1.22.24: TIMBER!!! Comms perfection Dogs DeSantis GA Kari CBDC Tennis Dana White No free pass, Pray! And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The And We Know channel mentions a cruise to Alaska, a gathering where people can enjoy music and bible studies, and a man named Donald Trump who some people want to protect borders and make changes in the military and courts. It also talks about a man named Ron who stopped his campaign and supports Donald Trump. Lastly, it mentions a lot of people showing up to see someone, even in cold weather.
➡ This text talks about people being upset about election results and believing they were manipulated. It suggests that the US Space Force might be collecting data to prove this. The text also mentions that people are being encouraged to vote in 2024 to prevent any possible manipulation. Lastly, it discusses various political figures and their roles in these events.
➡ The speaker is upset about politicians spending a lot of money on TV ads instead of helping homeless veterans. They also believe that the media often doesn’t tell the truth. They are hopeful about President Trump’s future vice president pick and believe that Trump’s leadership will bring good changes. They also discuss various other political issues and events, including concerns about voting machines and immigration policies.
➡ This text talks about a lot of different things. It mentions a mom who has to stay home because her kids’ school is closed. It also talks about a website where you can find podcasts and buy clothes. Then, it discusses how some people are worried about what might happen if Donald Trump becomes president again. Lastly, it mentions a man who has been to many Trump rallies and enjoys them.
➡ This text talks about how media can influence people’s thoughts and actions. It mentions how some people believe that climate change and global warming are not real, and that these ideas are just lies spread by the media. It also discusses how some people think that the media is trying to control the upcoming election by spreading fear about the pandemic. Lastly, it talks about how some universities are spending a lot of money on diversity and inclusion efforts, but some people believe this money could be better spent elsewhere.
➡ This text talks about various topics like politics, sports, and health. It mentions Trump’s influence, the idea of a central bank digital currency, and a discussion about race in sports. It also talks about free speech in the UFC, and a warning about the COVID vaccine from Florida’s surgeon general. Lastly, it mentions a journalist who passed away while covering the Australian Open tennis tournament.
➡ A doctor in Florida is worried about the safety of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines because they have lots of tiny bits of DNA in them. He’s scared that these bits of DNA could change healthy cells into sick ones, mess up our chromosomes, or affect parts of our body like our heart, brain, and lungs. He’s asked the FDA and CDC about this but they haven’t answered his questions. There are also stories of people who were happy about getting their vaccine but then got sick or died.


You can go and you can say certain things, you know, I don’t like them and bup, bup. But when you say certain things, it sort of takes them out of play, right? I can’t say she’s not of the timber. Timber. Timber to be. If I and then say, ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to announce that I’ve picked. Do you understand? You never let me again. Never give up.

You better dance. What a great weekend. The word timber snuck right in there with President Trump. That conspiracy folks makes conspiracy folks kind of giddy. We’re going to look into this. And so much more on Djokovic in the tennis world. Dana White, amazing how he took down the mainstream media. Of course, all the attacks on Trump continue. We’ll see some of the ways the media continues to operate in that area.

And Fanny exposed for all to see out of Georgia and many losing their minds over Trump. We’re going to show you that clip. A lot of them afraid to go to Gitmo, so here we go. Until you’re wife and children, I’ll be sailing with you. It’s going to rain. Better get on board. It’s going to rain. I invite you to join me and the and we know family on a cruise to majestic, Alaska, August 11 through the 18th, 2024.

We will chart our adventure aboard the luxurious Holland America’s westernham, cruising us to historic alaskan ports like Juno and ketchcon, destinations renowned for their scenery, teeming with forest and wildlife, the freshest caught salmon, and other delicious cuisine, and known for the locals family charm. The Isaacs are coming too, and we can’t wait to sing, worship and patriotic songs by this renowned award winning group. We’ll also enjoy powerful biblical messages and share life stories with my family and me.

Listen in on a live podcast recording and have Q a time and interviews with special guests. So visit annwinode. com and book your trip with Lt and the family today. Oh yeah, get on board. What a perfect song for this, folks. We’re looking forward to seeing you out there. We’re going to have a great time. Like a family reunion. Finally, a get together where we get to enjoy our country, great music, bible studies, and just hear a lot of great things from my family.

We’re all going to be there together and we’re going to have a blast. Looking forward to seeing you. Hopefully you check that out and go to amwinow. com for that. So here I wanted to kick off with something out of South Carolina. They made a big move and headed up to New Hampshire right in front of Nikki Haley. All right, I got four short reasons. Four short reasons.

We want Donald Trump. Why? To protect our borders, return the illegals and build a wall. That’s reason number one. Reason number two, get the woke out of our military and get the woke out of our military and put the fight back in. Reason number three or four, put common sense, conservatives, judges in the courts to restore the rule of law and the Constitution, and finally, to tell our enemies abroad that America is standing back up and it’s time for them to sit back down.

New Hampshire is for Trump. South Carolina is two. We’ll see you at the finish line. Amazing how South Carolina shows up just in time. Nick Ailey’s the only one left. And of course, she’s from South Carolina. And you have these guys flying out there just to give them a little shake in the boots there. And, you know, the crowd showed these kind of reminds me of the big rallies right, from years ago.

Well, they’re starting to pack those in again. Remember what they did during the COVID scam, the pandemic. They made it where nobody could come together like this. But it’s pretty cool because here we are almost into February and of course they’re going to try to push their little lockdowns again. But guys, you can see the numbers just flowing in for sure. Huge numbers. That is outstanding. Isn’t that something? And folks just waiting outside for hours and freezing temperatures, they don’t care.

They’re there to see the man. And there’s some young folks there, too. I’m glad to see that you had a couple of things to say. We’re going to go through some of it eight straight. Just think of it. I’d now be getting ready to leave government. And now they’ve got me for four more years. Look what they’ve done to them. I just thought of that. Did Trump just say he’s on his way and that they’re giving him a third term? That’s something.

