It. Well, my back is feeling better. Thank you, everybody. I took the well, actually, I did. I started taking the C 60 again. I haven't taking that in a few weeks. And believe it or not, it works. It does work. So I am feeling better, thank God. My back was spasming out of control and it just locked up on me. And the whole day, I still went out and hit the treadmill and did a nice in clan walk and worked it out. So anyway, how's everyone doing this morning? I want to bring something to you all's attention. We're having a little problem here in El Paso. A big problem. Obviously, all the immigrants that are coming here unvetted, well, the mayor, Oscar Lisa, here in El Paso, his number is 915-212-0021. 915-212-0021. He's starting to house the immigrants in very nice neighborhoods in El Paso. Morehead Junior High El Paso, Texas in my family's area, Oscar Lisa, I'm holding you responsible if there's any crime at all. So letting you know, sir, we're all watching a lot of concerned citizens. I know I reached the millions a month. So, folks, they're being housed at Morehead Junior High on the west side of El Paso. If you're in El Paso, call the number. If you're even next to El Paso, if you have family in El Paso, this is a middle class neighborhood. Morehead junior high 915-212-0021. Give them a piece of your mind. Let them know unbetded, and they're allowed to leave, by the way. They're allowed to leave. So if crime starts ratcheting it up, even a. 1, I'm holding you responsible, and so is all of El Paso and the concerned citizens. Thank you, folks. You can venmo me. D hyphen. Rod 1977. D hyphen. Rod 1977 when the lights go out on Amazon, buy yourself a book. If you join the General's tent, which is awesome. The General sent you, get a signed copy by Moi. Also the Mexican mix. The Mexican mix. My mama's book. Leave her an honest review. She reads all of them, I promise you. Actually, I read them to her. So. Yeah, folks, the Mexican mix. It's actually a very good book. They're both very good books. Health with Nino folks, let me get through this. Let me get through this. Health with Nino. Did you know one of the leading reasons skin begins to SAG and form wrinkles isn't necessarily because of old age, but because our bodies are missing out on an essential collagen. This is true, folks. You see, we produce 10% less collagen every decade once we hit 30. And that's a major reason behind those pesky wrinkles. That's why myself, along with tens of thousands of people, have turned to this cutting edge new substance to help reduce visible signs of aging. It uses the top most researched types of collagen, which is essential for skin health to support skin elasticity and skin hydration. The best part I love is you get 53% off for the rest of the month or until they sell out, which happens all the time. Happens all the time. Whichever comes first, folks, go down to the link below. Get yourself some health with Nino, baby. Oh, yeah. All right. I've been using it for ten years, a little over ten years, and I got to tell you, I'm very satisfied with the results. I don't think I look 45. I don't think I look a day over. I don't know, maybe 37, maybe, I don't know. Somewhere around there. So the House is still in chaos. We haven't chose a speaker yet. Jim Jordan fell short of the votes. Another debt ceiling coming fast approaching. I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm going to have Wano Saban on to explain this. Hopefully maybe today, if I feel like it. I have two big interviews today. I have General Tata today. That's a huge interview that's going on Ninoscorner TV. I've got so many big guests coming on Nino's Corner TV, folks. It's fire. Absolute fire. A lot of you are asking about Maya. Well, I lost Maya, my little bulldog, yesterday. Thank God she was chipped. I'm not endorsing chips, by the way. I'm not saying to chip your kids or anything, but I think it's good for animals to be chipped, because they called me, they found her, she escaped. I was stressed out for hours, man. They really do become part of your family. It's a crazy thing. When she ran out the door, I could see her on the cameras looking around the house. I didn't even know I lost her. And then 2 hours later, I'm like, Where's Maya? And I'm looking all around the house, I'm like, oh, no. And then I remembered I left someone in the door. And that's when she left. That's when she escaped. And then bam, bam, bam, bam. And then next thing you know, thank God I have good neighbors, man. So they called me about 5 hours later and said they had her because they had her chip ran. So found Maya. Thank you, Michael. Axel's getting Axel schmaxel. He's a dirty rascal. He's getting old. He's got really bad arthritis. That's why I don't really show him know. I made a copper collar for him. I made a collar that's like copper. And I went to Home Depot and