for puberty blockers and hormone therapy, and restricts mental health care for trans minors without a parent’s or guardian’s consent.

Doctors who provide care in violation of the law can lose their medical license. It also bans trans women and girls from playing on women’s sports teams in high schools and colleges. Orion Rumbler covers all this for the 19th news and joins us now. Orion, what kind of impact will this law have on transgender youth and transgender athletes? Thank you so much, Stephanie. So this law, which, important to remember, will not go into effect until late April, like you said, would prevent trans youth from accessing medications such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy as part of their gender firming care.

There are also other restrictions at play in Ohio right now that Governor DeWine put into place whenever he vetoed this ban. He made a couple administrative proposals and those restrictions that DeWine brought would affect adults as well as minors. We spoke to someone from Trans Ohio earlier. Here’s what they said about the effect the law is already having on Ohio families. We’re in the process of essentially starting refugee enclaves in half a dozen states of people who used to want to be in Ohio.

I mean, many of them still know these are people who’ve lived here their whole lives. They have extended family connections, businesses, jobs, everything that you would expect for people who live somewhere. And they’re in the process of deciding to uproot themselves or what they do. So, Orion, they’re saying people may just leave Ohio. But with nearly two dozen states enacting similar bans on gender affirming care for minors, where do these families with transgender kids go? That’s the question is as more states, like you said, ban this care, there aren’t many options for them to go because.

And so it moves on another day. Doctors can lose the medical license if they violate the law. They ban the trans women and girls from playing under women’s sports teams. Naturally, trans communities claiming they must move out of the state. This is some excellent progress. 23 states have passed trans health care bans so far, banned child mutilation in all 50 states. I completely agree with ultra peppy lives matter on that one.

So speaking of trans Michelle Obama, Michael, running for president is exactly what democrats need. According to politics guide to free. The vast majority of Americans hold a positive opinion of Obama. Contrast to President Biden’s current struggles in the polls, the widespread appeal and respected stature present a compelling case for her or his. A potential candidacy. Yeah, you see the move? They’re going to start making the move. Let’s see.

Who is this? Do you guys have your screens on giant screen tv? And what does that look like to you? Can you guess? We’ll give you a couple seconds. Two and one. Well, that happens to be the lawyer for Eugene Carroll, the one know the jury civil case finds Trump sexually abused and defamed. E. Jean Carroll really important in all of this. And it’s the fact that New York passed this law, the adult survivors act.

They passed it just a few years ago. Were it not for that law, you never would have been able to bring this case. And I just think it speaks to the importance for a lot of other survivors. Oh, so they needed a law in order for Eugene Carroll to bring the case to New York to cause problems for President Trump. Why is that law so important? And how did they get that law in check? This out.

Exactly. I would never have this window this year of having the ability to bring a lawsuit for rape. Robbie can explain it better. Well, Egypt actually helped to get that law passed. It passed last year. It was thanksgiving day. It was the first day you could sue. We filed just after midnight on Thanksgiving. So they admit they passed the new law in 2022, extended the statute of limitations for sexual assault civil lawsuits beyond 20 years, which allowed her, Carol, to sue Trump in a year, one year window.

Even a liberal New York jury don’t agree she was raped by Trump. You guys catch how they do this, man. They just try to weave it all together and try to get you all fooled and everything, and then they send you off to tv land and they say, hey, go watch Biden. He’s going to help out. Just in case you’re struggling with everything and all the winning from President Trump.

Let’s go see what Biden has to say recently. We’ll teach Donald Trump a valuable lesson. Don’t mess with him in an awareness unless you want to get the benefit. Yeah, way to go, Biden. Get those words out. So, crystal clear. And just continuing on with the Eugene Carroll verdict, remember, Trump’s going to. President Trump’s going to actually appeal that. We got Nikki Haley chiming in. The jury has now ruled they have found him liable of sexual abuse.

Do you not trust the jury and their findings, ambassador? Oh, my goodness. So dramatic. So dramatic. They got him. I want to hear that one more time. The jury has now ruled they have found him liable of sexual abuse. Do you know, oh, my goodness. They found him liable. So much drama. What, acting? Trust the jury and their findings, ambassador. I absolutely trust the jury, and I think that they made their decision based on the evidence.

I just don’t think that should take him off the ballot. I think the american people will take him off the ballot. I think that’s the best way to go forward, is not let him play the victim, let him play the loser. That’s what we want him to do at the end of the day. Oh, that’s what you want him to do. So let’s see. On MSNBC, she supports the verdict.