You know, another thing that was weird, I just had pulled it up a while ago. Look at the flag in the background. We’ve had this happen before where United States flag has black stars, right? We had folks that would chime in and tell you what they thought it meant. And of course, you’ve got some folks said, I counted 17 stars and 17 stars was a big one. Of course, when you go down and you see some of these comments, sorry, I’m just trying to scroll through the ones that I found earlier.

The stars are black. It’s the opposite of waving the white flag of surrender. It is saying, we will not be taken as prisoners and we will not take prisoners. Fight to the death, thee or me. No quarter. No prisoners. Black stars, give no quarter. Right? So 17 stars, black stars, no quarter. Red carpet. He’s coming back dark to light. Red tie equals power. Boy, I just love it when folks just jump in and give us some great info and some other things that made its way to the board would be the delta of January 21, 2018.

So we’re talking six years ago now. Wow. Jack. At Jack. And you’ve got these others. Mainstream media. Do you know that we know? Do you see that we see all. Do you hear that? We hear all. Do you know that we hear all. Fear the storm. Nobody playing the game gets a free pass. Nobody. Not even Ron DeSantis. Yep, he dropped out. A lot of folks know it.

And here’s something that was caught in social media world with President Trump on that. He just said, will I be using the name Ron Desanctimonious? I said, that name is officially retired. So Ron DeSantimonius is officially retired. Thank you, President Trump, for that one. When you look at the big picture, says ultra peppy lives matter, things become increasingly clear. DeSantis was like a lightning rod for rhino corporate finances, whether he knew it or not.

And he wasted every single penny they raised for him on a campaign he likely knew was destined for failure. Think about it. He was like a honeypot for establishment forces. Paul Ryan came out and desperately endorsed him, begging for anyone but Trump. They threw millions and millions of dollars into this man, and now he’s endorsing Trump after letting all that money sink into nothingness. Those finances would have been put somewhere else, into some devious plot.

But now they are gone. That’s what I call winning. Trump will be the nominee, and they can do nothing about it. Let’s hear from Ron himself, shall we? I would do it, but I can’t ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don’t have a clear path to victory. Accordingly, I am today suspending my campaign. I’m proud to have delivered on 100% of my promises, and I will not stop now.

It’s clear to me that a majority of republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance. They watch his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance, and they see Democrats using lawfare this day to attack him. I’ve had disagreements with Donald Trump, such as on the coronavirus pandemic and his elevation of Anthony Fauci. Trump is superior to the current incumbent, Joe Biden. That is clear. I signed a pledge to support the republican nominee and I will honor that pledge.

He has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old republican guard of yesteryear, a repackage formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents. The days of putting Americans last, of cowtowing to large corporations, of caving to woke ideology are over. I thank all of our passionate supporters who’ve stood by us through it all. That we had people volunteer to come to Iowa in the middle of a blizzard to knock on doors and make phone calls, touched us dearly.

No candidate had more thrown at him, but no candidate had so many committed volunteers and staff. Finally, I want to thank my wife Casey and our kids, Madison, Mason and Mamie. Casey’s gone far. He’s got the endorsement. That’s good then. Just want to play that part of it for you. And folks, just a reminder, thank you for hitting that follow button today and the like button and sharing again.

We’re up there, the top of the leaderboard, number two, always next to Dan Bongino. It seems like he hits 700,000 views per video. The guy is just amazing and he does great work and definitely hits the top. Here’s Trump on the 2020 election. They go and they search for the people that are complaining about the election. They don’t search for the people that rigged the election. And we know who they are.

We have it all. We have it all. Don’t you just love it when he says that we have it all? He’s been saying that for a long time. We have it all. I think the US Space Force is the reason that exists. To collect all that data had nothing to do with outer space and the space that cyberspace maybe. Even though some would beg to differ, I still think that it makes a big deal to really look into that and understand how this plays out in our own world today.

And so another one that I wanted to go to was this one. When he tells you we will not let them rig 2024, Joe Rambo says he means it quite literally. The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election of 2020 and we’re not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. Every time the radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists and fascists indict me, I consider it a great badge of honor.

Because it’s so true. It’s so true. These people, what they do, it’s really backfired on them, I guess because I’m being indicted for you. And never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom, because I will never let them take away your freedom. I will never let that happen. Pretty cool. They stopped the rigging in 2016. They didn’t think he could win. He caught them all. They allowed and exposed the rigging in 2000 and 22,022.

Now it’s time to make things right. 2024 requires your vote, and they will not allow for them to steal it again. Final battle. Time to take our country back. Formerly believed that. And I’ll mention this many times, I’ll say it again. 2016. They’re in the back rooms. They’re punching in the numbers. They didn’t do the ballot thing right. They didn’t print the ballots in China and ship them in.

They didn’t do the pandemic. They just figured, you know, we’ve got it, we’re going to rig it, we’re going to use these machines, switch over the numbers, and everything’s going to be great, and Hillary’s going to step right in. They did not expect to have a master plan against them to keep them from actually switching the numbers. And I thank God almighty for that because God’s the one who appoints the kings.

He allowed that to play out like this. They weren’t able to steal it. They were freaking out because they couldn’t get the numbers to match the steel that they were rigging the entire time. And it just fell apart. And then they let them steal it. They collect all the data. So all the people that were stealing, they can grab that information, use it in the court of law someday, put these guys away for treason.

Of course, one of the things that President Trump did was he rebuilt Gitmo just a lot stronger. 13,000 more jail cells, some courtrooms, a lot more. It’s been pretty cool to watch. Some other things real important to watch are this. These things here, folks. Are you struggling with back taxes or unfiled returns? The IRS is escalating collections, adding 20,000 new agents, and sending millions of final demand letters.

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Tnusa. com amwinow she is not presidential timber now when I say that, that probably means that she’s not going to be chosen as the vice president. So he’s talking about Nikki Haley. But do you notice, just like we played in the intro, he kept saying he said the word timber. I believe he said it twice. She is not presidential timber. Now when I say she’s not presidential timber now some folks thinks that he means timber wolf.

