Hey, everyone. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton here with our weekly update on social media. A lot to talk about this week. As always, we have a new House Speaker. I'll talk about what he should be doing and what he probably will do with you, especially as it relates to funding the corruption that's destroying America new lawsuit on the Twitter files, meaning the censorship and election rigging designed to help Joe Biden, plus a Judicial Watch lawsuit on that Obama chef story. Some new developments there that are worth sharing. First up, though, is we have a new House Speaker. I didn't think it was going to happen so soon, but Congressman Mike Johnson is now the new speaker of the House of Representatives. I've known him for a few years. He's not been in Congress that long. Conservative guy. Constitutionalist, God fearing. That really drives the left crazy. I don't know if you saw his opening speech where he reminded everyone sitting in that chamber that they all are ordained by God in terms of their leadership and whether they recognize it or not as another matter or act accordingly. But certainly his prayerful reflection on his new position, hopefully is a good indicator of where he'll proceed and what next he'll do as it relates to the challenges facing him. And the challenges are significant. And those of you who've been following me on the weekly update here or on social media, and you've seen my colleague Chris Farrell raise these issues as well on his onwatch program. The issue is whether or not Congress is going to continue to fund the assault on our republic, right? Whether they're going to continue to fund the effort to try to jail Trump illicitly. That is happening out of the Justice Department and also it is happening out of New York and in Fulton County, Georgia. Whether they're going to continue to fund the censorship and the abuse of our military, you name it. The invasion. Are they going to continue to fund that or not? And that's the test. That's the challenge. And it's something that Speaker Johnson is going to have to deal with. And this is my response initially to his selection, and I think I summarized it pretty directly. There it is. The US. Capitol. New leadership up there. Speaker Mike Johnson, Judicial Watch congratulates you, sir, but you got a lot of heavy lifting to do. You need to release those January 6 tapes as quickly as you can. The McCarthy Congress has been hiding them from us. You got to release them now. You need to defund the Biden border invasion now. Our country's being destroyed, frankly. You need to impeach him for the Biden border invasion. You need to defund the Biden scheme to rig the elections by trying to jail Trump and other innocent Americans. You need to do that now. You need to defund the Biden censorship of American citizens now. You need to defund the abuse of our military. Now, we can't wait till next year. Frankly, we can't wait till next week. The sooner you act, the better. God bless you, and God bless America. Well, do you agree with me? I know I agree with me. The issue of the January 6 videotapes the speaker of the House previously McCarthy, the McCarthy Congress, told the court recently that no American should have access to the tapes. They told the courts that the Congress has sovereign immunity. The tapes are all security info. Even if we could get access to them, they shouldn't be released because they should be withheld as security info. Plus, there are a bunch of emails that the US Capitol Police leadership have that they don't want to turn over as well. So Speaker Johnson should keep the commitment that McCarthy initially kept or promised, right, and release the tapes, negotiate a settlement in which you should watch, turn the tapes over to us, let us win. So that's a big test. And then there's a test in a few weeks, which is the period in which this continuing resolution ends. And I want to go through it with you a little bit because it's worth highlighting, because they rely on you not knowing about the budget process in order, and they being the uniparty, the deep state, the establishment, what have you, that they rely on you not knowing about it. So they can just slide through everything they want to slide through. And so the continuing resolution that McCarthy, in my view, wrongly signed on for, essentially fully funded everything that's been happening in Washington with no reform, no restrictions, right. And in theory, the way it's supposed to work, and the members of the House get together and they pass an appropriations bill by agency, or two or three, depending on the bill. And these appropriations bills, twelve or 13 in total, they similarly get passed by the Senate with their priorities. And if there are policy differences that are funded under law through these appropriation bills, they're supposed to be hammered out with each other. Now, obviously, the House of Representatives, in theory controlled by Republican, would be passing appropriations bills that would hopefully do some of the things that conservatives want done in terms of defunding the Biden border invasion, defunding censorship, defunding the tax on Trump, et cetera. Now, of course, Democrats running the Senate, and frankly, a lot of Republicans don't want to do any of that. So if they can't agree, there's no money. And that goes back to this continuing resolution scheme that the left uses to fund their operations every year, which is our gargantuan spending bills called either continuing resolutions you've heard omnibuses or minibuses. Some people kind of vulgarly call them crappy losses, but that's what happens. They just put everything off to the last minute, and they don't give anybody any time. And since no one can agree on anything, they just agree to keep on spending what they spent the previous time, previous year with a little bit extra. So obviously that's not the conservative way to approach things. Certainly if you're looking for some reform and a reflection of the policies that the voters have who actually gave the Republicans the majority in the House, and from Judicial Watch's perspective, we know, and I think you want some reform here, some anti corruption statements through this continuing resolution process or this omnibus process or this appropriations process. So Speaker Johnson suggested that if there's going to be a continuing resolution again because they're not going to have these appropriations bills done by the middle of next month, it's not going to happen. Certainly even if the House has it, the Senate won't proceed because there's little political interest in doing it on the Senate. They're happy just to get what they got last year plus a little bit more the Democrats and Joe Biden. But Speaker Johnson suggested that if there is to be another continuing resolution to give people more time to do what, I'm not sure, but anyway, that there would be some restrictions put in place, right? Which was good. Right. So maybe he's listening. Maybe he wants to do some reforms through this continuing resolution. He's going to tell Democrats and encourage his colleagues in the House to tell the liberals and the leftists who are ruining the government that if you want the government to, quote, be funded, there are certain things that are going to have to happen. There's going to be a red line or two or three or four or five, but at least one. Who knows? Maybe they'll say if you want more government funding or the government to keep on getting money, we're going to have to secure the border and we're not going to fund our own destruction by giving the Biden administration money to move millions of illegal aliens into the country. Imagine if that was the line. Or imagine if the line was you're not going to spend money to try to jail Trump. And to the degree your cutouts in Fulton County, Georgia and up in New York City are relying on federal money in part to do their schemes against Trump, we're going to cut that off too. Imagine that you're not going to censor Americans. Imagine that with federal tax dollars. So the question for Republicans is, and honest