This was not a natural disaster. It was not a natural disaster. Speculation about directed energy weapons. This was not a natural disaster. It was not a natural disaster. You. It was not a natural disaster. It's not natural. Somebody's down right now. Somebody's down right here. Somebody's down. Just go there. We cannot do nothing for her. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, bro. We cannot do nothing for her. It melted metal. This is not freaking natural. All of those buildings virtually are going to have to be rebuilt. It will be a new line. We were intentionally trapped. Trapped. This is a direct energy weapon. Know with every fiber of my being that this was not a natural disaster. Everything was suddenly in flames, and many found refuge in the ocean for hours while their homes burned to the ground and into the same powdery ash footprint we've seen in recent years. So far, it is estimated that nearly a thousand people have died. Locals are worried this includes hundreds. How? All the common people were taken out in one veil swoop of a fire, and they keep on in the press conference saying, oh, this is the worst natural disaster we've ever had. And they all emphasize natural have been trapped in Lahaina. As the third largest stakeholders, the state do want that land and can take it when you deem it a natural disaster. We were intentionally trapped. This was not not a natural disaster. It was not a natural disaster. .