Happy, happy holidays, everybody. How's everyone doing out there in Internet land and YouTube land? Can you all hear me? First of all, let's make sure everything's working properly. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I'm going to be taking the new year's day off. I'm going to just enjoy that with my family. I had a good Christmas. I was thinking about it. My niece is just finding out that Santa isn't real. And if you have kids with you, you might want to put ear muffs on them, but so she's just like, finding out that Santa is not real. And I was thinking about that. What are the hard truths that you learn as you get older? For me, it was finding out Santa Claus is not real, that my parents were the ones eating the cookies, drinking the milk, and putting the like. I learned early. I was like, four or five years old. I also knew WWE instinctively was not real. WWF, back then, I knew that wasn't real. But what hurt me the most, what really bothered me, what really disturbed me the most, is when I was like, I don't know, eight or nine. It took me a while on this one. I was like, seven, eight, or nine, and I was like, what do you mean? Girls go to the bathroom. And I remember thinking about that when I was a kid, and I was like, you mean to tell me they do number two? And it just fucking bothered me for like a year. Just bothered me. I don't know why. But that was worse than finding out Santa was fake. I don't know. I didn't want to accept it. I did not want to accept it. Anyway, folks, I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Venmo de hyphen Rod 1977. Dehyphen Rod 1977. And when the lights go out, did you guys give this as a gift, by any chance? Anybody? Just curious, am I losing too much weight? I feel like I'm losing too much weight. I'm looking like I'm on the HIV diet. I look skinny. I look too skinny. I still look pretty good. Hey, when the lights go out on Amazon, my mama's book, the mexican mix on Amazon, and they're both great books. I'm going to write a second book, but if I decide to write a second book, I'm not going to be able to be on the air because I'm going to go into, like, a training camp atmosphere. I'll probably go down to the beach in Mexico. Speaking of the beach, there was a massive shark attack in Australia, and I'm going to read that story today. Because a little boy got eaten in front of his dad. His dad watched the horror of his. And that's why I don't go camping and I don't go surfing. I definitely don't go surfing. I don't know what's around me and I look. Well, I'll get into it later. I'll talk about that later. But folks, get your trim with Nino. Let me knock this out real quick. When it comes to stubborn belly fat, we're all searching for a miracle pill which may never exist. But believe it or not, I found an exceptional alternative that uses naturally sourced and science backed ingredients from Mother Earth. It's more effective at targeting belly fat, enhancing metabolism and promoting a tone midsection better than most weight management products I've seen. Typically on store shelves. Tens of thousands of five star reviews can't be wrong. I'm one of them. Simply place your order now and get 51% off along with other free bonuses. Folks, get over there and get your trim with Nino, get started. New Year's resolutions are coming, right? Everyone wants to get in shape. This is when the gyms memberships go through the roof. Get ahead of the game. Get on the trim now and get ahead of the game. I also had Dr. Fong on and I'm going to put his video up. I put it on Rumble. This guy. It's amazing growth factors that I'm endorsing for him. But it's just an amazing supplement that I take under my tongue. Go to rumble and watch that video. It's pretty damn amazing. I've been taking it. I've been feeling pretty good. Yo, Spotify. Nino's corner. Telegram. Nino's corner telespam getter. Nino's corner. Rumble. Rumble. Let's get ready to rumble. Nino's corner. True social. David Rodriguez boxer Instagram David. Nino Rodriguez Boxer, baby. Twitter. Nino boxer. Twitter is Nino boxer. It's never enough. I don't give a shit if you have 50,000 people, 100,000 people, 150,000 people, 200,000 people. It's never. You always want more. It's like collecting people. I'm collecting people. Oh, God. They say when you climb the peak, when you get to the top of the peak, right, everyone has. It's all relative. It's all fucking relative. That's why I hate people that are in social media, that think they're famous. It's so dumb. Fame. It's all relative. There's no fame to me. Because once you're at a peak, you look around you and then there's a lot of other peaks that are much higher than yours. And it's all relative. It's all relative. It's all relative. Like nothing to me will ever replace boxing. Just saying. Twitter ninoboxer patriotware. com. Bing. Get yourself some gear. I hope you all got some presents, some cool Christmas presents from patriotwear. com. We have got newsomethegrin shirts. We got everything on patriotwear. com. Go check it out. Tell me what you want to see on there. Nino's corner tv is fire, baby. Great Christmas gift and great New Year's gift. Brad Olsen is up there, man. We're talking a lot about 2024. What to expect. My last three shows have been about that. So we're really gearing up on ninoscorner tv. Going to teach you how to prepare, show you what to do. I got great guests on. I had Brad Olsen 2024, fight for humanity. Limited chess moves left. Scott Bennett is up there. Juan O. Saban is up there today. I just put it up right now before I came on here. That is up right now. I'm going to try to maybe put that. I tried to make it for YouTube and he wants it on. Just, there's just too much. My editing team was like, dude, you guys are just going ham. And I'm like, I have to keep it rated g. I have to keep it rated g on flutter. But I'm going to try to make it maybe an edited version on YouTube, maybe. I don't know. I'm going to see what I