I cut some copper and I put it around his neck. I think it's helping. It's just my little science experiment, but I think it might be helping. I don't know. We'll see. And then Striker the cat the cat striker is doing good. Striker broke a mirror. I don't know how she did that, but she broke a mirror. She jumped on top of it, knocked it. I always call cats she's, but he's going to be a handful. I already know it. Anyway, folks, spotify Nino's Corner. Telegram Nino's Corner. Getter Nino's corner. Rumble. Nino's corner. I have the Jacob angeli. I think that's how you say his last name. I butcher everyone's last name. The shaman. I don't want to say that word for you, flufftube. But the shaman is on Rumble. It's a spectacular interview. I gave that one to you guys for free. So it's on Rumble. The shaman, the capital shaman's up there. And let me tell you, folks, it's fire. The guy's brilliant. He's a brilliant mind. And I can see why people don't want to give him a platform. He drops some hardcore truth bombs on rumble. Go there and listen to it. It's a fascinating podcast. Fascinating podcast. Truth social. David Rodriguez boxer instagram. David, Nino Rodriguezboxer twitter. Nino boxer, twitter. Twitter is picking up. Patriotware. com bing. Get yourself some cool gear, patriotware. com. Tell me what you want to see in that store. Take a browse and let me know what you would like to see on there. Send me an email to ninoscorner 77 at gmail or whatever. Email is on patriotware. com. Ninoscorner TV. Ron partain is awesome. It was an awesome interview. Talking about Israel's 911. Literally. Conspiracy, folks, you got to go listen to this. It's a great podcast. Ron partain on Nino's Corner TV, your one stop shop for everything. War on the deep state. Michael Jacob, I'm going to be putting him up tonight. We're talking about a race against time to deplete America's resources, what's going to be happening within our borders. This is a very important interview, folks. This is very important. This is going up on Ninoscorner TV. You're going to have your fingers on the pulse. You're going to know exactly what's coming down the pipeline with this interview that's going up tonight. I got Scott McKay coming on. I got general Tata coming on. White Hat. General tata. I got Ryan Belly, military contractor for intelligence, coming on. General's tent. You got to get to the general's tent. I send you a nice little gift with the general's tent, a surprise gift and an autographed book. And you get access to ask questions to all my guests. And we are going to have some amazing guests. I'm going to probably bring Juan back on pretty soon. But I have a list of guests that you just won't believe. Scott Bennett is coming back on nino's corner TV. Wano savings coming back on. The ghost is coming back on. Your one stop shop for everything. War on the deep state, folks. Now you might want to turn it down or turn it up, baby. Turn it down or turn it up. Yeah. Nice little sip of coffee. Wow. To me, coffee is only as good as the cream that's in it. Coming after the apocalypse, folks. Oh, yeah. Let's go to war, baby. We're on our way. Yeah. US. Boots on the ground in Israel. So man, my glasses fog up every time I do that. So now we're seeing what the deep state tactics being played really are. And here's what they're I'm going to give you the game plan right here, right off the bat. Keep Trump distracted with charges. This is the game plan, charge after charge and shut him up with a gag order. So it's not going to work because let me tell you something, folks, trump has the bigger guns. They don't see it. They don't understand it. Shows like mine. Oh, it's conspiracy. That nano is all conspiracy. I beg to differ. I beg to differ. Oh, this is why it's going to be so glorious. It's going to be so glorious. Ask yourself, why is this man so confident? Why is he willing to take the arrows and slings and bullets and bombs? He can enjoy his life. He could just play golf all day. Oh, it's because he's an egomaniac. He's a megalomaniac. No, it's not. It's because he knows something you don't, that you're all conveniently just kind of looking past. He has the bigger guns and he knows it. And the card is about to be played and all of you are going down. And a lot of people are going down. I've heard it's in the hundreds and thousands to be exact, but whatever. All the while keeping our southern border wide open to unbeted immigrants and military age males. And that's another reason I'm not so concerned when I see them filling up the junior highs here and stuff like that. I'm like, I know what's coming. And these people that are doing it that are not upholding, it's going to be a serious crime. And it's coming. I'm telling you, if you're not upholding the Constitution and protecting our borders, it's going to come back to you like you would not