All right, folks, welcome to this epic roundtable. I got SG Anon, I got Mike Z, Dr. Z, and I got Bo Pony and yours truly, folks, to talk about this incident in Miami. And we all have our own opinions on this, and I think, but we're all going to be in agreement in some way, shape or form on this. But what I think this was, and I've talked to Juanito about this, I a David Copperfield illusion. And if they're using things like Project Bluebeam or other type of technologies, I've been saying on my show for years already for years that they're going to play this card, they're getting ready to play it. And when they do, that's going to be one of their last desperate attempts to stealing narratives, to stealing the media cycle. And the beautiful thing about this is, in my opinion, it is like an illusion. It is like a David Copperfield show where actually I went to one of the shows in Vegas with Juan, and the first thing they make you do is put your phone away, put it in a box so they can do all the magic because they don't want you going back later and analyzing this stuff. And the same thing happened at this mall. Nobody's phone worked. So what I think happened was a blackout on the video and camera. So you can't go back and analyze this stuff. And I think look no further than the illusion. It's an illusion. That's what I think this is. We've all been expecting this for a very long time. A very long time. I did not think it'd be played in 2024, but hey, I thought they were going to wait till 25, 27, but that just shows me how panicked they are. And before we get to the whole panel here, folks, get your noble gold. It looks like it's that time. Noble gold. And even aliens love gold and silver. 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I'm going to be also playing some of the testimonies or the eyewitness accounts so we can all kind of chime in on it. But Dr. Z, thank you for joining me. What's your thoughts on this? And be very YouTube friendly, by the way. Yeah, I got you. I've seen your Juanito's video recently where he had you all stressed out. I'm going to try not to do that. I'm not the best person to watch my mouth, but I think I can do it. My first reaction was, okay, so what? Obviously it's not kids fighting with sticks and fireworks. You don't get a kind of response for that. So I think we can all agree that something was going on. What it was, I don't know. It was OD that there was no credible eyewitness reports yet that I've seen. No video, no photos like you said. So it seems my first reaction was this has to be a false flag of some sort. For what reason were they trying to get the cops away to go somewhere else and do something else at the ports to sneak some stuff in the ports in Miami? And we talked yesterday on that other panel about the mass levels to this. You're right. That's another thing we need to think about. There could be so many levels of this distraction after distraction after distraction. You're right. Yeah. But the people that I really think have nailed this so far is that it's some sort of trial mass formation psychosis exercise. So here we are. It's 2024, the first week and they're already playing it. And you would say something that was pretty significant as well. I've said this before, but the whole ancient aliens thing was predictive programming was condition for the last decade. Yeah. So a bunch of us started the wake up process by watching shows like that, like ancient aliens, and starting to wonder while they've been lying to us, what's the truth? And it seems now as you wake up more, the less you realize, you know, that maybe these theories about the ancient lands beyond the ice wall on this planet are more viable than aliens. And maybe those are the beings that we're talking about. And we know that they destroyed very advanced ancient societies that had technology that could have built all the stuff that we can't figure out and can't build now. But yes, to me, that was predictive programming. And I have a bunch of normie friends who aren't awake, who are all talking about aliens the last couple of years. And are you ready for the aliens? Those of us who have really woken up over the last couple of years of the things that have gone on in the world are like, yeah, whatever, that's old news. I'm on to other stuff. Well, let me play this just before I get someone else to chime in. I'll just play a few minutes of this. It seems to me like they use the kids and the fireworks to distract. Same thing as they would do at a David Copperfield illusion. So this guy is talking about, let's listen to what this guy has to say right here. All right, so I had to come in my basement and film this. This shit is so crazy. I'm posting this, and I want you all to repost. Save this video, post it on other platforms before it gets taken down, because I want to clear up some of this misinformation about the Bayside mall incident that happened. So me and my girls in town and we were shopping at the mall, and we noticed a lot of kids there. It wasn't a real big deal at first until they got to arguing and shoving, and then weapons got brought in and they started fighting, running all over the mall. Chaos just all over the place. So we thought we heard gunshots, but it turns out that that was actually fireworks. But either way, that caused everybody to start rushing for the doors. People was leaving stuff behind. I mean, just dragging their kids. It was just complete fucking chaos, man. Anyway, so as we run in, we look back and we notice some weird shapes taller than me, I'm six foot two. Shadowy, dark, solid shapes. Not human. I promise you these