could do, folks, but it's on Ninoscorner TV right now. Mike King is coming back on. Laura Aboli. I don't know if you guys know who she is. She has a huge telegram account. She's going to be coming on, I think, the beginning of January. Benjamin Fulford. Mel K. Is coming back on. Mel K. I haven't talked to her in a while, so she's coming back on. Mel K. Is making an appearance on Nino's corner tv. And with that being said, folks, you might want to turn it down or turn it bringing the. Yes. Whoo. All right, folks, let's go. Let's get this fucking party started, shall we? Coming at you live from the apocalypse, folks. Yeah, baby. Let's go. All right. Lots of stuff happening. Lots of confusion, frustration, anxiety. I get it. I get it. And a lot of you want to kick me in the nuts for it, and that's fine. That's fine. I'll take it. I've been kicked in the nuts before. Literally. I got to say it. As we come into this, as we come into this, all of you are going to have to help out your friends. I mean, especially if you're here on my channel. You kind of know the gist of what's going on. I would assume most of you are prepared okay? I would assume most of you are prepared for what's coming. You have to really use discernment. There's going to be a lot of confusion. A lot of confusion. And, folks, the first and foremost, I always tell everybody, pray about it. God won't lead you astray. Just pray about it. If you're confused about a person, even me, pray about it. Use your own discernment. Say, you know what, Lord, help me out on this. What do you think? And be in stillness for me. I like to meditate in the sauna and I like to really think about everything. I run scenarios through my head. I do a lot of vision work. I really feel like we are in this war together. And I pray to God that I don't lead people astray, that I be as transparent as possible and not lead anybody astray. And just do my best to bring the information. And you all do what you want with it. It's not my responsibility with what you all do with it. It's just my responsibility to bring it to you raw and real. And a lot of you don't like my style. That's fine. That's fine. I don't give a shit. I'm here to just do what I do and that's that. And you take what you want. Eat the meat, throw away the bones. But I think we can all kind of. There's a consensus here that we all know that there's some kind of event coming. I don't believe there's going to be a November. You know what? Okay. I just don't believe that. That's my opinion. Due to the guests that I've had on my show. That's my opinion. And I think it's an educated guess here. So I feel, especially now with the MSM reporting on a black swan event, I think it's time that we look at this as adults and realize that that's most likely what we're coming into. So I just hope everyone's on board and don't pay attention. And look, if there's anybody out there sowing confusion and doubt, this is the time we need to be united, okay? This is not the time that we have some slap dicks out there causing chaos. Block that shit out because you're going to need to. And if you don't like listening to somebody, don't listen to them, all right? Even if it's me. Just be yourself. Hey, that's a good one. I never heard that before. All right, let's get into this. Black swan rising. So I saw, I think, x 22 put something out. And I have a lot of respect for that guy. So it's not just the Patriot community. It's not just the Patriot community fighting amongst each other, okay? It's also the DS. You know when I say DS, what that means they're now fighting with each other. Allegedly. I have to say everything. Allegedly. Allegedly. Biden was never supposed to be president. And when I say Mr. O, you know who o is. Mr. O. Mr. O wanted. Know the guy behind the scenes controlling Biden and everything. Mr. O wanted Kamala. Now neither will do. So they're in a very precarious, confusing, desperate situation. So now they're kind of there going, man, what move do we make here? We're blocked. We have nothing we can do. Thank you for the super chat, by the way. Devin Nunez reports that Mr. O controls FBI, DOJ, and Biden controls the White House. So this is allegedly. Allegedly. Mr. O now wants full control because things are slipping or falling apart. They're slipping through his fingers. So could Mr. O take out Biden and put someone else in that will work for him exclusively? Remember what Juanito has said. Democrat musical chairs. This guy's been ahead of the ball. Look, I'd say he's batting pretty well. I don't know what you all think, but I think he's batting probably 70 something percent, which is pretty damn good, not being able to have a crystal ball. Thank you, Kelly. This is not going to November. Yeah, I agree. Could Mr. O take out Biden and put someone else that will work for him? Once this happens, Mr. O will be brought out of the shadows and into the light and all will be exposed. And this is, folks, I'm being told this is coming fast. They're scrambling right now. Who can they get? I don't think it's going to be big Mike because you know why it's not going to be big Mike is because it's out of the bag. The cat's out of the bag. Everyone knows who Big Mike is. Everyone knows about Big Mike. I think what Tucker Carlson did was damage control. When Tucker Carlson did that hit piece on Big O. On Mr. O. Mr. O, how do you guys like my code words on Mr. O? That was a shot across the bow to say, don't even fucking think about it. Don't even think about it. We got you. We got your number. Because I believe they're getting ready to insert Big Mike here and not up the that. I think what Tucker Carlson did by putting that first piece out on Mr. O was put a stop on it. Put a stop on it saying, oh, if you even think about Big Mike, I got more coming for you. Do I make sense? Here, give me a thumbs up if you love your shows and interviews on. Thank you, Nikki G. Nikki G. Thank you, man. You know what sucks about Christmas