Well, Reed Hoffman funded Eugene Carroll the lawsuit. And Reed Hoffman is also bankrolling the campaign for Nikki Haley. Wow, these guys are slick. They come in, they change the law just in time so they could put them up there for everybody to see. Then they put Nikki Haley on the top and said, you’re our best hope. We’re going to kick everybody else out. And now you take the mantle and run and we’re going to win this thing.

Oh, my goodness. Psyops much? So then we head to another one that I was telling you about earlier, the NFL. Many folks are catching on that a lot of these games, these NFL games are actually not what people actually think they are. I’m looking for my bookmarks. I actually had bookmarks set up earlier and I’m going to get to it here in a second. If I can find it, that’d be great.

But in all of this, when you can’t constantly look at games and stuff on television, you start wondering who’s rigging who because it seems like they already had the colors ready for the Super bowl. They already knew who was going to win. I mean, a lot of folks are sharing this. Just go out and do your research. You can figure it out. But the big thing I want to point out is Taylor Swift runs out to Kansas City Chiefs.

She’s given a hug and kiss, and the television cameras are on them, focused. They’re heading to the Super bowl after defeating the Ravens. And all the cameras are on Taylor Swift and her boyfriend. Well, remember, he’s the Pfizer guy. So he comes out, does a commercial for Pfizer, and he’s telling everybody, go get your shot. And then he’s dating Taylor Swift. And she’s got the biggest influence ever in the history of probably the world we’d ever seen.

I mean, right here I’m showing you in wokeness. What’s happening with Taylor Swift is not organic. It’s an mean, you go to the store shelves, magazines, almost every magazine. Let’s see, is it every magazine? Every magazine. Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. She’s on the front of Time magazine. She’s on the front of all of the magazines on this. You know, they’re going to focus and pump as much information as they can, put it into the young minds and hearts and get everybody to worship Taylor Swift.

And then they have her date this guy, they put them together and then she comes out with know little Twitter sphere. After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, she’s talking to President Trump. You have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence. When the looting starts, the shooting stars shooting starts. When the looting starts, the shooting starts. We will vote you out in November.

And that’s what she posted in 2020. And then, of course, she’s wearing the shirt. Nope, not again. Who else was wearing that? Tom Hanks. Why is Hollywood so afraid of Donald Trump? It’s kind of awkward. Don’t you think? What is going on? How do they rig football games? I mean, I’ve been talking about this before. I don’t know if some of you guys saw this and some of you probably won’t believe it, but you’ll be like, I’ve never heard of this before.

I thought that all the games, these guys are real. You can make everything. I trust this person. I trust that person. And anyway, here’s the video clip just in case you missed it. I didn’t show you the video, but there they are, all cameras, folks. I can’t believe you did that. She says. And then they kiss and the whole world is watching us. So we’ve got to keep this whole thing going because we need her to continually bash President Trump and we need him to continually push Pfizer Super bowl right here.

Kyle Baker shows this brought to you by Pfizer. The NFL isn’t even being subtle about it. It’s all psyop. So I wanted to show you one more thing because I know some of you are probably freaking out, wondering what in the world I’m talking about. But I’m going to show you just a clip right here. Once again, tell me the NFL isn’t scripted. So right here you have a guy, the Kansas City chiefs, where Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey will tell the world to vote Democrat.

Watch this clip. Notice anything? Look at this. He gives him a sign with his hand. He turns, gives us a sign. Go that way. He ducks to the left while that guy basically misses the tackle on purpose. And he’s got the number 33 on. It’s kind of interesting. So anyway, you see it right there. Look, his hand says go there and he goes underneath, thumbs up and he’s down.

It’s purpose interesting. Learn something new every day, folks. We’re at amwinow. com. You can just go there. You’ll find truth, hope, faith and freedom. You can watch us on rumble, Twitter. Latest News all of our patriot lightthepatriolite. com is there for you with home, politics, world news, markets, faith, social news, resources. We tell you about that every video. It’s amazing as folks have been sending in their pictures.

