1.24.24: Big victory Nikki has a plan? Age losses MSM joins her Kari leaks bribe audio. Pray! And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ And We Know talks about former President Trump winning the New Hampshire primary, beating Nikki Haley. It also mentions some people trying to cheat in the election but failing. The article also talks about some problems with the border in Texas and how some people are not happy with how things are being handled. Lastly, it mentions a big rally that’s being planned for next month.
➡ There are going to be three rallies in Texas, Arizona, and California to protest against the current border policies. People are worried about drugs and other problems coming into the country. Some people think that the government is not doing enough to protect the borders. Also, there’s a lot of talk about politics and who should be the next president.
➡ Nikki Haley, who wants to be president, is saying that people over 75 should take a test to see if they’re still sharp. She’s using this to make people worry about how old Donald Trump and Joe Biden are. Some people think she’s practiced this a lot to make it sound perfect. Others think that Trump is the best choice because he loves America, while they worry that Haley is just like other politicians who don’t really care about the people.
➡ This text talks about a lot of things. It mentions how some people are trying to control politics and don’t like Donald Trump because he can’t be controlled. It also talks about a woman named Carrie Lake who is standing up against these people. The text also mentions some dangerous groups called cartels that are causing problems in every state. Lastly, it talks about a medicine from a company called Pfizer that might be causing harm to a lot of people.
➡ This text talks about the harm caused by atomic bombs and dangerous drugs in the past. It also discusses the injuries and deaths caused by some recent vaccines. The text mentions some people who are sick after getting the vaccine. Lastly, it talks about a debate on a TV show about whether certain books should be allowed in schools.
➡ This text talks about different issues in our society, like what books kids should read in school, how we understand gender, and the influence of celebrities. It also discusses the idea of normalizing things that some people find wrong or scary. The writer believes that we should trust in God and not be afraid, even when things seem confusing or scary.
➡ The person in the video is saying sorry for any mistakes and understands if people are upset. They are also thankful for the people who support them. They learned a new way to say a word while living in Japan, and they know some people are bothered by it. They want everyone to know they read their comments and appreciate them.


Party continues to backpedal and use all of their tricks to get their candidate in. Doesn’t seem to be working, but they’ll try something right. The media and others are now in drama mode. We’ll look into this. And the loaded audio of someone trying to bribe Carrie Lake. And more on Pfizer. Here we go. We have a key election alert. We just got this election alert from our decision desk standby for breaking news.

I think we have call in New Hampshire. And there it is. NBC News can project that former President Trump has now won the New Hampshire primary, defeating UN ambassador Nikki Haley. Garrett Haige is at the watch party for former President Trump in New Hampshire. The president, the former president. Now, two for two. Nikki Haley saying this was not going to be a coronation, that she was going to stay in the race.

But it’s clear when it comes to Iowa voters, New Hampshire voters, the king right now is former President Trump. So Nikki Haley, maybe she’ll finally drop out. She’s lost twice despite the fact the Democrats voted for her in swarms while she watched communist news network at her headquarters. No, they can’t do that. All the Democrats going in, switching their party, all the little tricks of trying to get their numbers up to try to swoosh past President Trump didn’t work.

All their cheating that they try to do over and over again just never works. Not only that, he’s the only candidate, President Trump, to ever win New Hampshire three times. No one who has won the republican nomination in Iowa and New Hampshire while they normally go on to secure the nomination. But, you know, every time President Trump breaks a record, they have to make it look like, no, that’s not true.

We’ll figure something out. Check out Nancy Pelosi. If I could get a kick out of this. So the message that when he lies, I mean, he’s a constant liar, but when he lies, sometimes you have to listen to him. For example, he lied and said Obamacare sucks. I mean, to use his kind of language, Obamacare sucks. Listen to when he says that. Of course it doesn’t. So the dude on the left of your screen is pierced eyes looking at Pelosi with the shaking and the animation.

Haven’t seen her in a long time. So, you know, it’s been a while. Figured we needed some, a little comedy act for now. And then she’s got that little finger just tucked in, that thumb, just enough to send the signals off with their little witchcraft. You know how it works. Well, folks, just a side note real quick, just want to make sure you know, we appreciate you. Thank you for hitting that subscribe button or the follow button.

Also wanted to make sure show notes here. There are people that are opposing and making accounts like, and we know gold or, and we know official and we know all these others and they’re replying to you in the comments below the video and they’re saying, reach out to us here or here’s a telegram link, click on it and we’ll take care of you. And they try to pose as, and we know, just remember, most of you didn’t know this.

That’s not us. We will not send you a text in the comments and say, here’s an email you can go to, or here’s a link to a telegram you can go to. We’re trying to remove all of those and they’re going to be sought after. So if you’re listening, they’re coming after you. Stand by for your illegal activity. So anyway, here’s something else on the moves. Here’s where we go one, we go all.

And as that said, president Trump looks over and he says, he basically gives the nod like, yep, we’re with you. And then somebody else says, free everyone from j six. And he looks and says, we will free the J Sixers. And he says, we will. So here’s the victory announcement. She forgot one thing. She forgot one thing. Next week it’s Nevada. Next week it’s Nevada. It’s not South Carolina.

We love South Carolina, but next week it’s Nevada. And I’m pleased to announce we just won Nevada. We just won 100% because all of them, they looked at it and they took polls and I was polling at 95% to four or 5% and they decided not to play in Nevada. So we just won Nevada. He’s already told him we won in Nevada. Oh, poor thing. Nikki, she’s just got all that payoff and military industrial complex and all of those guys that want more wars and the bankers and all that, they’re just trying to figure out, man, there’s got to be a way we can get rid of this guy so we can control all the people and get all their money.