conservatives, are they going to do anything? Is there anything that they be willing to fight over and if it doesn't work out the way they want, would they be willing to shut the government down over it? Is there anything they're willing to make a stand on? And if you want them to make a stand, you need to call your members of Congress and you got to do it. I tell you, the only reason Speaker Johnson is speaker Johnson was because of your activism and the activism of countless millions of Americans who flooded the phone lines on Capitol Hill now, is Speaker Johnson going to do everything I want him to do? Of course not. Is he going to do everything you want him to do? Of course not. I mean, that's just politics, right? But the fact is there is a much more conservative speaker who shares a lot of our values for the first time in that key position, thanks in large measure to the activism of you, dear follower, dear viewer, dear Judicial Watch supporter. And if you want to follow up on that and leverage that success for more policy successes, certainly in the area of transparency, government accountability, et cetera, holding Biden accountable for his corruption, I'm going to get into that. Then call your members of Congress at 2022-5312-1202-2531-21. And congratulations, Speaker Johnson. I think he's a great guy. I wish him the best. But we got work to do, right? As I said in that clip, we got work to do. Our country is tottering I run hot and cold. Is the Republic fallen or not? I don't know what you think, but either way, it's an emergency situation in what's happening here in Washington, DC. With the abuses, the corruption in the White House, the invasion. And, of course, we have all these national security issues that are made worse by Biden's personal corruption. So welcome to the job, Mr. Speaker. Now you got to get to work. And unfortunately for him, there's going to be no honeymoon. It's got to be immediate. The crisis is that significant. And if you share my views maybe you don't share my views, but the least you should do is share your views with your members of Congress at 202-25-3121. And as I've discussed with you previously and I'll talk to you a little bit more about some of the other work we're doing, we'll keep on pushing in terms of the government accountability and transparency and ethics and such, whether it be getting information on the censorship, the invasion, the COVID scandal, which hasn't stopped the Biden corruption. Judicial Watch will do our independent work. Election integrity, judicial Watch will do our independent work. But Congress has got to get it together, because everything that's terrible is happening is happening with the help of Congress and the full funding of Congress. James Comer, who was head of the Oversight Committee in the House, he's one of the three chairmen that have begun an impeachment inquiry that was authorized by previous Speaker McCarthy. He joined Judicial Watch and my colleague Chris Farrell, who runs our investigations department. He's also on the board of Directors of Know. Mr. Comer has been doing some good work. He's very articulate and direct about talking about what he's been finding, but you can know Chris had some good questions for him. Let's go to a part of the discussion that Judicial Watch had with Mr. Comer the other day. Speaker McCarthy went out of his way to attempt to block Judicial Watch from getting all the January 6 videotapes that we're suing in federal court over. We found that, astounding we could understand, pelosi trying to block all the January 6 videotapes, but we found it quite disturbing that Speaker McCarthy jumped on board with her and said, yeah, don't release them to the public. The American public doesn't need to know that, doesn't need to see those videos. We hope that the new speaker will take a different approach on that because it's our position that every single 2, January 6th video, the American public has a right to. No, I agree completely. I think we should release the tapes. I think Mike Johnson has said he would do good. And let me say this about Judicial Watch. As Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, I appreciate everything you all do. I follow you on Twitter. We read everything you do. You all have been more successful in getting a lot of documents through your FOIA lawsuits than we have, which shouldn't be that way. That's how bad the administration is blocking us. But we'll try to help you. Yeah, well, you have helped us a lot and we appreciate the great work that you all do. It's been very beneficial to us. We've got to cut spending, and I can't think of a better place to start than the Weaponized government, than Merrick Garland's. Weaponized? Department of justice. Chris Ray's. Weaponized. FBI. Amen. Look, there's not a number too steep for me on cutting the Department of justice. When are we going to see some Biden family members giving live testimony in front of your? Soon. You know, Jordan's doing the depositions. He had the deposition of Brady this week. He's going to be hopefully bringing Weiss in for a deposition. We would like to do the same with the Bidens. Now, look what we found in the last three weeks. In the last three weeks, we found a wire from China to Hunter Biden that listed Joe Biden's address as a beneficiary. We found the $200,000 check that you referenced at the beginning of this interview. We found another check that we're trying to trace. We're getting bank records in every day from the subpoena I issued almost a month ago. Once all these bank records are in, which hopefully be in the next week or so, we're going to trace every source of revenue that the Biden family had and then we're going to bring them in and say, how did you get this $3 million from China? How did you get this $1 million from Ukraine? What did you do to get the three and a half million dollars from Russia? So that was a good discussion with James Comer and let's hope he does what he promises to do. Did you catch that piece of news we talked about last week? That there was a $200,000 check that, according to Comer, was tied to seemingly shady financial operations between involving the President's brother and Joe Biden. A $200,000 check written to Joe biden. Now the Biden gang has said, oh, that was a loan. It was legit. Comer wants to know, well, how was it legit? Where's the loan documents? Give us details. Tell us, because it sure didn't look legit. And now there's another check. So look to that next week. You can see how the House and I think I want to take a step back here chairman Comer talked about how important Judicial Watches work has been. Let me just say this. The House needs to do much more. We're all agreed there. But the change in approach in terms of investigations in the House of Representatives over the last few years is in large measure due to the leadership of Judicial Watch. They had seen what Judicial Watch has been doing since day one on so many of these scandals. They see how Judicial Watches have been getting documents that Congress hasn't been able to get. Their supporters and their constituents have been saying, why aren't you doing what Judicial Watch does? And now they're trying to do what Judicial Watch does. So to the degree they do that, the better. But the more is the better. And as Chris said, we got to get people in witnesses and move this investigation and this impeachment effort in ways forward that not only include Biden, but as Comer said, they need to defund the deep state, namely the Justice Department and the FBI. And I talked about these appropriations bills earlier. I don't think the DOJ appropriation has passed yet. So I'm not even sure what the House's position on this is. Forget about using the Cr to defund Jack Smith. Are they going to use the appropriations bills that are coming up in the next few weeks to defund Jack Smith directly through the ordinary course? Should ask, 202-25-3121 is the phone number of Congress. And there's so much more to be done here. And frankly, given the corruption at the Justice Department and the FBI, it should be a seven alarm fire at