Does Tony blinken? Does Lloyd Austin? Do they collectively have the ability to dial back prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Galon of Israel, as the New York Times claims this morning, or for domestic political reasons? Do they just want to give Israel whatever it wants, no matter what its behavior is with respect to international law and common morality? Well, of course, the question know what actually goes on when Biden or Blinken is or are talking to Netanyahu and what does he understand? I think in Netanyahu's view, the United States is unable, unwilling to take any steps that make it look like they're holding Israel accountable. And, of course, accountable in this case means not giving them all the weapons they're going to be using to pulverize Gaza and kill all its people. And that also goes for the money that goes to Israel annually and as part of this new budget, $14 billion. And that will be, of course, to pay for the war. We're paying for a war crime. .