believe. So I'm bringing it out there in the open. But I know what's coming, and it's going to be really bad for these people. I've heard punished to the fullest extent of the law. So by not protecting, doing their due diligence and upholding the Constitution, it's going to be a serious crime. So I'm just kind of like, oh, man, you're digging your own grave. Whatever. So all the know, they're unvetted immigrants coming in unvetted, even as we have direct threats from Hamas. That doesn't matter. Let them in. Let them in. Remember, you cannot get people for pre crimes. You have to get them for crimes. And all these immigrants, from my understanding, are being tracked and traced, all of it. So this is going to be really bad when they do the mass deportation. When that happens, oh, gosh, a lot of treason too. A lot of people are going to be going to jail. So all the while, as all this is happening with our southern borders, they're igniting and instigating Holy war, World War Three. So they think they can distract with smoke and mirrors and deplete America's resource abroad and from within. All this sounds like a winning strategy, right? I say more of a sting operation. That's what I see. So I'm going to say wrong. Nothing can stop what's coming. And they've told me this many times, no matter how bad it gets, they think that they're going to get away. They're going to kick the count on the road, light enough fires. And I've been told it's not going to stop what's coming. They're all going down. It's best to make Trump look like he's completely out of the picture. So it's best Trump looks like he's completely out of the picture when this counterpunch comes. Now this counterpunch is coming, I've been told. But I must warn you, when this counterpunch lands, they're going to panic. It's going to be like, what the hell is going on here? And things are going to intensify. Even worse, it's going to escalate even more. So if you think we just took a vertical jump, multiply that times 1000 when they know they're going to go to jail and worse, whatever, I don't know. I'm just saying that they're going to escalate the agenda and it's going to get crazier. Do I make sense? And I'm trying to be very vague here because it's flufftube. That's the way I understand it. Now you could choose to believe me or not. And I have to say it like this. This is my opinion for flufftube. About 2000 US troops told to prepare for deployment in response to Israel Hamas war. Okay, so now here we go. We're sending troops, advisors to Israel. They have to label it as advisors. We're going to send advisors to advise Israel on the war with Hamas. So about 2000 troops have been put on prepared to deploy orders for possible to support Israel. According to a defense official, the troops are not being sent anywhere yet. Or would they necessarily go to Israel or Gaza if they're deployed? They would go to a nearby country to be prepared to support Israel. A nearby country, okay. To support Israel in the war against Hamas, the official said. I mean, just in case. But that simple action is a direct shot across the bow. That simple action right there means war. Okay? If you're too blind to see or too deaf to hear, listen to me. You got to listen to what I'm saying here. This simple action right here puts America front and center in the war. Those who received the orders were already a 96 hours prepared to deploy status which has now been shortened to 24 hours. They're being deployed would include service members with a variety of capabilities and specialties, including providing medical support and handling explosives. Now a lot of people out there are going to say, my sons and daughters are not going to go to biden's war and they're going to have a real big drop. They're going to have a big drop in people joining the military, aren't they? So why do you think I talked about Generation Z being drafted? Because I have a feeling it's just a hunch that there's going to be a big drop in military sign ups. And I don't know, seems very plausible to me. The draft could come in. Nothing has been normal since 2020. And you should know you can expect anything. So the defense department has already deployed the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean sea where it will join the USS Gerald R. Ford in a show of support for Israel. Chess pieces being maneuvered right now, folks. And just to give you some perspective, we sent 500 advisors to Vietnam in the beginning of that war, and look how that turned out. We're sending 2000 advisors to Israel, 1500 more. Do the math. And my math is not that great. President Joe Biden will visit Israel in a high stakes trip. High stakes, huh? So Joe Biden president Joe Biden will make an extraordinary wartime visit to Israel this week as he seeks to demonstrate staunch support from the country as it works to eliminate