You Have The Power! But For What? January 14, 2021 Update

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Daily Update #26 – Thursday, January 14, 2021

Great day Patriot,

More and more news comes to light today. 

I’ll share some of the headlines in today’s Other News section.

In today’s main section, I’ll explain a strategy you can use that will help us all create the future that we want.

You have more power than you realize.

Pray tuned.


“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”

You Have The Power! To Do What?

By Jared James

Hello Patriot,

In today’s world, we are seeing more and more censorship and corruption.

It seems bleak.

However, we must know and have faith that God/Source/Universe has a greater plan for us. 

When you quiet the outside noise and you look within, you may get a different message than you hear from the media.

You do have more power than you may realize.

If you read yesterday’s message about James O’Keefe and Project Veritas…

He is one person.

He started Project Veritas with a vision.

James didn’t have an unlimited budget to start.

He didn’t have the team he has now.

James had a vision and determination to actual journalism and get the truth out to the people.

Since then, Project Veritas has grown into a worldwide movement.

It starts with one person, an idea and a decision.

You have unique gifts and abilities.

Only God and maybe you know what they are.

You have special talents that the world hasn’t seen yet.

Maybe you know what that gift and talent is for you.

Maybe you do not yet.

But my message for you today is to reflect and think about what brings you joy.

What inspires you?

What motivates you?

Make a list of some of these things and then start imagining if you could do ONE thing to help make this world a better place, what would you do?

Part of my purpose is to research and share news along with an inspiring message about the power we have to create our reality how we want it to be.

James O’Keefe’s gift is being relentless in getting the truth out.

And your gifts and purpose may change over time.

But when you find something you’re deeply passionate about and love doing, that’s an indicator you have a hidden gift there.

Once you have a sense of what this gift or purpose could be…

Decide to focus on just that! 

Oftentimes in my entrepreneurial journey, I would get excited and want to start multiple projects.

It sounds fun, but we only have so much time, energy and resources.

So, whenever I would focus on multiple projects, I wouldn’t get the results I wanted with any of them.

It’s the same kind of thing here.

There’s SO MUCH going on in the news.

If you pay attention and follow everything, you are often not able to focus on the things YOU want to do in order to actually make the world a better place.

It’s a tactic to keep YOU at effect and reacting to what you’re seeing, rather than at cause and progressing with your mission, no matter what’s going on around you.

We’ll be sharing more about this later.

But for now, just realize your emotions are indicators for you on whether you’re on track or off track.

“Follow your bliss” as Joseph Campbell said.

When you decide to focus on ending human trafficking, or building an honest media network, or ensuring we have secure elections or sharing truth with your family or community…

…or even if it has nothing to do with that!

Maybe you like baking cakes or helping people get healthier or find the love of their life.

Whatever it is, when you follow your bliss, you are being of service to the world.

Much more to come.

God Bless,
Jared James

In Other News

Here’s a few headlines from the last 24 hours.

Today’s Tip

Tip of the day: Laugh for no reason! LOL It might seem weird, especially if people are around you, but it feels good!

As you’re reading this, just start laughing out loud! Hahahaha and if anyone asks, just say “laughter is good medicine”.

Laugh out loud for just 5-10 seconds and notice if you feel any different after you do. I’ll wait… 🙂

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