Yes. It took me so long to find out. I found out. This is Jim Petser, your host on Authentic News, right here on RBN Live, this fifth day of December, 2023. My last day as an 82 year old. My birthday tomorrow in simulcasting on speak. Free radio. I mentioned right off the bat. The fourth annual False Flag and Conspiracy Conference will be held on the 16th and 17 December, 2023. You can find an announcement of it on my blog@jameshpetser. org. Now, this is a video conference. You can watch it from the comfort of your own home for free. This is a free video conference. I got 20 speakers. They're going to be opportunities to ask questions of the speakers. I built it right into the program, so I want to encourage everyone to know about it, because you're part of my family here at RBN. Take advantage. Pick up a ticket. If you like the program, check it out. It looks super to me, but then I'm biased because I organized the whole thing and brought the best speakers I could get my hands on for your benefit. Meanwhile, turning to Ukraine, Jen Stoltenberg, the head of NATO, says that NATO has to brace itself for bad news from Ukraine war's development phases. Stolenberg said in an interview with the German broadcast Ard we have to support Ukraine in both good times and bad. We should be prepared for bad news. Well, what's happened? Among other points, Russian Putin has signed a decree Friday to increase the number of soldiers in the Russian military by 170,000 to a total of 1. 3 million. And while you're going to hear reports about Russia having lost maybe 50,000 troops, the fact is Ukraine has lost 500,000, or even a million. So it's really been totally different. Here's a truth seeker talking about how the US has now lost another war. All of Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and more. This is embarrassing. And frankly, the US military isn't getting any stronger. It's not getting any more competent, but vastly worse. The US led NATO alliance held its first NATO Ukraine Council meeting this week in Brussels. As usual, a cliched promises supporting the Kiev regime to the end were trolled out by Olin Sandri. In truth, these NATO events for Ukraine and more generally, are becoming yawn fast. The whole sordid charade is only postponing the reality that a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is a debacle for the Western powers. It is not something to gloat over. It is a tragedy and an abomination. That's not all. Larry Johnson, who's a former intel guy for the CIA, has reported, and they appear to have blocked his video, ukraine can't defeat Russia and that Israel has turned itself into a bunch of authoritarian thugs. I think Larry Johnson got it exactly right. Now here's another report from responsible statescraft asking, did the west deliberately prolong the Ukraine war? Mounting evidence proves we cannot believe anything our officials say about the futility of negotiations, it's becoming increasingly difficult to deny a war in Ukraine could have been ended mere months into the Russian invasion, and that the US and the UK governments worked to prevent it from happening. The latest corroboration comes courtesy of David Archamia, the parliamentary leader of Zelensky's, servant of the People Party, who led the Ukrainian delegation and peace talks with Moscow. Archamia told journalist Natalia Munchk in a recently televised interview that Russia's goal was to push us to take neutrality, meaning to commit to not joining NATO, and that they were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality. But the US and the UK wouldn't let that happen. The US and the UK rather cynically believed that it was going to be possible to weaken Russia by beefing up Ukraine with the latest NATO and American weapons. But it hasn't played out that way. Quite the opposite. It requires all of them. We got David Hansen here. Listen to Scott Ritter, who's just wonderful. Okay, I'm working on it. I love to be insulted. Don't ask stupid questions. Happy holidays. Simi from Kenya Harrott's newspaper said, the Israeli army admits that 1000 officers and soldiers have been injured since the beginning of the war on Gaza, including 202 seriously injured. What is the impact of this result on the possible resumption of attacks on Gaza? Look, the bottom line is Israel got brought to a standstill by Hamas. Israel wasn't winning the ground war. Benjamin Netanyahu said going in that he was not going to accept any ceasefires and he would not exchange prisoners. Day Six it's not a ceasefire though, it's a pause, because politically we can't call it a ceasefire, but it's the same thing. It's a ceasefire and they're exchanging prisoners things. That why. Because the IDF was getting their butts handed to them, not just in Gaza, but more importantly up north on the Lebanese border against Hezbollah. Israeli newspapers have come out and basically said that there's nothing the Israeli military could do to stop Hezbollah from taking over Galilee. That's northern Israel, guys. There's nothing they can do to stop it. If Israel resumes their offensive against the Gazans, against the Palestinian people, not only will their army be destroyed there, but their army will be liquidated in the north. So Nenya is in a tough place. He's literally backed himself into a corner with his own rhetoric. He's trapped himself. I think his best option right now is to get as many prisoners out, as many houses out as he can, get them all out. And if that means you have to exchange all the Palestinians that you've arrested over the years, the thousands that you're holding without charge, that you're torturing and beating on a daily basis, get rid of them, man. Empty your prisons, save lives, go down in history at least with that. Because right now, Net Yah is going down in history as the guy who destroyed Israel. Remember, he was destroying israel before October 7. He's the guy that rewrote the basic law about the judiciary getting legislative control over the judicial branch so that he wouldn't go to jail. He's a corrupt individual. If he resigns now and he doesn't have protections, he'll go on trial, he'll be found guilty. He'll spend the rest of his life in jail. That's what he's scared of. This is what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen. This is what's going on here. This is Benjamin Netanyahu trying to save. Benjamin Netanyahu not doing the right thing either by Israel, by the Palestinians, by the world. This is an extraordinarily corrupt and selfish man, and hopefully his time is soon over as the Prime Minister of Israel. Next question comes from I think that Scott Ritter has just been doing a sensational job here. Meanwhile, unsurprisingly in the war, they're cutting communications. This is from Al Jazeera, Israel. Hamas will rotate communication cut amid southern Gaza offensive in order they're planning to commit so many more war crimes, so many more brutal acts, so many more bombings of churches and hospitals and schools and mosques they don't want the world to know. So cutting off communication, but mark my word, this is not a good thing. This is to commit more vicious crimes they're hoping the world will not learn about. Meanwhile, UNICEF says that the Israeli army is encircled. Jabalia Hospital bombing the Kanyana school. This is further confirmation of just exactly what I'm saying about U. S. Announces visa bans on Israeli settlers who attack Palestinians. I'm not sure what that's all about. The US. State Department announced it will impose travel bans on Israeli settlers involved in attacks against Palestinians of the West Bank. Does that mean we're trying to cool it off a bit? Yahoo. Bartley says it's not possible to bring all hostages back in a tense meeting. Yeah, in other words, he's preparing us for the loss of hostages. The latest report I have is they're planning to flood Moss tunnels with seawater. And obviously there's a huge amount of seawater available there. That would not surprise me at all. Middle east eyes more exactly what I'm saying about bombing these schools and other war crimes. Indeed, we have the report. Thousands remain trapped under the rubble of Gaza. Remember? Now, this is from the Middle East monitor. Colonel Mcgraver said he thought that the Israelis had committed a massive blunder and lost a war right off the bat by destroying all those buildings and creating all that debris which would allow protection for Hamas to get up. Close and personal with their tanks and armored personnel carriers and that their track vehicles wouldn't be able to navigate around the cities in cleaning, a systematic cleaning block by block by block because of the massive debris, while, in addition, thousands of bodies remain under the debris of buildings destroyed by ongoing Israeli attacks. Civil defense teams in the Gaza Strip have reported with equipment shortages preventing their retrieval civil Defense spokesman Mahu Basal said Israeli forces have been targeting their teams in the enclave constantly since October 7. Well, you may recall, the US was providing them with data, GPS coordinates in terms of where these aid groups were, and the Israelis were using them unsurprisingly to kill the aid groups. Meanwhile, Jews say they're the best at avoiding civilian deaths. When a lot of people who are very peaceful and kind, when I think of people who are very peaceful and kind, the first thing I think of is the Jews. Jews are the number one group that doesn't kill a lot of innocent people for