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You know, when I saw these things, I realized, wow, there’s really nothing new under the sun. Like when the first people to fight for freedom, we’re still fighting for freedom today. I feel responsible for passing that on and helping and restoring some of our faith in journalism because journalism does matter. We’ve been betrayed, we’ve been failed and we’ve lost a lot of our faith. Let’s go to Lukembuck, Texas whaling and Willie and the boys. This successful life we’re living got us beautin like The Hatfields and McCoy’s between Hank Williams pain songs, blueberries, train songs and blue eyes crying in the rain.
Folks, I’m so excited to get into this interview with Lara Logan. You know that for more than 35 years she’s been a voice for truth in the media and she’s bringing award winning journalism from battlefields abroad to the front line at home in the United States. And she’s worked with the Marine public affairs guys. That’s where we have a great connection, a tremendous time together. In this interview revealing her new TV show and other things that are coming. I can’t wait to get to it. First, wanted to give you some updates on information especially that’s happened here recently.
President Trump again is making a big announcement. America is going to be very rich again and it’s going to happen very quickly. It’s time for the United States to return to the system that made us richer and more powerful than ever before. Do you know the United States in 1870-1913, all tariffs, and that was the richest period in the history of the United States, relatively speaking. In other words, relatively. And we they set up the great Tariff Commission of 1887. And this commission had one function, what to do with all the money that we took in.
It was so enormous that they had no idea it was a blue ribbon committee was set up 1887. And what to do with all of the money that we had. And again, Teddy Roosevelt was a beneficiary because when McKinley was killed, he took over this vast sum of money and he did all of those national parks and all of the other things. And I’m not knocking him, but he was given a vast amount of money and that was all made through tariffs as we had no income tax. The income tax came in in 1913. As I said in my speech last week, instead of taxing our citizens to enrich foreign nations, we should be tariffing and taxing foreign nations to enrich our citizens.
Does that make sense? Right? Boy, that makes sense. And I’m telling you what, it’s been teased over and over again. He’s bringing it up, folks, as prepping the battlefield. And, man, these deep state freaks who put us into slavery can’t stand it. While this is happening, I just wanted to show you quickly something I noticed here. A secret recording of President Trump and his wife, First Lady Melania, things that we don’t really see much of. But as you’re watching this video clip, you’ll see them talking. He caresses her, his wife, and he’s just like, it’s going to be okay.
And she’s reaching for his hand to hold it. If you’re looking at your screen, she’s reaching for his hand and she’s holding his hand as they’re getting ready to leave the helicopter. She hugs and kisses him right here, folks in the dark and them arm in arm with each other. And he caresses her chin and he kisses her. A lot of folks want to know that. They want to see that. They want to see the President and the first lady just spending time together. A lot of work. A lot of time and effort that President Trump’s working.
I’m sure she, as a wife, is concerned about him, his welfare and his safety and also if he’s getting some rest. And that was just great to see. I wanted to see that also. Here’s something else. I terminated the ridiculous and incredibly wasteful Green New Scam. One of the great scams in history, actually, isn’t it? 12 years up. They gave us 12 years to live, right? I think we passed it right. We’re still around. Can you believe it? You know, the person that really came up with it is a person that never even took a course on the environment, was a poor student, not a good student, didn’t understand a lot, and she came up with this idea.
And everybody all of a sudden started going. And then mainstream, you know, important Democrat leaders were starting, you know, they got sucked into it. And we’ve spent trillions of dollars on just like throwing it out the window. You could throw it out the window. You would have been better off. I withdrew from the one side at Paris. Climate Accord. Amazing climate. We’re done. All you liars. And he’s pretty much trolling, right? Wait, 12 years, isn’t that up? Now we’re supposed to all be dead. Oh, so good. Another guy that rips into folks and shows them he knows what they’re up to.
He ripped into fema. This is JD Vance. Here we go. Simplify their Marine. Get it. Okay. Well, hello, everybody. It’s great to be back in Damascus. I visited during the campaign trail. The governor was kind enough to show me around, not just last time, but this time as well. As you all know, I love the Appalachian region of our country, especially this particular part. It’s beautiful. The people are kind and friendly and they’ve got a great community here, but obviously got slammed very hard by the hurricane. And I think unfortunately, while the people have done an incredible job of rebuilding this community, they have not had a federal government that’s really been on their side.
I’ve heard so many stories just in the last hour that I’ve been on the ground of federal agencies that have not developed and deployed the resources necessary. Federal bureaucrats that have been a barrier as opposed to a facilitator of some of the federal resources. And I think the country has decided collectively that we want to help the regions of our country that were devastated by this flood. So why are the bureaucrats not doing the American people’s will and frankly holding up some of the aid here? I want to hear from the governor here in a second.
But let me just say one last thing. I’ve been the Vice President of the United States States for all of seven days. This is, I think my seventh day on the job. And this is an incredible place to have my first official trip. I heard so many good stories of good people helping their neighbors rebuild, of a woman at a church helping an elderly woman clean off photographs that were destroyed by the, or at least damaged by the flood, of people who have volunteered their time, have come out of retirement, volunteered and donated their money to help people rebuild or fix houses.
This is just an incredible place. It is an incredible place. And you wouldn’t know that by listening to this Face the Nation CIA agent planted to paint a picture to all Americans that there’s something wrong with the Southern states. Basically she’s pointing out that the folks down south, they’re too stupid to, to know how to deal with natural disasters without fema. Watch as she just watch her behavior. You know, FEMA has specialized expertise that some of these states just don’t have. Oh, Margaret. And their arsenal. I wish that they states who are, who are lower income states, the Mississippis, the Kentuckys, the Alabamas, be able to do this for themselves without federal help.
Well, the President, to be clear, is not saying we’re going to leave anybody behind. He’s saying that the way that we administer these resources, some of which is coming from the federal level, some of which is coming from the state level, we’ve got to get the bureaucrats out of the way and get the aid to the people who need it most. But these are the. He didn’t bite that one. She’s trying. You know what? She’s talking to a guy that. You know what? These people, they could never run for vice president of the United States of America.
I mean, look at the way that they were brought up in the mountains. I mean, have you read Hillbilly Elegy there? You know, your story. There’s no way you guys can ever make it to the top or go to Yale University. Hmm. How stupid? How stupid can she be? Breaking Feds uncover a $200 million smuggling operation tied to China using the ports of LA. Mm. More Stuff coming out. Breaking Congress just summoned mayors of prominent sanctuary cities to come answer for their crimes. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson. Denver Mayor Mike Johnson Johnston. And New York City Mayor Eric Adams.
