Bix Weir – The Good Guys Are About To Change The Economic System Buckle Up Its Going To Get Bumpy





➡ Dr. Steven Gundry has discovered a method called ‘caloric bypass’ that helps people lose weight and improve their health, even at an older age. This method involves activating a specific process in the body that flushes out unnecessary calories, leading to weight loss, increased energy, and overall better health. Gundry himself has lost 70 pounds using this method and has maintained his weight for over 20 years. His findings can be learned for free at
➡ The article discusses the potential collapse of the current global financial system due to the instability of digital wealth and the derivative market. It suggests that the U.S., as the largest debtor nation, could benefit from this collapse. The article also mentions the possibility of a new financial system, possibly backed by gold, silver, or cryptocurrency. However, it warns that the transition could be chaotic and urges people to hold physical assets in their own possession.
➡ The text discusses a potential societal collapse, likened to a “Mad Max” scenario, where chaos ensues due to panic and a breakdown of systems. It suggests that in such a situation, the U.S. might return to an old system of using gold and silver as money. The text also mentions suppressed technologies, particularly in the energy sector, that could drastically change the economic system if released. Lastly, it introduces a natural pain reliever called Cotyledon, which is claimed to be effective and safe.
➡ The text discusses concerns about current leadership, potential disasters, and the state of the financial system. It suggests that a large-scale disaster, possibly man-made, could be used to cover up financial system failures. The text also discusses the potential for a catastrophic event to disrupt the upcoming elections and the overall functioning of the government. It ends by questioning who people would turn to in such a crisis.
➡ The text discusses the current financial system’s flaws, suggesting it’s too late to save it due to excessive debt and a massive derivative bubble. It argues that the only solution is to destroy the old system and start fresh, possibly with a gold and silver standard. The text also mentions the potential for a drastic shift towards different financial practices, such as using cryptocurrencies. However, it warns that this transition could lead to significant losses for individuals and institutions, requiring a fresh start that could be challenging and disruptive.
➡ The Federal Reserve system, started in 1913, is nearing its end, and we must decide whether to face the consequences now or pass them onto future generations. The current economic system is unstable, and while wars have historically been used to reset economies, this time it may not be effective due to the global financial meltdown. The speaker suggests that we need to end the old system and start something new, emphasizing the importance of having physical assets like gold, silver, and bitcoin. The speaker also warns against turning to the government for help in a crisis, suggesting that we should find a way without it.


Let’s talk about our health. It turns out the key to losing weight and keeping it off is not carbs or fat or even probiotic rich foods. No, the end game of having healthy weight, as well as more energy and long, healthy life comes down to a specific switch you can flip in your body to flush out unnecessary calories. Doctor Steven Gundry is calling this caloric bypass. And by activating this specific process in your body, he has seen thousands, yes, thousands of people dramatically improve their health even at age 50 and beyond. This includes losing weight, getting tons more energy and returning to the good health they had in their youth.

Once they simply addressed this one key to better health. Not only that, this is actually associated with improved digestion, strong feeling joints and muscles, smoother skin and healthier lives, meaning it could be the key to a happy life. Doctor Steven Gundry has lost 70 pounds himself using his research and has kept the weight off for over 20 years and counting. His digestive issues are gone. His health is fantastic, and he feels younger and healthier today than he did in his forties. His video has been watched by over 20 million people to date, and you can watch and learn about

x 22 it’s linked at the bottom of the video, but he’ll teach you exactly how he has kept his weight off for x 22 so just click on the link in the description below the video. Hi, and welcome to the x 22 Report Spotlight. Today we have a returning guest, Bix Weir. Bix is the creator and owner of you can find his work on YouTube, on Twitter. I’ll be putting all the links at the bottom of the video, and I am very happy to have Bix back on the x 22 report. Spotlight, Bix, welcome back to the spotlight.

Hey, thank you, Dave. Um, it’s all happening. That’s, that’s my first comment. It’s all happening. I agree with you. I think it is all happening. And these are all the things that we’ve been talking about for a very, very long time. So I wanted to start off with the economy, because now we see things are about to change. I mean, Trump, all of a sudden, he’s saying that he’s in, you know, on bitcoin, he’s talking about a reserve. And we see inflation. We see, you know, now people see that, hey, my money’s not going that far, actually, Costco, you have gold bars, you know, selling like crazy.

So do you think people are starting to wake up to the system now that it doesn’t really benefit them and they’re starting to realize that we need a change. Well, I think a lot more are knowledgeable today than they were, you know, 1020 years ago. Everybody won’t really, really wake up until they go to their atm and they can’t get any money out. That’s going to be the ultimate. Oh, my God. Wait a minute. What’s going on here? Behind the scenes. And it’s behind the scenes what really matters. Really interesting take the FDIC. A few years back, was having a meeting that was televised, and they were talking about how there’s hundreds of banks that need to be adjusted, shall we say, basically closed up.

