Don't got a good reason, don't take it easy without a good reason, don't. But taking the easy way out now it was a day trip up one way ticket. Yes, it took me so long to find out. I found out it well. This is Jim Fetzer, your host on the Authentic News this 30th day of November, 2023. Simulcasting on Speak Free Radio. We have a death, I won't say in the family of a guy I thought was going to live forever. I was convinced he was getting body parts, often from children adrenochrome on a daily basis. Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State, dead at 100. Breitbart gave it a fairly neutral characterization. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the diplomat with a thick grasses and gravely voice who dominated foreign policy as the United States extricated itself from Viem and broke down barriers with China died Wednesday as consulting firm said he was 100. That gravely voice, by the way, I believe is the key. When Watergate went down, Woodward and his buddy claimed he had a secret source called Deep Throat. What was palmed up was being Mark Felt, who was an insignificant figure in the FBI. I'm convinced their source for which the name was so appropriate was Henry Kissinger. Remember, it was he who was praying with Nixon and the like. Here's a more fitting characterization henry Kissinger, war criminal beloved by America's ruling class, finally died. This is in Rolling Stone infamous and foreign policy architect six eternally beside of history's worth matterers murderers a deep, shame attaches to the country that celebrates him. I think that Rolling Stone got it right. Breit was much too nice. Meanwhile, my dear colleague Kevin Barrett has a take that I think is very fitting. Kissinger arrives in hell. Appointed permanent National Security advisor. There's a wonderful photograph painting that goes along with this dissociated press. In the illustrious culmination of his 100 year career, henry Kissinger arrived in hell today and was immediately appointed Satan's National Security Advisor. Kissinger will spend the rest of eternity devising feudal diplomatic bruises and stratagems aimed at enhancing Hell's non existent chances of defeating heaven. At a press conference announcing the appointment, satan said that even though he knows he does have a chance in hell of succeeding in his long standing global war on God. GWG inevitably hoped that Kissinger, by injecting notes of gravitas and real politic into the kingdom of Hellfire's infernally hopeless strategic and diplomatic efforts, will at least make the doomed enterprise more interesting back on Earth, american President Joe Biden express hope that Kissinger's mission to hell would open a new chapter in US. Hell relations. Since we just made Israel to murder 20,000 Palestinian civilians and provide the weapons, the Devil must be looking fondly on America at this critical juncture in our history, Biden said. We have high hopes that Henry Kissinger will soon broker an agreement inaugurating a new era in which America and Hell were closely together. To achieve our common goals. As I've always said, if Kissinger can go to China, he damn well can go to hell. Asked about his impressions of hell, Kissinger quipped I'd been to some Third World countries seeking nuclear weapons where things got almost as hot, he added when he arrived in Perth, Germany as a US. Soldier right after World War II he wondered where all the Jews had gone. Smiling wickedly, the gunhinian immigrant who instantly rose to become national security advisor quipped now I know meaning, of course, they were right there in hell with him. Meanwhile, here's a quote that I think pretty much typifies what Kissinger was all about today Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. One thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government. Henry Kissinger at the Bilderberg meeting in Exlon, France, on May 20, 192. It was Henry Too who observed all that matters in politics are perceptions, not facts, which Barack Obama has taken to the max with all the stage phony, false flag shootings, and every other abuse that he legalized by Nullifying. The Smithman Act of 1948, which precluded the use of the same techniques of propaganda within the United States that were heretofore only allowed to be used without meanwhile, Biden's role in the peace in Gaza, biden's role in Ukraine peace is clear now. It's not enough for Washington to urge talks from behind the scene while insisting in public that only Kiev can negotiate. This is from responsible statecraft. It's now clear that Ukrainian offensive of the summer and fall of 2023 has failed with minimal gains and enormous losses. There has been no repeat of the sweeping Ukrainian victories of 2022. Ukrainian army chief General Valerie Zahuni has admitted that the war has now entered a stalemate. Russia is now attacking in its turn and although so far its forces have made only very slow progress time does not appear to be on Ukraine's side. Russia has some four times Ukraine's population, four times its GDP giving it human advantages in what has become a war of attrition. Serious imbalances in us. And European military industries mean that Russia is also producing far more shells than Ukraine is receiving from the west. In fact, I'd observe, although this was published yesterday that Mike Adams was making that point a year ago that the west couldn't produce munitions fast enough and therefore Russia was destined to prevail. He had it right. Meanwhile, the Israeli PM you know who that is has issued a grave warning to americans. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin, who during appearance on Fox News issued a grave warning about the consequences of Israel failing to defeat a mosque. That you who articulated the situation as a critical juncture not only for Israel, but for the global order. Emphasizing the broader implications of the conflict, net Yahoo's message was clear a struggle against Hamas is not just Israel's battle, but one that concerns the entire civilized world, including the United States and Europe. He portrayed the conflict as a fight between the forces of civilization and of barbarism, with the outcome having potential global repercussions. What's got the idea right? Civilization versus barbarism. He's just got the parties wrong because it's obviously the Israelis who are the barbarians. Meanwhile, with potential with distrust and protest, israeli unit refused to turn to battle. This is Al Jazeera. Israeli media discuss a growing cris in confidence among Israeli forces amid the dismissal of officers who withdrew from battles in Gaza to protest the failure to provide cover during an incursion resulting in a fatal ambush. Israeli media has uncovered a situation of protest and distrust within the occupation forces. Proximally half the soldiers in a military company have decided to rejoin the battle. The development is set against a dismissal of two officers who chose to withdraw from battle when the military company was left without fire support in the Gaza Strip. Remember now, Colonel Gregory has observed that by destroying all those buildings, israel was defeating itself because it was giving so many opportunities for the Hamas to fight fire and disappear in the rubble. Indeed, Scott Ritter is making a similar point. Get this. Well, I think first of all about the Hootie and talk about what's going on in Syria and Iraq. It's more like they call asymmetrical warfare where these lesser powers are able to apply pressure and get bigger bang for the buck by disrupting not just the military aspect, but the political aspect. War is know extension of politics by other means. And so the Hootie seizing ships, it's not the end of the world, but it creates political pressure. First of all, what's it do to insurance rates? We don't know, IDA, but that's problematic right there. And from a propaganda standpoint, it's not a good look to have the Hootie take over these ships. And then how do you have to stop it? You have to deploy naval forces into the region which are now going to be dedicated to stopping a handful of Hootie. So you're spending billions of dollars to stop a million dollar operation that economically doesn't pay off in the long run as well. It's the same thing with the United States in Iraq and Syria. These militias are firing these weapons that cost thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars. What is our response? It's the sorty aircraft that are running us millions of dollars per flight hour to launch a strike, and we're losing equipment on the ground that costs millions of dollars. From a cost perspective, it's game set, match for the insurgency because we haven't dented them. We blew up a couple warehouses in a place where we always are blowing up warehouse? Do we really think the Iranians are that stupid? Hey, where are we going to take the stuff? We're transiting to Lebanon. We put it in that warehouse they just blew up last month. It's a good idea. No, because we just blew it up again this month. So I think you're 100% right. The US military is saying we need to bring this asymmetrical conflict to an end because it's not to our advantage. Now we go to the Israelis. Like I said, let's put politics aside and let's just talk about a pure operation, urban Warfare. But it's not just urban warfare. If you study, for instance, the Battle of Iwo Jima, the Marines going across the Japanese had built, I think, 15 km worth of tunnels underneath Iwo Jima, which is barren ground on the top. The furthest thing from urban warfare you want. And from those tunnels they were able to resist the Marines for months. Some of the Japanese hit out for years. The final organized resistance on Iwo Jima didn't end until 1948, when the last Japanese came out of the tunnels and said, okay, we're done. But the Marines had a hell of a time fighting on Surabachi and fighting their way across because the Japanese just kept popping up out of tunnels and picking off Marines here or there and then