Scotty films put this clip together and some other things for us to pay attention to our country. But I couldn’t talk about it because I didn’t want to do that. And then the following day, something happens. So I went four years keeping my mouth shut on that particular subject. But now I talk about it all the time. We had no attacks. We didn’t have a world trade center.

We didn’t have the attacks like you’ve seen, and certainly that you see in other countries. And by the way, now we’re getting involved again in the Middle east. Look what’s happening. You’re getting involved. Here we go again with the Middle east. We spent $9 trillion, killed millions of people, including our side, their side. Millions of people, $9 trillion. You know, we got nothing. Nothing. You got death, you got blood, you got nothing.

And we spent our blood and our treasure, as they say, our blood and our treasure. And our blood is more important than our treasure. And it’s a shame. It’s a shame I beat ISIS. You’re right. Thank you for telling me that. You’re right. I was getting to that. But he’s very good. He’s sharp. This way. Thank you. We did. We beat the hell out of ISIS. It was supposed to take four to five years to get it done.

In four months, I’d say four months. 100% of the ISIS caliphate. So the Middle east is blowing up again. Here we go. As President Trump, they’re always throwing something out there. Middle east. These are the times. These are the times that try men’s soul. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this cris, shrink from the service of their country. But he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods. And it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.

That’s Thomas Payne. Way to go, Scotty. Getting these. Always putting them together nicely, making sure that we know how this plays out. Stand strong. Protect the republic. The Supreme Court just ruled five four that the Biden administration can remove physical barriers Texas put at their border to stop the invasion. Barrett and Roberts voted with the libs. They sure did. So if you guys are pretty much already on top of this.

Attorney General Ken Paxton. The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep american citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty. Way to go. So it’s all you need to know about today’s Supreme Court decision. What do they have on Barrett and Roberts? Makes you wonder.

Greg Price reminder that article four, section four of the Constitution states, the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion. Apparently the Supreme Court thinks that some invasions don’t count, and there’s a receipt to show everyone for that. Greg Abbott this is not over. Texas razor wire is an effective deterrent to the illegal crossings Biden encourages.

I will continue to defend Texas constitutional authority to secure the border and prevent the Biden admin from destroying our property. And so all this is playing out. Remember, we’ve had the dogcoms and more come out. New Hampshire. Let’s get Trump to 85% victory and more. So it’s unanimous. Everyone in power from the White House, this is from Tucker Carlson, to the hedge fund managers, to the Supreme Court of the United States, has decided to destroy the country by allowing it to be invaded.

That leaves the population to defend itself. Where are the men of Texas? Why aren’t they protecting their state and the nation? And so, in opposition to the open border disaster under the Biden administration, a coalition of Americans from all throughout the country announced the organizing of a major southern border convoy and multi city rally next month. Active and retired law enforcement and military veterans, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media and law abiding, freedom loving Americans are invited to participate in three rallies across three states as part of the take back our border convoy.

The rallies will be held in Eagle Pass, Texas, Yuma, Arizona and San Cidro, California on February the third. How about that? And here’s a closing remark from President Trump. Every single open border policy that crooked Joe Biden and his administration have put onto our country. So sad. To stop the deadly drugs that are poisoning our people, I will deploy us Navy to impose a full fentanyl blockade on the waters and the region where they’re coming in through certain channels.

They’re coming over land, they’re coming any way they want to come. Twelve times more than came in four years ago. Twelve times more. Drugs are pouring in. And by the way, you have two very bad distinctions. You’re the highest energy per capita, you’re the highest by far, energy anywhere in the country, number one. And also you’re the worst in terms of drugs pouring in. You have more drugs in New Hampshire per capita than any other state by far.

Where is your governor? How about that? And all this stuff going on. Supreme Court conservative Justices Amy Coney Barrett and John Roberts sided with the Biden administration. This was correctly predicted by Trump in one of his speeches, the judges are creating a clash of civilizations. The first step is to open the border. The second step is to flood the country. The final step is to replace you in every way possible.

Every way possible. Somebody even said the other day, I was watching something on social media, and she said, isn’t that strange that all these people in America are passing away suddenly from the jab, and yet the numbers are not showing that if you add to the population, all these folks that are crossing the border, it’s like we’re being replaced. Well, the Texas National Guard continues to hold the line in Eagle Pass.

Texas will knock back down from our efforts to secure the border in Biden’s absence. That’s from Greg Abbott. Also, the Texas military department continues to hold the line in Shelby park to deter and prevent unlawful entry into the state of Texas. We remain resolute in our actions to secure our border, preserve the rule of law, and protect the sovereignty of our state. Here we go. They’re not taking it down, folks.

Here’s a video showing them continuing to put up that barbed wire, make it secure. Work hard to get that done. It’s a lot of work. I know we did that many times in the Marine Corps, and we had to travel to different countries, and it’s a pain to put that stuff up, especially when the weather is the way it is right there with the mud and the rain, cold weather and more.

So I just want to make sure you saw that. And hopefully these guys are staying safe and also making sure that they’re not feeling any of the effects of the weather there. Here’s some more on that. Well, folks, you’ve heard me talk about the wellness company and their medical emergency kit. Well, they’ve got something else pretty amazing called spike support. If you’re not thinking that something is going on at this point, with so many previously healthy people experiencing myocarditis, blood clots, turbo cancers, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, and the new died suddenly phenomenon, you’re not paying attention.