It’s getting real, folks. So real that Tom Holman, actually, it was in Chicago to arrest the. You know, the first arrest, Barack Obama’s hometown, where he ordered $65,000 worth of hot dogs and pizza for a private White House party, was a child rapist from Thailand. This is a guy arrested and old Barack Obama’s hometown. That’s right. If Pizzagate isn’t real, then why do Democrats usher in hordes of pedophiles and child sex traffickers into this country and protect. And with your money, no less. That’s right. Liz Crokin. What’s your name? You have a person, I think. Sarah.
Yes. Where are you from? Where I was born or where I’m from? Where are you born? Thailand. You’ve been deported before? From the United States? No, never been deported. Yeah. What have you been charged with? So this guy’s a convicted sex offender Internet predator from Thailand. They got him. Yep. These are the folks that. They just let them come into our state, the United States. They’re not citizens, and they come in illegally, commit crimes. Yeah. Just let them wander. And that’s what Liz Crokin is pointing out. These freaks are about to get what they deserve. And what’s happening? Well, then you go over to Selena Gomez, and she’s crying for these people, just crying for the.
Oh, all these folks that broke the law that came into our country. How could they do such a thing? All my people are getting attacked. Children. They don’t understand. I’m so sorry. I wish I could do something, but I can’t. I don’t know what to do. Selena Gomez, and she’s Crying about all the people that are being reported back to the countries to which they came, who were in this country initially illegally. I don’t know what to do. Well, what you could have done was encourage those people to get their citizenship before this happened. Brian, about the children.
The children? What children? You mean the 80,000 children that ICE had found that were disappeared from the border? I don’t think I need to get into the conditions to which those children were found, do I? Or what those children were used for. I am so sorry that your friends didn’t care about their kids enough to put getting their citizenship taken care of at the top of their priority list to go to show you just how out of touch with reality so of these people are. Why even make this video? Why even put it out on the Internet? I just watched one video of somebody who was rounded up by ICE and getting sent back to Columbia, who had a rap sheet longer than my arm.
Do I need to go through what was on that rap sheet? You probably wouldn’t like it, considering you were part of the MeToo movement. What are you even trying to do here? You can’t do anything. This is what we voted for. We voted to get these people out of our country so that we could feel safe again. There is a reason, Selena Gomez, that a lot of these countries do not want these people back. Do you think we want them here? We can’t afford to keep them here. We can’t afford to feed the kids that we already have.
You are in this country illegally, and you have been in this country illegally for many, many years, and you are now facing down the barrel of deportation. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Way to go at shipwreck. She’s amazing. Getting this information out, thinking the way we think, and putting it together perfectly. President Trump said many Hollywood liberals have taken our actions to secure the border very personally and are no doubt surprised the government finally did something after years of inaction. Actress Selena Gomez, best known as the third amigo on that murder mystery show that Chevy Chase wouldn’t touch, posted a video to social media where she in tears over the deportation.
Selena, there are people who broke the law by coming here. Some have also committed other horrible crimes. I hope Selena is just as upset about the victims of these crimes. Focus on your career. The people want a sequel to Spring Breakers. Mm. Straight from President Trump. But of course, if you go to Fox News, they write, try to use the purse strings, too. All these folks that think that Fox is all great. Well, out of all the people’s Videos to play on social media. They gotta find the folks with the tears. So let’s grab Selena Gomez.
She’s famous and she’s crying. And then we’re gonna show Tom Holman and see what says. Don’t know if you’ve had a chance to see a video that has been going viral over the past hour. So we’re still working to clear it and show it. In fact, the Hollywood celebrity who posted it has now deleted it, I think because probably she faced a lot of backlash for it. Noting even the New York Times and Fox News polls show that a majority of American respondents are in favor of deportations of criminals and gang members. She posted a video sobbing.
She was crying in it. She said, all my people are getting attacked with the picture of a Mexican flag. Again. She has now taken that down. But what do you say to those who are out there saying that, that these are everyday people, these are families that are being attacked and dragged out of their homes? How do you respond to that? I don’t think we arrested any families. We’ve arrested public safety threats and national security threats. Bottom line. And look, President Trump won the election on this one issue. Securing our border and saving lives. This, what happened on our southern border last four, is the biggest national security threat this country’s seen at least in my lifetime.
Because we got over 2 million known gotaways. We got a 600% increase in sex trafficking. We got a record number of terrorists crossing the border on terrorist watch list. We have quarter million Americans die from fentanyl coming across the open border. We’re going to do this job and we’re going to enforce the laws of this country. If they don’t like it, then go to Congress and change the law. We’re going to do this operational apology. We’re going to make our community safer. We’re going to save. Once we lock that border on continuous operation, you’re going to see fentanyl death decrease, illegal alien crime decrease, sex trafficking decrease.
It’s just all for the good of this nation. And we’re going to keep going. No apologies. We’re moving forward. We’re moving forward and we’re also going to move forward with better journalism. I’m telling you what, folks, we’ve got great interview leading into this and what needs to be done and how information needs to be disseminated. You guys are really awesome at getting out podcast information and more. Folks. So excited to have Laura Low Logan back with us again. It’s been almost a year and a half, I think since Our last interview, it’s Laura Logan. Larry, it’s been too long.
Yeah. Laurologan.com is in description box below. We’re using something new to record on instead of that old zoom. And so Laura’s happy about that. We’ve got some great things to go over today, but most of all we’re just excited to share her new journey and the things that she’s doing and also the fact that she’s going to be on the cruise with us in July. And so, so just phenomenal. We’ve been talking about first cruise ever, Larry. Oh my goodness, we’re so excited. And we’re going to be going through Alaska. It’s going to be beautiful. We’re going to have all of our and we know phones fans together.
We had almost 800 folks that showed up last August and so we’re expecting that probably that same amount if not more this time, Laura. And so the folks are so good and just to be around fellow truthers, I mean you’ve been shunned by the mainstream media and they try to hurt you as much as they can. It’s just, it doesn’t bother you anymore. You’ve been on the war zone, you’ve been hit left and right in so many ways and I’m just seeing, so glad to see you out there on your own finally, you know, tearing it up and we’re loving it.
