Because you can handle the truth. Truth, truth. Truth. Got a good reason I don't? For taking the easy way out. Got a good reason for taking the easy way out. Now, it was a day trip up one way ticket. Yes. It took me so long to find out. I found out. This is Jim Fetzer, your host on Authentic News here at RBN. The date is 1 September 2023. Reporting live on August 30, a Russian airport in the city of Piskov used both for military and civilian purposes with attack by Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles drones. The attack raised lots of suspicions since the airfield is located near the Russian border with a Baltic state and far from Ukrainian territory. On August 31 yesterday, both Moscow and Kiev officially commented on the incident and the satellite imagery revealed the results of the attack. Zelensky officially declared the use of long range weapons at a target 700 km away from Ukraine. He did not reveal the exact nature of the target, but it was clear he meant the airfield attacked the day before. Plain on his words, he did not dare to take responsibility, but he was too excited to declare another victory. He didn't disclose what type of long range weapons the Ukrainian armed forces had used, but it's pretty clear these were sophisticated drones and they did damage to some monster aircraft belonging to the Russian government. In fact, Russia's been rather perturbed reporting Ukraine drone attack not possible without help from the west. In other words, Russia's reasons to distrust the west are only made more emphatic by this attack. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakarova said Ukrainian drone attack on Russia would not be possible without help from the west. She stressed the Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles would not have been able to travel such a distance without information feeds from western satellites. Comet came after the drones targeted six Russia regions Wednesday in what is said to be the largest Ukrainian drone attack on the country since the special military operation began. Among the cities targeted was Peskov, about 20 miles from the border of NATO member Estonia, over 400 miles from Ukraine. A massive drone attack came after the Washington Post report the US expected Ukrainian operations inside Russia to increase, thereby of course, greatly enhancing the prospect of war breaking out. Meanwhile, the US desire desire for World War Three escalates as it molds resumption of nuclear weapons testing. While the troubled Biden Admin keeps parroting the same narrative about CO2 emissions, even insisting that a ban on gas stoves would help fight global warming. It's also actively working on the return of ever so climate friendly live nuclear weapon testing. The Russian Foreign Ministry has been warning about this for months, though it's usually decried as Russian disinformation by the mainstream propaganda machine which dominates information reporting right here in the United States. It's important to note that thanks to the efforts of the United States, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test ban Treaty never entered into force, and its implementation is largely dependent on the goodwill of the signatories. Now, let me add, there appear to be increased motives of the Biden enter war because the massive evidence of the corruption of Joe Hunter, Jim, of the whole Biden crime family, there appears to be a growing consensus in Washington that Biden's only going to be able to evade impeachment by going to war. Meanwhile, we have Tucker talking about what's taking place here that the US and Russia will go to war with in a year. Tucker went over to Budapest, and he kind of asked for forgiveness on the behalf of American citizens for what's going on. And he explains the insanity over here of believing that Ukraine is one F 16 away from defeating Russia. You know, we've heard these stories out there that they're winning the war. It's David versus Goliath. With the help of the United States funding them. They can fight for our democracy over here, over there. And a lot of people honestly do believe that Putin's in a bunker hiding out, that he's just a doorknock away from being taken into custody in America, helping Ukraine win. The think that even the official narrative isn't saying that. What official narrative is that? The official narrative the official narrative is still saying that they're losing their will to have tons of casualty. Adverse. What do they call adverse? Yeah. Take a listen to what Tucker says over there in Budpest and in the United States right now, the overwhelming majority of the population believes that the Ukrainian army is this close to defeating the and, you know, again, I think it's totally fair to root for the I'm not. Are they all watching breaking points? Are they all watching Crystal Ball and Kyle? Well, what if they're just watching MSNBC and CNN and even Fox? If even Breaking Points is saying it's not going that they are they finally telling the truth? Yes. How long did it take because they were gung ho for the war when it started? Didn't Mary Anne Williamson on the show say that she thought that she was supportive still of what was going on? Yeah. You got to still you got to fight. You can't let Putin be do imperialism. Nikki Haley the other day still thinks that they're going to win. Started over in 2016, because that's how nobody can remember, like, we were just about to win in Afghanistan. Remember that? Yeah. In Iraq, we didn't get surge. There was colorful charts and everything that helped that situation. Here we go. Acting anybody? I'm sorry that Russia invaded Ukraine. I'm not taking the Russian position on this. I'm merely saying that the fact of what is actually happening, not what we wish would happen, but what is happening is essential if we want to make up our minds about what to do next. And in the United States, virtually everyone I've ever met believes that Ukraine is winning. Now, if you think about this for a moment here you have one country which has a hundred million more people than the other country and has much deeper military industrial capacity, can make more missiles, make more bullets, make more tanks than the other country. So over time, the bigger country is almost certain to win. Correct? This is a physics principle, right? It's not a statement of allegiance. You're not a shill for somebody for acknowledging that if we're wrestling and you outweigh me by 100 pounds, you're probably going to win because you're bigger. That's a fact. And yet my country, a nation of 350,000,000 people, has been told exactly the opposite for a year and a half for ideological reasons. As a function of propaganda, it is lying. And the scary thing is that otherwise very smart people believe it, even though you can still, and this may change, go on Wikipedia in the United States and look up population numbers. How many people live in Russia, how many people live in Ukraine? Oh, one outweighs the under other by 100 million people. That's probably going to win. Maybe we should force a peace or whatever or adjust our expectations accordingly. But no, and it's funny, I showed up here in Budapest a couple of days ago and I've talked to a bunch of different people and eaten like, maybe 27 different meals. Gain a lot of weight in your country. I got to be honest, that's not a criticism, just a fact. And I've asked every person back where I come from, the most informed, the most technologically superior nation in the history of man, the only country to put a human being on the surface of the moon in that country. Everybody believes that Ukraine is one F 16 away from beating Russia on the field of battle. And every single Hungarian, most of them are anti Russian, by the way. And I haven't met anyone in Hungary who likes the Russians. Just being honest, they don't like the Russians. But everyone has looked at me like insane. What? No, no. And it's embarrassing. Well, Tucker's, of course, got the war right, even if he's got the moon landing wrong. I dare say, I think his projection we didn't hear him say the words, but the very idea that we're going to be at war with Russia within a year is all too likely to be true. Meanwhile, proof that Maui residents were being trapped and left to burn alive by the government disturbing footage out of Maui might be evidence there's more to the fires towards