Remember G-H-W. Bush, US Secret Service code name was Timberwolf? The gray wolf, also known as timber wolf, shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog state funeral next week. Coincidence? So another thing is Dan Scovino dropped some dog comms. So there we are, the dog speaking out. A little cold out there. Negative 14 wind chill today and kind of makes you wonder why in the world he would post a dog.

Normally, what most people will say underneath the comments when you see this type of post is who died today? Because it seems like when somebody mentions a dog, the dog comms are the dying. And of course, back to timber. Remember when the Kennedy kids were singing timber just like we played in the intro? I don’t have to play the whole thing. They were actually singing. I’m showing you on the screen this song.

And a lot of folks put these memes together. They show you all the ways the timber is coming, right? The great fall of these elites. But it was really exciting when they were singing this and it got a lot of folks pumped up. It just makes you really wonder what is going on. Why would he just throw timber in there just to do it? Can you imagine a lot of folks that don’t even know what’s going on? They’re like, did he just say something? Did he say timber, sweetheart? I think he did.

Well, me too. We need to go back and watch that thing. I wonder what that means. All you have to do is maybe go to grasshopper. They’ll figure it out. They’re awesome. And some others and they’ll decode it. But another one from MJ truth that he showed was this. This was pretty cool. When you go to January 19, 2018 post, okay, you’re going to notice at the very bottom of that post, remember, January 19, 2018.

So we’re talking another four years, right to the day. Delta, you hear the shot heard round the world? Well, that phrase refers to the opening shot of the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, which sparked the American Revolutionary war and led to the creation of the United States. Well, President Trump was live on January 19, 2024. Remember, we’re talking six years later. He’s in Concord, New Hampshire.

Concord was the shot heard round the world. The shot heard round the world was on January 19, 2018, already given to us. And that was referring to Hussein. Cabinet staff who used private email addresses. Loretta Lynch, HrC, Rod Rosenstein, names that we thought we’d never, Valerie Jarrett. We thought we know those names now who just resigned from Google and all these other questions that were thrown at us.

These people are stupid. D class, POTUS. Let’s just love it. And then you got the Trump accuser, E. Jean Carroll, financially backed by Democrat mega donor Reed Hoffman. You know who else is backed by Reed Hoffman? Nikki Haley. No, they’re coming at both sides. Let’s say e, G. And Carol go out there and tell everybody that Trump did bad things to you. Okay, I’ll do it. Democrat Maga donor Reed Hoffman says.

And then he heads over to Nikki Haley. I got all this money. Military industrial complex. We really need you to get in there and kick some butts so we can keep our wars going. You got to put a stop to all this. Okay, no problem. And then Trump, of course, masterfully credits Nikki Haley as being the person in charge of security on chain resets. So he says it.

But then the mainstream media says, hold on a second, time out. We got to fact check this one. It wasn’t Nikki Haley, okay? It was Nancy Pelosi that was in charge of security. So the Washington examiner says Trump appears to confuse Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley at rally. Oh, so now the mainstream media is affirming that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security on January 6, when they were sometimes denying it.

Didn’t want to go there. But President Trump perfectly set that one up. See, Rolling Stone, after Trump aced cognitive test, he incorrectly blames Nikki Haley for January 6 because they know it was Pelosi. Oh. NBC News. Trump confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi when talking about January 6. Thank you, NBC, for telling us about that. Media telling us, too. Yahoo. News, raw story, USA Today, they are so stupid.

They got caught in that trap. And so Nikki Haley was at Chickfila and she was not too happy to be asked why she’s wasting so much money on tv ads. Good to see you, Dean. Can I ask you just like a tiny question? Do you think it’s responsible for politicians to spend like, $100 million in Iowa on tv ads which go to mainly news stations that have lied to us for years when there’s homeless veterans out there that could use that money, when you didn’t even come close to beating Trump and you spent like, 100 million in tv ad money? Do you know my husband’s a veteran.

That’s fine. But I’m just saying, when the media doesn’t tell the truth, the whole reason you put commercials on is to tell the truth, but the media doesn’t. My point is, you’re not going to be Trump, and all the money you’re wasting could go to better causes that would make the republican party actually democracy. So we’re going to keep working for a good democracy. We’re going to work for freedom.

But thank you for your service. We’re working with democracy. It’s always the keyword. The Democrats use democracy smart. So they got the back room and schooled her. If you get confronted like this, just say the word democracy. That’ll stop them, because we’re going to cheat for our democracy. Let’s see. I have a better interview with Kerry Lake. We’re talking about Trump. Who’s going to pick as the vice president? What do you think of vp? Well, I do know this.

President Trump’s going to pick an amazing vice president. And our movement is so incredible. You could literally line up the MAGA movement and President Trump could close his eyes and point and he can find an incredible vice president. He’s such an incredible leader. He led us through the four great years of prosperity, of peace, of safety and security. And so I believe that anybody he picks is going to be great.

And I will be first in line. I will crawl across glass, broken glass, to vote for whomever President Trump picks and him to lead our country. We’re going to have great leadership. I want the people of this country to know when we show up and vote in November in mass numbers that they cannot cheat. We are going to turn this country around and our greatest days are ahead of us.

And I mean that. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. The next year is going to be full of trials and tribulations, but we’re going to see some incredible things happening when President Trump takes back the White House and starts to help turn this country around. He could just point in the audience. Just point. Pick anyone. You know, I’m laughing. I’m just picturing somebody’s actually in the audience that he’s going to pick and she knows who it is.

And that guy could be wearing a green hat and have a beard and appeared at 71 rallies so far. Did I have that? I thought I had that guy. A lot of folks look at him and say, I wonder if that’s him, but I don’t think I have it now. Is this the guy? No, that’s not him. That’s another green hat. Oh, well, I thought I had it.