The culprit is spike protein. Spike protein is a lingering threat from both the vaccine and the manmade virus linked to all kinds of long term health issues. Even Pfizer is now admitting there are problems. So if you go in the description box below, click on TWC Health lt. Use code lt for 10% off at checkout. There’s one question that these doctors keep asking every single day. How do I detox from the spike protein left behind from the vaccine and Covid? Thanks to the wellness company, there’s actually, something that can be done.

Spike support again. TWC Health lt. Use code lt for 10% off today. Now, you’ve all heard the chatter among the political class. They’re falling all over themselves saying, this race is over. Well, I have news for all of them. New Hampshire is first in the nation. It is not the last in the nation. This race is far from over. There are dozens of states left to go. So despite all of the loss and the numbers, the way they add up, she won’t concede.

And I wonder why. Remember Tucker was telling us that they’re going to try to put President Trump in jail? And then they’ll say, well, since he’s in jail, I guess all you got is Nikki Haley. You guys have to accept her no matter what. Can you imagine that? So here’s some comedy for you, Martha. I am running to win this race. And as much as everybody wants to talk about what I’m going to do, this is before she lost, by the way.

Just want to make sure you guys know, because you might be yelling, hey, wait a minute. This is before. I know. Just want to make sure you get a little comedy hour. At some point, you all are going to realize that I won this race. And you’re going to have to accept when I say, I told you so. It is slow. He wins the race. I’ve done this the entire time.

We’re going to finish it. I don’t want anything else. I don’t want anything else. I’m running to be president. I’m not going to pull out because somebody wants to be coronated. I’m not going to pull out because they think that I shouldn’t be there. The political class has never thought I should be here. In South Carolina, in Congress, at the UN. No one has ever thought I should be here.

And that’s exactly why I should be here, because I’m fighting for normal people, and I’ll always do that. The epitome of an established warmonger politician profiting off a bloodshed says that the political class wants to coordinate someone else and that they do not want her to be here. What kind of world is she living in? Because it’s not reality. So establishment politicians refuse to acknowledge the gigantic elephant in the room and will never do so because it benefits them.

Voter fraud is the only reason Trump lost his elections. And if you don’t believe me, why don’t you just ask the people who inexplicably saw a water valve leak at two in the morning, check out what she says, and the question is, who’s going to fix it with Donald Trump? Republicans have lost almost every competitive election. Here we go. Here’s their talking points. He’s lost every competitive election.

We lost the Senate. He lost in 2016. Oh, no, he didn’t. That’s right. He lost the Senate. Is that because of illegal voting? We lost the House. Oh, we lost the House. Was that because of illegal voting? We lost the White House. We lost in 2018, we lost in 2020, and we lost in 2022. The worst kept secret in politics is how badly the Democrats want to run against Donald Trump.

Oh, they want to run against Donald Trump. The Democrats, that’s what they really want. So all of the cheating that they did, opening the boxes of ballots without proper chain of custody, did I mention the fact that we literally don’t need an id to vote in this country or they import millions of illegal aliens across an open border so the elections were not secure. She doesn’t want to cover that at all.

Doesn’t want to show us that the elections were stolen as they shut everything down for the first time in history and woke up the next day and everything changed overnight. Now, don’t want to talk about that. Instead, we’re going to use this as talking points so I can get in there and destroy this country. If our elections are not secured, we do not have this country. Nikki Haley will never speak of this because she’s in the con.

They know Trump is the only Republican in the country who Joe Biden can defeat. You can’t fix the mess if you don’t win an election. A Trump nomination is a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency. So just pay attention. Make sure you guys know how they’re talking. Grasshopper, official channel. Thank you for putting this out. They thought it was coming. Last Friday, ammunition spent. President Trump crushes crooked Joe Biden.

Remember those numbers? 52% to 48%. Pass of messenger Harris. Morning. Consult Harvard Harris. Rasmussen reports the same ones put out. Crooked Joe Biden beats Nikki Haley every time. So she’s lying. She knows it. But she has to use her talking points no matter what. Great day for the rule of law. Congratulations, Justice K. There’s so much. There’s much work to be done today. The Republic took back control.

Isn’t that something? So then let’s go to some talking points from the mainstream media. Nikki Haley’s up to no good. And then we’ll see what the mainstream media likes to do. Talking about Trump in the most direct fashion that we’ve heard her do it. Challenging him to debate her, challenging him in some ways to take a mental fitness or mental acuity test. She said that on the day that she announced her presidential bid almost a year ago in South Carolina, she said, if you are over 75, you should be taking a mental fitness test.

Clearly, she’s challenging Trump on that front now, almost directly. This is a real moment where we’re watching Nikki Haley take her most direct shots at Trump yet. But we’re also watching her make age the key issue here in this race. It’s almost the thing that she says with reluctance and a little twinge of sadness that she almost hates to be saying this about her rival. But it is the seed that she’s continued to plant in the minds of voters, both here in New Hampshire and, of course, down the rest of the primary calendar.

As she goes, that’s the one thing that Trump’s not going to be able to change. He’s not going to be able to change how old he is, and frankly, neither is Joe Biden. And it plays upon a fear that I’ve already heard from Republicans. Republicans have done a really good job of instilling concern about Joe Biden’s age and acuity. Now Nikki Haley is lumping him in with Donald Trump, and that makes the concern tougher.