the House in terms of getting people in, holding them to account, putting them under oath, doing everything within their power to ensure accountability. Chuck Rassley, the longtime senator from Iowa, issued another letter this week that I'm going to share with you. And it's a little bit of a lengthy letter, but I'm going to read it to you because there's so much information here about government corruption, specifically the corruption of the Justice Department and the FBI and the protection racket for Joe Biden that helped them secure the presidency illicitly, it looks like, through the interference by the Justice Department and the FBI. So I'm going to share it with you. It's a little easier for me to read on my phone. It's dated October 24, 2023. It was sent to Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, and Director Ray, the FBI Director Christopher Ray. Dear Attorney General and Director, dear Attorney General, Garland and Director Ray since July 25, 2022, I've requested information from the Justice Department and the FBI with respect to legally protected whistleblower disclosures that inform my office of political bias affecting the decision making process in investigations related to the Biden family. Since that date, the Justice Department and FBI have failed to provide responsive records. This letter is based on years of investigation, including the provision of information, records and allegations from multiple Justice Department whistleblowers that indicate there is and has been an effort among certain Justice Department and FBI officials to improperly delay and stop full and complete investigative activity into the Biden family, including, but not limited to the FD 1023s referencing the Biden family. This alleged political infection breaks faith with the American people and will ruin our governmental institutions should it continue. As just one initial example, I've been made aware that at one point in time, the FBI maintained over 40 confidential human sources that provided criminal information related to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden. An essential question that must be answered is this that the FBI investigate the information or shut it down? Indeed, if those sources were improperly shut down, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the FBI, as this letter will address by way of initial background, since August 2019, senator Johnson and I have investigated the Biden family's foreign financial dealings and business arrangements. On September 23, 2020 and November 18, 2020 this is three years ago, we issued reports detailing our findings, based in part on hundreds of Treasury Department suspicious activity reports, transcribed interviews, and thousands of pages of Obama Biden administration government records. Our findings indicated potential criminal activity to include money laundering with respect to members of the Biden family and their business associates, as well as strong financial connections to questionable foreign nationals and foreign government linked corporate entities. Then, in March and April of 2022, we gave three speeches on the Senate floor and made public bank records supporting the same findings and further connecting the Biden family business to businesses linked to the Communist Chinese government. After that, on October 26, 2022, senator Johnson and I provided hundreds of pages of bank records to the US. Attorney to us. Attorney Weiss. Who's? The US. Attorney in Delaware, now the Special Counsel connecting the Biden family to Chinese government linked entities. Since August of 2019, the Justice Department and FBI have refused to answer our questions, cooperate with our investigations, and made every effort to obstruct and frustrate legitimate and constitutional congressional oversight. On July 25, 2022, I wrote to both of you. In that letter, I described whistleblower allegations that the FBI developed information in 2020 about Hunter Biden's criminal, financial, and related activity. But ultimately, I lost my start. Let me start over on that. I described whistleblower allegations that the FBI developed information in 2020 about Hunter Biden's criminal, financial and related activity, but ultimately shut it down. The FBI did, based on false assertions that it was subject to foreign disinformation. It's been alleged that the basis for shutting the investigative activity down was an August 2020 assessment created by FBI supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Auton. That assessment was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and cause investigative activity to cease. The precise basis for how the FBI headquarters team selected the specific information for inclusion in Alton's assessment is unknown. But the focus of the FBI Headquarters team's attention involved derogatory information about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. In that same letter, I noted that in October 2020, an avenue of derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed at the direction of Assistant Special Agent in Charge Tim Tebow. My office has been made aware that FBI agents responsible for the information that was shut down were interviewed by the FBI Headquarters Team in furtherance of Alton's assessment. Publicly released portions of thiebeau's interview with the House Judiciary Committee confirmed the whistleblower's allegations. The transcript reportedly notes that an FBI headquarters and FBI Baltimore element wanted the Hunter Biden reporting closed, which Thibaut followed through on. Now, when I say FBI Baltimore, that's the Delaware operation. U s. Attorney in Delaware, Weiss, who's now Special counsel part of the Biden regime up in Delaware. He is supported by the Baltimore office of the FBI. On October 13, 2022, I wrote to both of you and US. Attorney Weiss with respect to specific records within the possession of the Justice Department and FBI indicating potential criminal activity in the Biden family's foreign business deals. This included the Biden family 1023 that Chairman Comer and I ultimately made public on July 25, 2023. Specifically, I requested an array of records related to that Biden family 1023 that's, that IRS that FBI form that described the Barisma bribe scheme for Hunter and Joe totaling $10 million. While all three recipients of my letter have failed to provide their requested information, none have disputed the allegations I presented to them. Although investigative activity was scuttled by the FBI in 2020, the origins of additional activity relate back to years earlier. For example, in December 2019, the FBI Washington Field Office closed a 205 B Kleptocracy case 205 B, serial Seven into McColla Shivusky, owner of Barisma, which was opened in January 2016 by a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FBI squad based out of the FBI's Washington Field Office. This Foreign Corrupt Practices Act squad, including agents from the FBI headquarters. In February 2020, a meeting took place at the FBI Pittsburgh field office with FBI headquarters elements. That meeting involved discussions about investigative matters related to Hunter Biden investigation and related inquiries which most likely would have included the case against Chloevesky. Then, in March 2020, and at the request of the Justice Department, quote, a Guardian assessment, unquote, was opened out of the Pittsburgh Field Office to analyze information provided by Rudy Giuliani. So what happened was, you may recall that Barr, then attorney general, had kicked all this Hunter Biden stuff up to Pittsburgh and that Pittsburgh u. S. Attorney was trying to evaluate the information he was getting from Rudy Giuliani things that he was finding out, plus the information the FBI also had. And he got nowhere, by the way. He would find information, send it to the relevant u. S. Attorney's offices, and they would bury it. And the FBI was involved burying as well. During the course of that assessment, justice department and FBI officials located an ft 1023 from March 2017 relating to the 2000 b. Kleptocracy. Investigation of shavesky kleptosy. Kleptocracy. That's