when you get older is people start giving you shit for Christmas that you don't want. You might as well just give me a piece of coal, all right? I mean, there's nothing that I want anyway. Nobody could give me anything that I really want for Christmas anyway because I'm not a kid anymore. Well, I'm kind of a kid at heart, but there's nothing I really want for Christmas. So it's like people just give me shit like socks. I don't need socks, okay? I buy my own socks. Never going to wear the socks you probably get me, but. Okay, so socks, chocolate. Yeah. That's not true. I do have a sweet tooth, but I mean, I don't want chocolate for. Just don't give me anything. It's cool. A pat on the back. A pat on the ass is just fine. A hug is just fine. I don't need a gift. So don't give me anything because I know what you're going to give me already. A tie, socks, underwear. It's like, all right, I get it. I don't need it. I don't want it, but I have to play. Wow, thank you. Oh, this is so nice of you. How long did it take you to pick this? You know, it's like, come on. So when you get older, the gifts get shittier. I guess that's my point. Anyway, so who said this first? Who said this first? That Mr. O, the Democrat musical chairs. Juanito said this first on Nino's corner tv. And folks, I'm going to put this to bed right here. Nobody is my handler. Nobody fucking controls me except me and God above, okay? Same way I went into the ring. That's how I take on life. Nobody controls me. I will say, though, in boxing, the promoters and managers are your slave masters. You just don't realize it broke away from that shit, never to return back. And I'm going to tell you right now, I got in the ring alone, my whole team would walk with me into the ring. I turn around, everybody gets out of the ring. I'm in there by myself looking at a guy. I got to fight. The most quiet place on earth. Scariest place on earth, and at the same time, most peaceful place on earth. Very hard to explain, but I approach life the same way. There's nobody controlling me. I'm not under anybody's thumb. I could tell anybody to fuck off if I want to. So just letting you know that I know there's a lot of crap stirred around. So you're hearing it from me right here. So the Democrat musical chairs is going to begin. What's going to happen? Because what method are they going to use here? Because is it going to be Newsom? I don't think it'll be big Mike. It could be. I could be wrong. It could be. Obviously, it could be anything Newsom big Mike. But who would Mr. O trust? They've got to be right on board with Mr. O. Could it be a celebrity? Could it be like the rock? Could it be Mark Cuban? I mean, Mark Cuban just sold the mavericks and he's off shark tank. Now why is that? Now is he being reined in, if you know what I'm saying? Or is he getting ready to make a move? But why would you need to sell want? There's some suspicious activity happening, folks. Are you guys on board here? It's going to be interesting how they play this. I'm going to tell you that right now they cannot make one mistake. And I'm telling you right now they're cornered. Regardless, regardless, regardless. This is going to get exciting. And I said this many times on my show before that, Mr. T, you know who Mr. T is. They're going to start taking him off many other ballots because it's a desperate move. They're going to just start taking them off ballots. Taking them off ballots. And what they're hoping is that people will be like, you know what? He's just got too much garbage on him. He stinks to high heaven. It's time to go with Ronnie DeSantis. Yay, ronie boy. Not going to happen. So when all this fails, all these panic moves fail. God, you guys realize how you think we're nervous. They're way more nervous. They are way more nervous because this is a fight for their existence, for survival. This is it. Well, actually, it's for both. We're fighting for the same thing. But they're losing. They're losing big. It may not feel like it to a lot of you, but I'm going to tell you this right now. When all this fails, when all these panic moves fail, the event of all events, the Black Swan. The black swan. Yeah. Black swan event. Black swan event. Good morning, champ. Merry Christmas and happy New Year. Thank you, Mark Vain. I see you in the general's tent, folks. The next General is Scott McKay going to be talking about tactical civics. That's January 25. General's tent on Ninoscorner tv. It's going to be fire. He's going to bring the fire. I'm telling you right now, we're going to be war gaming. Everything with you all as we go into will be in 2024 at that time, January 25. So get over there. The general's tent is going to be me and Scott McKay, war gaming, everything, talking about tactical civics, the whole shebang. And that's going to be on Nino's corner. The general's tent. Get over there and get on that. So what is a black swan event? Let's talk about what exactly is a black swan event. A black swan event. High impact event that is difficult to predict. I don't think it's too difficult to predict. In fact, this one's very predictable, I guess. What kind of event that could be difficult to predict? I think it's going to be an all in a one exclusive that could be difficult to predict under normal circumstances, but that, in retrospect, appears to have been inevitable. A black swan event is an unexpected and therefore difficult to prepare for, but is often rationalized with the benefit of hindsight, as having been unavoidable. Thank you. Ryan the Joker. Hey, Ryan the Joker. I hope the shit show ends soon. It's not going to end too soon, and not going to end too soon. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. So CBS Catherine Herridge predicts black swan event in 2024. Fertile ground for our adversaries. Thank you, Lucia. So you guys know that I did a show. I just did a little segment on this, a little update about Catherine Herridge. CBS national security correspondent Catherine Herridge offers a dark prediction for 2024 during a year end panel on Face the Nation. It was pretty dark, but when it starts hitting MSM, the little normies, radars go up, their antennas go up, and they go, oh, my God, this could happen. Who's been saying this for three years? Three years? Maybe longer. Just saying. Just saying. So my budy Jimmy, Jim Kavizo, sent me a post last night, and I talked to him on the phone about it, of Lindsey Graham. He probably hates when I name drop him. Sorry, Jim. Jim Cavizo. Sorry, I'm going to name drop you. Please, David, come on. Please stop. So he sent me a Lindsay Graham Post. And I thought to myself, this is very telling. And then I sent it over to Juanito. Juanito didn't even know about it. I said, juan, do you know about this? I didn't even know about it. This came out 12, 24, 23. So Christmas Eve, and I'm going to speak in code here. Just pick up what I'm laying down, folks. Lindsey Graham, now, Juan has been at Mar a Lago when Lindsay has been visiting with Trump. And Juan has said it's basically Trump playing with a mouse. You know how a kitten or a cat plays with a ball of yarn or a mouse and he has his paw on the tail? That's what Trump. Mr. T is. T. Mr. T is doing with Lindsey Graham. So interesting post by Lindsey Graham. Lindsey Graham says there were numerous legal and factual concerns about the bank robbery. As the chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee, along with many others, I expressed concerns and investigated different allegations. The president has the right and the duty. What? Just like others involved in the process to challenge the results. While I voted to certify the bank robbery, there were problems. There were problems as I voted to certify that. You know what? There were problems. He says it is very unnerving to see the justice system try to criminalize a president for questioning and challenging the bank robbery. Are you kidding me, folks? Is that a panic move? To me, that is a huge statement coming from Lindsey Graham regarding the, you know what? Mr. T is back on the ballot in Colorado, while state republicans appeal the ban to Supreme Court. So the Colorado Republican Party on Wednesday appealed the state Supreme Court decision that found former Mr. T ineligible for the presidency. The potential first step to a showdown all of the nation's highest court over the meaning of a 100 and 5155 year old constitutional provision that bans from office those who engaged in insurrection. So he's back on the ballot right now, temporarily. But wait, there's more. There's more. Remember I said the tactic here would be that there's just so much backlash on Mr. T, that there's just so much garbage on him. They're hoping you just fucking move away from this guy and you say, you know what? We're going to go with DeSantis. That's what they're hoping, but it's working. The opposite. The more shit they throw at him, the bigger he gets. It's almost like he lives on shit. It's almost like what was that Ghostbusters? Was it Ghostbusters? Part two, where the slime thrived on hate and it just kept growing and growing and growing. That's like Mr. T. You can't throw mud at someone who's made of mud. It just sticks to them and they grow bigger and bigger and that's what's happening. But nothing they try now will work. Even if they started giving them positive propaganda, positive news articles, publicity, it's a monster they created that they now cannot get rid of. They can't get rid of this. It's done. So Maine removes Maine now removes Mr. T from 2024 ballot Maine has become the second state to bar former president Mr. T from the state's 2024 ballot. Maine Secretary of State Shanna Bellows announced a decision on Thursday citing an interpretation of the 14th amendment, which contends that an individual who has supported or engaged in an insurrection is ineligible to serve in the highest office. He hasn't even gone to trial yet. This move comes after Colorado Supreme Court's recent ruling, which is Colorado GOP filed an appeal against in the US Supreme Court. Now let's get to Michigan. Michigan Supreme Court rejects attempt to remove Trump from ballot damn it, I said his name. Michigan Supreme Court rejected an effort to keep former president Mr. T off the 2024 republican presidential primary ballot. And as all this is happening, what's the milky white milkworm do? Well, Biden heads to the Caribbean to ring in the new year. He's going to one of those nice little islands. President Biden left the drizzly skies of Washington behind on Wednesday and headed for St. Crow. Is it crow or Croix? How do you say that? Am I saying it right? Crow? I don't know. I guess I'll find out later. I'm sure you all tell me. In the US Virgin Islands, where he and Jill Biden, the first lady, intend to ring in the new year. In other words, he's just like, ah, fuck it. Fuck it. I'm going to go out in style. I'm going to go get a tan on these milky white legs. The White House would not say where the Bidens would be staying for their holiday, but last year they spent the week at the beachfront vila of Friends and longtime Democrat donors Bill and Connie Neville. So they're going to those nice little islands. The three bedroom home, which is listed in Airbnb for about 900 per night. That's where he's at. Really has an infinity pool, private beach access and unobstructed views of Black island reef national monument. He's really staying in an Airbnb? Because I don't picture this. Is Biden really staying in an Airbnb? I don't know why I like my wonder Woman cup. I used to have a crush on this chick back in the day. I can't picture Biden staying at an Airbnb. I just can't see it. I don't get this. But that's what they're saying here. Can you imagine? Like Jill Biden scrolling. Oh, I found something nice on Airbnb. I just can't picture. Just that's not how I see this going down. You want to go on a vacation, sweetheart? All right. So breaking