Also, in terms of the updates on the attacks on Trump and the COVID up Biden, the latest as we go into the next week is that, first of all, the Supreme Court has just announced, I think it just announced that they are going to take up the challenge that Trump has issued against the coup, the judicial coup in Colorado, to take him off the ballot. And I guess there's a similar challenge in Maine. I don't think that's before the Supreme Court yet. And the petition for writ is granted. The case is set for oral argument on Thursday, February eigth, 2024. So that's about almost exactly a month away. So that's going to be a quick turnaround time. But they're trying to interfere in the election. As I said, this is an effort for a one party state, and the Supreme Court hopefully will shut this down and clarify that Americans have a right to vote for the candidate of their choice without unlawful interference and election rigging by judges and partisans, in this case partisan Democrats. The secretary of state of Maine, who also engaged in, in my view, insurrection to try to upend our elections by keeping Trump off the ballot there or attempting to. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and like our video down below,.