dropping back down. But now we complicate it by putting a city on top of it and then blowing that city up in the rubble. I've written about the experience of the Germans in Stalingrad, where they brought in their elite sapper units, the Pioneer units, to engage in this kind of warfare against the Russians, who just simply dug into the rubble. They couldn't break their back in the October the Barricades factory and through else they bled to death. Because the Russians just were able to take advantage of this new reality where there's no maneuver room. This is brutal fighting. And I don't care how well trained you are, bullet kills you just like everybody else. The same thing. Monte Casino, this abbey that was blown up by American bombers in Italy, the British, the Poles, the Indians, the Americans, the New Zealanders, all went up and tried to dig out the 6th Parachute Division from the rubble. We couldn't because they're dug in there. They had the advantage. Now we take an enemy who's fighting from rubble, because understand what that means? That means that tanks can't maneuver effectively in the streets. It means that infantry now is going to get separated from the tanks. The tanks, as they move down, instead of the infantry bounding forward covering for them, the tanks come pulling ahead, and suddenly a Hamas guy pops up, hits him with the RPG. Bam. Tank is down. Maybe not destroyed. But Immobilized immobilized in the middle of a city. That crew has to get out. So now the crew's coming out, they get hit by, again, Hamas guys with machine guns, stopping over rifles, firing in the infantry's, trying to maneuver, but the rubble's slowing them down. And as they maneuver forward, focus on this pop. Two guys come up from behind, throw in some grenades, spray them down, then disappear again. This is what's going on right now. Hamas has lured Israel into a battlefield that Hamas designed. Hamas knew that Israel was going to drop these buildings. They knew it because that's what Israel does. And they built this tunnel network that was designed to withstand this bombardment deeper than the bombs can penetrate, going everywhere with backup systems, redundancies, et cetera. Israel says they killed a thousand. I bet you they don't have a thousand bodies. I have been in the business of doing battle damage assessment, and sounds to me like it's a little bit of guesswork that they might have a couple of hundred bodies of people that are fighters. But are these really Hamas fighters? Because one of the things that we now know take a look at what happened on October 7. Hamas went out there and carried out the initial breaching operations and the directed military operations. But behind Hamas came a wave of militias and just ordinary folk who came out and did their thing took hostages, too. Hamas said, we need a ceasefire before the ceasefire happened because we have to go out and find out who took hostages so we can bring them all together, so we can get them all released, because there's guys out there freelancing. So we don't know that the people being killed are actually Hamas fighters. And there's a difference. Qualitative difference, too. So the bottom line is this. The Israeli newspapers recently published a story about some of these reserve battalions that had to be pulled out of Gaza because they refused to fight. I just love black. I love that. I think that's right. They refuse to fight. Scott Ritter does such a brilliant job at describing the nature of the combat there. Absolutely fabulous. Meanwhile, looking for good political support, bibi says he's the only one who can prevent a Palestinian state, which, of course, would have been the solution to the problem way back when. He also boasts that he knows how to handle pressure from the US. As Israeli Prime Minister, Net Yahoo's political career is in peril due to his failure to prevent the October 7 Amos attack. Israeli leader has been meeting with members of his Lucud Party to ensure continued support. According to Israeli media, Net Yahoo has sold himself as the only one who can prevent the creation of a Palestinian state and stand up to pressure from the Americans. I am the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank after the war, he told Lakoud Loomakers according to a public broadcaster. Well, I think his political career is being very short, very sweet. He may be even tried for treason by his own nation for having put them at risk by precipitating all this nonsense. Meanwhile, the Rothschilds have purchased Jerusalem. And how Nazis collaborate with Zionists to take over Palestine. Fascinating stuff. The transfer agreement, the untold story of the secret pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine. Much going on here, hal zionist collaborative. The Nazis. Tom Greenstein, a veteran of the Palestinian Slavidarity, moved in the UK. Has a new book, Zionism during the Holocaust. I'll be right back. Einstein once said, future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. What did he know? Imagine you hear ocean waves caressing a beach or a favorite song from the past, or the trickle of the babbling brook. All of these are sound frequencies that positively affect us. Terahertz is a soothing, healing frequency that has been proven to resonate at the same frequency as healthy cells. It penetrates the body and stimulates new healthy cell growth. Want to diminish muscle aches, joint pains and experience a greater sense of well being. 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And Alan Greenspan's speech on gold and economic freedom. How interesting. I'm going to give you gold and silver in five easy lessons. Seeking out the most efficient and most secure route to owning gold and converting it into widely accepted currency is the next best thing to enjoying gold backed currency. My friends, in a world of central bankers hell bent on devaluing our savings, you need to own private gold standard. Contact me, Jeffrey Bennett, at Kettle Moraine Limited, by calling our phone number at 602-799-8214 that's 602-799-8214, you Shamo flat top. He comes GooBing up slowly he got juju eyeball, he wants Holy Roller he got hair down to his knee. Got to be a joker. He just do what it please in some cases. I'll just share the titles of these stories, which are self explanatory. You have the links for digging deeper. Palestinian child prisoner detailed brutal beatings by Israeli forces. Is anyone the least surprised by that? From the Middle East. Monitor mohammed Nazal, a 16 year old teen from Jen and exposed the maltreatment. He was subjected to a negative prison. He was beaten brutally several times, released with a broken hand and a broken finger. Subject of medical neglect as they didn't cast his broken hand until he was released to the Red Cross. Here, of course, a cellmate being killed by brutal beating and elder prisoners being beaten and forced asleep on the floor. His mother asserts a complete loss of communication since his detainment. That's routine compared that with the prisoners released by Hamas. They explained they were treated gently and kindly. Not so with the Israelis. Meanwhile, Israel Palestine live humanitarian catastrophe grips Kaza as two hostages released, two more in what has been a fairly enduring hamas and Israel agree to extend truce for another day. 30 Palestinian prisoners released. Female Palestinian prisoners threatened with sexual assault, subject to naked beatings. Blinken. And Israel to discuss truce. Israel battle plans. Yeah, Blinken. Remember, he's a guy who said, I'm not here as an American Secretary of State. I'm here as a Jew. Meanwhile, erdogan Israel's net. Yeah. Who will go down in history as a butcher of Gaza. This is from the Middle East. Monitor. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net. Yeah. Who will go down in history as a butcher of Gaza after he's committed one of the worst and greatest atrocities of the century, turkish President Erdogan said yesterday. Erdogan told members of his justice and Development Party that statement from members of Netanyahu's government reduced hopes of making the humanitarian truce a permanent ceasefire. Meanwhile, he confirmed a second Turkish ship carrying 1500 tons of humanitarian aid has left Turkey for Gaza, knowing that Ancara will intensify its effort to release the Israeli prisoners of war and make the ceasefire permanent. Lots of luck with that. Meanwhile, Finland has closed its border with Russia to stop Putin's. Brown people western media will never say it, but what exactly do you think Russia is doing in Africa? Think strategically. The headline simply says, finland will close Russian borders to stop asylum seekers. Why isn't the United States shutting its borders to stop asylum seekers? Most readers stop there thinking Russians are simply trying to escape the horrible Putin. However, the reality is something entirely different. Some 900 asylum seekers from nations including Kenya, Morocco, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, have entered Finland from Russia in November, an increase from less than one per day previously. According to the Finnish border guard. Finland joined NATO, and suddenly Finland doesn't want brown people. Apparently, diversity is no longer a strength. Where have we heard that before? Diversity is a strength? By the way, a dear friend observed he had an insight today. He thinks they're bringing in all those migrants across our southern border because they had the expectation that deaths from the COVID shots would be overwhelmingly greater and they'd need to replace them with cheaper workers. He may be onto something. Surprise, surprise. Israeli Palestine's Public Library has been destroyed by Israel. I mean, after all, look, if they're all going to be dead, obviously they don't need to have any books to read. This is a monstrous crime once again. Barbarians versus civilization. But the civilized people are the Palestinians who are being brutalized and massacred by Israel. Flip back to Ukraine ever so briefly. Its spy chief's wife is being treated for poisoning. I don't see that as being Putin's style, however. Meanwhile, this is telling how American neocons wrecked the Middle East and Ukraine. Confronted with the greatest opportunity for global peace in nearly a century, george H. W. Bush did not hesitate. With the advice of his retainers, he immediately elected a path of war in the Persian Gulf that would be the first Gulf War. A catastrophic error. The endeavor was hatched by Henry Kissinger's economically illiterate proteges at the National Security Council on Bush's Texas Wellness. Secretary of State. Right back. Love. Nothing you can do that can't be done. