To the Untold History Channel. And tonight is the inaugural Tuesdays with Mike. Mike king welcome. How you doing, brother? Good to see you. All right. How about Tuesdays with Mike and Ron? Okay, I like that better, but Tuesdays with Mike, I like that. But hey, this is going to be a lot of know. Well, yeah, we had a great show last time, and I know a lot of your peeps are my King fans. Now, I got a lot of people signed up on the free subscriber mailing list, so we're all on the same page here. That's great. We are all on the same page. That's a wonderful thing. So, yeah, we got a few people in the chat now. Winters is I don't know if you actually wait a second here. Are we live on my end? Yeah. Okay, there it is. Now it says live. I hit refresh on the screen because I've got it open on the other end. I wanted to see make sure that everything is functioning properly. Where you have one small screen, I've got four big screens. But anyway, we are going to be talking about the 250 years of the globalist conspiracy. And Mike has a new you want to show off your new book? I don't have a physical copy here, but you can find it at my website, realnewsandhistory. com, at the tab on the menu marked Books, Books and PDFs. And it's just released last week. I'm very excited about it because it's a really ideal activist tool. It's only 60 pages and it's about 60 topics. It's a timeline about 250 years. What I would consider maybe the 60 most important events coming right after another in chronological order. And it's only one page per event, large type, lots of pictures. It's designed to be read in an hour. The full title is Crash Course NWO. 250 years of Globalist Conspiracy in just 1 hour. Which is amazing. I call it like Nanotechnology, right? My Planet Rothschild volumes, volume one and volume two, they're 300 pages each. It's 600 total pages covering the same topic, which itself is very condensed. Now I've got it down to 60 because not everybody's got time to tackle all these heavy books. And for newbies and normies who want to get right up to speed, this is ideal. It's also good for people who've got a good understanding of the topic. It serves as a handy reference guide. It's just boom, boom, boom events for the last 250 years. And once you see them all in one place and so easily understandable and digestible, you really even starting from zero knowledge, you begin to get a very strong understanding. A skeletal structure of the whole problem. Extremely unique in that respect. I'm very excited about it. Let me share the screen here just so that people can actually see what it looks like. So this is basically the COVID of the book, the Crash Course NWO 250 Years of globalist conspiracy in just 1 hour. Now what we're going to do is these are all the topics and what we're going to do is we're just going to go through these things here. That's kind of what we're going to be doing but is really get the book. This is the advanced course because we're going to delve into it. But I guess the first place to start is what is the New World Order? Yeah, that's my very first not chapter. It's like one item per page and I define it if I can just quote from it. And it's very important. You have to be able to define it very succinctly. Sure I'll share it, but I've got it up. It says the New World Order is a centuries old conspiracy to corrupt, weaken and finally overthrow western civilization and establish global totalitarianism upon the economic and cultural ruins of the entire planet. At the core of this effort is an immense and intricate network of bankers, media moguls, political operatives, academics and intelligence agencies. And that's really the core of it right there in just very concise language. And it's very important to define it if you're going to go and then talk about it what it is and discuss his histories. So that's what it is. It's globalist mafia out to get the basically JFK said it fairly succinctly for we are opposed around the world by a monolithic conspiracy. What you said is obviously a little bit more in depth, but JFK was aware of this conspiracy a long time ago and I feel like there's a number of reasons why I think he was assassinated. But certainly there's a component of it in there as here. You also say in here that the rise of Donald Trump backed by a worldwide military intelligence and special operations alliance has weakened the cabal. Most people remain blissfully unaware of this invisible so. And that is true. Most people remain very blissfully unaware about that. Yeah. And it's actually raging now, like at no time in history. The only difference is in the past when the forces of what they call counter revolutionary clashed with the globalists and the Communists, you had things like world wars and you couldn't miss it. This is all being done covertly. Yet at the same time if you look closely, it's quite obvious. Absolutely. The end of the booklet suggests a very quite possible happy ending to this drama and sooner than what you think. I think we should do that at the very end of every yeah, we don't want it. Right at the very end of every show. We should end with that just so that every show has a happy ending. That's a good idea because pathological pessimism breeds inactivity and hopelessness and we don't want that. We don't want false hope. But at the same time there's such a thing as false pessimism. Correct. You have to have hope. I think people nowadays call that black pilled. Yeah, black pill. That's what I refer to them as the Black Pill Society. You see some people like this with their personal lives. Always something to bitch about, complain about. But this is here on the big picture. You try to explain to them so many of the counter offenses and how successful we've been in these last six, seven years. Real quick, this is our first show, so we have a little bit of latitude to kind of play around. Watched the every Friday night. I have a show called the Friday Night