I got this one today. We appreciate you lt much of our material at our Patriot meetings in Illinois comes from your show. Thank you. Please enjoy the group photo saying hello and thank you to you and your team. Look at that. Absolutely amazing. Thank you guys so much for that. Really appreciate you. And also to reminder, we’ve got all kinds of gear and we have the Texas shirts for you at shop, amwino.

com. Here’s more great pictures of trit, folks. We’re going to talk about Iran for a minute, and then I’m going to show you something from Trey Smith that just rock your world. About 45, 46 and 47. Those numbers and some more on the jabs and what’s going on in that area. But for now, I just wanted to focus on Biden bragging about his foreign policy credentials. On the same day, we learned that three us service members were killed and dozens more injured in the Middle east.

It’s about who we are. It’s about what. Think about how the world looks at us. I’ve been doing foreign policy for a long, long time. Chairman of those committees. That’s why. And every meeting I go to God, too, like I said in front of the press, so he’s hard to understand. He said he’s been doing foreign policy for a long, long time. Just so strange. So President Trump chimed in.

The drone attack on a us military installation in Jordan, killing three american service members and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America. My most profound sympathies go to the families of the brave service members we have lost. I ask all Americans to join me in praying for those who have been wounded. This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender.

Three years ago, Iran was weak, broke, and totally under control. Thanks to my maximum pressure policy, the iranian regime could barely scrape $2 together to find their terrorist proxies. Then Joe Biden came in and gave Iran billions of dollars, which the regime has used to spread bloodshed and carnage throughout the Middle east, this attack would never have happened if I was president. And even a chance, not even a chance, just like the iranian backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the war in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have peace throughout the world.

Instead, we are on the brink of World War II. This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to peace through strength, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, no more loss of precious american lives. Our country cannot survive with Joe Biden as commander in chief. So while this is happening, Lindsey Graham posts hit Iran now hit them hard. Target Tehran.

Says Senator John Corrin. These guys lost their minds. And then, of course, Nikki Haley has to chime in. As a military spouse, my heart breaks for the families who lost loved ones. This shows the barbaric nature of our enemies in Iran, and it shows that they would not be attacking our troops. If Joe Biden weren’t so weak in his treatment of Iran, we would retaliate with the full force of american strength.

That’s the only way to prevent further war. If we do not, these attacks will only continue. Yeah. So go after them. Cue the stormwriter. Iran, under the control of Palavi, kills military generals and leaders and begins purging the government and brings in censorship of the media and education system. The corruption of Palavi lasts over a decade till the country goes into revolt against the Palavi and his obvious treacherous agenda.

Operations being forced by western governments and military intelligence agencies. Soon after the revolution, the Iranians install Ayatollah Khomeini as their leader, and he turned Iran into an islamic republic. And since then, Iran had long known the United States stole their oil. With CIA operations with M I six and british powers that caused civil wars throughout their country and huge, massive civil unrest for decades, with millions being arrested, persecuted, and killed, all because of western powers wanting iranian oil.

This is an important reminder why Iran hates the US and western countries. Trump knows very well all the atrocities the United States and CIA created through the world and pain and suffering the deep state has created through oil wars and colors revolution. This is the reason why Trump didn’t start any wars and wants to end all wars. He knows a great truth of what happened globally with globalist agendas.

This is why Trump says he is the only one who can stop World War II. Behind the scenes, there are important back channels between us military white hats and Iran military. You must understand, Iran is also cleaning their swap, their swamp. In over 75 years, of all of these intel agencies, the three letter agencies, globalist infestation into their country, that is causing chaos. All countries are seeking peace, but the gabal deep state wants war to hide their crimes against humanity and want the wealth of the countries.

You see that, folks? They want the wars. They get everybody confused, all wrapped in battling each other in countries, and then everybody’s focus will go into that. And they’ll forget about their crimes against humanity, right? They’ll forget about the children that are being trafficked worldwide. All the pain and suffering they caused us with the jab, and more. There are powerful plans for world peace coming with Trump back in office after the 2024 scare.

Necessary event to happen. We send condolences to all the families who lost their loved ones in the Middle east wars. We are pained by the loss of us military soldiers lives lost in the Middle east. Keep faith in world patriots as we ridestorm into the 2025 presidency of Donald J. Trump and military alliance operations to bring down the deep state controlled by the globalists. It’s what we call the storm.

Huge. Great information provided by storm rider there. Now, I wanted to get to this Trey Smith. You guys saw a picture of him. He’s wearing Amwino gear. Thank you, Trey. Love you, brother. Met him and spent some time with him and just feel like I’ve known him my entire life. We had a blast. He put out a video recently I loved called. Well, I love all his videos, but he does great production.