Well, thank you very much. I don’t know, I don’t worry too much about the mainstream media and what they say about me. I haven’t worried about that for years because when you’ve got people who lie about just about everything under the sun that matters and they do, you know, they lie about things that are astonishing. Right. How could you pretend people weren’t injured by the vaccine, the so called vaccines, right? I mean, how could you ignore those people? How can you ignore hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied miners across the southern border and nobody knows where they are? And the most basic checks that you have in place for American kids, they don’t get any of that, you know, so I, you know, these kind of people passing judgment of me, it’s like, come on, come on, get serious, get serious.
Yeah, why would I care what you think? That’s right. Yeah, we’ve been excited to me just watching your journey, you’ve just been on the, you know, in the front lines to me, telling the mainstream media, letting them have it and telling, you know, making up the big, the big controversies and getting the truth out there. And of Course. What do they do? Fox had you removed and some other areas. And we just love that you’re straight to the point. I’m really good at getting canceled. You’re good at getting. That’s right. I think if I ever do my book, it’s going to be a chapter in my book, like the how to of getting canceled.
Yeah, I got canceled by Newsmax. And as I told Chris Ruddy, the guy who owns it, I said, chris, you canceled me and I don’t even work for you. They put out a statement. You know that. Oh, yeah. And I was like, what are they talking about? I literally don’t even work for them. This is ridiculous. Yeah. You know what I said that time? This is how I got canceled that time. Because I said they want us to eat insects while they feed, you know, while they dine on the blood of children. Which is. Which is exactly what they do.
So it’s interesting to me. Why did they go nuts over that one? Well, because it’s true. That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. A lot of that truth is coming out here soon and you’re going to be a part of this. You created Laura Logan tv. We have it showing on your site. Folks, if you’re looking at this, you can go below this video, click on Laura Logan.com and peruse through this site. Absolutely amazing what you’ve got up and coming for all of us to enjoy. You know, it’s great. And I hope many throw their support towards you, especially on the give button and supporting you and your family and all the work.
We’re just listening in on everything that you’re involved in. You’re going left and right, plus you’re a mom, plus you’ve got daily activities going on, plus you’re doing. It’s like you’re so involved in trying to get the truth out to the people and we forget sometimes you need your support, too. And so I want folks to encourage the Amino fans. Just look into this. She probably. She would not want me to push this, but I’m telling you right now, it’s great to support those who we really care about. Well, you know, everyone’s celebrating the death of corporate media and, you know, justifiably so they set their own throats.
But what do you lose when you lose the corporation and you lose that backing? So, you know, CVS had lawyers on hand that we didn’t worry about paying for. That wasn’t part of our budgets and we could consult with the lawyers and, you know, and all the rest of it. And then you talk, you know, just about all the things that you’re able to do. Like, you know, I talk about independent media, in some respects, is every man for himself. So where is the newsroom? Right? Where are all the young reporters coming up learning from the more experienced people on the job? Where is your, your bureaus? Where are your bureaus that you have across the country where you can send someone to North Carolina, you can stay on that story until it’s not a story anymore, you know, or you can send someone like, I went to Iraq for cbs, and I stayed five years.
It took a little finagling to do that because people didn’t usually do that, you know. So I would tell 60 Minutes that I was doing something for that, for news, and then I would tell the news division I was doing something for, for 60 minutes. And, you know, people think you always just got assigned, but no, you have to fight to do those stories. And so now it’s a different kind of fight. And I do miss. I do miss that part of having those resources behind you where you can, like at 60 minutes, you know, spend time investigating and figuring something out.
But at the same time, you know, this is a really important moment because the rise of independent media has helped to break information dominance for people who are lying to us and deceiving us on many significant things. And we live in the age of information warfare, right, where it’s not just a tool anymore, it’s the whole battlefield. And so what you do with. And we’re moving even more into that in the digital realm, because if you don’t have anything on paper, how can you prove, you know, how do you know what the Bible said if your only copy is digital and it can be altered? That’s right.
You can hide the fact that you altered it. How do you know what it originally said? It’s actually interesting. Lt I have a friend who’s a Catholic priest, and he was showing me how. He’s a liturgic specialist, and he was showing me how they’ve changed the language, the words of the prayers over time, you know, which is really a result of revolutionary theology. And that’s pretty much what you saw with that crazy bishop that was lecturing the president the other day. You know, that’s, that’s the result of revolutionary theology, where people have turned their back on God and they’re, they’re preaching something that, that really is, is not God’s word.
That’s right. Between the people and God. Right? That’s right. That’s Right. Yeah. And, you know, getting this, the truth out to the people has been very difficult at times. We were canceled October 2020 off of YouTube, you know, Google. And we’re hoping censorship is removed. And I hope to get that channel back and some others. But. But in the midst of all of this, we’ve had X, Right. That has allowed us to get the truth out once again. I really have been surprised and overwhelmed. I believe this was a big player in our election, obviously. And I noticed on your channel on X, if folks go to the description box below, you’re going to find this link that you have this link tree to all of your different sites.
And I want to show this off to everybody. Pretty phenomenal here. You’ve got your website, your Kirk Elliott website, the life of Laura Logan, your Twitter, your Rumble for your Rumble videos, Truth Social Getter. So, folks, if you’re looking for Lara Logan, different avenues. There you go. I mean, it’s great to have all of this out for us. And also wanted to show this right here. The other day I noticed the video where you actually show a studio that looks like that you’re building, correct? Yeah, that’s, that’s out behind our house. And it’s, it still needs a lot of work.
Lt, as you can see there. Let me play this real quick and everybody listen. Okay? Okay. So this is where I will be doing my new show, Going Rogue with Laura Logan. And obviously we still have a bunch of work to do. The set is not finished yet, but it was important to me to launch it in this moment because whether you like it or not, we have never seen anything like this in our lifetimes. And it’s not just a new dawn or a new era for America. This is a new era for the media. I’ve been a journalist all my life, for more than 35 years, since I was 17 years old.
And I have fought for integrity and honesty in journalism. And I am not about to give up that fight now. In fact, I think it’s probably more important than ever. This is the moment to be bold and to speak up. And I hope you will do it on this show because I am not afraid to take on difficult subjects. I would say anyone who knows me knows that I will take on just about anything and than anyone, but it has to be for the right reasons and in the right way. Integrity is at the core of everything that I do.