Watch Party. And sometimes I'll show a movie, sometimes I'll show a documentary. Last Friday I showed the documentary of the French guy who did came out about a year ago about who killed JFK and then Israel killed JFK and RFK because they were trying to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons. And he made a very interesting it was a very interesting thing in there about JFK knew about this and that had RFK the reason they killed RFK was because RFK. Was going to win the presidency. And if he did, he was going to reopen the case about who killed his brother and it was going to indict. It would have pointed the finger at LBJ. And LBJ. Had cozied up really nice and closely with the Israelis, with the Israeli government. Yeah. Oh, there's no question about it. And I would even throw JFK Jr. Into that mix because it came out later on that he was going to run for United States Senate from New York State. And that was the seat that was reserved for Hillary. So he was on the career track that was intended for Hillary. U. S senator and then president. I'm not going to put you on the spot on this, but I'm just curious if you have any thoughts, because there's a lot of people out there who suspect that his plane was sabotaged and he knew about it. Ahead of time and that they faked it or that they went ahead with it to make sure that it looked like the plane actually did go down, but that he actually escaped. My opinion is that I think there could be some validity to that. But I'm not going to take a side. Yeah. Because there's absolutely no evidence of such a thing. Nonetheless, it is plausible. I mean, one thing that's kind of weird is the cremation aspect of I mean, they were Catholics. They're into Catholicism, at least publicly. And Catholics don't cremate. They didn't cremate. They dumped the body at sea and the wife. Right. Which was weird. But then, on the other hand, for him to go into what in essence would be a long term witness protection program would require not just his wife, but his sister in law to go along with it. That's a hell of a sacrifice I can't imagine them making. So I don't think so. And there's no proof whatsoever. But you could never say something is not possible. That's the problem with proving a negative. But there is no evidence of it. But it would be great. I actually knew somebody who was on the aircraft carrier that was and I can't remember, I think it was the George Washington or the Eisenhower that it was in that vicinity, and he was actually on board that ship. And they were the first people on scene looking for the plane, and they couldn't find the bodies. Interesting. Let me tell you something. In the physical realm, like in something scientific, that's the only place where there's possible and impossible. Okay? Elephants can't fly. The physics won't allow it. Exactly. But in the realm of human dynamics, I never rule out anything. Anything is possible. That would be a great story. I'm certainly not going to put my name attached to something like that. Nor I. But I will just say anything is possible. And that's why I kind of framed the question the way that I did, because I don't want to put you on the spot. All right? So I guess number one. Number one is the order of the Illuminati, and the secret society is formed. Do you want me to share this? I can share the screen. And this will be I have the document here. Okay. Actually, I got all this stuff up here. I've been studying it for so long. But, yeah, you could say that that was the origin of it in terms of the secret society, conceptually, it may even go back even centuries more. But on May the first, 1776, the secret society, the Illuminati, was formed. And that is why, by the way, Communists celebrate May the first communists and anarchists. May 1 is an important date absolutely, for them. And it was founded by a German professor intellectual named Adam Weisshopt, who took the codename Spartacus and the purpose of the Illuminati, and this was revealed at the time. One of the most important books I did a whole article on. It was Proofs of a conspiracy, which was written at that time by Professor John Robeson. He was a brilliant man, a Scottish physicist and philosopher, the inventor of the siren. They tried to recruit him into this group, and he warned about them. But the way they operate, they would go after important people, wealthy people, intellectuals, even some aristocrats, and kind of present it in such a way that they're working on something, a long term project. It's going to change the world and benefit humanity. So they would appeal to know idealistic side and get the suckers in. But really, it was all about complete and total control. Totalitarianism. And Robeson warned about that. Now, what's interesting, Ron, is they were exposed. It started in Bavaria. The local authorities exposed them and busted up the Illuminati. Yeah, this is conventionally accepted history. Correct. So any fake historian will concede, because you have the records that was investigated. It was broken up, they will concede that there was this secret society and that it did have these intentions. So on that point, there's no denial. Nobody can say, oh, that's a conspiracy theory. No, the Illuminati absolutely existed, and even the fake historians admit that. Well, yeah, they got caught, and the police and everybody, the police and the governments or whoever, the local authorities, they actually were like, Whoa, what is this? And they went after them, so they couldn't deny it. Right? That's exactly right. So what they do is they turn around then, and I'm talking about the fake historians, and they scoff at the idea that they reconstituted and just continued. Okay, and why wouldn't mean think about it. All the times know the various governments, like United States or in Italy have attacked the Italian Mafia and busted it up. Did they ever get rid of it? No, there's just other players and they reconstitute. So