It's what's up, everybody? Good morning. It looks like people are still slow coming back from the holidays. That's all right. I am, too. I have family obligations that I'm going to be having this week with my parents. And so I got to take care of that this week. So I may miss Wednesday. Wednesday would be the only day I miss. I should be back Friday, but I'll try to give you an update here and there. I could use some prayers, folks. I could use some prayers as well. Also, the thumbnail doesn't make any sense right now. I understand. I look weird. I look like Marilyn Manson. But it will make sense when my thumbnail artist does his work. Does his magic. Does his magic. I got to tell you. Looks like old Johnson showed his. Huh? He showed his colors. I told you he was going to. I told you that he was going to. Sitting down with Schumer, working out some deals. Can't serve two masters. I've always said you cannot serve two masters. Folks, I'm dead serious about the contest. Anybody who shares my videos the most, subscribes, likes, gets me more subscriptions and shows it. You can email it to Nino's corner 77 at gmail. Nino's corner 77 at Gmail and show me the proof that you're sharing the videos. Take screenshots of it, whatever. Sharing it to big groups or whatever. First place gets 1002nd. Place gets 503rd. Place gets $250. Let's get busy. Let's get the reach out there, folks. I feel like I'm being a little bit throttled back. I'm having to tone down my headlines. I have an editor that comes in and really chops up a lot of the morning shows. Remember, the morning shows in all their glory will be on Ninoscorner TV. Folks, I'm doing this to keep my nose above water. I know it's not me and the raw. I understand when you're watching this, you're like they're pulling out all the good stuff. But folks, it's for me to keep my nose above water so I can stay relevant. Relevant. On Flufftube, Venmo de Hyphenrod, 1977. Dehydrated. When the lights go out on Amazon. I do this every time when the lights go out on Amazon. Leave an honest review. The mexican mix on Amazon as well. Leave an honest review for my mama. I'm experimenting with different kinds of videos. I'm trying to throw the scent off, if you know what I mean. Trying to throw the scent off. So I'm not looked at as a right wing extremist. I'm trying to duck and weave and move. It's getting more difficult, and 2024 is going to be even more difficult. So bear with me and those of you who stayed with me thus far. Thank you. You're helping keeping me sober. You're helping me keep me on a path. Also, I wanted to say that the roundtable I just did with Jason Sherka, Bony sgnon and Mike Z, I'm going to take that down today. So get over there and watch it as much as you can for the next hour and a half hour. I'm going to take it down. It'll be up on Nino's corner tv because I just got word. Yo, dude, that's way too risky. So I'm going to pull it. I have to pull it. So get over there and watch it. The be, you can't be promoting any conspiracies, David. I swear. I say that's all I see on flufftube now. I'm learning, folks. I'm trying to learn what to do here also, folks, one thing that's not a conspiracy. One thing that's not a conspiracy is get your noble gold. I'll tell you that right now. And guess what? Oh, boy. I got to tell you, I'm so disorganized today. I am so disorganized today. All right, folks, get your noble gold. Get your noble gold. Have you ever known a time when everything has been in so much chaos like now? Well, the markets are all over the place. Nobody knows what to do. What are you doing to make sure your money is safe? It's what I'm doing. Precious metals, gold and silver have seen us through wars, depression, and natural disasters for thousands of years. They might just be the answer right now, and they are. Folks, you need to get your noble gold. Open the noble gold investments Ira today and claim your free gold booyon coin. They'll send it to your house. Call 877-646-5347 877-646-5347 now and safeguard your financial future against the market. And let me tell you, folks, you can go down below to the description box and get started. All right, so I'm a mess today. Here's what's brewing. I've been talking to a few people on the phone. I got a lot of insight on what's coming. There's going to be a lot of revealing this year. A lot of revealing. And you're going to know exactly. It's going to become more and more relevant or more and more obvious on who's pulling the strings to the normies. My audience, you know? My audience, you know. But the normies are going to be like, wow, really? Secret handshakes. The whole thing is going to be exposed this year. Spotify is Nino's corner telegram, Nino's corner getter, Nino's corner rumble, Nino's corner true social, David Rodriguez boxer, Instagram David. Nino Rodriguez boxer. Or Nino's truth. A lot of you are sitting here going, why does he have to go through this every single time? Can't that just fast forward? I don't even know if it works, to be honest with you. I don't even know if any of you, even when I'm reading this, I'm thinking to myself, they're not fucking going there. They're not going to my telegram account. Like, oh, I'll do that. They're not going to my instagram. Well, it still feels good to read it because it feels like I'm doing something. So Nino's. Oh, yeah. Twitter. Nino boxer. Patriotwear. com. Bing. Right there. Get yourself some gear. You guys gotta admit, there's some pretty cool shit. I have a new shirt on there. Lunatic fringe. Where my fingers are like this. I think it looks cool. I like it. I'm getting one of the shirts for myself. I think it looks badass. So lunatic fringe. We all have a little bit of lunatic fringe in all of us. Patriotware. com is a place to be, folks. Get over there and get yourself a shirt, hat, socks, tumblr. A tumblr for your hot coffee, your cold juice. Ninoscorner tv is fire. Fire. And, folks, I am serious about the contest. $1,000 to the winner. Second place, 503rd place, 250. But you got to put this stuff out there. I suggest Facebook groups. Facebook groups work pretty well if you're part of a big group, a patriot group. Put the video out there and let's see what happens. Antienne. Thank you. So, the roundtable of the Miami aliens. Miami aliens. Oh, boy, man. The card's being played, ain't it? I'm telling you, I've been calling this for the last, what, four years, that this was the big card. I didn't expect it, but I'll be honest, it's kind of early, but I think it's a prelude to what's coming. I think it's just a conditioning. It's just a little sample of what's to come. But they're starting, so that roundtable will be on Nino's corner. Tv today. I'm taking it down and putting it back up. I'm putting it up on Nino's corner tv today. It's an epic roundtable. I loved it. I'm sweating, and the cat's biting me. He kind of distracts me. That's why I'm a little off today. Mike King is coming on today, part two with Mike King. Jason Sherka coming on, talking about. I already did the interview. It's an epic interview. It's awesome. Talking about the tsunamis, earthquakes, why the climate is coming on. That's going