And honestly, I can’t do this without you. I can’t do this without help. And if you want to support me, you can go to my website, go to lauralogan.com. look for the blue give button. You. It’s. You can’t miss it and do anything that you can. Honestly, it will mean the world to me. But no matter what, I’m doing this, okay? This cannot be stopped. And I am looking forward to it. I am at my best. I am my happiest when I am a voice for you. So please join me. Let’s do this together. Let’s keep journalism.
Let’s keep the media where it belongs, which is in the hands of the people. That was pretty good. Was that take one or take two? That was take 257. I was out there alone, and, you know, it’s been so cold in the south. I’m in a small town in Texas, and I was. I was doing it myself, and I. I got to the end of it, my phone was dying and it was so late, and I was like, did I really do, like 150 takes? And I just remember, thousand years ago, when I was at CBS News, I was in Iraq and I was doing it on camera.
And there was a guy in the Washington, D.C. bureau who, I swear to you, five, 10, 15 years later, every time he saw me, he would say, I’ve never forgotten that on camera. You did, because I just kept doing it because I wanted it to be perfect. And, you know, when you’re a young correspondent, you’re under a lot of pressure from the crews, you know, from the producers, from the team back in New York. I mean, they’re mean. You know, a lot of the time they really are mean to you. And so they don’t want to film it 40 times.
They don’t care if it’s perfect or not. And so having the. Having the courage to weather that storm and having the, you know, sort of the determination to get it right and the commitment to that, you know, that’s what they. This guy in the Washington, D.C. bureau in the intake office, you know, he was an engineer and he was watching this, and he was one of my greatest fans. He never forgot that moment. So I thought about him when I was recording that the other night. You know, it really reminded me of him. I thought Mark would laugh right now because nothing has changed.
Yeah, it hasn’t. And, you know, I had a chance during the tsunami, remember 2005, I believe, in December there in Asia. Flew down there about two days after that happened. We had the first thing, I got a call from cbs. Dan Rather’s crew, they flew in, we had to take them. And Washington compost and some others into Mindanao, Indonesia. It was interesting to me just to, to, you know, I’ve been around the top media for a long time, but the, the most exciting part for me is when we got into this tiny little island that was wiped out.
All the folks are gone. You can smell the stench. The body bags were dropping off the whole nine. And there was a marine captain from the embassy there. We’re like, what are you doing here? Because you guys have any food, you know, anything in your plane? So we jump in the plane, we grab the MREs, the meals ready to eat, we hand it to them. Yeah, what are you doing here? I’m here to stamp passports in case anybody needs. And we’re like, you’re in the middle of nowhere. They, they dropped you off here. He goes, yeah, got dropped off last night.
Blah, blah, blah, blah. And so then the journalist, instead of hearing what he’s talking about, they hear, oh, you can stamp passports. So, so guess what they say? They say, oh, so can we stay here with you? You guys are that crazy. They’re out there with their little laptops, a little tiny little dishes that they can connect and get their, you know, text out so they can get the, the story out. All those guys stayed put. We left them. See you later. Just, just amazing to watch, you know, the journalism from the front lines, how these guys operate.
Even one guy was typing with two fingers. You know, he couldn’t even type the way we type more normally. But these guys were on the story. We want this. And, and they’re moving 100 miles an hour. And it just reminds me of what I know you’ve been through on the front lines. We’ve watched your work for many, many years and I’m still pinching myself. I can’t believe that we’re talking. It’s just amazing. Folks, we’re gonna get back to Laura in a moment. Just wanted to share this with you. Pretty amazed when Lance with goascentnutrition.commwe know was able to join us here recently on the video that you’re looking at on your screen.
The picture will be the signifier important moment in pine and a little twist on words there and wanted to show you something from his interview. You know, Lance is going to join us on the cruise with Laura Logan also as we’re going through this interview today. And he had a lot to share about the light, the pineal and the sacred pine. Here’s a clip from that in case you guys missed it. And we’ll go over some. These different Things. And I started on, like, the corruption side of things in health and medicine. And then I started putting the dots together.
Oh, wow, this is truly a global conspiracy conspiring against all of the people, not just here in the US and politics is merely the game that they play to run or what they did play to, you know, really try to enslave humanity. And so when I started waking up, I started seeing, okay, I have to do everything possible to try to bring light to the situation, shine light on the darkness and help transform things where I can and just play my part and do what I can. And God is using them to do his part. And it’s been amazing as he gave us a full look into the DNA connection with the pine trees and how he was able to just pull together all of his information and create an amazing product for us all.
And you guys know, you can go in the description box below to goascentnutrition.com you can get this pine needle extract. It’s really amazing. Using pine needles for centuries or more. 2021 scientific announcement. Shikimic acid is used the healthy detoxification and more. And in case you want to watch this full interview, it’s in the description box below this video today with the interview with Laura Logan for you to check it out. The true superfood pine pollen. You got the pine pollen tincture. Absolutely amazing. Now as he goes through all of this for us and explains us, that’s goascentnutrition.com nwenow go check it out today.
Well, you are very sweet. You know what’s funny was that the tsunami in Thailand, is that correct? Correct. Thailand. Yep. Indonesia. I have the craziest story to tell you about that is would you believe that I did an amazing interview with a fascinating person and he happens, I won’t use his name right now just to help protect him, but he happened to be the person that was at The Capitol on January 6th with Roseanne Boyland. And tell me, you know who Roseanne Boylan was. You know who she was? I believe so. You have to remind me.
Okay. So you see, this is one of the worst things about January 6th and about the failure of the media. This is what just upsets me so much. Everyone in America should know the name Roseanne Boyland because she is one of two people, two women who were killed that day at the Capitol. No police officers died. And the two other men that died were not, you know, they’re not murdered the way Ashley Babbitt and Roseanne Boylan were. Roseanne Boylan was in that crush at the west tunnel. She was swept up in it. And then when the police pushed everybody out on top of each other and there was this pile of people, she was getting crushed at the bottom.
And for some inexplicable reason, a Capitol police officer named Lila Morris decided to take the opportunity when Roseanne Boylan was on the ground, unconscious, unconscious, to beat her with a stick. And, you know, it’s just, it’s extraordinary to me, but this young man was friends with Roseanne Boylan, really good friends with her, and he was there with her that day, and he witnessed this firsthand. And, you know, during the four years after January 7th, I mean, January 6th, with all the persecution, the political targeting and everything, you know, his life was very difficult. His family were very worried about him.