naturally, a conspiratorial secret society, if you break them up, is just going to go deeper underground and reform. And they were only busted up in Bavaria, but by that time, it was already international, so they never went away. Whether they reformed or whether they just kind of laid low and then continued, that's the only question. But clearly, by the time of the French Revolution, which is only about ten years after they were busted up, you could see their fingerprints and their ideology and the rhetoric all over. Their fingerprints are all over the French Revolution. The French Revolution was illuminati 100%. Yes. And the French Revolution people don't understand the importance of the French Revolution is actually probably the French Revolution is probably I think World War II is a huge, significant event in the history of our modern day. But the French Revolution is probably just as significant going back to overall history because of what happened in that time. Yeah, it's big. And why do you think they still commemorate Bastille Day? Right. They have all the fireworks going off and they talk about the French Revolution, but that was their first big move, where they put the idea into practice and they overthrew the monarchy and the aristocracy, and then they murdered tens of thousands of people. And then the Jacob and revolutionaries, you see the Semi, they wore red, and they were basically the forerunners of the latter day Communists, Bolsheviks. And that's where they were moving France towards an atheistic, totalitarian society based on liberty, equality, fraternity. But that was all boob for the was. That was the first country that, at least for a while, they captured what was the guy's name? Roberson who wrote the book? Or the Revolutionary Robes of air. Yeah, Robes. Pierre was the leader of the bloodthirsty revolutionaries. And then ultimately and they just killed, killed, killed. It wasn't just the king and the nobles. It was priests and nuns. It was anybody who supported the old system. They called it the Reign of terror. That's exactly right. And then finally they turned against themselves and he himself was beheaded. Yes. Robes Pierre was know, it was just a tumultuous period, very chaotic. And then came Napoleon, who took over and restored order. And Napoleon was, you know, he preserved the ideals of the revolution, a more egalitarian society that wasn't focused on the nobles and so on. But he was not like a radical revolutionary who wanted to eradicate religion and just have total consolidation of power. He wanted to uplift the people. So he in a sense and I have a book called Napoleon versus the Old and New World Orders because he was opposed to the old monarchy families of Europe. Yet at the same was he was not to be confused at all with this Jacob and Scum and the Robes pair and the Illuminati. Okay, correct. He was more like an American Founding father, like a Thomas Jefferson opposed to monarchy, but not someone who was going to destroy Western civilization and create this totalitarian dictatorship, which is what the Illuminati and the latter day communists wanted. And he really crushed the Jacobins who tried to murder Napoleon twice. So he was getting it from both sides. The aristocrats wanted him removed. They waged all these wars against him. And then the Reds and the Jacobins tried to assassinate him with a bomb. And then there was a plot to stab him to death. That all grew out of that period. When we're done tonight, when we're done with this, don't go away because I want to ask you a question about Napoleon. Off next. Actually, the one that you have even before the French Revolution is the Declaration of Independence, because it happened first. And actually the Declaration of Independence and the French fighting for the American independence actually led in many respects to the French Revolution because it bankrupted a lot of France, funded a lot of the American Revolution, and that led to the French Revolution in many respects, as I understand it. Am I wrong? Yeah, I wasn't aware of that, the extent of the funding problem. But someone like the Marquis de la Fayette, I would say he was more along the lines of Napoleon. He helped the revolution, but later on they tried to kill him, the revolutionaries. Lafayette is a huge name. It's a huge name in the United States, much more so on the east coast than the west coast. But you have the name Lafayette in many places on the east coast, just like you have Spanish names on the west coast. You've got Lafayette stuff everywhere on the east coast because Lafayette was extraordinarily important in the American Revolution. Yeah, he was. Yeah. There were some Polish noblemen, too. So this idea was already growing in Europe and it kind of went two separate avenues. Many of our founders were Masons, were freemasons. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, or it wasn't back then. What all freemasons kind of had in common is they did not like this idea of hereditary monarchy and aristocracy, okay? What the Illuminati did is they made it a point to penetrate Freemasonry, which is ideal for them, because masonry was kind of ritualistic and secretive in its own way. So just to put it in simple terms, there were good Freemasons and bad Freemasons. There were freemasons like Washington and Ben Franklin. Napoleon. Andrew Jackson. Okay. They weren't out to destroy civilization and build a one world order. Now they were just anti monarchy. Correct. But then you had that other avenue of Freemasonry. I guess you could refer to them as the early day Marxists and Jacobins. Right. And their goal was much more than getting rid of the old aristocracy. It was to put in place a one world system. No God, no Christianity, no countries, total, totalitarian control. They were the early Bolsheviks. A lot of people, when they know, they get confused because they're like, well, if many of the Freemasons are bad America's founders, many of them