1.10.24: Boomerang Prosecution! Swamp overflowing GA unveiling voters cross border? Have FAITH.




➡ The text discusses different subjects such as religious beliefs, conspiracy theories, and politics, covering content about the moon landing, vaccine opinions, past speeches by President Trump in reference to corruption and court experiences, as well as his views on Joe Biden, election issues, and the possibility of future political repercussions. It also references recent video content, follower counts on social platforms, and ends with a hopeful sentiment about exposing corruption and achieving truth in politics.
➡ Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis, accused of hiring her romantic partner Nathan Wade for the case against Donald Trump, has sparked controversy. Allegedly, Wade received nearly a million dollars in legal fees, all financed by the taxpayers. Willis and Wade are also said to have embarked on various luxury trips together, intensifying the scandal.
➡ The text discusses the possibility of allowing non-citizens to vote in select regional areas, such as Illinois, Maine, and Massachusetts. It examines Texas’ decision to transport migrants to sanctuary cities due to overwhelmed border towns and the consequent concerns raised — some view this as an example of illegal trafficking. It cites Elon Musk’s criticism of open borders and potential consequences of unmanaged influxes of people. The text also touches on viewpoints critiquing the education system for perpetuating employee mindset over entrepreneurial thinking, and encourages the establishment of community-funded schools. Lastly, it mentions the problem of massive migrant influxes overburdening border patrol agents.
➡ The text discusses contentious topics such as border security, political leadership, illegal migration, alleged illicit activities and secrets from high-profile figures like Jeffrey Epstein and Hunter Biden, governmental censorship, and threats to democracy. The author emphasizes the need for acknowledgment and maintaining control in these situations.
➡ Dr. Kirk Elliot talks about how communism does not incentivize people to succeed and when a country’s debt exceeds its GDP, paying it off becomes mathematically impossible. This is evidenced by the ongoing financial issues faced by numerous individuals and nations. The year 2024 has witnessed intriguing developments, such as the demand for Epstein’s client list and allegations of misbehavior against celebrities and politicians. Social media, censorship, and bias against those who oppose the mainstream narrative have been highlighted. There is speculation about secret lists related to the Epstein saga and the implicated celebrities, arousing public curiosity and skepticism.
➡ The black entertainment industry is under scrutiny for ties to occult practices and allegations of sexual misconduct. There are debates about corruption in voting systems in black communities and exploitation in the film industry, especially concerning the forced feminization of black male actors. Meanwhile, a story about a woman who lost her husband due to alleged drug misuse in a hospital amidst the pandemic is shared to reiterate concerns about the COVID-19 treatment protocol. Warnings about corruption among enemies of Trump and discussions about the need for action to prevent the country’s downfall are also presented, with a call to faith and prayer. Lastly, the narrative posits that the current world events suggest a significant occurrence on the horizon.
➡ In the midst of adversity, a deep sense of faith and trust is maintained, manifesting as assurance and requests for protection for truth-seekers and those standing alone due to their dedication to truth. This devotion is coupled with gratitude for continued support and a plea for increased engagement and viewership to aid in the delivery of content and messages being curated.


You wrestle. And God made two great lights. The greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. Trust in interlocutors. Think of the people. If your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were, there’s a man on the moon or something, or whether those aliens are here or not, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it? Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time? That’s not an eight year old’s question.

That’s my question. I want to know, but I think I know because we didn’t go there and that’s the way it happened. If you believe they put a man on the man on milk, well, I think that’s going to be for all of us if and when the vaccine comes. If you believe they put a man on the folks. The amount of strange things that President Trump said in video clips the past few days certainly has us excited.

One of them I have replaced people that were corrupt, that were supposed to be president. He actually said that. We’re going to show you that today. The information battle is at an all time high. The spiritual warfare is huge. We will see the corruption in Georgia, explore the courts, see immigration, unveil what they’re actually up to. And we’re going to talk a little bit more about the black community and the exposure that came from Kat Williams and some more on that and how that’s playing out.

It is brilliant. At the end of this video today. Hang in there, folks. I just wanted to start with this. Wanted to show you we’re up to 430,000 followers on Rumble. We really appreciate that. Also on bitchute, near 100,000. When you head over to Rumble, you’ll notice that there’s a leaderboard. And one of the things that gets my team pretty excited, not that we’re in competition, because we’re not.

Everybody’s trying to do the best they can, but we’re usually number one or number two on Rumble, thanks to you. And I just want to thank you and just remind you that you would hit that follow button below the like button share and also the bell to have those notifications pop up whenever a new video is placed up. We’re trying to reach a million this year. That’s a big goal.

Been praying through it and hoping that something like that would play out for us all. And so here’s a message from President Trump. Because of Joe Biden, I spend a lot of time in courts, federal, state, city. Because of Joe Biden, I spend a lot of time in courts, federal, state, city. And tomorrow I’ll be attending another Biden inspired federal appeals court argument on presidential immunity in Washington, DC.

Of course I was entitled as president of the United States and commander in chief to immunity. I’m entitled to immunity. Every president, especially one that did the job. I did. I did a great job. And I wasn’t working for myself. I was working for the country. I wasn’t campaigning. The election was long over. Wasn’t campaigning. I was looking for voter fraud, something that I have to do under my mandate.

I have to look for voter fraud. And so I’m going to go to the 350 mark because this is a pretty long video. And this is where I mentioned earlier where he states something that’s pretty remarkable. People are angry that I’ve done such a good job and I’ve replaced people that were corrupt, that were supposed to be president. I’ve replaced people that were corrupt, that were supposed to be president.

What does that mean? You guys leave your below this video what you think that means. Amazing. So take on the fake Biden indictments. They’re all Biden indictments. These aren’t indictments, as we say, like God coming down from heaven and saying you did something wrong. These were indictments given and pushed by Joe Biden. And he told his DOJ to do it. Don’t believe anything else. He told his DOJ to do it.