no reason. Jews are such good and moral people. It really makes you sick. I feel like vomiting at the thought of how good and moral the Jews are. I opened up the New York Post with Israel in Amos returning to armed Friday after the terror group ended a week long pause in the fighting across Gaza. The Jewish state is again under international pressure to halt its war to eliminate the jihadas who brutally slaughtered more than 1200 people, including 33 Americans, on October 7. But how exactly can the Israeli Defense Forces avoid harming civilians when its enemy hides behind innocent directing its operation from the most sacred of safe places, including hospitals, in violation of the international rules of war? But of course, the Israelis don't care about the international rules of war, and Amos is having great success because of the rubble. They have been able to take out over 100 over 100 Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers. Now, here's newsmax updating about the October 7 attack itself. Israel investigates possible trading knowledge ahead of October 7 Hamas attack that's inside trader taking advantage on the stock market of knowledge that events going to occur up which most people are unaware. Israeli authorities are investigating claims by US. Researchers that some investigators might have known in advance of an AMAs plan to attack Israel on October 7 and use that information to profit from Israeli securities. Research by law professors Robert Jackson Jr. From New York University and Joshua Mitzvah, Columbia found significant short selling of shares leading up to the attacks. Short selling being betting that a stock is going to drop, which triggered a war nearly two months old, days before the attack. Traders appear to anticipate the events to come, they wrote, citing short interest in the MSCI Israeli exchange traded fund that suddenly and significantly spiked on October 2, based on data from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The same thing happened before 911. Indeed, there were stunning shorts brought against American and United Airlines. And of course, after the events, their stock plunged and those sources who blazed those shorts made fabulous sums of money. Well, the co chairs of the 911 commission investigated and they said, well, they'd found out, and it couldn't have been that they were involved. Why? Because it tracked back to the CIA. I mean, how dumb and gullible are these people? They had no business being in charge of the 911 investigation if they're going to assume that the CIA has clean hands there. They had dramatic proof in terms of stocks that CIA had been involved because they made these bets, these shorts, that United and American stocks were going to fall when no one should have had any reason to think that, and no one would have thought that absent knowledge of 911 in the works. Meanwhile, we have BB boasting about his knowledge of his control of Joe Biden. Get this Hebrew. Yeah. And I should say low midabara Evrit ANI low midabarait. Can you translate what you just said? I don't speak Hebrew. Okay. In fact, that's the only thing I know how to say in Hebrew. I know how to say, like, shilshul, which is oh, good, that's useful. Yeah. These are experiences I had when I was a kid I was in Israel. And so that was basically it. I knew how to say two things. There you go. And that was basically dominant in my experience. Will that be helpful in trying to translate this clip? I don't even know how to say I don't know, but I do know how to say low. Yeah. As in no. Okay. But this is panelists on an Israeli public broadcast. They're discussing reporting about a meeting that Prime Minister Netanyahu had with sort of some backbenchers in the Lakud. He is desperately trying to hold on to power, and he knows he needs to maintain this war essentially to stay in power because he's also afraid of going to jail for corruption charges. But he also knows that there's increasing pressure to discontinue this war, I think probably not in the least bit, because the IDF is starting to realize, like, we're not going to get rid of Hamas. I mean, there's no clear military objectives. But again, even that framing, everyone has to understand that the military objectives are secondary to the collective punishment of the Palestinian people and the prevention of any self determination. That's the framing you have to go into it well, exactly. But from a military ever, they're not going to get rid of Hamas. They're just going to come out and say, we damaged Hamas this much or that much. But the US government is supposedly now adding more pressure in terms of, like, you can't go willy nilly like you did if you start this up again. And so he's got to go in there and basically sell to his party members in Lacude that he's the guy that they want in office even if there is no war. We're just going to play a little clip of this, but obviously there's no translation. Go play just a little bit of clip, and then we'll read from the report on this gash in Ke asara shavua Oshima all right, so that's the guy reporting on what Netanyahu said. And this report is coming from the times of Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly met with at least ten backbenchers his Lakud Party over the past week in an effort to ensure their continued support. And my guess is he obviously met with one who doesn't want him to stay in. And that's why we hear about this or this thing. And this is a quote from the piece. This is according to the Khan Public broadcast that we just heard. I'm the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza. And this is West Bank after the war. This is sort of the same way he used to talk about we need to support Hamas if we want to avoid a I mean, that's a paraphrase, but we have direct quotes to that effect. We have quotes of similarly speaking to the Israeli press of these Lakhud Party meetings. And by the way, the Likud Party is ideologically mostly in lockstep with Netanyahu. They just are fearful know his judicial reforms and his kind of has a problem with that. But in terms of the Israeli public right, exactly. Even if they may want a different figurehead, if public opinion gets too, oh, I think that he's just seen as incompetent and politically he's a liability in terms of the Lakud Party. But that is a completely distinct set of questions relative to their agenda. He's not pushing this is what we should do to prevent a Palestinian state. He's pushing the idea that I'm the most competent person to inhibit a Palestinian state. So when we talk about the idea of having a partner in peace, et cetera, et cetera, understand that for years we were told there's nobody sitting across the table from the Israelis in terms of wanting a partner for peace. This is the agenda of the ruling party in Israel. It is to inhibit Palestinian sovereignty. And the idea of a one state solution, a democratic state, multiethnic, multiracial democratic state that's not even on the table. No, the two state solution. The reason I think liberals for many decades and continue to I think it's false hope, but have propped that up is because it's the most realistic way to, in theory, appeal to some of these Israeli hardliners. But even that as Biden openly talks about how we need to move towards a two state solution, the partner that he's working with here, the Israeli government, the ruling party there, is saying we are explicitly trying to undercut those efforts. And on top of that, the next graph, netanyahu reportedly told the Lacoude Lawmakers that the Biden administration did not want Israel launch a ground incursion into Gaza and did not want the IDF to enter Gaza's City Shifa Hospital. Netanyahu reportedly boasted about having gone against US wishes in both those cases. In other words, he's like, I don't have to even listen to Biden. And the point isn't just that he doesn't have to listen to Biden. The point is he doesn't have to listen to Biden, and there hasn't been $1 worth of aid or military equipment withheld and we act like he is listening to us. And Ben Cardin, you know, after we did have those encouraging comments from Chris Murphy saying that maybe we should condition aid to Israel, ben Cardin, who's watching chair the Foreign Relations Committee, says, I don't want to do that. Great. Isaac Schottner interview with him over the break, actually, and this should be the first question that Ben Cardin gets when Netanyahu, to cement his power in the lakud, brags about not listening to Joe Biden or to the United States. And he says, I've known Joe Biden for more than 40 years. I know how to speak to the American public. Netanyah, who's told the liquid, yeah, he's a good bullshitter for sure, and he boasts of owning Biden. Meanwhile, the ADL admits that they have lost the young. This is from the Seeker. Here we see an image israel's killing children again. Enjoy your weekend. A public sign leaked. ADL chief John Greenblatt says it's no longer left versus right on Israel, it's old versus young. Polling shows Israel has totally lost a sympathy of millennials. And Gen. Z ADL is spying on pro Palestinian orgs. No doubt about that. Let's check it out just a bit. So my wife got me this weird again, we get to the BS. Here it is. The real game is the next generation and their accomplices, the youthful idiots in the west, are falling in line in ways that are terrifying. Last week, I'll just say we saw a dramatic change in the language of the activists here