So. And he has never been prominent. In fact, he pretty much lived underground because he didn’t want anyone to come for him because he knew that they lied about Roseanne’s death. They blamed it on an overdose. They blamed her on a bunch of things. They cremated her body using Covid as the excuse, you know, and no one’s ever been held accountable for what happened to Roseanne Boylan. But when I interviewed this young man who was so interesting and so impressive, and it was a very moving interview, he told me that he was in Thailand for the tsunami and he was in another pot.
He wasn’t in the heart of the, you know, where all the damage was done. He was on vacation there. So he and a couple of other guys, they went to the epicenter of the disaster, and he spent the next few weeks finding the bodies of Americans who had died there and contacting their families, helping the families get connected with their loved ones. And he told me this story about putting the bodies inside a van. They were storing them in a van. And he said it was so hot that one day when he went to open the back of the van, these bodies melted and they just melted out all over him.
I mean, you know, and it was, Larry, the thing that moved me so much was that at the time, Roseanne Boyland, you know, very one dimensional picture of Roseanne Boylan, she’s a drug addict who died of an overdose and a crazy, you know, crazy fascist, racist, right wing Trump supporter. Right. When you. When I went and investigated and met Roseanne’s family and friends, nothing could have been further from the truth. Here was a woman who actually had not been conservative most of her life, was recently a Trump supporter, went there to fight for what was obviously a stolen election.
And I don’t mean fight. She didn’t go there for violence. This is a woman who wasn’t even vaguely capable of violence. And she got swept up by the crowd. She didn’t hurt anybody. She didn’t do anything wrong at all. And she paid for it with her life. And not only that, then they tried to take her reputation, her integrity, her everything. And then here’s her friend, this really cool dude who’s traveled all over the world. I mean, you could make a fascinating movie about his life. And nothing could have been further from the image of Trump supporters that was painted in the media.
And, you know, that’s one of the things that’s always driven me in my work, is I’m really motivated constantly. I’m 53 years old now, and I’m, you know, a lot of things are tiring about life. I’m pretty tired in lots of ways. But the thing that never dims, right, There’s a fire in me that I can only say that God put there. And what that fire is is when I see injustice and I see dishonesty like that, I cannot live with that. You know, I’m not going to stay silent on that. And this, this thing that they did to all of us, to say that if you want to be secure in your home, you’re a bad person.
If you want to come, you know, if you want a country, if you want to be proud of your country and you want to live a certain type of way in your country, like a Judeo Christian country, where you have individual liberties and freedoms and a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, somehow you’re a fascist and a xenophobe and a this and that. And basically the basket of deplorables that Hillary Clinton laid out, right? They said that, oh, she went too far. But no, that wasn’t true. They spent the next, I don’t know how many years, right? Until today, they’re still trying to say Elon Musk waving his heart, his arms around, you know, in an awkward moment for one of the most awkward men on the planet, is some kind of homage to the Nazis.
Are you nuts, people? Okay, this is just completely, completely and utterly untrue. And they have done. They’ve done such a disservice to so many people. It’s not just dishonest, it’s vindictive, and it’s cruel, and it, you know, you really can’t. You can’t keep quiet in the face of that. You can’t, and you can’t think it’s going to fix itself. It’s not going to fix itself. I mean, look, now, you know, now you’re seeing all these people that are coming out of the woodwork, beating a path to Mar a Lago, you know, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, and they all want to be photographed with Trump, and they all want to be on the good side.
But we’re not fooled, Right? Real people are not fooled. They know, okay, so you get a radical progressive back in the White House at the end of Trump, and those guys are going to change their tune. They’re going to go back to being who they really are. That’s right. Mm. Yeah. You know, you’re very passionate, Laura, on all this. And I tell you what, we’ve all had enough, and we feel you and understand this, and I tell you, there’s nothing greater than to know we’re on the. On the right side now. And I really believe with President Trump in office, I mean, we’re already watching.
It’s only been three days, as if this. As if, you know, this recording right now. Yeah. Things that have changed and all of the things that are happening, what we are seeing, though, there are a few things that we do know, right? We do know it’s different this time around. That’s very obvious, just from the executive actions and the executive orders that Trump has been signing. There are a lot of things that are very different. There are some things I don’t love, you know, but I, again, I don’t know enough to really comment in a valuable way.
But when I see that the big program on AI concerns me, although I can understand that if you’re going, if the AI is the battlefield of the future, you’ve got to have a presence on that battlefield. So I’m hoping that that’s really what’s kind of motivating this. But, you know, but it’s still, you know, still. That’s what I’m watching. But what are we seeing across the Trump administration that’s really profoundly different? Right. There was an executive order that I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but when Trump was signing it, it was about the administrative state.
And one of the journalists who was present said, you know, what’s that executive order about? And the guy who was handing it to Trump, you know, is responsible for getting him to sign. The mole says it’s about the administrative state. And then he says the key words, he says to include the senior executive service ses. And I don’t know if you know what that Is. But that is literally the layer of bureaucracy. If you want to find the physical deep state. That is the physical deep state. It’s not the only part of it, but it’s the core.
Right. Or it’s at the core, because the SES is a layer of bureaucracy that is outside the normal oversight of Congress. They hire and fire themselves. So of course, they never fire themselves. And these are the people. Like, I mean, there were a ton of people, the senior levels of the Justice Department, that are all members of the senior executive service. Why are they so hard to get? Because they’ve got SES protection. You know, why do they get paid so much more than the average bureaucrat? Because they’re part of the ses. So these. These people behind the scenes that have been, you know, undermining Trump’s agenda, which is really the will of the people.
Right? Been undermining the will of the people over and over. And what does Trump say when asked about this? He says, I’m getting rid of the cancer, right? I’m getting rid of the cancer in our government. And so that’s a very significant order that people are not talking about. Then on top of that, what has been happening with Trump, they’re trying to do the same thing they did last time, which is slow rolling his appointments and getting in the way. So what does he do? Today he signed an executive order giving top secret SCI secure compartmentalized information clearances, which is very high level of clearance.
He’s given that to his people. How does he have the ability to do that? Well, this is power that he has always had as president. The President. This is power that is vested not in the president. Sorry. But in the commander in chief. So he could have done this last time around, but instead they were new to Washington and there was a lot going on. There was a lot they didn’t know. So this time around, as commander in chief, right. When you clear people to work in the government, this is a function that falls under the Department of Defense.