It is a very subtle way to dig into the minds of voters, and she’s hoping that this is an issue that can be a wedge that she can use to get to the nomination. Wow, she did that with such perfection, don’t you think? Almost as if she memorized it, she rehearsed it. She went through the talking points with someone in the back room to make sure that it just came across so perfectly, as if we’re watching a movie and an actor.

Do you guys get that? I mean, I spent a lot of time with journalists. Tell you what, when you’re in public affairs, especially in the Marine Corps, and they want to come on to the military base almost three, four times a week, and you have to escort them on, and then you talk to them. Folks, I’m telling you what, when they’ve got something they want to talk about, they rehearse it over and over and over again.

And then they say, action. Then they basically do their recording. If it doesn’t work the first time, they record it again. Then that doesn’t work the second time, they’ll do it again. So even though this might be live, in a sense, it could have been recorded and then played as if it was live in case she messed it up over and over again, who knows? Or she’s reading a teleprompter.

I’m just letting you know. That was smooth. So speaking about bringing some other folks in, anons are waiting with memes when they make Big Mike the 2024 candidate. Another one here from Dan Scovino, also a comm for us. 41 six posted. Well, 41 six toolkits can be helpful. Kind of a nod out to all the anons, those anons that are waiting, standing by, hoping more comms come in.

So another one that ultra pepulized matter gave us because a lot of those were talking points that he provided, and it was really good. The IQ of voters around America has risen drastically. Check this out. But I feel like Trump is the person that the people needs. I feel like he’s the only candidate that loves America. I think Nikki Haley’s beholden to rhinos. I feel like she’s a rhino and she’s part of the uni party.

Like I was trying to allude to earlier. She’s with the Democrats and the Republicans that are part of this uni party that I feel like are in control and there’s no way out. We need somebody that loves America. Thank you so much for talking with us. Obviously happy as you say that former President Trump is projected to win in here. It looks like we will be chatting with you and others throughout the night.

Thank you very much. How about, huh? Seems like all these interviews just keep coming in and folks are letting them know. They’re letting them know the talking points. These interviews are showing that voters know there’s a swamp. They know there’s a uniparty. They understand that President Trump has a love for the country and nobody else does. They understand the term rhino now more than ever. They’re having conversations with others.

They’re getting stronger and stronger. And when they get together, that strength manifests itself when these interviews are happening with just normal, everyday people trying to live their lives. Folks, we’re at amwinow. com. You can go there, find truth, hope, faith and freedom. All of our links to our social media and more. The patriotlite. com is there also. And you’ll notice that every week we are uploading our weekly teaching of the bible on Saturdays.

And also you can find all of our gear at shop amwinow. com. That’s shop annwino. com. It’s also@amwinow. com if you want to click on it there. And you’ll have our sweatshirts, hoodies, accessories, hats, tees and tanks. And when you wear these, you’ll be approached by folks that watch this show and you’ll have a new friend. Isn’t that something? Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear.

You wa, so, folks, here’s the shift that’s happening. Remember, we’ve been talking about the voters, the black voters, hispanic voters, college women who have moved towards Trump. And you have amazing things happening on shows where you’ve got folks just standing up for President Trump. Charles Payne is one of them. He does amazing work. And you know what? He does not let these folks talk over him. They try to, but he lets them have know.

Charles, you talked about the issues here and how immigration here is at the top, but it also is an economic issue and it crosses all boundaries and it is a weakness for President Biden and the Democrats. Dean Phillips talks about this on the trail and he talks about how Democrats demean MAGA voters. He talked about it with me today saying, know, it’s just strange that they’re talking about a group of voters like that.

And I don’t think it’s narcissism. I think you’ve lived in New York long enough. You know, it’s maybe a New York thing. Someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That’s the way I grew up in Harlem. Not if the country’s at stake. Right? He became president of the United States with that same personality. I don’t think, listen, I think it’s worse with Biden calling MAGA. Biden’s anger and vitriol and hatred for MAGA is far more worse than President Trump’s individual battles with someone who crosses him.

That is something that is really detrimental to this country, that the president of the United States despises half of the United States. President Biden, I said earlier today, I, just about a week ago, I had a segment coming up, so I googled. Biden hates MAGA. Nothing but articles after articles after articles. He has expressed hatred for writing articles. It doesn’t matter because the bottom line is he says it.

He has vitriol for them and so does MSNBC and so does CNN and so does the New York Times. They have vitriol for half of the nation. They don’t look at them like fellow Americans. And it’s unfortunate. They try to paint them as racist, all the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community for their children to have prosperity.

They want the same thing, but they demean them all the time. That’s why I think Phillips was so intriguing, because he went to a rally to find out for himself. And guess what? Golly, these are some pretty cool people. They’re just like, exactly what? And it’s just, it’s smart to understand. And also, you see the shift that’s happening, right? You look at black voters, hispanic voters, college women, Latinos who have moved towards Trump.

So it’s no longer that people are in these boxes based on what their gender is or what they look like. They appear to want a safe country, and they appear to want a good economy, regardless of what label they have. That’s completely fine. And I know that the lines have shifted dramatically. But Joe Biden’s responsible for a lot of that. Say that he’s demeaned half the country. First of all, it’s 74 million people that voted for Donald Trump.