the island than the government is telling us. Residents were desperately trying to escape as a fire barreled toward them. But they quickly found out this wasn't going to happen. Local police were trapping residents in the path of the fire. One individual attempted to escape, pulled out his phone and recorded a police vehicle driving past and him to block the road ahead to make sure nobody could escape. Look at this. Holy shit. This is a nightmare. The man noted, going on to add I don't know where he's going. Probably to block our street. They're going to effing barbecue all these people down here in Luhana, the man said. The fleeing resident continued to point out they had all been trapped. Thanks to an inexplicable effort, police have blocked them from leaving.Paragraph 1: We're all trapped in here. They're blocking off all the exits. Everyone is just stuck going in a circle in a fire pit. Well inexplicable if they think of police are actually performing duties to serve and protect the community. Perfectly explicable if you understand this was a manufactured fire using directed energy plans and that the whole idea is to kill as many as possible including the children who would otherwise be the legal heirs to the property so the elites can scarf it up. I mean disgusting beyond words. Absolutely as corrupt and immoral as any actions can possibly be. Paragraph 2: Meanwhile, Peter Ducey, who seemed to be among the few in Washington in the press who care about the truth hits Jean Pierre with a blunt question about Biden's Maui wildfire response that visibly shook his colleagues. Get this Fox News correspondent Peter Ducey asked White House press secretary Kareem Eugene Vier a direct question on Wednesday about Joe Biden's response. This case, the hurricane. Ideally to all appearance, the president has been intimately involved in the disaster response even as Jude politics told reporters he trust DeSantis uzi's question, then sought to understand why Biden's response to this natural disaster has been robust compared to his no comment response to the Maui wildfires. Did you guys realize that the initial Hawaiian wildfire response was not that good or is it just easier for people to get help from the white House when the president is not on vacation? He asked, referring to biden's vacation to Rojo Boothbut and Lake CAHO earlier this month. A query visibly shocked reporters sitting near Ducey. According to NBC News Peter Alexander and the Wall Street Journal andaleski get this it seemed like the hurricane response is so far robust. Did you guys realize the initial wine wildfire was not that good or is it just easier to get people to help from the white House when Biden is not on vacation? Jean Pierre of course, was also not pleased. So the premise of your question and the way you pose your question I disagree. Just for the record very to the press secretary ducey should speak with Hawaiian officials who will allegedly inform him that Biden reacted in record time to the Maui wildfires. The officials he cited, the state governor and U. S. Senators of course, are Democrats. If you were to do your reporting and speak to the governor of Hawaii the senators avoid the folks on the ground. They would say the president reacted in record time when it came to dealing with the wildfires. When it came to dealing with making sure they got everything they need from the federal government to deal with what was going on on the ground. Easily contradicted, total nonsense. What else are we going to get from the press secretary for the most corrupt president in American history? Paragraph 3: Meanwhile, RFK Jr. Is receiving praise for his words of consolation, hope and wisdom. Sunday, August 27. I attended an assembly of grassroots charitable organization working together to provide relief for the display survivors of the Lahaina Fire. The event was hosted by the Hungry Heroes Hawai Charity at an Amasa Farm sanctuary in Haiku, Maui. About 530 local RFK Jr. Addressed the gathering by zoom. Although I was aware of his public speaking gifts I was still surprised by how much thought and feeling he invested in his address. For about six minutes he spoke about the mystery of death and the inconsolable grief we experience when we lose someone we love. The highlight was the wise counsel his mother had offered him when his brother Michael died. My mother was accustomed to grief and she had figured out how to process it in a way that was really dignified and admirable. I asked her if the whole people believe in us when they die ever gets any smaller. My mother told me it never gets any smaller. But our job is to grow ourselves bigger around the whole in that way we do. By incorporating the best virtues of those people we lost into our own character. And in making that effort, we build ourselves. We build our character. We give those people a kind of immortality because we're thinking every day about how to improve ourselves by incorporating the lessons of their lives and the virtues they displayed when they were with us. And at the same time, we grow ourselves into bigger people. And when we do that, the whole gets proportionately smaller. This very admirable path RFK Jr. Continued that you have committed yourselves to shows us you have used this incident not to allow yourself to be shattered and destroyed or overwhelmed rather, to bring yourself together not wait for the government to rescue you but to bring yourself together and to rebuild a sense of community. God talks to us as though each other through organized religion through the great books of these religions through wise people and prophets through art, music, literature, poetry through the nature and the creation. But he or she or it probably talks to us most precisely through each other. And we understand God through our relationship his or her power closer us from other people even people we don't like but especially from people we love. Those were very wonderful sentiments, no doubt about that. But the fact of the matter is RFK Jr. Is being marginalized by the Democrat Party. They don't want him to be participating in any debates with Joe. They want to control everything that happens. The censorship and the suppression of alternative voices has become staggering beyond belief. Paragraph 4: Meanwhile, other events are taking place in their efforts to deny Donald Trump the right to run as president in 2024. We have Jack Smith declaring an emergency that he wants an additional hearing special Agent since his indictment against former President Trump on January 6, it twists and turns our daily news. The charges stem from the fact that the then president questioned the outcome of the 2020 election even as widespread reports of fraudulent voting rang out across the country. Trump has denied all wrongdoing on his part, and both he and conservative maintain the bogus charges are politically motivated. There's really no room for doubt about it. Smith's indictment right back, love. Paragraph 5: Here at Republic Broadcasting Network, we have been building our online store while we have been focusing on bringing you the best talk show host in the country. Here at Republic Broadcasting Network, we also want our listeners to have products they can use every day. And in times of emergency, we have added new products each week to our store. Your support of this network, plus products at the best prices is a win win situation. Check out our new store. Go to our website and click on the online store located at the top of our website. Together, we can continue to grow RBN and help our listeners prepare for the future. Go to and click on our online store or call us 807 242719 extension 3807 242719 extension three. Paragraph 6: Did you know the IRS publicly admits that income tax is collected by voluntary compliance? Get the information you need to help you avoid income tax with these five easy steps. All you have to do is go to to get your five easy steps on how to avoid the IRS income tax. Escape the IRS let help you. We guarantee our five easy steps or your money back. Paragraph 7: Attention, freedom loving patriots. Are you ready to dive deep into the principles that founded our great nation? Join me, Peter Seraphine, and the Institute on the Constitution as we light the way to a brighter future with the Liberty Lighthouse Classroom. At, you'll find a treasure trove of online