alert, North Korea, Kim Jong un orders armed forces to accelerate war preparations. So North Korea, we are getting ready for you, America. While you get attacked by all the immigrants, we are going to send over our nuclear missile. One of my big toys. So North Korea, Kim Jong un orders armed forces to accelerate, accelerate going into 2024. War preparations. Haven't heard Mel K in a while. Yeah, she's coming on Nino's corner. Biden says us airstrikes in Iraq aimed to deter Iran militants from attacks so the US military's airstrikes on Monday in Iraq aimed to deter Iran and Iran backed militia groups from conducting or supporting attacks on the United States personnel and facilities, President Joe Biden said on Wednesday. The US military carried out retaliatory airstrikes on Monday in Iraq after a drone attack earlier in the day by Iran aligned militants that left one U. S. Service member in critical condition and wounded two other U. S. Personnel. The back and forth clash was the latest demonstration of how the war in Gaza between Israel and Palestine islamist group Hamas risk rippling across the Middle East. Chuck CostEllo I don't know if you guys follow him on Twitter. I follow a lot of his stuff. Chuck Costello, baby. CostElLo he sounds like a chuck, give a hand for Chuck Costello. He sounds like a guy that's like a Las Vegas singer. Like a Wayne Newton. Chuck CostELLO do I make, that's, that's what it sounds like to me when I think of like Chuck Costello. COstEllo hey, I'm Chuck Costello, baby. I don't know. That's how I see it. Like a Las Vegas singer. I'm Chuck Costello. All right. Breaking report, US intercepts twelve drones, three ballistic missiles and two cruise missiles from Iran backed forces in southern Red Sea within 10 hours. Funny how all this is taking place in the Red Sea. Joe Biden has made America a laughing stock on the world stage. A US Navy destroyer and FA 18 Super Hornets spent 10 hours on Tuesday shooting down drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles in the southern Red Sea fired by healthy rebels in Yemen. Us assets to include the USS Laboon, DDG 58, and FA 18. Super Hornets from the Eisenhower carrier strike group shot down twelve one day attack drones, three antiship ballistic missiles and two land attack cruise missiles in the southern Red Sea that were fired by the hausies over a ten year period which began at approximately 06:30 a. m. On December 26. My sobriety date, folks. Oh, I didn't say this on YouTube, did I? I'm four years sober. Four years sober. Can you believe this? I cannot. My life has changed dramatically. And to think all I had to do was give up alcohol. Somebody told me the other day at dinner, good things happen to drunks that quit drinking. Good things happen to drunks that quit drinking. Interesting. Thanks, guy. Hey, thanks, everybody. I appreciate that. Yeah. And I want to say thank you to all of you that come on my show and give me a reason to live, no, that come out here and support me. I'm really sober because a lot of you and my faith in christ, a lot of people say, you need to stop with that stuff. I'm not stopping now. When I used to get in the ring, I used to make the sign of the cross. Ah, I miss it sometimes. You know, I never should have lost those. Those last two fights I had, I was cutting corners and training and I was being a drunk. I was partying and I got knocked out. And those are two guys that I promise you, I should have knocked out. I lost against two guys I should have knocked out that I was supposed to knock out. I'll have to live with that the rest of my life. It's hard, but I think if that didn't happen, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today. If I didn't exit boxing, if I didn't have a back surgery and my l 405 fused, I'd probably still be boxing, getting my head beat in because I'd be older now, but I'd still be lingering around like an old fart. And just like I still got enough going to get another title shot, something like that, I would imagine. Because I have friends that are like that, that are still boxing and they have nothing else they can do, no job skills, nothing. And a lot of them addicts. You can never replace the stimulation you can never replace the stimulation of getting in the ring and fighting. You can't replace it. It's impossible. Not sex, not drugs. Nothing replaces it nothing. So you live the rest of your life like a shell of your prior self. There's nothing like going into an arena hearing your name across thousands and thousands of fans. Never. And it's just you. It's just you. You're not a team. You're not a football team. I hear football players, so much adrenaline when I get in the stadium and you're with fucking a hundred other guys. Imagine it's just you. Anyway, I don't, I, sorry, I went off on a tangent there, Blinkedon says. Let's get into some border news. Blinken seeks way forward in Mexico on immigration on migration surge so U. S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken opened up talks Wednesday in Mexico in hopes of tackling surging migration, which has become a major political headache for Joe Biden as he enters the election. See, how is he going to spin this? See, they weren't expecting any of this. They weren't expecting Mr. T to still be in the picture. They were expecting Mr. T to be far gone. They were not expecting Mr. T to be in the picture. Let me say that again. They were not expecting this. They don't know what to do. They're panicking. So now they're going to have to go back and try to pretend they're fixing everything that they created, not going to work. Mexican apprentice Andreas Manuel Lu Lopez Aberrador, who spoke to Biden by telephone on Thursday, opened the closed door meeting with a small talk about the city's notorious traffic with blinked in and the rest of the high level U. S. Delegation. Speaking to reporters earlier, Lopez Abrador said Mexico was helping a lot on addressing the migration problem. We're going