Dr. Shiva Explains ‘The Great Reset’ & What We The People Can Do About It!

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Dr. Shiva Explains The Real Purpose Of “The Great Reset” & How WE THE PEOPLE Fight Back!

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Partial Transcript Of The Video

So it’s called the Great reset the elites attempt to derail the great revolution. So by the way, we’re gonna get into this, the guy who came up with this concept of the great reset is a guy called Klaus Schwab. 

He’s the one who started over hearing, this is not my diagram, the copyrights owned by them World Economic Forum. And what they have here is a great reset involves these sort of seven different areas. 

So one is shaping economic recovery Nexus harnessing the fourth industrial revolution, you know, the next is strengthening regional development, revitalizing global cooperation, developing sustainable business models, restoring the health of the environment, redesigning social contract skills and jobs, right. So these are some very highfalutin words. 

And each one of these goals is then on the outer circle tied to different things. 

So for example, here you have, you know, gender parity, which is related to shaping the economic recovery. Over you have internet governance, okay, Internet governance, fascinating, harnessing the fourth industrial revolution. Over here you have COVID-19, which interesting enough links right over to strengthening regional development, okay, global governance, okay, which ties over to a number of things. 

Okay. So but each one of these different attributes, tie ties to these seven, a major goal set up by this guy, Klaus, Klaus Schwab, who is really the theoretician. He’s the one who founded the World Economic Forum. And that’s what he, he’s proposed. 

Okay. So for us to understand this, we got to take a step back. And we have to understand what is it we want. 

Now, when I teach the course, there is a physics just like gravity, there are principles. When you look at the three forces of truth, freedom and health. When you take the course you’ll understand the truth, freedom and health is not a slogan. Truth, freedom and health are the three principles that drive the entire universe. In general, systems theory, we call freedom, for example, transport everything that’s involved in movement of information matter and energy. 

That’s what freedom is, this is systemic to nature, which means the freedom to move around the freedom to share ideas, information, the freedom to physically move around matter, the the freedom to use energy to converse information like the internet, etc. But today, it’s owned by a few people, right? 

Truth is the idea when you can practice freedom, you can actually experience science. And with the use of science, you can convert a hypothesis to truth, okay, you can find real evidence and with truth, we can get to health. And what’s fascinating is, what is it they want. So this is what we want.

And by the way, as I mentioned, health is the infrastructure, which appears everywhere in nature. So it’s hard for me in this very short thing to explain all this. 

But truth, freedom and health are scientific principles. That’s what our movement must be built on.

The opposition to this is power, profit and control.

The great reset is fundamentally about power, profit and control. It has nothing to do. It has nothing to do with truth, freedom and health.

It’s about power, profit and control, you’re going to see that shortly. Okay. That’s what it’s fundamentally about. 

Now, how does the enemy you know when you look at large scale systems, and by the way, if you go to the World Economic Forum set, you’ll see the word system systems being used, these guys are studying systems. So it’s very important that we also start studying systems. And in the foundations of systems course, we teach people that but one of the things we teach people is these are the six inputs that the enemy is using to achieve truth, freedom and health, exclusivity, opacity, reductionism, centralization, censorship, and depersonalization. 

This is what The Great Reset is about, exclusivity. Think about it, a bunch of few people who meet in Davos, who we never elected are the ones who are architecting, the great reset, we never put this together. 

So it’s a few of the elite opacity was all quite hidden and secretive. We don’t know all the details how they’re going to do it. It’s reductionism. They actually don’t look at the entire system. 

They want to only look at what is in their self interest and Which is opposition to systems thinking centralization, they want big pharma, they need big media. They need big global government, as that diagram said, and censorship. 

Today, what we have is a government and the big media, Big Pharma and big government are actually coming together. Don’t fool yourself, like big tech does something on its own. No government tells big tech what to do. 

Those in power want who are running the great reset, and I’ll get into details they are pushing fear. You see, what happened was the climate change stuff didn’t work. All right, that didn’t work too well to bring us in order. So then they did the Coronavirus fearmongering. 

So why did they do this? fear mongering because then you could move people to scientific consensus. They don’t want the scientific method, scientific method gets the truth.