to be on Nino's corner tomorrow. Scott Bennett went ham. Went ham on everybody. I tried to pull him in a little. Uh, I have my thoughts on Michael Flyn. I like Michael Flyn. I like Joe Flyn, his brother. But when people start going ballistic on my show, like Scott Bennett did, I have to let him go, because I got to be fair. I can't look, like, know pleasing one side or the other. So I let him go, and he went pretty balls to the wall. And that's going to be on Nino's corner tv. Hey, we all have our opinions, and everyone's entitled to them. On Nino's corner tv, we're all adults. We can all formulate our own opinion. I lay it out for you all to play it out. That's it. So that's a two part series. And let me tell you, it's crucial. It's really good. It's really good. So Scott Bennett's coming up there in the next two or three days. I got Rob Cunningham and Jan Halper coming on. I'm talking to them today, so I'll be talking to Rob Cunningham and Jan Halper. I also got Mike King today. I got Laura Aboli coming on, and I got Benjamin Fulford. Benjamin Fulford's coming back on, folks. So a star studded lineup on Nino's corner tv. It's going to be awesome. And, folks, you might want to turn it down or turn it up, maybe. Yeah. Is everyone back from the holidays? Are you all back? Are you all still tired, hungover? Do you still got that holiday itis? Because I do. I don't feel like people really start getting back into the groove of shit until, I don't know, the 15th. Everyone's just kind of like, oh, man, another year. I've already slowed down. I'm not ready to start another year. It's like, I don't want to go into 2024. Have you ever seen that pulp fiction meme where they're, like, driving like, that shows them in Greece. It shows John Travolta in Greece with Sandy, whatever her name is, Lillia Newton John. And then it shows them with. In pulp Fiction, with what's her name? You know, I'm talking about. Anyway. But is that not how it feels going into 2024? Like, we're all just like, fuck this. Fuck this. We can't take anymore. I kind of envy the people that are. I guess ignorance really is bliss sometimes because I look at some of my friends that are still, like, watching boxing, and that's all they know. Or Monday night football, and I'm like, damn. That's their reality. Although I would never want to be them because it just seems so. What's the word I want to use? Vape? No. It seems so absent of everything, of substance. I'm jealous sometimes. I get jealous because I'm like, man, that's an easier life. It's an easier life just to be sucked into the third dimensional vibration cesspool of shit. And I wonder sometimes, is it a curse to be awake? Is it a curse because to me, I know what's on the line. I know what's on the line. But is it better not to know? Is it better not to know? All right, folks, let's get started. Turn it down or turn it up, baby. Yeah. Coming at you. Live for the apocalypse, folks. Yeah. 2024. Let's get started, bitch. Yes, it's here. Finally. And a lot of you are still sleepwalking, which I understand. I am, too, by the way. I recommend all of you do that in the morning. You don't have to say, coming out to life in the apocalypse. Your neighbors will think you're crazy, but you could just wake up. Somehow. It works. It gets all fucking cylinders firing. A lot of people like to go on a jog. A lot of people like to go and run. I used to do that, too, but before I would go on a run, I'd be like, yeah, boom. Now we're going saying, well, there it is. I was missing this little piece of paper, and there it is. I'm sweating. The heat is on. So I won't be here Wednesday. I'll be here Friday. The statutory value of gold is we are in a spiritual battle. Okay? So I don't know about the title of his. They're always telling me, you got to make a catchy title, Dave. And I'm like, you know, I don't want to be the boy that cries wolf every single time. I don't want to be that guy. But for fluff tube. It's like, man, people don't click and I can't just show my mug. All right, so I think as November inches closer of 2024, like the November that's coming, the cycle that's coming, we are going to see more revelations and exposing who is really running the show on both sides. It's going to become very apparent to everybody. To everybody. If it's not already to you and it is to me, but to everybody else. We're going to see what's going on. We're going to see who's pulling the strings. Who's pulling the strings. As this happens, are we getting closer? Which I think what's going to happen. I think at some point this has to happen to where the Democrat musical chair scenario actually takes place. I don't think they can own this guy. I don't think they can do it. They never believed or even dreamt they would be in this situation after 2020, folks. They didn't believe it. They didn't see it coming. They really thought Mr. T would be out of the picture. That was a plan. They thought he would be gone. He's not. So the realization is setting in for them that there is something much bigger going on here. It's a lot bigger than they ever expected. They're like, damn. I don't understand. How come these charges aren't sticking? How come he's not bowing out? Why isn't he stepping away? I don't understand this. Maybe, just maybe, just maybe it's an operation than what I've always been talking about. I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. Wow. Nobody believes me. Not even a lot of conservative podcasters will buy into this theory. Who has the bigger guns? I tend to believe it. I tend to believe it. I tend to believe he was invited, sir. He was invited. So as the realization sets in, could we be seeing two shadow. I can't say this word. So I'm going to say powers. Two shadow powers fighting it out right now. I think so. I think it's going to become very obvious who these shadow powers are. Will the fight between the two shadow forces become more public? I think so. Could the commander. And you know what? Mr. T, Mr. T and Mr. O. We all know who O is. Mr. O likes Big Mike. Mr. O be running the milkworm at the White House. I mean, is he. I hate having to be so fucking vague, but we, my audience already knows this or already knew this, but just maybe the normies are going to really begin to start seeing this and what about old Ronnie boy? What about old Ronnie boy with his clown boots? Why isn't he going away yet? Why is he still sticking around? Because I think in the background they were saying to him, just wait. He will go away. He can't possibly take all the charges we're throwing at him. Just hold on, Ronnie boy. Take a seat. You'll be the choice. It ain't happening. So what I'm trying to say here is they're starting to realize, oh, fuck. Why isn't he sitting his ass down? Why isn't he bowing out? Makes no sense. They don't listen to Nino. They don't listen to Nino. Why would he want to put his family in jeopardy? Why would he want to pay all this money? Why can't he just sit down? The charges will just go away. I don't understand. Betty, Betty, do you get this? I mean, is this man crazy? Is he just mad? No, he's a genius. And he has the bigger guns, all right? So, by