in America on October the Eigth, the language of groups that we've long tracked who've long been problematic, like Students for justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace. They flipped like this and went to like Iranian propaganda. The language I could show you from their toolkits because our analysts are in their groups. We saw this again on October the Eigth. It was that fast. Like the language in their toolkits was all about the Zionist entity and lots of other language that we recognized from propaganda. Why would it be Iranian propaganda to be critical of Israel? I mean, that's just ridiculous. But the fact is, here in the United States, they've stretched the meaning of anti Semitism. So no longer means disliking Jews just because of their religion, just because they are Jews. That was a classic definition of anti Semitism that has been broadened to extend to any criticism of Israel whatsoever. Even when Israel is committing genocide, you cannot criticize Israel without qualifying as an anti Semite. Here we got the brass check TV, rather interesting querying what would Hillary do in Gaza? This is pretty interesting. Let's check it out. There are a number of international voices calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization, more than 120 world leaders. While the Israeli government has blankedly refused. The strongest voices calling against a ceasefire haven't been Israeli. We hear those calling for a ceasefire. People who are calling for a ceasefire now do not understand Hamas. Peace through weakness never works. Israel doesn't need a ceasefire, needs its allies to cease with the politics and deliver support now. Well, I don't know how you could have a ceasefire, permanent ceasefire, with an organization like Hamas. Ceasefire now would simply leave mosque in place. So those who delight in the 1400 Israeli deaths join that call for a regroup ceasefire. Ceasefire. Many of these voices have instead promoted myths about Gaza that undermine our understanding of the real situation on the ground, as well as the political and historical context of how the conflict reached the boiling point it's in now. Let's look at one example. You might have seen this interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking on The View. I've been to Gaza, and Gaza is a highly populated urban environment. It's been shared widely as an excellent breakdown of the conflict in Gaza and why a ceasefire would be a mistake. But how accurate is what she's saying and is it serving another purpose? The answer, needless to say, is it is serving another purpose. The purpose of promoting Israel's destruction of Gazan. Slaughter of Palestinians. Absolutely outrageous. A Zionist civil rights group. ADL labels pro palestinian Jews. Jews who are for Palestine. An anti Semitic hate group. Of course. What else could they be? You can't be a bona fide critic of Israel without being anti Semitic. Here we go. Well, another thing that Israel opposes besides Palestinian statehood, which they make very clear is BDF. Boycot divest sanction. Can you talk about how the state of Israel, the government of Israel, and its various ministries have combated BDF? Stand by. Really great question. Stand by. I think. One thing. I never needed anybody's help in any way. Now these days are gone, and I'm not so self assured. 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All of where do they all belong? Well, needless to say, the Hamas Israel war spilling over into domestic politics. We got a host by name of Dana Bash who might take to be a virulent Zionist, confronting Representative Pamela Japal of Washington, a Democrat, but also the only Palestinian member of Congress who's supposed to have been shocking Bash by asserting that we must be balanced in our response to a mosque using rape as a weapon of war. She was confronting Japal over the fact progressives have been downright silent on the atrocities Hamas committed against Israeli women and girls during the October 7 attack. Now, my opinion is Japal should have just said, where is the proof that Hamas was raping women and children? The hostages that have been released by Hamas have been very grateful to Hamas by the consideration with which they displayed. And I'll tell you frankly, in the midst of a military operation, bullets flying in the like, the idea of dropping your pants to have sex is frankly absurd. Now in situations such as with ISIS and Syria, where they're not under any threat, where they come in and take over a town and they're completely in control, rapes take place. But I frankly am skeptical of these stories. The Israelis are great at making them up that are supposed to be indications of the brutality of Hamas. Meanwhile, this is rather surprising on Rombo, FBI arrests 17 US. Jewish rabbis with trafficking human organs, baby parts, and money laundering. Let's see if we can get part of the story here. Once again, of course, we got to deal with the commercials. Here we go. Arrests on a massive scale. Amongst those taken into custody by the FBI were city mayors, politicians, and religious leaders. The authorities needed buses to cope with the sheer scale of the operation. New Jersey's corruption problem is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the nation. Corruption is not only pervasive, it has become ingrained in New Jersey's political culture. It's thoughts that religious charities controlled by prominent rabbis were used to launder cash. The arrests were part of a ten year operation that uncovered money laundering on an international scale, as well as corruption and the sale of human organs in the US. Switzerland, and Israel. The list of people we arrested sounds like it should be the roster for a meeting of community leaders. But sadly, they weren't meeting in a boardroom this morning. They were in the FBI booking room. Good stop. Good stop. Is the FBI actually doing some good? Meanwhile, a federal court has delivered an historic decision terrible news for illegals. Get this coming from the Patriot Journal. Since 2021. The US. Has struggled with a massive influx of illegal immigration, and estimated 5 million have entered the country illegally. A report I just gave said there's some 50 million here in the US. Some states are taking matters into their own hands, looking for ways to deport the most dangerous to these border jumpers. A new federal court ruling could eliminate a major hurdle from just the news, a bandwidth the 9th Circuit Court ruled Miranda rights don't apply to warrant backed civil immigration arrests. Holding up an order to deport a Mexican citizen who had argued he was coerced into admitting his illegal status under an administrative warrant. Miranda writes, are formal warnings given by law enforcement to individuals in custody of the right to silence and an attorney. But of course, properly, that just applies to citizens of the United States, not those who are seeking illegalty to immigrate. Meanwhile, in this in my opinion, if that was good, this is bad. Judge issues ruling on Kerry Lake request to examine 2022 ballots an Arizona judge and this is coming from the Epic times rejected Republican gubernatorial candidate Kerry Lake's request to view signed ballots of about 1. 3 million early voters in the state. In a ruling on November 30, maricopa County Superior Court Judge John Hannah denied Ms. Lake, who'd run for governor during 2022 from gaining access to the ballot envelopes in connection to last year's election. He argued that releasing the ballot envelopes and signatures would imperil the verification process for future Arizona elections. Look at that. This is just an absurd ruling on his face. How can verifying that the confirmation of a ballot's authenticity of the signature that's on record with a signature on ballot imperil the verification process? It's actually implementing the verification process, but some of these judges simply have their heads where the sun does not shine. How embarrassing is that? Meanwhile, we have a tweet from the House Judiciary. Let me pick this up here. This is comer. Was an absolute wall between his official government duties and his family's influence peddling schemes. This was a lie. President Joe Biden claimed his family didn't receive money from China. This was a lie. President Joe Biden claimed he never spoke to his son Hunter Biden about the Biden's family's shady business dealings. This was a lie. Now, Hunter Biden's legal team and the White House's media allies claim Hunter's corporate entities never made payments directly to Joe Biden. We can officially add this latest talking point to the list of lies. Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden's business entity, a Wasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden. This wasn't a payment from Hunter Biden's personal account, but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world. At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of justice for using a wasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes. And based on Whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden. I wonder why. The more we learn, it appears the Justice Department was trying to cover up for the Bidens until brave Iris Whistleblowers came forward and a federal judge rejected the sweetheart plea deal. Payments from Hunter's business entity to Joe Biden are now part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family's influence peddling schemes. When Joe Biden was Vice President, he spoke by phone, attended dinners, and had coffee with his son's foreign business associates. He allowed his son to catch a ride on Air Force Two at least a dozen times to sell the Biden brand around the world. Hunter Biden requested office keys to be made for his office mate Joe Biden, in space he planned to share with a Chinese energy company. We've revealed how Joe Biden received checks from his family that were funded by the Biden's influence peddling schemes. With China, no less. The House Oversight Committee continues to investigate Joe Biden's involvement in his family's domestic and international business schemes at a rapid pace. This is so disgusting. In the past, a scandalous magnitude of president would be out on his ear but he's sticking around. The Democrats are protecting him. It's simply outrageous. Here we have more about it. How? Subpoenaed bank records show Hunter biden's Auasca BC made direct monthly payments at Joe. Any of you who like I watched that first debate between Biden and Trump, and he deliberately declared, he said, I had nothing to do with my son Hunter's business. The guy's as big a liar as we've ever had in the White House. Tony Bubalinski had been their finance manager, virtually jumped out of his chair sitting beside Hunter. Meanwhile, here's a report why Nikki Haley would be a disastrous choice for the GOP. From the Blaze, it seemed former Governor Haley is bounding ahead in a hypothetical matchup with Biden, although she's not been able to make significant headway against Republican front runner Trump. Now polling over 60% as his party's preferred presidential candidate, haley would beat Biden by the largest margin among active Republican candidates, possibly as much as 10%, according to Real Clear Politics. Unlike Haley, Trump is running ahead of Biden by only about four points. Given all the negative publicity our former president has incurred over the last six years, and the mountain of legal difficulty under which he's now been, thanks to Biden's Justice Department, his chances for reelection may be less promising than they currently look. If Haley does win the nomination, however, it would leave an enormous number of Americans who identify themselves as populace without a political home. Trump is a populist. Trump does represent the people. Haley is one more elitist. What is surprising about that? Here we have a report of Kanye West red milling Alex Jones about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler. If you missed the Alex Jones Show today, you must go watch it on banned video or odyssey. It's amazing how the craziest thing to ever happen on Alex Jones Show is someone telling the truth. Well, the whole business about Hitler and the Third Reich has received a massive amount of distortion, historically without any doubt about it. Meanwhile, former Mexican Mafia insider sheds light on Stranger, the FBI informant who attacked Derek Chauvin despite his impending release. That was all pretty bizarre. And as I've reported many, many times, the whole death of George Floyd was manufactured, fabricated. He actually died of a drug overdose, not from asphyxiation. There weren't even any bruises on his neck, because at the scene, they actually arrested him. And he had hair on his head. He was manacled behind his back, put in the squad car, should have then been taken to the precinct for booking. Instead, the next we know, he's been taken outside and Chauvin's leaning on his neck. Except the neck he's leaning on is a head that has no hair and has hands in front of his chest. A Sigma Seven African American windpiped torso training dummy. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson destroys John Kerry and climate change zealots with facts. If we have the opportunity, I'll come back. Delta suggests wealthy elites are most responsible for alleged climate change. Wealthy elites. Meanwhile, leftists freak out after Cope 28 leader slams the climate change scam in Dubai. Let's see if we can pick this up after we get past you need to see this. Did you know that? Let's talk about Cop 28. Cop 28, of course, the big climate conference in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Thousands upon thousands of people descending on Dubai in order to cover the big climate conference there and talk and meet in the hallways and shake hands with Al Gore and do all of that. So I happened to be in Dubai, not for Cop 28 specifically, but had a chance to interact and talk with a lot of the people who were at the conference. And it's very interesting because a lot of the hotel staff, the folks at the airport who I was talking to were telling me that enormous amounts of people couldn't make it to Cop 28. There was enormous amounts of people that were stuck throughout Europe because of a massive snowstorm coming to the climate conference. 6ft of snow, massive freeze, deep freeze as a result of it, and the worst cold snap in decades. Heavy snow brings chaos to southern Germany as Munich suspends flights and of course, private jets. This is hilarious to watch, these private jets who they couldn't take off. So a lot of the Cop 20 private jets that were set to come there couldn't. So things had to be delayed. Conference schedules had to be adjusted as a result of it because of the deep freeze. And they were waiting on some of the hotel staff people, and folks were telling me that, yeah, they're waiting on all these people. They haven't been able to get out, haven't been able to arrive because of the snowstorm, because the earth is heating up so quickly. So this is a problem. Exactly. Good question. Since when? It's the perfect question. If you've been watching our show for any length of time, you know the joke on that. Anyway. But one big thing that's sort of been like a big umbrella of weirdness that's unfolded over Cop 28 over the past few days in Dubai was this comment or a series of comments and then a doubling down of these comments by the president of Cop 28? The president of Cop 28, the UAE sultan Al Jabair was recorded on a zoom call with Mary Robinson. Of course, who's the former UN. She's the Irish what the hell is she? She's a former president. Former Irish president. Former Irish president. But yes, is part of the UN's climate convoy. Garbage. Whatever. Anyway, so she's been leading this effort, right? Her big thing is climate change is killing women, specifically pregnant women and women and children. Specific. But it's really women the climate is really killing. So before Cop 28, she wanted to speak with Cop 20 eight's president as they're gearing up for this so they had a big Zoom meeting. After they'd met in Beijing, they agreed to do another meeting. He agrees to do this Zoom meeting with her once again to kind of talk about the agenda for Cop 28. And he basically flat out tells her, there is no science behind what you're asking me to do, which is to phase out fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, get rid of it. There's no science like you're lying about it, and you're asking me to basically go out and lie about it for you, on your behalf, for your scam. So listen to this leaked Zoom that has now been released. The Guardian had it, but this leaked Zoom meeting has been stand by, stand by. We'll be right back. The Cop 20 Leaked Zoom meeting. How about that? Here comes the sun. Here comes the sun. I say it's all right, little darling. It be one of the millions of people who feel like there is a dark cloud hanging over their heads whenever they're using pharmaceutical drugs. For some, the short term relief can turn into an Opioid addiction nightmare. Have you ever wondered why CBD oil is a billion dollar industry? It's because it works better than Opioids and is actually healthy for you. However, CBD oil is stripped of all other helpful compounds found in the hemp plant. 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A misalignment, of course, was the company's Woke Extremist Values, with its largely traditional fan base who simply want family friendly conduct, not political indoctrination of any kind the success of our businesses. Disney is offering an excuse as to why a lot of their content has failed. They have to send out Woke Extremists content as a trial balloon to see if it works. Well, it doesn't. It doesn't work. And they're falling into the pattern of Go woke, go broke. Meanwhile, this is kind of a sad story. Parents of nine year old boy accused of wearing blackface threatened to sue, deadspin, demand a retraction and apology. This is a kid who just went to a baseball game and painted half his face red and half his face black because those were the colors of the Kansas City Chiefs. The parents of a nine year old boy accused by a dead spin rider of wearing blackface during a Kansas City Chiefs football game threatened to sue the outlet and demanded a retraction and apology. That is the least they can do. The writer of the article, Carol J. Phillips, used a photo for his dead spin piece showing only half of Holden Armando's face, which was black. Problem is, the other half of Holden's face was red, one of the Chiefs team colors. Just how bad is this? What's more, Holden's mother stated on her Facebook page her son actually is part Native American. I mean, this is just ridiculous. He actually is Native American. They're part of the Chumash tribe of California and used to live on a reservation. How bad is that? This is getting excessive with their woke agenda. Once again, shocking. Meanwhile, finally, Meta is being used for forcing their users to pay to not be tracked. Meta is required to get users consent in Europe in order to show them targeted ads. For this reason, Meta has to provide European users with a way to opt out of behavioral advertising or face fines. Tolling 100,000 a day. We'll be right back and we'll take your calls. 