 But when you have scientific consensus, you get to fiction, you make up science, and with fiction, you get fake problems, you get fake solutions, and you create fascism. 

And with fascism, you can freeze people, people become incapable of fighting for freedom. Notice I’m using the word fascism. I’m not using the word quote, unquote, socialism. I’m using the word fascism. And we’ll get back to this. 

So let me just take a step back here. Okay. So what I just covered is sort of the foundations of systems. When you take the course the truth, freedom, health warrior training, you will learn the real physics of political theory, I just gave you a little bit of it. But here’s the bottom line. 

What’s going on right now is when you look at this triangle of fear, fiction and fascism, the purpose of that is to create fake science. And when you create fake science, you can manipulate truth, you can, in fact, change what evidence is. So I want to start by asking you what is evidence? What is the definition of evidence? Okay, well, here’s a scientific definition of evidence. 

All right, the scientific definition of evidence is in order for that to be evidence, there cannot be ambiguity, it means evidence is something that is unambiguously predicted.

Let me review that.

Evidence is something that is unambiguously predicted.

Okay, so what do I mean by that? 

You can shoot from here if you want shot. So what do I mean from that? And we can come back and forth on that. All right. So what evidence is, is that on ambiguous prediction, when Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation, he could predict precisely that if an if you have an apple or two objects, he could predict precisely the force, you know, in the case of gravity, that the force between an apple and the earth was the gravitational constant, times m, one massive object one times the mass of object two divided by r squared, okay?

And the gravitational constant, okay, the gravitational constant m one times m two over r squared. And that was a force. So Newton did many, many, many experiments. And he came up with this formula, which unambiguously predicts that force, okay, that’s called evidence. So for example, if an apple falls from a tree, Newton’s equations can predict exactly how long it will take for that Apple default, exactly an unambiguous prediction. 

That is evidence. It’s not like there’s five different predictions of that Apple falling from the tree on Earth.

Imagine you had one answer, which said, the Apple will fall and hang and be suspended in the air two feet above the earth.

Another one says it’ll be suspended one foot above the earth, in other words, is half a foot and one says it’ll hit the ground, that would be ambiguous. 

That’s not evidence. Okay. So evidence is an ambiguous prediction. Now, part of this great reset, as I mentioned, was they tried to do the climate change fearmongering. And it didn’t really work hard. You know, I did a video on it. You can go see why the Paris accords were garbage. Okay. And that went viral.

This is not even science. This is what we call indeterminacy. Okay? And this is the kind of bullshit that’s taking place. Because we have trained people in the world to not even know what science is anymore. We have trained people that this must be truth. Okay, this is not truth. This is 14 or 20, different ambiguous predictions of how much ice will melt and all of its bullshit, because if it was science, you would say, okay, there’s a reasonable thing, you know, this much ice would melt, and you could predict it. Okay?

The, the climate system is such a complex system. It’s made of actually two turbulent fluids. One is called the atmosphere, and one is called the oceans at different timescales.

We can even solve what’s called the Navier stokes equation for turbulent fluids and you’re telling me you’re going to predict two different things. So the whole thing is based on fake science, which is being driven by economic interest anyway, for the these guys had hoped to do the great reset by using the fear.

Remember the fear fiction fascism? They had hoped to do the great reset by scaring everyone with the climate change? Well, that didn’t work too well. So the next thing that they pulled out of their bucket was the the coronavirus pandemic. Okay, that was a march of 2020.

Now, why is that date important?

Remember, before March of 2020, as I keep mentioning, there were at least 25 major protest demonstrations, you know, all over the world working people were rising up, bottoms up.

So they needed something that would eliminate those working people’s movements, bring power back to them so they can control people. And that’s what this great reset was really about.

So we go back to this graph here. Let’s look at something and by the way, you can go see the video when I did a call, Donald Trump did the right thing pulling out of the Paris accords. But let me give you an example here.

This isn’t Wu Han what date Do you see or July 7 2019 people in Wu Han where you can get killed for protesting. The police were cracking down on anti pollution protests. Okay.