2024, the prediction, and I put it in the description box below. And I highly advise you to go check it out. This already has 274,000 views nine days ago. It’s got a huge following. It’s brilliant. Brilliant. I can’t show you the whole thing, obviously, it’s very long, but I wanted to take you to the 34 50 mark of this video and show you how he’s. I mean, he does, he takes his time.

He really makes sure that you understand what he’s trying to get into. But he explains how the number 45 has significant meaning in scripture. 46 is like a lost period of time. So 46 is Biden. Right. He’s lost a sauce and then 47, all of a sudden you have wonderful things happen. That’d be like 47. President Trump stepping in. It’s brilliant how he puts it together. I just wanted to play this for a few minutes.

In Isaiah leading to Daniel, Daniel was looking at the scrolls and scriptures of Isaiah. That’s how he knew that Cyrus, who was a righteous king, would come into and take over Babylon and Babylon would change hands. Cyrus was a secular king, but he came to know the lord through meeting Daniel. And for that time period, Babylon was a quasi righteous empire. It prospered under NEBUCHADNEZZAR, who listened to DANIel, and under CyruS, who listened to Daniel.

Now, following 45, where Cyrus would make entrance to Babylon, 46, where the gods of ball or bale are expelled for a time. But we go right past our empty placeholder to a four and a seven. Well, the first thing that jumps out loud and clear about 47 amongst a list of things with that seven right there. But in GenEsis 47 is where joseph has favor with the king, with PharaoH, and says, my father and brothers, this is GEnesis 47.

One, my father and BRETHREN are come out of the land of CANAAN. They’ve come out of the land of CANAaN. The word canaan is always going to have an affiliation with bale worship, with serpent worship. You’re coming out of what would later have to be conQuered, the land of CANAAN. The Canaanites were known for bail worship. Coming out of CANAAN and going to where? The land of Goshen, the land of peace.

And not only this. It’s at the start of this passage 47, where Joseph is having favor and bringing his family in. By the way, there were 70 of them. That’s the iron. That number can either be light or dArk. It can be the iron, the light of God, or it could be the iron raw. And it’s also in this passage, genesis 47, where the prosper of EGyPT, another pagan nation, just like baBylon, would LitERALlY explode.

This would birth. This passage right here, would birth what you would call a golden age of Egyptian history, is what that would birth right there. Because just like in Babylon under Daniel, this passage is Egypt with Joseph and a king listening to God. 47. I have pointed this out numerous times before that Kim Clement did repeatedly talk about a Joseph time period when everything changed. And that also has kind of a unique play on words, being that you’ve got number 46, kind of an empty vessel, jumbled placeholder with the name Joe.

But more than that, it seems to be redundant in those prophecies. Not only. I mean, one of the largest things that Kim Clement is credited for is prophesying that Donald Trump would become president back at a time that would have been laughable to even suggest, but more than that, that after two impeachments, this is specified in Kim’s prophecies that this man, Donald Trump, this cup comes from one of his golf courses.

I was able to visit and get this cup that he would be set aside. Well, if Trump were victorious at becoming the 47th president, I would again note, Kim kept talking about this Joseph period, but there’s the number seven. On the day of his first inauguration as president of the United States, when he would lay that hand on that Bible and swear in as the 45th president of the United States, he would be exactly 70 years, seven months, and seven days old to the day.

On that day that he would lay his hand on that Bible. This would happen specifically in the year of 2017 or in the hebrew year of five. Seven. Seven. What an amazing number of perfection. My friend and I, speaking of seven, just went bowling yesterday. Convinced me to go bowling for a league tournament. And he won 7th place, and I actually won in a drawing, and I was 70th place.

So they picked number 70. And they said my name, and they said, come on up, you’re number 70. They picked number 70, you were 70th place. And I got a bowling ball. We’re just talking about how each of us on our team each got a seven winning. And we were just excited just for that number more than the bowling ball. Also excited about this product. Well, if you’re seeking protection from bioweapons, viruses, bacteria, chemicals or pesticides, Santas one has the product for you.

Nanoblast technology designed to counter this. Sanus one has a proprietary formula and process unleashing the power of natural restorative balance, vastly improving bioavailability over standard supplements with minerals, solation and a blend of quality natural ingredients. Our supplements are designed to enhance your overall feeling of increased health and well being. The mega oxidizer and megapacks triple detox products are the result of our proprietary millennial method of nanosizing, binding and infusing nutrients and nutraceuticals.