is not human. I mean, it made the hair stand up on my skin and shit. We just booked it for the doors after that. Ma'am, I can't explain what that was. I can't say that was aliens, but I can't say that was not human. It was not human. And online, I don't know if they're trying to cover this stuff up, but they saying that it was police officers and somebody, not shadowy figures. It's 2024, man. It's some going on, some going on, and they're trying to cover it up. A lot of people saw what I saw. And like I say, it was so much chaos ensued that it was just hard to. So could they affect use the kids that were fighting and shooting fireworks to distract so they can pull off this kind of illusion. Let's jump to SGN and see what he has to say. Sg, what's your thoughts? Well, my thoughts are always perpetually, what is the message? Inside the message here, there are multiple dimensionalities of psychological operations that form the basis of what we would call our current reality and our current understanding. Right. We can go back to events throughout the 20th century and have a litany, a literal plethora of eyewitness accounts, experiences, things of that nature that point us in the conclusion that we're not alone in the universe. And indeed, I think we put the Holy Spirit in a box far too often. And I think that we assume too much that perhaps we are the only interested sentient creation that God has created. And I don't think that that's actually the case. I personally, it's my own personal opinion, believe that we're part of a grander chorus. And these individuals have worked very, very hard. When I say these individuals, we all know who we're talking about at the very top, who have worked. They've worked very, very hard, especially in the intelligence communities over the last 75 to 100 years, to ensure that the historic record is obfuscated and messed with or eradicated completely, and to distort and confuse and malign humanity's understanding of our place in the universe and our place relative to our own spirituality, relative to our deity, relative to what the Native Americans would call the great spirit, or what I call the Holy Spirit, and certainly relative to the possibility of other expressions of that sentient life. So here we have this event in Miami. This is on the heels, really, of some whistleblower accounts that have come out in the last six months, especially detailing with great and excruciating detail. We'll just say, covering things up, right. One has to ask, well, what is the COVID up for? And then what is the purpose of all of the different narrative operations that run in sort of a countervailing way against the COVID up to help that cover up seed, right? To help that really get taken up by the masses in a formation psychosis event. And so I think we have to acknowledge that there are several different Pentagon projects that discuss deceptive indication and warning. And deceptive indication and warning is essentially a type of psychological and kinetic warfare that involves very, very advanced technologies that are able to generate holograms in real time. They're able to generate audio in real time. They are usually photon based. They're weaponizing the frequency of the literal air around them to create these images. They actually showed us this technology in the movie Spider Man, I think it's far from home, where he's up against the mysterio with all of the drones. That's the exact same technology that we're talking about. But one has to ask, what is the purpose of having these false inw technologies? Well, the purpose is to hide a grander truth, right? The purpose is always to obfuscate what is the truth of the reality out there. And so I think at this point, what we can say is that it's having the same net effect on the consciousness of mankind, regardless of whether this was an INW event or whether this was an original event. Remember, Miami sits atop one of the largest caribbean dumb systems in the entire world, right? In that entire caribbean basin area. It's one of the main vectors for deep tunnel systems into the continental shelf of the United States. There are all sorts of things that can be hidden and stored in underground storage facilities, and we've seen a tremendous amount of that across the pond in the Mediterranean and certainly beneath what we would call the old mesopotamic shelf. So it's possible that this is an organic event that actually is indicative of a broader conflict, which we talk about quite a bit. Usually, you and I, Nino and I talk about it a lot on the audio files, putting pressure on this entity in certain fashions so that they're forced to respond in increasingly desperate and reactive ways in other fashions. And they also utilize those opportunities to further the obfuscation and the narrative prep for whatever goal they're going to attempt to yoke out onto humanity at the next juncture. Right. And we know the aliens issue and the distortion of that particular issue is really going to be paramount and key. I think we can look at Independence Day as sort of like a pseudoscript. It's going to be really key on how they want to portray our place in the universe relative to, quite frankly, other beings that may be very endowed and enlightened creations of God. We really just don't know. I also think that you got to remember, too. The thing that keeps ringing in my mind is when that person that ran against Trump in 2016, sorry, I'm being very vague, but she said, is it time for the alien card to be played? And it looks like now, with that infamous list that has come out and so much heat on these players, that I