

➡ Gregory Manorino discusses the current economic situation, highlighting rising jobless claims, slipping consumer sentiment, and increasing household debt. He suggests that the middle class is struggling to maintain their lifestyle, leading to a surge in homeowners tapping into their home equity. Despite these issues, the stock market continues to rise, benefiting the wealthy. Manorino encourages people to stay ahead of the curve by investing wisely, including buying into the market and holding hard assets.


Hey, okay everybody. It is me, Gregory Manorino, Friday, October 11th, 2024, Status Post Milton. And let me say, man, this was an epic event, seriously, where I live here in Bradenton, Florida. We took a direct hit and it wasn’t pretty, but I’m fine. My neighborhood did get some damage, nothing major. Thank God. Anyway, people, look, I missed all of you and I mean that from the heart. So, look, right now it is 11.03 a.m. Eastern time. I hope I can even get this video out. My internet is in and out. My power came on last night.

Okay, all well and good, but I want to bring all of you guys and girls up to speed because it’s freaking incredible. Let’s start off with, I’m laughing, it’s incredible. Look, the bad economic news doesn’t stop. Jobless claims hit a 14-month high. You got this guy, this creature, Jamie Dimon over here. Geopolitical risks are surging. We all know that, duh. Thank you, Jamie. Here’s another one for you. U.S. consumer sentiment slips. Imagine our shock. Now, this is, you know, I want to talk about this. Homeowners haven’t drained cash out of their homes like this since the financial crisis.

We were in a financial crisis now that he clipped the last one by exponents, but you wouldn’t know that. It’s the Fed pumping this entire thing. As a matter of fact, as I am doing this video blog, the stock market is relentless here. Higher, higher, higher. In the face of every freaking thing, the market doesn’t stop. Again, the worse off that we get with regard to the economy and everything else, the higher this market’s going to go. Now, I want to talk about this with this. This is a phenomenon, again, you and I called for many years ago, it would happen.

What’s desperate? They cannot survive. They cannot get by in this environment. So they’re using every avenue imaginable and things they can’t even dream up yet, unfortunately, to bury themselves in more debt here. It’s the mechanism of, again, prior members of the middle class. How many years ago? 10 years ago? You and I first spoke about this. We said they were going to claw themselves in an attempt to maintain the illusion of a middle class existence. Look, this is a destruction. You will know that. It’s an elimination. It’s an extinction level event on a global scale as central banks that they’ve taken over period the end.

They’re the enemy. You know that they have become who they have set out to become the rulers of this world. And what they’re doing here is quite obvious, a neo-feudal system. And again, this is going back 10 years ago, maybe more, when we first started talking about this. It’s in our face, people. So I really want you to think about these things as we move forward here. We need to continue to use every single weapon in our arsenal. And we have many to stay ahead of the curve. But hold that thought for a second.

So what’s happening here again is exactly what you and I would have expected to see. We’ve been calling on this for a decade. We’re seeing this consumer debt, household debt, personal debt, skyrocketing out of control, long defaults across the board, skyrocketing. I mean, it’s an incredible thing to witness, but that’s what’s going on. And now you have this with homeowners tapping into equity in their home to, again, maintain the illusion of a middle class existence. And all they’re doing is assuring themselves again to get wiped out. We are in the middle of a phenomenon, people that is beyond anything you can possibly imagine.

The rich, the one and two percenters are laughing. They are loving this environment like you can possibly believe. Again, the market, higher, higher, higher. Who owns 90 plus percent of this market? You think it’s the regular girl in here? No, it’s the one and two percenters and they’re laughing. They don’t want everything. The one and two percenters, they control or own 98 percent of the world’s wealth. I want you to think about what I just said. Why do you think the Fed is a two percent inflation target, man? It helps the one and two percenters.

It doesn’t help you. What they’re counting on here again is an elimination to occur and you’re going to continue to pay for it all. Unless you continue to take action. Again, like we’ve been doing since forever here. Yes, we’re long the market, getting long despite the fact this one is calling for a crash. This one is calling for a crash on this day, at this time, because it says it in this book over here that’s going to happen. They’ve been wrong 100 percent of the time. People, come on, man. Ignore this stuff.

We’re going to stay long the market. We’re going to buy every dip that comes along, period. We’re going to continue to become our own central banks, bet against the debt, hold hard assets, silver, Greg’s favorite asset of all time. Yes, gain exposure to cryptocurrency. Come on, man. We’ve been on target for years with this. Here’s something else real quick. TD Bank pleas guilty to money laundering. Are they going to pay a fine, but no one’s going to jail? It’s us and them, man. Are you finally getting hit to the situation here? People, look, I don’t know.