courses on the US. Constitution carefully crafted to empower you with knowledge to defend your rights and liberty. Whether you're a student, a history enthusiast, or just a concerned citizen, these courses are for you. Gain a comprehensive understanding of our Constitution's principles, the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, and how to apply them in today's world. As a special offer to our freedom loving listeners of Republic Broadcasting Network, use coupon code RBN at checkout and get a 20% discount on any course. Join the Liberty Lighthouse Classroom and be a part of the movement to uphold the values that have made our nation exceptional, unleash the power of knowledge and protect what truly matters our Constitution. Visit today. Don't miss this incredible opportunity. Use code RBN for 20% off. Together, we'll be the beacon of freedom our founding generation envisioned. Liberty Lighthouse Classroom, illuminating minds, empowering patriots. Paragraph 8: Laptop. He comes GooBing up slowly. Got juice, you eyeball. He wants Holy Roller. He got hair down to his knee. Got to be a joker. He just do what it pleases. Paragraph 9: Shall. What appears to be going on here is the Special Counsel wants to have a protective order over discovery evidence in the case against Trump for his attempts to overturn the election, which Trump can defeat by demonstrating that his belief that the election had been stolen was bona fide sincere. 100%. And where the special counsel now? I believe is belatedly realizing the discovery could enable Trump to reveal all the use of the mail-in ballots, all the use of the Dominion voting machines, allWas just Santana. Yeah, Santana. Look it, he'll get a phone call or somebody will walk up to him and say, look, if you don't shut up, you're going to be playing your guitar with a prosthetic. Okay, this is how it works. I'll let you. Yes, James. Excellent, excellent. Yeah. Anything else? Any final thought? I know, but I really enjoy your show and sometime I'm going to tell you about my book, but not today, okay? I'm delighted you called. I'm real happy being here at RBN. I just want to tell yeah, there's a great fit. I love the audience, your callers, you're doing a great job. And I have no objection to people having differences of opinion. That's a great thing about being Americans. We're all entitled to our own opinion, or at least we were until the Democrats took control of the government. Stand by. Have a great weekend, everyone. Have a great weekend. I just need someone to love me. Somebody.The use of truckloads of phony ballots, all the use of this America first network, where Barack Obama had our electoral system folded in, under control by DHS and FEMA, so they could actually monitor and change votes down to the precinct level. So they're trying to constrain that, having realized now that Trump's actually in a very powerful position. I mean, just think about if you watch when Mike Lindell brought in one expert after another, or when Ron Johnson invited others to testify, or just watch Denise de Sousa's 2000 mules. You realize Trump is in a tremendously powerful position, and he wants to expose what he could gain through discovery to the American people. Because Smith is on the wrong side. He wants us to harass it. In a trial about First Amendment writes, the government seeks to restrict damn, trump's attorney wrote. Worse, it does so against its administration primary political opponent during election season, in which the administration prominent party members and media allies have campaigned on the indictment and proliferated its false allegations. In a rather quick response, Smith accused Trump's legal team of proposing an order designed to allow him to try the case in the media rather than a courtroom. But of course, this is really all about getting the truth out as to what was going on here, which is richly to be deserved. Most welcome. Meanwhile, how bad is this? The White House has asserted executive privilege over 200 Joe Biden records the White House has asserted executive privilege over 200 records housed in the National Archives concerning Hunter's business interaction with the office of Vice President during the Obama admin. Remember, we were told by Joe there were no such records there were no such documents, that he had nothing to do with Hunter's business dealings. Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors or between such advisors, the National Archives has said in response to the record request. The national archive has also refused to provide lawmakers information about Joe Biden's email aliases robert Peters, Robin Ware and JRB. Ware. The scope of the emails requested encompass some of Hunter's earliest business ventures with Rosemont seneca, an entity associated with Devin Archer, eric Serwin, CCV like entities in Chafeng whom Hunter Biden identified as the super chairman. In other words, the Archives is doing its best to conceal evidence from the American people. Meanwhile, a Trump judge has made obscene comments. This is the same god, Tanya Chutkan, presiding over the 2020 election federal case against Trump. In the eyes of many, obscenely compared the January 6, 2021 events at the Capitol to the 911 terrorist attacks and the Boston Marathon bombing. Now, what is interesting about that comparison is based upon my collaborative research regarding the Boston bombing, the police were tweeting, we're out there on bullhorn saying this is a drill. This is a drill. The Boston Globe was tweeting that a demonstration bomb will be set off during the marathon for the benefit of bomb squad activities, and that another, in 1 minute, one will be set off of the library. And exactly that happened. And as a former Marine Corps artillery officer, I tell you, they weren't powerful enough to kill anyone, unless perhaps you were sitting right on top of them. It was a false flag. They wouldn't allow ambulances, they wouldn't allow physicians, because they were using amputee actors and fake blood to perpetrate. And what's similar in relation to 911 is that it was an inside job. So her comparison actually in ways she really did not intend, turns out to be very apt because January 6 was an inside job. It was a false flag. It was put on with loads of FBI, loads of Capitol Police, all kinds of right, look at all the lovely people. Helena you're listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. My name is John. I'm the founder of Blackout Coffee. And I started blackout because I really love coffee. I've always loved coffee. And after traveling so much to Arab South America and trying so many different coffees that were so good, and every time I came back to the US. I was so disappointed with the coffee. So I figured that I had to do something about it. The biggest difference is really is on the beans and the roasting process, how we roast it and how fresh it is. The fresher the roast, the better the quality. Here I like all of the coffee. It's roasted within one to two days prior to being shipped. So it literally gets to consumers house within three to five days after being roasted. If you like coffee, you have to try ours. It's fresh roasted. 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Simply clean foods. Do it today. Here comes the sun Here comes the sun I say it's all right darling It's been a long if comments Why the judge in the January 6 case inadvertently underlined that it was fabricated, that the event January 6 was an inside job and a false flag. We have more direct testimony vindicating Trump in relation to the Georgia case or testimony this week in federal court by the Secretary of State Brad Rafsenberger contradicted claims that former President Trump insisted he violate Rafsenberger violate his oath of office by fabricating enough votes to win the state. As Breitbart has noted, the media has misrepresented the January 2021 phone call between Trump and Rafsenberger, quoting Trump as telling Rafsenberger he should find the votes necessary for him to win. In fact, Trump said, I just want to find the votes, referring to his own state of mind. Moreover, the context was that Trump believed he'd actually won the State of Georgia and the vote simply had not been properly counted yet. 100% correct. Rabsenberg took the stand in federal court in the Northern District of Georgia, part of a hearing on a motion by former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, one of Trump's 18 co defendants in the criminal case in Bolton County, Georgia. Meadows argued the case should be removed to federal court because he was just working for the president, therefore cannot be tried in state court under the constitution's supremacy clause. I think that's a good argument. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin has been getting back into the political discourse these days, making some astute points here. She observed to Newsmax dems will ditch Biden in bringing a savior. Democrats will at the last moment replace president Joe Biden in a presidential race to take away an issue the widespread corruption allegations against him and his family and give the new candidate the aura of being a savior, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin told Newsmax Wednesday. Palin shared the theory, and I think she's got it exactly right in the context of her reaction to the latest revelations and investigations into the various trips Hunter took with his father on official government planes. The former Alaska governor asked what has taken so long to probe the details of these activities, since he contends everyone saw a news report over the years that Hunter was riding around with his dad, who was then vice president on Air Force Two, and would allegedly come back with me, stripped with deals that would enrich his corrupt family. Palin said the reason further details are being exposed now is actually a strategy ofParagraph 1: The left wants to make the public angry about Biden's corruption and have him bail out, making way for another Democrat candidate. Sarah Palin agrees that Biden's use of pseudonyms for nefarious reasons is concerning. Paragraph 2: Speculation arises about who the new candidate could be, with Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama being mentioned. The interviewer claims that Michelle being a man is becoming widely known, with allegations about Barack also being true. They discuss the death of Tafari Campbell and raise questions about Michelle's potential involvement. Paragraph 3: Ron DeSantis is losing momentum as a challenging candidate to Donald Trump. His super PAC closes and donors back out due to mistakes made by DeSantis' campaign. They mention other potential candidates like DeSantis and Ramaswami, but question their suitability for various reasons. Paragraph 4: There is discussion about who Trump might choose as his running mate, with a general consensus that it will be a woman. Ron Johnson and Tulsi Gabbard are considered, but concerns about their stances on certain issues are raised. Kerry Lake is mentioned as a possibility, despite lacking governmental experience. Paragraph 5: Trump accuses left-wing individuals of fearmongering about new COVID variants to justify lockdowns and mandates in order to rig the 2024 election. He argues that COVID viruses mutate too quickly for vaccines to be effective. He vows to resist any attempts at more lockdowns, mask mandates, or vaccine mandates, promising to cut federal funding to those who impose such measures. Paragraph 6: Bill Gates is promoting a scheme to cut down and bury trees to fight climate change, which is criticized as absurd and scientifically indefensible. It is noted that carbon is essential for life on Earth. Paragraph 7: A date is set for Trump's trial in DC, and pressure increases on the release of archived documents. Bill Gates' agenda is criticized, and Carlos Santana faces cancellation for stating a biological fact about men and women. (blank line)Star Jason Aldean faced a cancel culture campaign in a small town, but conservatives supported him. Carlos Santana may also face cancel culture for stating a biological truth. He said that a woman is a woman and a man is a man, but clarified that people can do what they want in private. Comedian Dave Chappelle also faced cancel culture for jokes about transgenderism. These statements are logical truths and cannot be false. The left's hysteria stems from promoting confusion about biological facts. Santana is right, and the left is wrong. The denial of basic biological facts is comparable to denying physical facts. The text then switches to a testimonial about Extendivite, a health product. It contains cayenne, garlic, and milk thistle, providing various health benefits. The speaker recommends trying it. The text continues with unrelated paragraphs about gold investment, contact information for a wealth protection service, and lyrics from songs. It then discusses a lawsuit alleging a Virginia school's support of a student's gender transition resulted in her being threatened, bullied, and trafficked. Defendants include school staff and a public defender. The victim was sexually harassed and faced abuse from other students. She was later kidnapped, drugged, and raped by adults. Law enforcement rescued her, but the harm had already been done. The text concludes with paragraphs about another radio show, a product called Ease-Off, and an invitation to join a conversation on the radio.Some signature on file somewhere in the state, I guess. And that's supposed to jive with the signature on the envelope of the mail-in ballot? The ballot itself is on the inside. It's a secret ballot. There's no signature. But the envelope has a signature on there, so they're supposed to look. And they totally do not verify those signatures. Because they're fake, because they're criminal, because they're crooks, because they're despicable scumbags who should be in prison. That's the thing about it. They're a bunch of crooks, the Democrats and the Republicans, too, that want to fix the elections. But anyway, that's still going on. But what you're thinking about is she might run for senator. She's talking about in 2020. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Very good. Senator rather than governor. Yeah, good point. She might run, but she hasn't said that for sure. Now, Blake Masser says he's going to run for senator so I don't know. It's up in the air whether she would win, probably because it looks like it's going to be a three-way race for senator there. Chris and Sinema dropped out of the Democratic Party and I don't know, a lot of things could happen, but Cinema will run as independent and there'll be a Democrat, so then the Republican will be able to win. But I think you're talking about Tulsi Gabbard. She would be a good vice president for a lot of reasons. One thing, she's beautiful. Tulsi Gabbard is, you know, and people would minimize that. But yeah, that's part of it. You don't want to have an ugly person like, you know, as your vice presidential people. Some people will vote for Tulsi just so they can look at her on know, once in a while when they turn the TV on instead of some ugly guy or something. But she's smart, she was a congressman, she's a veteran, and yeah, she's a Democrat. She'd take away some of the votes. She basically got kicked out of the Democratic Party, like a lot of people have. She's like a Kennedy type and so she would get some of those votes too. But of course, we don't know if the votes are going to matter if the whole thing is fixed in the first. Uh, but yeah, Tulsi would be good. Kerry Lake is still trying abe Bahamade is still trying to overturn this in Arizona, too. And the press is totally, almost completely silent about all this stuff. They don't want to hear about it. As far as the press is concerned, the election was over and they're part of the steel, the mainstream media is part of the steel because they think it's criminal to question the election. But it's not criminal. It's happened a lot of different times. Now. One other thing, people, you hear a lot of people call into RBN, they say, we're not going to vote our way out of this. Well, but then they don't say that's the only way is voting way out of other what are they talking about then? They're going to have an armed insurrection. They're going to take up arms against the United States government. Yeah, I don't think that's going to mean even if that was possible, I don't see any will from the people to actually start shooting up the Feds, which is ridiculous anyway. It's not even thinking. The only way to change things is by getting rid of all the steals of the election and then voting into the best candidate. And that's the only way things would change. And as far as the