These are people in Wu Han were protesting against the government. Why? Because the Chinese government was building these massive incinerators massive incentives because China loves to take other people’s garbage right and burn it up. They were basically poisoning their own people and the Communist Party officials and the private quote unquote private companies are making a lot of money. So the people of Wu Han before the so called Coronavirus, quote unquote pandemic it, we’re having massive protests, people are being jailed and no one wants to talk about that. And right when the Coronavirus came, all these anti pollution protests went away.

And part of this entire great reset so is really governed by organizations such as this UNICEF, Bill Gates and Melinda Foundation, who are big into the climate change stuff the World Health Organization, right?

You have vaccine manufacturers, private sector firms, people have been saying, Oh my god, climate change is going to cause more infectious diseases. We need more vaccines. So what you’ll find is they’ve very tightly coupled the vaccine narrative with the climate change narrative.

Okay, the climate change narrative, the green New Deal, they tried that first, and then they hit with the Coronavirus. So the purpose of this was really to push the great reset. So let’s go back here. So when you look at these, these, look at all the different groups that are involved donor country, governments, research agencies, private sector, partners, etc, in this push for vaccines. Now, if you go look at the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs the Sustainable Development Goals everyone needs to understand this a Sustainable Development Goals are the underpinnings of the great reset. This was really the architecture. And again, Davos World Economic Forum, a small set of elites have been pushing. So what’s the Sustainable Development Goals about?

Well, let’s look at that the Sustainable Development Goals is really about one of their goals is they recognize that they want to bring everyone to alignment with the climate change and bring everyone to alignment with immunization. Now, why is this important?

Because look, the global government they want to create is very concerned that pharmaceutical companies are losing a ton of money. This is what’s going on with pharma. You see this bar here? These bars are the amount of money pharmaceutical companies have been putting into r&d year over year, they’re putting a lot of money.

This graph here, this other blue line represents the fact that they’re not finding any new medicines. So they another way to look at is is the orange grab, they’re spending a lot of money in r&d, and they’re not getting any pharmaceuticals approved because of their side effects.

So even the FDA is not approving pharmaceutical companies drugs because of side effects. So pharmaceutical companies have been crushed. Burning, they haven’t been making money. They need a different way to make money. Vaccines are unregulated.

Okay? pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical drug takes literally about, you know, 13 to 15 years to go through the cycle, okay. 13 years $5 billion, lots of regulations. And the FDA, even the FDA is not allowing a lot of these drugs. So the government’s who are in collusion with most of the people in the in Big Pharma have been tried to bail them out. Well, here comes vaccines. Okay. So why is this important? Well,



you’ll find out that the sustainable development goals were really created for Big Pharma, and what you call big green. So what is so they have put together a bunch of elites, you and I were not involved in this call utopia, what is their utopia, global vaccination. And if you actually go read the immunization agenda 2030 Global Strategy strategy to leave no one behind.

This is what it says a world where everyone everywhere at every age, fully benefits from vaccines for good health, it’s right in the first page of this, the UN immunization agenda. And the goal is to leave no one behind that john, no one will be left behind, okay, you won’t be left behind, okay. Now, and if you read through their all their goals, you know, if you go here, they have about 17 goals.

And you can see what the goals are no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well being quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation. 13 is climate action again, climate life below water life on land, da da da da. Okay. So it’s a mixture of immunization and climate change.

And this is what they if you read through this, you’ll find out of all the 17 goals, at least, you know, I think for 15 of them all talk about immunization immunization immunization. immunization is how we’re going to get clean water immunization is how we’re going to eliminate poverty. I mean, as vaccine manufacturing, everything’s throughout here.

This is baked into this great reset goal. And these are the sustainable goals. You can see all the 17 at least 16 of the 17 are about immunizing people, and this is how you get to this utopia. All right. But the key to this utopia is this agenda for vaccinations. And they hope countries like Sweden, Denmark and France in high esteem of who’ve done this right.

And what you’ll see here is in this model, if we go through this, you’ll find out that who is backing this well who’s backing This is organizations like this, the International Federation of pharmaceutical manufacturing associations sounds like a Association but who’s behind this. Well, David Rick’s the head of Eli Lilly.