And they said they wanted to do it on a three day weekend. Now we are approaching next Monday is a holiday, Columbus Day. So it would be the last three day weekend before the election, which I think will be really interesting. Time to see if this weekend, this coming weekend, the weekend of the, what is it, the 12th or 13th, they started closing up all these banks that are basically walking zombies. So keep an eye out for that. So do you think this is going to be like 2008, where we saw, like, Lehman Brothers shut down? I think it’s going to be the extension of 2008.

So in 2008, on September 11, 2008, there was a withdrawal of cash from the money market funds and it broke the buck. And they saw hundreds of billions leaving the market and they had to. That’s when the crisis hit. And they basically ended up, the Fed ended up guaranteeing everything. The treasury opened its doors and just flooded. Everything got flooded with money. Had they not done that, and Senator Kanjorsky said it in an interview, had they not done that, it would have been the end of the financial system as we know it today. I think that’s where we’re headed.

It’s not going to be like 2008. It might start out like 2008, but then the derivative bubble is, I think, two to $3 quadrillion. JP Morgan being the largest us bank holder of 55 trillion. Trump’s been calling out Jamie. He said, jamie Dimon has endorsed me. I was just going to say that. Yeah, oh, yeah. Part of the game. Part of the game. And, you know, I think they’ll take out JP Morgan and HSBC and bank of America are the three that were involved in the silver rigging of 1.2 billionoz being first stolen by JP Morgan, you know, by shorting the comics and taking the physical metal.

Then they got busted for that. And then they did some lease deal with B of a HSBC and Warren Buffett. So we’re, and that’s underwinding right now. So it’s really interesting times, very interesting about this since you brought up Jamie Dimon, Trump, like you said, he said he endorsed me, but Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase, they said, absolutely not. They haven’t endorsed anyone. Do you, do you think Trump put it out there to focus on Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase? Because when the system starts to come down, you think at that point Jamie Dimon will say, please save me? Absolutely.

Absolutely, 100%. And it, you know, the big question has always been, well, we know they’re going to take down the old system and try to put a new one in. Will the good, will it be the good guys putting it together, the bad guys? I think it’s the good guys. But the question in my mind was what bank is the most systemically important? And it would be JPMorgan Chase, because they are literally have been rigging that derivative market for so long and have the largest bank derivative position that if you’re going to take out one bank to destroy everything else, it would be JP diamond and JP Morgan.

So what’s very interesting is, is that Trump, he mentioned bitcoin, bitcoin reserve, and he’s talking about, let’s move away from this old antiquated banking system. Do you think he’s planning on moving into a crypto system? I think. Well, he knows what, what we know, that, well, at least on the road to router, there’s massive amounts of gold that the US has either in the ground that have been locked up or in our system. It’s not the 8000 tons that they tell you. My guess, it’s close to a million tons of gold. There’s so much gold out there that they’re not telling you about.

And Trump knows this. And Trump said, we’re going into a golden age. I think cryptos will play a part, but I think the main monetary system, because there would be no deciders going forward. No one would trust anybody if they lost their life savings in the unbacked fiat system. So what system can the United States go to if there’s no deciders? It was what’s on the books, gold and silver as money. A gold silver monetary system. From what I see, the US Mint has been planning this for a very, very long time. The us government, the Fed, everybody’s been planning the destruction of the old system and move to something new.

And that new, before cryptos was just gold and silver. That’s what we had with cryptos. I think cryptos will play a huge role, but the key is to getting money back into the hands of the people and taking it out of the Fed, taking it out of the us government. Gold and silver as money standalone assets. That’s perfect. The us government will issue a lot of gold and silver, not backed. Not backed, but redeemable currency where the people can go into, because trust will be gone. You can go into your bank and cash in whatever, you know, either digital or paper money that you have and get the physical silver out.

And that’s. There’s a lot of things on the road. The rude that I’ve seen is planning to go just that way. And as far as cryptos, I think cryptos should stay in the hands of the people. Yeah. If the government wants to, you know, buy bitcoin or, or take over the 1 million bitcoins that Satoshi has, which I think is the most likely scenario here, I think that’s great. But they’d just be another participant. They wouldn’t control it like they would gold and silver. Yeah. The cryptos are here to stay and the good ones you want in your own possession.

So are you saying that we’re going to be moving away? Like the pieces of paper that we have today? They say federal Reserve note, they will no longer say federal Reserve note. They’ll say just us dollar. Well, there’s, there’s transition issues now. Most of people’s money, theoretical wealth is held in digital form. Yeah, yeah. We kind of already have a digital dollar because, you know, I know, I live in California. A lot of people don’t even use cash. You know, they have a phone app for that and they trust it because, you know, it’s always worked for them.