But what have they been doing over the years? They’ve been bringing it under the FBI and the Department of Justice. And then they slow roll, and they slow roll and they slow roll because these agencies are so corrupt. And so what did he do as commander in chief? He can say, you know what? I don’t care about you. I have this power and I’m exercising it. And he did that today. So that. That is something that is. That is a mocked difference from how he’s governing this time around. It may not make, you know, the headlines everywhere.
It may not be as sensational as the border, and 99% of the legacy media will either ignore it or they’ll try to paint it in a negative way. But. But the. The truth is, for the millions of Americans who, who gave Trump the mandate that he has, who put him in there, not just to fix the border, not just to improve the economy, but to stop stealing from the American people. Right. It’s not going to be enough to just bring down inflation. What the American people have said this time around is, why do we have the Federal Reserve? Please explain this to me.
Why do they get to charge us interest? What is that debt? We’re living under a cloud of debt to? Who exactly are these people? And by the way, it’s not actually a federal agency, so why is it called the Federal Reserve? Okay, so this is what’s different this time. Lt is. People are not. They don’t just want to be able to go to. Yes, they want to go to the grocery store, be able to actually afford to feed their children. That would be nice. It would be even nicer if the vast majority of Americans could afford Christmas or Thanksgiving or to go on a vacation or take their kids on a vacation.
That would be amazing, especially when you’re sending hundreds of millions, billions of dollars abroad. Right. Or pouring it into programs that most Americans do not believe in and do not support. But what is the thing that they know that beyond the Trump presidency, how do you guarantee that we don’t have the same thing happen again? How do you guarantee that we don’t have the Justice Department targeting people for political reasons and persecuting them, using the law as a weapon over overusing their power and authority to go after American citizens for their constitutional. For exercising their constitutional rights.
How do you preserve the Constitution beyond a Trump presidency for our children and our grandchildren and so on? Well, you don’t do that without accountability. You have to have accountability. And all over the world, people misjudge this, just like they. All over the world. They don’t understand why Americans talk about God because they don’t know it’s been left out of the narrative that this nation was founded on a covenant with God. They don’t understand that because they’re watching the, you know, Hollywood and they’re reading the newspapers and they’re reading things online that come from godless people who want to separate this nation from its beginning.
And so, I mean, I just. It’s hard to keep up in one sense right now, but it’s with a sense of Such strength and optimism and hope, right? That as long as we stay true to God and as long as we don’t leave him out of this, if we try to go it alone, we’re done. There’s only so much that we can do, but we got it. We got to do it with every fiber of our being. Everything that we have, everything he’s given us to fight with, we’ve got to do it. And then accept that at a certain point, it’s up to Him.
Amen. You know, it’s interesting you bring that up on your website. On the about page, you have a bible verse, Ecclesiastes 1:9. What has been is what will be. What has been done is what will be done. And there is nothing new under the sun. You picked that verse? I did. And why? I. I stole that verse from Mike Smith, who stole it from God, obviously. And the Bible. No, it’s. I say that I’m. I’m laughing. There’s a movie into the Light that might. Smith did. He also did the movie out of Shadows. I know that you.
You have seen both those movies, you. And, you know Mike. And when I saw that, I mean, I’ve heard that verse before, but when I saw it in his movie into the Light, I was like, wow. I was just filled with a sense, you know. Lt. That the things my mother taught me, the things that were handed down to her from her mother, the things that we pass on through all the generations. When you go back to the beginning, I don’t know why that made me. That just made me want to cry. Because when you go back to the beginning, when I picked up the Bible and I’m not a great student of the Bible, I’ve only.
This is. I mean, I know the Bible, but I haven’t really studied it and learned it. When I picked up Genesis, I found all these things that my mother had told me. I didn’t know where they came from. I didn’t. You know, my mother used to say, as old as Methuselah. Who knew that? Methuselah, I believe, was the oldest daughter of Noah. Was she Noah? You know, when I. And when I saw these things, I realized, wow, like, there’s really nothing new under the sun. Like, when the first people to fight for freedom, we’re still fighting for freedom today.
And it’s why the things that are truly great. Why does Shakespeare have relevance today and still from, you know, all those years ago, why are those things still relevant? Because there’s nothing new under the sun. Because what is True today has always been true. And the truth, I always say to people, you know, the truth comes from the light. Like when people are lying to you and they deceive you. Why is it so hard for people in this country, particularly Democrats, but not just Democrats, rhinos, establishment. Why is it so hard for them to have a reasonable, critical, challenging conversation of substance about something? Well, it’s because it’s a lie and it’s been built on a castle of lies.
And the lies need more lies to keep those lies afloat, you know, because what does another thing my mother used to say, a lie has no legs. I’m sure you can find that somewhere in the Bible. You know, what, what does that mean? It means that they keep crumbling, they keep falling. So it needs another lie. Keep it up, keep it going, keep it going, keep it going, right? And so what that happens is they don’t want you to shine a light on those lies because a light causes it to crumble. And when you start to look at that, what is the only thing that stands up to questioning, that rarely stands up to questioning is the truth, right? So the truth, you know, doesn’t mind being.
I think in the Ode to Liberty, John Stuart Mill wrote about this, right? He said that the truth is the only thing that stands up to questioning. So you should welcome being questioned. You shouldn’t shy away from being questioned. You shouldn’t be affronted, you shouldn’t be offended. You know, you shouldn’t be afraid. Because in the end, the only thing left standing, once you shine a light on it and you question it and you challenge it, the only thing left standing is the truth. And that brings me back to I am the way, the truth and the light.
Where does the truth really come from? Amen. What’s really true comes from God. And thank God for that. Because as a journalist in a sea of misinformation and disinformation, how do I find the truth? As a consumer of news and information, as somebody who wants to make good decisions in my life and to know and understand the world around me, be able to vote properly and raise my kids properly, how do I find out what’s really going on? How do I find the truth? Right? What do we gravitate towards? Why do people gravitate towards your show, Ellen? It’s not, you know, it’s not because you’re a Hollywood celebrity, right? It’s not because you’re, I don’t know, Patrick, bet David and you’re giving them business tips.