the way, regarding Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift? Swifty Swift. I highly suggest you start steering your children away because I feel this year she's going to be activated in a way that you all are going to be like, what the fuck is this? Is her and Travis Kelsey on the rocks. Now? Is that what's happening? I'd like to see who she dates next. Gee, I wonder who she's going to be dating next after Travis. I don't know. I'm just saying I think it's time for you to have a sit down and a talk with your kids. Turn on some nino. Hello, kids. Nice to meet you. You got to start getting away from her, okay? Move away from the crazy. Come to me. All right? And by the way, I didn't even know this. I didn't even know this, but did you all know that January 21 is when Pluto enters, I don't know, like, some kind of specific realm in the solar system? And it's the first day, officially, of Aquarius. Did you all know this? Bo Pony brought this to my attention and I didn't know this. Did you all know that January 21 also, it's seven, seven seven with Mr. T. Something like that. I'm not sure how that went, but did you know that? Is that really the first day of Aquarius? Because I didn't know that. Aquarius, is it? My kids hate the music nowadays. They listen to the 90s music. I listen to 90s all the time because it makes me happy. And I still think the 90s were kind of fucked up, but I will say, I like to listen to Alison chains. I still listen to the 80s. My playlist is like, you'll either hate it or love it. It's Alison chains. Pearl Jam, depest mode. I got some country on there. I like old country. Waylon Jennings, Soundgarden. I got some soundgarden. I don't know. I got a bunch of. I love Pearl jam. Anyway. All right, so Mr. O worried about Mr. T. You know who Mr. T is? And Mr. O is. Mr. O is with Big Mike. Urges Biden to circle to bolster campaign so former president Mr. O has raised questions about the structure of President Biden's re election campaign, discussing the matter directly. He's going to Biden directly, which I already think he has a you know what right here where he can listen to everything anyway. But directly with Biden and telling the president's aides and allies the campaign needs to be empowered to make decisions without clearing them with the White House. What? Hold on. Say what? Say that again. Mr. O telling the president's aides and allies the campaign needs to be empowered to make decisions without clearing them first with the White House, according to three people familiar with the conversations. Interesting. So Mr. O animated in discussing the 2024 election and former president Mr. T potential run to power. One of the people said, and has suggested to Biden's advisors that the campaign needs more top level decision makers at its headquarters. Gee, I wonder who that would be. Puppeteers. Puppeteers. Am I right or wrong or it must already empower people in place. Mr. O has not recommended any specific individuals. I'm sure he hasn't. But he has mentioned David, I don't know how you say this. David fluff paloof. I don't know how you say this. Who managed Mr. O's 2008 race as a type of senior strategist needed at the Biden campaign? Mr. O's conversation with Biden on the subject took place during a private lunch at the White House in recent months, one of the people said, a meeting that has not been previously reported. Why is this guy, wait, so why is Mr. O even in the picture? Shouldn't he be off golfing or kayaking with his chef? I don't know. Shouldn't he be out frolicking in the flowers with Big Mike? I mean, you got to do, what are you doing at the White House? Oh, that's right. Strings attached to the hands and the head and the hands and the head and the hands. Mr. O's conversation with Biden on the subject took place during a private lunch at the White House in recent months, one of the people said, a meeting that has not been previously reported. Biden, who has long used Mr. O as a sounding board, invited his former boss to lunch. What do we do about Mr. T? What are we going to do? Don't worry. This is a lot like, gosh, I feel like it's Star wars. Like, this is the dark side. I got to tell you. Please, like share, and share the hell out of this video. Like herpes, please. It's the gift that keeps giving. Biden marks J six anniversary by calling Mr. T a threat to democracy and freedom. So he's doubling down, tripling down. In his first major campaign event in 2024, President Joe Biden on Friday, the eve of the third anniversary of J six 2021 attack on the Capitol. The attack on the Capitol delivered a speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to argue democracy and fundamental freedoms are under threat if former president Mr. T returns. Oh, he will. You're fucked. The president was closely involved in writing the speech aids. Yeah, right. Can you imagine this guy writing anything? I doubt he could write his name. I doubt he could even writing the speech AIDS, told ABC News chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce after he met this week with historians and scholars at the White House. In what seemed to be especially personable remarks, Biden said, Mr. T and far right extremists, the far right extremists, in other words, anybody right of Democrat is a far right, are a threat and a danger to the freedoms on which the country was founded. Does someone want to give this guy a history lesson, a real history lesson? It echoing familiar themes he argued during the 2020 campaign, which he then called a battle for the soul of the nation. So I guess he could be a soul snatcher. Soul snatcher. The topic of my speech today is deadly serious, and I think it needs to be made at the onset of the campaign. He began Friday. Today, we are here to answer the most important of questions. Is democracy still America's sacred cause? He continued, repeating a phrase used by George Washington. This is not rhetorical, academic, or hypothetical. Whether democracy is still America's sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time, and it's what the 2024 election is all about, he said. Thank you, Cindy Shipley. Thank you, Nino. I give weekly. When you give, regardless how much God refuels your cup, please give what you can. Patriots. I agree with that. This takes a lot of energy. This takes a lot of energy to do this every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And I'm knocking out two, three interviews a day. So I do appreciate anything. It helps me keep doing what I'm doing. If you appreciate me, I appreciate you. So you can give on the super chat and you can give on my venmo. So how the GOP's rewriting of the J six paved the way for Mr. T's comeback? They're taking responsibility for this, right? Yeah, I don't think so. We all know what's going on. Pressure from family members and advocates for accused rioters was amplified by online influencers by online influencers and right wing media figures leading lawmakers to minimize, excuse, and deny the violence and rehabilitate Mr. T. Thank you, Royce. And thank you very much. Thank you, Donald. Way away. Mr. T spent the days after J six 2021 privately