Well, the day it doesn’t work, for example, like the Apple. Apple app that people have on their phones to buy and sell things, Apple credit card or whatever you call it, that’s controlled and owned by Goldman Sachs, who sells off that credit card, balances into the derivative market. So nothing will survive the destruction of a too big to fail bank. And that’s kind of where we’re getting. So do you think this is the end of the whole global system that they set up? Like, you think we’ll have all these private. Was a central bank, the IMF? You think this is all going away? Oh, absolutely.

Because once people lose their checking account, for example, they’re not going to trust Janet Yellen, they’re not going to trust Jerome Powell. They obviously won’t trust the World bank or the IMF or the BIS or any of those people who ran the old system that they trusted, and they’ve lost their life savings, they’ve lost their checking account, they’ve lost their savings account, they’ve lost value. And that was 100% the fault of these people who ran the unbagged fiat system. So it’s a big trust game, and the trust is about to end, in my opinion. So since you mentioned Yellen, Yellen, I think also drum, Powell, they’re all saying that we’re coming in for a soft landing.

Do you. Do you think we’re coming in for a soft landing? Not a chance. But, I mean, it was always the plan to run this fiat system as long as hard as you can, soaking up all the benefits of being the world’s reserve currency. First time in history, by the way, that there’s ever been anything but gold as the world’s reserve currency. We’ve seen currency failures in Zimbabwe, in Germany, and, you know, all these different places, but it’s never been the entire world on an unbagged monetary system. And that’s what we’re going to be witnessing over, I think, over the next few months.

But, yeah. And who wins? Who wins in that scenario? The largest dead or nation. And who’s the largest dead or nation? The United States of America. So we. We would win. If we choose to click the mouse that destroys the derivative bubble which destroys everything else. To me, it feels like Trump is actually preparing for this, because if you look, he’s bringing, like, Elon Musk and he’s going to be working in the government, you know, cutting positions, probably thousands upon thousands of positions. He’s talking about a reserve crypto account he’s talking about. And I feel like when he says, you know, no tax on tips, no tax Social Security, no tax on overtime, I feel like he’s leading us towards, yeah, we’re not going to need the taxes because we’re going to implement tariffs.

I feel like he’s telling the people that we’re setting everything up for the new system. I mean, do you think that’s what he’s telling everyone now, that this is going to be the new system that we’re entering? Well, yes and no. I mean, to me, you can’t have a derivative meltdown and everything that the old system survived. So there won’t be trade between nations, there won’t be any need for tariffs. What would we trade with? It’s kind of like the derivative bubble. Warren Buffett called it a weapon. Of mass financial destruction. That’s exactly what it is.

And it was built that way from the late nineties. Alan Greenspan and a couple others in the administration said, we want no reporting requirements for derivatives. We want it completely free market. He knew that the banks would build this thing up so big that ultimately would destroy the entire monetary system. And that’s where we are. There’s no getting out of two to $3 quadrillion worth of derivatives and having a new system standing. We’ve got it literally, it would wipe out the old system in a blink of an eye if they let it go. And we almost saw it in 2008, and we were literally hours away from it.

I think we will see it this year or the beginning of next year, probably before, say, if Trump wins, which he probably should win, um, before the inauguration. So, really, really interesting times. And if you’re a prepper, now’s the time that you’ve been preparing for. And so keep prepping and get your assets in your own possession. If there’s anything I want to tell everybody, get your own physical assets, meaning physical gold, silver, if you like silver. I mean, if you like gold. If you like gold. I’d swap it for silver at 85 to one and buy it back at one to one after the crash.

So now get your cryptos in your own possession. Everything has to be in your own possession, because we’re headed, again, to a time where there’s going to be no one left standing to hold your stuff, and no exchanges will be open. It’ll be very odd. So do you think the crash is coming before? I mean, we only have weeks away until the presidential election, or do you think it’ll be after the presidential election? I think we’ll see a lot of it before. I do believe that. Like, last time when Trump got in, I am a huge Trump fan.

I know he’s working with the good guys, but at the same time, he rigged the markets more than anybody before. From 2016 to 2020, he kicked market rigging into high gear. That’s the only thing I’d fault him for. But he knew if you don’t rig the markets, it’s over for our global financial system. But he doesn’t want to get a new administration with a system that is so fragile. I mean, literally, a strong wind can blow down the global monetary system. I think he would rather have it be destroyed on Biden’s watch and then implement something new, like a gold silver standard or crypto or all of the above type of standard.

Hey, you, the people you can use what you want as money. We’re the government. We’re no different than you. We’re a lot worse than you. So don’t rely on us for that type of stuff, which would be good ultimately, but very chaotic. This is the way I see it. I see a couple of things happening. I mean, we’re approaching the presidential election, and the Fed, they just, you know, they cut by 50 basis points. They did their one cut, and we saw this back in 2008, where they started to cut the rates going into, at the end of 2007, going to 2008, and then all of a sudden we had a market correction.