The cutting edge process increases bioavailability more than five times, delivering effects rarely seen before in the human body. They now ship around the world. Go to the description box below and click on that link. Sanisone. com lt ten that’s sanisone. com Lt ten authorities in southern India are rushing to manage an outbreak of the deadly Nipa virus. Two people have died, hundreds are being tested as potential contacts.

Salima Shivji is in Mumbai with the details. Officials are on alert and taking precautions in the southern indian state of Kerala because of this nippa virus outbreak, particularly in the Koriko district. Some schools are closed, banks as well as well as government offices. Shops are shuttered and the streets are a bit empty. People are a little nervous, and not just because of the loss to business, says this shopkeeper after Covid.

Now we have this new virus and everything is shut again. The Nipa virus, spread through contact with fluids of infected bats, pigs or people, is rare but has a high mortality rate. This virus outbreak, Kerala’s fourth since 2018, has already killed two people, and confirmed infections are slowly rising as officials work to contain the spread. Previous outbreaks do paint a scary picture. During the first one, five years ago, 21 out of 23 infected people died because of the Nipa virus.

So here we are, the virus they had to use India. It’s amazing how it just stays within its borders there, right? But it seems like they’re going to push something on the masses. We’ve been talking about it for a long time. Keep the alert up. Grasshopper put this out. Saw some great connections when Dan Scovino happened to post Dr. Faucet like a video clip. He posted it at 252 and there’s Dr.

Fawcett, right. Fauci. Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank. We know that now. Diseases created by families in power was a population control. And the pharma, big pharma, made billions. Okay. Dan Scovino showing this, what happens to match. What’s interesting is the absolute proof that Cavino knows his q drops because he said I was right. Check this out. Red Cross is corrupt. Future topic, diseases created by families in power.

We said that. Think AIDS, right? He’s the one that created aidS. Future topic. It’s relevant. You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked. Okay. Major false flag view. Years later, same period the world got hit with COVID It’s the same period that we’re in now. So it’s like they’re letting us know these diseases, they’re going to be pushing out again to try to scare everyone because we’ve got this election year coming up.

So keep on the alert. And it’s just a reminder as I go through the Internet and I see especially on x, sudden and unexpected has been posting a lot of these. They brag one moment and sudden, expected, says they weren’t vaccinated. They’re vaccine. Vaccine. So this one here, it just hurts so bad. They’re bragging. Got our boosters today. Moderna arms are hurting, feeling feverish and super tired. Thought we would not have side effects.

How long will this last? Got my second dose, praying it all goes well. Bragging about it on social media. And then all of a sudden started asking for support. January 11 for medical bills and issues. Two amputations of the legs. First one below my knee, then a second one above my knee. I was an ICU. What is going on? Australian sephora dies from cardiac arrest. Another one, you.

Another one here. Fully jabbed. Gone. Another 130 years old. New Zealand, just eight weeks after daughter’s arrival dealt a devastating blue blow. Diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Didn’t see it coming. Local fashion icon Jaman Casablancas dies of a heart failure. Why is this significant? He put, yesterday I experienced major muscle soreness, especially at my legs and back, and a slight headache on January 2022. I mean, he writes all this down.

I was sure that would pass. Well, then I’m actually quite concerned about getting the booster shot. Been hearing unfavorable news about the effects. He’s gone. Two years later, gone. And we’re seeing this play out day in and day out and it’s just breaking our hearts, folks. We just had enough of this information coming out and now they’re trying to put another scare out there so that folks are going to have to deal with this even more in the future.

And in part of this wake up call of things going on, you guys saw in the thumbnail we showed the Ark of the Covenant. What was interesting was that James O’Keefe was standing next to a perfect replicant of the Ark of the Covenant. He spelled it the arc of the Covenant. It took 2700 hours of labor, six pounds of gold, to make this replica. Well, it’s interesting that James O’Keefe posted a picture next to the Ark of the Covenant when enthused about the Ark of the Covenant too.

27 January, 2024. And James O’Keefe posts maybe to cowboy WTV. Well, Entheos said this about the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant is still the most sought after and valuable item in existence, considering its contents. And author of those contents, that would be our heavenly Father. What’s inside the ark? Remember, I’ve probably taught this not to you guys, but I’ve shared this with my children many times.