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to RepublicBroadcasting. org. Are you one of the millions of people who feel like there is a dark cloud hanging over their heads whenever they're using pharmaceutical drugs? For some, the short term relief can turn into an Opioid addiction nightmare. Have you ever wondered why CBD oil is a billion dollar industry? It's because it works better than Opioids and is actually healthy for you. However, CBD oil is stripped of all other helpful compounds found in the hemp plants. 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So even the Republicans now are compromising and they're pushing issues that are destructive to the white race. They would always say, like, are we just going to talk about this stuff on the radio? What are we going to do about it? Either we force the democracy to work by actually getting the ballot access, getting the candidates, getting in office, getting our message out there to the people, or we expose just how undemocratic it is. The Patrick and Jeremy Show. Tuesday at nine Central and Wednesday at one Central. People often write to tell us what has happened for them since starting Extendovite. Allow me to read a few highlights. Extendivite works in keeping my blood pressure in the normal range. I have been using Extendovite for many years. Great product. I use regularly and I rarely get sick. This product has relieved what appeared to be angina, pain in my chest and shortness of breath after climbing stairs. I'm quite happy about it. My husband, son and I have been using this product for a few months now, and we have noticed an improvement in our joints and blood pressure. To order, call 187-792-8822 or visit Extendivite. com. That's Xtendovite. com. Extend your life with Extend over. I need somebody. Not just anybody, you know. I need someone. When I was young, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. Now, these days, I got not so self assured. Well, Caitlin Johnstone in her Caitlin newsletter, israel's Savagery, is so shocking, it's sometimes hard to take in. I think she's got a ride sometimes. Israel's crime is so horrific, at first you don't even understand what you're looking at. You just stare at it and try to make sense of what you're seeing for a bit. Like you would if you suddenly saw space alien or a leprechaun or something. It happened to me yesterday. I was watching a Sky News report about a teenage boy who was shot by Israeli forces in Jerusalem for celebrating the release of Palestinian prisoners in the hostage negotiated with Hamas. I was watching it, thinking to myself, I must be misunderstanding what I'm looking at. I know that Israel does gross things, but surely the story here isn't that a shot a kid for being happy about something. But of course she got it exactly right. That's closely related to this from the UN's review. The anti Semitism hoax has officially collapsed. Jews don't know it yet, but it's over. Marcia Blackburn Tweet anti semitism will not be tolerated in the United States. No college or university allows these heinous acts of anti Semitism on their campus should receive a single dime from the federal government. The problem being, of course, what she's using to call anti Semitism is criticism of Israel for mass murder, for genocide. The transformation has happened so fast, I don't think people have yet grasped it. The official definition of antisemitism before October 7, 2023, was hating Jews for no reason. A post 710 definition of antisemitism is saying Jews should stop killing babies. It's a really massive transformation. I know that most non Jews don't understand it, but what is even crazier is that most Jews don't appear to understand it themselves. Jews have a psychosis when they view any criticism of their behavior as hate. I am supposed to be the world's top antisemite, but all I did was criticize their behavior. However, Jews have some degree of plausible deniability with regard to their agenda to push homosexuality on children, or their agenda to flood white communities with poor, illiterate, nonwhite immigrants. They could also claim these things were good. Now they're taking the same tack. If you criticize our behavior, it means you hate us and therefore you are evil. But they are taking a position in the context of we slaughter children. Basically, they've destroyed the entire antisemitism racket permanently. It's really irresponsible of them. It gave them so much power, and they've just pissed it away. People hate us for no reason. Because we murder children is simply not a viable PR strategy. I think she's got it right. Meanwhile, just two House members did not vote on a resolution affirming Israel's right to exist. Surprise, surprise. It's a bit much. We had Thomas Massey voting no. Representative Rashid Tihab, who I think voted only President Massey. I say bless him. He did the right thing to vote against it. Meanwhile, Senator McConnell says it to put conditions on Israeli aid is ridiculous niwar. com. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Tuesday dismissed growing calls to condition military aid to Israel, calling them ridiculous as Israel has been killing civilians at an historic base in Gaza. Our relationship with Israel is the closest national security relationship of any country in the world. And to condition, in effect, our assistance to Israel on their meeting our standards, it seems to me, is totally unnecessary. That's Mitch McConnell, you can see he's quite a paragon of virtue, decency, morality, a principled guy. Meanwhile, no surprise here. Chuck Schumer, who courts himself as Jewish, laments the US anti Semitism surge. Majority Leader Shermer, a Democrat who is the highest ranked Jewish elected official in the US. Warned Wednesday antisemitism had reached levels unseen in generation, called on his fellow Democrats to condemn it. His remark came during a lengthy 45 minutes speech on the Senate floor at a sensitive time in the Israeli Hamas war. The Biden Amen is engaged in delicate negotiation to release hostages held by Hamas. And extent a ceasefire. Democrats are increasingly calling to attach humanitarian conditions on a military aid package for Israel. Say stop killing civilians. Stop slaughtering babies. That's too much for Chuck Schumer. Now he thinks that's indefensible. Meanwhile, in a long past due effort, senator Rand Paul wants a force of vote on getting American forces out of Syria. Again from Antiwar. com. Senator Rand Ball is planning to force a vote on a resolution introduced to withdraw all U. S. Trooper Syria as US bases in the country have come under frequent attack since mid October, paul introduced a resolution on November 15 ordering the removal of approximately 900 US troops stationed in Syria within 30 days. Now, the US the Biden admin probably doesn't like that. They want them to be there so they can be attacked repeatedly and be blamed on Iran so he can go back to justify an American military response. That's how they're playing the game. Meanwhile, the White House has gone rogue. Sean Whitehead of the Fartherford Institute observes the government wants us to believe we have nothing to fear from its mass buying programs. As long as we've done nothing wrong, don't believe it. It doesn't matter whether you obey every law. The government's definition of a bad guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent law by Americans at a staggering scale. For instance, it was recently revealed the White House, lying on a set of privacy loopholes, had been sidestepping the Fourth Amendment by paying At T to allow federal, state and local law enforcement to access without a warrant the phone records of Americans who are not suspected of any crime. That's what we've got here in Biden's America. Meanwhile, in Michigan dirty Michigan Democrats just cheated 70% of Republicans out of their 2024 primary vote. Michigan Governor Whitmer, who's just about as disgusting as it get, and the Democrat majorities in the House and Senate pulled a dirty trick to disenfranchise 70% of Republican voters in next year's primary. It's a complicated story. The Democrats in Michigan have basically cheated Michigan Republicans out of having a say in the next election. If you're a Republican voter in Michigan, you no longer get a full vote in next year's primary. Your vote will only count as three tenths of a vote count on the Democrats to figure out something else. Very sneaky. Meanwhile, if you thought that was bad, this is about 1000 times worse. Of course. Metadata demand inside the Jack Smith court order they're showing us the government battlespace for 2024 and what we will face today. And this was from Sundance. At the Conservative Treehouse, we noted the warrant demand from Special Counsel Jack Smith to Twitter that included the demand for all information on Donald Trump's account that relates to followers and supporters. The element for the focus is a granular demand for user metadata and the bigger picture. For 2024, the US government requests and receive metadata for accounts connected to and in alignment with President Trump at billions, billions of data points on millions and millions of American citizens. Their location, their devices, their IP addresses, ultimately their real identities and connected activity as attributed to and connected with their social media account, essentially turning Donald A. Trump into the center of a surveillance virus. And you can anticipate they're going to use that to affect the outcome of the 2024 election. They are absolutely ruthless and have no scruples. Meanwhile, explosive report us and UK military contractors launched an initial censorship group that later morphed into the censorship industrial complex after the 2016 Trump election. In other words, because Trump was not a war guy, because Trump was not an interventionist. Because while Trump is not an isolationist, but is a non interventionist, meaning the US should only become involved in foreign conflicts when it makes a difference to our national security. The military contractors saw Donald Trump as a threat to their bottom line and they launched a censorship group to make sure he wouldn't continue in office lest they lose a lot of money on wars. Meanwhile, the GOP's third debate had poor rating. Is anyone surprised? On Wednesday, NBC News and the Salem Media Group conducted the third Republican primary, which attracted far fewer viewers than a previous two. Nielsen said from 08:00 p. m. To 10:00 p. m. , NBC got 6. 