to keep doing it, and we want to reach an agreement, he said, adding that next year's U. S. Elections were giving fresh impetus to the issue. People leave their towns out of necessity, and there's a lot of economic and social crisis in the world. It's necessary to further promote productive activities and job creation, Lopez Aberrador said. Around 10,000 people without authorization are trying to cross the southern border each day. I've heard it's more than that. I've heard it's way more than that. Every day. Every day, nearly double the number before the boogeyman, with a new caravan of hundreds of, if not thousands, of people heading by foot since the past weekend. They're all coming. I heard they've already gone through Tucson and they're going up into Phoenix. This is crazy. Us border authorities have been so overwhelmed that they have suspended several legal crossings to focus on processing undocumented. Processing undocumented migrants. Does that even sound right to you? Processing the undocumented migrants? You know what other countries do in these situations? Use your imagination. I can't say it on flap tube. He said prosecutors are reviewing the case and will decide whether to charge the 14 year old. So this is crazy. God. Let's get to some financial news now, if you all watch Bony, what do y'all think of bony? I'm not going to say nothing. I just, I lay it out for you all to play it out. I find it entertaining. I love bony. I think he's been right about a few. Think. Didn't he say that? End of December. I don't know. End of December? What? Something's going to happen. Yeah. We all love bony. We all love you. We all love you. All right, but I'm a little confused here. Multiple financials. Okay, so hold on, because this is chinese. Multiple financial executives commit boom amid China's financial Cris. So as a Chinese Communist Party CCP continues to purge its financial system, state media recently revealed that a number of baked executives have committed and died suddenly. Maybe they put dental floss across their eyes and they blindfolded themselves and went driving. According to authorities of Yingston County, Hobbit province, Wang Shah, the president of the Hata Hata and the village in the Jata, died of carbon monoxide poisoning on December 5 at the age of 54 years old. It was reported that Wang, my name is Wing Wing, committed after using his position to defraud depositives of a 40 million yuan, about 5. 6 million, under the guise of capital rising. So supposedly they are offering themselves. So in this article, they're talking about a lot of chinese people just deciding to end their lives. End their lives. Gong Dasokoto, the president of Hotota Hotato branch, fell to his death, the local police station confirmed in the news on December 10. Another one. A lot of chinese people jumping off buildings. Based on business information, Kathal was appointed as a president of branch on November 2020. Previously, he was a vice president of the bank's Beijing branch and the president of its Beijing urban hack, stock's best weekly streak in two decades. Okay, Bo, can you explain this to me? I'm not putting you on blast here. I'm just asking you. The Dow Jones industrial average had a new record close Thursday, while the S and P 500 fell short of its all time closing high in bond markets. The yield on the benchmark tenure treasury note stood at 3. 87%, ticking up from around 3. 79% late on Wednesday, the dollar fell to a five month low. So maybe that's what Bo means. The dollar keeps falling. Meanwhile, mortgage rates dropped to their lowest level since May, experts saying a turnaround is coming. So you see what they're doing? This is the next move. Try to make it look like everything's okay, like everything's bouncing back. We're going to have an incredible year. For who? For Biden. That's what they're doing. Dow reaches new closing high SP 500 stalls the Dow Jones industrial Average marked a new record close, while SP 500 stalled Thursday. The Dow gained 54 points, or zero point 14%. The SP 500 closed slightly higher, up to up 0. 4%, and marked the new 52 week high for the third consecutive day, but fell short of its January 2022 closing high of 4796. 56. The tech heavy Nasdaq Composite was down 0. 3%. The markets gained have been driven by technology stocks and expectations of the Federal Reserve will cut rates next year. So expectations of the Federal Reserve cutting rates next year. What do y'all think? But this is important to note. This is important. Russia. Iran officially ditched the US dollar for trade. So Russia and Iran have finally has finalized an agreement to trade in their local currencies. They're trading in their local currencies instead of the US dollar. Iran state media has reported both countries are subjected to us sanctions. Banks and economic actors can now use infrastructure, including non swift interbank systems, to deal in local currencies. Iran state media has declared. Remember that commercial? Uhoh. Spaghettio. Damn, that was like 1983. How did I just remember that one? You guys remember that spaghettio. Banks and economic actors have now used infrastructures including non swift inter. Okay. Moscow has lately been cozying up to Tehran with Iran, revealing in November it will provide Russia with Su 35 fighter jets, M 28 attack helicopters, and Yak 130 pilot training aircraft. The global de dollarization drive has been going on for years with brick countries and the so called pariah states trying to ditch the american dollar in favor of other countries. So that's big. Maybe that's what Bo was talking about. That's really big. Back in 2019, Putin, Vladimir Putin declared the time was ripe to review the dollar's role in trade. At that time, Russia and China considered switching to the euro, the world's second most dominant currency, as an acceptable stalemate, with ultimate goal being to use their own currencies. Everyone's ditching the dollar, folks. That's why you