And he is explicit every time he talks about the MAGA movement, to say that this is a subsection of the Republican Party, which is borne out in elections, when you see people voting against Donald Trump and this idea that, what about the people, what about the people voting for him? He gives teleprompter speeches. You have to understand. But he is talking about insurrectionists. Yes, he is. No. Why is he talking about January 6? And he calls, he’s his maga, like a slogan.

If you get called regularly, head of files, why can’t he call the border a cris while he’s denigrating and castigating Americans? No, the voters are talking about that, Jessica. The president of the United States, a commander in chief, went to Philadelphia a year and a half ago with a marine posted behind him. I saw and gave a decidedly political speech where he insulted a large part of the country.

And I’ve said many times on this network, and I’ll say it again tonight, if people, a lot of people spend a fraction of the time that they spent obsessing over Donald Trump, the person learning one thing about the Trump voter, things may be very different. This is Joe Biden’s version of Hillary’s deplorable and irredeemable. And here’s one thing. We’re going to be talking about this for many months, so we have to move on.

I’m excited. Okay. How about, huh? Just love Payne. Mr. Payne, you’re doing a great job. Charles is always on top of what is going on in our country. He doesn’t allow, hmm. Don’t want to give it a name. Anyway, these folks that lost their minds, that go for the Democrat party or anything that goes against the Americans, they played the defense, and he wouldn’t let her talk. And I loved it.

He got it out. He used his energy and his expressions. Then I was kind of shocked to see even the shift happening. Couldn’t believe that she actually talked like that. Hispanic voters, college women, Latinos, they moved towards Trump. It’s no longer the people are in these boxes based on their gender. And so in the politics world, if you guys didn’t know, ultrapupy lives matter. Wow. Leaked audio footage of Carrie Lake shows that they tried to have her bought off by signing her onto a business contract on a side company.

They admitted the cartels are operating deeply within each state of our country. They want to kill people who get in their way and will do anything in their power to stop anyone who doesn’t belong to their club. If this isn’t a red pill, then what is it? This is exactly what we’ve been telling people the swamp is really like. And now leaked audio is showing just how far they’ll go to silence and buy off anyone they fear.

That’s why they hate Trump with so much loathing. He can’t be bought. He’s not part of their club. So what’s going on? I’m assuming this is our friend. This is back east. There are very powerful people that want to keep you out. No, they do. So let me bring these up just a little bit. Sorry. I’m going to move these out of the way so you can see if you can’t hear them very well.

This is the leaked audio of the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party just told us that he feared they would kill him if he named who was attempting to bribe Carrie Lake. This is back east. There are very powerful people that want to keep you out. No, they do, but they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way. So this conversation never had.

This is crazy, though. They should want me. I’m a great candidate. People love me. These people are corrupt. Well, maybe you’re right. They are corrupt. This never happened. Don’t go. I don’t get myself in trouble if you say no, which is fine. It’s your choice. Don’t tell people they’re going to try to have me murdered. Thanks, world. Man. If that stuff that came out last week is right about the cartel stuff, they said the cartel is operating in 50 states right now.

Like, all 50. So what’s going on? Who is it? What? Forget the who. Let me just tell you what. Let’s just say there are people calling around saying, gosh, no, they can’t beat this. Never beat this. If you say no, don’t say, I got offered to buy out, because then we lose our ability to get things done in the future. Here’s my problem. Rather than just say, let’s work with her, she’s a great candidate because they don’t own me, and it pisses me off.

Yeah, I know. It’s about ownership. It’s about control. I don’t know. It’s about control. It’s about being on the team. I guess that. You know what I mean? They want to be on the team. They want you to be on their team. But if they’re pushing a globalist agenda, I can’t do that. So what do they want? What do they want me to do? They want you to stay out for two years.

But I’m going to tell you what I can offer you. But I said, you can do whatever you want. Talking head, this and that. So the ask of me was, it’s kind of funny. So the ask I got today from Becky was, is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll and give her to keep her out? And I said, what are you willing to do? Whatever we need to do.

This is about defeating Trump, and I think that’s a bad thing for our country. DeSantis is not America first. This is about the final death blow to Trump. And I don’t think that’s good for our love. It’s not good for our country, Jeff. It’s not. But at the same time, I’m not even sure Trump can win again. He said, I’m not sure if Trump can win again. Some of this is hard to hear, so I’m going to talk over some of this, okay? I’m not even sure.

He says Trump can win again. I don’t know what he can win. I think what it really comes down to, for a lot of people, it’s not about control or agenda. It’s like the ability to raise money to win, if you really want to know. And then it’s inaudible and even on their end, what makes them the most money? All these consultants don’t want their payday to end, and I don’t want to make a deal with these kind of people, says Kerry Lake.

This is a hill worth dying on. I’m not. If they’re going to steal the election to make me and our movement go away, she says, I’m not letting them do that. I owe it to the people of Arizona to carry their torch and their voice, or you don’t go away. But you pause. This is the battle right now, Jeff, and we go to caucus. The battle’s right now.

The battle is right now. So remember this, and remember back when the former sheriff of Maricopa county, remember when he told the media that cartels were coming after him, Kerry Lake and Trump, and proceeded to say that the prime minister wanted to kill him. Now, take into account what Kerry Lake just said about the DC establishment and the cartels buying her off and then having to kill her to silence them.

Still believe the cartels in an open border aren’t a big deal. And it’s not over yet, but I have full confidence that lake and the others will pull it out. But it’s very dirty out there. I’m not going to worry about myself in the cartels going after me, but it’s become very dirty. So I can handle it. She can handle it. She’s got the courage to speak out.