86,000,001. 3. In the crucial 25 to 54 age group, roughly 12. 8 million watched Fox on the first debate. In addition, the target audience, about 2. 8, watched it. So roughly it's been cut in half. Or even worse. Given the mediocrity of the candidates and the quality of the debate, with the exception of Rama Swami, who I find very interesting, I don't think they are worth the bother. Though I must say tonight there's going to be a debate between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom you don't want to miss, and I'll tell you why. Ron DeSantis is going to give you a thumbnail sketch of what's wrong with Newsom and I guarantee you, Newsom is going to be the Democrat nominee in 2024. Meanwhile, Trump Rails against courthouse Campaigning on Truth Social former President Trump, the front runner for the 2024 GOP nomination, took the Truth Social to rail against government weaponization, election interference and courthouse campaigning. I'm twelve points up on Crooked Joe, but he's got the Justice Department and others suing me whenever and wherever possible weaponization is called and maybe that can make a difference. This has never been done on this scale before, not in our country, but it opens a very big and dangerous Pandora's box. Joe Biden should stop his election interfering things before it's too late for him and the rest of the country. Well said Donald Trump. You are 100% right. We already know Biden's DOJ is targeting Trump supporters on Twitter with that demand coming from Jack Smith. I've already reported. Meanwhile, we have hospitals in multiple states are being forced to divert patients from emergency rooms and reroute ambulances due to what are reported to be cyber attacks. A cyber attack in a Tennessee based healthcare company has forced hospitals in six states to divert patients from some emergency rooms and to reroute ambulances. According to reports, Ardent Health Services experienced a ransomware attack that's where they hold up your Internet until you pay them off on November 23. That affected the healthcare chain to take its network offline. No doubt the consequences could be enormous. Meanwhile, Sandy Hook families are offering to settle Alex Jones 1. 5 billion legal debt for a minimum of 85 million. Why, you might ask, would they do that? Well, I believe it's because they're greedy. They know they're never going to get the 1. 5 billion, but they might be able to eke out 85 million and line their pockets. After all, it was a stage event. They're just making money after money on the hoax by bringing phony lawsuits against him and me and Remington that are just egregious, none of which none of which have been resolved on the merits. Sandy Hook families, who won nearly 1. 5 billion in legal judgments against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for calling the 2012 Connecticut school shooting a hoax, have offered to settle that debt for only pennies on the dollar at least 85 million over ten years. I wouldn't mind 85 million over ten years, you know, however, in the beginning, I already had when I published Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, I already had the FEMA manual for the drill, which was presented as mass murder to promote gun control. By the time I worked my way up to the Supreme Court after having a year in contact with two of the participants in the hoax, margaret Alice Cottle, who is cast as Emily Parker, victoria Aurelio, who is cast as Vicky Soto, and subsequently would be recast as Eva Morales in Uvalde for an extra 210 thou. Explain to me how Eric Holder had come to Newtown in 2006 when the school actually closed, not even an elementary school, but a special needs school, offering 114,000,000 to the community if they'd participate in the hoax in the swindle. By the time I wake my way up to the Supreme Court, they had directed me to the Connecticut FEMA page where they showed the drill at Sandy Hook on 14 December on their agenda and where they'd sent out maps to get from Bridgeport, Connecticut, down to Dickinson Drive, where the school was located, plus where Brian Davidson had got into the Connecticut State Police photo archives and discovered photographs that contradicted the official account, including a hallway where there was supposed to be two bodies of the principal and the school psychologists and pools of blood. Not only were there no bodies, there were no pools of blood. And in a classroom where it was supposed to be a stack of little bodies keeps in a job by the door. Who is it? 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My name is John. I'm the founder of Blackout Coffee and I started Blackout because I really love coffee. I've always loved coffee. And after traveling so much to Europe, South America, and trying so many different coffees that were so good and every time I came back to the US. I was so disappointed with the coffee. So I figured that I had to do something about it. The biggest difference is really is on the beans and the roasting process, how we roast it and how fresh it is. The fresher the roast, the better the quality. Here I have all of the coffee that's roasted within one to two days prior to being shipped, so it literally gets to consumers house within three to five days after being roasted. If you like coffee, you have to try ours. It's fresh roasted. It's one of the best beans that we can get, and you will definitely see the difference. Visit blackoutcoffee. com and use the coupon code repub that's republican becomes the sun. Becomes the sun. I say it's all right, darling well, guess what? Americans don't want vehicle. 883 dealerships representing all major vehicle manufacturing brands spanning 50 states have called on the President to put on the brakes on the proposed electric vehicle mandate. Here's part of their letter to the President. Your administration proposed regulations that would essentially mandate a dramatic shift to battery electric vehicles be EVs increasing year after year until 2032, when two out of every three vehicles sold in America would have to be battery electric. Currently, there are many excellent battery electric vehicles available for consumers to purchase. They're ideal for many people. We believe their appeal will grow over time. The reality, however, is that electric vehicle demand today is not keeping up with a large influx of EVs arriving at our dealerships. Prompted by the current regulations, Beaves are stacking up on our lots. Last year, there was a lot of hope and hype about EVs. Early adopters formed an initial line who were ready to buy these vehicles as soon as we had them to sell. But that enthusiasm has stalled. Today, the supply of unsold BEVs is surging, and they are not selling nearly as fast as they are arriving at our dealerships. Even with deep price cuts, manufacturing incentives, and generous government support, no surprise there. EVs are worthless. I think that the hybrids are good, but the EVs have no traction. They have limited range. You got to spend all this time charging them while you're sitting on your thumb. It's ridiculous. The dealers are right. Maybe the biden plan is to destroy the automobile industry by making produce automobiles no one's going to buy and put them out of business. That could be the plan. Meanwhile, MIT presses students and faculty to take radical Glgbtq plus 101 training. I mean, how bad is this? The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of our nation's premier colleges, most recently ranked number two after Princeton, is forcing students and faculty to take a train course titled LGBTQ Plus 101, which is radical claims such as that it's an act of violence to use the birth name of an individual who identifies as transgender. Think of that. How absurd is that? An act of violence to not call someone by their preferred pronouns? Ridiculous. Meanwhile, here we have a beast bite. Fed up Texas Chick kentucky Derby equine death was EMF the Cause frankly, it would not surprise me. This summer, we wrote The Dark Side of the Kentucky Derby, about twelve horses that have mysteriously died at the famous Circle Down racetrack. I've gone to the derby. This was an unusually high number of deaths. We wrote about it from the vaccine perspective and the many vaccine horses receive. But we think there's another culprit in the horse's death EMF radiation. Beck and take your calls I want somebody to love oh, I get five help from my friend gonna try little help from my friend I get high little help from my friends yes, I get by a little help from my friend. With a little help from our friend. What would you say if I told you we have a new tool that will increase production and lower maintenance costs for your meat processing company? And it would pay for itself in just six weeks? When pigs fly. The new Ease Off model, Easy Four, replaces