Go and indict him because he’s losing badly in the polls. So badly that he figures this is the only way that he can win. The only problem is that thus far it’s pushed us way up in the polls, higher than anybody’s ever been, actually, because people see it’s a scam and they see it’s a persecution and they don’t like it when it comes to anything, but certainly not when it comes to a president.

They’re running a political campaign in a dirty way, even worse than they did previously. And frankly, it’s never happened in our country before. It only happens in third world countries or banana republics. They’re using their department of injustice to go after his political appointment. And this is all him, 100% him. He’s the one that told him to do it, and they obey his orders. It’s a shame. Never happened in the United States before, but it’s happened now.

And he has to be careful because that can happen to him also. The next president, whoever that may be, has a statute of limitations that go back six years. That’s a long time, Joe. You have to be very careful. We have to guard and protect our country. We have to do what’s right for our country. You don’t indict your political opponent because he opposes the corrupt election, which you know it was corrupt.

Everybody knows it was corrupt. The american public knows it was corrupt. You don’t indict your political opponent. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. And it’s great that he put out several messages. There’s so many of them. If you want to find out all those, go in the description box below. Click on just one of them and just scroll up and down. You’ll be noticing a lot of information there flowing out, continually pointing out that the last election was stolen.

Never conceded it, folks. Never. Okay. So he hasn’t forgotten about it. And again, we need to be thankful that he didn’t just move on. And yes, we’ve got another election. And yes, they’re going to bring out the 2020 election. And I believe since they have everything and they know it all, they’re going to slowly drip that information out while this is happening. Trump is setting traps. Santa surfing showed us this video clip when Trump speaks after the immunity hearing arguments, and it’s all a wrap.

And his attorney John Lauro, check out what he says. What was very significant today, and I’m sure you all caught it, is the special counsel conceded that if it was President Obama who was being prosecuted for a drone strike, then they’d have to consider immunity. But when it’s not, when it’s President Trump, then they’re taking the position that there’s no immunity for presidential acts that were required when a president is carrying out his job responsibilities.

If we adopt what the special counsel wants, if we adopt what President Biden wants, then we open the pandora’s box to political prosecution after political prosecution after political prosecution. In fact, Joe Biden could be prosecuted for trying to stop this man from becoming the next president of the United States. Sounds like a boomerang to me. I mean, we’ve got all kinds of information that’s been flying out on that particular thing.

When you talk about boomerangs and more, oh, it’s just unbelievable. Like Trump’s lawyers, they’re arguing if Donald Trump can be prosecuted, so can George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. And that’s what you call the boomerang. Here’s just a clip from Fox News courtroom watching his lawyers argue in front of a three judge panel in the DC appeals court about whether he can be charged because he’s looking for immunity since he was the president of the United States.

This is all about the Jack Smith case against the president, about inciting an insurrection. His lawyers are basically trying to make examples of previous presidents, including a question of whether President George W. Bush could be prosecuted after he was president for what they say. This is a Trump lawyer saying that Bush lied about going into war with Iraq, that the pretense was false. Sounded like she had a hard time reading that, doesn’t it? Wasn’t she the press secretary at one time? Didn’t she step in for that? Huh? Kind of had a hard time with the old Bush reading there.

She served him. And it makes you wonder what in the world’s going on and why she had a hard time reading that. The other question was, could Obama be prosecuted for the killing of an american citizen? By drone, they’re referring to Anwar al of Lockheed. He was 16 years old, an american citizen, but deemed a terrorist. However, that designation was without a trial. So the public conversation has begun.

Says MJ truth for this reason. It’s exactly why I call him precedent. Trump never saw that before. P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T. Precedent. Trump, Bush and Obama were involved in some of the most heinous crimes in american history. They’re traitors to this country. Folks are waking up. They’re realizing all of this and more. As Trump says, they’ve opened pandora’s box. He says, I caught the swamp. We have it all. He said, they’ve broken the veil.

Now I’m allowed to do what has to be done. He said, we found out things they don’t want us to know. He’s taken all of these slings and arrows for our country to set the precedent for the biggest boomerang in history. Oh, yeah. And it gets even better. Let’s see when we get to the legal side. Well, we got this report from Fox put out, but Nathan Wade has been paid over a million dollars in legal fees as of today.

Who authorized the payments to Nathan Wade? Fannie Willis. Remember Georgia. Remember Georgia? They’ve gone on multiple luxury vacations. Fannie Willis, the one that wants to take Trump down. And caribbean cruises. So she’s paying her boyfriend, who’s writing the script. Sex scandal is rocking President Trump’s case in Georgia. The Fulton County, Georgia, district Attorney Fanny Willis, has been accused of appointing her lover as a special prosecutor in the case against Donald Trump.

Da Fannie Willis is responsible for taking Trump’s mugshot. Also allegedly financially benefited from hiring her lover, Nathan Wade on that Trump case. This is according to a motion that was just filed by Wade, the co defendant. Now, who is this romantic partner who Fannie Willis hired? He was just a private attorney who’s never even tried a felony case. Even the Times says he has, quote, limited experience trying high profile cases.

Oh, my goodness. But get this, Fanny’s alleged lover has been paid nearly a million dollars in legal fees already. Who authorized the payments? That would be Fanny. Where’d she get the money? Oh, that’s. Your money came from the taxpayers. They’ve allegedly gone on luxury vacations to Napa Valley, even taking caribbean cruises. And Fannie isn’t even denying that she’s hired a guy she’s sleeping with to prosecute Trump. And, folks, we even have dockets where she went to visit old Biden himself in the White House, and then she charged him $250 an hour.