fuming. Privately fuming probably along with about 80 something million other people privately fuming about the election and his media coverage, leaving office with an approval rating below 40%. Okay, you got to love these articles. He skipped Joe Biden's inauguration and retreated to Mar a Lago. He was banned from posting on twitter and avoided public appearances. The next month, he accepted an invitation to speak at the conservative Political Action conference in Orlando, his first post presidential speech. On the drive, Mr. T seemed surprised that the roads again closed for his motorcade, an advisor said. A rapturous reception appeared to lift his spirits, the advisor said. Still, his speech made no mention of the event that prompted his isolation. The deadly attack. The deadly attack. The deadly attack. Gosh, it's so hard to read this. By his supporters. By his supporters. The deadly attack by his supporters on the US Capitol in those early months of lying low or flying low. I think they forgot the f Mr. T himself was not the main driver in rewriting Republicans collective memory of January 6. Attempts to minimize, excuse, or deny. The violence of that day began with people returning home from the mob and intensified with family members of rioters, including the mother of a woman killed at the Capitol. Did you guys see the roundtable we put up on rumble? Thank you, Sherry Elinda. Sherry Elinda. Thank you. Appreciate it. You guys are awesome. Let's celebrate their first super on live stream. Was that your first super chat? Thank you. I appreciate you, Sherry, very much. Thank you very much. Everyone give a thumbs up to Sherry. Hey, yo. All right. So the grassroots and media pressure then spread far right lawmakers such as reps. Paul A. Gozer and Marjorie Taylor Green to take over the republican mainstream. This changing view of j six among Republicans offered Trump a lifeline, paving the way for his political comeback by October 2021, when he claimed the insurrection took place on November 3. I don't want to go into that rather than on, you know, what, there was other people planting seeds and then Mr. T comes to harvest them, said Gerald Holt, an extremist researcher. He's an extremist researcher at the Institute of Strategic Dialogue. On the rewinding of J six. It's canon at this point. I see so much else happening behind the scenes and I can only say that we're playing chess and they're playing checkers, but they'll have you believe it's something else. Not so shield made in faith. Thank you very much. In our prayers. Out. I appreciate it. Let's celebrate their first super chat on live stream. Yeah. Thank you. Shield made. Hey, yo, Kelly. Christine. Thank you. Yeah. Extremist researcher. What does that even mean? I don't know. I don't know. And obviously someone doesn't watch my programs because they're calling right now. So more propaganda is going to be coming out. We're going to see the powers that be really show themselves. Starting now. Special counsel Jack Smith's team has uncovered previously undisclosed details about former president Mr. T refusal to help stop the refusal to help stop the violent attack on the US Capitol. Three years, they're trying so hard, aren't they? Just throwing everything in the kitchen sink at this guy. Three years. And sat watching tv inside the White House. According to sources familiar with what Smith's team has learned during his J six probe, many of the exclusive details come from the questioning of Mr. T's deputy chief of staff, Dan Scavino, who first started working for Mr. T as a teenager three decades ago and is now a paid senior advisor to Mr. T's reelection campaign. Scavino wouldn't speak with the White House select committee. I'm sorry, the House select committee that conducted its own probe related to J six. But after a judge overruled claims of executive privilege last year, he did speak with Mr. Smith's team and key portions of what he said were described to ABC News. New details also come from the Smith's team, interviews with other White House advisors and top lawyers who, despite being deposed in the congressional probe, previously declined to answer questions about Mr. T's own statements and demeanor on J six, according to publicly released transcripts of their interviews in the probe. Jack Herrera. Thank you. Thank you. Nino. F the haters, they're all trying to play games with the people. I hear you. I got you, man. I got you, motherfucker. It's all good. Yeah, I know there's a lot of trolls and a lot of haters. Kelly Penantenskid. Thank you. Thank you very much. Who? FBI in Florida captures three people linked to J six on third anniversary of the riot. So they captured three people, folks. The FBI apprehended three people accused of participating in the J six 2021 attack on the Capitol at a ranch in Florida the agency announced Saturday. So they were hiding out? Are you sure they were hiding out? You sure they just weren't walking their dogs or maybe leaving a church service and you got them in the parking lot or something like that? Is that how it really went down? I'm so sure they were hiding out. Probably had a family barbecue. It just kind of barged in. That's how I see it going on. FBI's Tampa office identified the fugitives as John Daniel Pollock and sister Olivia Michelle Pollock and sister. Okay, so a brother and sister and Joseph Daniel Hutchison II. They are scheduled to appear in federal court in Orlando, Florida on January eigth. The office wrote on x the platform formerly known as Twitter. So they were fugitives. Hiding out. Just scary time we're living in. It's a scary time we're living in when they're going after their own citizens. It's turned against us, folks. What's supposed to be protecting us? This is the craziest time to be alive. I don't know how anybody's not paying attention to this. I don't get it. I don't understand it. I guess cognitive dissonance is. Maybe ignorance is bliss. I don't know. But I don't see if you're paying attention. You understand that it's for all the marbles right now. It's for humanity. This is not for the country. This is for humanity. This is for it all. This is for everything. I cannot stress that America goes. Everything goes. It's gone. They win. I smell panic. Liz Cheney warns that voting for Mr. T in 2024 could be the last vote you'll ever cast in New Hampshire. On the eve of the third anniversary of the j six insurrection, former Rep. Liz Cheney warned the 2024 election could be the nation's last. Are you telling us something? Are you trying to say something? Speaking to a room full of Dartmouth college students, Cheney expressed her conviction that former president Mr. T would refuse to hand over the reins of power if elected to his second term. He would just refuse. Do you see what these people do? This is fear. They're trying everything they can. They cannot believe he is still here, that he's still relevant. Liz Cheney says he won't leave office. He already tried not to leave office once. So I think there's a lot of living in a fantasy world that's going on with Republicans telling themselves, look, we'll vote for him. It won't be so bad. It