Second Amendment is concerned, that's determined a lot by the, you know, Trump has put in good people there and they've got some positive decisions in small ways for second. They're protecting the Second Amendment because of if it would have been Hillary Clinton, then there would be gun grabbing going on right now. Because there'd be a gun grab in Supreme Court, and there is the ones who do it, plus the other federal judges. And that's about all I got to say. One other thing is one of the few people I ever donated money to was you, Jim. I donated you your legal fund. And I think I'm going to turn around and donate a little bit to Carrie Lake's fund. She's still fighting her battles in the legal, and the lawyers are not cheap, so I'll let you go. Thank you, Don. That was all terrific. I think I agree with everything you mean. I thought for some time Trump and Tulsi would be a great combination. Now I know she needs to come around better educated on the Second Amendment. I think if she understood that Americans use guns for defensive purposes millions of times every year, saving an estimated 200,000 American lives per annum, she might look at it differently. And the Democrats, with all their strict gun control laws, are creating free fire zones where the perps know they can kill people with impunity because at least no nosy civilian is going to intrude. If you conducted experiments, if you had a town where every citizen were armed and others where no citizens were allowed to bear arms, you'd find the crime dropped to virtually zero, just as it has in Switzerland, where every family is required to have a firearm. I mean, after all, if gun control worked, Chicago would be the safest city in the world. In fact, it's perhaps the most dangerous in the world. Absolutely outrageous. Worldwide, gun ownership and homicide rates are inversely related. The Democrats would have you believe the more guns, the more homicides. But it's the opposite. The more guns, the fewer homicides. And we're saving 200,000 lives a year by the defensive use of guns. Bear in mind, the gun violence death rate is around 70,000, and over half of whom are from suicide. So we're really talking about grossly multiplying the number of deaths. If we took guns away from the American people, I believe Tulsi would come around on the second. I find her very thoughtful. I like her poise. Obviously, she looks great, so I'm certainly not going to argue with you about that, but I simply think she would make a very competent Vice president. I appreciate those thoughts, Don. Thank you so much for calling and for supporting my legal defense fund. That was wonderful of you. Meanwhile, we got Chance in West Virginia. Chance, join the conversation. Yes. Hello, Jimbo. Am I coming through? Yes. Okay, Jimbo, I have two questions for you, but first I got two comments. First, I got to personally thank the person, whoever's responsible for bringing you on board. Excellent choice. And I noticed you mentioned Santana. Santana happens to be my personal favorite guitarist. But have you noticed that the most talented artists like Santana, Clapton, Chappelle are the ones that are speaking up? Yes. Well, it requires a lot of integrity. I mean, to speak out in a controversial issue, there's so much peer pressure. I mean, it's like, I know the rush to get the mean. I think so many now regret that they got the I mean, the evidence, especially from the UK, is simply overwhelming. The more vax, the more death. I mean, it's just getting staggering. And if you've had two or three boosters, believe me, your life expectancy has been dramatically abbreviated. The UK data reveals that our own medical system, the CDC, the NIH and all that, the FDA, they've gone on a campaign to conceal. They appear to be bought and sold by Big Pharma. And, of course, it turns out a lot of the officials in these organizations have a financial interest. They benefit from patents and royalties and the whole bit. I mean, it's as corrupt as it could be. Continue. Chance yeah. And my questions to you, Jim Bo, I don't know if you address this, because I don't get the opportunity to listen every day. My question to you is, whatever became of Wolfgang Halbig and James Tracy? Have you kept in touch with them by any chance? Well, you want to hear something funny? During the break here, I was trying to return a call from Wolfgang. He just gave me a call. He's fighting the good fight. He's fighting the good fight. Down in Florida, they took a misdemeanor warrant that I don't believe was justified and treated it as though we're a felony. They raided his home in the middle of the night. They marched him through two pastures so he'd look all disheveled when they took a Mudshot. He's trying to get a little bit of justice there by bringing suits against the county. I suspect he was calling to give me an. How about James? How about James Tracy now? How's he doing? James had a big family. I think he has five kids, and my understanding is he's been spending time homeschooling them. It's such a challenge when we got the public school so corrupt and they want to promote critical race theory or perverted sexual activities. They want kids to be exposed to masturbation, anal sex in the third grade. I can understand why parents would pull them out now. Homeschooling is very challenging. I do believe James Tracy would be qualified, but it's not a task I would want to undertake. But I do believe James, who has fiveKids, is homeschooling, and his is he rather young, though. Could he do it? I mean, he's not my age or your age or older, is he, tracy I think he's around 50. He's around 50 now, would be my best guess, yeah. Because it gets harder, I would imagine, on older folks like us, because it takes a lot of patience and time. And my second question to you, Jimbo, is this. Now, I heard you mentioned that you're an agnostic. I respect your opinion, everybody's entitled to their own beliefs. But I'd like your opinion on this, if you can. This CBDC, this digital currency, do you think that this could possibly be the mark of the beast? Well, I wouldn't put it that way. I will tell it's a form of slavery. Once they get digital currency, they can control every expenditure we make getting rid of cash. Cash represents freedom. You can do cash transactions. You can't be monitored or censored for what goes on. Cash is really indispensable to our liberty. So getting rid of cash means they're going to be able to track every transaction we make. If we want to fill up our gas tank, but they want us to drive electric, they can cut it off. If we want to send a political donation to Donald Trump or a conservative and they don't want that, they can leave us high and dry. It's absolutely abhorrent. We must not comply with digital currency. It is a guarantee of our subservience and slavery thereafter. Mark my words. Excellent question. Yeah, I hear you, brother. I hear you, brother. Keep up the great work now, Jimbo. Thank you. Chance. Thank you for the call. We got Laura in Michigan. Laura, join the just wanted I wanted to give my speculation about Putin. Yeah, I think what Putin's doing, he's taking all these hits with the drones. He's taking all these hits because I think he's waiting out for the e election. If Trump gets in trump's already said he was gonna stop the war, but if another Democrat gets in katie, bar the door. Putin's going to lay it on us big time for all that we've done to his country. Well, I guarantee, Laura, that if we don't fix the voting machines and the manipulation of the outcome, no Republican can win. I've even said the GOP could run. Jesus Christ. And he'd still lose to give a newsom because they're manipulating the vote down to the precinct level, and Barack Obama set him up to do it. We got to go back to hand counts and paper ballots. And if you take a look, you find Democrats are opposing doing that. Well, that's only because they know they'll never win another election if they're remotely fair. They cannot win fair and square. Trump is going to clean their clock. That's why they're undertaking all these ridiculous actions. It's pure politics. None of these criminal suits have any basis in fact or in law. They are all 100% corrupt. But that's the way the Democrats are proceeding. They have nothing else. And when the head of their party is, in fact, totally incompetent and a big time criminal, where the