No, it’s because you’re honest and you’re sincere, and you walk with God. And they. And people are gravitating towards the truth. And inevitably, when you head towards the truth, you head towards God, whether you know it or not. In fact, a lot of my life, I didn’t know it. I was so angry with God for all the pain and suffering that I saw around me. I didn’t understand it, and I couldn’t reconcile it. And I was stupid enough not to see that you don’t need proof that God exists because you literally, you’re surrounded by proof that God exists.
People who think that all of this somehow created itself are the idiots, right? I mean, they mock and ridicule you or believing in creation, but yet you believe that. I don’t know that life just began out of energy, which also just began out of what? I mean, it’s so stupid, you know, once you can see it. I look at my. Any one of my nine dogs and four cats and three kittens, and I look at them and I watch them in wonder. You know, I really do. I watch them in wonder at how did God create all these unique creatures that.
That has its own intricate identity, that has similarities, but is never the same? And, you know, I mean, I just. I think you get the idea. I just. It’s something that brings me a lot of joy. It brings me a lot of joy and peace. Yeah. The other day, we, you know, we were going on the biblical side. A couple of things that. To note on that would be when President Trump gave his speech at the inauguration, he said that there’s only two genders, male, female. So I had this conversation with my neighbor who did not support President Trump, went for the other side, and we’re talking about different things.
And he said, you know, I got to say that I did like that part of the speech from President Trump today. Wow. And so my response, well, that’s. That’s amazing. Do you know where that. That came from? That didn’t come from the primordial. And then we came from fish into monkeys, and then we turned out to be who we are. That had to be written down somewhere from our creator. Well, he builds and works on vehicles. And I said, where do you think the manual to fix these vehicles comes from that you work on? Well, we have a manual for our bodies.
And if you go to that manual, in the very beginning, there’s male and female, and so he’s getting that from the Bible. So President Trump’s essentially preaching at the inauguration to millions of people on this earth. Planting the seed of hope, faith and light all into so many people, they don’t even see that that’s happening. And then if you’re watching the confirmation hearings, just to sidetrack on Pete Hegseth, what was the number one thing that kept coming up is they’re going for all of his, like, immorality this, that, and the other, and I forgot the name of the politician, but he turned to the left and he looks at everybody and says, who do you guys think you are? You guys are growing up.
You’ve done all these terrible things, and you’re going to sit there and go after him? How dare you. And then he started preaching. He was throwing out scriptures. He goes, take out the plank out of your own eye. And I was like, did he just throw out scripture? I don’t know, right? Look what’s happening to our nation. And so that’s where the excitement of this for me and sharing since it started is. You know, I go to this intel board, you know, the cue board, and some stuff I share there, and I go there a lot because it’s filled with Bible verses.
It’s share, you know, intel that we need as report reporters to go around the mainstream media to get this information out. And then I see folks that are, that are, you know, huge, like you, that have been. Have made a huge impact for so many years for all of us. And I want to make sure that you get the support you need, because your voice, the way that you share, is absolutely phenomenal. It’s getting me excited again. It makes me want to be a reporter again and be on the front lines again. And. And I want folks to say, you know what? I want to join Laura Logan on her journey.
And I notice on your website that you. They folks can actually sign up for your email, is that correct? And they can get updates on what you’re up to. But I want to share before we close out, just a little bit about what you have planned for the future. When do you think that that’s going to come out? And. And how. How’s that going to impact all of us? So I’m working now on who’s going to be with me for the first few episodes of my podcast. And. And so the timing is kind of going to be dictated a little bit by their timing, because I.
There’s a few key people that I thought would be really important to hear from in this moment, but it is coming out in the next, you know, in February sometime. I don’t know, 100% yet. It’s also kind of dependent on the support that I get. Helps me a lot. You know, we’re buying equipment slowly and getting set up. And I’ve been. Myself and my partner, Keith Warren, we’ve been on our hands and knees scrubbing and cleaning and vacuuming and tidying and moving and, you know, and everything else. And it kind of feels good to do it that way, you know, because, I mean, sure, it’d be nice to have a contract in come in and, you know, and pay somebody to do all the work for you, but there is something humbling about doing the work yourself.
And especially, you know, I’ve. I’ve. I’ve done. I feel like I’ve lived so many lifetimes. I’ve been the young print reporter from South Africa. I’ve. I’ve worked in radio. I’ve worked in television. I’ve been the new correspondent. I’ve been. You know, I was the kid at 60 minutes in so many ways because I worked with Mike Wallace and Ed Bradley and. And I was. I used to joke that I brought the median age at the show down from 80 to, you know, like 60 because I was so much younger. But I really have had an extraordinary life in many ways.
And it’s kind of funny that here I am after all of these years, and I’m on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor, you know, carving out a section to do a podcast, which I’ve watched the podcast over the years, and I’ve tried to figure out what is my role in that? Like, where do I fit? Because I’m, you know, I’m different. I’m not a comedian like Joe Rogan. I’m not a celebrity like Russell Brand. What is it that. Who am I really and who I am really as a journalist, you know, what I can bring to it is that knowledge and experience of journalism, of the principles of journalism.
And at the same time, hopefully, because a lot of these independent journalists, some of them young, some not, but, you know, they don’t have the benefit of having mentors and colleagues who have been who you can learn from. And I think we know with our own kids, right? We know in our own communities that when you don’t have anyone to guide you and you don’t have anyone to teach you what they learned, that you lose something very powerful. I mean, I grew up in Africa. One of my best friends is from the Basutu tribe, and he’s a Sutu.
And I remember saying to him once when my mom was really struggling, and he looked at me and he said, logan, why don’t you just take care of her? He’s like, that’s what we do in my tribe. Just step in and take care of her. And I was halfway across the world living my own life, and it never occurred to me. And then when his father died, I remember his uncle moved in, and I said, you know, and. And I asked him about that, and he said, oh, you know, you. I. I have children in the house.
Like, it’s very bad when you have young children not to have an older person in the home. And that culturally, obviously, is not the way most people live it in the US but it’s a very interesting concept. You know, this idea that this elderly almost states person, right, Just from the fact that they have lived and they’ve seen things and they’ve learned over their lifetimes. You know, this. The Basuto people believe that you really lose something from the home when you lose that person. And so that’s kind of how I feel about journalism. It’s like, goodness.