think it's time. I think they're doing it, and I think they're starting the year off with a know. I know that bony has some slides or so I want to get Jason Sherka's response on this. Jason, you there? Yep. I'm off camera just because of where I'm at. Can you hear me? Well, yes, we all can hear you. I can. Awesome. I only have a few minutes. I'll just pitch in real quick with a perspective here. So, first of all, I think everything that you guys are saying is valid, and I want to start with that. But my intuition tells me that there's something else that's going on here, and I'll explain why. So, if this was the alien card, I think that it would be played differently. If they wanted to play an alien card, it would be all over the news, and it's not all over the news. As a matter of fact, it's being hidden in weird ways and not really being spoken about everywhere as it should be if it were the alien card, because the purpose of that card is to make us fearful and afraid. And I don't think that we're seeing that across the board right now. We're just seeing people on social media speaking about it, and it's not that far and wide for me to be convinced that it is that alien part. With that being said, I think that right now, our community. When I say our community, I'm talking about the community of awakening people around the world. Right now, we're under a magnifying glass. We've been under a magnifying glass for the past few years, and they will take every opportunity to discredit us however they can. Because if they discredit us on one thing, and they can prove that that one thing is discreditable, that means that maybe everything else that we're saying is wrong, and they have every intention to discredit us. So I'll give you an example. About four years ago, I think it was about three and a half or four years ago, there were these really weird formations of lights over the Giza plateau, over the three pyramids in Cairo. And a lot of people were saying, oh, my God, it's aliens. What's going on? This was right around the time when the pyramid code came up. So I had every interest in that being true. But I was always taught, don't just take something and run with it before you can validate it, because if you're wrong, then everything else that you're saying that may be true, nobody will listen to. So everybody was messaging me about that, and I thought for a second, it's very possible that there's extraterrestrial activity over the pyramids, and it made a lot of sense, but I didn't jump on it. And I did some due diligence, and I started looking into it, and I asked certain people that have in very high places that have certain information on acts like that. And all they told me was, we don't know what it is, but I could tell you for a fact it's not extraterrestrial activity. Now, 24 hours later, it turns out that that was just a skydiving stunt with flares on everybody's ankles that were jumping out of the planes. And the reason why I bring that up was because everybody that spoke about that and posted about that in a very viral way on social media looked very stupid, and they lost a lot of credibility because in the eyes of the masses that don't yet believe that, all these individuals just jumped on something and they were wrong, which means that they could jump on other things and be wrong as well. So what I'm trying to say here is, number one, I don't know what happened in Miami. I was there. I was about a mile away, 2 miles away from that incident when it happened. One of my best friends lives on that street. He sent me a video from his own phone with all the police cars. I definitely agree that there's some sort of COVID up, because there's no such thing as 80 police cars coming and responding in such a way. Is that the number 80? Is that the official number? Oh, no. I'm saying about 80. If you look at the video, I have no idea that number, but I'm saying there were way too many police cars responding to that situation than should have been if the case was of what the official story was. So I definitely agree that the official story is probably most probably not the truth. What the truth is, I don't completely know. So I'll say that, in all honesty, I have no idea what's going on there. But just logic tells me that, again, if it was the alien card, I believe they would play it differently. And I think right now, we have to be very careful with how we in our community respond to this, because they could also be using this as a way to get us to bite that bait and to take that bait and show that we were 100% wrong. And if that happens to be the case, then there will be a lot of people that choose not to listen to people like myself or you or everybody on this call down the line. And this is why I did this roundtable, because I want to get everyone's perspective. I have my opinion. I think they are playing the card, in a way that it just overruns that infamous list and becomes a sensation on social media. I think they've strategized this in a certain way, but that's just my opinion. But before we get to bo, can I ask Jason a quick question? Because I love what you said. Jason, and I agree. We know, but very rarely do we actually know the truth. Right. I think that's what we've all learned. But the question is basically kind of what Nino was just alluding to. Do you think that they're smart enough at this point to not put this all over the news and let it seem to be, and appear to be organic through the influencers that would latch onto this? Do you think that they're smart enough to play it that way on purpose at this point? If they're smart enough to get 8 billion