the biden way, isn't it? That FD 1023 included a reference to hunter biden being on the board of Barisma, which the handling agents deemed at the time non relevant information to the ongoing criminal case. And when that FD 1023 was discovered, justice department and FBI officials asked the handler for the confidential human source to reinterview the confidential human source. According to reports, that was a fight for a month to get the handler to reinterview the CHS. Eventually, that reinterview took place and the Biden family 1023 about the alleged criminal scheme between then vice president biden, hunter biden and chovesky was created in June 2020. A 1023 must be serialized to a case so that biden family 1023 was serialized to the Pittsburgh assessment. Again, that's the bar initiated investigation I told you about. Accordingly, claims that the biden family 1023 was part of that information provided by giuliani are incorrect. So the left tried to pretend giuliani was the one who pushed this bribe scheme allegation to the justice department and the FBI. This Barisma bribe scheme that had the, according to this confidential human source, the head of Barisma confess essentially that he gave 5 million for joe and 5 million for hunter to ensure that Barisma was unharassed by anticorruption investigators in Ukraine and elsewhere. The information in the Biden family 1023 was obtained separate from Giuliani from a long standing, high paid FBI confidential human source who's been used in other investigative matters by the FBI. As the Shukovsky case illustrates that Biden family 1023 was serialized into the Pittsburgh assessment simply because it was the administrative avenue to house the source information. So the left has spent all this time and the democrats on the hill and the biden administration have been spending all the time trying to suggest that the information documenting biden corruption is tainted tainted by giuliani or Russia disinformation, whatever you have it. And that's just what senator grassley is trying to put onto the record that this information was coming from all different types of sources, all of which had been vetted more or less by the FBI and should have been taken seriously due to the fact that there was no case and merely an assessment. Now just think about that no case and merely an assessment. Think of what they did to donald trump. They concocted fake allegations against him as it relates to challenging the election and the personal records he had in Mar a Lago and indicted him in an unprecedented fashion of trying to jail him and obviously engage in election interference. They did that in months. Here you have years long investigations, and they can't even get out of, quote, the assessment stage. And that isn't what they did for Trump when he was President. They immediately launched criminal inquiries as soon as they got negative information about him, which, in retrospect, and they knew at the time was shady and didn't warrant a further follow up here. They have significant information, and they keep on figuring out ways to stall serious criminal investigations of the evidence that was staring them right in the face and frankly, that they were burying due to the fact there was no case and merely an assessment. As I said, Justice Department and FBI officials were limited their investigative abilities, including conducting database checks instead of using subpoenas and search warrants. No raids. They're only looking at databases, things that Judicial Watch could probably do. In addition, my office had been informed that the FBI, that the FBI agents and DOJ officials working the Pittsburgh Assessment had to pause their work for weeks at a time because the assessment had to be reapproved every 30 days by multiple DOJ and FBI officials. Oh, they were nervous about Biden, all right. They didn't want to do anything. On June 30, 2020, the Biden Family 1023 was serialized into the Pittsburgh Assessment, and the FBI leadership would likely have been briefed on it due to the nature of the reporting either on that day or shortly thereafter, travel mentioned in the Biden Family 1023 was confirmed, as well as some meetings that took place. So this information in the 1023 implicating the President of the United States. Now, Joe biden has been confirmed six ways to Sunday. In August 2020, and possibly earlier, supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Auton opened the aforementioned assessment, which was used by the Foreign Influence Task Force to seek out CHS holdings at FBI field offices across the country relating to the Biden family and falsely discredit them as false foreign information. So just a few months before the election, a top guy in the FBI put out an app. It's not literally what he did for all material that would help Joe Biden. That's what he did. What corruption? What corruption? Also, in August 2020, the Foreign Influence Task Force improperly briefed me and Senator Johnson with respect to our Biden family investigation after pressure from congressional Democrats that improper briefing was used by Democrats and partisan media to falsely claim our investigation, which was based on Obama Biden administrative records, was impacted by foreign disinformation. So that meeting was a setup. They went in there to create the appearance that Grassley and Johnson were barking up the wrong tree and were being misled or active allies of Russia disinformation operations. That's how corrupt the FBI was, and they knew otherwise. They knew they were onto something. So they set up this fake meeting to give their friends like Adam Schiff an excuse to attack Grassley and Johnson. With leaks suggesting that the FBI warned them of Russia disinformation as it relates to the Hunter Biden Joe Biden criminal allegations. So it was obstruction of Congress too. That's what's going on here. On September 3, 2020, the Pittsburgh Assessment was closed after a mere six months. And on September 14, 2020, the Foreign Influence Task Force communicated with the handling agent for the Biden family. 1023 According to information provided by my office, the Foreign Influence Task Force attempted to shut down that reporting by falsely saying it was subject again to foreign disinformation. It should be emphasized that the basis for trying to shut down the Biden Family 1023 again, this is the $10 million bribe that Burima's Chief talked about to a credible source that the FBI had been using for years. It should be emphasized that the basis for trying to shut down the Biden Family 1023 has been described by my office as highly suspect and is contradicted by other documents my office has been told exist within the Foreign Influence Task Force, FBI Seattle Field Office, FBI Baltimore Field Office, and FBI Headquarter Holdings. On September 21, 2020, after closure of the Pittsburgh Assessment, us. Attorney Scott Brady transmitted a report to Principal Associate Durant, attorney General Rich Donahue summarizing the findings in the FBI assessment. The subject line of that report stated vetting. According to information provided to my office, the officials involved in the assessment had limited ability to verify all the information in Biden family 1023 because the Justice Department did not authorize them to use a grand jury and therefore they didn't have all the tools at their disposal to run the information to ground, including subpoenas to obtain documents and interviews. However, the report included a recommendation that additional investigative activity be done. This is just a few months before the election. Imagine if we knew this before the election in 2020. Notably, my office has been informed that with respect to the confidential human source in the Biden Family 1023, the US. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania coordinated with the US. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York in 2020 and found no hits to known sources of Russia disinformation. The report, including information on the Biden Family 1023, was ultimately transmitted to US. Attorney Weiss, who was, according to Attorney General Garland, had every investigative tool as his disposal, even before being designated as a Special Counsel. So Weiss has had all this for years. Just before the election, they all knew that the Barisma issues, the scandals as it was disclosed in the Hunter Biden laptop, and specifically, they had details with this confidential human source that they'd been seriously implicated in a bribery scheme. All that was known by the FBI prior to the election, and rather than following it up adequately, they tried to bury it, punish the senators who were onto it and then censor you, dear Americans, by getting Twitter and Company to shut down. Reporting on the related Hunter Biden laptop. Since making the Biden family 1023 public on July 25, 2023, it's been made clear by former Attorney General Barr, Director Ray, and Deputy Director Abadi that the 1023 is part of an ongoing investigative matter indicating its investigative credibility and authenticity. As such, it's essential that we examine the alleged attempts by FBI personnel to sweep it under the rug, as well as what steps US. Attorney Weiss has taken to use the document for his ongoing investigation. On October 5, 2020, supervisory Special Agent Eric Miller, an Assistant Special Agent in Charge debo participated in a call with the Washington Field office. Baltimore Field Office Wilmington, Delaware FBI agents and FBI management personnel. That call allegedly included assistant Special Agent in Charge Alfred Watson, supervisory Special Agent Joe Gordon, special Agent Susan Repke, and Special Agent Joshua Wilson. Notably, FBI agents from the Baltimore field office were attached to U s attorney Weiss's investigation. As I described earlier, my office has been informed that on that call, it was confirmed the Delaware case currently run by US. Attorney Weiss was opened as a Money Laundering and Foreign Agents Registration Act case, not a bribery case, as the Biden family 1023 would appear to require, and that it was jointly worked with the IRS. On that call, it was made clear that Delaware FBI agents were in possession of an email of email evidence that contradicted denials made by Joe Biden. They was never aware or involved in Hunter Biden's business arrangements. Again, they all knew Joe was a crook. A month before the election, they all knew, and anyone who said otherwise, they said was a liar and a Russian agent, including Trump. On October 23, 2020, again just before the election, tony Babelinsky met with and was interviewed by James Dawson, a Washington Field Office special Agent in Charge, acting Assistant Special Agent in Charge Julio Arsini, special Agent William Novak and Special Agent Garrett Churchill. Bobbalinsky first provided firsthand knowledge as an eye and ear witness to Joe Biden's involvement in potentially criminal schemes with Hunter Biden. Notably, on October 13, 2022, I wrote a letter to both you and US. Attorney Weiss with respect to a summary of Bob Alinsky's FBI interview that my staff reviewed and which included, in part reference to the Biden family to the Bidens receiving an unsecured $5 million loan intended to be forgivable forgivable from CEFC, which is the Chinese energy company Communist in 2017. That would serve as a payment for actions Joe Biden took during his vice presidency. Evidence of a bribe from the Chinese Communist. My gosh. This financial strategy to illegally treat income as a loan is consistent with IRS whistleblower testimony that indicated Hunter Biden attempted the same with respect to other income, including payments received from Burisma. Also on October 3 23rd, 2020, justice Department FBI special agents from the Pittsburgh Field Office brief Assistant US. Attorney Leslie Wolf one of us. Attorneys Weiss's, top prosecutors and FBI special agents from the Baltimore Field Office with respect to the contents of the Biden family. 1023 however, that meeting the meeting did not include any IRS agents and the AUSA Wolf and AUSA Wolf prevented investigators from seeking information about Joe Biden's involvement and Hunter Biden's criminal arrangements. So they were protecting actively Joe Biden. Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity related to the Biden family. Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors. Our republic cannot survive such a political infection, and you have an obligation to this country to clear the air. Accordingly, based on the aforementioned information, I've obtained the names of 25 DOJ and FBI personnel to interview at a future date, some of whom have named above, who either had or a direct or indirect role in the allegations described above. In addition, please provide their requested information no later. November 17, 2023 and this is the requested information all records between and among the US. Attorney's office for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the US. Attorney's Office for Eastern District of New York relating to Hunter Biden, james Biden, Joe Biden, the Biden family. An unredacted copy of the September 2020 report transmitted to the justice Department officials to Richard Donahue, who was Deputy Attorney General All records, including and there's a number of records from January 1, 2014 goes back to 2014. This investigation to the date of this letter that referenced Shivaski the Barisma guy, Hunter Biden, James Biden and Joe Biden. Was Tony Bubalinsky's interview summary placed within the guardian file? Was it placed within an investigative case file or was it buried? Right, that's the question he has all records related to the May 2, 2017 and May 3, 2017 meetings between Tony Bobalinsky and Joe Biden. Bobalinsky met with Joe Biden, the case file for the autonom assessment, which is the big assessment of the case that was buried or designed to bury it. All records derived from reporting on derogatory information linked to Hunter Biden, James Biden, Joe Biden, and their foreign business relationships that was overseen under the approval, guidance and purview of Assistant Special Agent in Charge Tbo from January 1, 2020 to his last day at the FBI. All opened and closed cases initiated by the Washington Field Office under the purview of Tbo that were ordered closed by him and or denied for opening by the Justice Department's Public Integrity Session Section and or the United States Attorney's Offices in the District of Columbia and the Eastern District of Virginia. So by my count, there are eastern District of Virginia, eastern District of New York, DC. Seattle, Pittsburgh and Delaware. Seven U. S. Attorney's offices. I tell you, it looks like the Justice Department did nothing else in the last two years of the Trump administration and the FBI other than cover up for Joe Biden. Now I just lost my place. Maybe I can see it here in the letter. All records between and among the Foreign Influence Task Force, FBI Seattle Field Office, the Baltimore Field Office, and FBI headquarters using the terms Russian disinformation or foreign disinformation from January 2019 to the date of this letter from September 2020 to December 2020. So, three months or four months all records between and among the FBI Baltimore Field Office, the DC. Field office and Delaware FBI agents regarding the Hunter Biden matter, including, but not limited to, Assistant Special Agent in Charge Alfred Watson, supervisory Special Agent Gordon, special Agent Ropke and Special Agent Wilson. All records from January 1, 2020, to the date of this letter between and among the FBI's Foreign Influence Task Force regarding the liquidation of human source reporting relating to Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, the Biden family, 1023 and all references to Biden. All records from January 2, 2019, to the date of this letter between and among the FBI Field Office, the Baltimore Field Office, the FBI Seattle Field Office, delaware FBI agents and FBI management personnel related to the Hunter Biden matter. All records between and among Washington field office. Special Agent in Charge James Dawson, the Acting Assistant special Agent in Charge Julio Arcini, William Novak and Garrett Churchill