Do you really think that I survived? I mean, I don’t know how many IEDs and ambushes and gang rape and beating, you know, and all the other things that I survived. You really think that I survived them just for me, so that I could, what, write a book and make a whole bunch of money and tell everyone how great I am? No, I mean, you know, that’s coming. No, I’m just kidding. No, my point is that. My point is that we learn because we were meant to pass that on. Well, not just pass it on, because that sounds patronizing, but we’re meant to share it.
It doesn’t belong to us. What we learn, what we have to offer, doesn’t belong just to us, you know, and that’s. And to take that with me to my grave or into retirement or, you know, even to take it off if I sailed into the sunset, you know, for some. For some great celebrity lifestyle, which is, of course, never going to happen. But I’m just saying that it’s really not meant for us. I feel responsible for passing that on and helping and restoring some of our faith in journalism, because journalism does matter. We’ve been betrayed, we’ve been failed, and we’ve lost a lot of our faith for good reason, but now it’s our responsibility to restore it.
Even though I wasn’t the one lying to people about under Biden’s laptop and Russia collusion and. And so on and so on. But nevertheless, as a journalist, I feel responsible for restoring this, because freedom of speech is really about accountability. That’s why it’s the First Amendment and, and it guarantees all those others. So this is it, people. Right? I mean, you. This is. This is our responsibility. This is how we serve. I want you to keep moving forward, Laura. And you know what, folks, again, just a reminder, you hit that give button, I’m going to keep showing you this.
And you know, fans just jump on board and you know, there it is, folks. Just put your name in there. And it just helps out for her journey. And when she’s on the floor and she’s scrubbing and getting everything ready to have a little bit, some of that cash flowing in to help her move forward after she’s been removed from just the mainstream media side. She needs her help. And so she would. She didn’t ask me to say this, but I’m going to do it anyway. And a shout out from the rooftops. When you say you’re a voice, it reminds me of when I hear from the book of John, where John is says, I’m a voice crying in the wilderness.
I’m a voice crying in the wilderness. And he’s pointing out to our Savior, Jesus Christ. And like you said earlier, we wouldn’t even be here if we don’t use the word of God at all. Our nation needs to be centered on that. And that is phenomenal. So I’d like to pray for you real quick, Laura, before we close today, if you don’t mind. That’d be great. Yeah. Heavenly Father, thank you again for Laura Logan dealing with so much in so many ways as a mother, as a wife, as a journalist, as a friend, as a daughter, as she says so many things that she’s involved in.
You see it, you know it, you. You know her heart. And we lift her up to you, all the folks that are praying across this nation, around this earth, that are listening in, that she would understand phenomenal work that she’s doing and the impact that it has on all of us. Would you display this to her somehow, some way, renew her strength? We ask him, and you tell us to come boldly before you throw them. We’re coming boldly now. That you would just transform her entire television program that she’s putting together so that would reach this billions of people on this earth finally get the truth out in just a wonderful way.
We thank you for how you continue to use her life, protect her, her family, all those around her and everything that she does. We ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen and amen lt. I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you and all the people in your audience, many of whom have messaged me about the cruise in Alaska. And I’m so looking forward to doing that. I’ve never done anything like it. And to do it with you is very special. And I know that all the people involved in setting it up and running it and making it happen have been amazing.
So I want to thank you for that opportunity. But I also just, you know, I just want people to know I feel so fortunate. You know, I’m really grateful. I’ve been given a lot in my life, and I just really don’t know how to say it other than I’m filled with. I’m filled with gratitude. And I just want people to know that the only reason I’m still around and I’m still out there and I’m still on television is because of the support I’ve had from the audience over the years. The audience is what has kept me here.
It’s what has kept me going, because every time they cancel me, they, you know, another door opens because of the audience, because people. People vote, right? Just by watching you and just by listening, just by paying attention. And so when I say it, I’m not saying it to be diplomatic. I mean it. It’s all those people out there that have kept me up and lifted me up and all those prayers and, you know, in spite of how difficult it is at times and all the rest of it, I just want people to know I never feel sorry for myself because I know how lucky I am.
I’m so grateful for all of it. For you, Laura, it’s just phenomenal what you’re doing. Lauralogan.com where it’s where you can find her. Folks, we’re just overwhelmed and excited to be a part of this team, part of the family. Lauren, we’re looking forward to talking to you after you launch this in February, hopefully, and we’ll get more information out on that. It’ll be great to have Laura Logan with us. Man. We had a couple updates before we close out today. In prayer, the United States military just entered the great state of California and under the emergency powers turned on the water flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
The days of putting a fake environmental argument over the people are over. Enjoy the water, California. There you go. President Trump making big moves. Also breaking. Trump just fired 8,980 active duty and 5,727 reserve troops who identified as transgender. The United States military now has a lot less mental illness. Don’t worry about shortages. Trump just hired back 8,000 discharge because of the unlawful mandate. Ural we’ll have more on that coming up in the remainder of this week. For now, just wanted to thank everybody for tuning in. Once again, let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for how you continue to guide and direct our lives.
You’re so good to us. We thank you for Laura Logan, what she’s doing on the front lines. You continue to increase her following. Heavenly Father would be great. And also protection of President Trump and all of our troops on the front lines in the middle of this battle and those that are removing the illegal, especially criminals, causing so many problems throughout the United States. We lift this all to you in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen and amen, folks. Thank you again for tuning in. We look forward to you tuning in once again for more updates.
For now, this is LT sansimiper Fi with nwinow signing out. Folks, I invite you to join me and the and we know family on a cruise to Majestic Alaska July 13th through the 20th, 2025. We will chart our adventure aboard the luxurious Holland Americas Westerdam, cruising us to historic Alaskan ports like Juneau and Quetta. Gone. Award winning journalist Lara Logan is joining us. When the founding fathers put freedom of speech first, it was not by chance. It was by design. The amazing comedian Tim Lovelace is returning. You remember when it had some people say freezer burn, but it’s more like perma frost on it.
We’re going to worship together and enjoy powerful biblical messages from Pastor Nathan Rutland. So he asked his father, how long has this been happening to him? And he said from childhood. We’ll have meet and greet time. Listen in on a live podcast recording and listen to stories from my family. We were stationed in Newport News, Virginia, where I was in Norfolk base and anybody in that area, Newport News. All right, there you go. It’s a special time. We’re gonna have a blast. So visit inspirationtravel.com LTA and book your trip with LT and family today for this celebration cruise.
We’re going to have a great time. Sa.
See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.