But we’ll have to come back to it another time and see if we can’t find the guy in the green hat who has a white beard. And he said today that he’s been to 71 rallies. He was pretty cold, freezing cold out there during one of them and doesn’t look like I have it right now. So let’s head to another green. Oh, the green dress of Fanny Willis.

Unsurfaced clip of Fanny Willis in 2020 saying that she’d fire any employee who sleeps with a coworker and says, I would not date people who worked under me. It is saddening to me if young women felt like they came to work and they were, one, even judged for being a woman, but two if certainly they felt uncomfortable within the workplace, that will not be something that is allowed on my watch.

Supervisors under my leadership that are not encouraging and building up my staff will not be supervisors long in my administration. And I certainly will not be choosing people to date that work under me. Let me just say that we are at oops. She also said it’ll be unfortunate if taxpayers had to pay for an elected official’s sexual misconduct. Oops again. They always get caught. It’s just funny because every time President Trump has something happen with one of these folks that come forward, these corrupt folks, it’s like they don’t realize, do you know and understand that once he puts you out in front of the world to see that, you’re going to get caught in whatever thing that you’ve been doing behind the scenes and the whole world’s going to find out.

So you might not want to go there, but they never learn. John Basham showed us that breaking in a federal court in Atlanta. Speaking of Georgia, on Friday, J. Alex Halderman was able to hack a Dominion voting tabulator in front of the US District Judge Amy Totenberg, using only a pen to change vote totals. It’s part of a long running lawsuit by election integrity activists set as a bench trial.

Plaintiffs seek to remove what they say are insecure voting machines in Georgia in favor of secure paper ballots. Wonderful. Wonder if they’re going to be able to do something like that. Well, another one that I loved was grasshopper putting this out. Amazing. Boom time. Trump hitting at 1124 and 1136 on January 19. Both to the minute. Four year deltas. That’s right. Am and P. M. Mirror Trump puts this out.

Then you have the Georgia case against Trump should be paused. And prosecutor Fanny Willis investigated. And wild story. Trump co defendant alleges Georgia prosecutor corruption, both four year deltas when he dropped them. And another one Georgia prosecutor meeting with Biden officials. The latest evidence of White House hand in Trump cases. And Republicans threatened to remove Biden from 2024 ballot. The shot heard around the world. The great awakening.

A week to remember. It’s all connecting. It’s like they’re constantly reminding us what is going on. Sometimes they remind you in some strange ways. Like, here’s Jill Biden. She spoke at a place called Hunter high, the mental health support that they need. And she speaks of mental health support, hunter high and mental health support that you would have both the expertise and the heart for the job of surgeon general.

And it’s amazing to see what you’ve done. So thank you so much. And thank you to Principal Oakes and Mrs. Jordan for your dedication to the students here at Hunter High. Hunter High. Students here at. Let me see. You got to play that again. I missed it. Students here at Hunter High. Hunter High. I’m sorry. I know that you should be laughing, folks. I’ve had some things happen in my life, too.

I get it. But you just, how, who put this together? Who said it’s okay for Joe Biden to stand in a school with her son’s name? Hunter High. Was that part of the script? I mean, sometimes. Good lord. Some of the things we go through, folks, you just got to get just a little humor in there. Maybe that’s why they put that in there. I don’t know. I tell you what, they better watch out because no matter what’s going on, the Democrats are waking up, Democrats are losing it, and people are starting to say, you know what? I’ve had enough of this.

So did y’all see it? Because I saw it. Illegal immigrant in Chicago tells a black woman, no more money for you. No more money for you, you lazy dad. What you think they doing? See, when Donald Trump was building that wall and Donald Trump was saying, close the border, we got a crisis at that border, y’all called Donald Trump racist. Y’all said he was racist, Jeremy. Y’all wanted him out of office.

I’m sorry to say it, man, but listen, that’s what you asked for. Y’all say vote blue no matter who. New York, Chicago, you heard me. California, all these places, and look what’s going on. They don’t need the black vote no more. They replacing your a with illegal immigrants. They’re replacing you. They don’t need you. But this is what happened. You say vote blue no matter who. Oh, no, let the illegals come in.

They need to be here. Yeah. Now you see what’s going on now, don’t you? Now you see what’s going on. Tried for many years. I had many that I sat with throughout my career, especially in the Marine Corps. And we’d have talks and I’d say, do you realize what’s going on? Do you realize that you’re voting as a Christian, you’re voting for pro choice, you’re voting for government handouts, you’re voting for open borders, you’re voting, I mean, just went down a list.

They didn’t care. They said, I’m going to vote Democrat because that’s the way our culture has always voted. And I just was in shock. I couldn’t believe it, that you couldn’t have just a decent conversation. Well, now you go in there and you hand all these illegals thousands of dollars, you ship them into the cities, you fill them up, you take away their schools from them. Then you force the single mom who has kids, who has to go to work and make money.

You force her to stay home with the kids because the school has been taken over by illegals who are getting free phones, getting a bunch of money deposited into their account, and they get a hotel room. What happens when the Democrats do that so many times that they finally say, how can we fix this? And they say, look, have you listened to President Trump? I don’t listen to that guy.

Well, you might want to listen to him. Okay, I’m going to listen to him now because I need to know what’s going on because this is getting old and it works. It’s going to work. Going to have a bunch of Maga folks with us. And they’re going to have to go to andwinow. com, folks. That’s where you can find us truth, hope, faith and freedom. Andwino. com. You can find other websites, thepatriolite.

com. You’ll find all of our social media. You’re going to find our awkward podcast. Excuse me, you just click on that and you’ll go to our podbean, where I have weekly bible studies every Saturday. It’s free to just upload and listen. It’s pretty cool. And you can go to shop amwinode. com and get all types of using code winter 20. You get 20% off all sweatshirts and hoodies and more.

And you’ll have accessories, hats, tees and tanks. Also, here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. We just heard this point about untrustworthy people, and we talked about things in the United States like checks and balances, which aren’t written anywhere but our customs. And one man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that all away. One man took it all away, says Alex Soros. Oh, man.