were Freemasons. But no, you had this distinct flavor within Freemasonry, okay? So a lot of people like to use the term Khazarian mafia or Talmudic mafia, whatever. Is that kind of who is that the same group of people, or is it a little bit of a different group of people? Well, yeah, no, even back then, their hands were in this kind of stuff. I mean, the main financier of the American Revolution here was Hyim Solomon. You can look him up. There's statues of the guy. He's even got a postage stamp. And he was funding the American cause, probably with the intention of attacking the British monarchy. So they had their own motives. Jews were involved, heavily involved in the you know, you don't see their fingerprint quite as clearly at that time, but it begins to reveal itself a few years later, especially with the establishment and growth of the House of Rothschild. Right. Which is basically the next thing you got where there's know, you'll find the Kazarians. Yes. And sometimes their fingerprint is not as obvious as it was, say, during the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, where 80% of the Bolshevik party were Kazarian Jews. Correct. But it could be more subtle. I mean, I did a piece on the English Revolution, and Oliver Cromwell killed the British king, but he was actually funded by Jewish financiers in Amsterdam. And as soon as he took over England, he lifted the ban on Jews. Jews had been expelled from England centuries earlier, and he brought them all back in. So you have evidence that they're involved with Cromwell and with the French Revolution. You have to dig a little bit. It's a little circumstantial, but certainly by the time you get to the 1810 or so, you see their hand. They really begin to show themselves more and more and more, particularly the Rothschild dynasty. Right. And that's basically next up is Napoleon Falls on Rothschild Rises. That's right, yeah. Well, what happened is the British led a series of what are known as the coalition wars against revolutionary France. There were seven in all over a 20 year period. I mean, they were just relentless. They were going to take out the French revolutionaries and put a king back in from the House of Bourbon. And to that end, they had listed Austria, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, all at different varying times. But Britain was the leader of all seven coalitions. Now, the initial wars one could understand because you had these bloody Jacob and murderous thugs took over and the European houses got together and said, we have to put them down. But by the time Napoleon rose to power, which would be maybe after the third or fourth coalition war, there was no need to continue waging war against France. The people wanted Napoleon. They didn't want the old monarchy back. Napoleon wanted peace. He didn't want to harm anybody. But now it was something more than just, we can't have these Jacobins, Jacobins already out. Napoleon took care of them. So why are they going after Napoleon? Well, the British, their policy has always been nobody can outshine them on the continent. Anytime a European power starts to acquire wealth and empire, they somehow get jealous and they have to put it down. We're the top dogs in Europe. Right? And then supporting this was this marriage made in hell was the wealth of the Rothschild dynasty, which funded the fifth, 6th and 7th coalition wars. And there's even a movie, I did a piece of it, I wrote about this in Planet Rothschild. Hollywood did it in 1934. It was a sympathetic portrayal of the Rothschild family. But even that movie shows all of the top statesmen from Prussia, Austria and Britain essentially going to Rothschild on bended knee for money to fight their wars against Napoleon. And that's how it was and what Rothschild did, as shrewd as he was. And this is portrayed in the 1934 Hollywood film, which again portrays the Rothschild sympathetically. It shows what a schemer he was, okay? But in the context of, well, this was the days of Jewish persecution, you have to be a hard ass, you know what I'm saying? But it does show it shows the European nobles begging for money from Rothschild to find Napoleon. And it shows Napoleon in exchange, extracting concessions from them, essentially saying, okay, but after the war, things are going to change for the Jews in Europe. You're going to emancipate them, you're going to open up opportunities for yeah, sure, sure. And that's exactly what ended up happening. So he funded the Battle of Waterloo and he had advanced knowledge of who won, okay? He had couriers, he had carrier pigeons, he had so much wealth, his connections were superior to anything that the government had. So he had advanced knowledge. And through his agents, he spread a lie that the British had been defeated at Waterloo, the London market crashed. Okay, and the movie portrays this too. It doesn't say he had advanced knowledge. It just shows him buying everything up because he's such a patriot. He wanted to stabilize the market. That's how they spit it. But no, he had advanced knowledge, put out the fake news, market crashed, he bought it up. Already the wealthiest man in the world. It's estimated that he increased his fortune 20 fold that day. Okay, so what did he do? Essentially, at Waterloo, it conquered France and Britain at the same time the Rothschilds did it's. Just an incredible story. Wow. Somebody in the Chat was saying that there are streets named for Napoleon in New Orleans. Well, that would make sense because it was Jefferson. When Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase, he bought it from Napoleon. Napoleon only wanted, like, what, $22 million at the time? Which was a freaking steal of a land purchase. Yeah, I mean, that's one of the ways he raised money. He didn't want to go to the Jewish bankers and pay high interest. And in fact, he issued a decree that to this day the Jewish mobsters refer to as the infamous decree. And his