The receipts from the, they sent the bill to the White House to pay for the indictment that they put against Trump. I guess so. President Trump, of course, chimes in, has everybody seen the revelation just announced in the great state of Georgia that the Fulton County DA, Fannie Willis, who criminally indicted your favorite president, me and many other innocent people and patriots hired, paid a romantic partner to prosecute the 45th president of the United States of America and then financially benefited from the relationship.

In other words, he was paid a fortune, then took a beautiful fanny on. Expensive, but all paid for by Georgia vacations to faraway lands. The Atlanta Journal Atlantic Journal Constitution said the bombshell public filing alleged that special prosecutor Nathan Wade, a private attorney, paid for lavish vacations he took with guys. Again, somebody’s put in the limelight a name that we had no clue who Fannie Willis was. Once again, President Trump and his team, they make sure that everybody knows that household name.

And then after they get their fame and everybody knows who they are, and they say, oh, we’re famous now. This is great. This is great. We’re awesome. Let’s go on vacation. We’re getting paid all this money. Just great. I love it. And then it all goes public. What else might go public? President Trump here recently, and they know the answers. I’m going to be releasing something having to do with Georgia very soon.

I don’t know what’s Foolproof, what’s not, but it’s pretty foolproof. It’s massive theft. Massive theft. I’m going to be releasing things on other states. I view this as an opportunity. A lot of people would say, wow, that’s a lot of big stuff. A lot of big stuff. An opportunity. What’s going on there? Releasing stuff about know Anan says from the X Files. Flood warning the constant drip is starting to speed up, turning into a major storm.

The dam is at max capacity. The operators refuse to open the floodgates to relieve the pressure. The dam is showing signs of stress like cracks, leaks and water running over the top. Dam has reached the point of critical not soon. The operators won’t be able to hide it. Dam is going to break. The rescue mission has already been planned out and millions of patriots signed up. We are fully operational and we’re watching the situation closely.

And when it breaks, look for the x. We have an ons there waiting with red pills. They will brief you on the situation. It will be a lot to take in. You should confirm as much of the information as you can. We are with you. How about that? And now for a break, folks. I don’t want to nag you about your diet, and I don’t always eat healthy either.

As a matter of fact, my wife caught me eating a whole bunch of chocolate the other day. Anyway, I’ll share that. The Myo clinic says if you want to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, you got to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. That’s five servings. I don’t. And you probably don’t either. That’s why I take field of greens. Yeah, I met with them, talked with them, went through this, I take it.

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Let’s get started with 15% off your first order, visit fieldofgreens. com in the description box below. Use promo code lt and you’ll get 15% off. That’s promo code lt@fieldofgreens. com did you hear it? And then you have somebody like Nikki Haley comes along and she’s very much sort of a politician from central casting. And she’s very much sort of politician from central casting. Drip, drip, drip. And I just don’t know which Nikki Haley is going to show up every day.

She’s a different person. What makes a good movie good? Great actors. Those generals are going to keep us so safe. They’re going to have a lot of problems the other side. They’re going to look at a couple of them. These are central casting. If I’m doing a movie, I pick you, general. Drip, drip, drip. So central casting is 146 when you add up the numbers. Let’s go. Brandon’s 146.

God soldiers 146. Excellent hero 146. Game of Thrones 146. Art of the comeback 146. And you will see 146. Well, 461 happens to have those three numbers in it. What makes a movie good? Great actors, central casting. Nikki Haley. Who would have thought? What else is going on? Oh, yeah. So we get over to the election numbers once again. Those numbers that drive the left crazy between Biden and Trump.

Who do you think is more likely to win the 2024 general election? Well, in Pennsylvania, he’s at 44%. President Trump plus eleven over Biden 33%. Michigan, he’s up 41%. He’s 41% to Biden’s 34%. Arizona, he’s at 44%. Biden’s 30%. Florida, he’s at 44. Biden, 33. North Carolina, Trump, 42. Biden, 33. And Trump, 39. Biden, 33. A lot of 33s, man. It’s like the using those satanic illuminati numbers, the gang of 33, 33rd degrees, all that stuff.

Well, interesting, because this election, of course, is not going the way they want it to. The numbers aren’t showing it, and it seems like they’re not going to be able to throw another pandemic at us. Who knows? It could happen, right? February could show up. Next thing you know, all these people are once again having to do mail in ballots. Who knows what they always have planned. It’s always something strange.

But one of the big things that we’ve noticed, of course, if they go to paper ballots and they get rid of the machines, which maybe they think it’s going to happen because there was an exchange between James O’Keefe. Yeah. And an illegal alien. Ask him if he was going to vote. Are you thinking about voting in the elections? He’s talking to an illegal and he said yes. Biden or Trump? Biden.

Because he’s given us an estas Pensacola. So you’re thinking that Biden provided this support, so the illegals are being told, vote for Biden. Well, why would that matter? Because remember, there was an exchange here between Mike Johnson and Jerry Nadler. Check this out. Thanks to New York City’s council, beginning January 9, 2023, more than 800,000 non citizens will be eligible to. This was a year ago vote in municipal elections in New York.

Do you agree with that policy? Non citizens will not be eligible to vote in New York. They never have been. Well, they were prior in the 19th century eligible to vote in New York. No, this is a recent action. It was passed in December. That is not correct. Non citizens have not been eligible to vote in New York, or, as far as I know, in any other state since the 19th century.

That’s not true. The New York City council voted in December to allow this. It begins January 9, 2023. Cities in Vermont and Maryland already allow this, and similar measures are under consideration in Illinois, Maine, and Massachusetts. Right now, is the gentleman we yield? Yes, I believe those are considerations of allowing votes in municipal elections only. Right, but thank you. That’s the point. Everybody wants to know at home, why would they allow this? Guys, they’re allowing it because they’re going to turn them into voters.