He hangs his head in shame. And they’re all just sitting there listening. Like we’re probably like, quiet, quiet. Don’t tell him. Don’t tell him what Donald Trump’s doing. He’s going to end waiting. Here’s some more. Are you concerned that Trump might be elected again? I think it’s very likely. And if it happens, it is likely to be the kind of like the death blow to what remains of the global order.

I was afraid for my own well being. I thought I could wind up in Guantanamo Bay. I think I still could. I mean, he was ranting about me all last week. Again. He’s obsessed. We joke darkly about the fact that in a second term, a number of us will be in orange jumpsuits in Guantanamo Bay. And I say that the comment is half facetious because Donald Trump actually did have a vision while I was in the administration to go use the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay to house political prisoners.

In a recent profile, General Milley raised the possibility that he thought if Trump was re elected, he would throw his opponents in jail. Think about what four years of a retribution presidency might look like. Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 911, unfortunately, and they should have. He will imprison. He will execute whoever he’s allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country. What you see here on the ground, Debrai, is there’s no indication that the military process, the legal process, is going to shut down anytime soon.

About 100 yards across the buildings that are in front of me, down into camp justice, there is a major construction project going on. They are, in fact, building another courthouse, and they are expanding the workspace for the handling of classified materials by the prosecution. This is a big project. It’s over $15 million. So all of that goes to these interesting optics that here on the island, they’re expanding the military legal process with physically a new courthouse, while at the same time in Washington, the administration is talking about shutting down the detention camps.

They can’t shut it down no matter how hard they try. And then we see Pepe frog showing up with that smile. Great reminder. And that green color reminds me of the video. I found the guy wearing the green hat. This says his 60 eigth rally. I thought I saw another one. He says it’s 71st, so that could be a little bit later. I might find that one. But anyway, Manchester, New Hampshire.

It is currently 17 degrees. Former President Trump will be holding a rally here tonight at 07:00 p. m. How early did you get here? I got here about nine this morning. It was nine degrees then. And with a windshield factor of minus ten, they said, and what are you doing to stay warm? Well, I keep moving. If I keep walking, the blood flows. Maybe I won’t lose any fingers or toes, but I think I’m going to end up like Sir Edmund Hillary, and I’ll be missing a few digits by the time I go to all these New Hampshire rallies.

How many events have you been to? I am Edward X. Young from Point Pleasant, New Jersey, and here I am. This will be my 60 eigth Trump rally, where I’m seeing the boss himself. I’ve been to many other rallies with his adult children and other congressional leaders and such. This is my number 68 Trump rally. And what are you hoping to hear tonight? Wow. He’s with the Trump family.

This is personally with him. He. Huh. I’m hoping to hear hope for the, and because I believe Donald Trump is the only one, really, who has the strength and courage to save America and save the world. And often a lot of the press, I’m not going to knock you, but a lot of the press won’t cover what he has to say. So we come here, we bring our phones, and we will cover his speeches, and then we will disseminate it through social media.

And the word gets out, the truth gets out. But let me tell you, a Trump rally, one of the big draws, it’s the greatest show on earth. Not only is he a great leader, he’s a great entertainer. These rallies are fun. Amen. So that’s really cool. That guy right there, sunglasses and all. We need hope. Oh, but not at MSNBC. Today, our democracy faces an existential crisis. An insurrectionist is running for the highest office in the land one who routinely threatens his opponents and free press with vengeance.

Adding to the challenge, a Supreme Court with a right wing majority will decide whether this insurrectionist can pursue the nation’s highest office. Yet many Americans deliberately or inadvertently continue to downplay that danger, embracing a deeply naive belief that autocracy could never happen here, that the threat is overblown and american democracy could never collapse or be subverted. There’s no need to look abroad to Germany in the 1930s or to Hungary today to understand the consequences of normalizing extremists.

We need only to look to our own history. American democracy has succumbed to tyranny in the past. You see, the north won the civil war. But for nearly a century after democracy itself was lost in America’s south, white supremacists, defeated in war, furiously resisted equality for black Americans. And over time, Jim Crow became the law of the land. The Supreme Court actively participated in this assault on liberty that was won in a civil war in which 700,000 Americans died by legalizing racial segregation throughout the south, unspeakable tragedies were inflicted on generations of nonwhites, leaving behind dark legacies that echo loudly into the present.

Recognizing this uncomfortable truth is crucial to understanding the gravity of the current threat, because the stakes today are on a national scale. Today’s circumstances mirror the post Civil War Reconstruction era. Section three of the 14th amendment of the Constitution, the basis for the lawsuits challenging Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for office again, was crafted in the aftermath of the civil War. As a democratic I’ve heard enough. Have you? When all else fails, use the race card.

Do all you can to scare everyone, to make them remember you can’t leave. You can’t go anywhere. You have to stay with us or things are going to fall apart. They’re not the only ones. Sometimes Fox News is like the opposition running against Trump, said Simon. Your vice president, Mike Pence is running against you. Your ambassador of the United Nations, Nikki Haley. She’s running against you. Your former secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he’s not supporting you.

You mentioned national security advisor John Bolton. He’s not supporting you either. You mentioned Attorney General Bill Barr, says you shouldn’t be president again, calls you the consummate narcissist and troubled man. You recently called and Barr a gutless pig. Your second defense secretary is not supporting you, called you irresponsible. This week, you and your White House called your White House chief of staff John Kelly, weak and ineffective and born with a very small brain.

You called your acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, a born loser. You called your first secretary of State Rex Tillerson dumb as a rock. And your first defense secretary, James Mattis, the world’s most overrated general. You called your White House press secretary Kayla Naney Milk toast. And multiple times you’ve referred to your transportation secretary Elaine Chow, as Mitch McConnell’s China loving wife, your vice president, old Bret beer.