people around the world to do what we've done over the past four years, and I'm not going to elaborate on what that means, but I think everyone knows I'm talking about. Yeah, I don't think we should underestimate their level of being clever. They're very smart. That's why they control the world, and we should never underestimate them. These people are evil geniuses, and we have to think not in a linear way, but in a multidimensional way, which is what Sgnan was saying. There's many facets to everything, even the things that we're right about. We may know one of the truths of what's going on, but there's always multiple different reasons and agendas of why something's really happening. So, again, just to summarize, in short, I don't know what it was. It could be exactly what those eyewitnesses are saying. I also saw one of those eyewitnesses, come on, that shared his story, and then 24 hours later came out, shared a video and was laughing and said, guys, I don't even live in Miami. I was just joking, and everybody bit the bait and I was just messing with you guys. Now, we could also say that that guy was a paid actor. I don't know. I have no idea. What I'm saying is there are many different levels to this, and we, as the community that we are, have to be very careful with how we respond to it, because if we're not perceived as calculated and smart and educated individuals, what we say next that may be true, nobody will listen to. I agree with that 1000%. Let's listen to this guy really fast and we'll jump to bony. Peace. Peace. Good morning. I just got back from Miami this morning, and I was over there when all that shit went down at the mall. And there was some stuff going on. Yeah. There was some teenagers involved, and I'll tell you that because I was there. I'll break it down to you as far as what went down and stuff like that. But there was a bunch of teens, right? And they had some little fucking little, like a radio, like a little dvd player. They were fucking around with it. They were? Yeah, yeah. Watch this, watch this, watch this. And then I'll show you. Watch. Let me flip this shit around, show you exactly what's going on. Okay. I was in Miami because I was on a little graffiti expo. So I was over there because dudes had me over there so I can go paint, right? So I was hanging around with my man, and then we went to the mall to see what's up. So this is what happened. This is what happened. I'll draw you what can happen. This is what happened. Okay? There's a whole bunch of teens, right? Whole bunch of teens. Whole bunch of teens. And they had this little fucking box, like a little dvd player type thing, right? And they were like, yeah, watch, watch. Go ahead. And there was a whole bunch of them. They look all nerdy. They weren't, like, dugged out. I mean, they all dressed nice and shit or whatever, but they were just right there, combo and shit. And a lot of them had, like, backpacks. And some of them had, like, weird dad's glasses, like, welding glasses. And I was like, what the fuck? And the other guy was like, just go ahead and plug it in. I mean, we're right here. We're safe. So somebody plugged this shit in, and it started flickering. Started flickering, right. Because it was a column right here. I was over here on the top. I was up here on the top of the level. They were down here. And I was watching them from over here. Okay, so this just started flickering. And it was flicking the rows of lights right here. All these lights were flickering. Then it started popping. When it started popping, everybody from over here started running this way to see because everybody's nosy. And as soon as it started popping, this thing started glowing, and it started going like a force field. And everybody that was behind this, that I was seeing, everybody looked like this, like digital. It was being disrupted by the wave. Only right here, not right here. Everything else was still flickering. Right here was still popping. People were running. As soon as they got close and they see how this thing was moving, everybody started going this way. When they started going this way, these guys started backing up, because from this, it started glowing, and it looked like somebody put a foot out like that, and then somebody put a hand out like that, and then all you see was this. All you see was like this, an image like that. That's all I seen. This was all glowing, so it was bright. This was the only. The dark thing that I thought I seen come out. It looked like that. That's what came out. I was right here looking. It was me and four other dudes. Two other guys ran over here and started filming. I'm waiting for them to give me the footage, but they say they got this thing coming out, and it didn't look like somebody. It looked more like everything got disrupted and was all wavy, and it did that effect. That's what it looked like to me. I'm a graffiti artist. I can do all kinds of shit with a spray paint cat, and it makes it look like whatever, but when you get a mirror and bend in and all kind of crazy shit or the sounds and whatever shit they got going on, but, yeah, man, I seen this. This is what I seen. And it looked like it was coming out of this. And it's because whatever little box they had was bright and almost like one of those military flashlights that they were trying to plug up, but it had, like, a horn to it because it was like. And all this was, like, disrupting. And this shit right here was popping. All this right here was popping. But this is what I seen. This is what I seen come out, and everybody's taking off, screaming like, oh, my God, look at