Hey, everybody, welcome back to the Channel. I appreciate your time. Thank you for watching. Gonna be an odd couple days here, as I am on the road, and we'll be doing updates and videos as time permits here, if you haven't heard already. I wanted to get this out there to the community because we had a little bit of bad news today, and that is in the CRS Firearms trial. The sentencing came down today. It was a two day affair in the courtroom, and I didn't mention anything yesterday because I wanted to see what was going on today. Thanks to John Crump, who kept me in the loop because he's obviously a lot closer to people involved. So Christopher Justin Irvin, who was a co defendant, he received 68 months in prison, federal prison, with credit for time served. I don't know how long he's been in now. A year or a year and a half or so now. And CRS Firearms Matt Hoover was sentenced to 60 months in federal prison. Five years. Let's be honest, they got jammed up on a metal card that is not a machine gun. Yet the federal government, the ATF, the red coats of the 21st century, they're claiming that that credit card sized piece of metal with a drawing on it is a machine gun. And I think it's absolute hogwash. I'm in Wisconsin, so I use the local term there. Sorry, dad. Humor. It's just terrible. I mean, even in the trial, it came out that when the ATF cut those items along the lines, they couldn't get the thing to work because it's not a friggin machine gun. But these two guys are doing time now, some serious time. Five and five and a half years. Five years and eight months for poking the bear is basically all it is. The ATF got pissed off that they were being poked and they bit and they bit hard, and they're putting people in jail who have families who didn't. It's not a machine gun. It's just not don't care if people might think that, yeah, they did the wrong thing or whatever. It's just not a machine gun. It's not a machine gun. No more than my belt loop is a machine gun. Can I bump fire with my belt loop? Yes. Can I bump fire with my thumb? Yes. Is my thumb a machine gun? No. Even Jerry Mitchellik, who I'll be hanging around with again this weekend. Love you, Jerry. Even he's not a machine gun. But the ATF put two folks in prison over a metal card with a drawing on it. Five years and five years and eight months. Let me know what you think down below. I know people are most people are on the side of common sense, which the government always says they're passing common sense gun laws. But common sense tells you that that card can't do a damn thing. The card doesn't go boom, bang, doesn't even hold ammo, but they call it a machine gun. Let me know what you think down below. Guys and gals, I appreciate each and every single one of you. I look forward to meeting anybody who's here at this expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the next couple days. I hope the weather is nice, and I hope your time is nice if you're here. Hope so. Hope for a great weekend for everybody involved, guys and gals, tell your loved ones you love them. You never know when you're going to get that chance again. And I will see you all on the next one. Subscribe to this channel if you want more information related to the Second Amendment. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. But you'll always get the straight truth with no slant from me. And it'll happen every single day, from litigation to legislation. So if you want to see more, join this growing freedom family, and I'll see you on the next one. Y'all take care. .