They already are doing this in New York City, largest city in America, and this is the plan of our friends on this side, to turn all the illegals into voters. That’s it, folks. That’s what’s going on. That’s the game. That’s why the borders open. That’s why they’ve dropped it. Look, gentlemen, I respect Loughlin and all her work in this arena. Yes, I’ll yell. Mr. Chairman, I’d love to hear what you have to say about this.

As a New Yorker, I would love to think that New York is the entire country, but it is not. It is not. And consideration is being given to permitting non citizens to vote in New York. And I believe in the capital city of. All right, enough of that. All we’re saying is they’re going to use this. Cities in Vermont, Maryland. Similar measures are in consideration in Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, all the way.

January 9, 2023. How many of them have allowed this so far? Anybody out there know? Texas transported 100,000 migrants to sanctuary cities to relieve overwhelmed border towns, says Greg Abbot. Until Biden reverses course on his open border policies, Texas will continue transporting migrants to these cities. So they’re participating in trafficking illegals to other places. I know if you support Greg Abbot, it sounds terrible. If you don’t, it sounds like something nefarious is going on.

I don’t get it. I wish I knew. I had all the answers, but I don’t. He says, well, we’re not going to back down our efforts to secure the border. Who’s paying for all this movement of people? Elon Musk. Open borders will kill America. He also said this is what happens when you run out of hotel rooms. Elon Musk says soon cities will run out of schools to vacate.

Then they will come for your homes. Buses are now pulling up. I’ll show this to you. They’re pulling up, dropping off illegal migrants at Madison High School in Brooklyn. The school is closing and all 2000 students will be doing class and virtually, virtually to accommodate the illegals. They’re just piling in. Going into the school, they’re saying, hey, you know what? School’s closed. School’s not that important. School’s not that important.

I mean, I was going to play this later, but you know what? I think I’ve got a clip talking about school. Let me see. I’ve got it. Do you know why people don’t think it’s easy to make a million dollars? Because they go to school. And school is the worst thing you can send your children to. I said that the whole school is cool. Keep kids in school.

That is propaganda, and here’s why. Do you know who founded and funded the general board of education? The Rockefeller. John D. Rockefeller. Do you know what he said? He wants everybody to be employees. Yep. He said, I am not in the business of making a nation of thinkers. I’m in the business of making a nation of workers. Everything you learn in school, every single solitary thing about how to think, you learn because school has taught you to think that way.

They taught you to think like an employee. They taught you to think like a poor person. Because if everyone was rich, the economy would fall apart. Therefore, we can’t have too many rich people. So what do we do? We put kids into indoctrination camps to show them how to be an employee. And then they go out in the world and they think like an employee, so they stay an employee.

They don’t become entrepreneurs, they don’t become rich. Interesting perceptions that are out there on all this. We’ve homeschooled our kids and it’s paid off quite a bit. Noticed a huge difference. Not everybody can do it. And I’ve told you guys many times, and if you’re new to this channel, I will mention it again. Why not ask the teachers who are tired to come to your community? Get about three or four families together, put your money together and hire them.

Create a 508 C one, a nonprofit christian school. If you need the contact for a 508 C one, a lawyer who can put that together, just reach out to us and we’ll direct. Put you in the right direction, and next thing you know, you’ve got yourself a school and you’re teaching them how to be entrepreneurs, how to live in this world. Amazing. Simple. How many folks are willing to do that.

I don’t know. But let’s go back to the immigration stuff. Something very interesting popped up, something that they would talk about behind closed doors. But this is brought up right in front of our face on video. Yvette D. Clark. I’m from Brooklyn, New York. We have a diaspora that can absorb a significant number of these migrants. And when I hear colleagues talk about the doors of the inn being closed, no room in the inn, I’m saying I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes and those members could clearly fit here.

I need more members in my district for redistricting purposes. Are you crazy? Did you just say that? Wow. Who saw that one coming? Who knew? Very interesting. We’re going to go to, and we know folks, that’s where you can find us. Very simple website name to remember. And we know, and we know actually comes from the Bible verse, romans 828. And we know all things work together for good.

To those who love the Lord, to those who are called according to his purpose. When you go to the website, you’ll be able to book the at sea with Lt. It pops up for you. And you’re going to notice a lot of things here. You’ll notice they have our video section, discover our podcast. You’ll have our partners page, which is almost done. We’ll be able to list your business if you want, on our site and we’ve get a lot of visits here.

You can also contact us. You’ll watch us on Rumble, follow us on Twitter. All our links are there and our latest videos. If you want to be a fellow member. It’s amazing. You get all types of goodies there. You can subscribe to our newsletter. I’ve asked you guys if you could please go to our site, put your name and email in. You’ll receive notifications from us every time something new comes up or we put something out.

Have noticed that very few sign up for that. And just maybe I haven’t been telling you enough. We just really love to have you there. You can also go to our other website, thepatriolite. com. It’s a vision that I had a long time ago. So, you know, everybody goes to the Drudge reporter. They’re tired of going to mainstream media and maybe they don’t want to read all the junk.

And so we try to put together a list of those sites that put out the news that a lot of them we trust. Not all of them are perfect, but it refreshes every five to ten minutes. For you. And when you go there, you’re going to find home, politics, world news, markets, faith, social news and resources. Our resources page. We’re going to continue to update as much as possible with as many resources as you can get.

And I tell you what, this thing is growing and we appreciate all of your support there. And also our social media sites are on there, Facebook and Instagram. You’ll find it and wanted to show you again. I just love when I get some of these. I’ll read them every now and then. Lt Ock totally changed my life. My husband has been awake for many years and tried in vain to pull me along.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t very receptive. Enter President Trump and OC. Your videos have made a huge difference in my life and in the lives of so many of my family and friends. I share with as many as I can. I love wearing my AUC gear every chance I get. I have hats, shirts, bags, stickers on my car, license plate frame, floor mat, and of course your book. It never fails.