And October, here we are in October. So do you think we’ll see some type of market correction that scares the people? And do you think the market might come down before. I’m not saying completely crash, but do you think it will come down before the presidential election? I do, but I don’t think that the kind of volatility we saw in 2008 would not be, you can’t sustain it, you can’t fix it, it would be the end game for that system. So I do, I don’t think we’re going to have. The only way out this time is not to readjust things, it’s to implode the whole system.

So if they’re not going to do that, if they’re not going to take the whole system down, they’re going to have to hyperinflate, which is why you want, you know, cryptos and obviously silver in your own possession. Gold, if you. If you like gold for some reason. But, yeah, there is no 2008 that can happen without the destruction of the financial system. So how long do you think it will be until the new system comes online? Well, that’s a really good question, because from the road to root work I’ve done with the Fed documents, they’ve been planning for this for literally over 100 years.

Since the invention of the fed, they’ve been planning on closing out the old system and starting something new for that long. So I have always been under the hope and probability that there’s a few different ways we can go about it. I know the US mint has been preparing for it by making a hell of a lot of gold and silver eagles, kind of behind the scenes. So if we’re talking how long will it be to return to where we were? We’ll never return to where we were. We’re going to go to something different. And that’s kind of what people need to understand, is the old, when this happens, when the financial system derivative bubble goes off, we’ll never return to what we had before.

Everything will be different. I think most people understand that. I mean, if they’re following all this and they understand that we’re moving into something new. But I think what people are curious about is, okay, let’s say the system, you know, implodes on itself. I mean, we’re going to see a mad max type of scenario. I mean, look, there’s a hurricane that happened in Florida, North Carolina. People ran to the store, they, you know, the shelves are bare. When people see the system start to fall apart, people panic. I mean, we’re going to see, like a mad max type of scenario when this occurs.

Originally, yeah, in the beginning, there’ll be a lot of chaos, but, and there’s been some hints that, that Trump is playing this stuff kind of during the interim, after the election and then before he gets inaugurated. There’s some, I see some hints at that. But again, there’ll be no exchanges open. There’ll be no way to transact. Everybody will bring all our troops home, hopefully, if we can get them home. And no country would be trading with each other. So to expect anything to be similar to the way it is the whole time during the transition, it just is impossible.

I think we have two or three weeks of pure chaos, mad Max type chaos, and then not a new system for the US, but we return to an old system. Gold and silver is money. A lot of. Who would be the decider? Nobody. And that’s a problem, except I think the Fed will be combined with the treasury. The Treasury will issue a new kind of money, gold and silver, as money that they’ve been preparing for. And this all comes from the Federal Reserve bank of Boston documents, the road to Rudda documents I’ve been studying since 2007.

They talked a lot about what will be. Everything will be different, is what they said. Everything will be different. Like, who would be the ones mining the gold and silver from the ground in the United States? Would the government take that over? If we go to a gold and silver standard, would we have private companies do that? Obviously, no one would trade with us because we kind of will be the ones causing the end of the old system. And as cliff high calls it, we make a way, we make a way forward because the old system will never return anything.

You’re thinking about bonds and stocks in your portfolio, and nothing will be the same when the unbacked fiat monetary system fails. It’s the first time ever that there has been a global system of belief in these bankers. Money. And when that ends, it’ll be very difficult to start fresh. I think the US has a way forward with our founding documents. We have gold and silver as money. We can use cryptos, but don’t expect anything to be even close to what we knew of before, which is good and bad. We’ve been controlled for so long by these evil, whatever they are, and think about new free energy type stuff that that was suppressed for so long and all the suppressed technologies.

I think technology will help us a lot in the future because a lot of the suppressed things that would have helped humanity, for example, like all the money that’s put into the fossil fuels sector of the world. If you have free energy type of machinery, which I believe we’ve had for decades, if not over 100 years, that changes everything about the economic system because it’s such a huge part. Everything is connected to the petrol dollar and the way things are run off. Gas and natural gas and all that sector. If there’s free energy, it’s like, oh crap, what happens to that infrastructure? Hundreds of trillions? I don’t even know how big the complete oil sector is because it gets into plastics, it gets into fertilizer, gets into oil and gas, and that’s the massive part of our economic system.

And what if that just, we don’t need it anymore, so everything is going to be different. You know, I feel like the central bank, the deep state players, I feel like they’ve been holding us back technology wise for a very, very long time. Because if you look at like automobiles, you look at the infrastructure, trains, the way, you know, airlines, it feels like we haven’t really made that much progress. Yes, we have a phone, yes we have smaller computers. But when you look at. Let’s talk about your health. If you suffer from any type of daily pain, I need you to listen to this message very carefully.