You’ve got the Aaron’s rod, the priest, you’ve got the ten Commandments, right? And you’ve got manna, which represents the flesh of Jesus Christ. It’s amazing. You got the law, you got Christ, and you got the priest all together in one. So, however, a close second to the Ark of the Covenant would be the list of subjects and truths that authoritarian minded AI sponsors have instructed their chatties to bear false witness about.

This is coming from entheos. In other words, leakers, whistleblowers. That list is the unholy Grail. The one who gets a hold of it, spreads. It will rip down the veil and accelerate the awakening above and beyond anything else imaginable. That’s just amazing. When folks are sending out comms like that, it just gets you excited. All of this reminder. On the biblical side, Eric Trump actually warns of all out war on God in the United States with his interview.

Eric Trump, former President Donald Trump’s second son it was on Newsmax on Wednesday. Pepe Deluxe. Eric Trump’s right. But this isn’t just in America. This is a worldwide operation by the God hating globalists. We need to get tougher and wise up. They are sending the God hating monsters here. They are killing christians and taking their lands in Africa and the Middle east. This is all planned by the globalists.

When Trump gets back in, I pray we start something worldwide to help christian people. After the biggest deportation in world history. Well, I thought it was kind of amazing on that christian standpoint. I saw this amazing interview on this channel called whatever. It’s got millions of subscribers on YouTube. And I was watching it with my son. He was actually working out when I had my workout stuff in my office.

And we were listening to different clips from Charlie Kirk, who actually went on. And I didn’t realize it till the very end that it looks like they’re feminists, they’re e girls, and some of them are, I think. I don’t know if all of them, but some of them are, what do you call them? Stars on porn. And so what was really amazing to me was the way he handled himself through most of the interview.

He was there for two and a half hours. I only got clips of it here and there that I watched. But he was very calm. He answered the questions very softly. Right. A soft answer turns away wrath. That’s a Bible verse. And at the end, hopefully I’ll find the clip at the end. I’ve got it for you to show you. What they said. I think one of them is trans or something.

But anyway, they were very quiet as he talked. And normally in these shows, they fight back and forth. He was very calm with them. It was really cool. Not even a month. Okay, could I have you scoot your microphone that way just a tad? So here they talk about family as they’re closing in. One of the most important things that we need to work on is family. But the way he handled them was so amazing, and he did it with love, and they appreciated it.

What about you? I’m single. I’ve been single for a year, and my longest relationship was a year and a half. All right. I’ve been single for about two years. A little bit over two years. And my longest relationship is between six months and a year. Yeah. And they usually always cap at that. I’ve only had, like, three relationships, and they never last longer than that. I get bored too easily, I guess.

You get bored too easily, I think. I don’t know. And you said from six months to a year. You seem a little uncertain about the length of your longest relationship. Is it a bit hazy in the sense of, was it on again, off again? Is that kind of what you’re. It wasn’t really on and off, but it was kind of like, we dated for six months, and then we were in a relationship for a couple more months.

So the total of kind of being in a situation and dating and stuff. Got it. Can be up to a year. Yeah. Okay. Molly, what about you? I’m in a relationship. It’s been ten months, and my longest relationship is about a year. All right, Charlie, what about you? Happily married. Okay. We’ve been together for five years, and we’ll be celebrating our three year anniversary in May. And we have a beautiful daughter.

All right, well, I think you’re being the only married person here. I think that’s perhaps a good jumping off point. I think a lot of people, both men and women, they’re kind of frustrated with the current dating landscape. Do you have any thoughts on this? What’s your diagnosis and any solutions? And we’ll open it up. Sure. Yeah. I think people need to date with the intent to marry.

Yeah. I’m a big critic of hookup culture in its current form. I believe sex should be sacred and is sacred, and it’s really thrown away way too generously in this society and culture. And I can tell you I’m super blessed. I have the best wife in the world. We have an amazing life. Building a family is the coolest thing ever. And my prayer for all of you is that you one day can do that.

That’s so cute. It’s honestly the most joyful thing. And I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences. I’ve been very, very blessed. Very lucky, you could say. But very blessed is the word I would use. And the greatest joy I’ve ever had is coming home to my little daughter running up to my leg. There’s nothing that even comes close to it. Not flying on Air Force one, not meeting with presidents.