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And as handy as flipping a switch terahertz technology is changing the course of what we were taught about how to maintain our health and well being. To learn more about this amazing breakthrough, go to naturalearthmedicine. com. That's naturalearthmedicine. com. This is RBN, the Republic Broadcasting Network. But look at you. See the love that's sleeping. What? My guitar gently weeps at the floor and I see sweeping. Feel my guitar taking weed. Well, welcome to hour two of Authentic News right here on RBN Live. This 5 December, the last day of my 82nd year. I'm very pleased we got Catherine for Virginia standing by. Catherine, join the conversation. Hello, Dr. Fetzer. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Really? I don't really have anything to say. I'm just listening to all this stuff and the important gold. What is it? The silver lining in the dark cloud is no Jewish thing has lasted over 80 years. Israel. That's 45 years. You do the math for me or? No. From 47, is it 75 years so far? You mean how long Israel has existed? Yeah, 75 years. Whereas the Palestinians have been there for 3000 catherine. Who's got a better claim to the lands of Palestine? And these Israelis that Air Kazarians are not even from the tribe of Judah. They don't have any Hebrew blood. It's all such a schofield Bible. It all goes back to the Schofield Bible because there never was the word Jew. It was always want. I don't know if anybody else cleared this up but at one point a few days ago you were talking about American Indians. And I just wanted to say that that is a Jewish thing. It's an anti Christian Jewish thing. That was part of the propaganda they brought out. Oh, they love the environment. The different Indian tribes were killing each other. Europeans were in the Americas forever. There was something in the Pacific Northwest where they had a skeleton or mummy or something and it was European. And the Indian tribe wouldn't give it back. The Indians tortured Europeans, tortured them for days. They were savages. So the whole thing of glorifying American Indians, that's a Jewish trick. I remember the movement, and it was probably a Jewish guy that played that Indian in the commercial where he's crying over the environment. Oh, that was a very touching commercial. I like that one. Yeah, but I know I understand what you're saying. We did kill an awful lot of Indians, Catherine. Also, they killed a lot of Europeans, and when they went out on their Trail of Tears, they left with their slaves, many of whom were white and probably Irish. The Cherokee Trail of Tears in the mid of winter under Andrew Jackson, they left with their slaves. And nobody talks about the German Trail of Tears, where they were sent out from places they'd lived for 500 years, dead of winter. So much of the stuff we think we know is a lie, and when in default, if the Jew is saying it, it's probably a birthday and many more. Thank you, Catherine, very much. I think, as a generalization, you're probably exactly right. Lot on, I got to say, with a change to the news. Go ahead. Well, tell me what you're going to tell me after. But I was just going to say there's all these stories about them finding phoenician artifacts in the Grand Canyon, and then the Smithsonian comes in and scoops them up and nobody ever sees them again. There's so much of our history, and the same goes for giant bones. There's so much of our history that we think is true, and it's really not. If the Jews are involved, they're pushing a lying agenda. There's a lot to what you're saying, Catherine. I greatly appreciate it, including the birthday greetings. Thank you for that. I don't know. Yeah, well, when you reach a certain age, you don't know how many more you can count on. But I've certainly enjoyed all those I've had up to this point. And he looks like a human ball. If he made it to 100, and I think Rockefeller made it to 95 or 100. Was it David Rockefeller made it to 95 or 100? I suspect they had certain advantages that I do not enjoy. I'm not even sure I would want them. Look, think of it this way. Those people have so the blood of so many people on their hands in spite of getting probably the best health care and maybe Adrenochrome just that has go against them. I believe that's true of Kessinger. I believe he was getting body know replaced, and he may well have been on Adrenochrome. God knows Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are big on Adrenochrome, and many Hollywood actresses I'm given to understand, but it's all pretty disgusting stuff and seems to explain why an awful lot of children continue to disappear. They're being sacrificed, they're being put into child sex trafficking, and then they're being tortured and tormented so that the adrenaline will be pumping into their blood so they can be killed and their blood harvested for the adrenochrome and their organs. Joaquin nick Gopian is among the world's leading experts in this area. He frequently publishes on my blog. And I've had him here on the show before, or I've had him actually on my Revolution radio show before, where I'm doing interviews Monday, Wednesday, Friday from noon to two Eastern on Studio B. I think I need to bring back Joaquin to talk about some of this stuff. Catherine, thanks very much for a very nice greeting. Just two more quick things, let me say sure. From 1990s, there were the interviews with K Griggs, who was the wife. Yes. Okay. I didn't even bother looking on YouTube. I found a bunch on vidshoot. But I had said that Henry Kissinger kay Grigg said that Henry Kissinger started his career by sexually torturing German prisoners of war. And there's hours and hours and hours to look through it, but I know that I definitely heard her say that. But she also says that Henry Kissinger was a homosexual and she know, maybe he discovered women later in life, but definitely a, you know, many stories of him raping heterosexual family men in Vietnam and just destroyed these men's lives. But then I was listening to Tim Kelly and Joe atwell their show and they said that he was a low level, he just enlisted or was drafted in 43. All the Jews that went in didn't do any of the fighting, but did the torturing of Germans because they knew the language and everything. But he lived in a castle when he was there. In mean, these people, it's just so outrageous, all the money that we send to Israel when we shouldn't even for so many reasons we shouldn't be sending them a penny. The USS Liberty 911, the fact that they never signed a non nuclear, non proliferation agreement. I mean, it's just endless. And it's just so obscene the way the Rothschilds, they print money out of nothing, charge us for it. They own more than half the world's wealth, and yet it's just this torture porn they have to get out of. Catherine you're you're so spot on. I really appreciate all those, like, what can you do about this situation except try to wake people up? And there's also Christian Zionists who worship Christ's killer. It's just incredible. But anyway, and many more and take care of yourself. Thank you. What a wonderful final thought. Catherine, much appreciated. Chris also in Virginia, join the conversation. Chris, happy birthday to you, sir. Thank you. Yes, sir. I was going to comment on, basically television and the media. I heard a commercial for a cold medication where, hey, take this medication and you'll get better. And it had like a husband and wife, and the husband was sick and he was the one that got better. And when he got better. He said to his wife, hey, ready to bend season four. She's like, let's do it. And I'm like these people that watch TV, man. I can't even watch TV because unless it's old reruns from, like, Sanford and Son and the Jeffersons, because that's all we watch. There's so much propaganda embedded, you can't get through 30 seconds of it where all these other people can't even see it. Have you noticed that? Yes. I mean, like Yellowstone, for instance. I've watched very little of that. But the two minutes that I did watch is drenched in propaganda. Basically, white people suck and they're all trash. Yeah, there's a lot of that out there. I agree. A lot of anti white propaganda and advertising. You're spot on. Of course, for most minor ailments and so forth, people get better anyway. You don't have to take the medicine to get better. Your body will recover unless you took the vax because the vax destroys your immune system. And if you've taken the vax, even from a minor ailment, you may not recover because you've lost the ability of your body to fight off even normally non life threatening diseases. Go ahead, Chris. Well, my wife and I don't have to worry about that because we discourage, I think, taking the vaccine very bad. I gather now it's down to less than 2% are getting boosters. I'm very encouraged by that. Chris, a final thought. A final thought, Chris. You guys were talking about the Trail of Tears, and I just wanted to say I've thought about quite frequently recently that we as Americans have been insulated from the type of cruelty and violence that this