may well be the last vote you ever cast. It will be that bad. She says, I see a woman. I see a desperate woman trying to save herself. No, you're not going anywhere. You're like the little mouse. We got your tail. You can scurry all you want. Scurry, scurry, scurry. You're not going anywhere. But go ahead, make some noise. Ink. Oh, boy. How am I doing, folks? Give me a thumbs up if I'm doing all right. This takes a lot of energy. I got to bring out all the bells and whistles. So is DeSantis going to drop out? Man, I called that guy from the beginning, and you all know I did. You all know I did, what, two, three years ago? I called him. I said, hey, he's a pawn. He's a toy. He's a tool. So is DeSantis going to drop out of the race on January 15? Could be. I have heard from two people very familiar with the DeSantis campaign, a major donor and high level political operative, that if the Florida governor loses the Iowa caucuses to former president Donald Trump, Mr. T. As expected, on the night of January 15, he will either drop out of the race that night or make his announcement the next morning. The DeSantis campaign vigorously denies this assertion. So he's denying it. The op ed had been updated to include the following statement from the campaign. Ron DeSantis is in this for the long haul. Why at this point, ronnie boy, you're doing the country a disservice. People have picked who they want. They're moving that direction. Why are you sticking? What's your why? What are you expecting? Who's telling you things in your ear? Obviously, now we know who he works for, right, folks? Obviously, now we all know. It's obvious. Plain as day. Like I said, like I said, the puppeteers are making themselves known. Sweaty or pits? Johnson strikes his first bipartisan deal, a $1. 7 trillion deal funding accord, no mamis way or a levato ahead of the government shut down. I love my mexican peeps in here. There's nothing like mexican friends, by the way. That's, like the only my mexican friends, which are most of my friends. It's like if you don't insult each other enough, you're not really friends. And we're always making fun of each other's moms. No, mom, this way. I don't think I look mexican. Do you guys think I look mexican? I think I look more white. I don't know. All my mexican friends call me Eluero until they met Di Sancho. I look white. White, mexican, Mexican. It's all what you all want to see. I used to have asian girls come up to me, go, are you asian? Are you pot asian? When you smile, you cannot see your eyes. We can blind you with dental flaws. Yes. The reason I make fun of chinese people is because I know I have chinese eyes. Okay, white bread. You look asian. Oh, man. Asian. Asian. Sancho. Asian. Asian. White. Asian. White. All right, so congressional leaders have clinched a deal on overall budget totals that could pave the way for a broader government funding compromise in the coming weeks. So now we know who this guy works for, don't we? Remember I told you in the beginning about this guy as well. I said, hey, you can't serve two masters. You either serve, and he's up there praying. I'm going to pray for the country. I'm going to pray for my soul. I'm going to pray, pray, pray. Make everyone and make sure it's known. I want everyone to see me pray, pray. Fuck you. Fuck you. Mason can't serve two masters. A lot of you are like, did David get up this morning? And, no, no, I haven't done any of that in four years. I'm completely sober. Which probably is why I'm acting crazy. When you're sober, you have to just take life in the face all day long. It's like getting hit by a car all day. Just fucking. Sobriety can suck sometimes. It can suck. Oh, man. Mike Johnson's. I mean, this guy. 886,000,000,000 for the current fiscal year, in line with the total President Joe Biden and former speaker Kevin McCarthy struck as part of last summer's debt ceiling package. The accord pegs non defense funding at nearly 773,000,000,000, a total that counts tens of billions of dollars agreed to alongside the debt limit package. The so called side deal, the so called side deal that conservatives tried to kill. I think we see it now. The whole place stinks to high heaven of rats. During a pivotal briefing call, Schumer told Senate Democrats, it's a good deal for Democrats and the country. It's a good deal for Democrats and the dumb. And you're going to be paying for it, America. Everybody in this audience, you're going to be paying all your money, all your tax dollars as they keep raising taxes for shit like this. Thank you, Johnson. I'm really thinking about getting the fuck out of here at some point. Maybe Dubai, I don't know. I don't know. I'm really thinking about where to go. There will be no other place to go. But I'm sticking it out. I'm fighting this all the way through. Is there a way I can get off planet? Does anyone know of a spaceship that can get me the fuck out of here? I think I'd just rather leave Earth. I think I'd rather just get on a spaceship and just. I don't even give a fuck where it goes. It's got to be better than here. I don't give a shit where it goes. I bet you it's better than here. Thank you, Van. You are a warrior, my brother. You are too. Thank you very much. Ayo. New Zealand is where the cold bloods are moving. David. You are protected, David. You're patriot. What a strange thing to fall into. I did not know I was going to be doing this. I had no idea. You could have told me four years ago. Hey, you're going to get sober and then you're going to go on YouTube and be a patriot. I would have said, what does that mean? And why am I getting sober again? Lloyd Austin leaving Biden in the dark over hospitalization raises questions U. S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's secret hospitalization hospitalization has raised several questions after senior U. S. Officials, including President Joe Biden, were kept in the dark for days about the condition of the country's most senior defense official. Austin was admitted to the Walter Reed national military Medical center on January 1. Pentagon press secretary Major General Pat Ryder said on Friday he suffered complications following a recent elective medical procedure. Complications? A lot of people are getting complications. I don't know. You don't look mexican. More american. What does an american look like? I thought everyone's american. All skin colors are american. So what does an american look like? Go watch some nature, Nino. After this show. Go outside with trees. There's no trees out here. There's a lot of cactus and dirt. Should I go sit in the cactus? Some prickles up my ass. So Israel's in talks. Israel's in talks for expanding the war to Lebanon alarms the US President Biden has dispatched his top aides to the Middle east with a critical objective, prevent a full blown war from erupting between Israel and the lebanese military group. So Israel has made it clear it views as untenable the regular exchange of fire between its forces and Hezbollah along the border and may soon launch a major military operation in Lebanon. In Lebanon. And I got a lot of lebanese friends. Kiefa Kamu. We prefer