old spring style carcass droppers and is faster, safer and more reliable. The Ease Off lowers or lifts 1000 pounds to or from your rail automatically using our remote control. Sounds expensive. Can I afford it? Can you afford not to try the Ease Off? It installs fast with just three bolts in place of your current dropper. The effortless operation will reduce fatigue and injuries, speed up your line, eliminate downtime and increase profit. How can I order my ease off? Go to Ease Off E-A-Z Eoff. com, and hurry, because we are offering $200 off on the new Easy Four for a limited time ease off. We make pigs fly. Cows too. Ease off, LLC. Summersville, Missouri 417-932-6419. This is RBN, the Republic Broadcasting Network. Sleeping? Why, my guitar can't weeps at the floor and I see it needs sweeping. Feel my guitar taking weed. Well, welcome to the second hour of Authentic News on this last day of November 2023, with your host, Jim Fetzer, where I take your calls. Delighted to see Lila has joined us again. Lila, your thoughts? Yeah, Jim, I'm just kind of worried about what's going to happen with the future. What are our choices in terms of president for the future? Trump. Which is the best of the I don't want to use the word the lesser evil, but he's certainly the best option. But will the powers of the satanic Israelis allow Trump to be elected? And if he is, will they kill him? Your thoughts? Well, I think there have been many attempts. Lila not publicized about a dozen attempts already to kill Trump. Fortunately, he has very good security. Mostly former NYPD cops who were very good from the old days. One of the attempts was with a drone firing through the window of a bedroom that would have killed him had not the week before the regular glass been replaced by bulletproof. So this is a constant problem. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, the only problem is that there are things like polonium. There are now things that are so finite and anybody can be bought off. First of all, most of the leaders of the different countries now are either bought off or they're under mind control because we know the people object to a lot of their you. For example. Just one example. What's? That woman, Vander Leyen, who went to Israel immediately after the assault on Gaza, the vicious attack. And if you look at the video of her saying how she supports Israel, she is reading a script and saying the magical three words. Stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. Netanyahu is by her side and as she says, we stand with Israel. She looks up at him, obviously for approval, and he nods his head in. Approval. That's discerning on your part. I think we're talking about the head of the yeah, yeah. It's just all awful. Awful beyond words. Go ahead. Yeah. Vanderlit look for that video. It is so obvious that she is reading the script that she was given those three magical words. The very first time I heard those words was with Stephen Harper after he was made over from a country bumpkin and was polished and manicured and plastic surgeried and whatever, to be more attractive and well dressed. His words were, we send with Israel. This is way back. I'm talking it would have been in the early 2000s. Well, I think was 2004, 2005. I don't think the world's buying it anymore, Lila. I think we stand with Palestine, Jim. The people know better. The people know better. The prophets, the ones either been bought off remember, the leaders of the countries have been given cyber espionage by Israel so they can spy on their own people. They've been given money, they've been given military power, so they can keep all of their people under control. They can bring in a bunch of immigrants to create divide and conquer scenarios where the people they're bringing in are creating divisiveness, and that then they're going to encourage they'll have instigators planted where in every country the migrants are going to fight with the indigenous people. And then the military will be brought in and all of that military equipment will be supplied by Israel. They get the benefit. After they stole and plagiarized everything from the US, the US and Canada were already Israeli occupied territory, just like England has always been. I take everything back, not necessarily to Scotland, Wales or Cornwall. Ireland was the first most obvious victim. They fought the fiercest and longest resistance against the evil of England. London and the money powers there. And Ireland was impossible to defeat. But the problem is those days are gone now. We now have cybersecurity, artificial intelligence warfare. We have 5G. Who knows how that can be used? We have all kinds of technology where the people are totally at the mercy Israel has. They're Satanic. I now believe that any Jew, despite the demonstrations where they protested Netanyahu and his monstrous allies in the cabinet who did what they did to those victims in Gaza, no matter how much the Jews of America or Canada or around the world have objected, unless they personally renounce Zionism, they're guilty. They have to cut off the money they send to Israel. They have to put Israel on notice. We are not Zionists. We are Jews. We are not like you. We are not Satanic. What you are doing is evil. They wore T shirts that said, not in my name. Oh, that's nice. But make it official. Put Israel on notice that you no longer are going to be subject to them. You are American citizens and you are going to fight for this country and you are going to unseat. You want netanyahu thrown out? Only then can Jews ever again be trusted as our neighbors, our friends and our fellow citizens because they have been assisting, aiding and abetting Israel all the way. And I'm including the reformed Jews who have become Zionists as well when they go on these trips to Israel and say it's their birthright. How offensive is that to someone like me who cannot go there when I was born there and my ancestors, according to my DNA, have been there from the time of the Natufians, that being somewhere around 10,000 years ago. So these guys out of Eastern Europe, these Yiddishers, suddenly it's their birthright. And that's one thing. Remember the saying that if you're going to tell a lie, make sure that you keep the facts straight or the details of your lie? Correct. Yesterday I called up one of the shows and I said, the Lubavitchers, the Chabad Lubavitchers were founded in Poland. Well, that's what I read 15 years ago. But now you can go to a bunch of different sites that have Chabad in their URL name and each one has a different story. One that it originates. Habad Lubovich originated in Russia. Habad Lubovich originated in Belarus. Habad Lubovich originated in Ukraine. Habad Lubovich, they all tell a different story. And the interesting thing is, according to Judaism, Baal or Baal or Baal, whatever you want to call it, was the god of the pagans. One of the most telling phrases is that they revered Baal shem Tov. Baal is that pagan god. Baal shem is the name of God, their god, baal and Tov is good. So Baal the good name, Baal the good God, that is who the Lubavitchers, that is who the Jews of today, that is who the Yiddishers worship in defiance of the original Judaism. Now, for those who say that a lot of these Arab countries that are Muslim are crypto Jews, it's not crypto. Crypto means that it's hidden. They don't hide it. Islam acknowledges the original Judaism as a monotheistic faith that accepted the concept of good and evil. They don't hide that. They accept that Judaism, they also accept Christianity. They do not accept that Christ was divine. They do not accept that he died and was resurrected, but they recognize Jesus Christ and revere Him, and they also revere his mother, Midium Mary. And then they go on in incorporating other principles and philosophies that constitute anyone. These Arab countries, unfortunately, they need their eyes open. The most guilty are today's Saudis. The original Saudi king knew what Judaism was, what modern Jews were. He knew that these Zionists were dangerous and Satanic. But today's, Muhammad bin Salman has been seduced. And the UAE. The United Arab Emirates were in conversation with the Israelis and the Americans in something called imac. They were making their plans to the four of them together was I two and you two. I two being Israel and India. India narendra modi totally bought off any Hindu. That's why you've got to get rid of that Shikhsa. She calls herself a Christian. What is that evil woman's name? You know who I'm TikT, the Hindu woman that's running against Trump. That's been endorsed by the nikki Haley. Nikki haley. Yeah. She claims in somewhere, I read she claims to be Christian. Let me tell you what shiksa means in Yiddish. It's the female genitalia. So when those Yiddish or Jews were talking about having a shiksa, you know what they were calling her? Any woman who was not a Jew was a shiksa. Was the female gen the word that we use in English? I won't go into it. You all know what it is. When they talked about Christian women, that's what they were calling them. And schmuck is male equivalent. Not nice, by the way. Lila, I've just been informed by a guy who knowledgeable about politics that the Koch brothers are dumping $75 million into Nikki Haley's campaign. It's wasted money. Nobody likes her. She's ridiculous. They control the election. It doesn't matter. People don't have to like her. They're going to get her elected, I don't think just like they've done in every other country where they say, we stand with Israel, this country, we've got two possibilities in the next election. Both of them are brown nosing Israel, the Zionists, the Satanists, because they're so vain, they're so egomaniacal, they're so Satanic, they're so easy to buy people. Most of the people in Canada are now aware, most of the people in the US know that they've been betrayed and that their government is actually Israeli occupied. Whether they've done it through mind control or a combination of mind. Remember