Awesome. When we wear OC merch that I meet others who know all about you in your show. New friends praying for each other. God bless you and your precious family. Thank you so much for that guys. Remember, you can go to shop amwino. com. You’re going to find great deals there. Find yourself a sweatshirt, a hat, a t shirt and more. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing her gear.

An a for effort a border shutdown in El Paso, Texas, as hundreds force their way onto the Paso del Norte international Bridge. The Loopville crossing has been closed due to a recent surge of migrants beyond what Border patrol agents can handle. Outnumbered and outresourced, Border patrol agents say they are struggling to keep up with this massive influx of migrants descending on our southern border. Why were you not prepared for this? We have seen large numbers of migration in the past, 12,000 people in a single day crossing the border illegally.

That’s an all time record. How can you say the border is secure? It is my testimony that the border is secure. Is the border more secure now under your leadership, Congressman? It is no less secure than it was previously. It is quite a remarkable moment to see the DHS secretary insisting that this border is closed. Do we have operational control, yes or no? Yes, we do. By what measure is it secure now, sir? So there is not a common definition.

That’s the definition of operation upon the definition you have, sir, up there. No, we don’t have operational control? No, sir. What’s your definition? Our goal is to achieve operational control of the border to do everything that we can to support our personnel. We feel they’ve turned their back on not only the border patrol agents, but they’ve sent a clear message to us in law enforcement. They’re not interested in solving this.

We need to ensure that the men and women out there patrolling the border investigating these criminal cartels are actually allowed to do their job each and every day. Migrants believe there’s an open border. It’s open, not closed. The border is open. There was people there that traveled 8000 miles with no water because they’re hearing that the border is open. They believe that when the administration changed, that the law changed and policy changed and that there was an open border.

We heard the sheriff say it, the governor say it, and the migrants I spoke to say it. They are coming across because they believe they will be welcomed under the Biden administration. The message is quite clear, do not come. The border is closed. The border is secure. So all this coming out, Attorney General Ken Paxton said, indeed, this is illegal voter importation, plain and simple. Wendy Patterson, breaking news.

Kat Cameron, Florida Republican, says that House members told Majorcas behind closed doors that he was about to be impeached. Majorcas responded with a threat saying, quote, you’re not going to like what comes next. He was then asked if that was a threat, and he just smiled. Breaking the House oversight committee is moving forward to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress at a hearing scheduled for today. Also.

Can you feel it? Can you feel it? The people are now in control. Make America great again. The age of secrets is over. The age of gatekeeping is over. The age of celebrity worship is over. The people are now in control. Donald Trump Jr. This seems like a big deal. If true, why has nothing been done about it? Court documents allege that Jeffrey Epstein recorded sex tapes of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Sir Richard Branson.

We’re going to get into more of that a little bit later. Richard Branson, weird pics thread. There’s a lot of things weird going on. And this picture here with the rabbit, you guys remember when we started covering all this in detail, showing all the stuff that was dropped for us to see on the intel board. This one right here with the man in a rabbit outfit was one of them.

And I’ll show you that clip right now. There you go. From the letter Q, the one that the mainstream media tries to tell you shouldn’t go to that. It’s a bunch of psyop stuff. Well, it’s good Psyop, past drops, important to frame context, these people need to all be eliminated. Those who know cannot sleep. What is it all about? Pictures were released. What did they do? Oh, yeah, the entire house got together and passed something saying that if you are part of this cute thing, that you’re a threat to our democracy or whatever they did and they signed it.

And then all of a sudden, YouTube said, oh, now we’ve got what we needed. We’re taking you down. We had 440,000 subscribers gone. We had all of our Patreon people that stayed with us gone. Teespring, gone. PayPal, gone. They used it. Entheos seems to be telling us that these people were not only trafficked, but eventually they were murdered. Ten Cloverfield lane acid in Haiti, general Flyn. Every heart should break every day for the souls of these innocent babies that were tortured, abused.

And yes, they were murdered by these disgusting degenerates who frequented Epstein island. These things that been coming out, absolutely terrible. New Epstein drop has 17 exhibits in it. Little Nos is going to drop some intel on the music industry. Jim Gaffigan took a dig at Pettowwood during the Globes. Mike Obama. Michael is worried about Trump. Renegade is worried about Trump. Hill dog is worried about Trump. Hillary. Dems are endorsing Nikki Haley.

Dod chief goes missing for days. You guys know that he was missing for a little while. It’s almost like something’s happening. Anons. Yeah. Big smile on the back, normies. Oh, my goodness. What’s going on? And then we’ll play this clip. Absolutely brilliant. How the storm rider gets blood in real time. This is absolute 17 676. Okay, so we go back to Q 46 23. Epstein island. Who owns the surrounding islands? Close proximity.

Was Maxwell a submarine pilot? How about a helicopter pilot? What benefit may that serve? Well in Epstein Docs, we found out Maxwell is a helicopter pilot. Okay, then what came out today? Sex tapes. Epstein kept secret sex tapes of Richard Branson. Why is that important? Like Hugh said, Epstein island. Who owns surrounding islands? This is Epstein Island, Little St. James, right there. Not very far, very close proximity in this little grouping of islands.

Nectar island. Owned by Mr. Virgin records. Virgin Airlines. Wonder why he uses virgin all the time. Richard Branson. Who hung out with Richard Branson? Barack Obama likes to go kite surfing. Fun times, fun times. Drip, drip, flood. More stuff coming out. Grasshopper found this 1854 posting from Dan Scovino Jr. Happening now in Clinton, Iowa, at a commit to caucus event with just nine days to the Iowa caucuses.