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When I was younger, I thought, wow, by the time we hit, you know, 2000, I mean, I wasn’t even thinking 2010, 2015 or even 2024. I was thinking we’d have, you know, technology that would be far beyond what we had back in the seventies and eighties. But we haven’t really seen it. I feel like they’ve been holding us back. They have been. And every time a new form of energy is invented, shall we say, for example, pulling hydrogen out of water, magnetic energy. I mean, I for a long time thought, why don’t they just make a magnetic motor? You have repelling forces and stick it in a machine and make a motor.

Seems pretty easy and you’ll get perpetual turning of something. And that’s what we use to create electricity. That’s one way. And all these things, a lot of the people who invented them were taken out either by patent, you know, they steal the patent or they kill them off. And we’ve seen it over and over and over again. If you do any kind of research into, like, zero point energy and energy, you get more out than you put in. And it’s like, oh, my God. We’ve been able to do new things with energy for over 100 years, and yet it’s not allowed to happen because of the control of the system, because how necessary the oil and gas market is for the old system to run.

And I think we’re going to, with the crashing of the old system, I think we’re going to see revelations on that front that will help us a lot of, help us stay out of the Mad Max type of world in the long run. Long run. We’ll find out, I guess. Yeah, I guess so. Because as we approach the presidential election, are you expecting October surprise or maybe even November surprises? I think we’re going to have a surprise every day. If it’s not a hurricane or a solar flare or a war. War could break out at any moment in the Middle east.

And China, Taiwan, Russia, the US, you name it. When you look at our current administration and think, oh, my God, what happens? I mean, is this, has there ever been a more vulnerable time for the United States government in the last hundred years than we have right now? Which is we don’t have a president. We have a very odd vice president who can barely speak and who’s running the government. And all of a sudden we hear that FEMA’s running out of money. It’s like, wait a minute. What happens if China says, okay, we’re going into Taiwan? What would we do? Or Iran starts lobbing nuclear bombs or whatever happens, or Russia attacks us, what will we do with no leadership? And who’s that? One of the heads of the army or the navy is a cross dresser? Are you kidding me? You can’t make this stuff up now.

You really can’t. I mean, from your point of view, what do you see as a, like, let’s say a false flag? I mean, what, what do you envision they might do or what might happen? Well, I think it’ll be, I think it’ll be a natural. Well, not, they’ll, they’ll cause some massive destructive event. Not, not like a 911 type of thing, because we’ve all seen through that. So they’d have to blame it on Mother Nature or God or whatever. To shut down the markets. It could be a massive hurricane that goes up and down Florida, up and down the east coast.

And they can do that with harp. We know that it could be a meteor, a pretend meteor. They have the technology in space to do something like that where they just blow up an area and pretend and say, oh, my God, it’s a meteor. And that’s why we have to, you know, invoke martial law. And that’s why the financial system imploded. I think. I think it would have to be something like that. A massive earthquake takes out Silicon Valley. Who knows? But I think it has to be more them trying to cover up that they actually perpetrated it.

Like 911, most people know, was not 19 hijackers. It should be obvious by now. But could they do another 911? I don’t think so. I think everybody’s so skeptical of the government and the, the deep state. We’re looking for that kind of thing to happen. If it’s a man made disaster, for example, let’s just say they say a big meteor crashes into the United States of America and takes out a state or two and causes chaos, stuff like that. That I think they can do with the weapons they have in space right now. And blame a meteor, no one would know the difference.

And it would obviously in the financial markets as we know it. But can they maintain control? I don’t know, but I think we are headed for something that big, something that is so much bigger than 911, bigger than 2008 crash, and it will be unrecoverable because the derivative market will melt down in the fiat monetary system. Something that they probably could do because it’s invisible. Like a solar flare saying that it, you know, it hit the electronic infrastructure of this country in the world. Oh, absolutely. And you wouldn’t even see, I mean, it’s very, all you got to do is broadcast and say, hey, there’s a solar flare heading our way.

I mean, you really don’t feel it. It’s not like it’s, it’s, you could see it. I mean, I guess they could show pictures of the lights in the sky. But it’s an invisible, you know, an event like, almost like the virus, like the planemic. It’s like an, it’s invisible. You can’t touch it, you can’t feel it. You know, it’s, it’s. And who do you blame? That’s, that’s a perfect example of. As a matter of fact, they just had the largest solar flare in ten years, and then it was a, it was an x nine flare, which should have messed up a lot of our electronics.

Except nothing happened. Nothing big happened. And it’s like. But I do believe. I believe we’re being protected. I don’t know if it’s our technology, but somebody else’s technology from stuff like that. But they. You’re right, they could. They could set off an empty, which is like, they could set off a nuclear blast at elevation and tell everybody it’s a sun flare. And that’s why all the electronics below thousand mile radius got fried. Shit like that. That’s the kind of thing that’s the size of what they need. And at the same time, it doesn’t blame anybody. They’ll say it was the sun, even though it was them setting off a nuclear explosion.