This guy’s just unbelievable, isn’t he? Fox News running against opposition, against Trump. They’re playing psychological games with your brain as you watch Fox because all these folks, hey, you did call him that. Hey, you did call that person that. I remember that guy. I liked him. Oh, he called her milk toast. That’s right. I need that reminder, too. So, yeah, that’s right. There was a reason I didn’t like Trump.

They try and they try and they try and they throw more lies at us through the mainstream media and they tell us that there’s climate change. Let’s see, what do they say? Arctic zombie viruses in Siberia could one day be released by Earth’s warming climate and trigger a new pandemic? Scientists warn, oh, gotta come from somewhere to get everyone locked down and make sure that they pay attention and make sure we get mail in ballots going because we can’t have anybody voting because the pandemic is going to play out.

And then President Trump had something to say about that. Here we go. Lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee whiz, you know what else is coming? An election. They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal dropboxes, more mail in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election.

Does that sound familiar? Sounds familiar to me. And he gives that long speech, let us know that they’re planning it all. Don’t fall for it, folks, because they’re going to try it again when all this fails, all these billionaires, their friends, and everybody loves the wars and loves their little games, and they don’t want to go to Gitmo. They’re going to do all they can to come together to come up with the perfect plan, using the media to try to destroy us once again.

But it’s not working too well. Some of the media, I don’t think they got the memo because they’re reporting this last year was Canada’s worst wildfire season. On record. And today we learned who is being accused of causing one of the largest. Here’s CTV’s crease in agate. The largest wildfire in Nova Scotia’s history, officials say has been caused by a single person. We charged an individual, a male individual from Shelburne county.

The Barrington Lake fire started in May of last year and grew to more than 23,000. Ha. Forcing more than 6000 to flee. Destroyed close to 50 homes and another 150 structures. It was pretty devastating. So this manmade fire grew to 23,000. Here’s the weird thing. They said he was inspired by conspiracy theories. Guys, I’m just kidding. The giggles today, I’m telling you, they’re trying everything. They’re so desperate.

Don’t forget that all of this climate mess is a bunch of lies. I don’t have opinions. I have demonstrable facts. These facts are validated and these facts are repeatable. Fact number one, no one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. Never been shown. And if it could be shown, then you would have to show that the 97% of emissions which are natural do not drive global warming.

Game over. We are dealing with a fraud. It’s a scientific fraud. From day one, we hear the propaganda that increases of the gas of life. A trace gas in the atmosphere will bring a disaster. And that we will have runaway global warming. Sorry, folks. We’ve known for 200 years from chemistry that it’s the exact inverse. Now, I’m sure some of you tried this last night at the dinner with a champagne or a beer and you forgot to drink it.

And it warmed up and it kept bubbling and bubbling and bubbling and bubbling. And that is the inverse solubility of carbon dioxide. We’ve known that for 200 years. We see it from the ice cores. When we drill into ice, we have chemical fingerprints that tell us what the temperature was. And we have little bits of trapped air. And we can show that when we had natural warming some 650 to 6000 years later, we had an increase in carbon dioxide.

It’s not carbon dioxide drives temperature. It’s zigzag inverse. Another fraud. Outstanding. Ian Plymouth addresses CPAC there in Australia. They’re upset. The truth keeps coming out through social media, clips like that and more. And of course, the World Economic Forum. The folks there, they’re just falling apart. This is why the fake news is attacking Elon and X platforms. If you go back really not that long ago, as kind of we owned the news, we were the gatekeepers.

And we very much owned the facts as well. If it said it in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, then that was a fact. Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news, and they’re much more questioning about what we’re saying. So it’s no longer good enough for us just to say, this is what happened or this is the news. We have to explain, almost like explain our working.

So readers expect to understand how we source stories. They want to know how we go about getting stories. We have to sort of lift the bonnet, as it were, and in a way that newspapers aren’t used to doing and explain to people what we’re doing. We need to be much more transparent about how we go about collecting the news. Much more transparent. We have to show them at 04:00 a.

m. All these talking points that are thrown at us. Then we have to go research it and put it out that the way they want it, because they’re the ones that keep our paycheck coming in. She can’t say that, but you get my drift. There’s all kinds of things that we research, especially here. You’re struggling with all kinds of issues. They’ve been telling us, listen to us. We’re the professionals.

But folks are starting to find out. If you’re looking for products to help you out in your health, man, we’re finding them. Here’s one. Are you searching for the perfect products for your dog, cat, horse, or even yourself? Look no further than ltpetclub 247. Com, your one stop destination for all immune boosting supplements. At ltpetclub 247. Com, we understand that your pets are like family. That’s why we offer an extensive range of high quality immune boosting supplements to help defend pets against the simplest ailment to the most life threatening ones.

Pet food, treats and toys purchased from brick and mortar and online retailers are usually expensive and occasionally cost prohibitive. We offer one of the most sought after immune building supplements for human and pets available on the market. We have developed the first pet treats and gravies with the immune supporting curios mushroom. This mushroom has been studied for 50 years, and there are over 400 studies worldwide that show how this mushroom is able to support the body’s own immune system.

We learned that pets with cancer who were given the mushroom lived longer than those who didn’t. So we baked it in a biscuit. From there, we developed a full line of all natural made in the USA products that you can only find at ltpetclub 247. Com. So visit ltpetclub 247 dot in the description box below. Michigan is in the crosshairs for all of their DEI and antisemitism as well.

As a matter of fact, it’s got more than 500 jobs dedicated to DEi. It costs $30 million a year. So that is a massive amount of money that is an investment being poured into, just as you said, kind of turning our nation upside down. And you’re spending $30 million a year on diversity, equity, inclusion efforts, part time, full time, whatever, that Michigan wants to deny it all and say, we’re not spending that money.

They’re probably spending more than that, and it’s embedded in their curriculum. Yet we keep sending our kids and we keep sending our dollars, and these universities get more powerful. There we go. Keep funding those universities. And then they told the kids, you can go to the banks and get a loan. And then when the universities found out, man, they can just get as much money as they want from these banks.