relating to Tony Babelinsky. So that's the Bobbalinsky crew. And all records between special Agent supervisory Special Agent Miller, assistant Special Agent in Charge T Bow. Regarding confidential human source reporting on all Hunter biden related matters. And Senator Grassley closes out his letter with the following truism transparency brings accountability. Now, that letter took a lot longer to read than I anticipated. My guys in the back are probably having a heart attack, I went on so long. But I don't know about you, but I think it was worth doing, because this is the record of FBI and Justice Department corruption that should, in my view, result in massive decimation, defunding, reform, maybe even the ending of certain agencies. These people, as Biden said, he's got 25 that he's listed he'd like to talk to the House, should bring them in immediately. As I keep on saying, we can't wait. To the degree these individuals are still in government, our law enforcement, our rule of law is threatened. This is the same crew that has been protecting Biden, has been harassing Trump. And I don't know about you, but you read this. And I encourage you to kind of go and get the letter. If you didn't listen to me read it. I think I did a pretty good job reading it, given its length. I mean, this is urgent. We have a president it looks like, by all accounts, is on a take. The FBI has known it for years. Just Department has known it for years. They've tried to destroy those who've tried to expose it. Though Judicial Watch has much in the way of litigation on this information in here. So we're doing our own independent investigation of this. Kudos to Charles Grassley and Senator Ron Johnson and the leaders in the House who are pursuing this as well. But we got to move faster. Now, Chuck Grassley isn't the minority in the Senate. So these requests, it's like shouting into the wind for him. They don't have much incentive to respond to a minority in the Senator, a minority representative in the Senate, the Biden administration, they don't care. They're not going to respond to him as he's suggesting. They're ignoring his information. But in the meantime, he's gathering the information that certainly the House, I hope, would follow up on and certainly Judicial Watch already has followed up on, and we've been separately pursuing. We've sued for the 1023 information. We've sued for the scheme to obstruct Congress. At least we're doing the heavy lifting, but we want Congress to do it as well. So it's important that you understand this letter and the crisis evidenced in it for our nation, because right now we have a president in the United States who's been compromised by the Russians, the Chinese, and who knows who else. And if you don't think the Russians and the Chinese and who knows who else don't know that, then you're terribly naive. And if you don't think that his corruption and his being compromised factors into the decision making by the Russians and the Chinese and other bad actors such as Hamas, then I don't know what to tell you. But it places the country at risk as long as this corruption is unaddressed and we whistle past your graveyard. And that's why Judicial Watch is so adamant about it. And that's why I took the time to read and share this information with you about the worst government corruption that I'm aware of ever. I know there's always something worse, perhaps, but this is pretty darn bad, don't you agree? My arm reading it on my phone. Everyone, by the way, wish me luck next week. I'm getting surgery on my arm. I've had tennis elbow, and it isn't getting better. I have to get some surgery, so don't pray for me. I don't need prayers. I guess we all need prayers. Just pray for my surgeon that he does a good job, so hopefully I won't have any more pain after this is all said and done. What next? Speaking of government corruption, well, maybe we'll save this for the end. Let's talk to remind me to talk about this at the end. So this week, there's been follow up on Judicial Watches disclosures last week that Barack Obama was present at the scene of the emergency response to the drowning death of his chef, Tafari Campbell. And in addition it looks like he was present not only at the emergency scene, there was a witness interview that took place there. And then the next day at his house, it looks like he was present for another witness interview that took place there. I think it was the same witness. It could have been more than one witness. My question is, why is he hanging out for these witness interviews? And why are we only finding out now through Judicial Watch that Joe Biden was there at the scene where they were trying to figure out and rescue his chef? He had drowned. Now you may recall the story was that Barack Obama was on another planet when that happened. He was nowhere near it. Well, it turns out he was there. And not only that, but he was present for witness interviews. And since then, we've had a follow up from the Daily Mail who's been separately and independently investigating this, and they've been getting some good information as well. And they were able to obtain last, or excuse me, this week, the audio of the 911 calls the Secret Service made that Judicial Watch had uncovered, by the way, that the Secret Service made the 911 calls. They didn't tell us the Secret Service was involved. Judicial Watch forced that out. And let's play the audio of the Secret Service agent. Sounds like he's twelve. God help him. Calling 911 to report the tragic drowning. 911, the sign is recorded. Where is your emergency? Turn it up. We have a male drowning in the back of the property right now. We have our rescue swimmers. They're attempting to go out there right now. What's your phone number that you called in on? That beeping you hear is redacted. Best access. Want personal information. An agent driving down there right now to get on the boat. Someone came running up to our back post saying that a gentleman, it's just a guest of the house is out there drowning. So right now going out there and you said you guys have boat access. So what do you guys need? Do you need an ambulance or do you need water rescue as well? They didn't advise right now, I would say at least an ambulance. And I don't know what they're doing in the back of the property right now. I know we have our rescue swimmer who's getting the boat right now. So I would say at least an ambulance. I don't know what the all right, I'll send the ambulance over and I'll contact the fire chief and see where he wants to drop his name. I don't know if you have a better number for me to call you back if we get them out of the water and I can give you another situation report. They're not passing anything over the radio. I think we have yeah, I can give you that if you'd like. So you can see that poor Secret Service agent was trying to manage the situation or help manage it, as his colleagues were desperately searching the water for Mr. Campbell. So the woman who entered the water, Mr. Campbell, according to the documents we uncovered last week, they both were paddleboarding. Now, paddleboard is kind of like kind of a super big surfboard, extra wide. You can stand on it and row while you're standing. That's typically what it's used for. She said they both tried to get up on their individual paddleboards. She was able to stand up on it. He lost his balance, fell in, panicked and drowned. She swam over to where he was, couldn't find him, and she got back to shore and according to the report, told Secret Service, who obviously is on the property because it's Obama's property, and one thing led to the other with the Secret Service trying to mount for rescue. And then the local police brought some folks in as well, and fire department. And the documents last week showed that Obama ended up coming down to the emergency scene because they set up little emergency headquarters, and he comes down in his motorcade and is providing information and is there at least for the initial questioning of the woman who is with Mr. Campbell. Now, the woman supposedly is, according to the Daily Mail, a