You and I am preaching to the choir here. Again, I hope you can see this video. I just wanted to bring you up to speed on what’s going on. This is not going to stop. Have you heard me say that before? Over and over and over again. They can do anything. Again, the economy is dead. It’s buried around the world, and we knew this would happen. What have we said? The faster that the economy comes down. Now, look, this is too easy. There are two factors right now that are destroying the economies of the world.

That is artificially suppressed rates and a weaker currency. What do you think? Let’s just put this together for a moment. Why is Kamala Harris calling, promising you lower rates, which she got the idea from Donald Trump, who said it first. Why are they promising you these things? Because they’re bringing you to your knees, both of them. They’re part of the Federal Reserve establishment. That’s who they work for. You don’t think so? How’s it working out for you so far? Look at the last three presidents, what they have done, 220 years to build up the first half of the U.S.

debt. Debt that’s on your back, 15 to more than double it. You think these three presidents? Obama? Obama? Donny boy over there? And Biden-Stein, they really want to help you out? Honestly, is that why they’ve worked so hard to help the Fed take over the entire system? Come on, man. Wake the freak up. You think it’s going to stop with the promises out of both of these creatures’ mouths? That they’re both promising you what are the two economic destroyers facing us all right now? No. We can’t get the truth from anybody, people.

You know what the solution is. It’s the polar opposite of what we’ve been sold. They’re selling you the Fed’s plan, man. Wake the freak up some of you. You just can’t, you can’t snap out of it, can you? You and we lose. We lose across the board. This is called losing across the board. This is called losing across the board. This, from our illustrious Jamie Diamond, losing across the board. He’s laughing. Losing across the board. Are you starting to wake up? Yeah, this too. Losing. I’m going to show you something else just real quick.

You see this? This is not going to stop either. The distortions, the promises of lower rates. There’s no price discovery here anymore, people. It’s a free-for-all. I don’t know what to tell you here. If you’re not taking action to keep yourself on the right side of this, you’re going to lose even worse than you think you’re losing now. I know you’re a lion like this guy. You see, looking more like a lion every freaking day here, okay? That means you don’t sit back and suck your thumb off. You’re not paralyzed by fear.

You’re not locked in some psyop that this freaking demigod or this freaking demigod are going to save you from the situation that you’re in is going to get monumentally worse. And if you think, come 2025, after the selection, people, I’m telling you here and now again for the gazillion time, all bets are off. All bets are off. We will re-evaluate as we move forward. This guy right here, I got you back. Storms, hurricanes, bomb hurricanes, whatever. I don’t care. I will never let you down. I am going to continue my mission here to keep all of you light years ahead of the curve.

I told you all I promised you from years ago, there’s no way you’re losing on this guy’s watching happening. I’m not losing, which means you’re not losing either. You understand? I think you do. All right, look, man, I think we’ve kind of covered what I wanted to. I hope you can see this video again. I’m going to try to upload this. My internet’s going in and out and in and out. Look, man, I missed all of you and I don’t know, man, what else can I tell you? Take action, people. Just don’t sit back like a deer in the headlights right now, hoping that things are going to change for the better they’re not going to.

We are under attack. You and me have been disenfranchised. We are under direct attack and we’re being eliminated. We’re being eliminated. You understand? Period. There’s nobody here. You’re going to get the truth out of it or it’s going to help you. You and me, we got each other’s backs. Always, always. That’s how we’re going to get through this thing. And our plan, in my opinion, from a financial standpoint, is infreaking invincible. All right? We’re spread out. We’re diversified. We know what we’re doing and we know why we’re doing it, then we take it to the next level.

We’re loving each other, caring about each other, being childable to each other. Okay? You understand? That’s why this family, this worldwide family that we have built, you and me, is so successful. We got a lot of naysayers and that’s how you know we are over the target. They can’t handle it. They can’t handle it. Well, you know what? That’s too damn bad, isn’t it? I’ve been telling people, this thing, this pride of lions that we have, we want more lions in this pride, no doubt about it. We welcome them here. But if they don’t want to be a part of this pride, they better stay out of our way because that’s how we roll.

This guy who loves you with all I got, people, thank you. Listen, I know most of you out here believe in the higher power, the almighty father. Pray. A lot of people have lost their lives and more are going to as this thing, as we find out what’s going on here with this thing, this unnatural event that just hit us all. And they’re not done. They’re not done, people. If you think they’re done, just wait. I will see all of you tomorrow. I will not be doing another video today, all right? Again, real sketchy.

I don’t think I can do a live stream, but I got your back. I got it. Count on that, all right? I’m out of here. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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