plan? He wanted to assimilate the Jews of France, make them Frenchmen instead of like Jews, make them so they're more like the Jews of Iran quite patriotic, and they love their country and they hate Israel. Actually. That was his vision. He didn't like them, okay? But he felt the way to solve the problem was through this type of assimilation. And so he protected them and he opened up opportunities for them. But here's the kicker he abolished the Jewish money lending, okay? That's why they call it the infamous decree. He wanted to move them into real work. Okay, I'm detecting a theme here. Yeah. Now you imagine now the five families or the five branches, the five sons of Rothschild in the various countries of Europe. And this is where they made common calls with the monarchies of Europe. These stupid monarchs got in bed with the Rothschilds back then, not knowing what the big game was, okay? They were short sighted. They're like, well, we don't want Napoleon's ideas of egalitarianism spreading, okay? Because that's what Napoleon, even though he made himself emperor, he was putting in place a system where even the child of a peasant could rise up if he had the ability. And a lot of the older aristocracy types, they didn't like that. Okay, so you had common cause. The rothars are like, we can't have this idea of no lending at interest. And then the monarchs are like, we don't want to seek Italian. So like I said, a match made in hell. And in the end, they got into bed with the Rothschilds. And one by one, all those dynasty houses of Europe, they were wiped out. They were either killed or removed by revolution in subsequent decades, funded by this new World Order Globalists. So they were really played for so you see, now, again, the pattern. Napoleon bans money lending. JFK was issuing money interest free from the treasury. Same with Abe Lincoln. Okay. Same with a guy in Germany with a little mustache. Yeah, what's his name? That's right. Printed his own money. So that's the deal with Napoleon. And I recently did a review on the new movie that's out and how ridiculous. I was going to ask you about that. Yeah, what's your thoughts on it? Well, I didn't see the movie because I just saw the trailer, which was bad enough. It's the same stupid I mean, Ridley Scott is a British knight. Sir. Ridley Scott. Okay. It's his know, Napoleon, the tyrant, the megalomaniac, it's all nonsense. He just wanted the best for his people. He hated the whole idea of usury, okay? And he wanted peace with all these countries, but they wouldn't allow it. The British wouldn't allow it, and the House of Rothschild wouldn't allow it. So just like with, okay, his military campaigns are misunderstood or misrepresented to make it seem like they were offensive imperialistic, okay? Wars of conquest, megalomania. Not at all. It's like you're making war against me, okay? I got to come to your capital and get rid of you. Put one of my guys in just for the sake of peace. But Britain had it in their power to make peace at any time, which they did time and time and time again, because France would win the wars, okay? And then Britain would say, okay, let's make peace. They use it to regroup and build another coalition. They just kept coming at them and coming at them and coming at them. And then when Napoleon made peace with Russia, the British started interfering there. And then they induced Russia to get back in. That's why Napoleon had to go down to Russia. The parallels between Napoleon and Hitler are very striking. Every country they went into, they had to out of a preemptive defensive necessity, because all of those countries led by the British and the Jewish Mafia continued to come at them. So that's the truth about Napoleon, and they're still lying about it after 200 years. Interestingly enough, the one people on this planet who still admire Napoleon and kind of know the truth is the French, both left and right. It's quite interesting that he's still very highly regarded. I guess the left, they understand what he did to uplift the working people. Well, I did hear that the French people were very angry with the movie. Yes, I read that as well. And I figured as know and again, you go to the parallels between Napoleon and Hitler. What did Hitler do? He came to Paris after a few years, a country which was so deeply divided, the left and the right, the divisions went away, and they all supported Hitler, okay? But then they were subjected to decades of. Brainwashing. So now most Germans say Hitler bad, but with the French, it was that same unification. And the high regard for Napoleon still exists to this day. His educational system, his legal code, some of his construction projects has not left the French memory. So he's still highly regarded in France, as he should be. Yeah. When you talk about the thing with the parallels with Hitler and how the Germans were basically brainwashed with a reeducation program when the Wall came down in 91, and all the documents proved that the Russians were literally planning an invasion of Western Europe in 1941. And you had these Russian historians that were coming and working with the German historians and the German historians who were talking to people in the government and in the media, and they're like, yeah, well, we can't do this. We can't do this because it would exonerate Hitler and we can't have an exoneration of Hitler. The people in Germany literally were like, we would rather accept the lie of the propaganda than exonerate just I was flabbergasted when I read that document. Well, that reminds me of something I read an account of a meeting with the great Olympian Jesse Owens. It was a meeting between German sports journalists and Jesse Owens in 1966, the 30th anniversary of the 1936 Berlin Games, where supposedly Hitler stormed out of the stadium because a black guy was winning all these sprinting medals. Right? Right. And that story always bothered Jesse Owens because it was false. And