staffer also for Obama, but we don't know her name because they haven't released the name to us. But the documents show us also last week from the Massachusetts State Police that there was a Secret Service video that showed Mr. Campbell and this woman entering the water. And then the video also shows the emergency response in part by the Secret Service. And the trooper or the official who issued the report that we looked at said he watched the video and he described what was in the video in his report that we were able or that we uncovered for the American people. At 654, this is what the video shows. Two individuals identified as Campbell and Blank Redacted are observed walking on the boardwalk from the area of the residence towards the shoreline at Edgertown Great Pond. Both Campbell's and Blank's appearances and clothing, appearance and clothing are consistent with prior descriptions. Once near the shoreline, it appears that Campbell and Blank obtained paddleboards and paddles from a small alcove near the shoreline and subsequently entered the water. And then about 45 minutes later at 740, secret Service Agent Blank is observed running from his assigned post towards the shoreline utilizing his handheld radio. And then it shows other agents, according to the summary, also reacting, including a launch of a boat and the arrival of police vehicle or police vehicles and Secret Service vehicles and the officer or the reporter here, let me just see who wrote the report for us. Massachusetts State Trooper Dustin Shaw. So Trooper Shaw described what he saw in the video, but he also details we didn't get the video. He looked at it, but he hasn't gotten the video yet. And what judicial watch did was we called and tried to figure out if they had gotten the video since this report was issued, and we couldn't get a response. Now, we also had already asked the secret service for the any audio visuals as related to the death incident, the drowning death of Mr. Campbell. Specifically, we asked for all audiovisual recordings, including dispatch calls, fixed camera footage, internal US. Secret service communications and communications with all law enforcement and EMS personnel, emails, incident reports, witness statements, investigative reports, and all records related to the death of Tafari Campbell on July 23, 2024, in acre town, Great pond. So we sued, obviously, to get everything the secret service has on this, including why the heck they wouldn't tell anyone they were involved initially. Plus, we now know there's a video, so we want the video. So simple, right? And I don't understand why it's a state secret, as I said in our press release. What did I say in our press release? Why is the secret service hiding the video that can provide the public more information about the death of Barack Obama's personal chef? The secret service involvement in this death investigation has been treated like a state secret until judicial watch uncovered, you know, they were pretending Obama wasn't around. They were hiding the fact the secret service was involved. And you know why? Because if Obama was around and secret service was involved, people can get access to more information because there's a federal interest. So we sued. We asked for these records back in August. No, excuse me, when did we ask for them? Back in July. So they've given us the runaround. I mean, these records we got from the Massachusetts state police, we didn't even have to sue for them. Secret service, we almost always have to sue. And I just want to be clear here. The secret service is treated terribly by this group. I mean, they're just poorly run, in my view. I mean, the agents, as I said, they've been attacked a dozen times by biden's dogs more than a dozen times. Nothing was done till judicial watch stepped in and did the heavy lifting by exposing what was going on. They were forced to do that sham cocaine investigation in the white house and pretend not to figure out who did. Then, you know, they tried to rescue that poor chef up in Edgartown, up in the Obama compound, and their bosses didn't want to tell anyone about it because there was probably something embarrassing about what the chef was doing or who he was with. I mean, that's my conclusion. Why would you cover it up unless there was a political reason to do it? So even when they do something good here, the secret service was trying to save a man, and it looked know, based on the reports. I don't envy them, and I pray for them, because that's not fun. Trying to know the trauma of someone drowning on your watch and trying to rescue them and dealing with the woman who witnessed it. It's terrible. And don't forget, the Secret Service is also being they're also denying Secret Service protection for Robert Kennedy Jr. The Biden people are, despite them knowing, based on judicial watches uncovering and sleuthing and investigations and litigations, that the Secret Service knows that Kennedy's been targeted by people who are on their radar, known subjects. Kennedy just reported this week online that on Twitter. I did a tweet on it. What did he say? That there was one guy who was arrested, tried to jump his fence. The local police arrested him. They let him out, and he showed up again at his home and he got arrested again. I think that's what happened. Still no Secret Service agents for him. So the Secret Services and plus the Secret Service was brought in to help cover up Hunter's gun scandal. So this is a bigger issue than just the chef, right? This is about the way the Secret Service is used and managed and abused by the folks who benefit from their willingness to put their lives on the line. Jeez. So I'll let you know if we get the video. Maybe the local police were able to get a copy of the video because they do say there are more materials they're going to give us, so maybe we can get it that way as well. But we have a federal lawsuit to figure out what went on here. Leave it to the Obama gang to turn an accidental drowning into a federal case because they just refused to be forthright about something. Speaking of federal cases, we have a new lawsuit against the Biden FBI again, and Justice Department, I just want you to just focus on that. We repeatedly have to sue the law enforcement agencies of the federal government because they're violating the law on transparency. The law enforcers are law breakers when it comes to transparency. Usually not only are they directly breaking the law, but in the case of the Justice Department, they're usually defending, almost always defending the agencies that are breaking the FOIA law elsewhere. So they break the law, defend the breaking of the law. And in this case, they're hiding records about any payments made by the FBI to Twitter. Yes. Did you know the FBI had been paying Twitter? I did know that, but I forgot about it. And so I'm glad our people investigated it when it first came up. That's what I love about Judicial Watch. We don't forget. I may forget, but institutionally, we don't forget. And what had happened was in December of 2022, the Twitter files came out. There were a series of reports as independent journalists were given access to documents made available by Elon Musk after he purchased Twitter. And independent journalists did a report on these Twitter files, and the journalist's name was Michael Schellenberger. And he revealed an email which states that the FBI paid twitter nearly three and a half million dollars in taxpayer money as, quote, reimbursement for the time spent processing requests from the FBI, unquote from October 2019 to February 2021. So we wanted to know, tell us about what that money was about. Simple request, right? We got the proverbial hand to the face. That's the story of judicial watch. We ask for records, and then we get the hand to the face, and we have to go to court. On January 30, the FBI claimed it could neither confirm nor deny the existence of the records responsive to your request pursuant to FOIA exemption b seven e, which refers to investigative techniques. So the FBI in recent now, when they say they can either confirm or deny the existence