They lifted their tuition to prices and they played that game. And now we’re at the place where folks are dishing out tons of money to all these universities, and most of them are not teaching the things that we really want them to learn. And what I’ve been gathering for many years is a lot of professors that I’ve been dealing with don’t really believe in a God. It’s pretty sick.

Well, wanted to play something real quick, but I’m going to show you this. This just came over Wayne tech SPFX showed this comms President Trump wore black suit. Know if you saw that? And so we haven’t really seen that much. And folks have been pointing out this president Trump wearing this black suit. Well, in Rochester, New Hampshire, could this be comms, black suit, black sign, black background, black swan, Trump ops, Patriot Intel Black Swan event is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation as potentially severe consequences.

Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence that they were obvious. In hindsight, Trump is representing the anonymous the anons. 2024 is the year of the ops. Another one. Octagon masks, Nikki borders, Biden, Obama, Trump, Patriot intel. Trump talks about the cabal, confirmed that Obama is directing Biden to a degree. Confirmed Nikki Haley is octagon globalist. Confirms Biden through motions and gestures that his mask wears off.

Yeah, he keeps showing that over and over. We’re just getting these clear comms, clear as day. And of course, here’s the reminder about the central bank digital currency. Second amendment is under siege. I will never allow a central bank digital currency where they take away your money. There we go in Concord, reminding us of that central bank digital currency. And when we talked about the banks, why banks short silver was a big topic for our last interview with Dr.

Elliott yesterday. If you missed that interview, I urge you to go check it out. All you have to do is reach out to him. And we know gold. We talked about a host of things, including things that are going on in the world also, and just wanted to get this one to you real quick. Clip from that your money, basically, the day after they closed down, you didn’t get access to any of it.

Right. It’s gone. So this is where when we know that there’s a storm coming, there’s a financial storm, there’s a political storm, there’s an economic storm. Truth is being know and people’s opinions on faith, people’s opinions on politics are being even. Even like interviewing I think it was the quarterback of the Houston Texans, CJ Stroud. So after a game, you always interview the winning quarterback or whatever, and he was giving thanks to Jesus and it was exposed.

They redid the video in rebroadcast to take out all of the Jesus comments. Yep. So we talked about that and more. And so just you can reach out to forward slash gold and they’ll help you out there. So some other things that were interesting would be the ultra peppy lives matter. Notice how the people who have viciously mocked Trump, belittled him and opposed him oftentimes end up in a pit.

We have breaking news. Alec Baldwin is charged once again with involuntary manslaughter. A grand jury in New Mexico indicted the actor in the shooting death of cinematographer on the film rust. This comes months after the original case against Baldwin was dismissed. Today’s indictment comes exactly one year after the involuntary manslaughter case against him was announced. The conviction in New Mexico carries up to 18 months in prison. Yeah, so God is Trump’s back.

Trump quicksand comes back on these people for one specific reason. These people are reaping and sowing as they continue to attack. The man chose to shift the planet away from a cabal centered world. History will not look fondly upon these people, says Ultra Pepe. Lives matter. Yet Trump’s legacy of protecting the children will live on for decades to come. Other threats that played out recently, I don’t know if you guys saw this, but Alex Soros, the one we showed earlier, the crybaby he put out last year, the crime and inflation crisis largely evaporated.

So did the leading theories about what had caused them. And he post a picture of a bullet hole next to someone holding $47. Is it a hidden message? A bullet hole through a window? And 47 seems like an open threat to 47. President Trump. Do you guys catch that? So if you go even further, we get into the world of trying to make sure everything plays out perfectly in the mainstream media.

This dei mindset continues. Well, here’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Todd Bowles responds to multiple reporters lecturing at him about the importance of race and representation. You and Mike Tomlin are two of the few black head coaches in the league. I wonder what your relationship is like with them. And your thoughts on Steve Wilkes joining that bowl. I have a very good relationship with Tomlin. We don’t look at what color we are when we coach against each other.

We just know each other. I have a lot of very good white friends that coach in this league as well, and I don’t think it’s a big deal as far as us being coaching against each other. I think it’s normal. Wilkes got an opportunity to do a good job. Hopefully he does it. And we coach ball. We don’t look at color. But you also understand that representation matters, too, right? And that when young aspiring coaches, or even football players, they see you guys, they see someone that looks like them, maybe grew up like them, that has to mean something.

Well, when you say you see you guys and look like them and grow up like them means that we’re eyeballs to begin with. And I think the minute you guys start, stop making a big deal about it, everybody else will as well. Boom, boom. Great answer. He answers, a soft answer, turns away wrath. Right? That’s biblical. And he puts that one out. So then we have another one.

Remember that canadian reporter that got schooled by Sean Strickland, the UFC fighter? Well, this reporter tries to bait the UFC president, Dana White, about like, you obviously give a long leash to your fighters. Know what they can say when they are up there with a UFC microphone and you are getting into territory of homophobia, transphobia, like, is there. I don’t give anybody a leash. Well, I’m saying you a leash.

Free speech, control what people say. Going to tell people what to believe, going to tell people the human being what to say, what to think. And there’s no leashes on any of them. What is your question? I was asking that question. I’ll move on, though. Yeah, probably a good idea. That’s ridiculous to say I give somebody a leash. Free speech, brother. People can say whatever they want and they can believe whatever they want free speech, brother.

Oh, man. Yeah. Those that think that they have free speech to overlord over all of us, they get caught, Nigel for lodge even catches them. Here we go. Davos is, of course, going on at the moment. And the great Tony Blair is at Davos. He is rumored to want now to take over from Klaus Schwab as the boss of it. Here were some words of advice from Tony Blair today.

In the end, you need the data. You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been. Some of the vaccines that will come on down the line will be multiple. There’ll be multiple shots. So you’ve got to have, for reasons to do with a healthcare more generally, but certainly for a pandemic or for vaccines, you’ve got to have a proper digital infrastructure, and many countries don’t have that.