that. Everybody's turned around. So it looks like the kids were the ones that initiated this. Correct. It looks to me like these kids kind of opened a portal or something. I don't know. I don't know how this was done. I'm looking at that footage for the first time, but I wish she drew it in technology. I wish he drew it in graffiti so we don't see what the heck it was. I was like, for a graffiti artist, you're drawing in stick figures, dude. I would hate to see your graffiti now. But, bo, what's your spin on? And if anyone needs to get off right now, you're more than welcome to jump off if you got things to do. I'm respectful of your time, but, bo, go ahead. What do you think this was? Well, first of all, I don't want to disagree with anybody that said anything today, because I've actually believe everything what you guys are saying is dead on the money. You're speaking truth, which if something felt weird, I would have. But everything you guys were saying today was right on the money. So thank you and God bless you guys for all being here. So I fully agree. I also don't believe that all of this is the alien card just yet because I think it's too early. I think in the past we've seen a lot of, they will always test things. I think this is more of like a testing thing. My best guess. But again, I've not even, to be honest with you, Nino, I really haven't even paid attention to this because, like I tell you, all of the things going on in the world, they're political. These things you're seeing. We're living in biblical times, so we're going to see crazy stuff manifest on the earth, but it's all noise. And there's one truth. And the truth is it's written. And so what we're seeing from a biblical perspective is completely normal. Like, it's perfectly biblical. And let me explain that. Okay. Why are we seeing it now? Well, why are you starting to see things now? Because we're at a precipice of time. There's a time window coming together here, which is the fall of Babylon and the birth of the age of Aquarius. The age of Aquarius is what Jesus talked about when he returns. Okay, so that's the new era that's about to be birthed. And so we're like two worlds collide, right? So we're seeing this two worlds collide. Why is it now? Well, because when you go back and study scripture, just go back and study timelines. Israel was in bondage for 400 years. Moses shows up, takes them out of bondage. Okay, and so what are we about to be freed from bondage? And when does this happen with regards to Israel and Pharaoh? 400 years. This past November was 400 years to the first Thanksgiving. Okay, so we're at a 400 year mark and we're literally watching the fall of Babylon. And right before Babylon falls, what do they do? Freak out. It's like when Nino gets pinned. If you got pinned in a corner on a match, you're going to come in with every guns ablazing everything you got. And what are the two things they got? They got the WW three card. Right? And they got the alien card. And that's what they're pulling right now because they're in a corner right now. They're in Nino's corner. Yeah, but so it's a panic move. So it's a prelude. I think they're conditioning. It's a part of the predictive programming of the alien card. This may not be the alien card, but it's definitely a step to it. Yeah, it's a test run, and they're in a corner. They're pinned. They're throwing everything they got right now, look, the stuff that just came out last week out of the courts and everything, so we're at a moment in time. These. Where do these people operate? In darkness. Right? And so who's God? Who's Jesus Christ? He's the light. And so when the light comes, he shines the deals done in the dark. Well, when you expose the deals done in the dark, you're finished, right? These people are finished. And so they cannot let the deals done in the dark be exposed. And so we're all in. Who are we dealing with? We're dealing with demons, okay? And so that's really what this goes back to, creation. You literally go back, Earth was created for man. Satan usurps know Adam and Eve let him on the earth, and next thing you know, we got, like, Satan's not know. I think SGN said, know. These people are highly intelligent people. More importantly, they know what man or how man thinks, right? But they're not creators. They're only a creation. Right? So ultimately, they're always subject to the creator. So they're always subject to God. So as much as they might have plans, this is not their time. See, God gave them a window of time, and their time is about to be destroyed that they're trying to bring it in quicker than the time point God allowed them. Okay? And so we're literally at a moment in time where Babylon falls. Babylon? Babylon the great has fallen. She has become a dwelling place for demons. Tell me I'm wrong. Okay, just turn your tv on. There's nothing but. And who are these demons? This was literally written when you go back and study Genesis. I think it was Genesis six. It's the sons of God, the men of renowned, right? They thought the women were fair. They bore children. So what ends up being the nephilim? And then you read Matthew. You're saying that this thing could be real, but you're saying it's a fallen angel. You're saying that's what this is. Whatever it is we see. I don't know. Demonic is demonic. I'm thinking it's more of an illusion or a magic trick. Yes, it could be a magic trick, because basically, when you further go read the Bible. It talks specifically about. Let me just pull that scripture up. But it talks literally about even the elect will be deceived. Right? And so they're basically testing things to