at this meeting and this came out only about, I don't know, 15 years ago or so, a German sports writer named Mishner I think he's dead now. It was very old, but before he died, he wanted to get this off his chest. And he wrote about this meeting with the sports journalist. And Jesse Owens pulled out of his wallet a photograph that he cherished of himself with Hitler. Hitler went to congratulate him. And there's also another witness to that event, a British fighter pilot who was an Olympian. So he went and took his picture with him. And what Owens wanted to do is he wanted to set the record straight, presented this photo, told his story to the German journalists, and they kind of looked at each other and they looked at him. He said her Owens. We can't. We can't do it. Owens just shook his head. He was very disappointed. And it's a secret he kept inside of him. But he did say in his autobiography that Hitler did not snub me as they passed by, he waved at me. But now we know it was much more than way he went and took his photo with him. But just like the story you told, the German journalist would not touch this with a ten foot pole. No. Moving on here we've got 1836, and you've got Andrew Jackson kills the Central Bank. I know you've written a book, Andrew the Great, on that one. And there's some parallels there with Mr. Trump. There certainly is. Just about every point of the 60 points, the one page points I raise in this book, crash Course, NWO. I've written an actual book about if you want to get into it deeper. Yeah. So what happened at the founding of the Republic? There was a big battle within the Washington administration between Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the treasury and British agent raised by a Jewish stepfather who spoke Hebrew, andrew Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton versus Jackson. This is from the very beginning. Hamilton wanted a central bank. Correct. Okay. Jefferson was dead set against it, and Hamilton somehow got his way. 20 year charter, private bank run out of London. After the 20 years, the bank was still so controversial that President Madison did not renew it. So then they imposed the War of 1812, and we supposedly won the war, but immediately after the war, a new central bank is established, also with a 20 year charter. So now that brings us to Andrew Jackson. Either renew it for another 20 years or kill it. He killed it, and he said that was his proudest achievement, was killing the bank. And what a battle that was. There's so much I mean, the whole apparatus of what you be considered the deep state of that day went after Jackson and they almost killed him. There was an Englishman, an assassin, fired two pistols at him, point blank range. They both misfired. Apparently. It was a very humid day. Something happened with the gunpowder, but shot at Jackson point blank. Bang, bang. And then Jackson came at him with his cane. Jackson killed the central bank and paid off the national debt to zero. Correct. And we went 80 years without a central bank, which meant that our currency was created at zero interest. Right. And isn't it interesting if you look at the inflation rate between 1830s and 1913, overall inflation 0%. That's a fact. Okay? Our economists today, they pat themselves on the back for hitting the target of 2% annual inflation, which is really never 2%. At the beginning of the Federal Reserve, at the signing of the Federal Reserve, we had, like, a $6 billion surplus, and the federal government had a $6 billion. Well, they want debt, perpetual debt and perpetual interest. And if you undo something like that, they kill you. They took care of Napoleon and Lincoln and Hitler, and they almost got Andrew Jackson, and they've been trying to go after but because and you mark my words on this, when he going, he's going to attempt to pull in Andrew Jackson. I believe he's going after the Federal Reserve. I have many reasons for saying did. I think he already did. He already has. But this fight will get out in the open. But these fights have already been won. Okay, this is Sun Tzu, but that's what you're going to see. And Andrew Jackson is Donald Trump's favorite president. He's got his portrait in his office, which really pissed off the media because they say Jackson owned slaves and he was bad to the Indians. Trump don't care. He also saved Andrew Jackson from being kicked off the $20 bill. I think we discussed this. I want to go back for a second to Alexander Hamilton. There's a guy who wrote a book named Andrew Porwingcher, and he says it's the Jewish world of Alexander Hamilton. And it's all about alexander Hamilton basically was essentially raised as a Jew in the Caribbean, that he went all the schools and stuff that he went to, they were all Jewish schools. And so he brought that mentality as a founding father, he brought that mentality into the and, you know, he was actually a British subject. He was born in the British Isles. Right. And he could never have become president. I mean, they wouldn't vote for him anyway, but he could never have become president. His stepfather was Levienne Levine. He went to Hebrew school, spoke Hebrew, and even in his adult life, he just would write all this gushing stuff about the Jewish people. He was one of their boys. They love him. They even made a play for him. It's interesting. Two Broadway plays came out only a few years apart. Bloody, bloody Andrew Jackson, and then a few years later, Hamilton. Right. Okay, so and we all know who owns you. They love Hamilton. But I'll tell you, everybody hated Hamilton. All of the initial presidents despised him. This was not a political difference. It was partly that, but on a personal level, for some reason, Washington had a soft spot for him, probably because Hamilton was kissing his ass. But all of Washington's successors, John Adams this is all documented. You can see the nasty things they wrote. John Adams despised Alexander Hamilton, called