of records, that's a CIA trick. And it's not really to be fair to the CIA, and I don't like to be fair to many federal agencies, but when they say they can't confirm or deny something, it's usually for national security reasons, or at least that's what they're supposed to be using it for. They're saying to us that, look, if we confirm or deny, we have a spy in tim buck. Two, to deny it tells the bad guys something, and to confirm it tells the bad guys something. So we're not going to say one way or another. We want strategic ambiguity. Right now, the FBI is starting to say that for basic information about the way it operates. For example, in the January 6 craziness, the FBI started scooping up and working with banks to scoop up the private financial data of every American who was in the Washington, DC. Area around January 6, including everyone from the president of the United States to supreme court justices to members of congress, everyone in the DC. Area they were getting the financial data on. And there were leaks in that regard. Bank of america was involved in it, looked reportedly. And we asked for what's going on there. That was an outrageous violation of privacy under the fourth amendment and other provisions of law. And the FBI said, well, we can't confirm or deny we did that, and the court bought into it. And now that's what they're doing, giving money to twitter to do who knows what. Were they paying twitter for responding to a subpoena request for them, that they subpoenaed twitter records of a user? Were they paying twitter as part of their censorship program to censor americans? We don't know. And they don't want to even tell us what the money was for, what it was about, or even if they paid it. Now we know they paid it because there's this email dated February 10, 2021, in which an unidentified, unidentified excuse me, getting a little ahead of myself. An unidentified twitter employee tells then twitter deputy general counsel jim baker and then general counsel sean Edgit that we have collected. 3. 4 $3,415,000, more or less, since October 2019. Exclamation point. The email explains that Twitter Safety Content Law Enforcement Division instituted a reimbursement program in exchange for devoting staff hours to processing requests from the FBI. Now, Baker and Eckett were fired by Elon Musk following the social media platform following his purchase of the social media platform in October 2022. Now, who's Jim Baker? You might ask. He used to be the top lawyer at the FBI under the corrupt James Comey. He was involved in the skullduggerous spying and abuse of Trump, the coordination with Hillary on Russiagate, you name it. And then he's over at Twitter suppressing people who were supportive of Trump and helping Biden. Unbelievable. The notorious relationship between the FBI and Twitter includes millions in tax paradise cash. The Justice Department and FBI's cover up of this collusion show they have something to hide. Do you agree? I think that's the case. So this censorship just is getting worse and worse. The COVID up is growing. We want to know what the money was. You know, you think Congress is going to figure out what this money was used for? Maybe they will. Maybe they'll follow our lead, as James Comer says, they often do. But this is an example of Judicial Watch's work. We just come on and complain about censorship. We actually file federal lawsuits to uncover the truth behind it so we can hold them accountable and stop it. And of course, this reminds me. We've got the great documentary on the Twitter files, the Censorship Controlled and Censored. If you haven't watched it, I encourage you to go to our website right now and watch it. It's about 45 minutes total. You can watch it in bytes of ten minutes or less, around ten minutes. There's, like four sections, ten minutes or so, and it talks about these Twitter files, so I encourage you to watch it. And we've got many other lawsuits related to Twitter censorship, not only Twitter censorship, but big tech censorship generally. Before we go, the government corruption isn't just in the Executive branch, it's in the congressional branch. And you may remember there was this big to do a few weeks ago during the vote for the continuing resolution. Jamal Bowman, who is a Democrat representative from New York, who's kind of nutty, kind of crazy, he most, prior to this was known for getting into a verbal altercation with Thomas Massey, who's probably one of the most sane guys on the Hill in terms of not being going around screaming at people. So there was that video, but he pilled a fire alarm in one of the House office buildings during the vote, and here's the video of it was uncovered by New York One. I was laughing. I said, we should have just played this video the entire hour. So those are emergency signs saying you can't exit. He pulls them down, and then he pulls the fire alarm there. What is he doing. Let's watch it again. One takes the one, carries it, pulls the other. One just knocks it down and just pulls the alarm. Now, you may recall he said, I was just trying to get out, and, you know, I needed to do that to open the door. Well, he was lying, right? And so what happened was the local U. S. Attorney it's not the US. Attorney. It's the District of Columbia Attorney General, even though probably should have been the US. Attorney, given the federal nature of what he did. Let him plead out, cop out to a $1000 misdemeanor for pulling the fire alarm, not for doing what the January Sixers did, which is what other people suspect he did, trying to interfere with the official operations of Congress by setting that fire alarm off. But isn't it interesting how they treat well, I guess interesting isn't the word. Isn't it illustrative how the operators here in Washington, DC. Treat someone who does something like that versus a January 6 protesters? There are people who are facing much more significant jail time and legal liability for much less in the way of disruption, for simply being present, walking through an open door, parading around the Capitol, which is something that happens all the time with the civil disobedience. And I don't even think they thought they were even doing civil disobedience. They just walked through an open door. Many of those folks who have been targeted by this Justice Department, but this congressman does that, and he gets the special treatment he got or the sweetheart treatment he got. And I'm not saying he should go to jail for forever in a day. I'm just asking for equal treatment under law. You can't throw the book at the January Sixers and allow this to go on. And you may recall last week you had these terrorist supporters show up on Capitol Hill and take over a congressional building as well. No indication there's a January 6 type investigation into what they did. It's because they're leftist. People talk about the double standard of justice, and I think that's a fair way of analyzing it. But my kind of weird way of analyzing it is there's just one standard of justice for the left. It's target their enemies and protect their friends. So they're being perfectly consistent when they target Trump supporters and jail Trump while protecting Biden. They're being terribly consistent. They're protecting their friends and targeting their enemies. When they target January 6 individuals involved in that incident and treat differently the pro Hamas wing of the Democratic Party taking over a congressional office building. Or as we point out here, as we see here, let's run that video one more time. This is a member of Congress acting like a madman. Will he be expelled? Will he be censured? We'll see. I think we have a foyer or two out on his case, so if we get anything, we'll let you know. Boy, it's been a busy week. A lot going on. As I said, I got the surgery next week. Hopefully, I'll be around next week to do a regular update. If not, we'll have something else special here for you. But God bless you and we'll see you here next time on the Judicial Watch weekly update. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and like our video down below. .