Hamas, while also pressing for ways to ease humanitarian suffering in Gaza. The dueling objectives spelled out by his top diplomat Monday evening bring them significant risks for the President as he works to prevent to prevent as he works to prevent thank you, Eli. I appreciate you. As he works to prevent the crisis in the Middle East from widening. Yeah, right. Aid said Biden had expressed a strong interest in making the journey after being invited over the weekend by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom Biden has known for four decades. I'm sure he has. I'm sure they've done a lot of business together. This is going to be their biggest business venture. He spent Monday deliberating over the trip at the White House with the top national security and intelligence advisors. Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, secretary of State Anthony Blinken was convening a marathon session with top Israeli officials to discuss opening Gaza to humanitarian aid and preventing civilians from getting caught up in Israel's response to the terror attacks. How do you like Biden as president? How do you liberals like it? So, huh, this is what you wanted. This is what you wanted. But hey, he's all about the Lgbtqrstiop. Biden could face physical risks in flying to wartime or war torn Middle East. When President Biden arrives in Israel on Wednesday, he will be flying into an active war zone sir, you will an active war zone where hostilities are high. And the course of the breadth of the war between Israel and Hamas remain extraordinarily unpredictable. Israel Hamas have exchanged fierce rocket, fire and aerial strikes since Pakistan or Palestinian gunmen from Hamas stormed through the Israel Gaza border on October 7 and launched the deadliest terror attack in Israel's history, killing more than 1400 Israelis. Israel has launched an aerial counterattack that has killed roughly 3000 people in Gaza and incited outage across the Middle East outrage. Sorry. So the hospital bombing that set a fierce protest in the Middle East, including in Jordan, where the Israeli embassy was surrounded by protesters Tuesday evening. A planned visit by Biden to Ammon on Wednesday was concealed after the strike, forcing the US. President to forego a scheduled meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah to egyptian President Abdel Fatah il Sasisi a Palestinian Authority President Muhammad Abbas A White House official said Biden looks forward to consulting in person with these leaders soon and agreed to remain regularly and directly engaged with each of them over the coming days. World War Three, here we come. Thank you for the super chat, guys. Husband announces a day of unprecedented anger against Israel and Biden's visit so he's already pissing off Husband. So Lebanon's. Husband denounced what the group said was Israel's deadly attack on Gaza hospital and called for a day of unprecedented anger on Wednesday as protests erupted outside the US embassy in Beirut. Just hours after the incident, I ran back. Husband, which fought a war with Israel in 2006, made the call for the day of protests in Beirut. In a statement late on Tuesday after the Palestinian officials said hundreds of people were killed in the strike on the hospital. Israel's military denied responsibility for the bombing, saying military intelligence suggested the hospital was hit by a failed rocket launch by the ankla's Palestinian Islamic Jihad military group Islamic Jihad denied any of the rockets were involved in the hospital's blast. What would get America behind the war? The citizens behind the war. Actually, I'm going to tell you right now, I think we're all catching on. I really do believe this awakening has really grown some legs and ran. I really think that a lot of people are waking up and we're like, man, what the fuck is going on here, man? A lot of people, even the normies, they want no part of this. We don't want to send our families, our daughters, our sons, our nephews, our nieces, our cousins to war. That's why I'm saying watch out for the draft. But I'm going to say, remember, I've always said their old magic isn't working anymore. It's not working in this paradigm anymore. We've awakened at least my audience and I got to tell you folks, juan and a few of my guests have told me how much they love my audience. They love you guys. So you guys are definitely you're not stupid, you're not dumb. You don't fall for the trickery. Mideast teeters on the brink of a wider war as Iran weighs its options. So Iran's weighing its options. Fears that the Gaza war could trigger a wider and more devastating Middle East war are growing as clashes with Iranian backed Husband intensify along Israel's northern border with Lebanon. And Israel presses ahead with its plans for a ground incursion into Gaza aimed at destroying Hamas. The fear spiked