He doesn’t hide. She’s a different type of campaigner and candidate, and I’m very proud of her. And of course, I’ve been the Trump guy from day one. I will be with him to the end. That’s a promise. So as time goes on, we’ll see what happens. Sheriff, we’re awaiting a very big announcement from former President Trump next Tuesday or Tuesday the 15th, likely announcing. We anticipate he will be announcing his candidacy for 2024 for president.

Your reaction? I hope he runs. He’s been my hero, the only one I ever had. He’s straightened everything out, includes his prime minister wants to kill me. I’ll tell you, he’ll strain everything out. So we hope he runs. He’ll be a great president again. How about that? Great reminders, great information and talking about the cartels and more and how this is all playing out. And so that moves us on into Pfizer.

It’s the deadliest drug ever in the history of medicine. This is from Dr. James Thorpe alerting the Massachusetts legislator to the astonishing estimate that over half a billion were injured by the COVID vaccine, worldwideliest drug ever rolled out in human history by Pfizer’s own legally mandated 90 day rollout. Pfizer 5. 3. 6. Anybody can get a copy of this now because a federal judge, 14 months later, everybody in the world had it.

But 14 months after that, it was dropped on April Fool’s Day, 2022. This is the same document here. I want to bring your attention. It’s not only the deadliest drug ever rolled out in human history, it is by far and away the most injurious drug. And I’ve calculated this from Pfizer’s own data. You see an injured to kill ratio. Pay attention to that injured to kill ratio, because I can make an argument that it’s the global citizens that were killed that might be better off instead of living a lifelong, permanent torture and disaster of injury.

Injure to kill ratio, 33. 4. This is not Dr. Cole’s data. This is not Dr. McCullough’s data. This is not Jim Thorpe’s data. This is Pfizer’s own data. I it’s important to look at the historical perspective of these three events that I’ve outlined on this slide. The first event, World War II, the terminal part of World War II. We look at Oppenheimer and what he did in New Mexico.

Creation of the atomic weapon. It was deployed in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in August, about three days apart. Both cities, we see that there were 94,000 injured. There were 105,000 killed. The injured to kill ratio, 0. 9. You look at the middle column, heretofore the deadliest drug ever released in medicine. Before this more lethal one, it was thalidomide. And you look at the experts that have reviewed this. There were 20,000 injuries and 80,000 deaths for an injure to kill ratio of zero point 25.

Now fast forward to 2021. Fast forward to Pfizer, Borla, Moderna, Bansel. They’ve killed 17 million global citizens. They’ve killed 17 million global citizens. Now, some experts like. That’s from Dr. Reni Dancora, a world expert with his team. And there are many other experts around the world that would agree with that. I am one of them. I’ve reviewed this very carefully. Some might decrease that risk a little bit, some might increase it.

But how do we get the amount injured? Easily. We take the injure to kill ratio of Pfizer. It turns out the Brian Dresdens, the Cody Hudson’s, all those other severe injured people. 567,000,000 global citizens have been injured for a total of 585,000,000 global citizens killed and injured. Don’t have time to review this slide, but I’ve done all the research. Thalidomide, we know is 100% lethal or injurious if administered during the pregnancy at the right time.

This is a chart of the events that I’ve alluded to earlier, portraying the injure to kill ratios. Look at them. The atomic bomb, Normandy invasion, Vietnam War, Iraq war, ukrainian war, thalidomide. They all pale into comparison with the injure to kill ratio. And it’s not because this vaccine didn’t kill enough people, it’s because of the unprecedented injury rate. There you have it. December 10, 2020. To present injure to kill ratio, 33.

4 for these gene therapy shots, this mixture of dna as dna particles are put into them. As we heard from Florida, we’ve talked about this day in and day out, almost every single video. Those that had bragged about getting the shot and died suddenly, those that have had heart attacks, cancers and more. We’ve got in our own sphere of our own friends here, many of them experiencing. We’ve got one really close to us, has a paralyzed face now on the left or right side, another one that just can’t seem to shake the fevers day in and day out for the past three months, has no desire or energy left, gaining severe amounts of weight, depression and more, trying to take care of the mother at the same time, living together, who also took the jabs, who’s also sick constantly.

These are just the things that I have to deal with, and it’s just getting worse. I know many of us are dealing with that. While this is happening, while the politics is playing out, trying to destroy President Trump or any inkling of hope so they can push us into more war, while they’re trying to inject everyone and always come up with plans to destroy us, they also are trying to normalize pedophilia.

You’ve got that right. This is Joy, MSNBC Joy Reed, promoting pedophilia, trying to show nasty stuff to our children in school as an indoctrination method. She’s interviewing moms for liberty co founder Tiffany justice. If I told you this would be the case ten years ago, you would have called me a crazed conspiracy theorist. But here we are. Says older, peppy lives matter. She proceeds to get owned by logic from a defending mother.

But remember this, their blatant push for pedophilia in our schools only serves to awaken and harden our resolve. People are realizing around the world that they are coming after our children, and they always have been. The future is our children, and we won’t stand by and let them win. They have awakened a sleeping giant, the patriot. Mothers and fathers who love God and want to see their children live in a free and prosperous world.

Keep pushing and see how far we push back. Now, this interview, it’s going to make you a little upset because Joy Reid constantly, constantly talks over Tiffany justice whenever she asks a question. She doesn’t want to hear Tiffany give an answer because all she wants to do is put in the minds of the people listening that it’s okay to have these books in school. The question I’m asking is, what is the expertise that you have and other moms for liberty advocates have to decide that an award winning book like all boys aren’t blue isn’t appropriate for students to read.