record mounts by the day, they got a problem. That's why I think Sarah Balin's got it right. They're going to wait till right before the convention, and they're going to pull Biden. I don't know if he'll resign, pardon Hunter, and withdraw from the 2024 race. They're going to. Get Kamala out of the way. They're going to bring in Gavin Newsom and Michelle. I have no doubt about it. Laura that's scary. I think Trump should call the new variant the election variant. I'll tell you what happened to DeSantis when he sent his legislature to Israel to sign that bill about anti Semitism. I'm afraid DeSantis would want to make Israel the 51st stage. That's what turns me off with DeSantis. I think he wants to make television the capital of the United States. Laura yeah, probably. I mean, we got too much Israeli influence in American politics to this day. Where the pledge that Cynthia McKinney revealed in 2011 on Iranian television when new members come to Congress or has to sign a pledge to put the interests of Israel even ahead of that of the United States? I mean, how disgusting is that? And the overwhelming majority the overwhelming majority sign on the dotted line. I think the only one that didn't sign that was besides Cynthia McKinney was Rodden Paul. He was admire. I admire them both. And anyone who speaks out about Israel, of course, is subject to vast amount of censorship. The corruption around America today is simply staggering. It boggles the mind. Patrick DeSantis kicked himself in the butt too much for Israel by going to Israel to sign that. Yeah, I agree with you. That was a blunder. And I think it evolves in the category of those amateur mistakes by which he's lost his $50 million pack. They are switching over to Trump's got a clear path. And every time they bring another indictment, his popularity goes up. And the black community is swinging behind Trump because then you'll see he's being abused by the legal system the way they have been abused by the legal system in the past. So I think Trump's a brother, right? That's right. They're losing more votes than they're gaining by this strategy, but it was all they had to go on. So they played the card, the only card they had to. Thank you. Thank you for the call. We got Rick in Arizona. Yeah, Rick in Arizona. Join the conversation. Rick yeah, I just want everybody to know at RBN and all the listeners that Trump's got your back, okay? I didn't call about that. I want to ask you a question about McCartney now. Okay. Hang on, Rick. We got to go to the break, and we'll write back with you after this break.In the 20th century, Paul McCartney was probably, you know, maybe the top three or four most eligible bachelors. And what I mean is he could have any woman in the world, right? I mean, pretty much I would pretty much agree with that. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And so why did he marry Linda McCartney, who was divorced and with a six-year-old daughter, and she really wasn't that good-looking? You got an opinion on that? Yeah. It wasn't James Paul McCartney who married Linda Eastman. It was Billy Shepherd who replaced him. After Paul's death on 9/11/1966, he was introduced, remember, in Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band album, as the one and only Billy Shears? His actual name William Shepherd. He was a session musician known as a man of a thousand voices. After Paul's death, they had to decide what to do about the band, which was such a big deal. They decided to try him out. He looked somewhat like Paul. Then they sent him to Africa. He had some plastic surgery to make him look more like Paul. He's actually published a book about the memoirs of Billy Shearer, as you can get on, which looks at me to be completely authentic, but he explains that by contract, he's not allowed to reveal the know. So it's given as kind of a fictional but it appears to me to be completely accurate. So it wasn't actually Paul who was engaged to Jane Asher. I believe they would have married. Paul does appear to, by the way, to have had a child by a German fan, a girl who brought a paternity claim against him. But it was after Paul's death, and when they did the DNA comparison with Paul as he's known, false Paul, F-A-U-L who is actually Billy Shearers. Of course, the DNA didn't match. The suit was dismissed. But if it had been brought against the real Paul, I think there would have been a match. So it's a curious situation, Rick, but that's how I see it. Okay. Now, do you know what Linda McCartney's real name is? Well, Eastman. She was from the Eastman Kodak family. I think she was a very wealthy photographer? No, her name is Linda Epstein and her father was a lawyer to the Music Writers Association in New York. Her brother is John Eastman. John Epstein, who was a very powerful lawyer in New York and in some circles think that it was John Epstein that dropped the dime on that playwright. What was his name? Tennessee him killed and he was the guy behind killing John Lennon. Now, Linda Epstein's father being a lawyer to the music industry, that's murder incorporated, okay? That's what that is. And I see Paul McCartney being forced to marry her, a shotgun wedding. Or he did it because he knew it's the best thing to do because a lot of people in that music industry ended up dead from the 1960s up until the middle 1980s. Rick, that is a mafia name in New York. That's all extremely intriguing. My understanding is Linda walked up to him and said, hi, I know you're not Paul. When did you join the band? I think he liked that she appreciated him, even though he wasn't James Paul McCartney. That has nothing to do with it. That had to do with this, whoever that is. Paul McCartney was extremely rich and had a lot of cash flow in the future. And he either married her because he knew it was the thing. Put it this way, your career is over if you don't marry my daughter. That's how I see how it went. Now, whether Paul was switched out or not, I don't get into that. Know, who knows? Who am I to know? But I can tell you that that's her real name, Linda Epstein. And it was revealed in Tommy James and the Chandell's book. Tommy James, me, the Mob and the music. He revealed that in that book. And there's a lot of other stuff in that book, but this guy, who's the number one bachelor in the world, marries this chick who's divorced and she's not even good-looking and she's got a six-year-old kid. All I can say is thanks for coming on and sharing all that fascinating stuff. I've done a huge amount of research on Paul and his death and his replacement. You can find a whole lot of my interviews with multiple experts on my BitChute channel. Jim Fetzer. It's very intriguing what you're suggesting, Rick, about Linda being Epstein. That's very intriguing. I will see what I can find about it. Thank you for calling in. Much appreciated. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to Antelope Hill Publishing is America's leading publisher of dissident books, bringing you a wide variety of new translations and original works on every subject, from the funding behind the transgender movement to firsthand Memoirs of World War II, previously inaccessible to English-speaking audiences. We publish books that mainstream publishers won't touch, full of information that challenges the political status quo. 