on Tuesday following a strike on Gaza hospital that appears to have killed hundreds of people, triggering angry denunciations and calls for vengeance across the region. Demonstrators took to the streets in the West Bank, marched to the US embassy in Beirut, and converged on Israel israeli diplomatic missions in Turkey and Jordan, blaming the strike on Israel, which has denied responsibility. I'm going to say, after Biden's visit and after the ground war takes place and picks up, something's going to happen here, something's going to happen here, and Biden's going to be like, we didn't see it coming. I don't know how this happened. And then you're going to see your friends, a lot of them, take it hook, line and sinker. We need to go protect Israel. Look what they did to our country. Not putting the pieces of the puzzle together about how this was so cleverly put together, so cleverly engineered, orchestrated for a long time now. Funded, funded, funded. Who's been giving Iran money? How much money did Biden give Iran? How much money did Big Mike's husband give Iran? And now we're supporting Israel. The reason I understand this so easily, folks, is because I was a fighter. And I know boxing promoters, I know scumbag managers, I know how they work. They're all in bed together. They come and smile, and they pat the fighter on the back and say, don't worry, kid, we're here for you. You're like a son to me. They all say that. You're like a son to me. You're like the son I never had, pat you on the back, smiling, counting the money in the back room. I remember I caught oh, boy, I saw some dirty shit in boxing, man. That's why I understand this. That's why it's so easy for me to understand what's going on, because I lived it. I lived it. I lived amongst slime balls and scumbags mafia cartels. I was raised on the border, folks. It's very easy for me to see this world psychopaths run the world. They don't give a fuck about you. You all sit at home having dinner with your family, watching the news, watching game shows. You're like a domesticated house cat, and they're like jungle tigers. They don't fucking care about you. Just don't think too much. Thousands of protesters surround US embassy in Lebanon, with demonstrators hanging Palestinian flags. I don't know what accent that was, but I just felt like saying it like that. Thousands of Lebanese protesters, some wading Palestinian flags, gathered late on Tuesday night outside the US wow. US embassy. It comes just hours after a blast at a hospital in Gaza that Hamas claims killed at least 500 people. Israel's military denied responsibility for the bombing, saying military intelligence suggested the hospital was hit by a failed Hamas rocket launch. Sure, thousands of protesters are surrounding US embassies. It's heating up, America. It's heating up just like I said it would in October. Oh, by the way, I have Bony today. I have Bony today. 70% chance Israel Hamas war spreads beyond Gaza. I'm going to say 100% chance, but they're saying 70. Let's go with 70. How do they get this? Where do they get the number? 70%? 70% chance Israel Hamas war will spread outside Gaza. 70% chance. We've had our scientists in the laboratories conducting studies and we've come up with a number that it's 70% chance. 70% likely that this is going to spread past Gaza. The Israel Hamas war has more than here says 50% chance of drawing a militant groups from Lebanon or Syria, or producing a direct conflict with Iran, creating more oil disruptions than financial markets currently think. Get ready for hyperinflation. And this is what they need to efficiently break the economy and have you pay more tax dollars as immigrants flood into this country. Am I stressing you out? I should be. That's the view of Matt Gerkin, chief geopolitical Strategist for Montreal based BCA Research. He sees a 70% chance. How did he get this number? What kind of math equation did he input in his calculator to get a 70% chance of conflict expanding beyond Gaza in the next twelve months? I want to know where you got the number. 70, sir. Strategists are contemplating the potential ramifications of the conflict and financial markets, even as investors appeared to be relatively calm for now. Traders most likely shook off concerns about the Middle East, with all three major US. Stock indexes DJIA SPX. Comp higher as Monday morning. Higher as of Monday morning. Some traders and investors are worried about the possibility of a second wave of US. Inflation that hasn't been fully priced by financial markets yet, and which comes at a time when the Federal Reserve is expected to take no action at its October 31 November 1 meeting with central bankings and there's no house speaker this is going to get crazy. This is going to get crazy. With central bankers uncertain about the economic outlook, a frozen uncertain Fed risks higher