Find your location here interesting because I kept wondering, man, why would they have an event in Clinton, Iowa, especially when Clinton’s tied to the Epstein list and more. I thought the timing was just interesting. Well, the timing also, if you look at the drops, the timing of the video release of who HRC doing some terrible things to children. We have it all. The nail in many coffins, impossible to defend.

The doubters will soon be believers, toxic to those connected, impossible to defend. They’re going to try to defend. It’s going to be impossible. And then there’s a reminder. We have to work together. We’re only as strong as your voice. You must organize and be heard. We have to stay organized, folks. We have to continue to work together to get information out. And then this was years in the making.

That reminder wasn’t hours, months, days, years in the making. You know, posted this at 2054. You got the 854 and then you reverse the numbers to 4502. And that’s where you got the timing of the video release. Coincidence? I think it’s a strange coincidence that the timing of the visit to Clinton, Iowa, happened at the same time that Clinton’s being exposed as being part of that island. Let’s see, what else did President Trump bring up recently? I’m going to show you that in a moment.

First, I want to show you this, folks. Are you struggling with back taxes or unfiled returns? The IRS is escalating collections, adding 20,000 new agents and sending millions of final demand letters. Well, in these challenging times, your best defense is tax network USA. Don’t let the IRS take advantage of you. With over 14 years of experience, tax Network USA has saved their clients over $1 billion in back taxes.

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Now go in the description box below and click on that link, tnusa. com and we know. Or call 1802 four, five, 6000. Don’t let your tax issues overpower you again. Go in the description box below TnusA. com and we know we have an economy that’s incredible. We have an economy that’s so fragile, and the only reason it’s running now is it’s running off the fumes of what we did.

What the Trump admin it’s just running off the fumes. And when there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during this next twelve months. Because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. The one president. I just don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. But what they’ve done is incredible what they’re doing with all of this money, the trillions and trillions of dollars of waste. So here we are once again, talking about the crash.

He hopes that’s within twelve months. He doesn’t want to be a Herbert Hoover. Interesting to have those type of comms come out. We talk about money almost every single week with Dr. Kirk Elliott. And I just encourage you guys to go check him out. And if you don’t have time to listen to him, you can actually reach out to him at forward slash gold. Here’s a clip from that interview.

Everybody’s equally wealthy. No, everybody in communism is equally poor, right. Because you take away the incentive to succeed, right. And so your God given gift, the abilities that you have, the creativity, the wisdom, the discernment, all of that, there’s no incentive to do anything, right? So this is the world that they want. And what we want as believers is the opposite of that. We want the opportunity to thrive and to be what God created us to be.

So here’s the problem. Let’s say that you and your wife, you’re having financial problems, right? And your debt is greater than your income for years. Say, okay, it’s finally time. We have to file for bankruptcy. We’re done, right? So what’s true for an individual is also true for a nation. This is why when our debt becomes greater than the gross domestic product of the nation, you lose the ability to ever pay off your debt.

It’s not there. It’s mathematically impossible when that happens. So it’s amazing how he continues to point out things every single week. We had a lot of questions come in and we’ll have another interview soon at some of the things that he’s been bringing up recently. It’s absolutely amazing. Again, you can reach out to him. A lot of folks have been seeing things happen since we started 2024, folks.

It has been absolutely mind blowing, hasn’t it? Ultra peppy lives matter reminds us to sum up the first week of 2024, social media is demanding the Epstein client list. We found out Clinton likes to be with young girls, and Prince Andrew allegedly had some bad things to do with children and lied about everything. An adjacent honeypot to Harvard was inexplicably exposed at the same time the woke professor steps down and Epstein’s connections were emphasized.

Petalwood lover Jimmy Kimmel had a meltdown after being accused of the connections to Epstein. We already know he’s part of that whole thing. Stephen Hawking is now a proven pedo in the eyes of the public, further diminishing trust in the science. New and improved Federman has transformed himself into a logical person. Whoopi Goldberg got nervous. Crazy Kat Williams openly exposed the cabal and their blackmail of comedians. We have a tunnel exposed.

Richard Branson exposed. Adam Schiff somehow maintained his head upon that pencil neck. And that was only week one. This year is going to be wild. We have several weeks to go, and then we have this continuation from Aaron Rogers on the truth or committee and what we’ve been up to and how important it’s been lately. This is a brilliant takedown, know? And it’s not just me. It’s nowhere near just me.

I mean, if you look at all the different people who’ve been censored from the Internet during, especially during COVID the canceling that went on, the censorship, using the government to try and censor people, that happened. And if that doesn’t work, then they go to name calling. I mentioned a lot of the names that I’ve been called and they don’t stick because I’m not antivaxx. I’m interested in informed consent and things that are in the best interest of my body.

I’m not a maga, I’ve never had any affiliation with anybody associated with that movement. Right. Which is okay if you are, though, there’s different opinions all over the place. Right? If that’s your ideology, that’s fine. I’m not a super political person. Do whatever you want. Conspiracy theorist, that’s fine. Because if you look at the track record of conspiracy theorists in the last few years, they’ve been right about a lot of things.

So I don’t care about that one antisemite that was called. I mean, that’s just like, this is their game plan. They use these words to cancel people, and they went and ran with this because it’s the crazy antivaxxer wacko again, talking about accusing somebody of being a pedophile. Of course this is the game plan that they use. Incorrect. But that’s the environment that we’re in. There’s a lot of people who have been captured by various entities, government entities, whether we’re talking about pharmaceutical industrial complex, or whether we’re just talking about believing that the government has a best interest in mind and we’re puppeting various narratives.

In the end, if you are not someone whose opinion aligns with the mainstream narrative, this is what they’re going to do with you. And it’s not me. I’m not a victim. Say whatever the hell you want about me, that’s fine. Like the people that know me and love me. You know what I’m all about. My teammates know what I’m all about. By the way, congratulations. What? An award in the middle of this whole thing from your teammates.

