Um, it was all the bad Democrat governors we keep hearing. Right? I've heard this many times, it makes me want to vomit. Green vomit. Like that protester at the COP 28 thing. Yeah, I've heard that so many times. I've been hearing that for the last three years over and over again. Well, look at what is happening now. We've got Senate Republicans who are writing letters to Joe Biden, asking him to lock things down and reenact all the restrictions that we used to have before because of this so called mystery illness coming out of China. Coming out of China. They want to do everything in their playbook. And I've said for the longest time, if these Republicans are not a part of this, if they weren't like murder on the warp speed Express, where every single one of them is sticking the knife into America, sticking the jab into our arms, they all participated in this and they're about to participate in again. So this comes after the World Health Organization and international media said, we got this white lung. That's. That's bacterial pneumonia. When you look at it on an X ray, it always looks like that. So they come up with a scary name for it. And they're recommending all the usual stuff, masking, vaccination, social distancing, Republican senators begging Biden to bring back. Masking, social distancing and vaccination. Yeah, it's from wine press. An outbreak of pediatric pneumonia cases in Ohio. Oh, really? So what? Yes. People do die of pneumonia. I'm not saying it's not a serious thing, but it's not an unusual thing. What is unusual is to do the things that these Republicans are now demanding. So you had a letter written to Biden yesterday. Who wrote this letter? Marco RubIo, JD Vance, Rick Scott, Tommy Tuberville, Mike Braun, urging the president to implement travel restrictions in and out of China. That's how it begins. And so Marco Rubio and Braun sent this letter, said, we got to shut everything down until we find out more about. You know, it was just the bad Democrat governors, wasn't. It wasn't any RepublicANs, it wasn't Trump who paid everybody to do all this stuff. Oh, it was the bad Democrat governors. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you've been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread favour. People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine. Don't ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It's the David Knight Show. .