inflation and higher market rates as a result, according to chief economist Chris Lau of FHN Financial in New York. So here we go. Get ready for higher you I bet the stock market is going to gas food. Remember, folks, Trump's got to be out of the picture for all of this. For all of this. Keep your faith. I hope you're prepping. I made a video about how to prep. I think it's going to get to that. It's going to get pretty ugly. And you're the few people out there, my 4415 people watching that are actually giving a shit and paying attention. Everyone else is distracted with some football, instagram, social media. They're going to take the hits the hardest, folks, and I'm going to say, you know what? Let them go. Casualties of war, that's what I see. They have no idea what's coming. No idea. And I may stress out a lot of you on my podcast, and that's what I'm here to do. I'm here to stress you out. That's the genius behind my programs, by the way. Colombian president made it clear colombia has expelled the Israeli ambassador and is threatening to cut diplomatic ties to Israel. Picking sides. More countries picking sides. If we have to suspend foreign relations with Israel, we will suspend them. We did not support genocides. President Gustavo Petro yesterday takeaways from the testy hearing over the Trump gag order and what it means. So Trump has been given a gag order. The federal judge overseeing the election subversion case against Donald J. Trump in Washington c placed a limited gag order on the former president after his continued attacks against potential witnesses, prosecutors, and the court itself following a testy hearing Monday. Though limited in scope, the gag order from Judge Tanya Chutkin is likely the biggest limit on the former president's speech he has ever been handed. This is not about whether I liked the language Mr. Trump uses, Chuckin said. This is about language that presents a danger to the administration of justice. No, you're the danger. You're a danger, lady. You're the danger, and we all know you're the danger. His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their jobs. Yeah, so he shouldn't have freedom of speech. Let's take away his freedom of speech. Do you see what's happening, folks? It's got to be shown. It's got to be shown to you. And who better to show it than Trump himself? That's also the genius behind this. Oh, boy. These people are so fucked. I swear. They are so fucked. They are fucked. Let me say that again, because it feels really good to say it. They are fucked. So let them play. Let them play. When the cat's away, the mice will play. Is that what they say? The cat comes back a tiger. The cat's going to come back a tiger. Guys are going to be fucked. Oh, my God, it's going to be wrath. Oh, boy. It's going to be so ugly. I know. Oh, God. Even down to the local city representatives, a lot of people are going to be going away. From what I understand, his presidential candidate does not give him the carte blanche to vilify public service who are simply doing their jobs. Chuckin said the hours long hearing laid out how Trump would be able to discuss special Counsel Jack Smith's history making prosecution against him on the campaign trail. Chuckin outlined the order in court and plans to issue a more detailed written order in the coming days. Here's what to know about the gag order on Monday's hearing gag order marks a measurable limit on Trump's speech. The gag order checked in implemented, bars Trump from making certain comments about the special counsel's team or potential witnesses in the federal election subversion case, including any comments that directly target about personnel, potential witnesses of the special counsel, and his staff. One could come away with these arguments with a mistaken understanding that the. First Amendment is an absolute right. An absolute right. The mistaken listen to this one could come away from these arguments with a mistaken understanding that the First Amendment is an absolute what? What are you saying here? Chutkin said Monday. This is false. The First Amendment yields to the administrations of justice. No, it doesn't. This is crazy. Biden's campaign joins Trump's Truth Social for fun gets rationed so President Joe Biden's campaign team launched a new account Monday on the last platform anyone would have ever expected former President Donald Trump's Truth Social. So, well, let's see how this goes. The Biden Harris account wrote in his first post converts welcome. The stream of posts that followed included clips of the other GOP presidential hopefuls criticizing President Trump the clear frontrunner for the party's nomination, and post asserting his long record of lying to auto workers. So now they're jumping on true social to bash Trump. Very confident people, I must say. Very arrogant, confident people. The post of the Biden