MKUltra? They've been investigating how to control people from the 1950s or 1960s. They use Montreal, a psychiatric hospital in Montreal, where they actually did most of their illegal MKUltra, where they just control anything that is part of England. I equate. The original English, not Britain, but the original English with the modern Zionists. That is why it's a Zionist Anglo alliance. And those who call it that are absolutely right. And the problem is, they have learned now to control all of the leaders of all the countries. They control the elections. That so called Algerian guy who stabbed somebody in Ireland recently, why would an Algerian have anything to gain by doing it? Either he was under mind control or he was just yeah, if it actually happened at all, Lila. Because a lot of these stories are just words on pages that are reported by anchors, given scripts. Yeah, that may be, but at the same time, they've got to have people fighting against each other. They're going to be planting instigators amongst us and they're doing that through all of the illegal migrants all over the world. It's not only the US that's suffering the illegal migrants here in Canada. Justin Trudeau says if he's reelected, he's going to be bringing in a million a year. What is the purpose of that? He's going to go off to one of the thrones of the Satanic overworld that now controls us. Satan. Yahoo. When I call him Satan in artificial human form, that is exactly what he is. And all the people around him, this Yoab notice the name he has, galant, which of course means Gallant. I mean, these hideous monsters, they've got to be taken out now. They're going to layla, your presentations are so articulate and well argued and so relevant. I relish every moment. Do you have a final thought for today? We lost you. We can't hear you. I don't know what is legal and what can be done, but words will no longer suffice. We know what's going on. Action has to be taken. You Americans are the ones who can lead the free world. You've got to free the world. You Americans have got to find a legal way to liberate the planet from the hold of Satan. I think with this administration, we're really crippled in taking action, even though the population would like to do that. I think it's going to be the Arab and Muslim countries, turkey perhaps taking the wrong, very wrong. They will not, they cannot, and I won't go into why, but the only ones who are sufficiently enlightened and can put a stop to this are the Americans. And you cannot wait for the election. I don't think it's going to be the Americans who come to the rescue. But I'll tell you, China has just declared that the slaughter of Palestinians by Israel is crossing a red line. China. Then you'd better start learning Chinese if you want speaking English. You have got to lead. You've got to be at the forefront of overthrowing Satan in what's got to be taken down. And I leave it up to you guys to find legal ways to do it. American continuity. If anybody can do it, you guys can do it. I'll let you go. Thank you. Wonderful call, Lila. I can't thank you enough. Splendid. John in Michigan. John, join the conversation. Yes, professor. I just want to ask you if you've ever heard or read the speech by Benjamin Friedman in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC. Have you ever heard that or read it? Yeah. Remind me the content. Well, Benjamin Netanyahu. I know what he was the editor of the New York Times. He said there is no freedom of speech, that if you printed the truth, you'd be fired. So everyone knows they cannot print the truth. That's the he was he was talking about the Belfort declaration. He was there when it was signed. He also breaks down when Zionism was formed and why it. Was formed. He also breaks down the word Jew, and he also explains where Jesus was from. It was from Judaeus, I believe. I'm not that familiar with the territory over there, but the word Jew, he said when the Bible was going to be converted to English, they didn't have letters for J in the languages that it was already in and that he gives about ten different examples of the spelling. But it's a wonderful expose of what's taking place today. Benjamin Friedman at the Willard Hotel, folks, he really breaks down all of it. He talks about the Muslim Brotherhood. He was there. He knows the truth. People say, oh, they're Jews, or the word Jew doesn't necessarily identify the people that follow what is Hebrew or the cultures of the religion that they have their faith in. That's what people should really look at is Benjamin Friedman's speech. Tell you what I'm going to do, John. I'm going to add a link to it right now in today's note so everyone can follow it up. I found it Benjamin H. Friedman's speech in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC. And I appreciate you're bringing our attention to this. Very good. Do you have a final thought? Yes. And also, I would say, the Jack Bernstein, he wrote a book american Jew and Racist Fascist Israel. He went there in 1967 and he breaks down who's really running Israel. That was back in the 80s. He wrote it and they massaged and killed him because he was exposing exactly the criminals that were really in Israel and are running our country, too. Benjamin Friedman is warning the Americans in 1961 as what's to come, and here we are. So God bless you. Hey, John. Great call. I'm adding that link to the stories for today. We'll be right back. Goofing up slowly. Got juice you apple he wants holy roller. He got hair down to his knee got to be the secret to aging like fine wine is in the vines. Sarak rape seeds and skins contain high levels of flavonoids, and respiratory fermentation breaks these organic compounds down into smaller molecules, penetrating these therapeutic ingredients deeper into the skin, delivering faster and more effective results. Our handmade fermented skincare products are formulated with all natural ingredients and do not contain any phthalates or parabens. Similar products can cost as much as $180. At Natural Earth Medicine, we source our ingredients from local Arizona vineyards and cold process our oils to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality product in its purest form. Learn more at our website and try our fermented skincare products today. Visit naturalearthmedicine. com. That's naturalearthmedicine. com. Folks, we're living in a world the likes of which we've never perceived any clearer than we do now. The plan for global governance has been in the works for generations and would have likely been achieved by now. But for the fact that the globalists left open their Achilles heel with all their tools federal Reserve System, fiat currency, no Child Left Behind and then Common Core Education introduced to our schools to dumb us down, vaccines, pharmaceuticals to lobotomize us, GMO foods, insertion of compromised or bought and paid for. Politicians, judges, mainstream media, propaganda all pieced together like a puzzle designed to ultimately bring the world under submission. But with all their strategy, they forgot one thing knowledge. And knowledge is power. With knowledge, their bombardment is nullified. Folks, with that, as brilliant and knowledgeable as you've become among the wisest audience of any radio audience in the world, and you are I want you to take a moment to reflect and ask yourself how much of that knowledge did I obtain from Republic Broadcasting Network? How high has my consciousness been raised since I've been a listener? How fast am I now able to discriminate truth from fake news by being a Republic Broadcasting listener? How clear am I now able to see the world since I've been listening to RBN? Ask yourselves those questions, folks. Then ask yourself what is that knowledge worth to me? Like my morning coffee? How would I survive without it? A voice of truth and a sea of lies? Do we not all need to make sure it survives? Like public broadcasting, we are now finding we can only survive with listener support. Censorship, advertisers being attacked. Truth itself being attacked. It's the only way through this. We at Republic Broadcasting humbly ask you to become a supporter. Look at your budget and make a determination of what Republic Broadcasting is worth to you and what you can afford on a monthly basis. Go to RepublicBroadcasting. org and pledge 2030. 40, 50 if possible, 100 a month or more if it's affordable. Click the donate button and become a regular monthly donor. Assure both us and yourself that Republic Broadcasting truth will continue to flow like that morning coffee. The network. Thanks. Nothing you can do that can't be done nothing you can sing that can't be stung nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game what a wonderful, wonderful song let me just remind you, the network schedule changes on Monday. That's just a couple of days away Monday. So this show will move up by 1 hour. Instead of three to five Central, it'll be two to four. Instead of four to six Eastern, it'll be three to five. So make sure you mark your calendar starting Monday. Meanwhile, Peter in Los Angeles, join the conversation. Peter? Yeah. Hi, Jim. I just wanted to follow up on some of the things have been said earlier about the Friedman thing, which was indeed about the Bellflower declaration and how we were manipulated by the Zionists into World War I. 116,000 dead, basically, from June to November. 