the path of an agreed upon diplomatic settlement, Israel Defense Minister Yoav Galean said Friday. But we are getting close to the point where the hourglass will turn over. Us officials are concerned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may see an expanded fight in Lebanon as key to his political survival, amid domestic criticism of his government's failure to prevent Hamas October 7 attack, which killed an estimated 1200 people and resulted in some 240 hostages being taken to Gaza. Sure. Whatever reason you need. I've been getting a lot of videos sent to me about this situation over there, and my heart goes out to these people, man. And really, you're going to see who's picking a lane right now. You're going to really see who's picking their lanes. Top secret UFO meeting in Congress to reveal classified details of illegal crash retrieval program. And us intelligence insider tells. com what they believe will really happen behind closed doors. Top spy watchdog Thomas Monheeme. The US intelligence community's inspector general is slated to brief the House oversight Committee on ufos this week. Why don't we all just go to the Miami mall? Let's just go there. You want to see aliens? Just go there. The members only UFO briefing will reportedly require top secret clearances. Just go to the mall. They're out there shopping right now. They're out there right now. They're buying hats and shoes and clothes so they can be very well dressed for Earth. Okay, they're here at the mall. They're at the Miami mall right now. Where did these things go, by the way? What was the overall conclusion of this? Did they leave? Did they get in their spaceship and take off? Did they go back into the wormhole? I mean, where did they go? What happened? It's just a mystery. There was videos and all this, and then all of a sudden, nothing. I don't know. So Congress has been promised fresh details this week on last year's shocking allegations of an illegal UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering program. Aliens at Belciaga. Kelly. Christine, thank you. Wow. Interesting. So, Elon Musk. Elon Musk is in the news again. He's in the news every day, ain't he? Elon Musk has used illegal drugs, worrying leaders at Tesla and SpaceX. So Elon Musk and his supporters offer several explanations for his contrarian views. Unfiltered speech and provocative antics. So they're saying it's because he's on drugs. They're an expression of his creativity or the result of his mental health challenges or fallout from his stress or sleep deprivation. In recent years, some executives and board members at his companies and others close to the billionaire have developed a persistent concern that there's another component driving his behavior, his use of drugs. David Hernandez. Gracias, compadre. And they fear the TeslA TSLA negative zero point, 80% decrease, red down pointing triangle, and SpaceX chief executives drug use could have major consequences, not just for his health, but also the six companies and billions in assets he oversees, according to people familiar with Musk and the companies. So apparently this guy likes psychedelics. Apparently. Allegedly, the world's wealthiest person has used lsd, cocaine, ecstasy, and psychedelic mushrooms, often in private parties. Sounds like my type of guy. I like this guy now even more. Where attendees sign. Whoa. Where attendees sign nondisclosed agreements or give up their phones to enter. According to people who have witnessed his drug use and others with knowledge of it, Musk has previously smoked marijuana in public. I've done that. I've done a lot more than that. I was crazy. I was batshit crazy. I used to do shit that you wouldn't even believe. I used to taunt bouncers. I'd have white shit all over my face. I'd be smoking a joint. I didn't care. I didn't give a shit. Hey, man, this guy's a genius, supposedly. I think there's other things that work here, but if you want to go with that narrative, and sometimes people like this like to play with the mind and see how far they can take it, how much they can expand. That's the way I see it. We all have our views on this. I understand. I get it. I think it can be used as a tool for you or against you. Depends on your intention. Everything is intention, David. You've come a long know. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking one step forward and two steps back. Predictive programming. They must tell you before they do it. Planes dropping out of the sky. Your mobile service rendered useless, just like your car, as Netflix film portrays a nightmare that security experts insist is a very real prospect. So is this. Predictive programming. How will you survive on the day an enemy state switches off the Internet, an oil tanker plows into tourist beach. Planes fall from the skies. Driverless cars run amok. The Internet fails, and the mobile network dies. Sounds like the 1990s to me. Okay. How will you survive on the day an enemy state switches off the Internet. So feral instincts take over as people fight for food, water and medicine amid the ruins of civilization. They're really gunning for this, aren't they? They're really pushing us towards this. And they're tapping into your fear. They're tapping into your fear. They want you scared. This is a nightmare vision depicted in leave the world behind. Netflix. Recent hit film starring Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke as a couple battling societal breakdown when the technology that underpins civilization collapses. It's fictional, but it touches on deep seated real life fears. They're really pushing this out there, aren't they? The film is produced by Michelle and Mr. O's company. Who? Mr. O, that's who produced this interesting higher ground. And what's their production company called? Higher ground. God, I can't stand these people. Higher ground? Really? So fucking. The ex president was closely involved in shaping the plot, which dramatizes many of the cybersecurity issues on which he was briefed during the eight years in the White House. Interesting. So he was hands on on this show. You all know this, right? For our 21st century, lives are almost entirely dependent on complex technologies that many do not understand and that can so easily be exploited by our enemies. Maintaining a car, for example, was previously a job for a competent motorist and their local mechanic. Now our vehicles are computers on wheels. That's why I always say, it's good to have an old fashioned car. It's good to have an old fashioned car. I keep my truck. I have a pickup truck. I don't know. I mean, it's a 2015 and that's almost ten years old now, but I'm going to keep it because I feel like it's still kind of old school. I can still work on the engine a little bit. So this, to me, is all predictive programming. This is all what this is. Jodie Foster says Generation Z can be really annoying to work with. Jodie Foster says that sometimes she finds Generation Z really annoying, but she hopes she can help budding stars find their own path to help them learn how to relax. In an interview with the Guardian, the actor admitted she had found the