campaign's ex account. The president's team said they joined True Social mostly because we thought it would be very funny. They find this very funny. Campaign officials elaborated on the Move interview with the Fox prior to the launch, saying that they had hopes of meeting voters where they are. Republicans can't even agree on the speaker of the House, so clearly not every Republican thinks the same, they told the outlet, adding that they intended to combat miss and disinformation on True Social. So now they're on true social. And I've been looking at some of these articles. I scanned through these articles, and they're just getting so desperate. They're trying to attack Trump for anything and everything. And here's one that I thought was pretty funny and I was going to bring to your attention. This is how desperate they are to make this man look bad. Trump gets attacked by flies during speech makes bizarre claim about pest control products Former President Donald Trump went off on a bizarre tangent about pest control when he was attacked by flies as he spoke to a crowd about Hamas atrocities just days after praising Khazbullah terrorists as very smart. On Monday, Trump gave a pair of speeches in an all important first caucus state of Iowa, one of the Dallas County Fairgrounds in Adele, Iowa, and the other in Clive, Iowa. Later in the day, as the Israel Hamas war continues to dominate the headlines, trump took heavy criticism when he lashed out on Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli defense officials, and praised Chazbala as very smart during his speech in Clive, Trump interrupted a segment of the speech about Hamas atrocities when he was attacked by flies. So they're trying to make it look like, oh, look at him, he's attacked by flies. He's dirty. How funny. What a loser. And went off a tangent in which he claimed fly paper is illegal, according to someone who called him sir in a story people who support this and people who waves and people and then he waved at a fly. Sympathizing with this are sick. They're sick and they're evil, and they're not going to be fixed. You're not going to make them wonderful people one day. Every time Trump comes out and does a speech, he's letting you know, who did he blame for the and he says it's not a prediction. It's not a prediction, but he's expecting some kind of a Hamas attack on our soil. If you don't believe me, go watch his last couple of speeches ago I don't think it was longer than three speeches ago, talking about a potential Hamas attack on American soil. When he said that, he said, who's to blame? He's letting you know he's stating things like, cupped in obvious. He's stating things very obvious. So you type of people that are very slow to get it. You people get it, okay? So you understand. He says, hey, if an attack happens here, it looks like it was Big Mike's husband's fault, if you know what I'm saying. I can't even say his name on fuck, dude. Letting you know that when it happens, he's tying it together for you so you understand. Okay? So this leads to this. This leads to that. This leads to this. And he's walking you through very nicely. So when the boomerang comes, you all aren't so egg a performance. Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I walk out of here drenched in sweat, by the way. So, yes, the venmo the grifter the grifter appreciates the kind contributions because this takes a lot of work. Fuck, I need some coffee. Billionaire founder of Victoria's Secret pulls funding from Harvard, accusing the school of dismal failure to take a stand for Israel. The Jewish philanthropy founded by retail billionaire Les Wexner, has severed ties with Harvard. The Wexner Foundation accused Harvard of dismal failure of failure dismal failure to condemn the Hamas attacks last week. Other wealthy alumni and donors have criticized elite schools for inadequate support of Israel. You got to condemn without question. Don't you know? Don't you know that's what you're supposed to do? You're not allowed to question. You just have to condemn. Just condemn it. Just condemn it. Let's go to war. Hurry up. How dare you question anything? Don't you know that's not what the brain is used for? You can't question. You just have to condemn. Just condemn and let's go to war. Let's hurry this up. Send your daughters and sons to war. Champ, you ever think you could be this patient? No, I'm not patient. That's not one of my attributes. 