Severin schwan, from Roche and he saw with Tasha Gari, these people are from one of the largest pharma companies in Japan. So these three companies which pretty much represent the global pharma giants are pushing this concept with the UN for the great reset. Okay.

For example, look at some of the press releases Roche surges after snagging emergency proof for Coronavirus test, Lily and Karabakh announced global collaboration develop mRNA cancer vaccines. So all of these companies have benefited from these kinds of government rulings.

Because the reality is, as I keep mentioning, when you create a drug, it has to go through this very, very arduous process. Vaccines don’t need to go through this process. This is why drug companies are failing, and they need vaccines.

So let’s look at vaccines. Look at vaccines, unlike this vaccines are growing every year, they’re growing at 18% compounded annual growth. And the global market is expected to be a very, very large about $100 billion market. In fact, the global vaccine market is going to grow from 60 billion as of 2020. Right?

It’s doubling every six years. And the driver of the growth is increase of infectious diseases supposedly, and the projected to be 120 billion market by 2026. The global HPV vaccine alone will be about $11 billion.

Now, when you take a systems approach, which I’ve taught and you can take, you can listen to the other videos, all of this again, let me just step back here. The what we’re seeing with the great reset is you have a collaboration of government, which has become absolutely fascist, which is working with big academia and big corporations. So let me explain.

The right wing keeps calling this socialism. And the left wing keeps saying oh, we’re here to help the workers we want quote unquote, socialism. Neither the left or the right have this right. The reality is, what they’re working together is for fascism. What’s fascism? fascism is something quite interesting fascism is when the government and the corporations become one. Okay?

It’s when the government and the corporations become one. This is how it’s in Putin’s Russia.

You don’t have quote unquote, private companies, the CEOs of all the private companies are in the Russian Communist Party. Same thing in China, the CEOs of all the major companies are in the Chinese Communist Party. In the United States. We’re giving this illusion Oh, jack Dorsey or Mark Zuckerberg or Sergei Brin. Oh, they’re just entrepreneurs bullshit.

They’re like this with the government. I mean, Case in point I keep bringing back the government picked up the phone a bad phone, they have as a Twitter trusted partner called jack Dorsey to shut me down.

When I expose a government was violating federal law. You see how this work? This is no different than Putin’s Russia. It’s no different than the Chinese CCP.


So what the great reset is actually about when you really unravel it, the great reset is about total consolidation of government and massive corporations. Let me repeat that the great reset is about total unabashedly alignment, in fact, not even merging. That’s what China and and putting our right there. It’s called state crony capitalism.

We have crony capitalism today, but they’re gonna say where it’s going to become state crony capitalism has nothing to do with socialism, it’s fascism.

So we need to take a quick understanding of what is, you know, if you actually go back and read the works of Marx, which I’ve read, if you go read the works of Lenin, which I’ve read, if you go read the works of the founders of this country, Thomas Paine, which I’ve read, and so on, and so on, and so on, I read all the great revolutionaries, if you actually go read them, and don’t get the Wikipedia bullshit edition, okay, you’re going to get garbage, when you actually go read the works of Karl Marx or, and you’ll see they’re very similar to the works of Adam Smith.

What these guys were, you know, 18th century 19th century thinkers. One of the cool important things is, whether it be Adam Smith or Karl Marx, they were looking at us as working people. And by the way, Marx had a very important definition of worker, the worker, what he called proletariat were actually people who produce something, bottoms up, they made something, okay.

They were working people who contributed to what he called the surplus value. All right. And even if you go read the first pages of Das Kapital, or you go read Adam Smith’s work, they all talk about the goal of human existence is here you are a individual soul.

And here is your dreams, or your Creator, your dreams. And the goal was to remove everything in between you and your dreams. So you could be the fulfillment of a human being. That is what this was all about. Okay.

Now, when Marx died, Engels made a very interesting point. He said, The worst people in the world are Marxists. Because what did Marxists do? They reversed everything. They said, Oh, no, no, no, the state is so important.

If you go read Marx’s works, Marx or Adam Smith, the goal was to get rid of the state. The goal was to decentralize things. The goal was to give bottoms up power to people. And that’s what the founders in this country wanted. If you look at Thomas Paine, the big arguments were federalism versus anti federalism, how much decentralization and this has been the fundamental issue.