basically create illusion. When you turn on what is Hollywood, right. Nothing, but mostly illusion. The money system. It's money magic, right? So these people are not creators. They create illusions. They operate in the shadows. They create illusions. That's why it's called mystery Babylon in the Bible. Because everything's a mystery. They pull strings and they basically control humanity. And they're the puppet masters. And they're the puppet masters using the financial system, which is about to fall. So we're literally watching all of. I just think what happened here, my best guess would be the best things I'm not even paying attention to. It would be nothing but maybe a trial run. But I believe I agree with you, Nino. But they accomplished taking our attention away from a lot of list, right? Because how the evil operates is very simple, right? And when something goes against. See, they're the masters of sticking their fingers in the dam. Okay? And so what came out was just last week was that information, right, of the list. And that was, boom, the dam. A hole broke and the water shooting out. And so the stick the finger in the dam was what they just did in Miami. I think that's a good way of describing it. And see, these people are the masters of sticking their fingers in the dam. Because if that dam ever breaks, they're so these people are highly intelligent. They have money beyond means. Was it JFK? They said these people have. Bottom line is unlimited funds. They have unlimited funds to do whatever that they want. Because why? When they created out of thin air, Nixon took us off the goal center. You can make as much money as you want. And so that's what they're doing. And so we're at a moment in time. This is so awesome. We're at literally a moment in time, which is something big is about to go down here. And that's why they're in a corner right now. And they're throwing everything they can right now because of the list that came out. They're at a huge point in time right now. When you go back and study and study, time windows just give you one incredible time window, which is, how does this happen? But from the birth of 45, from his birth to this 21 January, just think about the magnitude of this. Roe v. Wade became. You can go from here, but Roe v. Wade became law in 1973, January 22. So you run 50 years. That's this January 22, thou shalt consecrate the 50th year and proclaim liberty throughout the land. That means God intervenes. So January 22 of this year, which is like two weeks away, is officially the end of the 50th year, which technically would be the day before the 21st. So the 21 January is the last day of the 50th year of Roe v. Wade. Now check how crazy this is. From the day 45 was born. From the day he was born, 77 years, seven months and seven days. So seven. Seven. Seven is precisely this January 21. Wow. Can we expect something big to happen? You think? So? What I'm trying to show you, this is just the revelation I got just yesterday. Look at the magnitude of this. This is just the only slide I want to show the viewers. This is crazy, but it's happening right in front of our eyes. And what does it say? From the day he was born, 700 days later, Israel's proclaimed a state. From the day he was born, 70 years, seven months and seven days later, he's president of the first day in office. From the day he was born, 700 days and 70 years later, he opens the embassy in Jerusalem. From the day he was born, 77 years, seven months later is this 14 January, which is in seven days from now. Why? Because January 1, Julian calendar, which has been used for 2050 years, they changed the julian calendar 400 years ago. So in other words, using the Julian calendar. Just use the julian calendar. Our January 14 is actually New Year's Day Julian calendar. So they screwed with the times. So this January 14 is New Year's on a calendar that's 2050 years old, that was created during. Before even Jesus. And then seven days later, Trump is 75, is 77 years, seven months and seven days old. Seven, seven. And that's the exact day the 50 year jubilee ends from Roe v. Wade becoming law. My point is this math is freakish. It's impossible. It's not possible. It's impossible. And yet it's happening right in front of us. I'm telling you, they are being squeezed into Nino's corner. Right? This. That's why they're doing whatever they can right now, because they got no way out. Sg, you want to chime in on that? The math just blows me away. I've never actually seen that work. Thank you for sharing that. Because it drives at a higher point, right. A certain entity online discussed multiple times that symbolism would be used as a vehicle for their downfall, that it would be used against them, that we would reclaim the basic, excuse me, the basis of our reality medium, that we all get to enjoy, right, which is the Holy Spirit. And everything is sustained and moves about in that medium. That is that Holy Spirit. Right? And it's the spirit that creates worlds. It's the spirit that is, there is no force of man or nature that is even remotely close to understanding the awesome power that is available in connection to that medium. And so this symbolism speaks to a grander point, which is the point that a preordained, if we could call it that, in some ways, fall of a great age of evil is sort of inevitable. At the end of the day, we out there that are doing the type of work like on this cast and all of the different individuals and communities that are going into their institutions and their organizations and their lodges and their, we could call it bathhouses, if we want to encapsulate sort