1000 dead a day, June and November. But the other thing I wanted to point out is that they control every one of our institutions and from our press, the printed word, the spoken word on TV. If they're unhappy with what is said on the keyboard that we have in front of us they can expunge us from there and deplatform us or take us away. They control all the means of information, they control every currency in our pocket, the value of which is at their whim to go up and down pretty much. They control our foreign policy, they control our domestic policy under their rule. And by the way, I would say if there's one thing that the last 75 years have amply demonstrated Jim it's that the Jews are absolutely unfit to rule over anybody. Because they've been horrible to the Palestinians is better, worse than the Nazis ever were to them and they've been horrible here. They've run our country, they've taken over here and they've run us into ruin. They've demonized 60% of the white population. All the conservative Christians are demonized. They've turned everything on its ear sexually with sexual orientation. None of the policy that we've been for the lion's share of most people's lives have been completely out of control of the American people and control in the hands of these people like the heinous ogre Henry Kissinger who thankfully is now being eaten by worms and he wasn't even the worst. But at any rate they've amply shown themselves to be completely unfit to rule over everybody. But in fact they do rule over everybody. I just happened to turn the TV on. This group watching Leila will get a kick out of this. I'm watching the Oto premminger 1960 exodus. It's on a continuous loop now all day long I've noticed on the MGM channel with Paul Newman and Eve Marie Saint and Peter Loughlin and all these wasps and all that that glamorize, the Nakba, the massacres, the rapes, the pillaging, the terrorization that they did to ethnic cleanse the Palestinians. And at the very end and I'm watching it now for the second time, they run into some supposed Arab atrocity where there's some guy, a Jewish guy that's being hung and there's a Swastika and a Star of David when it was just the other way around and here we are. That was in 1960, that's what 60 years ago and we're still being treated to this version of crap on a steady loop today on the MGM channel. Well it's obvious Peter, that's a compensate for the fact that their slaughter of the Palestinians is not going down well worldwide. So I'm pulling out all the plugs in terms of trying to increase by films like that and we're probably going to get Schindler's List and The Reader and Soviet Choice and all that. Remember Jews control Hollywood too. Oh, I'm well aware of that. Yeah, they control everything. They control everything. Look and see their interpretation for instance of the law where Black Lives Matters riots with the billions of dollars in damages were mostly peaceful. But the actual peaceful January 6 was the worst thing since the civil war and they're all in mean everything was stunted in their favor. You got it exactly right, Peter. That's pretty much what I have to say. Well, that's a lot of good stuff you were saying, peter, would you have a final thought? One more thing? You listen. I called a long time ago how pathetic the Israeli army was and that they really wouldn't go all the way into Gaza because they couldn't make their guys go. You called it right. Thank you so much. Now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured. Now I find a chain of mine. I don't handle the truth. You're listening to Republic broadcasting network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. My name is John. I'm the founder of blackout coffee. And I started blackout because I really love coffee. I've always loved coffee. 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And what it is is that the liberal democratic legislature, along with the liberal democratic governor, governor Bao wow. Dretch. The Witch signed legislation and signed the bill whereby, by eminent domain, they can force over 230,000 acres of land in Michigan, primarily farmers, but also urban city residents, to be forced to put a windmill and or solar panels in your backyard whether you like it or not. Because the state signed legislation to do away with oil, gas and coal as fuel for our utilities in the future for these electric vehicles that are coming. Think that's moving Michigan back to the stone age? I mean, this is so idiotic. This is so self destructive. This is is it is. Well, look who you got in the legislature and who you got for governor. That's where the insanity starts. I think other states are going to look at this to see what's going to happen, but there's definitely going to be some lawsuits about this. By eminent domain, they can force you to put a windmill and a solar panel in your backyard whether you want it or not. I got it. We got it. Paul that's just absurd. And, you know, we have we have an endless amount of gas and oil, but generating electricity requires gas and oil or coal. And electric vehicles are manufactured as far more destructive than earth than making any automobile gas powered automobile. This is just incredibly ignorant and unscientific and colossally stupid. Stupid. Yes, sir. With Whitmer as governor, there's no end to the stupid decision that can be made by the state of Michigan. Paul that's right. Wow. You have a final thought that's hard to top. Well, I think that is my final thought. If they don't do it, I don't know what does. Oh, that's great. Really good call. Very timely. Thank you for that. Rick in Arizona. Rick, join the conversation. All right, Fetzer, I'm not going to hang you out to dry. I agree with you. About Kissinger. I go back 40 years. I knew Kissinger was the guy because he was around him all the time. He was connected to Israeli intelligence, and his deep voice is probably what gave him the nickname. You mean that you agree that he was Deep Throat? Deep Throat. Yeah. Woodward and Bernstein, they couldn't reveal who it was. What I thought was obvious from the beginning. Yeah. Anyhow, one thing I will say, I think Trump's coming back to be president. And what he did when he first was elected in 2017, he aggravated all the countries that the Jews don't like. What he got was half a dozen Muslim countries banned from immigration here. And then he went after China. Now, why he went after China, nobody really knows the truth, but he sent this delegation over there to tell them that they need to have Holocaust education in their curriculum and they have to do a better job on copyright infringement. And the Chinese told them to go pound sand. And so when they came back, he hit us or he hit China with tariffs. And you know what happens? Tariffs we paid for. Going to I'm just here to tell you that I think that Trump is going to be the president, and I don't think anything's going to stop him from being president because the Jews are in big trouble and they got to go to their most trusted source. They can't gamble on somebody that doesn't have Jewish children. The one thing about the Biden is going to stay the nominee because his children are married to Jews, just like Trump's. Remember Clinton, they can't keep Biden in, Rick, because he's obviously incompetent. I mean, there's no plausible way he could win an election. Even if they stole it, no one would believe it. They're going to bring in Gavin Newsom. That's why I say watch this debate tonight between DeSantis and Newsom at 09:00 Eastern. 09:00 Eastern. This one is worth watching because he's going to dissect Gavin Newsom, who I'm predicting with very high confidence, is actually going to be the Democrat nominee. They're going to slip him in after the primaries and the caucuses. He's going to resign for matters of health or whatever. And they have the right to nominate whoever they want under the rules that govern the parties. Bill Clinton said bill Clinton said that because of the Russian speaking Jews, there'll be no peace in the Middle East, ever. Interesting. Yeah. Well so I think the Jews are going to survive this. Yeah. Bill wasn't an idiot. I mean, he did some dumb things, like NAFTA, Monica is a whole nother I mean, unless Israel is taken out, I just don't see how there's a humane resolution here, because they're going to continue the slaughter. And I'm therefore heartened by China declaring that Slaughtering Gaza is crossing a red line. I like that. And they know something. Hey. Yeah. Thank you, Rick. Very good call. Thank you so much. Laura in Michigan. Laura, join the conversation. Hello, Mr. Fetzer. I just want to fill in a little bit. I was part of the tea party. It was going strong and the upper echelon decided, take money from the Cook brothers. There's only one brother now. One died, because that was all Ron Paul people. Then all of a sudden, they didn't want you to even mention Ron Paul's name. Yeah. Ron Paul is going to go down in history as a noble figure of immense integrity. Unlike the vast majority of American politicians, he stands out clearly from the rest. We had a good group going. Things would have changed. Those cook rather money. Then they tell everybody what to do once they put money right. Right. That's how they get Cooks into a candidate. But Nikki Haley is just repulsive. No one likes Nikki Haley. She's not going anywhere. You could put a billion bucks behind Nikki Haley and no one would give a damn. And her popularity wouldn't rise above 10%. I'm glad to see them lose their 75 million or whatever they put into her. Yeah, that's right. They're just throwing it away, in my opinion. Yeah. My last word is, I don't know if you heard, a couple of weeks ago, the Pentagon said they're going to only put minorities in. Only hire minorities. You mean recruit for the military? Right? Minorities yeah. The Pentagon. Good luck. Good luck with that. Good luck with that. I don't know anyone die. Join the army and die for Israel. I think that's pretty bad. I don't think they're going to recruit a lot of soldiers with that slogan. And for Peter, hey, you know what the worms are going to eat? We're kissing her, they're going to spit him out. Very nice, Laura. Very nice. A final thought, laura, do you have a final thought? Hey, Scott in Australia. Scott in Australia. Join a conversation from down under. G'day, Jim, mate, thanks for taking my call. I don't reckon we have to worry about, you know, probably Trump is going to be the Jews bet because ultra Zionist, he's kind of like the leader at the controlled opposition, in my opinion. Yeah, I was going to ask you, Jim, is