And look it up. It’s really interesting how electric magnetic pulses can be generated with a nuclear explosion in the sky. And then how the higher up you are, the farther radius it covers below and then that and the similarities to an empir. I mean, no one would know, really. And I guess that would affect the financial institutions because they could blame, you know, their systems not working or something, you know, that’s happening. It’s because of that. Oh, yeah. And imagine the infrastructure that will be destroyed depending on how high they set. Say they set it off over New York City, covering a couple other states, which is not hard to do with nuclear technology and sending off an explosion at altitude.

You take out New York City, you got all the financial systems are gone. The key, ultimately, is that the derivative bubble will destroy it all. And that was created to be exactly what Warren Buffett called it, a weapon of mass financial destruction. So as we approach the elections, do you think we will know the results on election day? Well, I don’t think the Democrats or the Republicans would accept if either party wonde. So if there’s an election, if there’s not an election, can they. They’ll probably wreak havoc with the hurricane machines during the, you know, the week of the election.

Oh, we had to delay it, I think. Chaos. Nothing but chaos, I feel, around this election thing again. I don’t think when the financial system fails, nothing will be the same. And that includes elections. And I don’t have. I can’t see either side saying, yeah, yeah, okay, Trump won, or, okay, Kamala won. Or if they try to put Gavin Newsom in the last second, okay, Gavin Newsom won, neither side is going to accept it. So you’re talking something larger than what happened before, but at the same time, it might not even matter if the global financial system is in meltdown.

Do you think this is going to be timed with the election? Or, I mean, do you think the election will happen or you think it’ll be delayed during all? I think it’ll be, yeah. If it happens before, nobody’s going to care. It does, it doesn’t really matter. The government can’t pay their people, so there’s no government. Everybody underestimates the, the destruction that will be caused when the system ends. A global UN back fiat monetary system. That means nobody can go to their bank and get anything out. No credit cards will work. No. You know, all the food stores and gas lines, those will all be shut down.

Nothing will be working. Who do you turn to? Do you turn to the government who caused it? How are we going to turn to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and, oh, save us from our misery? You know, the election is, it’s going to be, who cares if the government of the United States is literally shut down because they can’t pay anybody and the derivative meltdown would take down everything, including governments, and everything will be gone. No faith, no trust in anybody, in anything. So who cares about an election? Well, I think the people would want to know, is someone out there that’s going to help this situation? I mean, how do you get people normally, like, I’ll give you an example.

Like 2008, when the market came out, came down in October and people were struggling. People, you know, their lights got turned off in their home, people left their house in California. They were looking for a person that could repair what happened. And Obama, of course, back then, continually said, you know, he’s the guy. He could do this, but he never really did. Well, he did. He did the only thing he can do. You print more money. That’s all they can do. But he didn’t take the economy and make it incredible because we still had high fuel costs, we people still didn’t have jobs and people were still struggling.

So it wasn’t like, oh, the system’s better now. He might have put a band aid fix on it and said, okay, this, this will take over the, you know, the automobile manufacturer will use money to save these banks. But again, that’s a band aid fix. That doesn’t fix the problem, it just fix it temporarily. And there were still a lot of people struggling. But let’s say, let’s say it was fixed. What does that mean? All it means is the same shit is happening. You just feel better for a little while. The global unbacked fiat system is exploding higher and higher and higher.

And even a fix, especially a fix, is the worst thing that could possibly happen, because we’ve kicked the can down the road for over 100 years and it gets worse and worse and worse. And the reason it’s kicked down is nobody is ready to, to take the hit. No, we should have taken the hit back in 1913, back in the early days, right before the Fed. I think the Fed was created because they found massive amounts of gold in the Grand Canyon. I’ve talked about that many times. And then the idea was kick the can down the road.

So we’ve been kicking the can down the road. You are not better off when things are going better, you are. You are blowing a derivative bubble up so immense that not only is it too late to save the old system, you can kick the can down the road for four years, maybe, and the only way to do that is to print more and more and more and more and more and destroy people’s life savings. I can’t even imagine being on, living off Social Security today. These are literally the best people in our society, the older folks who put in their time and effort, and we are destroying them because they have kicked the can down the road.

Maybe it’s their fault, maybe it’s all our relatives fault that we still live in this system that we live in and momentary, oh, the economy’s improved and there is no way out of this situation except to destroy it. And I hope this gets to Trump, because he did the same thing in 2016. He made lives better, but made the system worse. He created massive amounts of debt. All it means is that when it finally does blow, it’s our kids who are going to take the brunt of this. Let’s man up, let’s take the brunt now and start fresh on something, sound, something we can rely on, like a gold silver standard.