That pales in comparison to your little girl coming up and squeezing your leg. Okay, got it. And he’s speaking to folks that if you watch the whole thing, they asked, what is a woman? He was explaining to them the difference between a male and a female and why that was. They were saying, well, you’re putting this in. And he explained to them softly, look, there’s inherent things that I cannot do that my wife can do.

There’s things that she can do that she’s blessed with that I can’t do biologically. And he was able to talk to them and use facts in a way that I’ve seen very few do. And he didn’t get mad or fight with them at all. And so I think this is the part here as he closes out, not selfish at all. And sure, I actually provide. Fair enough. Do you have any thoughts on that, Charlie? Well, I have, like, broad thoughts in general.

I’ve enjoyed the discussion, everybody. And I will just make one parting thing. Sure. Thank you, guys, for a respectful conversation. Even though we see things very differently. And I hope the chat enjoyed it. Look, for whatever it’s worth, if you’re engaged in the creation of that content, I think God has a better plan for you. I know that might sound preachy and not what you want to hear, but just maybe you’ll have an encounter with God, and Jesus loves all of you, and he can transform your life.

You transform my life. I’ve had a lot of problems in my life, a lot of problems. And Jesus solves everything. And every day is a new day, and it’s a hopeful, beautiful life ahead of you. And I know that might not be something you even believe, and you might think that all. Did you hear how she responded here saying, you’ve been the most respectful we’ve ever seen? If you watch how he handles it, he doesn’t get upset.

He gives answers. He doesn’t try to override anybody. He gives facts. He did his work, his homework. He studied. He knew exactly how to provide the answers in the right way, and he never demeaned anyone there. He just stayed soft spoken with all of them. I thought it was amazing. It was brilliant in that order. The things that we’re up against this year, pretty amazing. But it’s just a reminder about family, about the importance of our children, the importance that we have in telling the truth to people without fighting.

It’s hard for us to do. And he admits, Charlie Kirk, that he doesn’t have a perfect marriage. He’s got a lot of issues here and there. We all have things that we’re going through. But the important thing that we try to focus here on is not just giving you the information, telling you what’s going on, talking about the politics and more, how the enemy’s working, exposing evil and more, showing you the amazing comms and all that.

But the biggest part is just making sure that we understand this is a spiritual warfare on a huge level. They’re trying all they can to destroy christians, right? That’s what the enemy’s doing. And what an important time for us to be alive and well in this battle. Two corinthians ten, three through seven says this. For though we lived in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience. Once your obedience is complete, keep your spiritual armor at peak levels during this year.

Remember that the enemy is looking for a weakness in your mind to get in and torment you. We can combat this by keeping peace at the forefront of our thoughts and refusing to black pill. Yes, spiritual warfare can seem difficult at times, but think of it as an opportunity. An opportunity to allow God to mature you to the next level. Instead of complaining, find a way to endure with thankfulness.

I need that. This makes you an unstoppable force of joy. Joy can be dwelled in even when the enemy surrounds us. This is our strength. Guys, remember that song. The joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for the reminder of our thoughts and prayers for families that have experienced severe pain as they lose loved ones in Iran. The extreme pain of families that are losing loved ones to this jab. They’re not being told the truth. Seemingly hidden from the radar of the mainstream media. They don’t want to talk about it anymore. We know that many are coming out learning more about the truth and how this is playing out and how it’s affecting their families.

Thank you for those that are out there providing supplement care from your earth. Things that you created in the leaves that provide healing that they’ve come to us and many others to share. We’ve got products to help get this stuff out of you. We ask for continued strength and guidance and again, softness to turn away wrath of those that want to challenge us, fight with us and more.

We be able to respond with a soft answer and hard facts. Sometimes they’re difficult for others to receive. But please give us the strength to move forward with our tongues and the way we handle these things. Forgive us of our trespasses, the things that we’ve done against others. We definitely need help in not going into temptation. We need deliverance from evil, just like we were taught to pray.

And we just ask for continued protection from the evil one who wants to destroy all of us. We thank you for these answered prayers. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your following your prayers and hitting that like button. It’s really helped us out quite a bit. We’re doing some more advertising on other places and we’re trying to get the word out more.

You guys are helping out quite a bit with that. Thank you so much. As we continue to move forward and just pray for each other every day, we thank you. For now, this is Lt. St. Simplify with them. We know signing out. And be not conformed to this world. But be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


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