him an intriguer, a tireless intriguer. Jefferson despised him. Madison despised him. James Monroe despised him. Okay? And Vice President Aaron Burr. Well, we know how he felt about Alexander Hamilton. He was a true scumbag. And let me tell you not to digress from our subject too much. Now, you know, years ago, they made this discovery supposedly that Thomas Jefferson was making it with a slave chick and had an illegitimate child. Okay? They brought this lie forward in order to kind know, make Bill Clinton not seem so know. And then they claimed to have this DNA evidence, which is nonsense. You don't have Jefferson's DNA, you don't have the slave girl's DNA, and you don't have the alleged son's DNA. But it was based on a lie. It was originally started an anonymous journalist in an opposition newspaper made this claim. And do you know who he was? No. Alexander Hamilton writing under a penny. Yeah, that's the kind of scumbag that he was making up this lie that know, sleeping around with a concubine. It's probably one of his nephews. There were a number of Jefferson family members there on the plantation, but he made it up. I forget the pen name that he used, but we now know that's where it came from. So the guy was a vile slanderer, and he got himself killed. He got what was coming to him. Vice President aaron Burr shot him, and he continued to be vice president. Different times. Different times. Yeah, different times. All right, well, we got so I guess the last one I think we'll probably touch on tonight would be well, I think you talked about the revolutionaries that subverted Europe. Well, maybe not, because I think maybe this would actually be a good time to just kind of go and talk about the good stuff at the end, because we're at about the 50 minutes mark. Because the revolutionaries that subverted Europe, that's kind of a big topic. Actually. I have a 50 year frame for that. All the stuff they were doing. So let's go to the end when you talked about the rise of Trump and the Q plan as kind of just a happy ending. Well, after 250 years, this thing had progressed to the point of almost completion. They're this close. All they got to do is get Hillary in there for eight years. Game over. Right. I mean, could you imagine the living hell on earth right now if that Satanic witch and I mean that in a literal sense, I agree. Would be in her 7th year in the presidency right now? Well, we probably wouldn't be alive. We would not be alive, and we certainly would not be online. No, that would not be permitted. This would be hate speech law right here. Right. We'd be in prison for this, but we'd be in prison for turning down her vaccine, because they still would have went ahead with the or we would have been executed. Or we would have been freaking destroyed. Or we would have been destroyed in a nuclear past. Exactly. Yeah. People do not understand that we saved that. There was supposed to be a nuclear detonation in Seattle on November the third of 2018. Listen, they were going to do nukes. They were going to do COVID only with something really deadly, okay? And then follow it up with a vaccine that was even more deadly, and it would have been mandatory. You would have went to a concentration camp if you said, no, I'm not getting vaccine. She even joked about I don't know if you ever saw that video she says, you know, I think we need camps for grown ups, fun camps. Oh, my God. People need to appreciate how close we were to the precipice. The military knew this, and that's what the Q plan is all about. They were faced with a choice. It was so late in the game. It's either we have an overt military coup while the deep state is still at full strength, which will immediately probably divide the military, divide society. There'll be a shooting, civil war, a bloodbath, a Spanish civil war, russian civil war scenario of years past. Well, you don't want that, because even if the good guys win, you're still going to have half the country who never accepts it in their hearts, no matter what you tell them. You know what the COVID word backwards is, right? Dovic. It's Yiddish for demon possessed. Oh, isn't that special? Yeah, isn't that interesting? Yeah, they do stuff like that all the time, like shock and awe. When we bombed the hell out of Iraq. Shekinaw is Hebrew for something. I forget what it is. When they fire bombed Hamburg in 1943, during World War II, burned 30,000 Germans alive, minimum. It was called Operation Gamora. I could go on and on with this stuff. They're real sickos, and you haven't even gone into Dresden because oh, my God, the horror. Well, they did that on the anniversary 500, 600 years earlier. German villagers, they were convinced at the time that the Black Death was being spread by the usual suspects poisoning wells, and they went in and they attacked the Jewish village, and they killed everybody in there. Okay. And Dresden was firebombed on that same day. Wow. 5600 years later. Wow. Because that's what they did, is they burned the Jews at the stake. So now they came back and burned Dresden after all these centuries, because Dresden was the most it was the most Christian city in Germany. Yeah, I understand they had ancient cathedrals there. So was Hiroshima in Japan, because that's where Hiroshima was, a Christian city. But anyway, but a lot of people what do you say to the people who think that he's he's in on it and he's, like, leading us? I don't agree with and to your point, when the very last videos and if you go and look it up, I think you can probably still find it on YouTube, but it's this video will get Trump elected, and it's a conglomeration of a couple of speeches. And one of the things that he says in there is, this is our last chance to save the country. This is it. And he was not wrong. He was not wrong when he came on and took the oath of office, swore in right after he took the oath, he said that this day is very special because we are taking the power away