got to buy gold and silver. Gold and silver. That will hold. You overload. I remember that. Remember the grandmother in that commercial? Where's the beef? Where's the beef? Z touts alternative to western capitalism and speech on Mao. On Mao Mao. All right. Chinese President Xi Xinping used a speech remembering Mao Zhao. How do you say his last name, Zhao Dong? To push a framework their current leader rolled out recently to counter the west capitalist model. Everyone's out to get America. The central task of the nation and his ruling Communist Party is to build China up into a stronger country and rejuvenate the chinese nation on all fronts by pursuing chinese modernization, Z said in Beijing on Tuesday as he marked 130 years since Mao's birth. Z described chinese modernization, a vague concept that he has been promoting since 2021 as a cause passed down from veteran revolutionaries, including Mao Zodong. That is now solemn historical responsibility of today's chinese communists. Everyone's ditching the dollar. Mandarin Chinese. So you think so did you guys see this instant karma video of Amy Schumer? I feel bad because I don't like to make fun of people, but, man, have you guys seen the Amy Schumer video where she falls down the. Don't. Lord, help me, please. I'm sorry. I don't want to say anything, but it's kind of like all the trash talking she's been saying. I don't wish this upon anybody, so don't think that. But. Amy Schumer hospitalized after attempting a TikTok trend. Sources say she's in critical condition. Critical. There's a video of this. She's filming herself doing some dance up and down, up the stairs. And then she misses a stair, falls down, hits her head, and bam. That was like, it's bad. She's in critical condition. So prayers out to Amy. Although I don't agree with you politically in any way, shape, or form, I still am going to say prayers out to you because no one deserves. Look, folks, I could be an asshole. I know, and I'm holding myself back from being an asshole right now. But come on, we're all still human at the end of the day. All right. Thank you for the super chat. It went too fast that time. Yeah, she's slipping. Fall on her mcdonald's. I just. That one. You're so. Oh, all right, let's talk about this teenage australian surfer. This is why I don't surf. And a lot of the way, dude, you got more of a chance of getting hit by lightning than getting attacked by a shark. Bro, here's the deal. If I go out there in a wetsuit I look like a seal. You don't. Okay? With you, they go, it's a person. With me they go, oh, fuck, is that a hurt seal? Maybe I'll go test that out. And they take a bite out of my ass. I'm not willing to risk that. Okay, so I know I look like an injured seal needing help in the water. That is why I don't surf. Everyone asked me, why don't you try to surf, bro? You don't know what you're missing. I know what I look like out there. A teenage surfer tragically died on Thursday after he was mauled by a shark in South Australia. And a witness says the horrifying incident all went down right in front of the boy's father. South australian police said in a statement they received reports of the attack at around 01:30 p. m. At Ethel beach in the Ines National park. But sadly, when Mendix arrived on the scene, they said the boy had passed. A bystander at the beach told the Adelaide Advertiser the teen had been out of the water and his father catching waves. Out in the water with his father catching waves, when a shark suddenly took his leg. The shark was circling them as the guy pulled the boy out of the water. Oh, my lord. There was a lot of blood. He brought him to shore, but I think it was too late by then. Typically, this is the tragically sorry. Tragically, this is the fifth reported shark attack this year in South Australia. I've been to Australia, folks. Remind me to tell you my stories where I almost got eaten by a crocodile in Ivanhoe, Australia, outside of Kananara. I was living with Aboriginals for three weeks with my buddy grady. Back then, my buddy, we don't talk anymore. And sightings of the sea creatures have been common in the area recently. In fact, a teacher is just killed by a shark on Walker's rock in May. Gosh. Which is just west of where the teen died Thursday. Seems to me like these attacks are picking up. That just seems to me like shark attacks. Man, I think about times that I've been out in the ocean swimming like, man, I just know that's terrifying. That is terrifying. And, folks, let me tell you something. I've had some experiences that you would not believe. I've been shipwrecked. I have been shipwrecked in the ocean. We hit a tuna cage going about 40, 50 miles an hour at three in the morning where the fog was thick as hate, you couldn't even see your hand. My budy's like, don't worry, dude. I got gps. I know where we're going. We're going to go tuna fishing way out in the ocean. Like, 100 miles out? Well, about 50 miles out, we had a tuna cage and went over it. Boom. Knocked our propeller off. We're in the middle of the ocean. I was stuck out there for two days. Two days in Mexico? Yeah. And the mexican navy showed up, and they just said they didn't want no part of it. They just left us out there. The boat was sinking into the tuna cage. I don't know if you're familiar with the tuna cage, but it's a round pipe, like plastic piping with a net below it that's holding all the tuna. So you know there's sharks. You know there's sharks. So we are stuck in there with our boat hanging, the rest of it propped up on the plastic tubing. The swells are enormous. Hitting the boat, my friend Alan Miller is vomiting because he's seasick and he's shitting all over himself. I'm white knuckling it because I'm scared to death I'm going to die in the ocean. Grady. Mayday. Mayday. We need help. We need help. Nobody's coming to help us, not until, I think it was a full 29 hours later or so. So it was a day and a half, a little longer. I'm telling you, the