world can dish out. And I believe that's going to yes. Yeah. Well, that's good. By the way, visa vis the trailer tears a film I really like little Big Man with Dustin Hoffman. I think that's a wonderful much yeah. That captures much of how I have viewed our relationship with the Indians, who are far more in harmony with Earth than has been the white man. How about Dances With Wolves? Great movie. Yeah. I like Little Big Man even better, but there you go. Good suggestion, Chris. Thanks a lot for the call. Rick in Arizona. Rick, join the conversation. All right, so it's your birthday today. Okay. Happy birthday. It's tomorrow, actually. It's tomorrow tomorrow. That will be December 6. Yes. Okay. Well, since you guys talked about the Indians, I want to get my two cent in there. The Indians were pretty much Stone Age people. They were on the continent for 10,000 years, and the only thing they had when we showed up was a sharper rock. Now, that is no excuse to treat them badly or whatever, but there was enough land here for everybody to live with, but they didn't want to do that. And when they captured you, you wish you were never born. And that led the cavalry to have no choice but to wipe them out in certain areas because they would torture you for days on end before they let you die. That word savage was used for a reason. Okay? Now Little Big Man was a good movie, but it is all part of the propaganda that made the white man look bad. Now for all the Indians out there listening, you're lucky attila the Han or Genghis Khan didn't wash up on the coast of Connecticut because he would have killed every one of you. You wouldn't have needed you for anything. You wouldn't get any land. You wouldn't have had any help in the end. So the Indians brought a lot of the wipeouts on themselves because when you saw what they did to people coming across, it was absolutely disgusting. Now we got a big deal going on in Washington right now where the university presidents are up against a House committee about anti Semitism on college campuses. Now this is because they're going to enforce Title VI on the universities in which Donald Trump signed into a law not too long before he left. And that means you cannot criticize Jews on college campuses or any property that receives federal funds. So now they're going to put the screws to the college campuses on criticizing Jews. That's because of Donald Trump and if you want to just look it up, Title Six. It was a big deal that never got any airtime. They didn't want to show it to you and you probably don't even know it. Dr. Fetzer but Donald Trump has signed an unconstitutional law that says you can't criticize Jews on publicly funded property. The Education Act. Title Six is an Education Act. If you sitting and signed on Warhead State University or the University of Minnesota, you're committing a hate crime against the Jews. Say that again. If you do what if you Title Six. This is just an overall global description. Title Six and race, color, and national origin discrimination. No person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. I'm not quite sure how to interpret that. Interpret it? Well, you go ahead. DeSantis did the same thing in Florida. He went to Israel. You can't criticize Jews in the school system or any state property. No, they cover it up with all the different races. They use the black person shield. But Rick, it sounds to me like you can't criticize Jews because they're Jews, like you can't criticize blacks because they're blacks or you can't criticize Catholics because they're Catholic. You're going to no, no, you got to look into this a little closer, Fetzer, because the ADL already said they're going to enforce Title VI on the universities. Okay, so there you go. Thanks for taking my call. Well, stick around Rick. I mean the ADL isn't a branch. Of the American government. They're like the enforcement arm of the Mossad. They're Jewish. Political intellectual enforcers. You're going to have what I interpret from what you're saying. We're going to have a succession of lawsuits about this and it'll eventually go to the Supreme Court. So I'm glad you laid us on us. Thanks, Rick, for calling. I gather you've already vamooosed. Hey, Paul in New Jersey. Paul, join the conversation. Hello, Jim. And by the way, it is an honor to follow after Rick. He is such a great caller and it's an honor, of course, to speak to you. Now, listen here's two good Indian movies. I recommend A Man Called Horse. Okay, stand by, stand by, stand by. Paul, we got a break and I'm going to continue with you right now. Tahibo Tea Club's original, pure Pouty Arco super tea comes from the only tree in the world that fungus does not grow on. As a result, it naturally has antifungal, anti infection, antiviral antibacterial, anti inflammation and antiparasite properties. So the tea is great for healthy people because it helps build the immune system, and it can truly be miraculous for someone fighting a potentially life threatening disease due to an infection, diabetes or cancer. The tea is also organic and naturally caffeine free. 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Don't miss this incredible opportunity. Use code RBN for 20% off. Together we'll be the beacon of freedom our founding generation envisioned. Liberty Lighthouse Classroom Illuminating Minds Empowering Patriots I need somebody not just anybody you know I need someone. When I was young, so much younger than today I never needed anybody's help in any way. Now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured now I find the chain of mine and open up the door. Help me if you can I'm feeling down and I do appreciate you being wow. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Well, needless to say, movies are not, as a rule, documentary, so their accuracy in relation to history is always open to question. One of my all time favorites, of course, Oliver Stone's JFK, is actually far closer to what actually happened in D Leap Plaza on 22 November 1963 than any other presentation through the mass media, with a possible exception of executive action. There's an earlier film with a sterling cast about the role of a Texas oilman in initiating the assassination that I highly recommend. So when it comes to movies about Indians, we can expect a diversity and a lot of, shall we say, artistic license. Paul, continue with your thoughts. Well, the movie a man called horse with richard harris very accurately is very historically correct. And I've read other accounts. A particular author I liked back years ago was Alan W. Ecker, and he's written a series of great books, the Frontiersmen, The Conquerors, on and On, The Wilderness War, that are excellent books, talking all about American Indians objectively, very objectively. Not in some kind of biased manner. Not that he's not an Indian hater. He's just a strict historian doing the work. Nice. So I suggest them. And one other movie, too, I recommend for others to watch is Drums Along the Mohawk with very excellent, you know, I think, movie. Of course, they're going to embellish it with a bit of a story, but from upstate New York. Was Henry Fonda in that? Or was it Ford? Did you mean Ford? No. The director is John Ford. Okay. John Ford. Okay. Yeah. And Henry Fonda is in it. And it's just an excellent movie done probably in the late 30s, but it's in color or early 40s. Anyway. Yeah, go ahead. Your earlier caller talking about the Jewish issue on history and things of that nature. I'd like to point out how Jews as a group, because of the Holocaust, in a sense, they've hoarded all the atrocities, and Jews thrive on this history of dwelling on not only the Holocaust, but such as things like the Spanish Inquisition. And so since they run the media, they push all these other stories like the Holodemor. Right? Yeah. They don't really make any movies based on that, do they? No. So in a sense what Jews do either intentionally or just because they're so self obsessed, they cut a lot of people away from our own history, they hog it. And Christianity, since that is also Bible obsessed, I would argue it sucks the air out of the room when it comes to Europeans and ancient history, because it gets all these Christians so into reading the Bible and studying the Bible at infinitum that they neglect to read the excellent books written by the Romans and the Greeks. And there are many, many more of those books than just the one book, the Bible. This is something they do. It's cutting also ourselves from our history, european people from the history. So we are becoming alienated, detached people without any roots or connections to our ancestors. Paul, that's very insightful and that's part of what's going on, of course, by taking on all the statues and monuments around the country to destroy our sense of history, our identity as a nation. I think these are very telling points. Here's another one because I had an interchange on Twitter with a Jewish fellow and he was going off on the Spanish Inquisition, right? And so what I had remembered reading about know in the Spanish Inquisition, even the Pope said the total amount of Jews who died from it is less, somewhere around 1000 total, maybe not even that many people. And yet Jews carp on that 500 years later, dwelling upon it, the atrocity of it. By the way, interesting point. The main Inquisitioner. Torcamata had Jewish blood. Isn't that ironic? Yes, but that they don't tell the Jews. They don't tell them that Torkomata had Jewish blood. So they can blame it on the Catholics and always blame it on the Christians. Now while they're hogging the air and sucking the air out of the room over the Spanish Inquisition. Notice how the Jews don't let us know about what's called the Albigensian Crusade or the Catholic Crusade which took place in the early twelve hundreds where the Catholic Church went in and over this 20 year period of time went sent their armies in to southern France. Catch your breath, catch your breath I'll pick up with you again after this break, people. Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been listen, a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a job by the door who is it for? You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to RepublicBroadcasting. org Homeowners. If your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home. If you've already lost your home, are in foreclosure, or even in good standing, you can challenge the mortgage transaction's illegal issue and your property can be restored to you and your foreclosure can be stopped or reversed. And the mortgage transaction declared unenforceable. State laws, U. S. Title codes, the uniform Commercial Codes and U. S. 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Paul, I think your approach is very scholarly and I like what you're saying and I look forward to future conversations with you. Give us your final thoughts for today. Well, I just would think people, when we need to have these arguments and have them ready and out there to combat our political enemies and to remind the people obsessed about the Spanish Inquisition, that if you think what the Catholics did to Jews was bad. You should read up on what they did to the Albigensians and other what were considered heretical sects. As many as 200,000 to a million people died during that crusade. And since it's Christian on Christian, the Christians forget about it and the Jews are never going to talk about it. So Christians start to really take a look at their own history instead of just focusing on the Old Testament and on that. This is really good stuff and I do encourage you call in again. I look forward to our next Washington. Yeah. Thank. Bald very nice. Dan in Washington. Join the conversation. Dan yeah, great calls by Paul and Rick. I won't get on the Indian issue. Rick was mean. You know, Little Big Man, your generation, the baby boomers, you're basically taught to hate yourself, hate your race, to feel guilty and just let yourself be ruled by a bunch of and that's like you said, your wife watches MSNBC. So does my mean that entire channel is just white? Demoralization demoralization is a real know Little Big Man's a good example. You could watch all those shows from Archie Bunker to Friends. Every TV show you've seen your whole life has some kind of, you know, white man bad. I didn't view Little Big Man as anti white. I thought it was kind of just nice about know Custer, because of his arrogance, led his troops to slaughter and how the Indians put up one last hurrah. I didn't judge it pro or con in terms of whites or Indians. I just enjoyed the movie a lot. Yeah, it was a good movie. And there's nothing wrong with looking at things from both points of view, which even in the 1920s, people understood Indians and when they stopped immigration successfully, they didn't have to deal with this talking point about what about the Indians, people that continually bring it up, what are you going to do unless you want to commit suicide? I mean, what good does it do to sit there and cry about the Indians? And I have noticed, like Paul was saying, the Jews continuously bring this up as a distraction to what we're doing against. Of course I'm not a Jew, but I do think we slaughtered a hell of a lot of Indians and it was just the way history unfolded. It's also a lot to do with slavery. Now, I know that Jews played a heavy role in slavery. They were very big. They were most of the slave merchants. And that's something we hardly ever hear about to the extent to which slavery is dealt with in our history books, to the best of my knowledge, it's virtually never acknowledged. In fact, the whole Jewish role in history is something that just doesn't make it into high school textbooks and probably not even a lot of college. So I think we do need more realistic and accurate history to understand the world we're in today. A final let me I called about a different issue, but on that issue real quick, I saw some little History of America show on the History Channel or whatever, and, yeah, according to the Know, Jews produce these shows. So they show a Quaker getting off the boat with an African slave. The Quakers almost never had slaves. And then the Jew, of course, immigrated in the 1840s and helped the union. It's all scripted. But real quick, when you were talking about Russia sending migrants, they're using migrants as a weapon. Russia and Belarus did this with Poland, but it's basically because diversity is a weapon, it's not a strength. And Wesley Clark said that there can be no ethnically pure state in Europe. So it's actually NATO. It's a military basically way to destroy the middle class democracies of Europe, to just flood them with migrants. And I think they're doing it now with Ireland. They did it with France, they did it with Germany. Sweden is a good example because Sweden is not the neutral intelligence Sweden it was 20 years ago. Sweden is all part of NATO, but they know they're basically just rubbing their nose in it because Putin and Horashenko, they know that by shipping migrants into Finland and Poland that these guys can't once they're part of NATO, they can't kick them back out. So it's kind of just kind of rubbing their nose right in it. If you want to join NATO, you want to join the anti white side, we'll help you. And I think that's why they're doing it. Dan, that's really interesting stuff. Really. I appreciate the call. A lot of final thought. That's about it. Good job. The girls had some good points Friday and yesterday about Whining men. But we do need to support national justice and the National Justice Party because they're the only white guys out here that are politically sticking up for white people. And that was my main criticism about, you know, when you always try not to be racist. And he attacked the guys at Charlotesville, too. He didn't stick up for just started supporting Know More than Alex. That was all very contrived. I have a whole book about it. Dan, thanks. Excellent call. Wayne in Massachusetts. Wayne, join the conversation. It's Wayne in Mississippi. Okay. Wayne in Mississippi. I got it. Okay, professor, happy birthday. Second point I want to make is this. You said that Indians were in harmony, more in harmony in nature than, I guess, the white men. But let me ask you something. When you panic a herd of bison and you run hundreds of bison off of a cliff to their doom and breaking their legs, and you use very a small portion of them for your tribe and the rest of the bison die cruelly and the meat is wasted. How much harmony in nature is that, sir? Well, wait, if that's true, I mean, it's not something I'm familiar with. If that's true, that's a great counterexample. If that's true, I like that. In philosophical argument you typically take to debate, you look for a counterexample. An illustration that shows a general principle is false. So assuming that that was actually happening, it's not something you see with which I'm familiar. So I'm just going to argue hypothetically. You got a great example. If that's the case, that's good. It was called a buffalo jump and there's many examples of that throughout the American West where they found tremendous amount of skeletons and bones where the animals just rotted away. I don't like that. I'm with you, Wayne. I don't like that at all. Yeah. Okay, final thought. I'd love to see a show moderated by Tom in Florida featuring Lila and Renee in North Carolina, a two hour show every day. That would be the heck of a show. I don't know if they've caught up with a change in know, normally they'd be here among the callers, but they haven't shown up yet. So I'm a little worried about how the time change is going to affect the birthday. Happy birthday. Wish you many very nice. Very nice. Peter. Peter in Los Angeles. Glad to have you back, Peter. Join the conversation. Yeah. Hi, Jim. Wayne was right. That was a common practice, the buffalo off a cliff kind of thing. Wow. You wonder how much harmony of nature they might have had if they had come up with a wheel or something along those lines. They weren't just under gatherers. Their agriculture was remedial at best. Well, when you have an abundant environment, it's like in Africa, you're not pressed to be innovative and developmental. If a Huntering gathering works visually because North America was so replete with game and food growing in the wild, they didn't have to be inventive. This is one of the aspects of cultural evolution. Very interesting stuff, Peter. Go ahead. Well, before I'll get into that, I was going to get into that one thing. People don't talk about the slaves and the human sacrifices of the Aztecs. They don't talk about the slaves and the absolute heinous torturing that the Indians did. Most of the really bloody Indian wars were fought basically in Ohio and Indiana pollen timbers, where instead of 212 people on Custard's Command, they'd lose 800 people. Much bigger scale. And you ought to read about Colonel Crawford's expedition where what they did they tortured and ate him. They actually ate him. An alien Colonel Crawford's expedition in the early 1790s. They ate him. Oh, they ate okay, I got tortured him. Among other things, they would take a musket, prime the musket without the ball and discharge it against the skin with the horrible burns that that would be. Then they burned him for a while, burned his feet. Then they finally boiled him and ate him. Wow. They did that to a number of people. That's pretty gruesome. Yeah. Of course, that's written completely out. Well, the calls are illustrating that my knowledge of American Indian history is pretty sparse. Just impressionistic. Go ahead, tell us more, Peter. Well, and back to the movies. Like, for instance, the narrative in the movies. I think Paul talked about Drums Along the Mohawk, which was John Ford and Henry Fonda and Claudette Corbett. 