Rema Donna, obviously people puked because of. Listen. Saw a guy cry because you were named the most inspirational teammates. Should we say that was not like. Listen, tears of still in the end, to sum this up, listen, I still haven’t popped a bottle because there hasn’t been any list that’s come out. And I’m glad that Jimmy is not on the list. I really am. I don’t think he’s the p word.

And I think it’s impressive that a man who went to Arizona state and has ten joke writers can read off a prompter. Interesting that he would say that at the very end. Interesting. He says the list hasn’t come out yet. He’s claiming that he’s not on the list. Well, how could you make that claim if a list hasn’t come out? And why would you bring that up now? Very interesting.

Julian’s rum their hopeless effort to tie Trump to Epstein is a good thing because it forces a constant flow of national conversation about Epstein. In other words, Trump derangement syndrome is fueling widespread awareness of Epstein and his operation. Boy, isn’t that true. Never even thought about it like that. Other things ultra peppy lives matter showed us this clip. All the pedos from Epstein island stick together. Guess who took Stephen Hawking to space? Richard Branson.

Yeah, didn’t really take him to space. The masses now know that Hawking was inexplicably literal pedo, a comical wording in hindsight. By the telegraph. Stephen Hawking had a lust for life and therefore wanted to travel to space with Branson. Notice how Obama stays close with all these people. Robin Williams knew what a pervert Stephen Hawking was. Sometimes I wonder. This is eltra peppy lives matter. He wonders if one of the main people to expose the Colton Hollywood was him.

Remember what Q said in drop 19 who exposed the pedo network within Hollywood? You can’t answer the above, but will laugh once disclose details. The network which controls this false narrative, which in turn keeps the black population under control, is being dismantled anyone else wonder if Robin Williams was a white hat? Check this clip out. Just to hang out with Stephen Hawking. Oh, wow. Nice day to hang out with me.

They say he goes to strip clubs. That’s wild. Yeah. Laptop. Dance now for me. Now. Work it, girl. Take me to the event horizon. There we go. Now. What a great idea to have fun. Now you know I want it now. Don’t sit on the keyboard. Delete, delete, delete, delete. I’m sorry, where did you go with that one? Yeah. So interesting with Robin Williams, a lot of things that he was involved in that I didn’t agree with at all.

I didn’t agree with the stand up comedy. It was constantly filled with nasty words. We’re not supposed to let any nasty language proceed out of our mouths. There were some touching movies that he did when he played a parent for the movie about RVs that we enjoyed, but other than that, that’s about it. And it seemed like his movies got darker and darker as he got closer and closer to supposedly the end of his life.

If he actually did commit suicide, who knows? Or anybody knows. Sometimes they say that they will fake their deaths just because they’re so tired and worn out, or they fake their deaths because they’re going to be used by the white hats to go do the thing that they need to do, which is give up all the info on everything that they know. Who knows? I’m just taking wild assumptions here.

Ultra pepulized matter. Continue. It’s all making sense now. The people who have committed crimes against children, literal treason, have been on a mission to eliminate the death penalty. That’s right. Richard Branson. He’s been on a crusade to bring forgiveness and the complete elimination of executions in America. Obama and company all want Gitmo to be shut down. What are they so afraid of? Interesting, Q. The stormwriter even told us 34 million views hit the cat Williams interview where he talks about the cabal controlling the industry, including P.

Diddy wanting to pay for sex, Harvey Weinstein wanting to give some bad things in public, and why powerful black men in the entertainment industry are forced to wear dresses in tv and film. Kat Williams 34 million views has the black entertainment and viewers looking into satanic cult and illuminati. And several musicals are coming forward on sexual allegations against the elites and industry. Massive Storm has hit the black community of awareness well behind the scenes.

The stage is being set by the white hats to ensure black voters will move swiftly into the great awakening movement and put the weight behind Trump. A massive uncoverings of corruption among black DNC leaders. Black lives matters in the black entertainment industry connected to Epstein and pedophilia network is going to hit. And in the same moment, the corruption of voting systems in the black communities is going to be exposed.

Even Dave Chappelle knew exactly what Kat Williams meant about dress humiliation. In case you guys didn’t know, they make him wear dresses. He called it early on. No wonder they wanted to cancel Dave Chappelle. Here we go. It’s like when I see that they put every black man in the movies in a dress, at some point in their career, I’ll be connecting them down. Like, why all these brothers got to wear a dress? This happened to me.

I’m doing a movie with Martin. Yeah, the movie’s going good. So I walk in a trailer. I’m like, man, this must be the wrong trailer, because there’s a dress in here. They come in, the writer comes in. I think he’s the writer. He’s like, dave, listen, we got this hilarious scene where Martin’s sneaking out of jail. So he disguises you as a prostitute. He put this dress on and prostitute, no, I’m not doing that.

I don’t feel comfortable with it. That should have been in a discussion. You don’t feel comfortable with it? I mean, it’s a hilarious bit. All the greats have done it. So well, if all the greats have done, it’s kind of hacky, right? You’re right. So why don’t we just not do it? Because I don’t feel comfortable wearing a dress. Oh, come on, Dave. Listen, we got it all set up.

We’re supposed to shoot. Every minute you waste costs this much. Know, the pressure comes now. I’m not wearing no dress, man. I’m funnier than a dress. Just give me something funny to say. I don’t need to wear no dress to be funny. What am I, Milton Burrow? Blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, we’re going like this, and then finally he’s, ah. And he leaves. And then, like, the director comes.