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I like the way you're running the show. I've heard some familiar callers in today. It's nice to see that. I agree with what you said to the gentleman. By the way, I can't believe my library does not include the volume from Tommy James and the Chandels, but I missed that one somehow. It's interesting. He mentioned Tommy James is among the only pop stars that I've ever known personally. So it's rather interesting that Tommy has that book. That's a nice point you make, Peter. Well, I was saying it's mean, who knew that Tommy James wrote a book? And I don't know who would read it, but there you really but you spoke earlier with the gentleman. You're talking about Bitcoin and how Bitcoin is the absolute recipe for slavery, which I believe that it is not Bitcoin per se. It's digital currency. The digital doppler. You're absolutely right. Digital. Making all our transactions digital so the government can monitor and control every purchase we make and cut us off if we misbehave. If we don't meet, is it going to be supplemented by a social credit score such as they have in China, where they keepLike it, they're going to punish us accordingly. I completely, 100% agree with you. Absolutely. You're right. That's what's going to happen. I don't see any way of stopping it either. But there's a point that you also made a point earlier with another caller, was familiar, the guy that contributed to your legal defense fund. It was a good caller and always has intelligent things to say talking about the election, and there's no way around it except through the ballot. And Jim, I disagree. I think that when you have, again, people who can cut you off with a digital currency or any kind of bank account now, like they've done in England, to people that are politically incorrect, they completely shut down their bank accounts without the digital currency. But the enemy that we're facing is bigger than just the election. The same people that also fixed the election, all the networks, all the social media who got a setting president and froze him out, silenced him the last week of the election turned away. How do you have an election without this control of the bankers and BlackRock and Vanguard and the Federal Reserve and what they can do and what they can own and all the media? You're spot on. You're absolutely correct. And the Rothschild influence, rothschild, OGAP and Reuters, and they control virtually all the media in the United States. It's just shameful that the United States doesn't have an independent free press. We have propaganda outlets. And most of those Tucker's even saying now, most of those or many of those on the liberal networks are actually CIA spokespersons. And I think he's absolutely right. I mean, I'll come back to that story, but I like what you're saying. I agree. Continue. Well, yeah, mockingbird. I mean, look at what's his name, that guy with the white hair, the idiot guy that's on CNN. He's an XCI. There's a ton of Xcia guys. They're also, by the way, all over Congress. All these intelligence guys have been well funded to be where they're at. But like, for instance, just for the media, last night, today is I know you're probably not a fan, but maybe you are. I'm a big college football fan. This is the opening week of college football. I'm going to the Badger game. I I'm recovering from a double bypass, but by God, I'm going to be at the game tomorrow. I'm a Buckeye fan. And I'll tell you what, hey, we're playing. We're playing later. I know we will. And it's going to be a tough game at your house. And Luke Fickle is a buckeye. We got a great new coach. We got a great new coach and terrific, peter, it's going to be a whole new dynamic Wisconsin football team. It really is. And I'm a big Luke Fickle fan. I followed him since he was in high school. But what I'm saying is, I just was trying to watch the games last night, jim and I'm on Spectrum cable, and Spectrum and Disney are feuding about fees. And so I was cut off. No Disney property. All of ESPN, which I have about six or seven of them, SEC Channel, ACC Channel, ABC, all owned by Disney, are on now. They've taken themselves off of Spectrum. So all I'm doing is sitting down to try to watch college football. And here we have basically Jewish owned Disney struggling with Jewish owned Spectrum, with Jewish owned Fox involved in this. The whole thing. The point is, the whole system, not just in college sports, although that's what affecting me today, is all controlled by the people who can print money out of nothing and have never been audited in 110 years. Peter, peter, you're 100% correct. If I didn't have four other callers lined up, I would want to talk longer today. I want you to call back. I really think you got a lot to say. Thank you so much. Thank you. Jim, go ahead. Everything you covered. We're spot on. Tom in Florida tom in Florida Join the want to I want to hear that song. I am the eggman, I am the eggman, I am the walrus. I am pretty yeah, that was a song about Paul. Paul was a walrus. Yeah. They're singing about his death. He's the one I buried. Okay. I am the eggman, I am the listen. Yeah, that one caller, he's right about Eastman. I believe her name was Epstein. I'm going to pursue that. I'm going to look into that. Yeah, well, I think that's the whole thing's a kabal. And what I got to say is this. Big brother is watching us. You their Big brother's, watching you and me and everybody from Israel. That's what I got. Big Brother's watching us from Israel. Okay. Yeah. So here's what I want to say about that. Forget about Big Brother is something that we have to deal with down the road, I believe. But here's what I want to talk about. I'm looking at these illegal aliens coming here. They had a case and by the way, did you see the girl in Tennessee that had enough fentanyl in the state of Tennessee? They busted her. She's like 24 years old, a white girl. She had all this fentanyl, enough fentanyl to kill every citizen, I think was in the city of the state of Tennessee. Wow. It's all over the news. She's 20s. Wow. She had guns at her. They went to the warehouse. They went to a warehouse. They found all these guns and fentanyl, all kinds of different drugs. It was amazing. With the bus, they had there and probably she's going to turn on whoever. But this is a giant network coming out of China, Mexico, and you got to look, did you see the case also where the guy finally got convicted in New York for beating the two girls to death with a baseball bat? Saw that, Jim. That one might have slipped by me. Nasty, nasty, very nasty. Yeah, well, there's thousands of these Ms 13 here and guess what? Jim Biden should be arrested right there. That's not Donald Trump should be in Atlanta, Georgia getting a mug shot. It's Joe Biden should be going to leavenworth for allowing the invasion with gang members. I like Clarks back in. I agree. I want Peter to tell you and your audience how many gang members are in La illegally, illegally, let alone the ones that are legally born here, how many illegal gang members are in Los Angeles? I get it. Yeah. I believe Biden has committed treason by not enforcing our border laws. And I'm hearing rumors that the Biden syndicate think the only way they can escape impeachment or conviction is by provoking World War Three with Russia. God hell, us if that happens, because hundreds of millions will die in the first hour and a half. But they are that corrupt. They're thinking of saving themselves. They think they can escape to underground bunkers or whatnot. I doubt very much it's going to play out the way they anticipate, but it's shocking and profoundly disturbing they would be thinking that way. Tom, this is good stuff. I do have three other callers. I'll make it real quick. Joe Biden is the jackass. Joe Biden, he should be put on that farm that Bob Barker left for Jackasses. They should stick around a ten x ten foot cell right there on Bob Barker's jackass. Also, I just got to say this, Jim, real quickly. Biden, what he's getting away with alone calling white Americans the biggest threat to this country. Joe Biden right there. The military should have made a move on him. How dare he calls out the majority of the population of this country. That is the biggest disgrace that's ever happened to any president in this country. And by the way you're talking about, I couldn't agree more. It's a whole Democrat party. Yeah, it's a whole party today. Good stuff. Tom, tom, I got to turn to Miles from maintenance being patiently standing by. But I like what you're telling me, Tom. I like it. Miles, join the jim, you know this country's on the threshold of destruction because of the liberals, the Democrats and all this absolute nonsense. And for the second day in a row you're out here promoting a liberal that's anti gun. One of our biggest problems being anti Second Amendment. She's anti gun. Another huge problem pro illegal immigration. Okay? And then another one is she's on the CFR register and coincides with them, which is the CFR is the absolute antithesis of a free nation in the United States of America. Yeah, I don't see how with your intelligent mind, you come back to that 24 hours later. Now I'm just not reading Tulsi the way you're reading Tulsi. Miles, I think she's an independent woman, intelligent, well educated. I don't give any credence to the CFR stuff. I think a lot of politicians get signed up and it doesn't mean