What a tragic story of a young man who’s annually raped by his adult family member. So you have incest, rape, pedophilia. Joy, you said you’d let me answer, so I’m going to answer. Please do. In what context is a strap on dildo acceptable for public school? That’s my question to you. Tell me what the context around the strap on dildo or the rape of a minor child by a teacher.

We’re talking about public school. One moment. All right, so now you’ve asked me questions, I’m going to answer it. Okay. Well, who is the main character? What’s the name of the main character in all boys aren’t blue? You’re asking me right now. You just gave me very specific information about this book. So you’re presenting yourself as somebody expert. It’s the general. Who’s the main character? The main character is the author.

What’s his name? George, I believe is his first. Because you’re giving me very specific information. That is, you’re asking me to remember the name of an author. You just remembered very specific name. Joy, here’s my question. You didn’t answer my answer. Great. I would love to hear that. Absolutely. Well, I’m interviewing you, and you’re not interviewing me, so let’s just make sure it’s a conversation. Okay? So what I’m saying to you is that as you are not an expert in this book.

One moment. Let’s get real. Is a full context story, as you said, of the author’s experience, why is it your right or a mom’s for liberty activist’s right to say that a parent who wants their child to have access to this book, which gives a personal experience of this author, why doesn’t a liberal parent, for instance, or a parent of an LGBTQ kid, why don’t they have a right for their child to just have access to this book? Why is it your right to say they can’t? So again, we’re talking about incest, rape, and pedophilia.

See, as she brings up the answer. Just want to pause here. Notice how Joy Reed is coached and trained to shut her off. That way, if the folks hear the answer and they don’t have a chance to actually put two and two together. It cuts the mind off of the person listening. So they’re not really hearing the answer. They’re only hearing Joey Reed. No. Each parent has to decide what is appropriate for their child to read.

So I want you to answer. I’m going to ask you one more time. What is your right to tell a parent who wants their child who might feel seen by this story? Why don’t they have the right. Why don’t they have the right as a parent to say, my child can have access to this book? If a child feels seen by this story, that means that they have been the victim of a predator.

That means that they have either been raped by a family member they’ve experienced. And your proof of that is what you just said, that what your child feels seen by this story. What’s your proof of that? The book shows it. Has she lost her mind? You’re now making assumptions. No, but if it has been raped, we should do a lot better than put a book. Now you’re literally creating a story behind a child that you don’t know.

Let me show you a form. This is a form that can be obtained in Broward County, Florida. I’m going to show it to the audience, and then I’m going to show it to you. This is called the. Yeah, please. I’m gonna hand. It’s called the opt out form. Okay. An opt out form would allow any parent. Because you said you are in favor of rental rights. I am.

It would allow any parent to opt out of their child being able to take books out of the library without their parents permission. Okay. So that moms for liberty, why not advocate that every school in America have an opt out form so that a parent who doesn’t want their child to access a book, like all boys aren’t blue, that they can make that choice, because then each parent, including a liberal parent, a black parent, a parent who wants their child to read a book about african american history.

They want children to read books? Why not? Just. So what does african history, african american history, have to do with rape of children for yourself rather than tell other parents what they can and cannot? First of all, I think what you’re talking about here is a wonderful step in the right direction. We should be having conversations about this. This is about local control. A lot of these decisions are made at the local school board level, and that’s where these decisions should be made.

And there should be vibrant conversations about what’s happening in our public schools and what kids have access to joy. However, maybe we could just put all the books with all the graphic sexual content. The dildo. I’m sorry. Let’s do a back room. Let’s put a curtain up in the library. Hold on one moment. One moment. Remember the books that moms. So she’s defending joy Reed. Destroying children. Do you catch that? Destroying them completely, that what might happen to them? We’ll check this out.

If you don’t know me, I am a medical school professor specializing in molecular biology. I also have an extensive background in gender studies and queer studies. The idea of sex as an immutable characteristic is a turf talking point. It’s been around for decades, and it’s been weaponized against trans women in particular, in the fashion of, oh, but you will always be male. And therefore invading female spaces. Sex, as it pertains to humans, is a construct.

It is a set of spectrum variables with bimodal distribution that we draw an arbitrary set of boundaries around into two broad categories. But they are not immutable characteristics. Almost all of those characteristics can be changed through hormones or through surgery. This is literally an argument that gets trans women killed and is the thing that people are using to tell us that we can’t change our birth certificates. Right, stop.

In the schools. I’ve brought this up many times, and I think many of you understand, especially when you put the comments down, something happened to these folks. Something terrible happened, in my opinion, in my reading of several books. You don’t have to be an expert to figure all this out. Something happened, and this person found a place to allow the think process, the think tank, to constantly go into school and push.

This type of thinking doesn’t even really make sense. You have to slow it down and translate half of the stuff that this guy says something. And then you get over to what happened. Well, then you look at these books, and she brings up and tells you what happened to this child in the book, to Joy Reed. And then that person, in my opinion, could turn out to be destroyed for the rest of their life, their lives.

And then you head over to companies that push this stuff. Actors, will Ferrell, working with variety and audible, to normalize trans surgeries. What people might not remember is that will was seen at a spirit cooking event with Marina Abramovich, where they pretend to eat human flesh at some kind of art. Not only this, but he performed a fake satanic ritual in front of a live audience while they chanted, this is not art.