of this cesspool that exists at the community level. And they are changing it, right? They're going in with garden hoses. They're putting pressure on them. They're tackling them with different indemnity liabilities. They're going at them in every which way that is available to the people. And we're witnessing that very fall of that age. And so discussing the alien card, I think, is a necessary component of the spiritual battle. But I think it just serves to highlight that this is a spiritual battle. We have no idea who we really truly are as beings. It's been so hidden from us and so obfuscated from us for so long that the absolute truth of that and the full extent of the truth of that may not be attained even after this awakening is sort of off to the races for a number of generations. We have records that we have to bring back and attempt to restore. And perhaps with the help of what I like to call other sentient brothers out there, osBs, we'll be able to recount and redefine our record as it is supposed to be. But what is so exciting about seeing the events in Miami, Nino, is that this is a mass consciousness event. This is an atom bomb in the consciousness for the idea that we are alone in the universe. Right? This coming on the heels of things like the house oversights, investigations, and Tucker Carlson having on an air force, I think it was Air Force intelligence whistleblower and the different work that's come out from Dr. Greer on the SRS show. And we've seen the preparation now, certainly in the alternative space for a while, and now we're having organic events occurring in real time, irrespective of the nature of it or who caused it. Or what's actually occurring here. The overarching theme is that it is shattering the idea to the normie population that this safe bubble that we've all been in, where we're sort of the center of God's universe, is really sort of an arrogant point of view. And maybe that maybe we are part of a larger whole. So I'm very optimistic for this, and quite frankly, I'm very excited that we're seeing this happen in the space. We're certainly being prepared for something, but we have to maintain our wisdom and discernment, and we can appreciate the truth in whatever those somethings happen to be. Beautiful. Hold on, I'll let Dr. Z say something. Go ahead. Yeah, because I actually want to mirror what both of you guys said. Bo and SG. I think it's a really important point. You brought up, Bo, about this being a godly and biblical thing and going back to the ancient alien thing. If you've watched that show, which I used to be a huge fan of, now, it's like, wow, they keep re airing the same show, but what do they say all the time in that? The gods came down and it wasn't God, it was the gods. Yes. Lowercase G, fallen angels, please. Right. And so maybe there were aliens that seeded this realm that we're in. We don't know. Like we've been saying, we just don't know. But why couldn't both of those things be true? Why does that remove the existence of God, which is the programming that I perceived that they were trying to put on the mass consciousness? It's just like what SG was talking about, that online information board. And some people talk about astrology that way, too. These things are just information. God can exist with those things as well. And so for me, the awakening and looking at those things and absorbing those things has only brought me closer to God. And I've seen that on the mass level of people that are actually trying to be honest and look at things and trying to figure it. So I think it's a really important point that no matter what's going on out there, as Bo said, it's supposed to be crazy. It's biblical. The board said that too. And God said that as well. Like, this is going to be crazy. We're going to see really crazy stuff, stay close to God, stay connected to God, and know that we'll be fine and that God will win this in the end. And I tell people all the time, they ask me, well, what's going to happen? When's it going to happen? I don't know. I'm not God. This is God's war. The justice we are all looking for will happen when God wants it to happen, not when we want it to happen. Will be on his time and in his terms. So it's also kind of like I look at the uppercase g, God, right, as the umbrella and then the lowercase. Let me define that. Let me finish. So the uppercase g and then the lowercase g, gods under that umbrella. So I think I agree a lot with what Bo says. I agree a lot with what everyone is saying here. But I do hold God as the pinnacle, the top, everything else falls under. That's what I always want to define. Because the best thing that Satan wants to do is ever, never give a definition, right? Because you can say God all you want on tv, but don't say Jesus Christ, right? And so the point of. So God is a trinity. So there are three individuals. It's Jehovah, it's Jesus, and then the holy spirit. But they're a trinity as know. And Jesus is the truth, the way, the life, no one comes to the Father, but by Jesus. So you can't get to heaven. You can't get to heaven and stand by God because of the sin that happened in the garden. So because Jesus came to earth, he's becomes a final Adam. You covered in the blood of Jesus. Now you can again commune and stand with God. And so that's the whole point. But basically it know, as in the days, we know that saying, as in the days of Noah, so shall be in the coming of the son of man, right? And so what was the days of Noah? The days of Noah were very simple. It was giants on the earth, okay? These were the men of renowned. And so the great flood was because very