In fact, most countries don’t have that. So there he is. There’s Tony Blair. He wants us to have multiple shots and for all of it to be digitized so the state knows exactly what our status is. Pure evil. Just like the seven movie. I forget which one, but I remember they injected him and he said, what’s that? And he says, well, this is so we can track you everywhere that you go.

We can keep an eye on you and all of your vitals. And I remember watching that movie and my children even said, dad, that’s the stuff they want to do to us. They put it in the movie. I said, oh, yeah, they always show you. Here, somebody posted this meme me already planning on not taking vaccine X after conspiracy theorists were proven right about everything during the COVID pandemic.

And there’s Rambo, another person that they tried to catch off guard in the audience. Heckler yells, get vaccinated, mate. To Djokovic. Check this out. Four match points. Somebody screams out, get vaccinated to Djokovic. And watch what he does. We simply wipes his brow, gets back up on the line, prepares to hit his serve for those listening in. And here we go. A few bounces. He gives a little stare off to the right, the cold stare, and he wins.

That’s how you respond to those. That guy won’t be along much longer. We got another one. Laura Bowley showing us this. The british journalist Mike Dixon, who called Novak Djokovic a deplorable anti vaxxer tennis superstar, desperate to be loved. Well, he suddenly collapsed and died while covering the Australian Open. Wow. If that does not wake us up to just how. I mean, can you imagine the timing of that.

Can you imagine? British journalist heads over to the Australian Open, put down Djokovic constantly. And he heads over there and he’s gone during the tennis match. Man, what things play out in front of us. It’s just amazing. And so what’s even more amazing is through all of these vaccines and more, you’ll notice that discovery, even on mainstream media in Florida, played out discovery of billions of dna fragments in the shots.

It’s also developing right now. Florida surgeon general says for us to stop getting the COVID vaccine. Fox 30 five’s Hannah McKinsey is joining us live in the alert center tonight. So, Hannah, he says what’s in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is a problem. Yeah. Luanne. John, Florida surgeon General Dr. Latipos says he has safety concerns pertaining to the discovery of billions of dna fragments found per dose in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines.

And he says those concerns have not been addressed by the FDA or the CDC. Dr. Latipos says if the risks of DNA integration with COVID vaccines cannot be addressed, then the vaccines aren’t appropriate for use in humans. He says he sent letters to the heads of the FDA and the CDC specifically questioning how this would impact humans in three main areas. Healthy human genes being transformed into cancerous cells, chromosomal instability, and how the integration could affect unintended parts of the body, such as the heart, brain, lungs, even the injection site itself.

We asked a local doctor. So there we are, day after day, we’re confirming once again how this is playing out and hurting folks. Many of us, almost everyone listening probably knows victims from these jabs. I show you that when folks go to social media and they brag, I got my jab. Well, it seems like those bragging about their jab and then it goes out to the public and they get these screenshots and it’s posted by Covid BC on Telegram.

Heavy heart. I share the passing of this individual who was bragging one day about getting the jab and now is gone. Another one bragging, got my Covid jab. I am jabbed. Protect yourself and lives of others. And that person then is gone. So many of these, one after another. The flag. Let’s see. Who is this? So sad to hear about the sudden passing of my friend. A reverend.

A reverend was posting black lives Matter and the looks like LGBTQ rainbow flag and wearing it and is gone. Another one here. I had my jab. I’m gone. It just breaks your heart. You can go over these thousands and thousands of them it is sad. And so, as we enter into this world that we have been tasked with giving out information and trying to protect everyone with the truth.

We know that the biggest reason that President Trump is running to protect not only his children, but our children. Here we go. War in America. And we will destroy those cartels. They’re going to be destroyed. And I will use title 42, as we did for four years, to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all traffic children to their families in their home countries. And we’ll do that immediately.

We’ll do that immediately. Sometimes it seems like he mentions that right after the election, he’s going to do it, like, the next day. I didn’t think they took over until they put their hand on the Bible in January. I don’t know, it’s been kind of strange on that one. But here’s the parable of the lost sheep, folks, relating to all this. Matthew 18, verse ten. Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, the little children.

For I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my father who is in heaven. For the son of man has come to save that which was lost. What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, does he not lead the 99 and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, surely I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the 99 that did not go astray.

Even so, it is not the will of your father, who is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. Huge responsibilities across the board, a lot of information flowing throughout social media and more. We have a great responsibility of getting this information out to everyone. And I just want to thank you all for your continued time and efforts, sending messages, pictures, and more, and for your love and prayers.

What a great time to be alive. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly father, thank you once again for how you continue to shower us with your love, your mercy, your grace. You’re absolutely amazing. Nothing compares to you at all. No one. And we know that you have everything under control. You have put all of this together.

Nothing comes at you by surprise. We know that. We also are fully aware that you have asked us to go boldly before your throne with our requests, make them known unto you. And so we do ask once again for those that are traveling on Trump’s team and more those that are preparing each of these caucus deals that go out through our nation, that you would watch over them, protect them, get rid of these digital machines.

May we have great paper ballots. Those planning to release a disease, may they be taken out before they even get close to putting these diseases out, if they even have 1. May the mainstream media have a chokehold on them for the lies that they might want to tell us so they can set up another stolen election. We ask and pray that you would put a stop to that and that we would enter the election with surprise as President Trump wins all of them.

And we seem to understand more and more that you have appointed him and those around him to take this nation back and many others around this earth. Get rid of these Satan worshippers and let us enjoy peace and be able to rejoice and say, jesus Christ, our savior. Amen. And amen. Folks, thank you for your support. We look forward to another report coming out soon. For now, this is Lt.

St. Simplify with them. We’re right now. Swing your partner. Swing your partner. Round and round. End of the night, it’s going down. One more shot, another round. Kimball. You better move, you better dance. Let’s make a night you won’t remember. .

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