a damn thing. That's my opinion. I think she's educable on the Second Amendment. I was already explaining miles, miles, you don't have to call in to remut me on Tulsi just because I say I like her as a candidate. I respect yourTo research her voting record and see, because what you're saying doesn't coincide with her voting record. James, you're an intelligent guy, and I know this, too. You got information on Ramaswami that was sent to you, and look at him, and you're still talking about him and the Soros thing. I don't think you're appreciating my point about Ramaswami. He's stirring up a lot of points. He's provoking miles, I don't support him for vice president. I just like the way he's kicking up a lot of issues. That's what I like. That's all. Go ahead. But I'd like people to remind where he's really coming from, even though he does. Because, see, they've got the script now. They learned that when Trump says it, this is the way you go to get a swarm of people behind you. Now, their sincerity is not there, but they're going to repeat. They're going to mockingbird the proper talking points. Now, here's something else on a different level I wanted to speak to you on. Who is doing this to Santana? Is this Ticketmaster or who is this? Because this is an easily resolvable issue. I mean, who is blacklisting him, so to speak, like that? Oh, I think it's a country music association. Whatever. Let me see here. I'm pulling it up. CMT. CMT. It appears they pressured CMT to remove the music, but we got that. Try that in a small town. Still, of course, is succeeding. Who's going after hold on. That's Jason Aldean I'm talking about know. I know, but I don't have more specific. Let's see who's being attacked here's what we do with that. We don't listen to CMT anymore. We let them go. Bud Light. Okay, Miles, look, I appreciate your points. I'll look more at Tulsi's voting record. I'll do that. Well, one more thing. Santana or one of these musicians, okay, any of these musicians, you come up with your own promoting company. Santana's not going to be playing the California Jam or nothing anymore. So you play the smaller venues. You promote yourself. People out there still want to see them, and you still fill up your arenas and you cut out Ticketmaster or whoever it is causing the problem. Very good. That's all you do very good. Thank you, James. Have a good day. Thank you, Miles. I appreciate your calls. David in Massachusetts joined the conversation, but we're going to be cut off by the break, David, so we'll continue after go ahead, squeeze in a few words first. Okay. Hello? Mr. James Fetzer. I think this is the first time I've spoken with you. I'm calling from Quincy, Massachusetts. They call it the City of calling does the name Marshal William Francis Deegan ring a bell with you? The name again? Repeat that, David. Yeah. Federal marshal. William francis Deegan. Federal marshal. William Deegan. I'm not sure it does. Go ahead, David. And we've cut the break so you can go ahead and lay. Go ahead. Okay. Well, he's the marshal out on Ruby Ridge there. Out there in the Randy. He shot Sammy Weaver, Jr's. Black Labrador retriever, dead. The dog's name was Striker. And then when Sammy running back to his parents to tell him that someone had shot his dog, then he shot Sammy in the back, shot him dead. Ruby Rich was a disgrace. Yeah. What I want to get across to the Republic Broadcasting audience is there's a newspaper here in Quincy, it's called The Quincy, Massachusetts. The Quincy Patriot ledger. The patriot ledger. Well, the anniversary was in August. What happened in 1992? In August, I think, august 25 and everything. But I want the RBN audience to look at the write up in The Patriot Ledger, just memorializing this guy, and they're saying that he made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He gave his life for his country, and talking about his military record. And they completely ignore the fact that randy weaver served with the most decorated green beret commander james Boritz over in vietnam as a green beret. As a green beret vietnam veteran. They completely ignore that. And they're calling him a white supremacist and all these neo Nazi. But look at this Patriot Ledger newspaper and see what these deep state demon rats in these cities like Quincy, Massachusetts do. Dr. Fessett, they've destroyed my life. I might not even be alive much longer. It's unbelievable what they're doing to me. The courts, the police, they're all teamed up with Black Lives Matter in Antifa. My life hanging by a threat, so I'm not going to go down without a fight. So the newspaper is the Quincy, Massachusetts Patriot Ledger newspaper. And there's a whole bunch of articles from years past and everything, too, and read with these demon rat bastards. They exalt this bastard, this coward that shoots a little boy in the back. He made the supreme sacrifice for his country. He gave his life, he laid his life down for his country by shooting a twelve year old boy in the back in the boy's dog. Yeah. It is disgusting. You're absolutely right, Dave. It is disgusting. Yeah. I was living up in Alaska at the time, and I was associated with Bo Grace. It was called Operation Alaska when James BOITZ was running for president. And we were having straw poles up in Alaska. We had just established the Alaskan Independence Party and everything, but we had a contingent of patriots up in Alaska. We were ready to go down there to Ruby Rich, both rights, just had to give the word, and we were going to go down some manpower, some muscle to back up, you know, Hitler what was it the Nazis used to say about Hitler? The strong man stands alone. And say what you will about Lieutenant Colonel James Bogwitz. There's pros and cons about Bogwrights, but he is a strong man. I've met him. And the strong man, he chose to stand. A lot of you're making a lot of important points. Very powerfully. I have two more callers standing by. I want to thank you for those excellent points, though. I really like what you're saying, and I agree with you. And I'm not going to go down without a fight either. Dave, I am with you. Frank in New York. Frank. Join the Jim. Excuse me. People have to look into, you know, Miles up there in Maine. He hates her, obviously, but she's changed her opinion, her stance on that. You could go to multiple sites. She's pro-gun now. Okay, rebel News, on the issues concerned. Carry Montana Gun Trader. These people have come out. She's admitted she had a meeting with Steve Scalise and she he's, she's kind of involved in that issue. He educated her on some of the, you know, now, back when she was a Congresswoman, she was liberal, there's no doubt about it. But she's changed her stance. People can do that. Donald Trump supported a lot of Democrats for years, right? He won't give any money to any Democrats these days. And regarding Eastman, you are correct. Her name was Eastman. She went to high school. You can see her photo in the 1959 Scarsdale High School graduation book there, you know what I mean? And her father, though her father changed his name, he was Epstein, and then he changed it to Eastman. But she was born Eastman and she was raised Eastman. Although obviously she does have Jewish blood in her. But she is an Eastman, and you were correct on that point. And people got to look, just anybody right now going to Google, tulsa, Gabbard. Gun controls, dances. And she's changed back in 2021. She was going after Biden and Harris about the border cris. She's not for these open borders. Originally, she was liberal. People change. I mean, let's give her a break. I so appreciate those points, both of them. Excellent. I'm delighted. What else would you like, Add? Go ahead. We got one more caller, but Frank, squeeze in a few more points. Well, actually, in 21, she did go after these people with the border. She has changed her stance, took her hat around. She has her own show. People can go in and Google it in the last year and a half. She said she's evolved. I mean, the liberals are blasting her, you know what I mean? But the alt-right were saying, hey, let's see what she's got to say. They can say one thing and do another, but I think she's sincere and I agree with you. And some caller earlier said, oh, she'd be nice to look at. And I don't think there's any doubt about I think Frank, honestly, I think I'm a little smitten with Tulsi. That may be