simple. The earth was corrupt and it was horrific. Look what's going on right now. God promised he'll never flood the earth again, but now it's going to be fire. But because of what happened in the time of Noah, he had to destroy the earth, including everything that was there, right? Then there was also Noah's ark that basically took the salvation. But the point was those spirits died. The nephilim were destroyed, but not their spirits. And so those spirits are the demonic spirits that are now occupying Wall Street, Vatican, the globe. And they basically created what's called, literally, this is the mystery. Babylon is now in full, at full force right now. And so we're seeing these things, but we're seeing this clash of the ages. And actually, I don't do astrology. I'm going to be clear. I do not do astrology. But someone actually posted on my twitter account that they do the soldier. And apparently Pluto is entering into the age of Aquarius, which is the first time. The thousands and thousands and thousands. It's never happened before, apparently. And so guess what day this Pluto enters Aquarius on the 21 January, the same exact day that I gave you guys on the 7777 count and Roe v. Wade. Like, this is insanity. So all I know is that we're living in biblical times. What we're seeing is these two. And so when Babylon has to fall because God's kingdom cannot stand because it's pure, and so you can't have the age of Aquarius exist with Babylon. So Babylon must fall. And so it's like in 24 hours, this thing's going to flip. The scales are going to flip. Something big is about to happen this year. Could even be this month, right? We'll see. But I'm telling you, when the scales flip, then we're going to see. Basically the word that I got specifically was bravo. So it'll be the blessings, the greatest blessings the world's ever seen. I'm going to pull this chart up here, but you can kind of have a look at. This is what's starting this year. So the greatest blessings the world's ever seen. So what's that? That's the financial blessings. God's going to take down the financial system. And you literally talked about, David, about buying precious metals. Why? Because Hagai two, verse eight, the silver and the gold are mine. Say the Lord God's going to flip the financial scales. Why? How'd they build Babylon with the money? Okay, you got to take out the money system because if you don't take out the money system, the truths never come out. You got to expose the deals done in the dark. How do you do that? Take out their money system. So their money system is about to fall, which is going to lead to the greatest revival in human history. People are actually going to wake up because they're going to stop chasing money. They're going to lose it. This is going to be horrific and historic, and this is going to lead to the great awakening. A great awakening and entering into age of Aquarius. We're going to have the greatest vindications the world's ever seen. And this is critical here. The open heaven. What's an open heaven? An open heaven is when God the father opens a door. When God opens a door, no man can close it. And so that's what's about to happen. So something is about to happen where God opens a door. It's kind of like that. Flood the gate. The floodgates. God's going to break those floodgates. And once you break those floodgates, you can't stick fingers in it anymore because they're smashed open. The water's flying out. So an open heaven is when God opens a door. No man can close it. God's also going to close the door on Babylon, and no man can then open the door again. So that's kind of the point in time we're stepping into right here. So it's a window of divine favor. Is the world stepping into right here, right now? Which then sets a stage for something historic that we're stepping into as 2024 begins. So that's kind of what I wanted to give the people the big picture on this beautiful January is. And again, those who know my timelines on a stock cycle. Okay, what I realize it could be two to three weeks off. Why? But the turns already happened. But that's a one two four pattern. Well, January is one and the year 24. So something's about to start here as the year 2024 begins. And also, prophetic word. I'm thinking you guys appreciate this. This is a prophetic word of Kim Clement. He goes, you have been besieged, America, besieged by haters of America for seven years. Well, when you go back and study did in 2016, that's what I'm going to say about that. Okay, seven years is now. It's over. Okay, so you've been besieged for seven years, America. And then the next word is, I, God will take you out of your besiegement for seven years. So they're pinned in a corner. They're screwed. God, the father, the creator of all things, is about to step off of his throne because why? The window of time is now. It's like nothing. Nothing. And all over the Bible, the word is suddenly beautiful. So we are living in biblical times, no doubt about it. I agree with you on that. I think stranger things are going to be happening just like that series. Seriously, this is about to get wacky and wonky. I just want to say thank you for everyone for joining me on this roundtable. I'd love to get everyone's different perspective. I'm going to put this up on YouTube. Dr. Z, thank you, Bony. Thank you. Thank you, gentlemen. Pleasure meeting you all. Thank you. Yes, Sienna. Thank you. Let's do this again. At some point, I'm going to send this off to editing and then throw it up on YouTube. But I got to do it fast. So once again, thank you, guys. Thank you, Nino. God bless. Thank you all. God bless. .