attitudes to work she had encountered difficult to understand. Why do you need to understand them? Why? It's because they didn't have parents, is what I think. I think we really dropped the ball. The millennials, the baby boomers, and this new technology. Everyone's being raised by the computer, and soon it's going to be the metaverse. They're really annoying, especially in the workplace. Jody Foster joked. They're like, nah, I'm not feeling it today. I'm going to come in at 10:30 a. m. Or in emails. I'll tell them, this is all grammatically incorrect. Did you not check your spelling? And they're like, yeah, why would I do that? Isn't that kind of limiting? Isn't that kind of limiting? What a nightmare. What a nightmare. I'm telling you, man, your kids will be ahead of the game if you teach them work ethic. And I'm all about not sparing the rod. I think every now and then I used to get it. I don't know. You guys want to hear something about my mom? One time, my mom used to beat the shit out of my friends, and we deserved it. I'm not saying we didn't deserve it. We deserved it. We would jump on the roof, we would break windows, shoot windows out with guns. I mean, we were bad kids. And when we'd come off the roof, my mom would be hiding in a corner with a broom. Bam. And crack us right in the fucking head. And she used to kick my friends asses. She would chase them with. My mom would run with a broom, chasing my friends around the dinner table, whacking the shit out of them. She didn't hold back. She didn't give a shit. Even if their parents are like, why'd you hit my kids? She's like, well, don't let them come over anymore. I don't want the little fucker here. She was crazy. My mom was crazy. And she used to beat the shit out of everybody. I had a friend, this guy's 66, and his grandma used to beat the shit out of him. He'd be getting ready to go out at night, and the door would open up and you'd see her hiding when he'd be coming home at night at, like, three in the morning. And I witnessed it one time where he opened the door, and his granny, who's no taller than five foot three, maybe five two, was standing on the couch, hiding in the corner. And as you walk in the door, there's a couch right there. So she was hiding on the corner, and puto hit him right in the cheek. And it was like, you don't do nothing against a mexican grandma. Everyone knows that. You don't do anything to a mexican grandma. Can't. They're terrifying. They're like little bruhas. All right, and what the fuck news in what the fuck news? A scare on Alaskan Airlines flight 1282. Allowed. Bang. A whooshing sound. And a boy's shirt sucked right off his back. Did you guys see this? Have you guys seen this video of what happened? This is terrifying. This is why I fucking hate flying. So I don't like to fly. It's shit like this. And how does this even happen? How did this even happen? It happened in a moment. The Boeing 737 Max nine was gaining altitude after taking off from Portland. Then a loud boom, an explosion, then a rush of air and screams as a refrigerated sized hole was left in the side of the 220 passenger plate. A boy's shirt was ripped clean off his body. So what if you didn't have your seatbelt on? So some people don't wear their seatbelt, would they been sucked out? Shit. That's terrifying. Clean off his body. Flying out of the hole amid the air pressure loss after a part of the plane's fuselage blew off. How does that happen? Some passengers screamed and cried, drafted text message to their loved ones as a rush of air entered the plane and oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling. Nick Hawke, a 33 year old passenger on the plane on Friday, called the ordeal traumatic, tense, and jarring in a phone interview with CNN. And I'm going to tell you about my flight experience right after this story, so stay tuned. A mist or cloud whoosh past me that kind of hit me in the face. He said people's hair was flying all over the place after the initial boom. He said the plane kind of jolted. Oxygen mass fell, everyone put them on. And he said he felt disoriented. I was pretty startled and frightened, and I think other folks were pretty distraught as well. Have you guys seen the video on this? Hawk said that he was sitting on the left side of the plane, a couple of rows in front, where the plane blew off. Where the. Sorry, the panel. The panel blew off. There were people much closer who I spoke with who lost Airpods out of their ears. That'd be the least of my concerns. Soon after the portion of the plane blew off, Hawk said people were remarkably calm as they sat quietly listening to the flight crew. This is why I like to drive. Look, if it's about a five, six hour drive, I'm taking, don't like. And I'm going to tell you why I don't like to fly overseas anymore, which I've done a few times, but I'm going to tell you why I don't fly overseas anymore. When I went to Australia, the scariest flight, every time I went to go see my budy Grady Scott, every time we were together, something really screwed up happened and I'm going to tell you that story right now. He told CNN. The flight crew and pilot did a magnificent job. He said they were calming and reassuring. Yeah, sure they were. There were a few frantic passengers, but mostly everybody was calm. He said the flight had reached 16,000ft after taking off from Portland, Oregon, bound for Ontario, California, about five seven p. M. According to flight aware. Shortly after takeoff, a panel including a window popped off. Passenger Kyle Ringer told CNN. It was really abrupt. Just got to altitude and the window wall just popped right off. Jeez, we like to get down, the pilot told air traffic control, according to recording posted on LeWitt Net. We are declaring an emergency. We do need to come down to 10,000ft. So is it okay if I hold your hand inside the cabin of Alaskan Airlines flight 1282? So they're saying that people were so terrified that they were holding hands. And I'll attest to this because I have a story and boy, do I have every single one of my stories. I know a lot of you think I'm full of shit. I know a lot of you are like, oh, this guy always has a story. I do have a lot of stories. I could write a book on some of the shit that I've been through. I've been shipwrecked. I've almost been eaten by a crocodile. In Australia, I lived with Aboriginals. I hunted kangaroo and crocodile. That's true. Well, I never really killed a crocodile, but I almost got eaten by a crocodile. But that trip alone to Australia was crazy. And it started off with a flight on one of those air buses leaving from San Francisco and it was like an 18 hours flight to Australia and I was sitting coach and for me to sit coach sucks. I much rather be sitting in first class, but it wouldn't have mattered on this flight. So let me tell you what happened. I get on this flight, we're leaving at night in the first place and if, you know, Australia is like a day ahead. So I'm supposed to fly from San Francisco to Sydney, Australia, and then from Sydney, Australia, I was going to say that we're going to party in Sydney for a week, then go from Sydney, Australia