The fundamental, true dialectic has been people who want to decentralize things. That’s true revolutionaries, and that people want to centralize things. centralization means a few, no better than you, right? These people who are running the Klaus, whatever the hell

His name is Klaus Schwab. Okay, and all the idiots who go over to Davos, all the Hollywood celebrities, they think they’re better than you. So they’re the ones who are planning this great reset. And that great reset says, we’re going to take care of you. And how are we going to take care of you?

Well, first of all, we’re going to scare the shit out of you. We’re going to say that the earth is going to fall co2 is a pollutant, step one, and then we’re going to scare the shit out of you because that didn’t really work with this pandemic, that you all need to be vaccinated.

You all need to wear masks, and you need to listen to us, jack Dorsey or you need to listen to us. Angelo Jolie, okay. These are the kinds of people that understand the world attend the World Economic Forum, we know better than you.

Why are they doing this? The reason they’re doing this is they know that people like me, you know, who came from nothing untouchable in India, that there’s going to be people like me who get education, and we’re perhaps going to lead a movement with all of you may be that you’re going to get educated on things like how to become a truth, freedom and health warrior.

Maybe you’re going to learn systems. You see they’re learning systems to use that to oppress you. They have their McKinsey’s. They have their consulting companies, and they are figuring out what they know is they’ve done their mathematical modeling. I’ve put my money on it. They know Holy shit.



People are going to start getting educated, maybe more and more people are going to start Taking this understanding of an engineering systems approach, maybe more and more truth, freedom health warriors are going to come, maybe people are going to understand how we screw them over.

So that would be the real revolution, the great revolution of working people organizing in our local communities decentralized. Let me repeat that. When would I the platform that we’re building, for example, VA Shiva, it’s first of all going to provide you communication, it’s going to provide you training, but more importantly, it’s this little card guys. It’s not waiting for Tucker, freakin Carlson. It’s not waiting for Donald Trump’s fifth dimensional chess or the cue to do something. It’s about you taking a little card on on this issue or any issue, talking to your neighbors.

That’s decentralization. decentralization is the great revolution bottoms up, bottoms up, they know that was on its way. Two years ago, everyone was revolting all over the world.

I mean, go look at Hong Kong, right, 2 million people, right, john, go look at Venezuela. But they don’t want a global bottoms up working people’s movement. So their goal is holy shoot, let’s organize a great reset, where we elites will come together and tell people that we’re going to create a utopia for you. top down, you say that’s what the great reset is.

The great reset is the attempt of the elites to derail a bottoms up revolutionary movement.

That’s what this is about.

That’s what this is about. And so what how are they planning on doing that? Well, they’re going to get the Amazons, they’re going to get the Walmarts, they’re going to get the big companies, right. And they’re going to merge into one with the government, right? And they’ll present as though they’re different. But the idea is total merger, where the green new deal will help all these quote unquote, green companies, and then the vaccine manufacturers and the government are one. I mean, you can even look at this warp speed nonsense, right? Trump Fauci, everyone pushed it out there, all of them did, left and right. Because the issue is that we today economically, if you look at it live in what’s called crony capitalism.

It’s not socialism, it’s fascism, guys.

The right wing uses fat socialism. So the left wing can take advantage of you go back. And I, we go over this in the course, if you go back look in the 1900s in this country, for that matter in India, in Russia, in all over the world, working people were coming up, bottoms up.

And those movements were powerful movements independent of being communist, okay. There were bottoms up working people organizing on their own free will.

And it is those movements that gave people so many gains, women’s suffrage. 1920s, Susan B. Anthony, right. You go look at what happened in the United States, all the infrastructure, all the roads, all those things came from working people’s movements, bottoms up.

The elites were so scared there was going to be revolution. But since the 1930s, the elites have been so scared of working people’s movements, anytime working people like us organized, they branded it. communist, right, socialist, that’s what the right wing did in the United States at the McCarthy era, which went after anyone who started organizing or you must be a communist, the left wing, use that to create bogus unions, okay, unions, where they top down controlled workers, working people’s movements, so the left and the right of work together.