whole experience was terrifying. We're out in the middle of the ocean. The sun's finally coming up. No, it's going down. It's going down because it happened at night. So we had a full day out there until the next day, and the sun's going down the boat. The Mexicans are coming. The Mexicanos feeding like mackerel to the tuna cages. They see us out there stuck on the piping, and they freak out, and they go. And I don't know. You see their little motorboat take off. So what they're doing, they were doing this illegally. They were pulling these tuna cages illegally in the water off Ensenada. That's where this happened. And they saw that we struck the tuna cage. So they went off and told their captain, whoever it was, whatever, they came back, they put on their scuba gear, they jumped in the water, they tried to free the boat. Took them, like, 3 hours. We didn't know what they were going to do. We thought they were just going to push us out of the tunic age and then let us die, because, remember, we were missing the propeller, so they cut the netting off the boat. There was like some of it caught on the boat or something. If I remember correctly, they put a harness around our boat, gun their boat, pull us out of the tuna cage, boom, and then start towing us back to shore. We worked a deal with them, by the way. We said, hey, man, we won't say nothing. We just want to get out of the situation. And I don't know why they believed us, but they did. And they towed the boat out. They pulled the boat out, and when we finally got to harbor to land, the boat sunk. The boat fucking sunk. Terrifying. That's a real thing that. I got stories for days, folks. None of this stuff even makes sense anyway. All right, let's get to some what the fuck news. That right there was what the fuck news for my life. And I remember my friend Danny was supposed to go with us that night, and he ended up staying with a hooker that he met in Ensenada. He's aw, I really like this chick. I'm like, you do realize she's a hooker, right? I don't care, bro. I'm going to stay with this chick tonight. I'm like, dude, you're going to miss out on a guy's trip, a fishing trip. Boy, did he make the right decision. He made the right decision. A hooker saved his life. A hooker saved his life. All right, folks, what the fuck news and what the fuck news? And what the fuck news? Florida teen kills sister during fight over Christmas gift sheriff says a Christmas Eve argument between teen brothers over who was getting more gifts ended tragically or ended in tragedy in Florida. A 14 year old boy shot and killed his sister who had tried to diffuse the fight and then was shot by his older brother, the local sheriff said. The brothers, a year apart in age, were Christmas shopping on Sunday with their mother and their sister, umbrella Baldwin, 23, and her two sons. When the argument broke out. They had this family spat over who was getting what and how much money was being spent on who. God, Lee, are you serious? Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Grillardi told the news conference Tuesday. The argument continued as the family made their way from the store to their grandmother's house in Largo, Florida. The brothers were each in possession of a gun, the sheriff said. They get to grandma's house, they get to grandma's house. Donald Yalomi, thank you. Go cowboys. Hey. They get to grandma's house and the fortuner takes out his gun and tells him he's going to shoot him in the head, the sheriff said. The older brother said he didn't want to fight and asked his younger sibling to get out of the house, he added. Their uncle and sister Baldwin attempted to turn the situation around. You all need to leave that stuff alone. It's Christmas, Baldwin told them while standing outside the property. According to Gallardi, the 14 year old, after allegedly threatening to shoot his sister and her baby, is accused of shooting Baldwin in the chest while she was holding her son in a carrier at 01:45 p. m. She fell to the ground and was later pronounced dead at a hospital. Oh, man. Her baby was not injured. Seconds after the shooting, the 15 year old brother came outside holding his own handgun and shot his younger brother in the stomach. You think your Christmas was bad? You think your Christmas was bad? The 15 year old then fled, tossing his weapon into the yard nearby, Gallardi said. He was later taken into custody at a relative's house. Gallardi said that both teens were arrested and that one of the two weapons was recovered at the scene, expressing concern that the missing gun would eventually be picked up and used in another crime. Audio of the incident was captured on the neighbor's camera, Gallardi said. The problem is we got way too many kids out there with way too many guns, Gallardi said, adding that he hoped gun laws would change. Not going to happen. Sorry, gun laws aren't for these. See, this is when they use these kind of scenarios to pull the heartstrings at the liberals. You're going to wish you had a gun when someone breaks into your house and they have one, because criminals always have them, folks. Criminals will always find a way to have a gun. So I'm not going to be here New Year's day, but I'll be here after that. So what's New Year's Day? Is New Year's Day Monday? I don't know. So I'll be here Wednesday. I guess I'll be here after New Year's Day. All right, folks, I'm out of here. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep of broadcasting, baby, I was supposed to go to Hawai. I'm sorry, my budy BJ Penn. I'm sorry, Juanito. Certain things came up. I'm tired. I'm tired. I need some rest. I need some sleep. I need to get back on a regular schedule. All right, folks, I'm out. Go to Ninoscorner tv, the one oh saving videos up there right now. It's fire battle the bulge moment. It's up there right now, and I'm going to try to make it edited, YouTube friendly rumble I don't know. We'll see. All right, folks, I'm out. Later. .