from Washington and returning it to the people. And when he said that, if you go back and you look at the inauguration, the military was standing behind him at that moment. And then when he got done saying that, then the military left that's right. And it was specific branches of the military. It was the people who gathered intelligence. I think it was an NSA had a stripe on their head, and then the other on his right was Jag. So you have two branches of military, one to gather evidence, one to prosecute you with the evidence. Right. And then they stayed there, and right on cue, they came and then they went symbolic of, we're taking over, and then we're giving it back to you. Right. But these people and I've actually lost a lot of readers, and I don't really they go ballistic when I praise Trump. They haven't investigated. They just look at his words. Like Trump will say, oh, yeah, I love Israel. Oh, yeah, I love this guy. Oh, all the Clintons are good people. That's his game. They don't understand that he had to play out of necessity. Don't watch his words, okay? The words are just a protective screen on the down low. He has dismantled these globalists. This New World Order is a whole story there at this point, if people still want to think that he's somehow one of them, all you can say to these people is, talk to me a year from now when he went to the Whaling Wall. Whaling Wall is supposed to be a place exclusively for men. Correct. And if I understand it correctly, when he went to the Wailing Wall, he had melania with him. That's interesting. I never thought of that. Yeah, but he played these Zionist Jews beautifully. What he did, and this is what turned so many people in our community off to him, because they didn't understand. I did a video on this. I have a Rumble channel, by the way, too. If you go to Real News and History, if you go to Realnewsandhistory. com, you can link to my Rumble videos right there. But I did one video and I made the comparison of Trump to Michael Corleone in The Godfather. Who was Michael Corleone's adversary? The Jew. Hyman Roth. Powerful gangster. How did he take him out? He won his trust. He went, he's, Mr. Roth, you're such a great man, blah, blah, blah, blah, acted like his son the whole time he was plotting against him. That is how you confront a dangerous animal. So when we hear Trump for these last six, seven years say, oh, I stand with Israel and Jews this, I love them this and that, he's got to do that. That pacifies a dangerous animal. It keeps all these evangelical Christian Zionist nut jobs pacified as well. Ignore that. Because on the down low, what he has done is he's ripped the guts out of the Jewish Marxist New World Order, as well as the Greater Israel Project in the Middle East. There's not going to be a Greater Israel, there's not going to be an American war fought for Israel. And that's all thanks to Trump. So he's maneuvered against these people, and he's defeated them. And he's done it the whole while pretending that he loves people. A lot of people, they got upset at Kushner, but Kushner was basically the architect of the Abrahamic Accords, and he's the one who went over to MBS and befriended MBS long before. And it was Trump who basically forced the Saudi monarchy to not have the I forget the guy's name but put MBS as the crown prince. Yeah, he did so much countries all over the world. He's got his people in there and these are militaries all over the world working with our know. So this thing is vast and complex. Another thing people got to understand is not every Jew is a scheming communist or a radical Greater Israel type. A lot of them, they just want to live their lives like anyone else. Okay? So they say, oh, Trump's got a Jew lawyer. I mean, big deal. So does Joe McCarthy. You know, that's funny. Matter of fact, if ever I need a savage lawyer, I'm going to a Joe. That was funny. That was funny. Well, you know what on that we're approaching the hour mark. Let's go ahead and call it for the evening, guys. Thanks for tuning in and this is the inaugural show. We'll be back next Tuesday night to continue down the path of the 250 years of the globalist conspiracy. So I hope you guys got some out of this. And this is episode one. Next week, episode two. You want to remind everybody where to find you there? Yes. Please visit realnewsandhistory. com. All one word realnewsanhistory. com. You'll see, most of the content is free. If you want this book, crash course NWO, go to the book section, see all my books. At the very least you want to get on the mailing list. You can instantly get a report called how to respond to an Anti Conspiracy Theorist. If you go to the bottom of the home page, you could fill it out, get on the mailing list, you'll get the report says Realnewsandhistory. com. It's content like no other. It really gets you the facts, up the learning curve very quickly. Amen. I promise you guys. You have to get how to Respond to the conspiracy theories. You've got to get that. That is phenomenal. I still use some of those. You've probably heard me say some of those things on the show, you just didn't know it. And I got them from Mr. King here. All right, guys, well, hey, thanks for tuning in tonight and definitely go get you know, I actually just re upped my I bought all of his new books. The last time that I bought, he's come out with several new books since then and I said, hell with it. I'll just go ahead and just spend the extra money again and get the new book. So I did and now my collection is completely up to date. 28 books. Yeah, exactly. So go get those and support Mike's work. He does some fantastic work. And in fact, this 250 years of Globalist conspiracy, you can actually get them in book form and they make great gifts for Christmas, especially for people who are starting to ask questions. So definitely go check that out. So thanks for your time, Mike. We'll see you next week. And we'll see you guys all next week. .