1% nino we have learned nothing. My daughter withdrew from the college. Coming to college. You're a, huh? Yeah. Yep. Joan Rivers and Roseanne. I like to read some of these. I keep an eye on them. I don't catch all you trolls, but I try. David should be a boxing can't. I can't because it's too emotional. For me. It's too emotional for me. I would be spending my energy doing that now, though, if I wasn't doing this. What would you rather me do? This or boxing? It's too much. I gave it my all. I burned the candle at both ends and I fell short. I fell short. I'm going to try to get Cliff High back on. He's very busy. He said he could maybe later in the fall or January. Scott Bennett was good. Yeah. Nino's corner. TV is fire. If you're not there, I don't know what you're waiting on. I believe I priced it very adequately. I think it's fair I'm not gouging anybody. It's fair. $5 a month and you get real news. Actually, the whole program on Nino's Corner TV is the general's tent. You're all in the tent with us as we war game. All possibilities and circumstances and ramifications with what's happening in our country. I get all the best guests on there and we talk about everything that's going on. So you're front and center on Nino's Corner TV. So, yeah, that's the place to be, no doubt. I'm very proud of it. That's the one thing I'm very proud of is my Nino's Corner TV. I'm very proud of that platform. And today I got General Tata and I'm bringing Bony. And I'm probably bringing Bony for YouTube. I'll bring Bony for more predictions. You do this, you're not getting younger. I know I'm not getting younger. I'm getting wrinkles, folks. Not I take have I don't think I have wrinkles. I don't think so. Bony was right. Yeah. The ghost is coming back on. I have to coordinate with him because it's probably going to be a longer show. Just been busy, busy, busy. Let's get to some what the fuck news and what the fuck news and what the fuck news. Hell's Angels got rid of bodies at Fresno Funeral Home, known as the Pizza oven. Fed say Jeez Merle hefferman told the crematory manager of the funeral that he wanted to make things disappear, prosecutors said. The manager, Levi Phipps, thought Heffman could only be talking about one thing human bodies. Federal prosecutors spelled out in the most graphic detail yet last week how hefferman, a member of the Hells Angels of Sonoma County, used his connection at the Fresno Funeral Home to incinerate the body of Joel Silva, a murdered member of the biker gang, in the summer of 2014. Those details included a new allegation that Silva's one of four bodies heffermen 54, directed to be illegally cremated at the funeral home known to the Hells Angels as the Pizza Oven. Let's stick them in the pizza oven, prosecutors said in their sentencing memorandum. Meryl hefferman arranged to have Joe Silva's body illegally cremated. This was purposeful, premeditated conduct, prosecutors wrote in court papers. Hefferman obstructed justice. He also caused immense pain to Silva's family. They had no body to mourn, no closure, and no certainty about what happened to silva until nearly eight years after Sylvia disappeared. Hefferman pleaded guilty in December to obstructing justice by getting rid of Sylvia's body, but he has not been charged or convicted of any of the other three alleged cremations that prosecutors tied to Pinnamon. His plea came as part of a much longer racketeering takedown of twelve members of the Hells Angels of Sonoma County, a substant of the transnational violent outlaw motorcycle gang. Prosecutors said. There's a lot of motorcycle gangs around here, too, as well. I think the El Paso area is the bandidos or something like that. I don't know. I think that's what it is. Silva was not the only person killed by the Hell's Angels and then disposed of at Yoast and Webb Funeral home in Fresno, federal prosecutors suggested in their sentencing memorandum of peppermint. So they've been doing this for quite a while. Three or four other bodies were illegally cremated as assuming white Gable Funeral Home on T Street. The funeral home's crematory manager told prosecutors. Phipps the manager did not know whose bodies were incinerated, but told prosecutors that hefferman directed him to help dispose of the bodies. Wow. The time the bodies were cleaned up. Lined up with disappearances of Hellvangels members Robbie Huff and Art Carrasses, who went missing in 2015 and 2016. Huff participated in the COVID up of Silva's murder, prosecutor said. Hefferman's attorney identified the fourth missing person as Juan Guavera, also a Hell's Angels member. So imagine just having that kind of connection where you could just take a body in and cremate it after you murder some that's some that's some serious connections right there. Serious connections to actually use a funeral home and a crematorium to get rid of your bodies. That's nuts. I thought that was what the bug news? I don't know, folks. Well, I'm out of here. Get to Dinoscorner TV. I'm jumping on with Bo Pony right now. And General Tata. General Tata tata right now, so that's going to be a good one. Field was on YouTube on the SeaShed page. Interesting. All right, folks, I'm out. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep of broadcasting. Baby. Get some later. .