No more derivatives, no more crazy mortgages, no more banks. For a very long time, banking will be seen as the most evil thing that ever happened to mankind. That’s the kind of world we’re headed into, and that’s the kind of world we can, we can make a better life for our kids. The golden age is what Trump’s calling it. The golden age can only happen if we destroy the old system. And I think that’s what’s coming. I think that’s what the personally, that’s what I think that’s the message he’s putting out there. Because, I mean, you know, you never heard Bush, you never heard any of these people saying you know, we’re not going to have tax on tips, no tax on Social Security, no tax on overtime.

We’re going to have a crypto reserve. We’re going to, I mean, nobody ever talked about tariffs before. Nobody ever talked about the antiquated banking system. I think the reason why he’s saying all these things is trying to get people to think in a different way than what we’ve been used to and we can do different things. We don’t have to follow along in what we’ve been doing this entire time. And I think, I personally think that he needs to continually tell people that it doesn’t have to be this way. We can do other things. We can, we can shift away from the things that you’ve known, where you use credit cards, you use the banking system that we have, income tax.

I think that’s why he personally, that’s why I think he’s putting out those messages to educate people that we can make a drastic change and move in a completely different direction. Speaker one absolutely, 100%. But what it will take to get from here to there is not a continuation of what we have. So, no, I don’t think anybody wants that. Well. Well, yes, the elite do you? The ramifications is you lose everything. You lose all your, your 401k, your savings account, your checking account, all that. That is. I agree with what you’re saying, other than. But if we have, if we have mill, I mean, you said we have all this gold.

I mean, is, the gold’s not in the vaults. It’s. It has to be dug up. No, no, not necessarily. There’s a lot in the vaults that the US doesn’t tell you. China’s been taking off 2000 tons per year, off the market per year for 30 years. That gives them at least 60,000 tons where right now they’re like at 3000 or something like that. Officially, the United States only has officially 8000. Was it 8200 tons? It’s just ridiculous how much they say they have versus what we really have. Because we know, we know we’re going to have to go to end the old system and go back to a new system.

And this is the road to Ruda documents. This is what Ruta wrote in the sand. It’s an economic formula called on the road to the golden age. That was written in the 1960s. And what it did was it said, okay, we know we have to go back to a gold and silver standard, but to get there, the best thing we can do is print the money to kingdom come, building our roads and bridges and houses, which we’ve done, and then pull the plug. We’re at the point where it’s pulling the plug time. And that’s the part that people do not understand, the ramifications of pulling the plug.

They want it pulled. They know the system’s at fault. Debt is everywhere. No country’s ever paid off their debt in the past, ever. And we won’t either. What we will do is do, what every country does is default. What happens when we default? That just, I mean, for people, what does that mean? Okay, we default. We just have a checking account. Well, you’re saying the government defaults on the trillions of dollars debt. Debt, sure. And Trump said, you know, he can make a single, he was talking about paying off the national debt with bitcoin. Well, if we know we have the million Satoshi bitcoin, what is it? Is it 72? What is the national debt these days? 35 trillion or something like that.

35 trillion. And then you add everything else, 200 trillion, something like that. Anyway, 35 trillion. You can do the math with bitcoin and figure out how much each bitcoin, let’s just say they have the million Satoshi bitcoin. There you go, pay it off. But why do that? Why not take the easier route and just say, okay, we’re going to make a $35 trillion gold or silver coin that we have the power to do. We have the power to do that. No one would have trust in the system anymore. But hey, we’d be out of debt, no big deal.

So we’re going to have to. So you’re, you’re saying we’re going to have to default? No, I’m saying we’re going to have no choice. It’s not going to be a default. No one’s going to decide, it’s just going to happen. It’s going to stop. Because the derivative market is so large, two to $3 quadrillion, so much bigger than any, so much bigger than the US debt. My God. Yeah. That’s exactly where we’re headed. You look at the US, what, 35 trillion in debt. JP Morgan has 55 trillion in derivatives. Everything has to be put into perspective.

But I guess we’ll find out. But the worst thing I can imagine happened is the smooth landing where the system stays in place. Everybody’s dying from the amount of debt they have and nothing changes. Except, you know, the US says, oh, we’re back on track and look at the jobs we’ve made. And that’s the worst thing that can happen because that’s all we’re doing is kicking the can. So our kids are going to have to deal with the same issues that we’re dealing with today because of our grandparents. So it’s almost like a company that is struggling and they go bankrupt and they have to reorganize.

What we’re going to do, we’re going to reorganize everything. We’re going to not reorganize. We got to start fresh. We won’t have anything. It’s like, hey, if there’d be no stocks and bonds traded at all, the monetary system will have ended. The banks will all be gone. I don’t know how many banks, I think it’s 3000. Banks have enough each individual derivatives to destroy every single bank on the planet. But all you need is one JP Morgan goes down, there’s no bank left standing, there’s no credit union left standing, there’s no government left standing. That’s how big this is.