to Darwin. And then from Darwin we're going to go there. And I don't know what we're going to do party there too, because that's all we did, was drink. And then I took a prop plane from Darwin to Kananara where I went and stayed with the Aboriginals and if you guys look up this place called Ivanhoe, it's called Ivanhoe. That's where I almost got eaten by a crocodile. They told me it was okay to swim in there. That's a whole different story for another time. And I'll tell that one. You got to remind me. But let me just tell you about the flight going to Australia. So I'm a little bit nervous to fly anyway. I don't like to fly. And especially when I see an Airbus, I'm like, how the fuck does this thing even get air? I mean, the thing looks like, you know those planes that look like the dolphin? It looks like a porpoise. It's huge. That's what it looked like. It was like a giant porpoise. There's like three levels. Either two or three levels. I want to say three levels. Anyway, it was like an enormous airbus. And I'm just kind of, ah, I hate this shit. I'm going to go see my friend in Australia. I just kept thinking about the time we're going to have in Australia, how fun it's going to be. I get on the Airbus, I sit there, I'm on the aisle seat, and then there's a girl in the middle seat and a woman on the window seat. So as we're going, we take off. Everything's fine for the first few hours. Then we're over the ocean. Over the ocean. And all of a sudden I start seeing lightning all around the plane. And the plane starts doing a swooshing side to side, side to side. People are getting sick. I'm getting sick. And I am starting to get really nervous now. I'm white knuckling it onto the armposts. The girl next to me looks over at me and the plane is not just going like this a little bit. It's not like turbulence. It was swooshing left and right, up and down, up and down, losing thousands of feet at a time. It was going. The only thing I could think of was, I'm going to die. And the captain kept getting on the intercom and saying, he didn't even sound calm. He was stuttering. He was stuttering, okay. And I'm on the plane. The girl next to me has her nails digging into my arm. I mean, I still have the marks. I swear I could show you if you ever see me in person. She was digging her nails into my arm, crying. And then she says, look outside, look at the wing. Look at the wing. And I look at the wing, and the wing's not doing this. The wing's not doing that. It's going, wang, wang, wang, wang, wang, wang, wang, wang. Like a fucking diving board. So at this point, I'm thinking to myself, I'm going to die. That's it. I'm going to die over the fucking ocean. They're never going to find us. The lady next to me, by the way, has worry beads. She's sitting there praying her worry beads. The electricity in the cabin is blinking on and off. That's how fucked up this was. The flight attendants were not keeping everybody calm. They were laying on the floor holding hands. They were holding hands and praying. That lasted, I think, a good, I'm not going to lie to you, I think it was like 2 hours of that hell of hell. 2 hours. So excuse me if I don't like to go flying or camping or surfing, but those are two other different stories. I don't like to go flying. I hate it. I'll take short flights here and there, but that ruined me for a very long time. That really ruined me because I thought to myself, this is fucked. Like, there's nothing you can do. So when I read a story like this, like, oh, a panel flies off, everyone was calm. No, you know what? I don't trust it anymore. It seems to me like everyone's, they're firing people, they're having setbacks. They're kind of like, we can't fund the mechanics, get rid of this guy, get rid of that guy. And things like this happen because they're cutting back. Yeah, that plane trip that I was on, that's how Australia started. Not to mention I almost got eaten by a fucking crocodile. So I'll tell the crocodile story real quick. I'm already on it. So we go to go look at Ivanhoe, Australia. Ivan ho. I think it's like a water. So it's a bridge that goes across a kind of a freshwater lake. It's a freshwater, like, river, and the bridge has a waterfall. And when the high tide comes in, you can't cross it. On low tide, you can cross it. So you cross over in your jeep and everything. We did that. And my friend's telling me, oh, dude, you're going to love this place, bro. I'm like, bro, are there crocodiles in the water here? I'm serious. We're in Australia. Is there crocodiles? Fuck no, dude. I wouldn't take you somewhere like that. All right, cool. We get out. So it's like a big thick. You could look it up on YouTube. You could see this place. Anyway, it's fresh water. And we take off our shirts. We're in our trunks. We jump in or I jump in. He's kind of just hanging out on the side there, but he gets in the water, but he's closer to the bank. And I'm going way out there. I'm swimming way out there. I'm in the middle looking around. I'm like, the water feels good. I'm kind of looking down at my skin. And then all of a sudden on the hill in front of me, there's like a dune. There's like a dune. And I see this truck racing down with them screaming at me, get out of the water, mate. Get out of the water, mate, mate, get out of the water. And they're screaming with their arms flailing outside of the car or outside of this. I think it was a range Rover, an old fashioned, like, it looked like an eighty s one. And I'm like. And immediately fear. I could see my skin in the water turn white. And I'm looking at myself, I'm going, oh, shit, there's fucking crocodiles in this fucking water. I start slowly paddling back, slowly paddling back. As I'm doing that, two big eyes to the left of me pop up out of the water and start doing this, like, trying to cut me off. I still get like. And this is the same trip, mind you, from the plane ride. So somehow I'm praying the whole way, please, Lord. Please, Lord. Please, God. Jesus our Father, were in heaven, how would be thy name? That will be done. The whole way. As I'm going back into, I'm thinking any moment I'm going to feel my leg just get snatched. I'm going to get taken down and I'm going to die. That's all I was thinking. I was like, any moment now I'm dead. This thing. Turns out that, yes, it was fresh water. I made it to the bank, I was fucking pissing myself. And turns out that, yes, it was fresh water. But guess what? Crocodiles nest in these waters. They have their babies in these waters. So I wanted to kick my friend's ass. He was terrified. I should have fucking cracked him. But I was just so happy to get out of that water. And then it turns out in the last three months, three aboriginal kids were killed in that water. They got eaten by crocodiles. I mean, that's just some of the stories I have. I mean, I have stories all day long, but that's just two of them in Australia. And not to mention the street fight we got in. All right, folks, I'm out. I gotta go. I'll see you Friday. I should be back Friday. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep of broadcasting almost got eaten by a crocodile. Later. .