David really would be great if you wear the dress. What is wrong? What is this brokeback mountain in here? So David would be so great. And then I started thinking about it. All the comics that I’ve seen, man, strong brothers. Why are they putting us in these dresses? But the minute it was clear, I was adamant. I’m not wearing a dress. I’m not wearing the dress. All right, fine.

Think of something else that comes back ten minutes later. The whole new scene. You write the scene so fast, it’s like, so you got to take a. So there we are. The exposure of the humiliation. All that stuff is starting to make its waves through the social media platforms. And more interesting how all this is just blowing up so quickly. 34 million views for that cat Williams interview.

What really needs to be something that wakes people up would be what’s happened with the pandemic as they scared everybody to getting the jabs. I got this note. I wanted to read it to you. Hello, LT and family. You’re my news station. I also subscribe to your son’s bowling bros. YouTube channel to support them and your family. I’m originally from Montana. Went back to visit family this past August and got to have dinner with my friend.

Took pictures of their amino shirts. This journey has been a really tough journey as I lost my husband in September 2021 to the hospital death protocol using remdesivir and other drugs. I knew all about what was happening in the hospitals, but felt like I had no other choice but to take my husband to the ER. Huge mistake. I refused the treatments for remdesivir, continued to ask for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, high dose intravenous vitamin C, d, zinc, et cetera, along with budes anide, but was refused all the treatment except Mundesivir.

Still refused. The next morning, I came to the hospital. PCP told me my husband agreed to the protocol for the hospital. He was gone four days later. These are the things that we’re talking about. These are the things that we have to be reminded. And while all this other stuff is happening around us, trafficking tunnels and more, it seems like we’re slowly forgetting that people are losing loved ones every single day, and it’s breaking our hearts now.

I’ve got an interview that we’re releasing. We hope it will be released this Saturday. We’ve been praying as a team for a long time that somebody would walk up, send us some information, and we’d have the right products. Instead of having 50 things to do to help you with your body, maybe, just maybe, there’s something out there when taken that could help with folks that are having issues like this.

We’re putting it together. We had the one with the, you can’t say that it heals certain things, right? But you can say, here’s what it’s done for other people, and this is why. It was developed with natural products from God’s wonderful earth. He put these things on the earth for us to use. It’s breaking my heart. We’re going to hopefully show you some more on that in the near future.

Okay, so as we go into all of these things, as we notice more and more terrible stuff happening to so many people throughout this earth, we have to be reminded we’re in the fight of our lives. We’re trying the best we can to get the truth out, expose evil. We’re told in the scriptures to expose evil, folks. And in part of exposing it, we’ve also provided. Kind of reminds me that we have a Bible study that I do every Saturday.

Also, if you want to download that audio from our site, amwayno. com. But just want to remind you, every single person that we find out about who goes against President Trump, it seems like they’re exposed later for their corruption. Fanny Willis. Seems like all they try to do is cover up the things that they are up to. Bringing in illegals to vote, bringing in illegals to have their districts changed.

I mean, all this information is starting to flow. We’re starting to catch them. What do we do with this information? Tell as many people as possible. Get involved. Involved locally in our town hall meetings and more. And we gather together and we pray for this nation. This nation has been falling apart. We have left. We took the scriptures out of schools. I think it was the 50s, we took prayer out of schools the around there.

And then what happens to replace all that darkness? And then the enemy creeps in and he starts sharing what he has to offer. Before you know it, Hollywood gets involved, CIA and all these others, and they start getting into your mind. They start taking our children. They start doing terrible things, and they think they’re going to get by with it. They think that they are God. They think that they have power over all of us.

Well, when we’re walking with our almighty father, he tells us all the time, do not fear. Do not fear. MJ Truth’s trajectory analysis of all events occurring around the world and here in the United States implies something major is on the horizon. What’s on the horizon? I don’t know exactly. But what I do know deep down in my gut is that there is a spiritual aspect to all of this.

And we must certainly pray for God to lead us right now, whatever it is you believe is occurring. I hope everyone understands the implications of the paths before us. We could lose this country and future generations. Our children will be engulfed by darkness as a result from our failure to seize the moment. What can we do? Pray with all your heart. Ask God to guide our steps right now.

Ask God to show us the steps we need to take, and most importantly, take those steps he’s urging you to take. Fight back locally. Lead your communities on the principalities this country was founded upon. Fight back with information. If you see an untruth, fire back with the truth and be relentless in unleashing the truth. Unshakable faith for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for how you continue to guide and direct our lives and answer prayer. Our hearts are heavy for those that are losing loved ones. Our very own family’s been affected, our close family members having issues due to things that they were told to trust. Now their bodies are in pain and turmoil. Almost everyone is affected, and you know that. And we certainly hope that there are things that you have placed on this earth, people, ways that we can get around all of this.

But for now, we know that we can trust you, that you’re in control and that you are in some amazing way through all this darkness, able to shine a bright light of your salvation to the many people who need it. And so we do, as we go through this day by day, ask you for protection of all of those that are on the front lines, all of those that are fighting to get the truth out, all of those that are living in loneliness because they stood for the truth, they stood on your word, and they’re living by faith each day.

May we be comforted. May you bring folks alongside us to continue to be our friends. I’m just reminded, as people told you, hey, your mom, brothers and sisters are here. And he says, who is my mother, who’s my brothers and sisters, but you who do the will of my father. Amazing. So we thank you once again for how you continue to just help us out. We certainly need it.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, my savior. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you so much for tuning again. If you could hit that follow button, subscribe button and like really appreciate that. We’re trying to get our viewers up and we really do appreciate you. A lot of things going on, a lot of interviews, a lot of, just so many things that God’s been putting in front of us and we’re working hard to get that put together for you.

So for now, this is Lt. St simplify with M. We know signing out they put a man on the man on the if you believe there’s nothing I feel nothing is cool don’t if you believe they put our man on the if you believe? Close. .


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