So how do we, I mean, when the people feel this and the people see this, this is going to, you know, destroy society. Yes. And they know it and that’s why they’ve kicked the can down. Who wants to be the one pressing the red button as Katherine Austin? So how do we recover from this? We start fresh. I know, but if people are, you know, upset, angry, I mean, look what happened back in 29 with the Great Depression. People, you know, jumped off buildings. If you have people losing their life savings, losing everything they have, the whole world is losing it.

Yeah. How do we recover from this? I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t equate it anywhere close to 1929 or even it’s gonna be where it’s gonna be worse, or even 2008, or even 911. It’s, it’s bigger than big. It is the number one thing that the United States has been planning for over 100 years. They knew from the day that the Federal Reserve began in 1913, they knew at some point it would be over. And the question is, do we want it over now or do we want to kick the can? If we want to kick the can yet.

Trump get in there and flood the market, rig the markets, continue to rig gold and silver, flood the market with money, and we’ll keep going so that our kids are going to have to deal with the same thing that we’ve had to deal with, except it’d be ten times bigger. How do you get ten times bigger than 100% of the economic system? I don’t know, but that’s where we are. And at some point we had to pay the piper. I would rather pay the piper today than have my kids and their kids and their kids and their kids having to pay the piper.

Yeah. I mean, when you look at like, you know, the central banks throughout time, usually to switch over to a new system that we enter war, and there’s a lot of death, a lot of destruction, a lot of, you know, infrastructure that’s destroyed, people’s lives that are destroyed, populations are reduced. But this time it looks like we’re going to be doing this without war, hopefully. I wouldn’t say that. Oh, yeah, war is very, very possible, but not as, oh, we’re going to go to war, we’ll fight the war and then we’ll rebuild infrastructure. The war would coincide.

Remember, there’s been no world war two type of event that we had. I mean, we are completely untethered as a monetary system from gold, from back when we went off the gold standard in the seventies. You look at it, it’s like, how can we ever recover? Or there’s no war won’t fix anything this time. People know why they go to war. Bank. These are all bankers wars. All wars are banker wars, 100%. And it’s when they, you’re right, the economic system gets bad, they go to war. And that’s why, you know, Iran’s flaring up right now and China’s flaring up right now and Russia’s flaring up right now.

They want a war. But can a war, what would a war do to, for example, the derivative bubble? The derivative bubble is, is the number one trigger for the global meltdown of the banking system. You can’t fight a war unless you have a lot of fiat money. So a war might start, but if nobody has any money, how could it continue? How are you going to pay your troops? How are you going to pay for the infrastructure or the equipment or whatever you got? You can’t. So we are really moving into a time that the world has never, ever, ever experienced.

And I think we came down here to do a job, and that job is to end the old system and begin something new. And I’m hoping, and I think the US, from my working on the US, has been planning these scenarios for so long. Oh, my God, crazy. And the US is the decider. People say, oh, China will take over as a world reserve currency and the BRICs will do this. And the bricks. No. Click of a mouse. Click of a mouse. We invented the electronic banking system back in the early seventies. Alan Greenspan invented the computer programs to not only start electronic banking, but to start the electronic market rigging.

It was implemented under Arthur Burns, the head of the Fed, who was green span sprint or it has been continued today. Ultimately, all we have to do is click a mouse and the game is over. And that’s really scary to think about, but that’s the way we set up a system and we lived through it and we haven’t done anything to stop the bad guys. And it’s kind of like you reap what you sow. You set this up, you’re living through it, and now it’s time to stop. I guess, you know what you said in the very beginning, have all the physical assets like gold, silver, bitcoin on hand.

Don’t have it in the system, have it physically with you. Yes, absolutely. That’s the biggest thing. I’ve been screaming it for a very long time when I originally found the road to rooted documents, because that’s what it says. It says people are going to stop trading with each other. Everything we know today will be different after this happens. Wow. I guess we should have never allowed the private west central bank system back in 1913. I think that’s a given. Oh, absolutely. And pretty much everybody will agree to that these days, but we’ll see. That’s the biggest fear is the bad guys get control.

We get so scared because we’ve lost everything and the system’s down that we turn to them and they implement the draconian CBDC and all the bullshit that they want to do. That’s we’re going to have a choice. Humanity will have a choice, at least in the US, and it will be to turn to our government for help or make a way without the government. I think we’re going to make a way without the government. I agree with that. Hey Bix, thank you very much for being on the x 22 report spotlight, once again. If people wanted to see your work, where should they go? You can start at YouTube, road to Ruta YouTube channel, or go to and check out all the free stuff.

And then if you want to get on the private side, I do private road postings once or twice a week. Kind of behind the scenes look at what’s really happening as far as I can see. Great. I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video. Bix, once again, thank you very much for being on the spotlight. I really appreciate it. Thank you, dude. Thank you. It.

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