38, I believe. That was that was still the narrative. The John Wayne Fort Apache, she wore yellow ribbon things when at the end was the cavalry was wherever they thought whatever they did, that place became the United States. That's also true. That's also true. All that changed in the it started with things like Little Big Man. One of the things in Little Big Man, by the way, Jim, is when the Faye Dunaway character, the fact that they make Christianity out to be so hypocritical. Yeah, they make a great point of that. Right. That was certainly a delightful aspect of a film. Yeah, well, it may be delightful to some people, but whatever it was, it's a fact there was a tremendously anti Christian message in it. But there's so many things that have gone on and from then on. Like, for instance, little Big Man. There's not one white character in all of Little Big Man that has any redeeming characters at all characteristics except for the guy who renounced being white. Everybody else is horrible. They're dirty, they wantonly kill animals and blah, blah, blah, whatever. That has been the theme now since the mid sixty s. I can just say, Peter, it didn't come across to me that way, but maybe if I watched it again today, I would see it differently. You're all making great points about the Indians in North America, of which I was largely unaware. I'm finding this a learning experience today. Go ahead. They had black slaves and Indian slaves, by the way. The Indians did. But the other thing is, when in popular culture that of course I'm near your age when have you ever seen a Jewish villain? I'm waiting for somebody to come up with one. On the other hand, when have you seen an Arab villain, or when have you seen a German villain, or when have you seen a Russian villain? But you never see it. The people who ran the mass extermination really massagoda in Russia or Kaganovich and all these guys that ran the horrible like millions of people that really did die. And not some fake holocaust that was labor camps, but things were death. I got to admit, most of my life I've been kind of race blind. I just haven't paid attention to racial aspects of history. But now I believe they are very important and that we all have a lot to learn by, as it were, taking a revisionist stance to get a better fix on what really happened. Yeah, they culturally set the table. Like, for instance, I know I've talked with you about this before in 2003 and four, Obama and Hillary Clinton, while they were still running for office, were anti gay marriage. Interesting. But then the Jews in Hollywood started coming out with RuPaul and all these characters, these excellent, kind, and good gay people, and by 2012, that was the law of the land. So they set the table with all this stuff, and just like they set the table with the anti white narrative. And Indians do no wrong, and every black person is a judge or a police captain. They're totally unrealistic. It's what they want the picture of America to be, and it's not in the favor of 60% of its population at all. Yeah. Fascinating. Fascinating. Peter love. But a final thought today. Well, again, I challenge anybody to come up with a really good Jewish villain. I think there hasn't been one since Fagan and Oliver Twist. But of course, even when that movie was made in 68 with Oliver Reed right. Very interesting. Jewishness was played way down. We'll have to give it some thought. As I say, mostly, I've not even thought of movies in those terms, in terms of racial terms and stereotypes. So it's a challenge for me to reconsider a whole lot of life experience that didn't have that as a component. I always like your calls, Peter. Thank you again for another excellent call. Gregory. Gregory. Also in California. Gregory, join the hello? Hello? Yeah, happy day. Thank you. I hope you have a real good happy day tomorrow, but I got some friends who are taking me out to the Red Lobster, which I like a lot, so that'll be fun. Oh, good. Yeah. There has been so much discord. And look, when you talk about history, you're talking about somebody else's story, and everybody had their stories. There were millions of people there at the time doing their own story. I've heard that. Gregory, are you there? I'm here. Are you there? Go ahead, give us your thoughts. We couldn't hear you there for a SEC. Go ahead. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did wrong, but anyways, I was told that the indigenous people here could not comprehend why the white or the invaders or the new folks coming over couldn't not talk to the trees, the birds and the bees and all the animals. We're losing you again, Gregory. Oh, poopy. Yeah. Is that better? Well, yeah, but go ahead, just tie it up, Gregory. What I'm trying to expound is that there are so much different things going on at the time. And getting back to the buffalo jumping, yeah, a lot of that crap happened, but look what the white folks did or the settlers did that came over. They disseminated the buffalo from what I've read there was only 16 buffalo left after we got through slaughtering the food supply of the Midwestern folks. The thing that really gleaned heavily on me was after reading Carlos Costanada, when Don Juan told Carlos that killing them all or killing what they had wasn't as bad as killing their identity. And that's what the Jews do. Not the Jews, but those Nefarious ones that want yeah, Gregory, very interesting stuff. I got a couple others here standing by, so I'm going to bring them in. But thank you very much. Lauren in Ohio. Lauren, join the conversation. Lauren, are you there? If not, Bill in California. Bill, you're up to bat, you hear me? Yeah. Okay, great. This is my first call. And by the way, happy birthday. I really want to talk about the Cathars. Thanks, Paul, for calling in. I just want to say about bison, it's not buffalo. Buffalo is in Africa. There's a bison preserve just west of Chico, California. I think it's in Glenn County. And you talk about some sad animal faces. It's very depressing. You're going to want to kill yourself after you see those poor things all penned up. Hasn't there been a resurgence, though? Don't we have a lot of bison now? That big herds, I thought they'd been replenished. Well, I don't know about that. Like I said, I'm calling about the Catholics. I just know that I spent some time in Chico, California, and I went over to that preserve and it is very depressing. It's, of course, sponsored by the federal government. Very sad. But anyhow, I wanted to change gears real quick. Sure, yeah. I love these people. Okay. I was baptized Lutheran. I got a German mother, I got an Anglo dad. I think the Saxons are by far the leading race in the world. And I say that because everyone except the Africans and the Asians hate Saxons, especially the Anglos. It's pure jealousy. Okay. But anyhow, I just wanted to say that Judeo Christian has to do with the belief of who created the material world and everybody's still stuck with their planets in outer space. I'm not going to get into that. I'm not going to disprove the globe on this call. I simply wanted to say, though, if you want to dispute the term Judeo Christian, you better take that up with Professor Malcolm Barber, who is an absolute expert on the Cathars. And then now the name escapes me. The ones that came before the Freemasons, I just checked. Currently, there are about 20,500 plains bison in conservation herds and an additional 420,000 in commercial herds, who, of course, are being raised to be butchered and sold as meat. Bill, look, thanks a lot. Lauren is back and we missed her before. Thank you, Bill, for the call. Lauren in Ohio, join the conversation. Lauren, hey. Yeah, I was just going to say, I'm from four Indian tribes that don't exist anymore. I'm part just it doesn't matter. What we are on the outside. What matters is do we respect our neighbors? Do we uphold and defend this institution? And if we got Majorcas opening up the borders, bringing these people in and we're all standing here bickering and fighting about history in the past, we need to point our guns at him. And I'm talking about our intellectual guns. There is a responsibility that he has as Homeland Security to defend the borders. Article One, Section 89 and if they won't do that job, we need to just beat them down until they do it. Great point. Lauren, I'm so glad we got you in today. Spend as much time as you can with your family, friends and people you love and care about. We do not know how much time we have left. Thanks for being here. Thank you, Jim. Thank you. Julie. Great show. Thanks. .