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Please review all the FAQs before submitting a support ticket. 

My Patriots Network is a place where patriots from all across the world can come together to share and learn about what is really going on in the world. We feel that knowledge is power and we aim to provide All who seek the information they need to make informed decisions and take action to better our future. We Need you to go out in your communities and to events and find the REAL NEWS and share it so that other Patriots from all across the world can become informed. You can find out more about this on the Patriots on the street channel and in the FAQ under Patriots on the street.

  Country, state, and county groups must be joined in that order. If you DO NOT see a JOIN button on the State or County Group’s Page it is likely because you have not joined the hierarchy groups in order.

Please note that you may join any of the Main 10 groups located on the groups page by themselves. You are not required to join them in any order as with the Global, USA, STATE, and COUNTY groups. Groups have been created for every state and county within the USA! 

The State groups can be located here. You must join the state group and the heirarchy groups before you can search within your state groups for “sub groups” for your county. 

County Groups can be found by searching using the Magnifying glass on the top right-hand side of My Patriots Network. Please Make sure you are searching in one of these formats.

the word.. County, State Initials

Ex- County, MD

Name of County, State Initials

Ex- Allegany County, MD

This could be a caching problem. 

Please empty your browser cache, usually under the File menu or Preferences in your main menu or try using another browser. 


 In order to chat with other members you must first go to their profile and connect with them. Once you have connected with hem you will be able to locate them in your chat contacts and begin a conversation with them. 


Patriots: On The Street is a channel we created that allows Patriots just like you to find and watch videos of live streamed events and interviews and other REAL NEWS from all across the USA. We currently have an amazing team of patriots that are hitting the streets to find and record events and intel. If you are interested in learning how you can become a member of our STREET TEAM or other ways you can contribute please see How can I help the Street Team below. 

We are glad you asked. There are several ways you can help out or be a contributor to Patriots on the street and get the Truth to the people. 

  • You can tell us about an upcoming event relating to Covid and covid vaccine mandates, government overreach, election fraud,  etc. Click Here to send Our Street team to an event.
  • You can donate to our Street team. Scan the code below with your device to donate funds to help with travel, tickets, and other expenses. We know times are tough but even the smallest amount can make a big difference. 
  • Lastly, you can become a member of our street team. We are looking for individuals that have a fair knowledge of recording events and or performing interviews to contribute your recordings to the Channel. We will soon be posting an area where you can submit your videos and apply to become a repeat contributor. Until then please keep any recordings you may have.

The wellness tab on My Patriots Network will take you to our wellness area. Here you will find nutrition, health, and spiritual wellness information and products that come to us from Master Lama Rasaji. You can become a member of Master Rasajis circle of life community for free by clicking here. This link will take you to Master Rasajis website. You can also reach his site by typing https://rasaji.com/ in your address bar. 

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