Now here's the document that was released to uncover DC. I think the author was a former FBI guy. So, you know, I guess we all can guess how it was leaked to him. So when you go through this document, they talk about radical traditional Catholic movement and you have the FBI analyzing Vatican Two and what Vatican II did and other Catholic debates. I mean, what the heck is the FBI doing an analysis of debates about dogma and tradition within the Catholic Church? This is the key language here, exploration of new avenues for tripwire and source development. That means getting parishes and members of the Catholic Church to turn each other in if they're, quote, too radical. I didn't realize that the Ku Klux Klan liked Catholics. It's just crazy. This is the FBI today. They're targeting specifically social media sites of Catholic organizations, and they're talking about going and talking to parishes to have them turn in members of the parish and members of the Catholic faith who are tripping their wires. .