it Thursday or Friday over there? Oh, it's Thursday right here now. It's Thursday at 444. Thursday at 444 Central Time. I'm near Madison, Wisconsin. Yeah, right. Well, Jim, I was going to ask you, mate, what's been the number one, the top story for you this week? This week? Oh, I think I think actually it's get out of free card for Israel has been lost forever. I think that's a big story today, that the Jews may not be aware of it yet, but the anti Semitism hoax has officially collapsed. I think that's very big. Your thoughts? Yeah. Well, that's good. It's been very illuminating for the whole world what the Jews in Israel are doing to human beings. Probably like the first genocide, real genocide that has thousands of phones and cameras documenting it all so they can't really get out of it. And it's so interesting, all those indoctrinated uni students, those woke liberal types, israel is receiving a backlash from them because of what they're doing. So I think that's yeah, I was going to say, Jim, the biggest story for me this week has been the development in the NJP. Are you aware of the party? Tell us, tell us. Well, okay, so they're a pro white American organization and they're actually in real life, they're fighting on the ground for Americans and they're trying to either expose how undemocratic it is or get in power, put the candidates in, like Warren Balog said, and have a platform. They've got a great platform, mate. One of their founding members, Eric Stryker, his real name, yeah, I call him Stryker. He's actually parted ways with you, I think that was yesterday. So it's a really sad development at this time and I think one of your earlier calls said it's up to Americans to take the country back. And these people, the will they're well on the way to doing. Yeah, for me, that's been a really big story, Jim, and very sad to hear it from across down under here. Scott, give us your final thought, my friend, your final thought. A surprising number of ads here standing by. Give us your final thought, Scott. Sure, mate. No, thanks. Thanks for all your time, Jim, and yeah, love your show. Very entertaining and informative. And my final thought would be we probably need to try and follow activist news stories. Yes, they're really important for morale and people need to know who they are and what they're doing and that there is someone out there, there's people out there doing it. And with that, Jim, have a lovely day, guys, and thanks for taking the call. Nice call from down under, Scott. Very pleased. I look forward to hearing from you again. Renee in North Carolina. Renee, join the conversation. Well, what I'm going to say is going to raise some hackles, but I do not have dementia. I'm 72 and I still remember what people like Bill Cooper and Alex Jones taught us decades ago. The thing is, unless you understand if people in the YouTube search engine put Bill Cooper, british, Israelism and Christian Identity. Oh, that's an eye opener. Okay. And right now, I can tell you he's rolling in his grave. Okay, the thing is, there are more Christian Zionists and it start in the UK. I believe that sticking of Israel in the middle of where they did was a plot by the UK a long time ago for their empire building and getting their hands on the Middle East. They did this on purpose. To just blame the Jews is actually not very fair. Okay? The thing is, they couldn't have done this without us shoveling all the money and weapons the Anglo American Empire not only put them over there, which would be kind of like if I knew somebody who needed a new home. And I went to him and I said, look, they need a new home, I'm going to give them yours. What would you tell me to go to hell. If I want to give those people a new home, I should give them my home, right? Why didn't the UK give them a piece of Britain? Oh, they didn't do that. And that right there should tell you they were up to no good. So the thing is, Bill Cooper this British Israelism and Christian Identity. And what's so funny about Christian Identity? They go on and on about the Jews talking about being the chosen people. Oh, learn about these people. They believe they are God's chosen people and God gave them the UK. And America tells it. I like it, Renee. That's good stuff. Yeah, well, you know what I remember? I can't forget this. I'll never forget this. Alex Jones starts talking about there's this position in Britain, it's called groom of the stool. And I thought, that son of a bitch. I thought he had to be making this up, okay? Oh, it's even in Wikipedia. Yeah. You are the royal butt wiper of these people. It's in Wikipedia. It's in Wikipedia. The thing is, I thought he was crazy and I started researching. Damn, he's right. The thing is, these British Anglo Saxons, see, they think they have a right to rule the world. And the thing is, really, King Charles, what a loser that son of a gun is. And the thing is, okay, this is what I don't understand, okay? The people that came to the east coast of the United States, they were fleeing persecution. So let me get this straight. You had a bunch of Wasp wide Anglo Saxon Protestants fleeing oppression by other white Anglo Saxon Protestants. Now generally, when other people flee to come over, here we go, why didn't you stay over there and fight for your country? Well, you know, we could say the same thing, but that's not how we spin it, do we? And like I say, I would have no issue with this. Like I say, because of my Akkadian heritage. I know you don't have to be greedy. My people I'm about three quarters Acadian, about one quarter German. My people were living peacefully with the Indians up around Nova Scotia, okay? And they intermarried, they traded and everything else until the British came along and stole their livestock, burned the homes and put them on leaky boats. And that's how we ended up in the swamps of Louisiana. So wait a minute, okay, we were not being greedy, but when the Wasp landed on the East Coast, nothing was ever enough for them. They pushed themselves all the way to the west coast. Okay, you're very feisty for your 72 years of age. Give me a final thought I've got four more callers standing. Final thought people would like to say things are not as they appear. You have to always remember these people are liars and they're sneaky looking to Bill Cooper. It's going to blow your socks off. You've never heard this. British, Israelism and Christian Identity. These people are really the ones, I think behind most of you. Thank you, Renee. Excellent call. British, Israelism and Christian Identity. Bill Cooper. Thank you, Renee. Bragan, my friend. Join the conversation. Hey, I'll make it really brief, really short. What's really interesting is that George H. W. Bush claims that he doesn't know where he was on the day that Kennedy died. I know exactly where I was and what my dancing shoes were. When H. W. Bush passed in, he was in Dealy Plaza. He was among the supervisor with Edward Lansdale of the assassination of JFK. Brigan. You got it right. We have all the photos, but okay. So as Henry E. Kissinger descends with his red parachute to the poker table, like that one painting of the dogs playing poker. It's really famous, blah, blah. So he's going to meet up with big new Brzezinski and Rumsfeld and all the others. It's got to be a hot game. A hot game indeed, yes. Circled by flame. I wanted to make you laugh. All right, take care. Thanks, Reagan. Nice call. James in Vancouver. James, join the conversation. Yeah, good afternoon. Actually kissinger knew me. What everyone's talking about here is this beginning with the East India Company. I could start there. I looked it up. 1600. That was beginning of the Anglo American alliance. Anything that tries to go up against the Anglo American Alliance, one of them being John F. Kennedy, will probably get cut down. Now, my father bought a million dollars worth of engines from Milwaukee, Wisconsin over a 30 year period. And that's a million dollars that the people in Milwaukee are not getting anymore. And we can only hope that Donald J. Trump will get elected and bring the industry back to America. Back to yes. Yes. Good, James. That was very nice. A final thought. All right. Yeah. Genealogy of Morals. Frederick Nietzsche. He talks about what happened in Christianity and that kind of thing. I'll get back to that later. OK. Excellent, James. Thank you very much for the call. Tom in Utah. Join us. Tom. Hi, Jim. I know you need consultant because of the passing of Henry Kissinger. Tell me more, Tom. Tickling me. Just wanted to let you know that Adrenochrome does not guarantee eternal life. Adrenochrome does not guarantee eternal life? Yeah, I think he hung in there. I'll bet you he had a dozen body part transplants, Tom. I would bet he had. Well, actually he knew the science, the true science, but that they own it. But they keep it away from you. The fact is, anytime you would have put Adrenochrome, you get an ecstasy, a rush, a climax. Effectively, but in long term, the adrenochrome turns your body against your own body. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that adrenochrome is not a guarantee. Thanks, Tom. Very nice point. Very nice point from a medical, scientific point of view. Alexander in Canada you got a couple of minutes? Go. Alexander hello, sir, can you hear? So I just want to respond to what that lady said. Renee, go ahead. You see, in regarding that this was all done by the British Christian with the Zionist and all that she's completely wrong. Okay? This has nothing to do with Christianity or the Christian religion. This was all planned by the Rothschilds. And if you look at listen, call call in tomorrow early and we'll let you finish your piece. Thank you for calling. Thank you for calling. Let me say everyone spend as much time with your family, friends and people you care about. We do not know how much time we have left and support RBN. Thanks for being here. I get by the little help from my friend with a little help from my friend. .