Why is Hollywood so perverse at nearly every turn? So he talks about it here. Very boring conversation. Just basically pushing the trans community stuff to the public. And everybody listens to him. The folks that listen to him go there. Well, of course, he was part of a dinner. If you guys remember some of this, you probably don’t want your children to see. So I should have warned you when that word came up earlier with joy Reed.

I forgot about that. But anyway, they had these, if you see in the dinner in the bottom left, they had these humans put their head through the table and they were pretending that they were eating human flesh. And then he did a skit late at night, mature audience where they did a dinner where they splash blood all over this guy and scream and yell and have this terrible ritual and it’s sickening.

And then they say it’s funny because it’s true. And you can see just from this picture alone. I don’t have to show you the video or played. It’s sickening. These satanic rituals they put on the television screen, they want to do what? Normalize transgender. Normalize books to the children to destroy their lives forever and get them to turn out to where they have a language that’s completely non human at some points.

They want to normalize pedophilia. The virtuous pedophiles, practically by definition, are non harmful. The only pedophiles that we really ever hear about are the ones who cause harm. That’s what brings them to attention. It’s the report. It’s the disclosure of the crime. It’s the victimization of a child. Those are the ones that hit the news. But paedophile wakes up, goes to work, comes home, has a glass of wine, watches the news and goes to bed.

That never hits the news. So even though those are the majority type, or at least we have every reason to believe that those are the great majority type, they’re certainly not going to come out as pedophilic so that we can see that the offending ones are actually the minority. He’s trying to normalize it, justifying it. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He’s doing all he can to put the right people in power for him to control the masses.

And his number one thing that he’s been doing from the beginning is getting us to question God’s word and also always going after God’s children. The amount of sickness that is invading our country, those people who have made deals with the devil to try to fight against anything that has to do with freedom of our country, the talking points that are presented to people that they memorize and bring out are not working because the regular people say, you know what, I’ve heard enough.

I’ve seen enough. And I realize there’s a way that we can get our country back. Some people claim in the comments, in our below our videos, oh, we’re in the last days. You’re wasting your time. Who told you these were the last days? Who told you the day or the hour that it was going to happen? Nobody. Because Jesus said, nobody knows the day or hour. Only the Father in heaven knows.

I’ve heard this before. I’ve seen comments like that, and I’ve say it again. Anytime something happens that affects the entire earth, people jump on a bandwagon and say, well, this is it. It’s the end. Now, do I see things playing out in such a way that it could amass to something where some world leader could step up and control us all, couldn’t buy or sell without taking a mark of a beast? Oh yeah, it’s there.

But folks, we live every day. We have enough worries for today to have all of this fear mongering thrown at us day in and day out. We don’t live in a spirit of fear, especially those who live in Christ. President Trump is not our savior. He’s not Jesus Christ. I’ve said that repeatedly. And I also feel like, you know what? Nobody knows the end. We have an opportunity here to get involved and see something biblical happen.

Ultra peppy lives matter. One of the keys to getting by and dare I say, thrive in tumultuous times is simply to rest in God. Rest is not inactivity, as some would suggest, but simply trusting. When the winds and waves wish to throw you off that boat, even if you fall, sometimes another situation arises and you find yourself at the opportunity to walk on water when everything is telling you to be anxious.

Sometimes the best way to battle this is to simply say no in your mind and reject the thoughts that storm. That can be a true testament to your strength and faith, putting your will to the test and proclaiming that God is greater than those fears that he will bring you through this trial and you will win one way or another. We can tell these great shifts are taking place as we inch ourselves closer to a crescendo in this journey.

Don’t let the noise stop you from remembering that God sees the end from the beginning. He’s already in that place of victory. It would seem wise to join him, take a deep breath and simply believe. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly father, thank you once again for watching over us, taking care of us, bringing more victories.

But also we come to you asking for continued guidance through this strange activities that we see that the enemy’s throwing at us at each and every turn after our children trying to make deals behind closed doors to destroy our country, bribing the Supreme Court justices to make sure they make decisions that don’t make sense at all. We just ask that you would continue to give us the right direction in our own small towns, in our counties and our states.

We know that you’re in control. You know all that’s going on. Nothing escapes your wisdom at all. We ask that you continue to protect those on the front lines, protect us, our families, from the enemy as he attacks each day. Thank you for answering these prayers. We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your thoughts and your prayers.

Thank you for the comments that are positive below these videos we’ve gone through, we’ve scrubbed quite a few, especially the ones that are trying to reach out, pretending to be. And we know, and I’m sorry for that. Also, if those comments are very negative towards us, then we know that something is going on that makes you very angry and upset and want to type in those comments. And we understand the frustration.

But I especially just want to let you know, those folks that are supporting us, we see you, we hear you, and we’re thankful for your support. It’s absolutely amazing. And, oh, by the way, before I forget, I know that salmon is how you pronounce that word. It’s probably because I had so many years living in Japan where I learned the way they pronounce it, Sadomant. So they put the sal, the l in there.

But it’s a sadu. So forgive me, when we play that commercial about going on the cruise August 11 through 18th, many of you say, oh, he doesn’t even read his comments. No, I saw him. Yes, I know it’s salmon. Okay. Just letting you know. All right, so all those folks that put those comments below, I saw them. We’re together. It’s salmon. Okay. All right. I hope that makes you feel better.

Well, this is lt saying, simplify with him. We know signing out, you way of. .

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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