And what’s happening is, as movements like ours, a truth freedom and health movement come as we start educating people, as people start understanding the dynamics of revolutionary change, this is what they’re afraid of.

So they’re getting together in their back rooms, and creating a great reset. Why? Because over the last 100 years, their economic system is completely been corrupt. So the very, very large companies and the big government through their lobbyists have been totally corrupted every every country on the planet, okay. Many of these companies would never exist if it was truly a merit based bottoms up system. All right. So these companies, if you go look at many of these large companies, they exist, because they’ve been able to get loans at low interest rates. I’ll repeat that many of these large companies are existing because of keeping the interest rate low. All right.

And it’s a corrupt model, because in a true market economy right now, the interest rate should be around seven to eight 9%. Why? Because the small everyday working people, people running small businesses, people, entrepreneurs, bottoms up. Well, these we’ve actually been creating a real economy.

So it’s been the real economy over here, the small retailers, small business person, the small manufacturer, we’ve been making stuff, we’ve been making very valuable things. We’ve had to run a real business where we can’t be running on debt, right?

Otherwise, you’re gonna be out of business over here. I’ve been the big businesses they’ve been running Debt debt debt debt debt. And what they realized was that that they entire corruption.

It was like the Euro Boris, you know the the snake eating its own tail. That’s what started happening to the elites, their economic systems are failing. So in order to keep it going, they needed the great reset. You can just look at this right?

The pharmaceutical companies, they should all have died away, they’re not producing any value. So they bring in a fake science called everyone needs to get the same vaccines scare you and then they create this bogus vaccine manufacturing industry, right? Same thing with the climate change stuff. co2 is not a pollutant.

Okay, we need co2, we need to lower pollution. The Paris accords, completely bogus, bogus event, right, a bunch of Hollywood elites, celebrities got together and they said, Oh, yeah, we need to pass the Paris accords with the Paris accords allows China to double their pollution from 11 billion metric tons of carbon to 22 metric tons, sorry, 11 billion metric tons of carbon to 22 billion, India gets to double the US has actually been going down. So the reason they’re doing this is because they are creating fake economies, for their buddies for their friends like Al Gore. Okay.

On the one side for Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, for all the big pharma guys, they’re basically creating fake economies, which have nothing to do with truth, freedom or health. So because their systems and their economies have become so corrupt, and crony capitalism, they needed to do the great reset, not for you, not to help us. But that’s just the window dressing, what they’re doing is they’re scrambling right now to create a digital centralized currency.

Because they know a great revolution is coming. And they need to make us all slaves, they need us all to fall in line. So they are presenting, okay, I’m going to do this for you, I’m going to do that for you. I’m going to do this, I’m going to create a utopia for you. Ah, what they’re really doing is creating fascism.

Don’t use the word socialism. That is what the left and right want you to use. They want to act as though they’re for one, they want to act as though the left is for workers and the right is against workers.

No, they’re both against you working people. What they are, is they both are fascists, Republicans and Democrats. Every party on any major party in this world in any country works together against working people.

And evidence of that I’ll tell you right now is this during 1948 to 1971. If you go look at the data, when working people actually fought for their rights in this country, the economic pie grew whether you make 10,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 or a million, everyone’s income wages grew. But starting in 1971, this is when all of this started when the elite said, we got to consolidate, we got to enslave people, right, it’s costing us too much. Between 1971 to today is if you make 100, if you make $20,000.

Today, you actually should be making $120,000, there’s to at least the United States two pies, one pie, the one American Pie is for the 10%, whose wages have beautifully grown explosively, the other pies for the 90%, where wages have shrunk. So if you make $50,000 today, you should actually be making $120,000.

That $70,000 differential was socialism for the wealthy. So the elites have created a fake economy based on bullshit, and they just want to create more bullshit. And that bullshit is creating fake problems.


So if you remember, they use fear, to create fictitious science, and that fictitious science helps them create fascism.


Okay. And so that’s, that’s the dynamic. And this is why we all need to understand there’s a physics to understanding the forces of power, profit and control. And there’s a physics to understanding truth, freedom and health. 

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